Data Dictionary

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y  z  

magneticVariation(magneticVariation ?AREA ?DEGREE ?DIRECTION) means that in the GeographicArea ?AREA, the magnetic variation of a compass from 000 degrees true is ?DEGREE AngularDegrees in ?DIRECTION (East or West).[and full SUMO definition]
managedBy(managedBy ?OBJ ?AGENT) means that the agent Managing Object ?OBJ is ?AGENT. ?AGENT does not necessarily own ?OBJ.[and full SUMO definition]
manner(manner ?PROCESS ?MANNER) means that the Process ?PROCESS is qualified by the Attribute ?MANNER. The Attributes of Processes are usually denoted by adverbs and include things like the speed of the wind, the style of a dance, or the intensity of a sports competition.[and full SUMO definition]
manufacturerA relation between a class of Objects and an AutonomousAgent that is responsible for the Manufacture of that object.[and full SUMO definition]
mapOfArea(mapOfArea ?AREA ?POINTER) means that a map of the Region ?AREA can be found at the location ?POINTER.[and full SUMO definition]
marginBalanceAmount(marginBalanceAmount ?Account ?Day ?Amount) holds if ?Amount is the margin balance amount of the FinancialAccount ?Account on the Day ?Day.[and full SUMO definition]
marineInventoryA relation between a MerchantMarine and a ShipRegister which is a member of that MerchantMarine[and full SUMO definition]
maritimeClaimType(maritimeClaimType ?POLITY ?TYPE) means that the GeopoliticalArea ?POLITY claims rights over a MaritimeClaimArea of ?TYPE.[and full SUMO definition]
maritimeHazardmaritimeHazard is a subrelation of the BinaryRelation Hazardous which posts threat to WaterTransportation.[and full SUMO definition]
marketValueAmount(marketvalueAmount ?Account ?Day ?Amount) holds if ?Amount is the market value amount of the FinancialAccount ?Account on the Day ?Day.[and full SUMO definition]
material(material ?SUBSTANCE ?OBJECT) means that ?OBJECT is structurally made up in part of ?SUBSTANCE. This relation encompasses the concepts of 'composed of', 'made of', and 'formed of'. For example, plastic is a material of my computer monitor. Compare part and its subrelations, viz component and piece.[and full SUMO definition]
maternalAuntIn Arabic: xaAlap. Mother's sister, maternal aunt.[and full SUMO definition]
maternalUncleIn Arabic: xaAl. Mother's brother, maternal uncle.[and full SUMO definition]
maturityDateThe date on which the principal amount of the account becomes due and payable.[and full SUMO definition]
maxCardinalityThis relation expresses the maximum number of values that a particular argument to a relation can have if all other values remain fixed.[and full SUMO definition]
maxCylinderVolumeThe volume of the CombustionChamber of the EngineCylinder at the maximum point of extension of the piston.[and full SUMO definition]
maxDeviceOperatingTempThe maximum safe rated temperature at which a device may be operated. Operating the device in an environment above the temperature is likely to result in a Damaging of the Device.[and full SUMO definition]
maxDeviceStorageTempThe maximum safe rated temperature at which a device may be stored. Storing the device in an environment above the temperature is likely to result in a Damaging of the Device.[and full SUMO definition]
maxRoomCapacity(maxRoomCapacity ?ROOM ?NUM) means that TravelerAccommodation allows a maximum number of ?NUM people to stay in ?ROOM during one stay[and full SUMO definition]
maxValueThe maximum possible value for a given numerical argument of a Relation. The second argument is the argument number of the relation and the third argument is the maximum value.[and full SUMO definition]
maximumPayloadCapacity(maximumPayloadCapacity ?V ?MM) means that the Vehicle ?V has a maximum payload of ?MM. This means that the vehicle can transport Objects weighing less than ?MM, provided that their height and width are within the limits of maximumPayloadHeightWidth.[and full SUMO definition]
maximumPayloadHeightWidth(maximumHeightWidth ?V ?LMHEIGHT ?LMWIDTH) means that the Vehicle ?V can transport Objects with a height less then or equal to ?LMHEIGHT and width less than or equal to ?LMWIDTH, provided that the weight of these Objects is less than or equal to maximumPayloadCapacity.[and full SUMO definition]
maximumReplications(maximumReplications ?PROGRAM ?INTEGER) means that ?INTEGER represents the maximum number of copies of this application which can be run during a process.[and full SUMO definition]
maximumSpinSpeedHighest possible frequency of a tumble spin in a TumbleDryer.[and full SUMO definition]
mealPlanInclusion(mealPlanInclusion ?PKG ?PLAN) means that the conditions in MealPlan ?PLAN is applicable to the consumer of the HotelPackage[and full SUMO definition]
meanSeaLevel(meanSeaLevel ?place ?measure) means that the Mean Sea Level (MSL) at ?place is ?measure. ?measure is a distance representing the sea level at ?place measured against a benchmark (and averaged over a long time). MSL is measured by tide gauges for maritime purposes, while geodesists use the difference between the local sea surface and an ideal level ocean surface (the geoid).[and full SUMO definition]
measureA very general Predicate for asserting that a particular Physical is measured by a particular PhysicalQuantity. In general, the second argument of this Predicate will be a term produced with the Function MeasureFn.[and full SUMO definition]
measurementReading(measurementReading ?DEVICE ?QUANTITY) means that ?QUANTITY is a reading of the MeasuringDevice ?DEVICE, e.g. if ?THERMOMETER is a Thermometer, (measurementReading ?THERMOMETER (MeasureFn 42 CelsiusDegree)) would mean that ?THERMOMETER registers 42 degrees Celsius.[and full SUMO definition]
measuringResultmeasuringResult is a Binaryrelation which associates a sequence of Measuring Processes from the MeasuringList with the sequence of results from its corresponding MeasuringResultList. (measruingResult ?MLIST ?RLIST) means that the List ?RLIST is the result of the List of Measuring ?MLIST.[and full SUMO definition]
meatOfAnimal(meatOfAnimal ?MEATCLASS ?ANIMALCLASS) means that every instance of ?MEATCLASS was once part of some instance of ?ANIMALCLASS.[and full SUMO definition]
meceCollection(meceCollection ?COLL1 ?COLL2) means that every member of ?COLL1 is in a Collection which is a member of Coll2, but not a member of two different Collections which are members of ?COLL2.[and full SUMO definition]
medicalPatientA relation between a Human and a CareOrganization that treats the patient.[and full SUMO definition]
medicineA Relation between a Medicine and a DiseaseOrSyndrome that is believed to be treatable by that medicine. Note that due to the complexity of biology, the causes of various maladies may not be completely known and treatments can be used based simply on a preponderance of evidence of co-occurrence rather than complete causal models of efficacy, so this relation does not entail a commitment that a disease is actually treated effectively. It does however commit to belief in the treatment by a MedicalDoctor.[and full SUMO definition]
mediumAltitudeWindSpeed(mediumAltitudeWindSpeed ?PLACE ?RATE) means that the Wind blowing between 10,000-25,000 feet at ?PLACE has a speed of ?RATE.[and full SUMO definition]
mediumAltitudeWindVelocity(mediumAltitudeWindVelocity ?PLACE ?SPEED ?TOWARD) means that the Wind blowing between 10,000-25,000 feet at ?PLACE has a speed of ?SPEED and is moving toward the DirectionalAttribute ?TOWARD.[and full SUMO definition]
meetsSpatially(meetsSpatially ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2) means that ?OBJ1 and ?OBJ2 are connected but that neither ?OBJ1 nor ?OBJ2 overlapsSpatially the other.[and full SUMO definition]
meetsTemporally(meetsTemporally ?INTERVAL1 ?INTERVAL2) means that the terminal point of the TimeInterval ?INTERVAL1 is the initial point of the TimeInterval ?INTERVAL2.[and full SUMO definition]
meltingPointThe temperature at which a PureSubstance changes state from a Solid to a Liquid. Note that Arsenic can sublimate directly from Solid to Gas which means that its melting and boiling points are equal.[and full SUMO definition]
memberA specialized common sense notion of part for uniform parts of Collections. For example, each sheep in a flock of sheep would have the relationship of member to the flock.[and full SUMO definition]
memberAtTime(memberAtTime ?MEMBER ?COLLECTION ?TIME) means that during the time period denoted by ?TIME, ?MEMBER is a member of ?COLLECTION.[and full SUMO definition]
memberCount(memberCount ?ORG ?NUMBER) means that there is a total ?NUMBER of members in the Collection ?ORG.[and full SUMO definition]
memberMeasureA relation between a Class, a MeasureAttribute and a Quantity. It states that all members of the class have the following measure. Note that for classes this only applies to manufactured objects where a particular measurement can be engineering into the product.[and full SUMO definition]
memberType(memberType ?GROUP ?TYPE) means that all the members of the Collection ?GROUP belong to the Class ?TYPE.[and full SUMO definition]
memberTypeCount(memberTypeCount ?GROUP ?TYPE ?NUMBER) means that the Collection ?GROUP has ?NUMBER members of the kind ?TYPE.[and full SUMO definition]
memorySize(memorySize ?System ?Size) holds if ?Size is the required memory size for the ComputationalSystem ?System.[and full SUMO definition]
middleName(middleName ?CHAR ?INDIV) means that the SymbolicString ?CHAR contains the middle name of the Human ?INDIV.[and full SUMO definition]
militaryAge(militaryAge ?AREA ?AGE) means that in the GeopoliticalArea ?AREA, a person must be ?AGE or older in order to be a member of the military of the ?AREA.[and full SUMO definition]
militaryExpendituresFractionOfGDP(militaryExpendituresFractionOfGDP ?AREA ?FRACTION) means that the estimated military spending of the GeopoliticalArea ?AREA is ?FRACTION of the gross domestic product (GDP) of that area.[and full SUMO definition]
militaryExpendituresFractionOfGDPInPeriod(militaryExpendituresFractionOfGDPInPeriod ?AREA ?FRACTION ?PERIOD) means that the estimated military spending of the GeopoliticalArea ?AREA was ?FRACTION of the gross domestic product (GDP) of that area during the TimeInterval indicated by ?PERIOD.[and full SUMO definition]
militaryExpendituresInUSDollars(militaryExpendituresInUSDollars ?AREA ?AMOUNT) means that the estimated military spending of the GeopoliticalArea ?AREA is ?AMOUNT in UnitedStatesDollars. Note: This predicate was created to represent data from the CIA World Fact Book, which calculates ?AMOUNT by multiplying estimated percentage of ?AREA's budget spent on defense by its gross domestic product (GDP) expressed in U.S. dollars. Note that this GDP is calculated by the exchange rate method rather than by PPPBasedEconomicValuation. Military expenditures data is approximate.[and full SUMO definition]
militaryExpendituresInUSDollarsInPeriod(militaryExpendituresInUSDollarsInPeriod ?AREA ?AMOUNT ?PERIOD) means that the estimated military spending of the GeopoliticalArea ?AREA was ?AMOUNT in UnitedStatesDollars during the TimeInterval indicated by ?PERIOD. Note: This predicate was created to represent data from the CIA World Fact Book, which calculates ?AMOUNT by multiplying estimated defense spending of an ?AREA in percentage terms by the gross domestic product (GDP) for ?PERIOD. Note that for this figure, GDP is calculated by the exchange rate method rather than by PPPBasedEconomicValuation. In any case, military expenditures data should be treated as only approximate.[and full SUMO definition]
militaryOfArea(militaryOfArea ?MILITARY ?AREA) denotes that ?MILITARY is a MilitaryOrganization serving in defense of the GeopoliticalArea ?AREA.[and full SUMO definition]
mimeTypeA relation between ComputerData and the MIME type it is coded in, with respect to IETF RFC 2045.[and full SUMO definition]
minCardinalityThis relation expresses the minimum number of values that a particular argument to a relation can have if all other values remain fixed.[and full SUMO definition]
minCylinderVolumeThe volume of the CombustionChamber of the EngineCylinder at the maximum point of compression of the cylinder.[and full SUMO definition]
minDeviceOperatingTempThe minimum safe rated temperature at which a device may be operated. Operating the device in an environment below the temperature is likely to result in a Damaging of the Device.[and full SUMO definition]
minDeviceStorageTempThe minimum safe rated temperature at which a device may be stored. Storing the device in an environment below the temperature is likely to result in a Damaging of the Device.[and full SUMO definition]
minValueThe minimum possible value for a given numerical argument of a Relation. The second argument is the argument number of the relation and the third argument is the minimum value.[and full SUMO definition]
minimumBalance(minimumBalance ?Account ?ActivityType ?Amount) means that ?Amount is the mimimum amount required by the type of FinancialTransaction ?ActivityType.[and full SUMO definition]
minimumPaymentThe smallest amount which can be paid on a revolving charge account to avoid a penalty.[and full SUMO definition]
minimumReplications(minimumReplications ?PROGRAM ?INTEGER) means that ?INTEGER represents the minimum copies of the application ?PROGRAM required to be survivable, where a program is survivable if the failure of one or more resources does not result in the failure of the program. Either long MTTF for the system as a whole or short MTTR when failure occurs would improve the survivability of a program.[and full SUMO definition]
misspelledTitle(misspelledTitle ?STRING ?WORKTYPE ?LANGUAGE) means that in the Language ?LANGUAGE, ?STRING is a misspelled version of the title of instances of ContentBearingPhysical ?WORKTYPE.[and full SUMO definition]
mixturePartTypeThe relation states that the given class of Substance is part of the given class of Mixture.[and full SUMO definition]
mixtureRatiomixtureRatio is a QuintaryRelation which specifies how many Liter of two Liquid Substances in a LiquidMixture.[and full SUMO definition]
mobilePhoneNumber(mobilePhoneNumber ?TelecomNumber ?AutonomousAgent) means that ?TelecomNumber identifies a MobileCellPhone at which ?AutonomousAgent can be contacted.[and full SUMO definition]
modalAttributeA BinaryRelation that is used to state the normative force of a Proposition. (modalAttribute ?FORMULA ?PROP) means that the Proposition expressed by ?FORMULA has the NormativeAttribute ?PROP. For example, (modalAttribute (exists (?ACT ?OBJ) (and (instance ?ACT Giving) (agent ?ACT John) (patient ?ACT ?OBJ) (destination ?ACT Tom))) Obligation) means that John is obligated to give Tom something.[and full SUMO definition]
modelsA relation signaling that certain model is convenient for modeling of certain class of devices.[and full SUMO definition]
molecularRatioThe number of molecules of a particular ElementalSubstance in a given CompoundSubstance.[and full SUMO definition]
monetaryValueA BinaryPredicate that associates an Object or Process with its value expressed as an instance of CurrencyMeasure.[and full SUMO definition]
monetaryWage(monetaryWage ?ORG ?PERSON ?TIME ?MONEY) means that the Organization employs ?PERSON and pays him/her the amount of money ?MONEY per TimeDuration ?TIME.[and full SUMO definition]
monitorApplicationData(monitorApplicationData ?TIME ?APPLICATION) holds if the time stamp ?TIME specifies the time at which ?APPLICATION is running.[and full SUMO definition]
monitorComponentData(monitorComponentData ?TIME ?ID ?NUMBER) holds if at time ?TIME, a component with the IDNumber ?ID has a performance of a value ?NUMBER.[and full SUMO definition]
monitorConnectivityData(monitorConnectivityData ?TIME ?IPADDRESS) is a relation between a timestamp ?TIME and an ?IP address.[and full SUMO definition]
monoploidNumbermonoploidNumber is a BinaryPredicate indicating the number of unique Chromosomes contained in a complete MonoploidChromosomeSet in the CellNuclues of a EukaryoticCell.[and full SUMO definition]
monthlyIncome(monthlyIncome ?Agent ?Money) means that ?Money is the amount of money received during one month period[and full SUMO definition]
most(most ?MOST ?WHOLE) means that ?MOST is a part of ?WHOLE that is greater than half of ?WHOLE.[and full SUMO definition]
motherThe general relationship of motherhood. (mother ?CHILD ?MOTHER) means that ?MOTHER is the biological mother of ?CHILD.[and full SUMO definition]
mothersBrothersDaughterIn Arabic: binot AlxaAl. Female cousin on the mother's side, daughter of mother's brother.[and full SUMO definition]
mothersBrothersSonIn Arabic: Aibon AlxaAl. Male cousin on the mother's side, son of mother's brother.[and full SUMO definition]
mothersBrothersWifeIn Arabic: zawojap AlxaAl. Wife of mother's brother.[and full SUMO definition]
mothersSistersDaughterIn Arabic: binot AlxaAlap. Daughter of mother's sister.[and full SUMO definition]
mothersSistersHusbandIn Arabic: zawoj AlxaAlap. Husband of mother's sister.[and full SUMO definition]
mothersSistersSonIn Arabic: Aibon AlxaAlap. Son of mother's sister.[and full SUMO definition]
moves(moves ?MOTION ?OBJECT) means that during the Motion event ?MOTION, ?OBJECT moves. This does not necessarily imply that the location of ?OBJECT changes during ?MOTION. See also changesLocation and Translocation.[and full SUMO definition]
multiplicativeFactor(multiplicativeFactor ?NUMBER1 ?NUMBER2)means that ?NUMBER1 is a factor of ?NUMBER2, i.e. ?NUMBER1 can be multiplied by some Integer to give ?NUMBER2 as a result.[and full SUMO definition]
muscleInsertionThe insertion of a muscle is an attachment site that connects the MMuscle to a Bone. This point is typically distal to the body and moves during MuscularContraction (relative to StandardAnatomicalPosition).[from Wikipedia][and full SUMO definition]
muscleOriginThe origin of a muscle is an attachment site that connects the MMuscle to a Bone or other BodyPart. This point is typically proximal to the body and does not move during MuscularContraction (relative to StandardAnatomicalPosition). This is a relationship between classes of things, where a typical and healthy Human (and likely more broadly for Primates) will have a muscle with the given origin point. [from Wikipedia][and full SUMO definition]
musicChartBy(musicChartBy ?CHART ?A) means that CognitiveAgent ?A was responsible for the process of deciding which objects are included in MusicChart ?CHART.[and full SUMO definition]
musicChartPeriod(musicChartPeriod ?CHART ?TIME) means that the the MusicChart ?CHART was analyzed using information from TimeInterval ?TIME[and full SUMO definition]
musicGenre(musicGenre ?MR ?ATTR) relates the MusicGenre ?ATTR to the MusicRecording ?MR[and full SUMO definition]
musicInterpretation(musicInterpretation ?MR ?MC) means that MusicRecording ?MR is a realization of Music ?MC[and full SUMO definition]
musicVideo(musicVideo ?M ?V) means that VideoRecording ?V is a video recording that represents MusicRecording ?M.[and full SUMO definition]
musician(musician ?MR ?P ?I) means that Human ?P played some Process ?I as a Musician in MusicRecording ?MR[and full SUMO definition]
mutualAcquaintance(mutualAcquaintance ?H1 ?H2) means that ?H1 and ?H2 have met each other and know something about each other, such as name and appearance. Statements made with this predicate should be temporally specified with holdsDuring. See also the weaker, non-symmetric version of this predicate, acquaintance.[and full SUMO definition]
mutualStranger(mutualStranger ?H1 ?H2) means that ?H1 and ?H2 have not met each other and do not know each other. Statements made with this predicate should be temporally specified with holdsDuring. See also the weaker, non-symmetric version of this predicate, stranger.[and full SUMO definition]