Term | Doc |
gainsControl | (gainsControl ?EVENT ?AGENT) means that during ?EVENT, ?AGENT gains control of the patient (object).[and full SUMO definition] |
geneticSubstrateOfVirus | (geneticSubstrateOfVirus ?VIRUS ?MOL) relates the virus ?VIRUS to the molecule ?MOL that contains its genetic information.[and full SUMO definition] |
geographicSubregion | (geographicSubregion ?PART ?WHOLE) means that the GeographicArea ?PART is part of the GeographicArea ?WHOLE.[and full SUMO definition] |
geometricDistance | (geometricDistance ?POINT1 ?POINT2 ?LENGTH) means that ?LENGTH is the distance between the two GeometricPoints ?POINT1 and ?POINT2.[and full SUMO definition] |
geometricPart | (geometricPart ?PART ?WHOLE) means that the GeometricFigure ?PART is part of the GeometricFigure ?WHOLE.[and full SUMO definition] |
geopoliticalSubdivision | (geopoliticalSubdivision ?AREA1 ?AREA2) means that ?AREA1 is any geopolitical part of ?AREA2, that is, ?AREA1 is an integral geographicSubregion of ?AREA2 (not a DependencyOrSpecialSovereigntyArea), having its own associated GovernmentOrganization which is subordinated to or constrained by the government of ?AREA2. Cf. dependentGeopoliticalArea.[and full SUMO definition] |
givenName | (givenName ?STRING ?HUMAN) means that ?STRING is a name selected for ?HUMAN, usually from among many options, as opposed to a mandatory name (cf. familyName) that ?HUMAN has inherited by virtue of being born into a certain kin group, caste, or occupation.[and full SUMO definition] |
governmentType | (governmentType ?BODY ?FORM) means that the GeopoliticalArea or Organization ?BODY has a government with characteristic(s) of the type ?FORM.[and full SUMO definition] |
governorSpeed | The maximum speed under normal conditions that a governor will allow a moving part or vehicle to attain before killing power. Note that a vehicle could still conceivably exceed governed speed while coasting down a hill, after the governor has activated.[and full SUMO definition] |
grainSize | grainSize is a BinaryRelation describing the diameter measure of a particle.[and full SUMO definition] |
grammaticalRelation | (grammaticalRelation ?PHRASE ?SENTENCE) means that the Phrase ?PHRASE has a grammatical relation to the Sentence ?SENTENCE, i.e. it is a subject, object, main verb, etc. of the ?SENTENCE.[and full SUMO definition] |
grandfather | (grandfather ?PERSON ?PARENT) means that ?PARENT is the grandfather of ?PERSON.[and full SUMO definition] |
grandmother | (grandmother ?PERSON ?PARENT) means that ?PARENT is the grandmother of ?PERSON.[and full SUMO definition] |
grandparent | (grandparent ?YOUNGER ?OLDER) means that ?OLDER is a parent of ?YOUNGER's parent.[and full SUMO definition] |
granularity | Granularity is a sub-property of the timing requirements property of real-time systems. Granularity is defined by how a timing requirement is specified in units of time.[and full SUMO definition] |
graphMeasure | (graphMeasure ?GRAPH ?MEAS) fixes a UnitOfMeasure that is used for the arcWeight of a given Graph. Stating such a relationship entails that the components of given graph are the abstractCounterparts of sets of Physical Entity(ies).[and full SUMO definition] |
graphPart | A basic relation for Graphs and their parts. (graphPart ?PART ?GRAPH) means that ?PART is a GraphArc or GraphNode of the Graph ?GRAPH.[and full SUMO definition] |
grasps | The state of grasping an Object. (grasps ?ANIMAL ?OBJ) means that the Animal ?ANIMAL is intentionally holding on to the Object ?OBJ.[and full SUMO definition] |
greaterThan | (greaterThan ?NUMBER1 ?NUMBER2) is true just in case the Quantity ?NUMBER1 is greater than the Quantity ?NUMBER2.[and full SUMO definition] |
greaterThanByQuality | (greaterThanByQuality ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2 ?ATT) means that ?ENTITY1 has more of the given quality ?ATT than ?ENTITY2.[and full SUMO definition] |
greaterThanOrEqualTo | (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?NUMBER1 ?NUMBER2) is true just in case the Quantity ?NUMBER1 is greater than or equal to the Quantity ?NUMBER2.[and full SUMO definition] |
grossMerchandiseBoughtInPeriod | The total monetaryValue of all mechandise bought by a given AutonomousAgent from an Organization in a particular TimeInterval.[and full SUMO definition] |
grossMerchandiseSoldInPeriod | The total monetaryValue of all mechandise sold by a given AutonomousAgent through an Organization in a particular TimeInterval.[and full SUMO definition] |
groundSubsurfaceType | (groundSubsurfaceType ?area ?subsoil) means that the predominant Substance in the subsoil or subsurface layer of the LandArea ?area is of type ?subsoil.[and full SUMO definition] |
groundSurfaceType | (%&groundSurfaceType ?area ?substance) means that the predominant Substance at the ground surface of the LandArea ?area is ?substance.[and full SUMO definition] |
groupMember | A subrelation of member, groupMember is used to relate a Human to a GroupOfPeople of which he/she is a member.[and full SUMO definition] |
groupingTitle | (groupingTitle ?STRING ?WORKTYPE ?LANGUAGE) means that in the Language ?LANGUAGE, ?STRING is the title of instances of the ContentBearingPhysical ?WORKTYPE. Each instance of ?WORKTYPE is a Collection, the members of which also are instances of ContentBearingPhysical.[and full SUMO definition] |
guest | guest refers to the customer living in a TemporaryResidence for the duration of his stay there[and full SUMO definition] |
guiElementCovered | (guiElementCovered ?COVERING ?GUIE) means that the GUIElement ?GUIE has become completely covered by the action ?COVERING. It is still logically positioned at the same place on the screen.[and full SUMO definition] |
guiElementCoveredBy | (guiElementCoveredBy ?GUIE1 ?GUIE2) means that the GUIElement ?GUIE1 is completely covered by the GUIElement ?GUIE2.[and full SUMO definition] |
guiElementPartiallyCovered | (guiElementPartiallyCovered ?COVERING ?GUIE) means that the GUIElement ?GUIE has become partially covered by the action ?COVERING. It is still logically positioned at the same place on the screen.[and full SUMO definition] |
guiElementPartiallyCoveredBy | (guiElementPartiallyCoveredBy ?GUIE1 ?GUIE2) means that the GUIElement ?GUIE1 is partially covered by the GUIElement ?GUIE2.[and full SUMO definition] |
guiElementUncovered | (guiElementUncovered ?UNCOVERING ?GUIE) means that the GUIElement ?GUIE has become completely uncovered by the action ?UNCOVERING. Its logical positioned on the screen does is not changed.[and full SUMO definition] |