Data Dictionary

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y  z  

nameAfterKeyName(nameAfterKeyName ?STRING ?KEY ?NAMESTRING) means that ?STRING and ?KEY are subStrings of ?NAMESTRING, and ?STRING occurs after ?KEY in ?NAMESTRING.[and full SUMO definition]
nameBeforeKeyName(nameBeforeKeyName ?STRING ?KEY ?NAMESTRING) means that ?STRING and ?KEY are subStrings of ?NAMESTRING, and ?STRING occurs before ?KEY in ?NAMESTRING.[and full SUMO definition]
nameIndexOrder(nameIndexOrder ?STRING ?OBJ) means that ?STRING is a full or partial name for ?OBJ, and that the first component of ?STRING is the indexed subString identified by keyName. Example: Bush, George.[and full SUMO definition]
names(names ?STRING ?ENTITY) means that the thing ?ENTITY has the SymbolicString ?STRING as its name. Note that names and represents are the two immediate subrelations of refers. The predicate names is used when the referring item is merely a tag without connotative content, while the predicate represents is used for referring items that have such content.[and full SUMO definition]
nationalCelebration(nationalCelebration ?AREA ?HOLIDAY) means that the primary day of national celebration in the GeopoliticalArea ?AREA is ?HOLIDAY. For example, (nationalCelebration Afghanistan AfghanIndependenceDay).[and full SUMO definition]
nationalHoliday(nationalHoliday ?AREA ?HOLIDAY) means that ?HOLIDAY is a national holiday observed in ?AREA. The GeopoliticalArea ?AREA observes a holiday on days specified as a ?HOLIDAY, during which national government offices and other facilities typically are closed. There may be multiple nationalHolidays. For example, (nationalHoliday UnitedStates UnitedStatesMemorialDay).[and full SUMO definition]
naturalHazardTypeInArea(naturalHazardTypeInArea ?AREA ?TYPE) means that in the GeographicArea ?AREA, Processes of ?TYPE occur with some frequency and may cause damage or danger to human lives and property.[and full SUMO definition]
naturalResourceTypeInArea(naturalResourceTypeInArea ?REGION ?TYPE) means that the GeographicArea ?REGION has resources of the kind ?TYPE.[and full SUMO definition]
navigableForDraft(navigableForDraft ?WATERWAY ?DRAFT) means that the Waterway ?WATERWAY can be transited by vessels up to the draft ?DRAFT.[and full SUMO definition]
navigableForShippingTonnage(navigableForShippingTonnage ?WATERWAY ?TONNAGE) means that the Waterway ?WATERWAY can be transited by vessels up to the tonnage ?TONNAGE (in Dead Weight Tonnage).[and full SUMO definition]
nearOrientation(nearOrientation ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2) means that ?OBJ1 has orientation Near to ?OBJ2[and full SUMO definition]
needs(needs ?AGENT ?OBJECT) means that ?OBJECT is physically required for the continued existence of ?AGENT.[and full SUMO definition]
negotiatedPrice(negotiatedPrice ?ENT ?PRICE ?AGREE) means that according to Agreement ?AGREE - which is agreed upon by seller and buyer - the CurrencyMeasure ?PRICE is given to Entity ?ENT[and full SUMO definition]
neighbor(neighbor ?PERSON1 ?PERSON2) means that ?PERSON1 is a neighbor of ?PERSON2, i.e. ?PERSON1 and ?PERSON2 have their homes Near one another.[and full SUMO definition]
nephew(nephew ?NEPHEW ?PERSON) means that ?NEPHEW is the son of a sibling of ?PERSON.[and full SUMO definition]
netAmountThe amount due the supplier after commissions have been deducted.[and full SUMO definition]
netWorthTotal assets minus total liabilities of an individual or company.[and full SUMO definition]
newRegisteredUsers(newRegisteredUsers ?INT ?SITE ?COLL) means that ?COLL is the Collection of Agents who are registeredUsers of the WebSite ?SITE during some TimeInterval during the TimeInterval ?INT, but were not during an earlier TimeInterval.[and full SUMO definition]
niece(niece ?NIECE ?PERSON) means that ?NIECE is the daughter of a sibling of ?PERSON.[and full SUMO definition]
numberAdultOccupant(numberAdultOccupant ?RESERVE ?NUM) means that the HotelReservation ?RESERVE indicates Integer ?NUM of HumanAdult that will be fulfilling the reservation[and full SUMO definition]
numberChildOccupant(numberChildOccupant ?RESERVE ?NUM) means tht the HotelReservation ?RESERVE indicates Integer ?NUM of HumanChild is included in the reservation[and full SUMO definition]
numberOccupant(numberOccupant ?RESERVE ?NUM) means that the HotelReservation ?RESERVE indicates Integer ?NUM of Human that will potentially be staying in the TravelerAccommodation[and full SUMO definition]
numberOfCPUs(numberOfCPUs ?COMPUTER ?INTEGER) means that the number of CPUs for the host ?COMPUTER is equal to INTEGER.[and full SUMO definition]
numberOfCustomers(numberOfCustomers ?NUM ?RESERVE) refers to the number of patrons the reservation is for.[and full SUMO definition]
numberOfFloors(numberOfFloors ?BLDG ?NUM) means that Building ?BLDG has Integer ?NUM number of BuildingLevel[and full SUMO definition]
numberSeniorOccupant(numberSeniorOccupant ?RESERVE ?NUM) means that the HotelReservation ?RESERVE indicates Integer ?NUM of HumanAdult that has age greaterThanOrEqualTo 60[and full SUMO definition]