(mo-definition GO--0002722 ""Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate, or extent of B cell cytokine production." [GOC:add]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006100 "tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediate metabolic process") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006383 "Reactome:286151") (subclass GO--0000411 GO--0045991) (mo-definition GO--0009298 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of GDP-mannose, a substance composed of mannose in glycosidic linkage with guanosine diphosphate." [GOC:ai]") (mo-definition GO--0048260 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of receptor mediated endocytosis, the uptake of external materials by cells, utilizing receptors to ensure specificity of transport." [GOC:go_curators]") (documentation GO--0002434 EnglishLanguage "This term was added by GO_REF:0000022.") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "regulation of coenzyme and prosthetic group metabolic process") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0016563 ""transcription activating factor" []") (mo-definition GO--0030590 ""A process that occurs during the first cell cycle in an embryo, in which anterior cortical contractions culminate in a single partial constriction of the embryo called the pseudocleavage furrow." [GOC:mtg_sensu, PMID:7729583]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008633 "Reactome:139910") (mo-inSubset GO--0046386 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030251 "guanylate cyclase inhibitor activity") (subclass GO--0050425 GO--0004181) (subclass GO--0017042 GO--0004553) (mo-definition GO--0000378 ""The process of joining two exons, each of which has free ends that were generated by endonucleolytic cleavages, by a ligation reaction." [GOC:krc, ISBN:0879695897]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045349 ""IFN-alpha biosynthetic process" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051319 "G2 phase") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0003985 "UM-BBD_enzymeID:e0144") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009384 "N-acylmannosamine kinase activity") (subclass GO--0019822 GO--0005777) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004705 "EC:2.7.1.-") (subclass GO--0048148 GO--0030534) (mo-definition GO--0048727 ""The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the posterior cibarial plate over time, from its formation to the mature structure." [GOC:rc]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048399 "regulation of intermediate mesodermal cell fate specification") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0007462 "R1/R6 cell fate commitment") (subclass GO--0008028 GO--0046943) (subclass GO--0000153 GO--0000151) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045075 ""regulation of interleukin-12 synthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045343 ""regulation of major histocompatibility complex class I biosynthesis" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0006917 ""induction of apoptosis by p53" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042281 ""dolichyl-P-Glc:Man9GlcNAc2-PP-dolichyl glucosyltransferase" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048861 ""leukemia inhibitory factor signalling pathway" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042409 ""caffeoyl coenzyme A methyltransferase" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042216 ""phenanthrene breakdown" []") (subclass GO--0015529 GO--0005403) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050908 ""sensory transduction of light during visual perception" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005314 "high-affinity glutamate transporter activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048079 "regulation of cuticle pigmentation") (subclass GO--0046854 GO--0030384) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0048576 ""stimulation of short-day photoperiodism, flowering" []") (mo-definition GO--0042758 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of long-chain fatty acids, aliphatic compounds having a terminal carboxyl group and with a chain length of C12-18." [GOC:go_curators]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0016037 GO--0009583) (mo-definition GO--0019512 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of lactose, via the intermediate tagatose-6-phosphate." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0003924 ""hydrolase activity, acting on acid anhydrides, acting on GTP, involved in cellular and subcellular movement" []") (mo-definition GO--0001810 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate, or extent of type I hypersensitivity, a type of inflammatory response." [ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology"]") (mo-definition GO--0050836 ""The incorporation of iron into a 4Fe-4S iron-sulfur cluster via tris-L-cysteinyl L-arginyl diiron disulfide." [RESID:AA0357]") (mo-definition GO--0010305 ""Vascular tissue pattern formation as it occurs in the leaf of vascular plants." [GOC:TAIR_curator]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0042159 "Reactome:206333") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0035038 "female pronucleus formation") (subclass GO--0047149 GO--0008172) (mo-definition GO--0006686 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of sphingomyelin, N-acyl-4-sphingenyl-1-O-phosphorylcholine." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (subclass GO--0005948 GO--0044444) (mo-inSubset GO--0046164 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0051774 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of the chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of the enzyme nitric-oxide synthase 2." [GOC:ai]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006094 "Reactome:259108") (mo-definition GO--0043273 ""Catalysis of the reaction: CTP + H2O = CDP + phosphate. May or may not be coupled to another reaction." [GOC:go_curators]") (subclass GO--0051172 GO--0051171) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032718 "negative regulation of interleukin-9 production") (mo-definition GO--0018869 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving 2-aminobenzoate, a derivative of benzoic acid with an NH2 group attached to C2." [UM-BBD_pathwayID:abz2]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019306 ""GDP-D-rhamnose anabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate phosphatase") (subclass GO--0018470 GO--0016903) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0015188 ""leucine/valine/isoleucine permease activity" []") (mo-definition GO--0046314 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of phosphocreatine, a phosphagen of creatine which is synthesized and broken down by creatine phosphokinase." [GOC:ai]") (mo-definition GO--0047608 ""Catalysis of the reaction: N-acetylindoxyl + O2 = N-acetylisatin + unknown." [EC:, MetaCyc:ACETYLINDOXYL-OXIDASE-RXN]") (subclass GO--0017070 GO--0017069) (mo-inSubset GO--0045301 gosubset_prok) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0043134 GO--0043133) (subclass GO--0015522 GO--0017077) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015421 "oligopeptide-transporting ATPase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043392 "negative regulation of DNA binding") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045905 ""up regulation of translational termination" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018173 "RESID:AA0265") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032049 "cardiolipin biosynthetic process") (subclass GO--0032099 GO--0032096) (mo-broadSynonym GO--0009905 ""diterpene cyclase activity" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0043146 GO--0007051) (mo-alternateID GO--0004767 "GO:0030230") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018621 "MetaCyc:4-SULFOBENZOATE-3,4-DIOXYGENASE-RXN") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0019509 ""methionine recycling" []") (mo-definition GO--0042938 ""The directed movement of a dipeptide, a combination of two amino acids by means of a peptide (-CO-NH-) link, into, out of, within or between cells." [GOC:jl, http://cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk/]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018802 "EC:4.1.2.-") (subclass GO--0018190 GO--0006497) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008813 "EC:4.1.3.-") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019662 "non-glycolytic fermentation") (subclass GO--0033016 GO--0031090) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000722 "Reactome:288360") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032713 ""down-regulation of interleukin-4 production" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032273 ""up regulation of protein polymerization" []") (subclass GO--0009080 GO--0009063) (subclass GO--0007529 GO--0050808) (mo-definition GO--0015782 ""The directed movement of CMP-sialic acid into, out of, within or between cells. CMP-sialic acid is a substance composed of sialic acid in glycosidic linkage with cytidine monophosphate." [GOC:ai]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047207 "1,2-beta-fructan 1F-fructosyltransferase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046432 "2'-(5''-triphosphoribosyl)-3'-dephospho-CoA metabolic process") (subclass GO--0016019 GO--0008329) (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0005777 ""peroxisome receptor" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018712 "UM-BBD_enzymeID:e0013") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050771 "negative regulation of axonogenesis") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051058 ""down regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0007373 "determination of posterior border of ventral midline") (subclass GO--0006893 GO--0006892) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006049 "UDP-N-acetylglucosamine catabolic process") (subclass GO--0007269 GO--0032940) (subclass GO--0042178 GO--0006805) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0046961 ""hydrogen ion translocating A-type ATPase activity" []") (mo-definition GO--0031646 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of a neurophysiological process." [GOC:mah]") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0003882 ""serine exchange enzyme" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009320 "phosphoribosylaminoimidazole carboxylase complex") (subclass GO--0010250 GO--0044272) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000766 "adaptation to pheromone during pheromone-induced unidirectional conjugation") (mo-definition GO--0043563 ""Enables the directed movement of odorants, any substance capable of stimulating the sense of smell, into, out of, within or between cells." [GOC:jl]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050454 "EC:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047619 "acylcarnitine hydrolase activity") (mo-definition GO--0051656 ""The directed movement of an organelle to a specific location." [GOC:ai]") (mo-definition GO--0030851 ""The process by which a myeloid precursor cell acquires the specialized features of a granulocyte. Granulocytes are a class of leukocytes characterized by the presence of granules in their cytoplasm. These cells are active in allergic immune reactions such as arthritic inflammation and rashes. This class includes basophils, eosinophils and neutrophils." [GOC:ecd, http://life.nthu.edu.tw/~g864204/dict-search1.htm]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052376 ""evasion or tolerance by organism of NO produced by other organism during symbiotic interaction" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0020032 "basal ring of apical complex") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006285 "Reactome:282904") (mo-definition GO--0042199 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving cyanuric acid, a suspected gastrointestinal or liver toxicant, and a potential degradation product of triazine herbicides, such as atrazine and simazine. It is widely used for the stabilization of available chlorine in swimming pool water and is also the starting compound for the synthesis of many organic derivatives." [http://umbbd.ahc.umn.edu/cya/cya_map.html, UM-BBD_pathwayID:cya]") (subclass GO--0001518 GO--0043234) (mo-definition GO--0032232 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of the assembly of actin filament bundles." [GOC:mah]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0010120 "camalexin biosynthetic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048502 ""thiamine-transporting ATPase activity" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0051311 GO--0045132) (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0001563 ""perception of protozoa" []") (mo-definition GO--0050587 ""Catalysis of the reaction: O2 + Cl- = chlorite." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002723 ""positive regulation of B lymphocyte cytokine production" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046407 "chlorophyll a oxygenase activity") (subclass GO--0005304 GO--0015179) (subclass GO--0008299 GO--0006720) (mo-alternateID GO--0046854 "GO:0046837") (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. The incorporation of iron into a 3Fe-3S iron-sulfur cluster via hexakis-L-cysteinyl triiron trisulfide. The three-iron three-sulfur cluster probably does not exist except as an intermediate form." [RESID:AA0138]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018664 "benzoate 4-monooxygenase activity") (subclass GO--0047112 GO--0016623) (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0019825 ""cytochrome P450 activity" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019175 "EC:3.1.3.-") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0051641 ""intracellular localization" []") (subclass GO--0042502 GO--0007260) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0003825 ""trehalose 6-phosphate synthetase activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046863 ""rubisco activator" []") (subclass GO--0030478 GO--0044448) (subclass GO--0004456 GO--0016836) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0003718 ""Pol III transcription termination factor activity" []") (mo-definition GO--0050860 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of signaling pathways initiated by the cross-linking of an antigen receptor on a T cell." [GOC:ai]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0009678 "TC:3.A.10.-.-") (mo-definition GO--0021926 ""The multiplication or reproduction of neuroblasts that will give rise to Golgi cells. A Golgi cell is an inhibitory GABAergic interneuron found in the cerebellar cortex." [GOC:cls, GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jic, GOC:mtg_15jun06, PMID:15157725]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018537 ""methylenetetrahydromethanopterin reductase" []") (subclass GO--0047857 GO--0016634) (subclass GO--0051782 GO--0051302) (subclass GO--0016427 GO--0008175) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052258 ""suppression of general elicitor induced innate immunity of other organism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009056 "catabolic process") (mo-alternateID GO--0019731 "GO:0006961") (subclass GO--0046344 GO--0042447) (subclass GO--0050435 GO--0009100) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0042515 ""stimulation of tyrosine phosphorylation of Stat2 protein" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008726 "MetaCyc:RXN0-280") (subclass GO--0018015 GO--0006480) (subclass GO--0050554 GO--0016838) (subclass GO--0008752 GO--0016646) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0010389 "regulation of G2/M transition of mitotic cell cycle") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0031869 ""prostacyclin receptor ligand" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008421 "MetaCyc:") (mo-definition GO--0000059 ""The aggregation and bonding together of the nuclear localization signal of a protein with nuclear envelope proteins such as importins." [GOC:isa_complete, PMID:7878057]") (subclass GO--0005133 GO--0005126) (mo-definition GO--0002775 ""The synthesis or release of an antimicrobial peptide during an immune response, resulting in an increase in intracellular or extracellular levels. Such peptides may have protective properties against bacteria, fungi, viruses, or protozoa." [GOC:add, ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology", PMID:11807545, PMID:15638771]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004345 "EC:") (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because it represents three different molecular functions. To update annotations, consider biological_process term 'siroheme biosynthetic process ; GO:0019354' and molecular_function terms 'precorrin-2 dehydrogenase activity ; GO:0043115', 'sirohydrochlorin ferrochelatase activity ; GO:0051266', and 'uroporphyrin-III C-methyltransferase activity ; GO:0004851'.") (mo-exactSynonym ""mitochondrial oxoglutarate/malate transport" []") (mo-definition GO--0031513 ""An immotile primary cilium that may be missing the central pair of microtubules, or the central pair of microtubules and outer dynein arms. Some primary cilia also have altered arrangements of outer microtubules (fewer than nine and/or not always present as doublets). Nonmotile primary cilia typically function as sensory organelles that concentrate and organize sensory signaling molecules." [GOC:kna]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0045087 "Reactome:280696") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0007253 ""cytoplasmic sequestration of NF-kappaB" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0035022 ""upregulation of Rac protein signal transduction" []") (subclass GO--0004337 GO--0004659) (mo-inSubset GO--0042877 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050619 "phytochromobilin:ferredoxin oxidoreductase activity") (mo-definition GO--0051084 ""The process of assisting in the correct noncovalent folding of newly formed polypeptides or folding intermediates of polypeptides that have exited the ribosome and/or have been stabilized and transferred by other chaperone proteins. This process could involve several cycles of ATP hydrolysis." [GOC:rb]") (subclass GO--0009099 GO--0009082) (subclass GO--0007568 GO--0032502) (mo-definition GO--0050408 ""Catalysis of the reaction: [pyruvate kinase] phosphate + H2O = [pyruvate kinase] + phosphate." [EC:, MetaCyc:[PYRUVATE-KINASE]-PHOSPHATASE-RXN]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031909 "peroxisomal lumen") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0008404 ""cytochrome P450 CYP2C39" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031108 ""holo-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthesis" []") (mo-definition GO--0021841 ""The creation and reception of signals that result in the movement of interneurons toward the signal, where this process is involved in migration from the subpallium to the cortex." [GOC:cls, GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jic, GOC:mtg_15jun06, PMID:12626695]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050007 "MetaCyc:ISONOCARDICIN-SYNTHASE-RXN") (subclass GO--0019305 GO--0019300) (mo-definition GO--0050362 ""Catalysis of the reaction: L-tryptophan + 2-oxoglutarate = indolepyruvate + L-glutamate." [EC:, MetaCyc:TRYPTOPHAN-AMINOTRANSFERASE-RXN]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019277 ""UDP-N-acetylgalactosamine formation" []") (documentation GO--0021976 EnglishLanguage "This term was added by GO_REF:0000021.") (subclass GO--0043541 GO--0043234) (subclass GO--0019571 GO--0046372) (subclass GO--0046882 GO--0046888) (subclass GO--0002368 GO--0002367) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0015721 ""bile salt transport" []") (subclass GO--0043462 GO--0051336) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050744 "protein-FMN linkage via 3'-(8alpha-FMN)-L-histidine") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0003887 "EC:") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004363 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0000400 ""Holliday junction binding" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0018316 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031121 "equatorial microtubule organization and biogenesis") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042279 ""cytochrome c nitrite reductase" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0031867 ""EP4 subtype prostaglandin E2 receptor ligand" []") (mo-definition GO--0051850 ""The production of structures and/or molecules in an organism that are required for the acquisition and/or utilization of nutrients obtained from its symbiont organism. The symbiont is defined as the smaller of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction." [GOC:cc]") (mo-inSubset GO--0042327 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004338 "MetaCyc:") (subclass GO--0031112 GO--0051130) (subclass GO--0045600 GO--0045597) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0051438 ""APC regulator" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045698 ""downregulation of synergid differentiation" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006414 "Reactome:221545") (mo-inSubset GO--0009446 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0047235 ""sucrose 6(F)-alpha-galactosyltransferase activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0010174 ""concentrative nucleoside transporter" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015434 "cadmium-transporting ATPase activity") (subclass GO--0005673 GO--0005667) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006646 ""phosphatidylethanolamine anabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046518 ""octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane metabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015045 "rubredoxin-NAD(P)+ reductase activity") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018929 "UM-BBD_pathwayID:mf") (mo-definition GO--0009792 ""The process whose specific outcome is the progression of an embryo over time, from zygote formation until the end of the embryonic life stage. The end of the embryonic life stage is organism-specific and may be somewhat arbitrary; for mammals it is usually considered to be birth, for insects the hatching of the first instar larva from the eggshell." [GOC:go_curators, GOC:isa_complete, GOC:mtg_sensu]") (subclass GO--0048624 GO--0048507) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0016308 "EC:") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019433 "Reactome:252356") (mo-definition GO--0035180 ""The movement of a third instar larva through a substrate in search of a pupation site. This movement occurs without feeding and is characterized by short bursts of forward movement, separated by stops and repeated side-to-side head probes, followed normally by a change in direction." [PMID:12848927, PMID:12956960]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002536 ""oxidative burst during acute inflammatory response " []") (mo-definition GO--0001735 ""Catalysis of the reaction: S-prenyl-L-cysteine + O2 + H20 = a prenal + L-cysteine + H202." [GOC:hjd]") (subclass GO--0018290 GO--0018283) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0033043 GO--0006996) (mo-definition GO--0001741 ""A structure found in a male mammalian spermatocyte containing an unpaired X chromosome that has become densely heterochromatic, silenced and localized at the nuclear periphery." [GOC:hjd]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019377 ""glycolipid catabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0002288 ""The change in morphology and behavior of a mature or immature natural killer T cell resulting from exposure to a mitogen, cytokine, chemokine, cellular ligand, or an antigen for which it is specific, leading to the initiation or perpetuation of an immune response." [GOC:add, PMID:15771592]") (mo-inSubset GO--0045273 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042307 ""upregulation of protein import into nucleus" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032063 ""downregulation of translation initiation in response to osmotic stress" []") (subclass GO--0009215 GO--0009151) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009064 "glutamine family amino acid metabolic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0015426 ""polar-amino acid-importing ATPase activity" []") (subclass GO--0051195 GO--0051193) (mo-definition GO--0009385 ""Catalysis of the reaction: N-acetyl-D-mannosamine-6-phosphate = N-acetyl-D-glucosamine-6-phosphate." [MetaCyc:NANE-RXN]") (subclass GO--0018894 GO--0018904) (subclass GO--0009224 GO--0009174) (subclass GO--0052313 GO--0051817) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042839 ""D-glucuronate metabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0007537 "inactivation of recombination (HML)") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0005978 "Reactome:238368") (subclass GO--0032732 GO--0032652) (subclass GO--0015167 GO--0015166) (subclass GO--0046137 GO--0030656) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046302 ""2-chloro-N-isopropylacetanilide catabolism" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0016162 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019352 ""protoporphyrinogen IX anabolism from glycine" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051291 "protein heterooligomerization") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048685 "negative regulation of collateral sprouting of intact axon in response to injury") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002872 "negative regulation of natural killer cell tolerance induction") (subclass GO--0046632 GO--0046631) (subclass GO--0047116 GO--0016628) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051479 ""mannosylglycerate formation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048084 ""upregulation of adult chitin-containing cuticle pigmentation" []") (subclass GO--0051113 GO--0018307) (subclass GO--0042640 GO--0048589) (subclass GO--0003995 GO--0016627) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016602 "CCAAT-binding factor complex") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050842 "RESID:AA0355") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043289 ""apocarotenoid anabolism" []") (subclass GO--0018043 GO--0018203) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0016574 ""histone ubiquitylation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004071 "aspartate-ammonia ligase activity") (subclass GO--0006168 GO--0043096) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042359 ""calciferol metabolism" []") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0016308 ""1-phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate kinase activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043358 ""chromatophore differentiation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008338 "MAP kinase 1 activity") (mo-definition GO--0030975 ""Interacting selectively with thiamin (vitamin B1), a water soluble vitamin present in fresh vegetables and meats, especially liver." [GOC:mlg]") (mo-definition GO--0052002 ""The chemical reactions and pathways performed by an organism in its host organism. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction." [GOC:mtg_pamgo_17jul06]") (mo-definition GO--0035107 ""The process by which the anatomical structures of appendages are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form. An appendage is an organ or part that is attached to the trunk of an organism. For example a limb or a branch." [ISBN:0582227089]") (subclass GO--0030072 GO--0002790) (mo-definition GO--0031031 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of septation initiation signaling." [GOC:mah]") (mo-definition GO--0007283 ""The process of formation of spermatozoa, including spermatocytogenesis and spermiogenesis." [GOC:jic, http://cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032745 ""positive regulation of IL-21 production" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0000050 ""urea biosynthesis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0052223 "negative chemotaxis in environment of other organism during symbiotic interaction") (mo-definition GO--0004038 ""Catalysis of the reaction: allantoin + H2O = allantoate." [EC:]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0035204 ""down regulation of lamellocyte differentiation" []") (subclass GO--0018466 GO--0016614) (mo-definition GO--0046443 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving FAD, flavin-adenine dinucleotide, the coenzyme or the prosthetic group of various flavoprotein oxidoreductase enzymes." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-definition GO--0031140 ""The process by which a cell initiates conjugation with cellular fusion upon starvation for one or more nutrients." [GOC:mah]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050075 "EC:") (subclass GO--0032843 GO--0016671) (mo-definition GO--0014031 ""The process aimed at the progression of a mesenchymal cell over time, from initial commitment of the cell to its specific fate, to the fully functional differentiated cell." [GOC:dh, GOC:ef]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0016133 ""brassinosteroid catabolism" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0031905 GO--0005769) (subclass GO--0007403 GO--0001709) (subclass GO--0016149 GO--0003747) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0010061 GO--0010057) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006368 "Reactome:259150") (subclass GO--0046675 GO--0046674) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0017057 "MetaCyc:6PGLUCONOLACT-RXN") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018717 "9-phenanthrol glycosyltransferase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002754 ""intracellular vesicle PAMP receptor signaling pathway" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043481 "anthocyanin accumulation in tissues in response to UV light") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046347 ""mannosamine formation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045379 ""negative regulation of IL-17 biosynthetic process" []") (mo-definition GO--0042650 ""The membrane of prothylakoids, underdeveloped thylakoids found in etioplasts, lacking competent photosynthetic membranes." [GOC:jl, PMID:11532175]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048844 "artery morphogenesis") (mo-definition GO--0032097 ""Any process that activates, maintains, or increases the rate of a response to a food stimulus." [GOC:add]") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0019835 ""bacteriocin activity" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0030186 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0001744 ""Establishment of the optic placode, a thickened area of densely packed ectoderm cells directly overlying the optic vesicle in the early embryo. In Drosophila for example, the placode appears in the dorsolateral region of the head in late stage 11 embryos and is the precursor to the larval visual system. As in, but not restricted to, the Holometabola (Endopterygota, ncbi_taxonomy_id:33392)." [PMID:8402833]") (subclass GO--0051720 GO--0003886) (subclass GO--0000074 GO--0051726) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047202 "MetaCyc:") (mo-inSubset GO--0009082 gosubset_prok) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045844 ""stimulation of striated muscle development" []") (mo-definition GO--0003845 ""Catalysis of the reaction: an 11-beta-hydroxysteroid + NADP+ = an 11-oxosteroid + NADPH + H+." [EC:]") (subclass GO--0015438 GO--0042626) (subclass GO--0019400 GO--0044262) (documentation GO--0021689 EnglishLanguage "This term was added by GO_REF:0000021.") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018002 "N-terminal peptidyl-glutamic acid acetylation") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0008719 ""D-erythro-7,8-dihydroneopterin triphosphate 2'-epimerase" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032239 "regulation of nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid transport") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031240 "external side of cell outer membrane") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006410 "transcription, RNA-dependent") (subclass GO--0005746 GO--0044455) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019559 "MetaCyc:HISTDEG-PWY") (mo-definition GO--0050485 ""Catalysis of an oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction in which X-H and Y-H form X-Y and the acceptor is disulfide." [GOC:ai]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0006267 GO--0006261) (subclass GO--0035199 GO--0042221) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009232 "riboflavin catabolic process") (subclass GO--0005723 GO--0005721) (subclass GO--0018826 GO--0016846) (mo-definition GO--0009889 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of substances." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-definition GO--0045093 ""Interacting selectively with the alpha subunit of interleukin-18. IL-18a is a component of IL-18 that is essential for IL-18 binding on the surface of T-helper 1 cells." [PMID:10653850, UniProtKB:Q14116]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0050764 GO--0006909) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031156 ""regulation of fruiting body formation (sensu Dictyosteliida)" []") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0007155 ""cell adhesion molecule activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0004020 ""adenylyl-sulfate kinase activity" []") (mo-definition GO--0006419 ""The process of coupling alanine to alanyl-tRNA, catalyzed by alanyl-tRNA synthetase. In tRNA aminoacylation, the amino acid is first activated by linkage to AMP and then transferred to either the 2'- or the 3'-hydroxyl group of the 3'-adenosine residue of the tRNA." [GOC:mcc, ISBN:0716730510]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008748 "N-ethylmaleimide reductase activity") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0032855 ""stimulation of Rac GTPase activity" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0001682 "tRNA 5'-leader removal") (subclass GO--0016087 GO--0005184) (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because the definition was too sequence oriented and too restrictive. To update annotations, consider cellular_component terms 'chromosome, telomeric region ; GO:0000781' or its children and 'telomere cap complex ; GO:0000782' or its children.") (subclass GO--0005144 GO--0005126) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050184 "EC:") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0009920 ""cell plate formation (sensu Magnoliophyta)" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018148 "RNA-protein covalent cross-linking via peptidyl-tyrosine") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046750 ""Golgi membrane viral budding during viral capsid envelopment" []") (subclass GO--0048320 GO--0001707) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047700 "EC:") (subclass GO--0010362 GO--0010360) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032197 "transposition, RNA-mediated") (subclass GO--0044406 GO--0051701) (mo-definition GO--0008168 ""Catalysis of the transfer of a methyl group to an acceptor molecule." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-inSubset GO--0019515 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. Any process by which an organism activates, maintains or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the jasmonic acid-mediated defense response of the symbiont organism. The symbiont is defined as the smaller of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction." [PAMGO:mtg]") (subclass GO--0006565 GO--0009071) (subclass GO--0051913 GO--0042221) (subclass GO--0000348 GO--0022618) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0007062 "Reactome:163048") (mo-inSubset GO--0019332 gosubset_prok) (mo-inSubset GO--0008216 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0031176 GO--0004553) (subclass GO--0032114 GO--0032113) (subclass GO--0032685 GO--0032645) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005966 "photoreceptor cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase complex") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0010142 ""acetate-mevalonate pathway" [PMID:14517367]") (subclass GO--0008830 GO--0016857) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048849 ""posterior pituitary formation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042965 ""glutaredoxin synthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046169 ""methanol synthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030537 ""larval behaviour" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006283 "Reactome:221682") (mo-definition GO--0007269 ""The regulated release of neurotransmitter into the synaptic cleft." [GOC:dph]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0021599 GO--0021598) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0044251 ""protein breakdown by pepsin" []") (subclass GO--0007362 GO--0009880) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050045 "laminaribiose phosphorylase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043378 ""positive regulation of CD8-positive, alpha beta T-lymphocyte differentiation" []") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0006370 ""5'-end processing" []") (mo-definition GO--0009199 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving a ribonucleoside triphosphate, a glycosamine consisting of a base linked to a ribose sugar esterified with triphosphate on its glycose moiety." [GOC:go_curators, ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006016 ""2-deoxyribose 1-phosphate synthesis" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050427 "Reactome:290736") (subclass GO--0033006 GO--0033003) (mo-definition GO--0045589 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of differentiation of regulatory T cells." [ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology"]") (subclass GO--0019800 GO--0018209) (subclass GO--0016004 GO--0008047) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006550 "Reactome:252407") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0032935 ""sterol-sensing domain" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0010137 ""ureide biosynthesis" []") (subclass GO--0015640 GO--0015197) (mo-definition GO--0043374 ""The process whereby a relatively unspecialized T cell acquires specialized features of a mature CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell." [ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology"]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050931 ""pigmented cell differentiation" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0018428 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019570 ""L-arabinose catabolism to alpha-oxoglutarate" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047327 "MetaCyc:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0016713 ""oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen, reduced iron-sulphur protein as one donor, and incorporation of one atom of oxygen" []") (subclass GO--0001676 GO--0006631) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045080 ""positive regulation of chemokine formation" []") (mo-definition GO--0050579 ""Catalysis of the reaction: 10-deoxysarpagine + NADP+ = vellosimine + NADPH + H+." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0035305 "negative regulation of dephosphorylation") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0001519 "peptide amidation") (subclass GO--0046230 GO--0042178) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0007512 "adult heart development") (mo-definition GO--0046272 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of stilbenes, a class of polyketide compounds formed from cinnamic acid and three molecules of malonyl CoA." [GOC:ai]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048441 "petal development") (mo-inSubset GO--0046458 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0031861 ""Interacting selectively with a prolactin-releasing peptide receptor." [GOC:mah, GOC:nln]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046348 ""aminosaccharide catabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046399 "glucuronate biosynthetic process") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0006285 GO--0006284) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030962 "peptidyl-arginine dihydroxylation to peptidyl-3,4-dihydroxy-L-arginine") (mo-definition GO--0010383 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving cell wall polysaccharides." [GOC:TAIR_curators]") (mo-definition GO--0050649 ""Catalysis of the reaction: testosterone + donor-H2 + O2 = 6-beta-hydroxytestosterone + H2O." [GOC:ai, PMID:11726664]") (subclass GO--0043479 GO--0043480) (mo-definition GO--0048791 ""The release of a neurotransmitter into the synaptic cleft, where the release step is dependent on the presence of calcium ions (Ca2+). The neurotransmitter is contained within a membrane-bounded vesicle, and is released by fusion of the vesicle with the presynaptic plasma membrane of a nerve cell." [GOC:curators]") (subclass GO--0019758 GO--0019757) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045760 ""up-regulation of action potential" []") (subclass GO--0002924 GO--0002921) (mo-definition GO--0005771 ""A type of late endosome in which regions of the limiting endosomal membrane invaginate to form internal vesicles; membrane proteins that enter the internal vesicles are sequestered from the cytoplasm." [PMID:11566881]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047631 "MetaCyc:RXN0-1441") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047924 "geraniol dehydrogenase activity") (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because it does not describe a biological process. To update annotations, consider biological_process term 'progressive alteration of chromatin during cell aging ; GO:0001301' or its children.") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045893 "positive regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent") (mo-definition GO--0016642 ""Catalysis of an oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction in which a CH-NH2 group acts as a hydrogen or electron donor and reduces a disulfide group." [GOC:ai]") (mo-definition GO--0031162 ""The incorporation of exogenous sulfur into a metallo-sulfur cluster." [GOC:mah]") (subclass GO--0048896 GO--0008347) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006021 ""vitamin Bh biosynthetic process" []") (subclass GO--0030682 GO--0051807) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0009965 GO--0010016) (mo-inSubset GO--0042909 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0018849 ""Catalysis of the reaction: 2,5-dihydro-5-oxofuran-2-acetate = cis,cis-hexadienedioate." [EC:]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004749 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052059 ""evasion or tolerance of host-produced reactive oxygen intermediates" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009248 "K antigen biosynthetic process") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045383 ""stimulation of interleukin-18 biosynthetic process" []") (subclass GO--0042216 GO--0018955) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0021891 "olfactory bulb interneuron development") (mo-inSubset GO--0009607 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0001914 ""regulation of T-cell mediated apoptosis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019350 ""teichoic acid biosynthesis" []") (subclass GO--0051691 GO--0009311) (subclass GO--0007016 GO--0007010) (mo-inSubset GO--0045278 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0008564 ""Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + H2O = ADP + phosphate; drives the concomitant secretion of proteins." [EC:]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019113 "EC:1.14.13.-") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0045898 GO--0051123) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046607 ""up-regulation of centrosome cycle" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047612 "EC:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050275 "scopoletin glucosyltransferase activity") (mo-inSubset GO--0006563 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0052246 "positive energy taxis on or near other organism during symbiotic interaction") (subclass GO--0008542 Learning) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0001726 "ruffle") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004135 "EC:") (subclass GO--0021527 GO--0021515) (mo-definition GO--0002576 ""The regulated exocytosis of secretory granules containing preformed mediators such as histamine and serotonin by a platelet." [GOC:add]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018920 ""glyphosate metabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006547 "histidine metabolic process") (subclass GO--0052342 GO--0052411) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0021562 ""CN VIII development" [GOC:cls]") (mo-definition GO--0032450 ""Catalysis of the hydrolysis of maltose by an alpha-D-glucosidase-type action." [GOC:pd]") (subclass GO--0033035 GO--0031028) (mo-definition GO--0010295 ""Catalysis of the reaction: (+)-abscisate + NADPH + H+ + O2 = 8'-hydroxyabscisate + NADP+ + H2O." [EC:]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043066 ""down-regulation of apoptosis" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0045008 "Reactome:265330") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006189 ""'de novo' IMP anabolism" []") (subclass GO--0014039 GO--0045686) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018096 "RESID:AA0204") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004411 "Reactome:11355") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032227 ""downregulation of synaptic transmission, dopaminergic" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0046598 ""stimulation of virion penetration into host" []") (subclass GO--0043373 GO--0043369) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005592 "collagen type XI") (mo-definition GO--0008426 ""Stops, prevents or reduces the activity of protein kinase C, an enzyme which phosphorylates a protein." [GOC:ai]") (mo-definition GO--0005994 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving melibiose, the disaccharide 6-O-alpha-D-galactopyranosyl-D-glucose." [ISBN:0198547684]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047753 "EC:") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047798 "MetaCyc:CYCLOMALTODEXTRINASE-RXN") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045369 ""regulation of IL-14 biosynthesis" []") (subclass GO--0047693 GO--0047429) (termFormat EnglishLanguage "other carbon-oxygen lyase activity") (subclass GO--0018360 GO--0018198) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050554 "MetaCyc:") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018359 "RESID:AA0266") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "peroxisomal fatty acyl transporter") (subclass GO--0016703 GO--0004497) (mo-inSubset GO--0004126 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019060 ""intracellular viral protein transport" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006036 ""cuticle chitin degradation" []") (subclass GO--0008972 GO--0016776) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0002888 ""stimulation of myeloid leukocyte mediated immunity" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047645 "alkan-1-ol dehydrogenase (acceptor) activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019354 ""siroheme anabolism" []") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0010247 ""phosphate ion sensing" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018688 "DDT 2,3-dioxygenase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048542 "lymph gland development") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006537 "glutamate biosynthetic process") (subclass GO--0015712 GO--0008645) (subclass GO--0051889 GO--0048817) (subclass GO--0042414 GO--0042445) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0010063 "positive regulation of trichoblast fate") (subclass GO--0047262 GO--0016758) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030303 "stromelysin 2 activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042572 ""vitamin A1 alcohol metabolic process" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019532 ""oxalic acid transport" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0006274 GO--0006261) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006099 "MetaCyc:P102-PWY") (documentation GO--0042623 EnglishLanguage "Consider also annotating to the molecular function term 'ATP binding ; GO:0005524'.") (mo-definition GO--0030871 ""The ribosome of an archaeal cell; the archael ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit. As in, but not restricted to, the taxon Archaea (Archaea, ncbi_taxonomy_id:2157)." [GOC:mlg]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0015690 ""aluminium ion transport" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006142 "regulation of pyrimidine base metabolic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006581 ""acetylcholine catabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032685 ""down-regulation of granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor production" []") (subclass GO--0009804 GO--0006725) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045993 ""downregulation of translational initiation by iron" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019782 "ISG15 activating enzyme activity") (mo-inSubset GO--0006243 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0031611 GO--0008540) (subclass GO--0052140 GO--0052142) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0016325 ""oocyte microtubule cytoskeleton organisation" []") (mo-narrowSynonym ""modulation of symbiont hypersensitive response" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005840 "ribosome") (subclass GO--0052341 GO--0052413) (mo-definition GO--0009041 ""Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + (d)UMP = ADP + (d)UDP." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009895 ""negative regulation of degradation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051204 "protein insertion into mitochondrial membrane") (subclass GO--0010418 GO--0010394) (subclass GO--0031480 GO--0016461) (mo-inSubset GO--0046048 gosubset_prok) (mo-inSubset GO--0009842 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002047 "phenazine biosynthetic process") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "RAN-binding protein") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031145 ""anaphase-promoting complex-dependent proteasomal ubiquitin-dependent protein breakdown" []") (subclass GO--0016860 GO--0016853) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009238 ""enterochelin metabolism" []") (subclass GO--0016208 GO--0030554) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048171 ""down-regulation of long-term neuronal synaptic plasticity" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0051194 ""stimulation of cofactor metabolic process" []") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0000074 ""cell cycle regulator" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051607 ""defence response to virus" []") (mo-definition GO--0008241 ""Catalysis of the release of C-terminal dipeptides from a polypeptide chain." [GOC:mb]") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0051015 ""actin cross-linking activity" []") (subclass GO--0047689 GO--0016855) (mo-definition GO--0030219 ""The process by which a myeloid precursor cell acquires specializes features of a megakaryocyte." [GOC:mah]") (mo-definition GO--0005919 ""A septate junction in which regular arrays of electron-dense septae span the intermembrane space." [PMID:11700298]") (subclass GO--0005099 GO--0005096) (mo-definition GO--0016052 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of carbohydrates, any of a group of organic compounds based of the general formula Cx(H2O)y." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006229 ""dUTP synthesis" []") (subclass GO--0050047 GO--0016869) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015677 "copper ion import") (subclass GO--0046316 GO--0016773) (mo-definition GO--0044006 ""The process by which an organism causes the formation in its host organism of an abnormal growth whose cells have been transformed and continue to exist in the absence of the first organism. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction." [GOC:cc]") (mo-definition GO--0005540 ""Interacting selectively with hyaluronic acid, a polymer composed of repeating dimeric units of glucuronic acid and N-acetyl glucosamine." [GOC:jl, http://cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk/]") (mo-definition GO--0042228 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of interleukin-8." [GOC:go_curators]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0045313 GO--0042052) (subclass GO--0047126 GO--0016646) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0048671 ""inhibition of collateral sprouting" []") (subclass GO--0048524 GO--0050792) (mo-inSubset GO--0016226 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0031877 GO--0001664) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050397 "Watasenia-luciferin 2-monooxygenase activity") (subclass GO--0048450 GO--0048444) (subclass GO--0018243 GO--0006493) (mo-definition GO--0006886 ""The directed movement of proteins in a cell, including the movement of proteins between specific compartments or structures within a cell, such as organelles of a eukaryotic cell." [GOC:mah]") (mo-inSubset GO--0006056 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032421 ""stereocilia bundle" []") (subclass GO--0007426 GO--0035239) (subclass GO--0046597 GO--0048525) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016236 "macroautophagy") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018609 "UM-BBD_enzymeID:e0062") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052030 ""activation by organism of host apoptotic programmed cell death" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045543 ""gibberellin 2-beta-hydroxylase" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0042150 gosubset_prok) (mo-inSubset GO--0004415 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050065 "MetaCyc:LYSINE--PYRUVATE-6-AMINOTRANSFERASE-RXN") (subclass GO--0032465 GO--0051302) (mo-inSubset GO--0019532 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051495 "positive regulation of cytoskeleton organization and biogenesis") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030833 "regulation of actin filament polymerization") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0007513 "pericardial cell differentiation") (mo-inSubset GO--0000010 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050424 "MetaCyc:ALANINE-CARBOXYPEPTIDASE-RXN") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0051543 GO--0051542) (subclass GO--0007585 GO--0032501) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0001819 "positive regulation of cytokine production") (subclass GO--0046080 GO--0009211) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050023 ""L-fuconate hydratase activity" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0019626 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042533 ""TNF-alpha biosynthetic process" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0019447 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0045640 GO--0030852) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019104 ""DNA glycosylase" []") (subclass GO--0009449 GO--0042398) (subclass GO--0008656 GO--0043028) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008543 "Reactome:211687") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0035175 "histone serine kinase activity (H3-S10 specific)") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009818 ""response to pathogenic protozoan (incompatible interaction)" []") (subclass GO--0016174 GO--0050664) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009036 "Type II site-specific deoxyribonuclease activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051209 ""release of stored calcium ion (Ca2+) into cytosol" []") (subclass GO--0048014 GO--0007169) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047847 "deoxyuridine phosphorylase activity") (subclass GO--0019939 GO--0045235) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047128 "EC:") (mo-inSubset GO--0017068 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0007417 ""The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the central nervous system over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The central nervous system is the core nervous system that serves an integrating and coordinating function. In vertebrates it consists of the brain, spinal cord and spinal nerves. In those invertebrates with a central nervous system it typically consists of a brain, cerebral ganglia and a nerve cord." [GOC:bf, GOC:jic, ISBN:0582227089]") (mo-definition GO--0004065 ""Catalysis of the reaction: a phenol sulfate + H2O = a phenol + SO4(2-) (sulfate)." [EC:]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006249 "dCMP catabolic process") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032615 "interleukin-12 production") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009396 ""folic acid and derivative synthesis" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006552 "Reactome:258960") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019363 ""pyridine nucleotide anabolism" []") (subclass GO--0009373 GO--0006355) (subclass GO--0000288 GO--0043488) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050971 ""sensory detection of mechanical stimulus during magnetoreception" []") (mo-definition GO--0052044 ""The activation by an organism of programmed cell death in the host organism. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction." [GOC:mtg_pamgo_17jul06]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006370 "Reactome:255589") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006098 "Reactome:71336") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050508 "MetaCyc:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042841 ""D-glucuronate biosynthesis" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0030158 "MetaCyc:") (mo-definition GO--0051471 ""Enables the directed movement of ectoine into, out of, within or between cells. Ectoine (1,4,5,6-tetrahydro-2-methyl-4-pyrimidinecarboxylic acid) is a tetrahydropyrimidine commonly synthesized by halophilic bacteria." [GOC:ai]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006289 "Reactome:274215") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048873 "homeostasis of number of cells within a tissue") (subclass GO--0016463 GO--0015662) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0003854 "3-beta-hydroxy-delta5-steroid dehydrogenase activity") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018845 "UM-BBD_enzymeID:e0258") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031313 "extrinsic to endosome membrane") (mo-definition GO--0060078 ""Any process that modulates the establishment or extent of the postsynaptic membrane potential, which is generated by changes in the membrane potential of the post synaptic neuron that receives information at a synapse. The presynaptic neuron releases neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft which bind to receptors on the postsynaptic neuron. After being bound by the neurotransmitters, these receptors can open or close an ion channel, allowing ions to enter or leave the cell and therefore altering the membrane potential of the postsynaptic neuron." [GOC:dph, GOC:ef]") (mo-inSubset GO--0052137 gosubset_prok) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0005827 GO--0000922) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018616 "UM-BBD_enzymeID:e0074") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030682 ""evasion of host defence response" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0042941 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004641 "MetaCyc:AIRS-RXN") (subclass GO--0042243 GO--0042244) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051187 ""cofactor degradation" []") (mo-definition GO--0030227 ""Combining with apolipoprotein E to initiate a change in cell activity." [GOC:mah]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0015640 ""muropeptide transporter activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009617 ""response to bacteria" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009414 ""response to drought" []") (subclass GO--0043101 GO--0006139) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052271 ""upregulation by organism of defense-related jasmonic acid-mediated signal transduction pathway in other organism during symbiotic interaction" []") (subclass GO--0047410 GO--0016811) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0033025 "regulation of mast cell apoptosis") (subclass GO--0002510 GO--0002514) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046554 "malate dehydrogenase (NADP+) activity") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0044423 Virion) (mo-inSubset GO--0030650 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of m-xylene, 1,3-dimethylbenzene, a colorless, liquid aromatic hydrocarbon." [GOC:ai]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042978 "ornithine decarboxylase activator activity") (subclass GO--0002588 GO--0002582) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0047311 ""1D-1-guanidino-3-amino-1,3-dideoxy-scyllo-inositol aminotransferase activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006465 ""leader peptide processing" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0030841 ""stimulation of intermediate filament polymerization" []") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0031593 ""multiubiquitin binding" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004725 "MetaCyc:PROTEIN-TYROSINE-PHOSPHATASE-RXN") (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because it represents gene products involved in the biological process of cell adhesion. To update annotations, consider biological_process term 'cell adhesion ; GO:0007155' or its children, cellular_component term 'integral to membrane ; GO:0016021' or its children, and molecular_function terms 'carbohydrate binding ; GO:0030246' or its children, 'cell adhesion molecule binding ; GO:0050839' or its children, 'protein binding ; GO:0005515' or its children, and 'receptor binding ; GO:0005102' or its children.") (subclass GO--0043132 GO--0051181) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045876 ""up-regulation of sister chromatid cohesion" []") (subclass GO--0016324 GO--0044459) (mo-definition GO--0009908 ""The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the flower over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The flower is the reproductive structure in a plant, and its development begins with the transition of the vegetative or inflorescence meristem into a floral meristem." [GOC:tb, ISBN:0879015322]") (mo-definition GO--0019392 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving glucarate, the dianion of glucaric acid, an aldaric acid derived from either glucose or gulose. There are two enantiomers L- and D-glucarate." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (subclass GO--0015325 GO--0015300) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000250 "lanosterol synthase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045593 ""down regulation of cumulus cell differentiation" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0017133 GO--0005759) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042727 ""vitamin B2 and derivative biosynthesis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0052063 "induction by symbiont of defense-related host nitric oxide production") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019933 ""cAMP signaling" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042862 ""achromobactin breakdown" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030949 ""up-regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor signaling pathway" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030711 "positive regulation of border follicle cell delamination") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000900 "translation repressor activity, nucleic acid binding") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045714 ""regulation of low-density lipoprotein receptor formation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048039 "ubiquinone binding") (subclass GO--0052222 GO--0052217) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050186 ""phosphoadenylylsulphatase activity" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "antibacterial peptide activity") (subclass GO--0004923 GO--0004896) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018671 "4-hydroxybenzoate 3-monooxygenase [NAD(P)H] activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046984 ""regulation of hemoglobin synthesis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006727 "ommochrome biosynthetic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0008270 ""zinc binding" []") (mo-definition GO--0047087 ""Catalysis of the reaction: O2 + NADPH + protopine = H2O + NADP+ + 6-hydroxyprotopine." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0005288 "TC:2.A.3.10.4") (subclass GO--0052265 GO--0052065) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048498 "establishment of petal orientation") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0015959 ""diadenosine polyphosphate metabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043524 ""downregulation of neuron apoptosis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042434 "indole derivative metabolic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0010137 ""ureide formation" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0000755 ""zygote formation (sensu Fungi)" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002806 ""down-regulation of antimicrobial peptide biosynthetic process" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0004318 gosubset_prok) (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0032081 ""Type II restriction enzyme inhibitor" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0016109 ""tetraterpene biosynthetic process" []") (mo-definition GO--0002483 ""The process by which an antigen-presenting cell expresses a peptide antigen of endogenous origin on its cell surface in association with an MHC protein complex. The peptide is typically a fragment of a larger endogenous protein which has been degraded within the cell." [GOC:add, ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology"]") (subclass GO--0046547 GO--0008757) (mo-definition GO--0032632 ""The appearance of interleukin-3 due to biosynthesis or secretion following a cellular stimulus, resulting in an increase in its intracellular or extracellular levels." [GOC:mah]") (subclass GO--0004561 GO--0015929) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0042660 ""stimulation of cell fate specification" []") (subclass GO--0010382 GO--0044237) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002712 ""regulation of B-lymphocyte mediated immunity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050653 ""chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan formation, polysaccharide chain formation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0005771 ""MVB" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004509 "steroid 21-monooxygenase activity") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0007262 GO--0007259) (subclass GO--0019474 GO--0019477) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009114 "hypoxanthine catabolic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006086 ""acetyl-CoA formation from pyruvate" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004140 "MetaCyc:DEPHOSPHOCOAKIN-RXN") (mo-definition GO--0031980 ""The volume enclosed by the mitochondrial inner membrane." [GOC:mah, GOC:pz]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050661 ""oxidized nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate binding" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032758 ""upregulation of interleukin-9 production" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050427 "Reactome:245896") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0007636 ""jump response to chemical stimulus" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050494 ""GSI anchor anabolism via N-glycyl-glycosylsphingolipidinositolethanolamine" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0000200 ""cell wall biogenesis, inactivation of MAPK activity" []") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0009282 ""cytosolic large ribosomal subunit" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "tachykinin") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004782 "sulfinoalanine decarboxylase activity") (subclass GO--0018420 GO--0018149) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015208 "guanine transporter activity") (subclass GO--0045934 GO--0031324) (documentation GO--0030508 EnglishLanguage "Note that the synonyms 'glutaredoxin' and 'thioredoxin' represent gene products that could be annotated using this term.") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0060102 "collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006241 ""CTP formation" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0051218 "RESID:AA02376") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043702 "carotenoid vesicle") (subclass GO--0008921 GO--0035250) (subclass GO--0005319 GO--0005215) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0002740 ""inhibition of cytokine secretion during immune response" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0048547 GO--0048565) (subclass GO--0008906 GO--0016301) (mo-definition GO--0015800 ""The directed movement of acidic amino acids, amino acids with a pH below 7, into, out of, within or between cells." [GOC:ai]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002621 ""up-regulation of non-professional antigen presenting cell antigen processing and presentation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0010340 "carboxyl-O-methyltransferase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005847 "mRNA cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor complex") (subclass GO--0021736 GO--0048857) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004585 "Reactome:12530") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0060056 GO--0030879) (subclass GO--0046030 GO--0004437) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050851 "antigen receptor-mediated signaling pathway") (subclass GO--0008975 GO--0004222) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047264 "EC:") (subclass GO--0010036 GO--0010035) (mo-inSubset GO--0051831 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046457 ""prostanoid anabolism" []") (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because it describes a cellular component rather than a molecular function. To update annotations, use cellular_component term 'heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein complex ; GO:0030530'.") (subclass GO--0022003 GO--0022001) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050215 "MetaCyc:PROPANEDIOL-DEHYDRATASE-RXN") (subclass GO--0060088 GO--0030030) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045871 "negative regulation of rhodopsin gene activity") (mo-definition GO--0006076 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of beta-1,3 glucans." [GOC:ai]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019874 "MetaCyc:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046555 "acetylxylan esterase activity") (subclass GO--0006450 GO--0006417) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0050972 GO--0050959) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000383 "U2-type nuclear mRNA 3'-splice site recognition") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051041 ""up-regulation of calcium-independent cell-cell adhesion" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050946 "positive regulation of xanthophore differentiation") (mo-definition GO--0009881 ""The function of absorbing and responding to incidental electromagnetic radiation, particularly visible light. The response may involve a change in conformation." [GOC:ai, GOC:go_curators]") (mo-definition GO--0035117 ""The process, occurring in the embryo, by which the anatomical structures of the arm are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form. In humans, the arms are the two upper limbs of the body from the shoulder to the hand." [ISBN:0198612001]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0004240 ""MPP" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030176 "integral to endoplasmic reticulum membrane") (subclass GO--0048150 GO--0045472) (subclass GO--0010113 GO--0010112) (subclass GO--0050689 GO--0050687) (subclass GO--0047938 GO--0016857) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019155 "3-(imidazol-5-yl)lactate dehydrogenase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030852 "regulation of granulocyte differentiation") (mo-definition GO--0016149 ""A translation release factor that is specific for one or more particular termination codons; acts at the ribosomal A-site and require polypeptidyl-tRNA at the P-site." [ISBN:0198547684]") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0030134 ""COPII vesicle" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018258 "RESID:AA0212") (subclass GO--0047373 GO--0016789) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006513 ""protein monoubiquitylation" []") (subclass GO--0045718 GO--0030092) (subclass GO--0032635 GO--0001816) (subclass GO--0052344 GO--0052165) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045828 ""upregulation of isoprenoid metabolic process" []") (subclass GO--0000314 GO--0015935) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019455 "L-cysteine catabolic process via cystine, using cystine reductase") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006097 ""glyoxylate bypass" []") (subclass GO--0015609 GO--0015157) (subclass GO--0031458 GO--0031263) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051108 ""carnitine synthetase activity" []") (mo-definition GO--0047122 ""Catalysis of the reaction: H2O + acceptor + quinaldate = donor-H2 + kynurenate." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0007069 ""mitotic repression of transcription from Pol I promoter" []") (mo-definition GO--0043153 ""The synchronization of a circadian rhythm to photoperiod, the intermittent cycle of light (day) and dark (night)." [GOC:jl]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048397 "positive regulation of intermediate mesodermal cell fate determination") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0000415 ""inhibition of histone H3-K36 methylation" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0001400 GO--0005937) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004616 "EC:") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0002582 ""stimulation of antigen processing and presentation of peptide or polysaccharide antigen via MHC class II" []") (mo-definition GO--0043478 ""The aggregation of coloring matter in a particular location in an organism, tissue or cell, occurring in response to a UV light stimulus." [GOC:jl]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "clathrin adaptor") (mo-definition GO--0046224 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving bacteriocins, any of a heterogeneous group of polypeptide antibiotics that are secreted by certain bacterial strains and are able to kill cells of other susceptible (frequently related) strains after adsorption at specific receptors on the cell surface. They include the colicins, and their mechanisms of action vary." [GOC:ai]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018420 "peptide cross-linking via N6-(L-isoaspartyl)-L-lysine") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0007267 "cell-cell signaling") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046035 "CMP metabolic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009353 ""oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex (sensu Eukaryota)" []") (subclass GO--0000316 GO--0015698) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0005283 ""isoleucine/valine:sodium symporter activity" []") (documentation GO--0021955 EnglishLanguage "This term was added by GO_REF:0000021.") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047364 "desulfoglucosinolate sulfotransferase activity") (subclass GO--0032269 GO--0051248) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047886 "EC:") (subclass GO--0009013 GO--0016620) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046263 ""nitrotoluene catabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006410 ""reverse transcription" []") (subclass GO--0031702 GO--0031701) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0050996 ""stimulation of lipid catabolic process" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048749 "compound eye development") (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because it refers to a molecular function. To update annotations, use biological_process term 'glutamate biosynthetic process ; GO:0006537' and molecular_function term 'glutamate synthase (NADPH) activity ; GO:0004355'.") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0007473 "wing disc proximal/distal pattern formation") (subclass GO--0032949 GO--0032948) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018793 "UM-BBD_enzymeID:e0358") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002488 ""endogenous peptide antigen processing and presentation via MHC class Ib via ER pathway" []") (mo-definition GO--0002410 ""The movement of a plasmacytoid dendritic cell in response to an external stimulus." [GOC:add, PMID:15159375, PMID:15814331]") (mo-definition GO--0047656 ""Catalysis of the reaction: alpha,alpha-trehalose + phosphate = D-glucose + beta-D-glucose 1-phosphate." [EC:, MetaCyc:ALPHA,ALPHA-TREHALOSE-PHOSPHORYLASE-RXN]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004648 "EC:") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047893 "MetaCyc:FLAVONOL-3-O-GLUCOSYLTRANSFERASE-RXN") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032779 "copper-induced intracellular protein transport") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019921 ""peptidyl-1-thioglycine formation, carboxy-terminal" []") (mo-definition GO--0015804 ""The directed movement of neutral amino acids, amino acids with no net charge, into, out of, within or between cells." [GOC:ai]") (mo-definition GO--0031204 ""The process by which a protein translocates through the ER membrane posttranslationally." [PMID:12518317, PMID:8707814]") (mo-inSubset GO--0046286 gosubset_prok) (mo-inSubset GO--0008812 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0006999 ""A process that is carried out at the cellular level which results in the formation, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of the nuclear pore." [GOC:jic]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052272 ""up regulation by organism of salicylic acid-mediated defense response of other organism during symbiotic interaction" []") (mo-definition GO--0021800 ""The migration of cells in the cerebral cortex in which cells move orthogonally to the direction of radial migration and do not use radial glial cell processes as substrates for migration." [GOC:cls, GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jic, GOC:mtg_15jun06, PMID:12626695]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0002007 GO--0001979) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045775 ""positive regulation of beta 2 integrin formation" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0000179 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0000025 ""maltose breakdown" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048733 "sebaceous gland development") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0030431 ""diapause" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047927 "EC:") (mo-definition GO--0031276 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of the assembly of pseudopodia from the lateral side of the cell." [GOC:pg]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002362 ""CD4-positive, CD25-positive, alpha-beta regulatory T-lymphocyte lineage commitment" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030157 "pancreatic juice secretion") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050025 "MetaCyc:L-GLUTAMATE-OXIDASE-RXN") (mo-definition GO--0018153 ""The formation of an isopeptide cross-link between peptidyl-lysine and peptidyl-glutamine to produce N6-(L-isoglutamyl)-L-lysine." [RESID:AA0124]") (subclass GO--0045391 GO--0045390) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002088 "lens development in camera-type eye") (mo-inSubset GO--0019642 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0035273 ""Interacting selectively with a phthalate, any ester or salt of phthalic acid." [http://umbbd.ahc.umn.edu/pth/pth_map.html]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050220 "MetaCyc:PROSTAGLANDIN-E-SYNTHASE-RXN") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006239 ""deoxycytidine monophosphate salvage" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016248 "channel inhibitor activity") (subclass GO--0033173 GO--0019722) (mo-definition GO--0043626 ""A protein complex composed of three identical PCNA monomers, each comprising two similar domains, which are joined in a head-to-tail arrangement to form a homotrimer. Forms a ring-like structure in solution, with a central hole sufficiently large to accommodate the double helix of DNA. Originally characterized as a DNA sliding clamp for replicative DNA polymerases and as an essential component of the replisome, and has also been shown to be involved in other processes including Okazaki fragment processing, DNA repair, translesion DNA synthesis, DNA methylation, chromatin remodeling and cell cycle regulation." [GOC:jl, PMID:12829735]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048480 "stigma development") (mo-definition GO--0030267 ""Catalysis of the reaction: glycolate + NADP+ = glyoxylate + NADPH + H+." [EC:]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008156 "negative regulation of DNA replication") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050456 "cystine reductase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043420 "anthranilate metabolic process") (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because 'sensitivity/resistance' implies a phenotype rather than a biological process. To update annotations, use biological_process term 'response to chromate ; GO:0046687'.") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0043609 GO--0015976) (subclass GO--0019876 GO--0042198) (mo-inSubset GO--0042376 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0008234 ""thiol protease" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019308 "dTDP-mannose biosynthetic process") (mo-definition GO--0002521 ""The process whereby a relatively unspecialized hemopoietic precursor cell acquires the specialized features of a plasmacytoid dendritic cell or any cell of the myeloid leukocyte or lymphocyte lineages." [GOC:add, PMID:16551264]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000788 "nuclear nucleosome") (subclass GO--0008779 GO--0008374) (subclass GO--0042396 GO--0042398) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0042639 ""hair resting phase" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002741 "positive regulation of cytokine secretion during immune response") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0032360 GO--0030069) (mo-definition GO--0004991 ""Combining with parathyroid hormone to initiate a change in cell activity." [GOC:mah]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009136 ""purine nucleoside diphosphate biosynthesis" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0007445 GO--0007444) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045085 ""inhibition of interleukin-2 biosynthetic process" []") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0006555 ""methionine and threonine metabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006084 ""acetyl coenzyme A metabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0003979 "UDP-glucose 6-dehydrogenase activity") (subclass GO--0005070 GO--0030674) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0017116 "single-stranded DNA-dependent ATP-dependent DNA helicase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051488 "anaphase-promoting complex activation") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006695 "Reactome:262347") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004044 "EC:") (mo-definition GO--0004161 ""Catalysis of the reaction: dimethylallyl diphosphate + isopentenyl diphosphate = diphosphate + geranyl diphosphate." [EC:]") (subclass GO--0050723 GO--0045361) (subclass GO--0018041 GO--0018201) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042982 ""APP metabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0000117 ""Any process that regulates transcription such that the target genes are transcribed during the G2/M phase of the mitotic cell cycle." [GOC:mah]") (mo-definition GO--0008387 ""Catalysis of the reaction: a steroid + donor-H2 + O2 = 7-alpha-hydroxysteroid + H2O." [GOC:mah]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002690 ""upregulation of leukocyte chemotaxis" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050273 "MetaCyc:S-SUCCINYLGLUTATHIONE-HYDROLASE-RXN") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051438 "regulation of ubiquitin ligase activity") (subclass GO--0052543 GO--0052386) (subclass GO--0031250 GO--0043234) (subclass GO--0042848 GO--0019320) (mo-inSubset GO--0008272 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0050079 GO--0016836) (mo-definition GO--0046680 ""A change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a DDT stimulus. DDT, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, is a chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticide moderately toxic to humans and other animals." [ISBN:0721662544]") (mo-inSubset GO--0051191 gosubset_prok) (mo-inSubset GO--0051636 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0016905 "MetaCyc:MYOSIN-HEAVY-CHAIN-KINASE-RXN") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005962 "mitochondrial isocitrate dehydrogenase complex (NAD+)") (mo-definition GO--0016241 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of macroautophagy." [GOC:krc]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004134 "Reactome:8344") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0008131 ""amine oxidase (copper-containing) activity" []") (mo-alternateID GO--0019730 "GO:0006960") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042110 ""T-lymphocyte activation" []") (subclass GO--0050184 GO--0016628) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052075 ""upregulation by symbiont of host jasmonic acid-mediated defense response" []") (mo-definition GO--0002206 ""The somatic process by which immunoglobulin genes are diversified through the mechanism of gene conversion." [GOC:add, PMID:14991701]") (subclass GO--0051384 GO--0048545) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051247 ""up regulation of protein metabolic process" []") (mo-definition GO--0042379 ""Interacting selectively with any chemokine receptor." [GOC:ai]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050970 ""magnetoreception, sensory detection of electrical stimulus" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047913 "EC:") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006805 "Reactome:177162") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018946 "aerobic organosilicon metabolic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018961 ""PCP metabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008831 "dTDP-4-dehydrorhamnose reductase activity") (subclass GO--0043109 GO--0008589) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0033002 ""myocyte proliferation" []") (subclass GO--0021506 GO--0009653) (mo-definition GO--0050631 ""Catalysis of the reaction: S-adenosyl-L-methionine + palmatine + 2 NADPH + H+ = S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + corydaline + 2 NADP+." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0008004 GO--0005605) (mo-definition GO--0047427 ""Catalysis of the reaction: 2 H2O + 3-cyano-L-alanine = NH3 + L-aspartate." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (subclass GO--0032506 GO--0009987) (subclass GO--0043004 GO--0043002) (subclass GO--0045124 GO--0046850) (subclass GO--0009602 GO--0009581) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009052 ""pentose phosphate shunt, non-oxidative branch" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0005975 "Reactome:290396") (mo-alternateID GO--0047930 "GO:0050443") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050427 "Reactome:243986") (subclass GO--0007207 GO--0007200) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0040001 ""spindle positioning during mitosis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051197 "positive regulation of coenzyme metabolic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002741 ""up-regulation of cytokine secretion during immune response" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008538 "proteasome activator activity") (mo-definition GO--0019781 ""Catalysis of the initiation of the NEDD8 (RUB1) conjugation cascade." [PMID:12646924]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0003908 "EC:") (subclass GO--0046475 GO--0009395) (mo-definition GO--0046359 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of butyrate, the anion of butyric acid." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0035306 ""activation of dephosphorylation" []") (mo-definition GO--0000086 ""Progression from G2 phase to M phase of the mitotic cell cycle." [GOC:mah]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0051436 "Reactome:279795") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043536 ""upregulation of blood vessel endothelial cell migration" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019065 "Reactome:168285") (mo-definition GO--0044242 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of lipids, as carried out by individual cells." [GOC:jl]") (subclass GO--0043126 GO--0043550) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030878 "thyroid gland development") (mo-definition GO--0052038 ""Any process by which an organism modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the directed movement of substances within the cell or cells of the host organism. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction." [GOC:mtg_pamgo_17jul06]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030858 ""up-regulation of epithelial cell differentiation" []") (mo-definition GO--0050392 ""Catalysis of the reaction: (R)-vicianin + H2O = mandelonitrile + vicianose." [EC:, MetaCyc:VICIANIN-BETA-GLUCOSIDASE-RXN]") (mo-definition GO--0030435 ""The formation of spores." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005272 "sodium channel activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0015467 ""G-protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042852 ""L-alanine synthesis" []") (subclass GO--0002716 GO--0002707) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030323 "respiratory tube development") (subclass GO--0045364 GO--0045363) (subclass GO--0007509 GO--0042074) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006877 "cobalt ion homeostasis") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046179 ""D-dehydro-D-gluconate formation" []") (subclass GO--0052519 GO--0052520) (mo-definition GO--0005463 ""Enables the directed movement of N-acetylgalactosamine into, out of, within or between cells. N-acetylgalactosamine is a substance composed of N-acetylgalactosamine, a common structural unit of oligosaccharides, in glycosidic linkage with uridine diphosphate." [GOC:ai]") (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of 4-toluenecarboxylate, 4-methylbenzenecarboxylate, the anion of carboxylic acid attached to a methylbenzene molecule." [GOC:ai]") (mo-definition GO--0048220 ""The directed movement of substances from the Golgi apparatus to the rough endoplasmic reticulum, mediated by vesicles." [GOC:jic, ISBN:0716731363, PMID:10219233]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0002827 ""activation of T-helper 1 type immune response" []") (mo-definition GO--0001951 ""Uptake of D-glucose into the blood by absorption from the small intestine." [GOC:mgi_curators, PMID:5601832]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006478 ""peptidyl-tyrosine sulphation" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050540 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002748 ""antigen processing and presentation initiated by PAMP receptor mediated uptake of antigen" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018451 "EC:1.1.1.-") (mo-definition GO--0004837 ""Catalysis of the reaction: L-tyrosine = tyramine + CO2." [EC:]") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0005309 ""sodium/chloride-dependent creatine transporter" []") (mo-definition GO--0005945 ""A allosteric homotetrameric molecule with glycolytic activity." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008556 "potassium-transporting ATPase activity") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0051038 ""inhibition of transcription, meiotic" []") (mo-definition GO--0046474 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of glycerophospholipids, any derivative of glycerophosphate that contains at least one O-acyl, O-alkyl, or O-alkenyl group attached to the glycerol residue." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (subclass GO--0032772 GO--0032769) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0045112 GO--0007009) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0052330 ""stimulation by organism of programmed cell death in other organism during symbiotic interaction" []") (subclass GO--0016557 GO--0016044) (mo-definition GO--0005052 ""Interacting selectively with a type 1 peroxisome targeting signal, a tripeptide with the consensu thes (S/A/C)-(K/R/H)-L." [GOC:mah, PMID:11687502]") (subclass GO--0048622 GO--0030435) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0048173 ""activation of short-term neuronal synaptic plasticity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050825 ""ice crystal binding" []") (subclass GO--0016778 GO--0016772) (subclass GO--0010385 GO--0003690) (subclass GO--0004353 GO--0016639) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047853 "EC:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015537 "xanthosine permease activity") (mo-definition GO--0042333 ""The directed movement of a motile cell or organism in response to the presence of an oxidizable substrate, for example, fructose." [GOC:jl, PMID:11029423]") (subclass GO--0032331 GO--0045596) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045923 "positive regulation of fatty acid metabolic process") (subclass GO--0033007 GO--0033004) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031664 ""regulation of lipopolysaccharide-mediated signalling pathway" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0015407 "MetaCyc:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030970 ""retrograde protein transport, endoplasmic reticulum to cytosol" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0016838 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0009161 GO--0009259) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016788 "hydrolase activity, acting on ester bonds") (documentation GO--0002223 EnglishLanguage "This term was added by GO_REF:0000022.") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000220 "hydrogen ion transporting ATPase V0 domain") (mo-alternateID GO--0016691 "GO:0016956") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032774 ""RNA synthesis" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050512 "EC:") (subclass GO--0003838 GO--0008169) (subclass GO--0052078 GO--0052005) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019711 ""peptidyl-beta-carboxyaspartic acid synthesis from peptidyl-aspartic acid" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0000399 GO--0005935) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0017040 "MetaCyc:CERAMIDASE-RXN") (subclass GO--0018481 GO--0016620) (subclass GO--0006169 GO--0046085) (subclass GO--0006285 GO--0009264) (subclass GO--0015136 GO--0008028) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002666 ""positive regulation of T-lymphocyte tolerance induction" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0042158 "Reactome:228178") (subclass GO--0018980 GO--0019752) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030223 "neutrophil differentiation") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0052495 "occlusion by organism of vascular system in other organism during symbiotic interaction") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042845 ""glycol anabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045541 ""down regulation of cholesterol biosynthetic process" []") (mo-definition GO--0018556 ""Catalysis of the reaction: 2,3-dihydroxybenzenoid + O2 = H+ + distal extradiol ring cleavage. Substrates are 2,2',3-trihydroxybiphenyl (forms 2-hydroxy-6-oxo-6-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-hexa-2,4-dienoate) and 2,2',3-trihydroxydiphenylether (forms 2,3-hydroxy-6-oxo-6-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-hexa-2,4-dienoate)." [UM-BBD_enzymeID:e0032]") (mo-definition GO--0009625 ""A change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a stimulus from an insect." [GOC:hb]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030307 ""up regulation of cell growth" []") (mo-definition GO--0048321 ""The process whereby a relatively unspecialized cell acquires specialized features of an axial mesoderm cell." [GOC:dgh]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016199 "axon midline choice point recognition") (mo-definition GO--0051967 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of glutamatergic synaptic transmission, the process of communication from a neuron to another neuron across a synapse using the neurotransmitter glutamate." [GOC:ai]") (documentation GO--0021910 EnglishLanguage "This term was added by GO_REF:0000021.") (subclass GO--0019372 GO--0019369) (mo-definition GO--0021573 ""The process whose specific outcome is the progression of rhombomere 7 over time, from its formation to the mature structure. Rhombomeres are transverse segments of the developing rhombencephalon. Rhombomeres are lineage restricted, express different genes from one another, and adopt different developmental fates. Rhombomeres are numbered in anterior to posterior order." [GOC:cls, GOC:curators, GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jic, GOC:mtg_15jun06]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018970 ""methylbenzene metabolic process" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043072 ""negative regulation of nonapoptotic programmed cell death" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0044260 "cellular macromolecule metabolic process") (mo-alternateID GO--0032501 "GO:0050874") (subclass GO--0009691 GO--0042446) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0048081 ""stimulation of cuticle pigmentation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048013 ""Eph receptor signaling pathway" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0008924 ""malate-vitamin K reductase" []") (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because it represents a an abnormal process that is harmful to the organism. To update annotations, consider biological_process term 'immune response ; GO:0006955' or its children.") (subclass GO--0017199 GO--0018210) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008081 "phosphoric diester hydrolase activity") (subclass GO--0015755 GO--0008645) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051168 ""export from nucleus" []") (subclass GO--0001603 GO--0008528) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004675 "EC:2.7.1.-") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043422 ""PKB binding" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0008117 ""sphingosine-1-phosphate lyase" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032073 ""down-regulation of restriction endodeoxyribonuclease activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045534 ""negative regulation of interleukin-26 synthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0015274 ""organellar voltage gated chloride channel activity" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009808 "lignin metabolic process") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006600 "Reactome:274068") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050055 "EC:") (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because it refers to a class of gene products. To update annotations, consider biological_process term 'heterophilic cell adhesion ; GO:0007157' or its children and molecular_function term 'galactose binding ; GO:0005534'.") (mo-definition GO--0030959 ""The posttranslation modification of two peptidyl-tyrosines to form a 3'-(3'-L-tyrosinyl)-L-tyrosine protein cross-link." [RESID:AA0367]") (mo-definition GO--0046930 ""Any small opening in a membrane that allows the passage of gases and/or liquids." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042576 "aspartyl aminopeptidase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051603 ""proteolysis during cellular protein catabolic process" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030808 ""regulation of nucleotide formation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0017068 ""glu-tRNA(gln) amidotransferase" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0021912 "regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter involved in spinal cord motor neuron fate specification") (mo-exactSynonym ""2,4-dichlorobenzoate anabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032793 ""activation of CREB" []") (subclass GO--0030121 GO--0044431) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030371 "translation repressor activity") (subclass GO--0019573 GO--0051167) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047775 "MetaCyc:CITRAMALATE-COA-TRANSFERASE-RXN") (documentation GO--0004402 EnglishLanguage "Note that the term 'histone lysine acetyltransferase activity ; GO:0046971' was merged into this term because only lysine residues are ever acetylated in histones, and so the term was redundant.") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0015413 "MetaCyc:") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008629 "Reactome:252597") (mo-definition GO--0045575 ""The change in morphology and behavior of a basophil resulting from exposure to a cytokine, chemokine, soluble factor, or to (at least in mammals) an antigen which the basophil has specifically bound via IgE bound to Fc-epsilonRI receptors." [GOC:mgi_curators, ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology"]") (subclass GO--0045498 GO--0007423) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0051064 "EC:1.17.4.-") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048525 ""downregulation of viral life cycle" []") (subclass GO--0045906 GO--0019229) (mo-definition GO--0050409 ""Catalysis of the reaction: UDP-L-arabinose + indol-3-ylacetyl-myo-inositol = UDP + indol-3-ylacetyl-myo-inositol L-arabinoside." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030814 ""regulation of 3',5'-cAMP metabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047018 "indole-3-acetaldehyde reductase (NADH) activity") (subclass GO--0004516 GO--0016763) (subclass GO--0051976 GO--0019878) (subclass GO--0046512 GO--0046520) (subclass GO--0006398 GO--0008334) (subclass GO--0005988 GO--0005984) (mo-definition GO--0015859 ""The directed movement of a nucleoside, a nucleobase linked to either beta-D-ribofuranose (ribonucleoside) or 2-deoxy-beta-D-ribofuranose, (a deoxyribonucleotide), within a cell." [GOC:ai]") (mo-definition GO--0051514 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of monopolar cell growth, polarized growth from one end of a cell." [GOC:ai]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002798 ""downregulation of antibacterial peptide secretion" []") (documentation GO--0030914 EnglishLanguage "See also the cellular component term 'SAGA complex ; GO:0000124'.") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031627 ""t-loop biosynthesis" []") (subclass GO--0050828 GO--0042592) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0007094 "Reactome:244975") (subclass GO--0048718 GO--0008407) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047509 "MetaCyc:(R)-DEHYDROPANTOATE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN") (subclass GO--0004830 GO--0004812) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0008139 ""NLS binding" []") (subclass GO--0019842 GO--0005488) (mo-definition GO--0030436 ""The formation of spores as in, but not restricted to, the Bacteria (Bacteria, ncbi_taxonomy_id:2)." [GOC:mah]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0051582 ""activation of neurotransmitter uptake" []") (mo-definition GO--0031001 ""A change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a brefeldin A stimulus." [GOC:mah]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051428 ""polypeptide hormone receptor binding" []") (subclass GO--0004821 GO--0004812) (mo-inSubset GO--0009583 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042812 ""pheromone breakdown" []") (mo-definition GO--0030428 ""A structure composed of peptidoglycan and often chitin in addition to other materials. It usually forms perpendicular to the long axis of a cell or hypha and grows centripetally from the cell wall to the center of the cell and often functions in the compartmentalization of a cell into two daughter cells." [GOC:clt, ISBN:0471940526]") (subclass GO--0007072 GO--0045941) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0015488 ""glucuronoside permease activity" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008946 "EC:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019083 "viral transcription") (mo-definition GO--0047925 ""Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + geranoyl-CoA + HCO3- = ADP + phosphate + 3-(4-methylpent-3-en-1-yl)pent-2-enedioyl-CoA." [EC:, MetaCyc:GERANOYL-COA-CARBOXYLASE-RXN]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0048923 GO--0048919) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006805 "Reactome:274222") (subclass GO--0007603 GO--0007602) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032073 ""downregulation of restriction endodeoxyribonuclease activity" []") (subclass GO--0006463 GO--0043623) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0019072 GO--0019068) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0001716 "MetaCyc:L-AMINO-ACID-OXIDASE-RXN") (mo-inSubset GO--0042875 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0050635 ""Catalysis of the reaction: 3 malonyl-CoA + N-methylanthraniloyl-CoA = 4 CoA + 1,3-dihydroxy-N-methylacridone + 3 CO2." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0009414 ""drought tolerance" []") (mo-definition GO--0016295 ""Catalysis of the reaction: myristoyl-[acyl-carrier protein] + H2O = [acyl-carrier protein] + myristate." [EC:]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004556 "MetaCyc:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019495 ""proline catabolism to 2-ketoglutarate" []") (subclass GO--0019167 GO--0016831) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004326 "tetrahydrofolylpolyglutamate synthase activity") (mo-definition GO--0016274 ""Catalysis of the transfer of a methyl group from S-adenosyl-L-methionine to an amino group of an arginine residue in a protein substrate." [GOC:mah, PMID:12351636]") (subclass GO--0004464 GO--0016846) (subclass GO--0003810 GO--0016755) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051490 ""downregulation of filopodium formation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002589 ""regulation of peptide antigen processing and presentation via MHC class I" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0035302 "ecdysteroid 25-hydroxylase activity") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0035284 GO--0007420) (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because the term string was ambiguous and the term may represent a molecular function. To update annotations, consider biological_process term 'electron transport ; GO:0006118' or its children and molecular_function term '6-phosphofructokinase activity ; GO:0003872'.") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0003920 "GMP reductase activity") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0048777 ""activation of leucophore differentiation" []") (mo-definition GO--0005822 ""One of three laminate structures that form the spindle pole body; the inner plaque is in the nucleus." [ISBN:0879693568]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0003812 "EC:") (mo-inSubset GO--0052077 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043446 ""alkane metabolism" []") (subclass GO--0045857 GO--0040030) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0044263 "multicellular organismal polysaccharide metabolic process") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0015438 "EC:") (subclass GO--0048343 GO--0001710) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0001302 ""replicative cell ageing" []") (mo-definition GO--0010125 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of mycothiol, which consists of N-acetyl-L-cysteine linked to a pseudodisaccharide, D-glucosamine and myo-inositol. Mycothiol is produced in actinomycetes like mycobacteria and serves similar functions to glutathione." [GOC:pz]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004166 "MetaCyc:") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004361 "EC:") (subclass GO--0030655 GO--0030653) (mo-inSubset GO--0016876 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008633 "Reactome:211606") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004132 "MetaCyc:DCMP-DEAMINASE-RXN") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047111 "formate dehydrogenase (cytochrome-c-553) activity") (subclass GO--0001990 GO--0050886) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018716 "EC:2.4.1.-") (subclass GO--0042223 GO--0042089) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045383 ""positive regulation of IL-18 biosynthetic process" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0010015 GO--0048364) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047636 "MetaCyc:ALANOPINE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN") (mo-inSubset GO--0051235 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0043216 GO--0042626) (subclass GO--0008104 GO--0033036) (termFormat EnglishLanguage "lytic viral life cycle") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031299 "taurine-pyruvate aminotransferase activity") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050405 "MetaCyc:[ACETYL-COA-CARBOXYLASE]-KINASE-RXN") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0032058 ""stimulation of translation initiation in response to stress" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0005992 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0010213 ""light-independent DNA repair" [GOC:syr]") (subclass GO--0047028 GO--0016616) (mo-definition GO--0007584 ""A change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a nutrient stimulus." [GOC:go_curators]") (subclass GO--0019256 GO--0042178) (subclass GO--0046226 GO--0019439) (mo-definition GO--0004818 ""Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + L-glutamate + tRNA(Glu) = AMP + diphosphate + L-glutamyl-tRNA(Glu)." [EC:]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0007317 "regulation of pole plasm oskar mRNA localization") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002837 ""regulation of immune response to tumour cell" []") (mo-definition GO--0021597 ""The process that contributes to the act of creating the structural organization of the central nervous system structure. The central nervous system is the core nervous system that serves an integrating and coordinating function. In vertebrates it consists of the brain, spinal cord and spinal nerves. In those invertebrates with a central nervous system it typically consists of a brain, cerebral ganglia and a nerve cord." [GOC:cls, GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jic, GOC:mtg_15jun06, ISBN:0582227089]") (subclass GO--0019955 GO--0005515) (subclass GO--0031580 GO--0051665) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043310 ""downregulation of eosinophil degranulation" []") (mo-definition GO--0009851 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of auxins, plant hormones that regulate aspects of plant growth." [GOC:lm, GOC:lr, ISBN:0122146743]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002443 ""leukocyte immune effector process" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0052073 ""induction by organism of defense-related host jasmonic acid-mediated signal transduction pathway" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0035119 "embryonic pelvic fin morphogenesis") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048845 "venous blood vessel morphogenesis") (subclass GO--0009308 GO--0044237) (mo-definition GO--0045270 ""One of two stalks that connect the catalytic core of the hydrogen-transporting ATP synthase to the plasma membrane-associated Fo proteins; rotates within the catalytic core during catalysis." [GOC:mtg_sensu, PMID:10838056]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031324 ""negative regulation of cellular metabolism" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019917 "RESID:AA0191") (subclass GO--0045620 GO--0051250) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043250 "sodium-dependent organic anion transporter activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "activation of MAPKK during sporulation (sensu Saccharomyces)") (mo-inSubset GO--0047806 gosubset_prok) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0015199 ""proline/glycine/betaine:hydrogen/sodium symporter activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0005579 ""MAC" []") (subclass GO--0046106 GO--0019859) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046475 ""phosphoglyceride catabolic process" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002292 ""T lymphocyte differentiation during immune response" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0046413 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0017162 GO--0008134) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000809 "cytoplasmic origin of replication recognition complex") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050629 ""tetrachloroethene reductive dehalogenase activity" []") (subclass GO--0046759 GO--0019078) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0030762 "MetaCyc:") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045389 ""activation of interleukin-20 biosynthetic process" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0004824 ""lysyl-tRNA synthetase activity" []") (subclass GO--0030822 GO--0030816) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0004632 ""phosphopantothenoylcysteine synthetase activity" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019772 "low affinity IgG receptor activity") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050049 "EC:") (subclass GO--0019510 GO--0046498) (subclass GO--0065006 GO--0065003) (subclass GO--0047311 GO--0008483) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0001789 ""G protein signalling, coupled to S1P second messenger (sphingosine kinase activating)" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048704 "embryonic skeletal morphogenesis") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002647 "negative regulation of central tolerance induction") (subclass GO--0043312 GO--0042119) (documentation GO--0021661 EnglishLanguage "This term was added by GO_REF:0000021.") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019323 "pentose catabolic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009693 ""ethylene biosynthesis" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004499 "MetaCyc:") (subclass GO--0007072 GO--0022402) (mo-definition GO--0042593 ""Any of the processes involved in the maintenance of an internal equilibrium of glucose within an organism or cell." [GOC:go_curators]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0010395 "rhamnogalacturonan I metabolic process") (subclass GO--0042778 GO--0006399) (subclass GO--0051151 GO--0051150) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002352 ""B lymphocyte negative selection" []") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0021624 ""CN III structural organization" []") (mo-definition GO--0005901 ""A small pit, depression, or invagination, such as any of the minute pits or incuppings of the cell membrane formed during pinocytosis, that communicates with the outside of a cell and extends inward, indenting the cytoplasm and the cell membrane. Such caveolae may be pinched off to form free vesicles within the cytoplasm." [http://cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk/, ISBN:0721662544]") (subclass GO--0047791 GO--0016628) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048450 "floral organ structural organization") (documentation GO--0000118 EnglishLanguage "Note that this term represents a location, not a function; the activity possessed by this complex is mentioned in the definition for the purpose of describing and distinguishing the complex. The function of this complex is represented by the molecular function term 'histone deacetylase activity ; GO:0004407'.") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018988 "molting cycle, protein-based cuticle") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046504 ""glycerol ether synthesis" []") (subclass GO--0052246 GO--0052218) (mo-definition GO--0051523 ""The process by which a cell switches from monopolar cell growth to bipolar cell growth." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0032258 GO--0006623) (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. Polypeptide antibiotic secreted by bacteria and able to kill bacteria of susceptible strains after absorption by specific cell surface receptor." [ISBN:0198547684]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009915 "phloem loading") (subclass GO--0005721 GO--0000792) (subclass GO--0042573 GO--0042445) (subclass GO--0052165 GO--0052304) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051932 "synaptic transmission, GABAergic") (subclass GO--0019904 GO--0005515) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018115 "RESID:AA0223") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046428 "1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoate octaprenyltransferase activity") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0030800 ""inhibition of cyclic nucleotide metabolic process" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019539 ""siderophore synthesis from hydroxamic acid" []") (subclass GO--0045750 GO--0007090) (subclass GO--0052026 GO--0052312) (mo-definition GO--0008284 ""Any process that activates or increases the rate or extent of cell proliferation." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-definition GO--0016346 ""The directed movement of chromosomes in the center of the spindle towards the spindle poles, mediated by the shortening of microtubules attached to the chromosomes, during male meiosis." [GOC:ai]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050997 "quaternary ammonium group binding") (subclass GO--0051097 GO--0051095) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019211 "phosphatase activator activity") (mo-definition GO--0015960 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of diadenosine polyphosphate, a derivative of the nucleoside adenosine with phosphate groups attached." [GOC:ai]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019853 ""L-ascorbic acid anabolism" []") (subclass GO--0009097 GO--0006549) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042659 "regulation of cell fate specification") (mo-definition GO--0008735 ""Catalysis of the reaction: L-carnitine = 4-(trimethylammonio)but-2-enoate + H2O." [EC:]") (mo-definition Learning ""Any process in an organism in which a relatively long-lasting adaptive behavioral change occurs as the result of experience." [ISBN:0582227089, ISBN:0721662544]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006532 ""aspartate formation" []") (subclass GO--0045428 GO--0009889) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051949 ""down regulation of gamma-aminobutyric acid uptake during transmission of nerve impulse" []") (subclass GO--0032708 GO--0032668) (termFormat EnglishLanguage "tRNA-Y splicing") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0050826 ""antifreeze activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032765 ""up regulation of mast cell cytokine production" []") (subclass GO--0015847 GO--0015846) (subclass GO--0045244 GO--0042709) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0015822 ""L-ornithine transport" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005982 "starch metabolic process") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015504 "cytosine permease activity") (mo-inSubset GO--0015359 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0052008 ""The chemical reactions and pathways performed by an organism resulting in the breakdown of cellular components of the host organism. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction." [ISBN:0198547684]") (mo-definition GO--0031571 ""A cell cycle checkpoint that arrests cell cycle progression G1 phase in response to DNA damage." [GOC:mah]") (subclass GO--0001937 GO--0008285) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009782 "photosystem I antenna complex") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0008367 ""bacterium binding" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050729 ""up regulation of inflammatory response" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008582 "regulation of synaptic growth at neuromuscular junction") (subclass GO--0009204 GO--0009264) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002832 ""down-regulation of response to biotic stimulus" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006260 "Reactome:220604") (subclass GO--0046398 GO--0019585) (subclass GO--0042535 GO--0042534) (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0000750 ""inactivation of MAPK (mating sensu Fungi)" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0004190 ""aspartic protease activity" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018329 "RESID:AA0227") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050047 "MetaCyc:LEUCINE-2,3-AMINOMUTASE-RXN") (subclass GO--0021623 GO--0021603) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031089 "platelet dense granule lumen") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0010115 ""regulation of abscisic acid biosynthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0008292 ""acetylcholine anabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016318 "ommatidial rotation") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019436 "MetaCyc:SOPHOROSYLOXYDOCOSANOATE-DEG-PWY") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0015426 "EC:") (mo-inSubset GO--0006510 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0009083 "Reactome:230332") (subclass GO--0042941 GO--0042940) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019607 "MetaCyc:2PHENDEG-PWY") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006501 "Reactome:221709") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051134 ""downregulation of NK T cell activation" []") (subclass GO--0009837 GO--0009835) (subclass GO--0042218 GO--0042398) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0032388 ""activation of intracellular transport" []") (subclass GO--0018594 GO--0016705) (subclass GO--0019928 GO--0018198) (mo-inSubset GO--0009653 goslim_plant) (subclass GO--0019142 GO--0046912) (subclass GO--0043343 GO--0043342) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0031774 ""leukotriene receptor ligand" []") (mo-definition GO--0031386 ""Acting as an indicator or marker to facilitate recognition by other molecules in the cell. Recognition of the tag, which can be covalently attached to the target molecule, may result in modification, sequestration, transport or degradation of the molecule in question." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046517 ""octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane catabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051610 ""5-HT uptake" []") (mo-definition GO--0008510 ""Catalysis of the reaction: Na+(out) + HCO3-(out) = Na+(in) + HCO3-(in)." [TC:2.A.31.2.1]") (subclass GO--0004098 GO--0008484) (subclass GO--0000212 GO--0022402) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051081 ""nuclear envelope catabolism" []") (subclass GO--0047665 GO--0008483) (subclass GO--0006725 GO--0044237) (mo-inSubset GO--0015288 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0018579 GO--0016702) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030820 ""regulation of adenosine 3',5'-cyclophosphate catabolic process" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006406 "Reactome:244964") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042113 ""B-lymphocyte activation" []") (subclass GO--0004673 GO--0016775) (subclass GO--0007120 GO--0000282) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0042209 "UM-BBD_pathwayID:orc") (subclass GO--0007191 GO--0007189) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048647 "polyphenic determination") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051431 "corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor 2 binding") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019339 ""parathion catabolism" []") (documentation GO--0022027 EnglishLanguage "This term was added by GO_REF:0000021.") (mo-definition GO--0006814 ""The directed movement of sodium ions (Na+) into, out of, within or between cells." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0016011 GO--0044459) (mo-definition GO--0031393 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of the chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of prostaglandin." [GOC:mah]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002642 ""up-regulation of immunoglobulin biosynthetic process" []") (mo-definition GO--0047751 ""Catalysis of the reaction: 5-alpha-cholestan-3-one + NADP+ = cholest-4-en-3-one + NADPH." [EC:, MetaCyc:CHOLESTENONE-5-ALPHA-REDUCTASE-RXN]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006078 ""1,6-beta-glucan biosynthesis" []") (mo-definition GO--0004660 ""Catalysis of the reaction: farnesyl diphosphate + protein-cysteine = S-farnesyl protein + diphosphate." [EC:, PMID:8621375]") (mo-definition GO--0031712 ""Interacting selectively with a B1 bradykinin receptor." [GOC:mah, GOC:nln]") (subclass GO--0001858 GO--0004875) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045773 ""activation of axon extension" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031589 "cell-substrate adhesion") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006895 ""trans-Golgi to endosome transport" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0045187 GO--0050802) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000074 "Reactome:268364") (mo-definition GO--0042308 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of the movement of proteins from the cytoplasm into the nucleus." [GOC:jl]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0007300 "nurse cell to oocyte transport (sensu Insecta)") (mo-definition GO--0051393 ""Interacting selectively with alpha-actinin, one of a family of proteins that cross-link F-actin as antiparallel homodimers. Alpha-actinin has a molecular mass of 93-103 KDa; at the N-terminus there are two calponin homology domains, at the C-terminus there are two EF-hands. These two domains are connected by the rod domain. This domain is formed by triple-helical spectrin repeats." [PMID:10984498, PMID:11699871, PMID:15014165]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048557 "embryonic digestive tract morphogenesis") (subclass GO--0009539 GO--0043234) (mo-exactSynonym ""4-toluenesulfonate biosynthetic process" []") (subclass GO--0017078 GO--0030192) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0004842 ""ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme activity" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "autophagic death (sensu Fungi)") (mo-definition GO--0009579 ""A membraneous cellular structure that bears the photosynthetic pigments in photosynthetic organisms. In prokaryotes the thylakoids are of various shapes and are attached to the plasma membrane. In eukaryotes they are flattened, membrane-bound disk-like structures located in the chloroplasts; in the chloroplasts of higher plants the thylakoids form dense stacks called grana. Isolated thylakoid preparations can carry out photosynthetic electron transport and the associated phosphorylation." [GOC:mtg_sensu, ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0030709 ""border cell delamination" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0018352 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0010215 "cellulose microfibril organization") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0019782 ""UBE1L" []") (subclass GO--0007514 GO--0030154) (subclass GO--0042720 GO--0044455) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0003827 ""alpha-1,3-mannosylglycoprotein beta-1,2-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity" []") (subclass GO--0051173 GO--0009893) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009238 ""enterobactin metabolism" []") (subclass GO--0035187 GO--0007610) (mo-inSubset GO--0006476 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0016520 GO--0001633) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031724 "CXCR5 chemokine receptor binding") (documentation GO--0046962 EnglishLanguage "Consider also annotating to the molecular function term 'ATP binding ; GO:0005524'.") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042518 ""downregulation of tyrosine phosphorylation of Stat3 protein" []") (subclass GO--0030309 GO--0009308) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006415 "Reactome:251524") (subclass GO--0045528 GO--0042035) (mo-definition GO--0043299 ""The regulated exocytosis of secretory granules by a leukocyte." [GOC:add, GOC:mtg_15nov05, ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology"]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046363 "ribitol catabolic process") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0021649 "vestibulocochlear nerve structural organization") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018204 "peptidyl-leucine modification") (mo-definition GO--0048885 ""The process by which a migrating neuromast primordium deposits clusters of undifferentiated cells (proneuromasts) along its migratory path in a developing lateral line." [PMID:15018940]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052297 ""modulation by organism of gene-4-gene resistance in other organism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019495 ""proline catabolic process to alpha-oxoglutarate" []") (subclass GO--0002497 GO--0002496) (mo-inSubset GO--0051083 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047963 "glycine N-choloyltransferase activity") (mo-inSubset GO--0019272 gosubset_prok) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0043067 GO--0012501) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046682 "response to cyclodiene") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019642 ""modifed Embden-Meyerhof pathway" []") (subclass GO--0046346 GO--0046348) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031947 ""down-regulation of glucocorticoid biosynthetic process" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0050841 gosubset_prok) (mo-inSubset GO--0045499 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043238 "laminin-2 binding") (mo-definition GO--0042045 ""The directed movement of fluid across epithelia." [GOC:jl, PMID:11390830]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0044267 ""cellular protein metabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0047675 ""Catalysis of the reaction: D-arabinonate = 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-arabinonate + H2O." [EC:, MetaCyc:ARABINONATE-DEHYDRATASE-RXN]") (mo-definition GO--0006858 ""The transport of substances that occurs outside cells." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-definition GO--0043716 ""Cataysis of the dephosphorylation of 2-hydroxy-3-keto-5-methylthiopentenyl-1-phosphate (HK-MTPenyl-P) to 1,2-dihydroxy-3-keto-5-methylthiopentene (DHK-MTPene)." [UniProt:O31667]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0008038 ""neuronal cell recognition" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019270 ""aerobactin anabolism" []") (subclass GO--0052277 GO--0052250) (mo-definition GO--0051918 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of fibrinolysis, an ongoing process that solubilizes fibrin, resulting in the removal of small blood clots." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0030873 GO--0015935) (mo-definition GO--0032967 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of collagen, any of a group of fibrous proteins of very high tensile strength that form the main component of connective tissue in animals." [GOC:mah]") (subclass GO--0008479 GO--0016763) (mo-definition GO--0015848 ""The directed movement of spermidine, N-(3-aminopropyl)-1,4-diaminobutane, a polyamine formed by the transfer of a propylamine group from decarboxylated S-adenosylmethionine to putrescine, into, out of, within or between cells." [GOC:krc, ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018664 "MetaCyc:BENZOATE-4-MONOOXYGENASE-RXN") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009435 ""oxidized nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide biosynthetic process" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032172 "germ tube septin ring") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0005768 ""endosomal oligosaccharide transporter" []") (subclass GO--0005996 GO--0006066) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031665 ""down regulation of lipopolysaccharide-mediated signaling pathway" []") (mo-definition GO--0031514 ""A cilium that consists of a 9 + 2 arrangement of microtubules, radial spokes, and a dynein apparatus. Motile cilia, found on cells that line the lumenal ducts of various tissues, beat with a characteristic whip-like pattern that promotes cell motility or transport of fluids and other cells across a cell surface." [GOC:kva]") (mo-definition GO--0022020 ""The multiplication or reproduction of medial ganglionic eminence cells, resulting in the rapid expansion of a cell population." [GOC:cls, GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jic, GOC:mtg_15jun06]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051132 ""NT cell activation" []") (subclass GO--0006031 GO--0006030) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030517 ""down-regulation of axon extension" []") (subclass GO--0045576 GO--0002274) (subclass GO--0032449 GO--0043234) (documentation EnglishLanguage "Represents the transitive property. (Typedefs only)") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0005992 "MetaCyc:TRESYN-PWY") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004551 "EC:") (mo-definition GO--0016679 ""Catalysis of an oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction in which a diphenol or related substance acts as a hydrogen or electron donor and reduces a hydrogen or electron acceptor." [GOC:ai]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006383 "Reactome:262056") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030821 ""negative regulation of adenosine 3',5'-cyclophosphate catabolic process" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050947 "negative regulation of early stripe melanocyte differentiation") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045774 ""down regulation of beta 2 integrin biosynthetic process" []") (subclass GO--0031328 GO--0009891) (mo-definition GO--0047638 ""Catalysis of the reaction: albendazole + NADPH + O2 = albendazole S-oxide + NADP+ + H2O." [EC:, MetaCyc:ALBENDAZOLE-MONOOXYGENASE-RXN]") (mo-inSubset GO--0030202 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0021541 GO--0048856) (subclass GO--0051704 BiologicalProcess) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052373 ""downregulation by organism of entry into other organism during symbiotic interaction" []") (subclass GO--0001635 GO--0001633) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031917 "negative regulation of synaptic metaplasticity") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0031894 ""V1A vasopressin receptor ligand" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0042515 ""activation of tyrosine phosphorylation of Stat2 protein" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0030672 GO--0008021) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0021937 GO--0021940) (subclass GO--0044246 GO--0051239) (mo-inSubset GO--0043664 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019081 ""viral protein synthesis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0010104 "regulation of ethylene mediated signaling pathway") (mo-definition GO--0048488 ""Invagination of the axonal plasma membrane creating a membrane bound vesicle. Without this process the presynaptic terminal would swell up due to fusion of vesicle membranes during neurotransmitter release. The vesicles created may subsequently be used for neurotransmitter storage/release." [GOC:jic, GOC:lmg]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006142 ""regulation of pyrimidine base metabolism" []") (subclass GO--0052365 GO--0052353) (mo-definition GO--0019067 ""The processes involved in the assembly, maturation, egress, and release of progeny virions." [ISBN:1555811272]") (subclass GO--0019517 GO--0006089) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009202 ""deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate synthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046474 ""glycerophospholipid synthesis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047361 "phosphomannan mannosephosphotransferase activity") (mo-definition GO--0032663 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate, or extent of interleukin-2 production." [GOC:mah]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0020038 GO--0020039) (mo-inSubset GO--0009221 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0047000 GO--0016616) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0035155 ""down-regulation of terminal cell fate specification" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006518 "peptide metabolic process") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0017153 "sodium:dicarboxylate symporter activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000703 "oxidized pyrimidine base lesion DNA N-glycosylase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0052004 "negative regulation by symbiont of host salicylic acid-mediated defense response") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0033030 ""down-regulation of neutrophil apoptosis" []") (subclass GO--0032805 GO--0032803) (subclass GO--0002370 GO--0002228) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048295 ""upregulation of isotype switching to IgE isotypes" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0015937 ""coenzyme A biosynthesis" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0016261 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0004058 ""Catalysis of the reaction: L-tryptophan = tryptamine + CO2." [EC:]") (subclass GO--0051260 GO--0051259) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0042787 "Reactome:229825") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0030749 "MetaCyc:LOGANATE-O-METHYLTRANSFERASE-RXN") (subclass GO--0042579 GO--0044444) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042267 ""natural killer cell mediated cell death" []") (mo-definition GO--0032313 ""Any process that modulates the activity of a GTPase of the Rab family." [GOC:mah]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030417 "nicotianamine metabolic process") (mo-inSubset GO--0046812 gosubset_prok) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0032731 ""activation of interleukin-1 beta production" []") (subclass GO--0042970 GO--0015175) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002650 ""downregulation of tolerance induction to self antigen" []") (mo-definition GO--0050025 ""Catalysis of the reaction: L-glutamate + O2 + H2O = 2-oxoglutarate + NH3 + H2O2." [EC:, MetaCyc:L-GLUTAMATE-OXIDASE-RXN]") (mo-definition GO--0046686 ""A change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a cadmium (Cd) ion stimulus." [GOC:ai]") (mo-inSubset GO--0009313 gosubset_prok) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0031098 ""JNK signalling pathway" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0016742 "EC:2.1.2") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051719 "DNA (cytosine-5-)-methyltransferase activity, acting on CpN substrates") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019450 ""L-cysteine degradation to pyruvate" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004833 "EC:") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006285 "Reactome:274232") (mo-definition GO--0018893 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving dibenzofuran, a substance composed of two benzene rings linked by one ether bond and one carbon-carbon bond. Dibenzofuran is a white crystalline solid created from the production of coal tar and used as an insecticide and an intermediate in the production of other chemicals." [GOC:ai, UM-BBD_pathwayID:dbf]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042838 ""D-glucarate degradation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031568 "G1/S transition size control checkpoint") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0031848 GO--0016233) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031626 "beta-endorphin binding") (subclass GO--0031185 GO--0031178) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045861 ""negative regulation of peptidolysis" []") (mo-definition GO--0018027 ""The methylation of peptidyl-lysine to form peptidyl-N6,N6-dimethyl-L-lysine." [RESID:AA0075]") (mo-inSubset GO--0008681 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0018889 GO--0042537) (mo-definition GO--0019021 ""A viral genome composed of deoxyribonucleic acid." [ISBN:0121585336]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047740 "EC:") (mo-definition GO--0030638 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving polyketides, any of a diverse group of natural products synthesized via linear poly-beta-ketones, which are themselves formed by repetitive head-to-tail addition of acetyl (or substituted acetyl) units indirectly derived from acetate (or a substituted acetate) by a mechanism similar to that for fatty-acid biosynthesis but without the intermediate reductive steps." [GOC:mah, ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050963 "detection of electrical stimulus during sensory perception") (subclass GO--0048663 GO--0045165) (mo-definition GO--0008066 ""Combining with glutamate to initiate a change in cell activity." [GOC:ai]") (mo-definition GO--0004741 ""Catalysis of the reaction: [pyruvate dehydrogenase (lipoamide)] phosphate + H2O = [pyruvate dehydrogenase (lipoamide)] + phosphate." [EC:]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006385 "Reactome:280549") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009896 ""positive regulation of breakdown" []") (mo-definition GO--0018977 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis-(4-chlorophenyl)ethane (DDT), a chlorinated broad spectrum contact insecticide." [GOC:jl]") (subclass GO--0045716 GO--0045714) (mo-definition GO--0045797 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of uptake of cholesterol into the blood by absorption from the intestine." [GOC:go_curators]") (subclass GO--0031660 GO--0000079) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019756 ""cyanogenic glycoside synthesis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0003688 "DNA replication origin binding") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018072 "peptidyl-L-glutamyl 5-glycerylphosphorylethanolamine biosynthetic process from peptidyl-glutamic acid") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051275 ""beta-glucan catabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031033 "myosin filament assembly or disassembly") (mo-inSubset GO--0051635 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018926 ""methanesulphonic acid metabolic process" []") (subclass GO--0019182 GO--0005254) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0019951 GO--0019950) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0046993 "EC:1.21.3") (subclass GO--0016690 GO--0004601) (mo-inSubset GO--0006378 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019812 ""Type I restriction enzyme complex" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042332 ""gravitactic behavior" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0016278 "EC:2.1.1.-") (subclass GO--0009893 GO--0019222) (subclass GO--0009595 GO--0009607) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030987 "high molecular weight kininogen receptor binding") (subclass GO--0010223 GO--0010346) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0016801 "EC:3.3") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047112 "MetaCyc:") (subclass GO--0019003 GO--0019001) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045252 ""dihydrolipoamide S-succinyltransferase complex" []") (mo-definition GO--0006256 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of UDP, uridine (5'-)diphosphate." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (subclass GO--0032393 GO--0004888) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0014014 ""inhibition of gliogenesis" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0032894 ""inhibition of gluconate transport" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019627 "urea metabolic process") (mo-definition GO--0046984 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of hemoglobin, an oxygen carrying, conjugated protein containing four heme groups and globin." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0016031 GO--0006839) (subclass GO--0051124 GO--0048589) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048677 "axon extension involved in regeneration") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0014060 ""regulation of adrenaline secretion" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0007592 ""cuticle synthesis (sensu Protostomia and Nematoda)" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019551 ""glutamate degradation to 2-oxoglutarate" []") (subclass GO--0010397 GO--0010393) (mo-definition GO--0018222 ""The, presumably, posttranslational modification of peptidyl-cysteine to form peptidyl-L-cysteine methyl disulfide." [RESID:AA0101]") (mo-definition GO--0004377 ""Catalysis of the transfer of an alpha-D-mannosyl residue from GDP-mannose into lipid-linked oligosaccharide, forming an alpha-1,2-D-mannosyl-D-mannose linkage." [EC:]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0032376 ""activation of cholesterol transport" []") (subclass GO--0030403 GO--0008133) (mo-definition GO--0006417 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of proteins by the translation of mRNA." [GOC:isa_complete]") (mo-definition GO--0047478 ""Catalysis of the reaction: NH3 + L-aspartate + ATP = phosphate + L-asparagine + ADP." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047264 "MetaCyc:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043650 ""dicarboxylic acid synthesis" []") (mo-definition GO--0002649 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate, or extent of tolerance induction to self antigen." [GOC:add]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0001580 ""sensory detection of chemical stimulus during perception of bitter taste" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0014035 GO--0014034) (mo-definition GO--0006203 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of dGTP, guanosine triphosphate." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0030513 ""activation of BMP signaling pathway" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0031145 "Reactome:244693") (mo-definition GO--0009527 ""The outer, i.e. cytoplasm-facing, lipid bilayer of the plastid envelope." [GOC:lr]") (subclass GO--0030765 GO--0008757) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002854 ""up regulation of T cell mediated cytotoxicity directed against tumor cell target" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0030290 ""saposin" []") (subclass GO--0019634 GO--0006793) (subclass GO--0006469 GO--0045859) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047224 "acetylgalactosaminyl-O-glycosyl-glycoprotein beta-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity") (mo-definition GO--0051466 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the regulated release of corticotropin-releasing hormone from a cell or group of cells." [GOC:ai]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045206 ""leptomycin B-sensitive MAPK phosphatase transporter activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050941 ""downregulation of pigment cell differentiation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015587 "sorbitol permease activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046101 ""hypoxanthine formation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047284 "dolichyl-xylosyl-phosphate-protein xylosyltransferase activity") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008131 "MetaCyc:AMINE-OXIDASE-(FLAVIN-CONTAINING)-RXN") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047351 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006173 ""dADP biosynthesis" []") (subclass GO--0051198 GO--0051195) (mo-definition GO--0043528 ""A protein complex required for the methylation of the guanosine nucleotide at position 10 (m2G10) in tRNA. In S. cerevisiae, this complex consists of at least two subunits, Trm11p and Trm112p." [PMID:15899842]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032862 "activation of Rho GTPase") (mo-inSubset GO--0046414 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045740 "positive regulation of DNA replication") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005599 "collagen type X") (documentation GO--0021702 EnglishLanguage "This term was added by GO_REF:0000021.") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0050724 ""inhibition of interleukin-1 beta biosynthetic process" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0060085 "smooth muscle relaxation of the bladder outlet") (mo-definition GO--0048337 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of mesoderm cell fate specification." [GOC:dgh]") (subclass GO--0030062 GO--0044429) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0017026 "MetaCyc:") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006368 "Reactome:75955") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042663 ""regulation of endoderm cell fate specification" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042171 "lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043162 ""ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process via the MVB pathway" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005498 "sterol carrier activity") (mo-inSubset GO--0015646 goslim_goa) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002334 ""transitional two stage B-cell differentiation" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0052072 ""activation by organism of defense-related host salicylic acid-mediated signal transduction pathway" []") (subclass GO--0042892 GO--0042891) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045702 ""activation of spermatid nuclear differentiation" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0016708 "EC:1.14.12") (subclass GO--0002542 GO--0002541) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006712 "mineralocorticoid catabolic process") (mo-inSubset GO--0030597 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046118 ""7-methylguanosine biosynthesis" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0007413 GO--0007409) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016167 "glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor receptor activity") (subclass GO--0032875 GO--0006275) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018304 "RESID:AA0286") (mo-inSubset GO--0046179 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0021551 ""The process by which the anatomical structure of the central nervous system is generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form. The central nervous system is the core nervous system that serves an integrating and coordinating function. In vertebrates it consists of the brain, spinal cord and spinal nerves. In those invertebrates with a central nervous system it typically consists of a brain, cerebral ganglia and a nerve cord." [GOC:cls, GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jic, GOC:mtg_15jun06, ISBN:0582227089]") (mo-inSubset GO--0046043 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008215 "Reactome:220877") (mo-definition GO--0006149 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of deoxyinosine, hypoxanthine deoxyriboside." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0046925 "RESID:AA0341") (subclass GO--0046679 GO--0046677) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015799 "propanediol transport") (subclass GO--0015870 GO--0015837) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0052064 "induction by symbiont of defense-related host reactive oxygen species production") (documentation GO--0046992 EnglishLanguage "Note that enzymes of class EC:1.21.99.- should also be annotated to this term.") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004725 "EC:") (mo-inSubset GO--0018258 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0002329 GO--0002327) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018984 "UM-BBD_pathwayID:nphs") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009431 "flagellar basal body, MS ring") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0032100 ""stimulation of appetite" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0033145 ""positive regulation of steroid hormone receptor signalling pathway" []") (mo-definition GO--0050690 ""Any viral process that modulates the frequency, rate, or extent of the antiviral response of the host cell or organism." [GOC:ai]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047992 "MetaCyc:HYDROXYLYSINE-KINASE-RXN") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0021753 "superior salivary nucleus development") (subclass GO--0015883 GO--0051181) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0000188 ""inactivation of MAPK during sporulation (sensu Saccharomyces)" []") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0019508 ""2,5-dihydroxypyridine utilization" []") (subclass GO--0015812 GO--0015807) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050067 "EC:") (mo-definition GO--0043225 ""Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + H2O + anion(out) = ADP + phosphate + anion(in)." [GOC:mlg]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0002894 ""activation of type II hypersensitivity" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0052070 ""inhibition by symbiont of defense-related host ethylene-mediated signal transduction pathway" []") (subclass GO--0048782 GO--0048781) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045753 ""inhibition of acetate catabolic process" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042744 ""hydrogen peroxide breakdown" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0006817 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0018622 GO--0016708) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0050893 GO--0007600) (mo-definition GO--0045398 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of interleukin-23." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-definition GO--0019317 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of fucose (6-deoxygalactose)." [GOC:jl]") (mo-inSubset GO--0046067 gosubset_prok) (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0004155 ""dihydropteridine reduction" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043043 ""peptide synthesis" []") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0055022 ""negative regulation of heart muscle growth" []") (subclass GO--0045753 GO--0045734) (subclass GO--0051158 GO--0051157) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048173 ""up-regulation of short-term neuronal synaptic plasticity" []") (subclass GO--0050794 GO--0050789) (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the chemical reactions and pathways involving coenzymes and prosthetic groups." [GOC:ai]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046665 "amnioserosa maintenance") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047697 "beta-alanopine dehydrogenase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0055022 ""down-regulation of cardiac muscle growth" []") (mo-exactSynonym ""positive regulation by organism of defense-related symbiont metabolic burst" []") (subclass GO--0019661 GO--0019660) (mo-definition GO--0060109 ""The fluid-filled cuticle layer that lies between the cortical and basal layers and is characterized by the presence of regularly spaced columnar struts that lie on either side of the annular furrows and link the two surrounding layers. In C. elegans, a defined medial layer is found only in adult animals." [GOC:dph, GOC:kva, ISSN:15518507]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009818 ""resistance response to pathogenic protozoan" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0043032 ""stimulation of macrophage activation" []") (documentation GO--0004355 EnglishLanguage "Note that this term has a MetaCyc pathway reference as the pathway only has a single step.") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019910 ""pyruvate dehydrogenase (lipoamide) phosphatase complex (sensu Eukaryota)" []") (subclass GO--0030042 GO--0051261) (subclass GO--0004301 GO--0004463) (mo-inSubset GO--0048034 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008779 "acyl-[acyl-carrier-protein]-phospholipid O-acyltransferase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032754 ""upregulation of interleukin-5 production" []") (subclass GO--0021851 GO--0021848) (mo-inSubset GO--0042128 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050158 "EC:") (subclass GO--0007537 GO--0007535) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042741 ""endogenous antibiotic breakdown" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0007528 GO--0048741) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047537 "MetaCyc:2-AMINOHEXANOATE-AMINOTRANSFERASE-RXN") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000121 "MetaCyc:GLYCEROL-1-PHOSPHATASE-RXN") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030793 "3'-demethylstaurosporine O-methyltransferase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015110 "cyanate transporter activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009310 "amine catabolic process") (subclass GO--0052254 GO--0052261) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0010371 GO--0009686) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019895 "kinesin-associated mitochondrial adaptor activity") (mo-definition GO--0048079 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of establishment of a pattern of pigment in the cuticle of an organism." [GOC:jic]") (subclass GO--0006564 GO--0009070) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030817 ""regulation of cAMP anabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042467 "orthokinesis") (mo-inSubset GO--0046467 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0050210 ""Catalysis of the reaction: prenyl diphosphate + H2O = prenol + diphosphate." [EC:, MetaCyc:PRENYL-PYROPHOSPHATASE-RXN]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006027 ""glycosaminoglycan breakdown" []") (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of neurotransmitters and the storage of the synthesized molecules." [GOC:go_curators, ISBN:0123668387]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052264 ""activation by organism of defense-related reactive oxygen intermediate production in other organism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048111 "oocyte axis determination (sensu Insecta)") (subclass GO--0018062 GO--0018211) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052344 ""upregulation by symbiont of host phytoalexin production" []") (subclass GO--0035306 GO--0045937) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0000024 ""maltose formation" []") (mo-definition GO--0009704 ""The greening response of plants grown in the dark (etiolated) as a result of chloroplast biogenesis and the accumulation of chlorophyll." [GOC:lr]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0019183 GO--0005887) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018551 "UM-BBD_enzymeID:e0416") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045572 ""stimulation of imaginal disc growth" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004782 "MetaCyc:SULFINOALANINE-DECARBOXYLASE-RXN") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042158 ""lipoprotein anabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018222 ""peptidyl-L-cysteine methyl disulphide biosynthetic process from peptidyl-cysteine" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031017 "exocrine pancreas development") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006185 ""dGDP formation" []") (subclass GO--0030137 GO--0030135) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050727 "regulation of inflammatory response") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019243 ""methylglyoxal breakdown to D-lactate" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0030848 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032726 ""upregulation of hepatocyte growth factor production" []") (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. Internalization of the contents of a synaptic vesicle into the postsynaptic membrane following endocytosis." [http://cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk, http://www.stedmans.com/]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030828 ""positive regulation of cGMP formation" []") (mo-exactSynonym ""modulation of symbiont intracellular trafficking" []") (subclass GO--0050630 GO--0008171) (mo-definition GO--0017134 ""Interacting selectively with fibroblast growth factor." [PMID:9806903]") (subclass GO--0001868 GO--0030449) (mo-definition GO--0006084 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving acetyl-CoA, a derivative of coenzyme A in which the sulfhydryl group is acetylated; it is a metabolite derived from several pathways (e.g. glycolysis, fatty acid oxidation, amino-acid catabolism) and is further metabolized by the tricarboxylic acid cycle. It is a key intermediate in lipid and terpenoid biosynthesis." [ISBN:0198547684]") (mo-exactSynonym ""para-xylene biosynthesis" []") (mo-definition GO--0050609 ""Catalysis of the reaction: phosphonate + NAD+ + H2O = phosphate + NADH + H+." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (mo-inSubset GO--0051100 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004654 "MetaCyc:") (documentation GO--0051358 EnglishLanguage "See also the biological process term 'peptidyl-tyrosine dehydrogenation ; GO:0018251'.") (subclass GO--0051721 GO--0019903) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002044 "blood vessel endothelial cell migration during intussusceptive angiogenesis") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015976 "carbon utilization") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050390 "valine decarboxylase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051058 "negative regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction") (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. The process of noncoupled solute translocation or facilitated diffusion." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0001837 ""EMT" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009625 "response to insect") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0001988 ""stimulation of heart contraction rate in baroreceptor response to decreased blood pressure" []") (subclass GO--0050924 GO--0050921) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031252 "leading edge") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050293 "MetaCyc:STEROID-LACTONASE-RXN") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008867 "MetaCyc:GALACTARDEHYDRA-RXN") (mo-definition GO--0019398 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of gallate, the anion of gallic acid, via the intermediate 4-carboxy-2-hydroxhexa-2,3-dienedioate." [GOC:jl]") (mo-definition GO--0002384 ""An immune response taking place in the liver." [GOC:jal, GOC:mtg_15nov05, ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology"]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019124 "RESID:AA0192") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006175 "dATP biosynthetic process") (subclass GO--0046767 GO--0046744) (subclass GO--0032659 GO--0001817) (mo-definition GO--0008911 ""Catalysis of the reaction: (S)-lactaldehyde + NAD+ + H2O = (S)-lactate + NADH + H+." [EC:]") (subclass GO--0045722 GO--0045913) (subclass GO--0046088 GO--0046132) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046986 ""negative regulation of hemoglobin biosynthesis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002661 "regulation of B cell tolerance induction") (subclass GO--0046298 GO--0042205) (mo-inSubset GO--0016719 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031106 "septin ring organization") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0006887 ""secretion" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047765 "EC:") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047474 "EC:") (mo-inSubset GO--0019340 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015282 "NADPH oxidase-associated cytochrome b558 hydrogen channel activity") (mo-definition GO--0009828 ""The series of events causing chemical and structural alterations of an existing cellulose and pectin-containing cell wall that results in greater extensibility of the wall. As in, but not restricted to, the flowering plants (Magnoliophyta, ncbi_taxonomy_id:3398)." [GOC:lr, GOC:mtg_sensu]") (subclass GO--0050054 GO--0016702) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004747 "MetaCyc:RIBOKIN-RXN") (mo-definition GO--0046830 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of movement of RNA from the cytoplasm into the nucleus." [GOC:bf]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0033121 GO--0006195) (subclass GO--0003963 GO--0016886) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0008554 ""sodium exporting ATPase activity, phosphorylative mechanism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0003692 "left-handed Z-DNA binding") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0019122 ""alanine racemization" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043016 ""regulation of lymphotoxin A synthesis" []") (subclass GO--0032079 GO--0032077) (subclass GO--0004316 GO--0004312) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031677 "plastid NADH dehydrogenase complex (plastoquinone)") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031046 ""spindle pole body duplication (sensu Schizosaccharomyces)" []") (mo-definition GO--0009901 ""The dehiscence of an anther to release the pollen grains contained within it." [GOC:tb]") (subclass GO--0017143 GO--0009404) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030552 ""3',5' cAMP binding" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0005876 GO--0005819) (termFormat EnglishLanguage "glycine-, glutamate-, thienylcyclohexylpiperidine binding") (subclass GO--0019530 GO--0006575) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045397 ""downregulation of interleukin-23 biosynthetic process" []") (subclass GO--0030198 GO--0043062) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008783 "EC:") (subclass GO--0009422 GO--0044461) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045132 "meiotic chromosome segregation") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008777 "MetaCyc:ACETYLORNDEACET-RXN") (subclass GO--0046899 GO--0016776) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006919 "caspase activation") (subclass GO--0047345 GO--0016779) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045082 ""activation of interleukin-10 biosynthetic process" []") (subclass GO--0031058 GO--0031056) (mo-definition GO--0048709 ""The process whereby a relatively unspecialized cell acquires the specialized features of an oligodendrocyte. An oligodendrocyte is a type of glial cell involved in myelinating the axons of neurons in the central nervous system." [GOC:vp, PMID:15139015]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0035258 "steroid hormone receptor binding") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006676 ""mannosyl diphosphorylinositol ceramide metabolism" []") (subclass GO--0051798 GO--0051094) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002563 "somatic diversification of immune receptors via alternate splicing") (subclass GO--0030835 GO--0030834) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0007329 ""up-regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter by pheromones" []") (mo-definition GO--0015619 ""Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + H2O + thiamin pyrophosphate(out) = ADP + phosphate + thiamin pyrophosphate(in)." [TC:3.A.1.19.1]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "kinetochore motor activity") (mo-definition GO--0032236 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the directed movement of calcium ions via a store-operated calcium channel." [GOC:bf, PMID:16582901]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045969 ""up-regulation of juvenile hormone biosynthetic process" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006743 "ubiquinone metabolic process") (subclass GO--0043098 GO--0046122) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043004 ""cytoplasmic sequestering of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator protein" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043286 ""regulation of PHA" []") (subclass GO--0000743 GO--0030473) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019427 ""acetyl-CoA synthesis from acetate" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018174 ""protein-haem P460 linkage" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0001956 "positive regulation of neurotransmitter secretion") (subclass GO--0031890 GO--0001664) (mo-definition GO--0010090 ""The process by which the structures of a hair cell (trichome) cell are generated and organized. This process occurs while the initially relatively unspecialized epidermal cell is acquiring the specialized features of a hair cell." [GOC:mtg_sensu, GOC:tair_curators]") (mo-definition GO--0020010 ""Coiled microtubules within both the polar and basal rings of the apical complex of an apicomplexan parasite." [ISBN:0521664470]") (subclass GO--0002099 GO--0002097) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0021765 GO--0021761) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045620 ""down-regulation of lymphocyte differentiation" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0009777 GO--0019684) (subclass GO--0032910 GO--0001817) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0031889 ""urotensin receptor ligand" []") (subclass GO--0018893 GO--0042537) (subclass GO--0046648 GO--0046645) (mo-definition GO--0016780 ""Catalysis of the transfer of a substituted phosphate group, other than diphosphate or nucleotidyl residues, from one compound (donor) to a another (acceptor)." [GOC:jl, http://www.chem.qmul.ac.uk/iubmb/enzyme/EC2/intro.html]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048300 "negative regulation of isotype switching to IgD isotypes") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042317 "penicillin catabolic process") (subclass GO--0048050 GO--0048592) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006805 "Reactome:140192") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0000356 ""spliceosomal C1 complex biosynthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051375 ""calsarcin 1 binding" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019088 "immortalization of host cell by virus") (mo-definition GO--0004089 ""Catalysis of the reaction: H2CO3 = CO2 + H2O." [EC:]") (mo-inSubset GO--0009279 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0052497 GO--0052495) (subclass GO--0046274 GO--0046271) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051081 "nuclear envelope disassembly") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0035092 "sperm chromatin condensation") (subclass GO--0018641 GO--0016709) (mo-definition GO--0005953 ""A heterodimeric enzyme, composed of an alpha and a beta subunit. Participates in the post-translational C-terminal modification of several small GTPases, allowing their targeting to the membrane." [PMID:9781874, UniProtKB:P53609]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004340 "EC:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046256 "2,4,6-trinitrotoluene catabolic process") (subclass GO--0050371 GO--0016830) (subclass GO--0021583 GO--0009653) (subclass GO--0002654 GO--0002645) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0003999 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046100 ""hypoxanthine metabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0033167 ""argonaute siRNA chaperone complex" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009086 ""methionine anabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042372 ""phytomenadione biosynthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009133 ""nucleoside diphosphate synthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045860 ""up regulation of protein kinase activity" []") (subclass GO--0001322 GO--0001306) (subclass GO--0005793 GO--0044444) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0051080 GO--0007135) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006284 "Reactome:238477") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042342 "cyanogenic glycoside catabolic process") (subclass GO--0045822 GO--0051241) (mo-definition GO--0006562 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of proline (pyrrolidine-2-carboxylic acid), a chiral, cyclic, nonessential alpha-amino acid found in peptide linkage in proteins." [GOC:jl, ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0017119 ""COG complex" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032842 ""cytochrome bc1 complex" []") (subclass GO--0016428 GO--0016427) (mo-definition GO--0051665 ""The processes by which lipid rafts are transported to, or maintained in, a specific location. Lipid rafts are tightly-packed gel-like membrane microdomains enriched in sphingolipids and cholesterol." [GOC:ai]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0016546 ""male courtship behavior (sensu Insecta), licking" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018879 ""xenene metabolism" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0048199 ""dictyosome vesicle targeting" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0006635 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0019081 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of viral proteins." [ISBN:0781702534]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0042282 "MetaCyc:HYDROXYMETHYLGLUTARYL-COA-REDUCTASE-RXN") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043431 ""3-demethylubiquinone-9 3-methyltransferase" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005146 "leukemia inhibitory factor receptor binding") (mo-inSubset GO--0008873 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0060018 GO--0045165) (mo-broadSynonym GO--0043187 ""septum surface" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031929 ""TOR signalling pathway" []") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0001998 ""angiotensin mediated vasoconstriction during control of blood pressure" []") (subclass GO--0016492 GO--0008188) (subclass GO--0050493 GO--0006506) (subclass GO--0047644 GO--0035251) (mo-definition GO--0031989 ""The series of molecular signals generated as a consequence of a bombesin receptor binding to one of its physiological ligands." [GOC:mah]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0017121 "phospholipid scrambling") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0007565 ""gestation" []") (mo-definition GO--0032371 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the directed movement of sterols into, out of, within or between cells." [GOC:mah]") (mo-inSubset GO--0005201 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043290 ""apocarotenoid degradation" []") (mo-definition GO--0045651 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of macrophage differentiation." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050427 "Reactome:176588") (subclass GO--0004421 GO--0046912) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030290 "sphingolipid activator protein activity") (mo-definition GO--0017093 ""Catalysis of the hydrolysis of peptide bonds within a sterol regulatory element binding protein (SREBP). SREBPs are transcription factors that bind sterol regulatory elements (SREs), DNA motifs found in the promoters of target genes." [GOC:bf, PMID:12923525]") (mo-definition GO--0014011 ""The multiplication or reproduction of Schwann cells by cell division, resulting in the rapid expansion of their population in response to an axonal lesion. The newly generated Schwann cells support subsequent axon regeneration in the peripheral nervous system." [GOC:ef, ISBN:0878932585]") (mo-definition GO--0032028 ""Interacting selectively with the head/neck region of a myosin heavy chain." [GOC:mah]") (mo-definition GO--0051031 ""The directed movement of tRNA, transfer ribonucleic acid, into, out of, within or between cells." [GOC:ai]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031539 ""up regulation of anthocyanin metabolic process" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0003755 ""cis-trans proline isomerase activity" []") (subclass GO--0030691 GO--0044444) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015280 "amiloride-sensitive sodium channel activity") (mo-definition GO--0015108 ""Enables the directed movement of chloride ions into, out of, within or between cells." [GOC:ai]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0003684 "damaged DNA binding") (subclass GO--0045367 GO--0045366) (mo-definition GO--0009168 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of purine ribonucleoside monophosphate, a glycosamine consisting of a purine base linked to a ribose sugar esterified with phosphate on its glycose moiety." [GOC:go_curators, ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002921 ""down regulation of humoral immune response" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047119 "2-methyl-branched-chain-enoyl-CoA reductase activity") (mo-definition GO--0007485 ""The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the male genitalia over time, from formation as part of the genital disc to the mature structure." [GOC:ai, GOC:sensu]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009336 "sulfate adenylyltransferase complex (ATP)") (subclass GO--0050200 GO--0016747) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009535 ""thylakoid membrane (sensu Viridiplantae)" []") (documentation GO--0006260 EnglishLanguage "See also the biological process terms 'DNA-dependent DNA replication ; GO:0006261' and 'RNA-dependent DNA replication ; GO:0006278'.") (mo-definition GO--0032234 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the directed movement of calcium ions via a store-operated calcium channel." [GOC:bf, PMID:16582901]") (subclass GO--0031355 GO--0031351) (subclass GO--0000727 GO--0000724) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031954 ""up regulation of protein amino acid autophosphorylation" []") (subclass GO--0052344 GO--0052329) (subclass GO--0004072 GO--0016774) (subclass GO--0030534 GO--0007610) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031031 ""up-regulation of septation initiation signaling" []") (mo-definition GO--0043643 ""The chemical reactions involving tetracycline, a broad spectrum antibiotic produced by streptomyces bacteria that blocks binding of aminoacyl tRNA to the ribosomes of both Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms (and those of organelles)." [GOC:jl, http://cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk/, http://en.wikipedia.org/]") (documentation GO--0016600 EnglishLanguage "See also the cellular component term 'caveolar membrane ; GO:0016599'.") (mo-definition GO--0047289 ""Catalysis of the reaction: 1,2-diacyl-3-beta-D-galactosyl-sn-glycerol + CMP-N-acetylneuraminate = 1,2-diacyl-3-[3-(alpha-D-N-acetylneuraminyl)-beta-D-galactosyl]-sn-glycerol + CMP." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045725 ""positive regulation of glycogen biosynthesis" []") (subclass GO--0047703 GO--0016628) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002246 "healing during inflammatory response") (mo-definition GO--0015784 ""The directed movement of GDP-mannose into, out of, within or between cells. GDP-mannose is a substance composed of mannose in glycosidic linkage with guanosine diphosphate." [GOC:ai]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042277 "peptide binding") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0001671 "ATPase stimulator activity") (mo-definition GO--0042918 ""The directed movement of an alkanesulfonate into, out of, within or between cells. Alkanesulfonates are organic esters or salts of sulfonic acid containing an aliphatic hydrocarbon radical." [GOC:jl, http://cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk/]") (subclass GO--0000773 GO--0008170) (mo-definition GO--0031896 ""Interacting selectively with a V2 vasopressin receptor." [GOC:mah, GOC:nln]") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0048026 ""positive regulation of pre-mRNA splicing" []") (mo-definition GO--0047950 ""Catalysis of the reaction: 2 glutathione + O2 = oxidized glutathione + H2O2." [EC:, MetaCyc:GLUTATHIONE-OXIDASE-RXN]") (mo-inSubset GO--0009021 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018497 ""DDMS dehydrogenase" []") (mo-definition GO--0050453 ""Catalysis of the reaction: 2 cob(I)alamin + NAD+ = 2 cob(II)alamin + NADH + H+." [EC:, MetaCyc:COB(II)ALAMIN-REDUCTASE-RXN]") (subclass GO--0046057 GO--0009184) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0017074 "procollagen N-endopeptidase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0008016 ""regulation of heart rate" []") (mo-definition GO--0007351 ""Subdivision of the embryo along the anterior/posterior axis into anterior, posterior and terminal regions." [GOC:dph, GOC:isa_complete, http://fly.ebi.ac.uk/allied-data/lk/interactive-fly/aimain/1aahome.htm, ISBN:0879694238]") (subclass GO--0006581 GO--0008291) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050428 ""3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulphate biosynthesis" []") (subclass GO--0008582 GO--0040008) (mo-inSubset GO--0018892 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019252 "MetaCyc:CELSYN-PWY") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0051944 ""stimulation of catecholamine uptake during transmission of nerve impulse" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047592 "EC:") (subclass GO--0044249 GO--0009058) (mo-definition GO--0030125 ""A clathrin coat found on a vesicle." [GOC:mah]") (mo-definition GO--0002792 ""Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate, or extent of peptide secretion." [GOC:add]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047953 "glycerol 2-dehydrogenase (NADP+) activity") (mo-definition GO--0006284 ""In base excision repair, an altered base is removed by a DNA glycosylase enzyme, followed by excision of the resulting sugar phosphate. The small gap left in the DNA helix is filled in by the sequential action of DNA polymerase and DNA ligase." [ISBN:0815316194]") (subclass GO--0008553 GO--0015078) (subclass GO--0046024 GO--0046023) (mo-definition GO--0000033 ""Catalysis of the transfer of a mannose residue from GDP-mannose to an oligosaccharide, forming an alpha-1,3-linkage." [GOC:mcc, PMID:10521541]") (mo-definition GO--0051960 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of nervous system development, the origin and formation of nervous tissue." [GOC:ai]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005471 "ATP:ADP antiporter activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019328 "anaerobic gallate catabolic process") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045907 "positive regulation of vasoconstriction") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047003 "dTDP-6-deoxy-L-talose 4-dehydrogenase activity") (mo-definition GO--0004925 ""Combining with prolactin to initiate a change in cell activity." [GOC:mah]") (mo-definition GO--0006595 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving polyamines, any organic compound containing two or more amino groups." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (subclass GO--0032627 GO--0001816) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045646 "regulation of erythrocyte differentiation") (subclass GO--0045220 GO--0045727) (mo-definition GO--0005980 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of glycogen, a polydisperse, highly branched glucan composed of chains of D-glucose residues." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (subclass GO--0016799 GO--0016798) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0031263 ""amine ABC transporter" []") (mo-definition GO--0044441 ""Any constituent part of a cilium, a specialized eukaryotic organelle that consists of a filiform extrusion of the cell surface. Each cilium is bounded by an extrusion of the cytoplasmic membrane, and contains a regular longitudinal array of microtubules, anchored basally in a centriole." [GOC:jl]") (mo-inSubset GO--0016879 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006270 "DNA replication initiation") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0055020 "positive regulation of cardiac muscle fiber development") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009076 ""histidine family amino acid anabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0051033 ""Enables the directed movement of RNA, ribonucleic acid, into, out of, within or between cells." [GOC:ai]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046145 "D-alanine family amino acid biosynthetic process") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0046325 ""inhibition of glucose import" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0007493 GO--0001706) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006766 "vitamin metabolic process") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031619 "homologous chromosome orientation during meiosis") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0030338 "EC:") (mo-definition GO--0008812 ""Catalysis of the reaction: choline + acceptor = betaine aldehyde + reduced acceptor." [EC:]") (mo-definition GO--0050385 ""Catalysis of the reaction: (-)-ureidoglycolate = glyoxylate + urea." [EC:, MetaCyc:UREIDOGLYCOLATE-LYASE-RXN]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004504 "MetaCyc:PEPTIDYLGLYCINE-MONOOXYGENASE-RXN") (subclass GO--0040018 GO--0040014) (mo-definition GO--0004924 ""Combining with oncostatin-M to initiate a change in cell activity." [GOC:mah]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004077 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002717 ""positive regulation of NK cell mediated immunity" []") (subclass GO--0045762 GO--0051349) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0021691 "cerebellar Purkinje cell layer maturation") (mo-inSubset GO--0047420 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008252 "EC:") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0009283 GO--0009281) (subclass GO--0030596 GO--0004553) (mo-definition GO--0021804 ""The process that results in the loss of attachments of a cell in the ventricular zone." [GOC:cls, GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jic, GOC:mtg_15jun06, PMID:12626695]") (subclass Mating GO--0019098) (subclass GO--0022414 BiologicalProcess) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005951 "carbamoyl-phosphate synthase complex") (mo-definition GO--0018257 ""The modification of peptidyl-lysine to form peptidyl-N6-formyl-L-lysine." [RESID:AA0211]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008821 "EC:3.1.22.-") (subclass GO--0048703 GO--0009653) (mo-definition GO--0008328 ""A multimeric assembly of four or five subunits which form a structure with an extracellular N-terminus and a large loop that together form the ligand binding domain. The C-terminus is intracellular. The ionotropic glutamate receptor complex itself acts as a ligand gated ion channel; on binding glutamate, charged ions pass through a channel in the center of the receptor complex." [http://www.bris.ac.uk/Depts/Synaptic/info/glutamate.html]") (mo-definition GO--0003802 ""Catalysis of the selective cleavage of one Arg-Ile bond in factor X to form factor Xa, and on factor IX to form factor IXa beta." [EC:, PMID:12496253]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045883 ""activation of sulfur utilization" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048298 ""upregulation of isotype switching to IgA isotypes" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046994 "oxidoreductase activity, acting on hydrogen as donor, with a quinone or similar compound as acceptor") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032872 ""regulation of p38 MAPK signaling" []") (mo-definition GO--0001854 ""Interacting selectively with the C3d product of the complement cascade." [GOC:add, ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology"]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0040031 "snRNA modification") (subclass GO--0005925 GO--0005924) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0004436 ""1-phosphatidylinositol phosphodiesterase activity" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0031088 GO--0042827) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008240 "tripeptidyl-peptidase activity") (mo-definition GO--0006264 ""The process whereby new strands of DNA are synthesized in the mitochondrion." [GOC:ai]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002620 "negative regulation of non-professional antigen presenting cell antigen processing and presentation") (subclass GO--0018304 GO--0018283) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0005986 ""sucrose anabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030979 ""alpha-glucan biosynthesis" []") (subclass GO--0032743 GO--0032663) (subclass GO--0045536 GO--0045528) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043368 ""positive T-lymphocyte selection" []") (mo-definition GO--0046153 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of ommochromes, any of a large group of natural polycyclic pigments commonly found in the Arthropoda, particularly in the ommatidia of the compound eye." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (subclass GO--0016789 GO--0016788) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0051729 ""germline entry into meiosis" []") (mo-definition GO--0060031 ""The interdigitation of cells along the mediolateral axis during gastrulation." [GOC:df, GOC:dph, PMID:12062082]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031773 ""G-protein coupled receptor 54 binding" []") (subclass GO--0008916 GO--0016979) (mo-inSubset GO--0009147 gosubset_prok) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0002008 GO--0001979) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0051782 ""inhibition of cell division" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0016056 GO--0009586) (subclass GO--0006194 GO--0006165) (mo-definition GO--0046907 ""The directed movement of substances within a cell." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0046288 GO--0046275) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0002238 GO--0009620) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047786 "MetaCyc:CORTISONE-ALPHA-REDUCTASE-RXN") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0010136 "ureide catabolic process") (mo-narrowSynonym ""induction by organism of defense-related symbiont cell wall callose deposition" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002624 ""upregulation of B cell antigen processing and presentation" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047703 "EC:") (subclass GO--0000718 GO--0006308) (subclass GO--0042371 GO--0045426) (mo-definition GO--0031458 ""Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + H2O + a betaine(out) = ADP + phosphate + a betaine(in)." [GOC:mlg]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032741 ""upregulation of interleukin-18 production" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0004350 ""glutamylphosphate reductase activity" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0021537 "telencephalon development") (mo-definition GO--0051903 ""Catalysis of the reaction: S-(hydroxymethyl)glutathione + NAD(P)+ = S-formylglutathione + NAD(P)H + H+." [EC:]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0007257 GO--0007254) (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. Functions to either promote or inhibit the establishment of competence for transformation." [GOC:mlg]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0009840 GO--0009570) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047953 "MetaCyc:GLYCEROL-2-DEHYDROGENASE-(NADP+)-RXN") (subclass GO--0046323 GO--0015758) (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because it describes a type of hormone rather than a molecular function. To update annotations, consider molecular_function term 'hormone activity ; GO:0005179' or its children.") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045106 "intermediate filament depolymerization") (subclass GO--0042809 GO--0008134) (mo-definition GO--0048589 ""The increase in size or mass of an entire organism, a part of an organism or a cell, where the increase in size or mass has the specific outcome of the progression of the organism over time from one condition to another." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051768 ""NOS2 synthase biosynthetic process" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050592 "EC:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0052338 "disassembly by host of symbiont cell wall") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018035 "C-terminal peptidyl-arginine amidation") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0005979 ""regulation of glycogen synthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050647 ""5-hydroxy-6E,8Z,11Z,14Z-eicosatetraenoic acid binding" []") (subclass GO--0002450 GO--0019882) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045682 "regulation of epidermis development") (subclass GO--0019960 GO--0019956) (mo-definition GO--0002648 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate, or extent of central tolerance induction." [GOC:add]") (mo-alternateID GO--0018091 "GO:0018373") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009589 ""detection of UV radiation stimulus" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009273 ""cell wall assembly (sensu Bacteria)" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042399 ""ectoine metabolism" []") (subclass GO--0005149 GO--0005125) (subclass GO--0047117 GO--0016631) (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. Interacting selectively with the cap structure at the 5' end of a small nuclear RNA molecule." [GOC:mah]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043654 "recognition of apoptotic cell") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0033027 ""activation of mast cell apoptosis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046826 ""negative regulation of protein-nucleus export" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004574 "oligo-1,6-glucosidase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051415 "interphase microtubule nucleation by interphase microtubule organizing center") (subclass GO--0019431 GO--0006067) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050453 "MetaCyc:COB(II)ALAMIN-REDUCTASE-RXN") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0008081 ""phosphodiesterase" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0015520 "TC:2.A.1.2.4") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0010075 GO--0048509) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006685 ""sphingomyelin degradation" []") (subclass GO--0009222 GO--0009261) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043371 ""down regulation of CD4-positive, alpha beta T cell differentiation" []") (subclass GO--0002034 GO--0050880) (subclass GO--0006712 GO--0006706) (subclass GO--0046897 GO--0006480) (subclass GO--0018667 GO--0016709) (subclass GO--0051299 GO--0051297) (mo-definition GO--0010354 ""Catalysis of the transfer of a prenyl group from one compound (donor) to homogentisic acid." [PMID:16989822]") (mo-definition GO--0006369 ""Any process by which transcription by RNA polymerase II is terminated." [GOC:mah]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0021779 "oligodendrocyte cell fate commitment") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0052315 "phytoalexin biosynthesic process") (mo-definition GO--0032990 ""The process by which the anatomical structures of a cell part are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form." [GOC:mah]") (subclass GO--0052412 GO--0052406) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046109 ""uridine synthesis" []") (subclass GO--0008033 GO--0006396) (subclass GO--0016018 GO--0008144) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042818 "pyridoxamine metabolic process") (subclass GO--0016049 GO--0009987) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0002675 ""stimulation of acute inflammatory response" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0045326 "RESID:AA0323") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006650 "glycerophospholipid metabolic process") (subclass GO--0006708 GO--0016127) (mo-definition GO--0048408 ""Interacting selectively with epidermal growth factor." [GOC:dgh]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009645 "response to low light intensity") (subclass GO--0015929 GO--0004553) (mo-definition GO--0008091 ""Membrane associated dimeric protein (240 and 220 kDa) of erythrocytes. Forms a complex with ankyrin, actin and probably other components of the membrane cytoskeleton, so that there is a mesh of proteins underlying the plasma membrane, potentially restricting the lateral mobility of integral proteins." [http://cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk/]") (subclass GO--0046097 GO--0046126) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051518 ""up-regulation of bipolar cell growth" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006390 "Reactome:249884") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0046829 ""inhibition of RNA import into nucleus" []") (mo-definition GO--0018519 ""Catalysis of the reaction: cis-1,2-dihydro-3-ethylcatechol + NAD+ = 3-ethylcatechol + NADH + H+." [EC:]") (subclass GO--0003696 GO--0043565) (subclass GO--0016094 GO--0016093) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045128 ""down-regulation of meiotic recombination" []") (subclass GO--0051805 GO--0052564) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0007369 "gastrulation") (mo-alternateID GO--0003959 "GO:0008468") (subclass GO--0033065 GO--0033061) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051554 ""flavonol metabolism" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0010260 GO--0048856) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019137 ""thioglucoside glucohydrolase activity" []") (mo-definition GO--0045771 ""Any process that reduces autophagic vacuole size." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-definition GO--0008924 ""Catalysis of the reaction: (S)-malate + acceptor = oxaloacetate + reduced acceptor." [EC:]") (subclass GO--0045210 GO--0009101) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009072 "aromatic amino acid family metabolic process") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004530 "EC:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "syndecan") (mo-definition GO--0031820 ""Interacting selectively with a P2Y11 nucleotide receptor." [GOC:mah, GOC:nln]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048457 "floral whorl morphogenesis") (mo-definition GO--0000187 ""The initiation of the activity of the inactive enzyme MAP kinase by phosphorylation by a MAPKK." [PMID:9561267]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0014001 "sclerenchyma cell differentiation") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009448 ""GABA metabolic process" []") (subclass GO--0015553 GO--0015211) (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0004148 ""dihydrolipoamide reduction" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0032879 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004340 "Reactome:10457") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047434 "MetaCyc:") (mo-definition GO--0047362 ""Catalysis of the reaction: dithioerythritol + S2O3(2-) (thiosulfate) = H2S + dithioerythritol disulfide + SO3(2-) (sulfite)." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008123 "cholesterol 7-alpha-monooxygenase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009306 "protein secretion") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0008280 ""9S cohesin" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047307 "MetaCyc:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031441 ""down-regulation of mRNA 3'-end processing" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0060107 "annuli extracellular matrix") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006741 ""NADP formation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009960 "endosperm development") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048776 ""downregulation of leucophore differentiation" []") (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because it represents a class of gene products. To update annotations, consider biological_process terms 'cytolysis ; GO:0019835' or its children, 'pathogenesis ; GO:0009405', and 'pore complex biogenesis ; GO:0046931', cellular_component term 'pore complex ; GO:0046930' or its children, and molecular_function terms 'receptor binding ; GO:0005102' or its children, 'structural molecule activity ; GO:0005198' or its children, and 'toxin receptor binding ; GO:0050827'.") (subclass GO--0044242 GO--0044248) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006799 ""polyphosphate synthesis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051914 "positive regulation of synaptic plasticity by chemical substance") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019479 "MetaCyc:ALACAT2-PWY") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019915 ""lipid sequestration" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046124 ""purine deoxyribonucleoside degradation" []") (subclass GO--0031976 GO--0009579) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018067 ""peptidyl-L-3',4'-dihydroxyphenylalanine anabolism from peptidyl-tyrosine" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0007555 GO--0045457) (subclass GO--0018035 GO--0018195) (subclass GO--0002287 GO--0046631) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0010033 "response to organic substance") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042318 ""penicillin synthesis" []") (subclass GO--0018326 GO--0018219) (mo-inSubset GO--0042211 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042447 ""hormone catabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0004045 ""peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase" []") (mo-definition GO--0051660 ""The directed movement of the centrosome to a specific location." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0035215 GO--0007444) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0045074 GO--0042091) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0007480 GO--0007478) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0000086 GO--0051329) (mo-inSubset GO--0008960 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0019525 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving D-dehydro-D-gluconate, the anion of D-dehydro-D-gluconic acid, an aldonic acid derived from glucose." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-definition GO--0060059 ""The process by which the anatomical structure of the retina is generated and organized in a camera-type eye during the embryonic life stage . Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form." [GOC:dgh, GOC:dph]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019622 "MetaCyc:HCAMHPDEG-PWY") (subclass GO--0001909 GO--0002252) (mo-broadSynonym ""ICE" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051060 ""amylopectin 6-glucanohydrolase activity" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0048920 GO--0048916) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051569 "regulation of histone H3-K4 methylation") (subclass GO--0051491 GO--0031346) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0006915 ""type I programmed cell death" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0032443 GO--0006696) (mo-definition GO--0051977 ""The directed movement of phospholipids into, out of, within or between cells. A lysophospholipid is a phospholipid that lacks one of its fatty acyl chains; it is an intermediate formed during digestion of dietary and biliary phospholipids." [GOC:ai]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019442 "tryptophan catabolic process to acetyl-CoA") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002752 ""cell surface pathogen receptor signaling pathway" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018666 "2,4-dichlorophenol 6-monooxygenase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047510 "(S)-2-methylmalate dehydratase activity") (mo-definition GO--0008203 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving cholesterol, cholest-5-en-3 beta-ol, the principal sterol of vertebrates and the precursor of many steroids, including bile acids and steroid hormones. It is a component of the plasma membrane lipid bilayer and of plasma lipoproteins and can be found in all animal tissues." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (subclass GO--0032414 GO--0032411) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000394 "RNA splicing, via endonucleolytic cleavage and ligation") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042365 ""water-soluble vitamin breakdown" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0021923 "cell proliferation in the hindbrain ventricular zone") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005932 "basal body") (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because it represents a class of gene products. To update annotations, use molecular_function terms '1-phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase activity ; GO:0016303', 'phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase activity ; GO:0046934', and 'phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 3-kinase activity ; GO:0035005'.") (subclass GO--0015497 GO--0015300) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046896 "N-terminal peptidyl-leucine methylation") (subclass GO--0050991 GO--0050985) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030904 "retromer complex") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004322 "ferroxidase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0007626 ""locomotory behavioural response to stimulus" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0052371 "regulation by organism of entry into other organism during symbiotic interaction") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0005889 ""proton pump" []") (mo-definition GO--0004452 ""Catalysis of the isomerization of isopentenyl diphosphate into dimethylallyl diphosphate." [EC:]") (mo-definition GO--0004300 ""Catalysis of the reaction: (3S)-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA = trans-2(or 3)-enoyl-CoA + H2O." [EC:]") (mo-definition GO--0030753 ""Catalysis of the reaction: S-adenosyl-L-methionine + 8-hydroxyfuranocoumarin = S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + 8-methoxyfuranocoumarin." [EC:]") (subclass GO--0030670 GO--0030666) (mo-definition GO--0009694 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving jasmonic acid, a fatty acid derivative with the formula (1R-(1 alpha, 2 beta(Z)))-3-oxo-2-(2-pentenyl)cyclopentaneacetic acid." [ISBN:0387969845]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042288 ""major histocompatibility complex class I binding" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004772 "EC:") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0032302 ""MMR complex" []") (mo-definition GO--0005278 ""Catalysis of the reaction: H+(out) + acetylcholine(in) = H+(in) + acetylcholine(out)." [TC:2.A.1.2.13]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016609 "G-protein coupled serotonin receptor activity") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050201 "EC:") (subclass GO--0045773 GO--0050772) (mo-inSubset GO--0016728 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0008817 ""cob(I)alamin adenosyltransferase activity" []") (mo-definition GO--0046990 ""Catalysis of the reaction: acetyl-CoA + an N-hydroxyarylamine = CoA + an N-acetoxyarylamine." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045461 ""sterigmatocystin biosynthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018974 ""TNT metabolic process" []") (mo-definition GO--0035101 ""An abundant nuclear complex, which was originally identified in mammalian systems as a factor required for transcription elongation on chromatin templates. The FACT complex has been shown to destablilize the interaction between the H2A/H2B dimer and the H3/H4 tetramer of the nucleosome, thus reorganizing the structure of the nucleosome. In this way, the FACT complex may play a role in DNA replication and other processes that traverse the chromatin, as well as in transcription elongation. FACT is composed of two proteins that are evolutionarily conserved in all eukaryotes and homologous to mammalian Spt16 and SSRP1. In metazoans, the SSRP1 homolog contains an HMG domain; however in fungi and protists, it does not. For example, in S. cerevisiae the Pob3 protein is homologous to SSRP1, but lacks the HMG chromatin binding domain. Instead, the yFACT complex of Spt16p and Pob3p, binds to nucleosomes where multiple copies of the HMG-domain containing protein Nhp6p have already bound, but Nhp6p does not form a stable complex with the Spt16p/Pob3p heterodimer." [GOC:bf, GOC:expert_ks, GOC:expert_ras, GOC:expert_tf, GOC:krc, PMID:12934006, PMID:12934007, PMID:16678108]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0046725 ""inhibition of viral protein levels in host cell" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0015946 gosubset_prok) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0030872 GO--0030871) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045980 ""down regulation of nucleotide metabolic process" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019435 "MetaCyc:SOPHOROSYLOXYDOCOSANOATE-SYN-PWY") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052348 ""upregulation by organism of defense-related reactive oxygen species production in other organism during symbiotic interaction" []") (mo-definition GO--0009989 ""Cell recognition that involves the interaction of the cell with the extracellular matrix." [ISBN:0824072820]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042967 ""ACP biosynthesis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015306 "sialate:cation symporter activity") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0051699 "EC:1.5.3.-") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030060 ""NAD-L-malate dehydrogenase" []") (mo-definition GO--0045231 ""A process that is carried out at the cellular level which results in the formation, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of a slime layer enveloping the cell." [GOC:ai]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0004911 ""IL-2R" []") (subclass GO--0047944 GO--0016774) (documentation GO--0021986 EnglishLanguage "This term was added by GO_REF:0000021.") (subclass GO--0043453 GO--0043452) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0003994 ""aconitase activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031318 ""folate detection" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006805 "Reactome:286726") (subclass GO--0004344 GO--0008708) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019625 "atrazine catabolic process to cyanuric acid") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042162 "telomeric DNA binding") (subclass GO--0042861 GO--0019290) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051786 ""all-trans-13,14-dihydroretinol:acceptor 13,14-oxidoreductase activity" []") (mo-definition GO--0043200 ""A change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of an amino acid stimulus." [GOC:mlg]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0031536 ""stimulation of exit from mitosis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0010309 ""acireductone dioxygenase (Fe2+-requiring) activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0008300 ""isoprenoid breakdown" []") (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. Combining with an extracellular peptide to initiate a change in cell activity." [GOC:ai]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008443 "phosphofructokinase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045996 ""down-regulation of transcription by pheromones" []") (subclass GO--0004758 GO--0016454) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018058 "RESID:AA0129") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0021675 GO--0007399) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0001316 "age-dependent response to reactive oxygen species during replicative cell aging") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042342 ""cyanogenic glycoside degradation" []") (subclass GO--0043518 GO--0043516) (mo-inSubset GO--0016696 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0004791 GO--0016668) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047168 "isocitrate O-dihydroxycinnamoyltransferase activity") (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because it represents gene products. To update annotations, consider molecular_function term 'RNA modification guide activity ; GO:0030555' or its children.") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002830 ""up-regulation of T-helper 2 type immune response" []") (mo-definition GO--0015895 ""The directed movement of alkanes into, out of, within or between cells. Alkanes are saturated aliphatic hydrocarbon compounds." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0042063 GO--0022008) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042796 ""snRNA transcription from Pol III promoter" []") (subclass GO--0018976 GO--0042197) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004847 "urea carboxylase activity") (mo-definition GO--0031479 ""A myosin complex containing a class IX myosin heavy chain and associated light chains. Myosin IX is monomeric with a motor domain containing an N-terminal extension and an insert in the actin binding interface, followed by four to six IQ motifs and a tail region that contains a zinc binding motif and a domain with homology to GTPase activating proteins (GAPs) of the Rho family of G-proteins." [http://www.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/myosin/Review/Reviewframeset.html]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051106 ""up regulation of DNA ligation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0003956 ""NAD(P)+-arginine ADP-ribosyltransferase activity" []") (subclass GO--0005780 GO--0031312) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000723 "Reactome:278133") (mo-definition GO--0018629 ""Catalysis of the reaction: quinolin-2-ol + NADH + H+ + O2 = 2,5,6-trihydroxy-5,6-dihydroquinoline + NAD+." [EC:]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006020 ""inositol metabolism" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045816 ""inhibition of global transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0042158 "Reactome:174741") (mo-inSubset GO--0006753 gosubset_prok) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0014067 ""inhibition of phosphoinositide 3-kinase cascade" []") (subclass GO--0006713 GO--0006706) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0002042 GO--0002040) (subclass GO--0018080 GO--0018073) (mo-definition GO--0042624 ""Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + H2O = ADP + phosphate; not directly coupled to any other reaction." [EC:]") (mo-inSubset GO--0019931 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0047189 GO--0016747) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006096 "Reactome:290386") (mo-definition GO--0009109 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of coenzymes, any of various nonprotein organic cofactors that are required, in addition to an enzyme and a substrate, for an enzymatic reaction to proceed." [GOC:ai]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045965 "negative regulation of ecdysteroid metabolic process") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0007018 ""dynein ATPase activity" []") (subclass GO--0048124 GO--0007311) (subclass GO--0044454 GO--0044427) (subclass GO--0031879 GO--0031877) (mo-definition GO--0045453 ""The physiologic processes by which bone tissue is lost." [http://cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk/]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019976 ""IL-2 binding" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0051781 ""activation of cell division" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016880 "acid-ammonia (or amide) ligase activity") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0021601 ""CN VI maturation" []") (subclass GO--0030760 GO--0008757) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0046796 "Reactome:168337") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042159 "lipoprotein catabolic process") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004364 "glutathione transferase activity") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050517 "MetaCyc:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032732 ""upregulation of interleukin-1 production" []") (subclass GO--0051808 GO--0051836) (subclass GO--0021775 GO--0021910) (subclass GO--0019442 GO--0006084) (mo-inSubset GO--0051825 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009593 ""chemoperception" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0042959 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0046886 GO--0046885) (subclass GO--0032897 GO--0046782) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0001936 GO--0001935) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042992 ""downregulation of transcription factor import into nucleus" []") (subclass GO--0009891 GO--0009889) (mo-definition GO--0014013 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of gliogenesis, the formation of mature glia." [GOC:ef]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0042661 GO--0007501) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0016894 ""3'-endonuclease activity" []") (subclass GO--0048180 GO--0044421) (mo-definition GO--0030452 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of an excised group I intron." [GOC:mah]") (subclass GO--0052414 GO--0052406) (mo-alternateID GO--0040001 "GO:0030610") (mo-definition GO--0032374 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the directed movement of cholesterol into, out of, within or between cells." [GOC:mah]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047502 "EC:") (mo-definition GO--0004653 ""Catalysis of the reaction: UDP-N-acetyl-D-galactosamine + polypeptide = UDP + N-acetyl-D-galactosaminyl-polypeptide. Catalyzes of the modification of serine or threonine residues in polypeptide chains by the transfer of a N-acetylgalactose from UDP-N-acetylgalactose to the hydroxyl group of the amino acid; it is the first step in O-glycan biosynthesis." [EC:, ISBN:0879695595]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045902 ""inhibition of translational fidelity" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0004507 ""cytochrome P450 CYP11B1" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0048200 GO--0048199) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031456 ""glycine betaine synthesis" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006383 "Reactome:210899") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006742 ""NADP (reduced) catabolic process" []") (mo-definition GO--0030336 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of cell migration." [GOC:go_curators]") (subclass GO--0047409 GO--0016803) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0000098 ""sulfur amino acid catabolism" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0051684 GO--0051645) (mo-definition GO--0021929 ""The multiplication or reproduction of neuroblasts that will give rise to stellate cells. A cerebellar stellate cell is an inhibitory GABAergic interneuron found in the cerebellar cortex." [GOC:cls, GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jic, GOC:mtg_15jun06, PMID:15157725]") (mo-inSubset GO--0030080 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005055 "laminin receptor activity") (mo-inSubset GO--0052160 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0046811 ""Stops, prevents or reduces the activity of histone deacetylase, which catalyzes of the removal of acetyl groups from histones, proteins complexed to DNA in chromatin and chromosomes." [GOC:ai, PMID:10482575]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008434 "vitamin D3 receptor activity") (subclass GO--0016262 GO--0008375) (subclass GO--0031525 GO--0031524) (subclass GO--0052131 GO--0050918) (subclass GO--0043299 GO--0002252) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0035206 "regulation of hemocyte proliferation") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018526 "UM-BBD_enzymeID:e0263") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051534 ""downregulation of NFAT protein import into nucleus" []") (subclass GO--0046536 GO--0044428) (subclass GO--0032735 GO--0001819) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006096 "Reactome:249623") (mo-definition GO--0003816 ""Catalysis of the cleavage of component C4 to C4a and C4b (Arg-Ala bond), and component C2 to C2a and C2b (Lys-Lys or Arg-Lys bond)." [EC:]") (subclass GO--0002422 GO--0002385) (subclass GO--0031914 GO--0050805) (mo-definition GO--0046515 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of hypusine, N6-(4-amino-2-hydroxybutyl)-L-lysine." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0008851 GO--0016841) (mo-definition GO--0030536 ""Feeding behavior in a larval (immature) organism." [GOC:mah]") (subclass GO--0052177 GO--0052421) (mo-definition GO--0030510 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the activity of any BMP receptor signaling pathway." [GOC:mah]") (subclass GO--0019405 GO--0044275) (mo-definition GO--0047969 ""Catalysis of the reaction: glyoxylate + H2O + O2 = oxalate + H2O2." [EC:, MetaCyc:GLYOXYLATE-OXIDASE-RXN]") (mo-definition GO--0051253 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of the chemical reactions and pathways involving RNA." [GOC:ai]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032738 ""up-regulation of interleukin-15 production" []") (mo-definition GO--0043574 ""Transport of substances into, out of or within a peroxisome, a small, membrane-bounded organelle that uses dioxygen (O2) to oxidize organic molecules." [GOC:jl]") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0006559 ""phenylalanine catabolic process" []") (mo-definition GO--0008783 ""Catalysis of the reaction: agmatine + H2O = putrescine + urea." [EC:]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0009384 "EC:") (mo-definition GO--0005667 ""Any complex, distinct from RNA polymerase, including one or more polypeptides capable of binding DNA at promoters or at cis-acting regulatory sequences, and regulating transcription." [GOC:mah]") (subclass GO--0052070 GO--0052077) (mo-inSubset GO--0052122 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0010266 ""A change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a vitamin B1 stimulus." [GOC:pz]") (subclass GO--0043007 GO--0007001) (documentation GO--0045458 EnglishLanguage "Note that this term was reinstated from obsolete.") (mo-exactSynonym ""activation by organism of defense-related symbiont metabolic burst" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006570 ""tyrosine metabolism" []") (subclass GO--0050982 GO--0009582) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050009 "MetaCyc:ISOPROPANOL-DEHYDROGENASE-(NADP+)-RXN") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050435 "beta-amyloid metabolic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006728 ""pteridine biosynthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050665 ""hydrogen peroxide generation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006701 ""progesterone formation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030097 "hemopoiesis") (subclass GO--0032388 GO--0051050) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019651 "MetaCyc:P126-PWY") (mo-definition GO--0051037 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of transcription during meiosis." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-definition GO--0031074 ""Any complex that acts to move proteins or RNAs into or out of the nucleus through nuclear pores." [GOC:mah]") (subclass GO--0051316 GO--0008608) (subclass GO--0019136 GO--0019206) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051136 ""regulation of NK T-lymphocyte differentiation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0040003 ""cuticle anabolism (sensu Insecta)" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0001946 "lymphangiogenesis") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047593 "6-acetylglucose deacetylase activity") (mo-definition GO--0006687 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving glycosphingolipids, any compound with residues of sphingoid and at least one monosaccharide." [ISBN:0198547684]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045410 ""positive regulation of interleukin-6 anabolism" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045770 ""activation of asymmetric cell division" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004380 "MetaCyc:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046168 "glycerol-3-phosphate catabolic process") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008633 "Reactome:211933") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045843 ""downregulation of striated muscle development" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031382 "mating projection biogenesis") (subclass GO--0047806 GO--0016697) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002876 ""up-regulation of chronic inflammatory response to antigenic stimulus" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004191 "EC:") (mo-inSubset GO--0008996 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018359 "protein-heme P460 linkage via heme P460-bis-L-cysteine-L-tyrosine") (mo-definition GO--0007179 ""The series of molecular signals generated as a consequence of a transforming growth factor beta receptor binding to one of its physiological ligands." [GOC:mah]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052092 ""up regulation by symbiont of nutrient release from host" []") (mo-definition GO--0010057 ""The process involved in the specification of a trichoblast." [GOC:tb]") (subclass GO--0030414 GO--0004857) (mo-definition GO--0016942 ""A complex of proteins which includes the insulin-like growth factor (IGF) and a number of IGF-binding proteins. The complex plays a role in growth and development." [GOC:jl]") (subclass GO--0045325 GO--0018211) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0033125 "negative regulation of GTP catabolic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006781 ""succinyl CoA pathway" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0015972 ""guanosine pentaphosphate metabolism" []") (subclass GO--0017103 GO--0051748) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050979 ""magnetoreception through mechanical stimulus" []") (subclass GO--0032127 GO--0030667) (mo-inSubset GO--0019455 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0018530 ""Catalysis of the reaction: (R)-6-hydroxynicotine + H2O + O2 = 1-(6-hydroxypyrid-3-yl)-4-(methylamino)butan-1-one + H2O2." [EC:]") (subclass GO--0002864 GO--0002673) (subclass GO--0052134 GO--0052145) (mo-definition GO--0030708 ""Formation of a single follicular epithelium around the germ-line derived cells of a cyst formed in the female gonad. As in, but not restricted to, the true insects (Insecta, ncbi_taxonomy_id:50557)." [PMID:11591336]") (subclass GO--0000434 GO--0000410) (mo-definition GO--0018794 ""Catalysis of the reaction: 2-hydroxyisobutyrate + H+ = CO2 + 2-propanol." [UM-BBD_enzymeID:e0408]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0005960 ""glycine synthase complex" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002302 ""CD8-positive, alpha-beta T lymphocyte differentiation during immune response" []") (subclass GO--0055038 GO--0055037) (mo-definition GO--0032279 ""A type of synapse occurring between an axon and a dendritic spine or dendritic shaft. Asymmetric synapses, the most abundant synapse type in the central nervous system, involve axons that contain predominantly spherical vesicles and contain a thickened postsynaptic density." [GOC:dgh, GOC:ef]") (mo-definition GO--0008345 ""Locomotory behavior in a larval (immature) organism." [GOC:ai]") (mo-inSubset GO--0008788 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0007025 "beta-tubulin folding") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009849 ""indoleacetic acid biosynthetic process, tryptophan-independent" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009793 "embryonic development ending in seed dormancy") (subclass GO--0045043 GO--0045041) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047585 "EC:") (mo-definition GO--0015771 ""The directed movement of trehalose into, out of, within or between cells. Trehalose is a disaccharide isomeric with sucrose and obtained from certain lichens and fungi." [GOC:ai]") (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because it represents cellular component and molecular function information. To update annotations, use cellular_component term 'endoplasmic reticulum ; GO:0005783' and molecular_function term 'receptor activity ; GO:0004872'.") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031988 "membrane-bound vesicle") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0032759 ""activation of TRAIL production" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031430 ""M disc" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050427 "Reactome:244670") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043327 ""chemotaxis to 3',5' cAMP" []") (subclass GO--0018344 GO--0018342) (subclass GO--0042102 GO--0050671) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050002 "EC:") (subclass GO--0051570 GO--0051567) (subclass GO--0008738 GO--0016832) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051051 ""down regulation of transport" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0042862 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0048245 ""The movement of an eosinophil in response to an external stimulus." [GOC:jic, PMID:11292027, PMID:12391252]") (mo-inSubset GO--0030256 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000395 "nuclear mRNA 5'-splice site recognition") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032202 "telomere assembly") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047679 "MetaCyc:ARGININE-RACEMASE-RXN") (subclass GO--0006727 GO--0006726) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0033001 "Fc-gamma receptor III complex") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043154 ""down regulation of caspase activity" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006497 "RESID:AA0106") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "transmembrane ephrin") (subclass GO--0047419 GO--0019213) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046041 "ITP metabolic process") (subclass GO--0042853 GO--0042851) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046171 ""octanol formation" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0004067 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0009652 GO--0009612) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050505 "hydroquinone glucosyltransferase activity") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0007257 ""positive regulation of JUNK activity" []") (subclass GO--0046706 GO--0046704) (mo-definition GO--0000122 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of transcription from an RNA polymerase II promoter." [GOC:go_curators]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0016335 GO--0002168) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0040004 "collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle attachment to epithelium") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0005988 ""lactose metabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0016152 ""mercuric reductase" []") (subclass GO--0032739 GO--0032659) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042683 ""down regulation of cone cell fate specification (sensu Endopterygota)" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046951 "ketone body biosynthetic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051229 ""meiotic spindle degradation" []") (mo-definition GO--0051719 ""Catalysis of the reaction: S-adenosyl-L-methionine + DNA containing CpN = S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + DNA containing 5-MeCpN." [EC:, PMID:15689527]") (mo-inSubset GO--0018181 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0042338 GO--0040002) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050959 "echolocation") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0015835 ""murein transport" []") (mo-definition GO--0031443 ""A process leading to shortening and/or development of tension in striated muscle tissue consisting entirely of fast-twitch fibers." [GOC:mah]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047324 "MetaCyc:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031258 "lamellipodium membrane") (mo-inSubset GO--0046392 gosubset_prok) (mo-inSubset GO--0016849 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006207 "'de novo' pyrimidine base biosynthetic process") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0015505 "TC:2.A.40.1.1") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019621 "MetaCyc:CRNFORCAT-PWY") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042476 "odontogenesis") (mo-definition GO--0021877 ""The process whereby the developmental fate of a cell becomes restricted such that it will develop into a neuron that resides in the forebrain." [GOC:cls, GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jic, GOC:mtg_15jun06, PMID:16226447]") (mo-inSubset GO--0045045 gosubset_prok) (mo-broadSynonym GO--0009108 ""coenzyme and prosthetic group biosynthesis" []") (mo-definition GO--0009294 ""The introduction and uptake of foreign genetic material (DNA or RNA) into a cell, and often the expression of that genetic material." [http://en.wikipedia.org/]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006202 "GMP catabolic process to guanine") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050686 "negative regulation of mRNA processing") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004850 "EC:") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050049 "MetaCyc:LEUCINE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN") (subclass GO--0019626 GO--0046459) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045754 ""up-regulation of acetate catabolic process" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032284 "plastid biotin carboxylase complex") (subclass GO--0004097 GO--0016682) (subclass GO--0042117 GO--0002274) (mo-inSubset GO--0019867 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0052192 ""The directed movement of an organism or motile cell on, within or near a second organism, where the two organisms are in a symbiotic interaction." [GOC:mtg_pamgo_17jul06]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0003844 "EC:") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0051571 ""activation of histone H3-K4 methylation" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050352 "EC:") (mo-definition GO--0019216 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the chemical reactions and pathways involving lipids." [GOC:go_curators]") (subclass GO--0032360 GO--0022415) (documentation GO--0042267 EnglishLanguage "Note that either or both mechanisms mentioned in the definition may be used in this process. Note that both granule release and the engagement of death receptors on target cells result in induction of apoptosis in the target cell.") (subclass GO--0001619 GO--0045125) (mo-definition GO--0007209 ""The series of molecular signals generated as a consequence of a tachykinin receptor binding to its physiological ligand, followed by the activation of phospholipase C and the subsequent release of inositol trisphosphate." [GOC:mah]") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0009299 ""mRNA synthesis" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0048890 GO--0007422) (mo-inSubset GO--0035268 gosubset_prok) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0051353 ""activation of oxidoreductase activity" []") (subclass GO--0032742 GO--0032662) (subclass GO--0000287 GO--0046872) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002208 "somatic diversification of immunoglobulins during immune response") (subclass GO--0021580 GO--0048646) (mo-broadSynonym ""cytoplasmic membrane" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0017121 ""PL scrambling" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045985 "positive regulation of pyrimidine base metabolic process") (subclass GO--0005940 GO--0044448) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0021719 GO--0021583) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048820 "hair follicle maturation") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051345 ""up-regulation of hydrolase activity" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0005343 "TC:2.A.28.-.-") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048629 ""trichome distribution (sensu Magnoliophyta)" []") (subclass GO--0006303 GO--0000726) (subclass GO--0046157 GO--0046156) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0042985 ""inhibition of amyloid precursor protein biosynthetic process" []") (mo-definition GO--0043348 ""Process by which a cell becomes capable of differentiating autonomously into a neuroblast cell regardless of its environment; upon determination, the cell fate cannot be reversed. As in, but not restricted to, the vertebrates (Vertebrata, ncbi_taxonomy_id:7742)." [GOC:go_curators]") (subclass GO--0016548 GO--0016547) (subclass GO--0045815 GO--0048518) (mo-definition GO--0031702 ""Interacting selectively with a type 1 angiotensin receptor." [GOC:mah, GOC:nln]") (mo-inSubset GO--0018074 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048824 ""chromatophore precursor differentiation" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006526 "MetaCyc:ARGSYN-SHORT-PWY") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006910 "phagocytosis, recognition") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "regulation of actin thin filament length activity") (subclass GO--0004525 GO--0016891) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047458 "beta-pyrazolylalanine synthase activity") (mo-inSubset GO--0006696 gosubset_prok) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0032930 ""stimulation of superoxide release" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051228 ""spindle disassembly during mitosis" []") (subclass GO--0006468 GO--0043687) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050788 "sequestering of mercury") (mo-inSubset GO--0009124 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045345 ""positive regulation of MHC class I synthesis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006597 "spermine biosynthetic process") (mo-exactSynonym ""positive regulation by organism of defense-related symbiont AOS production" []") (subclass GO--0047659 GO--0016628) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0030324 GO--0030323) (subclass GO--0009066 GO--0006520) (subclass GO--0032819 GO--0050671) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031867 ""prostanoid EP4 receptor binding" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046666 "retinal cell programmed cell death") (mo-definition GO--0009093 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of cysteine, 2-amino-3-mercaptopropanoic acid." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0021821 ""down-regulation of cell-glial cell adhesion involved in cerebral cortex lamination" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009708 ""benzyl isoquinoline alkaloid anabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0016267 ""The stepwise addition of sugar residues to the initially added O-linked sugar (usually GalNAc) to form the core 1 O-glycan structure, Gal-beta-1->3-GalNAc." [GOC:mah, PMID:10580130]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045973 ""stimulation of juvenile hormone secretion" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0043065 ""activation of apoptosis" []") (subclass GO--0051420 GO--0008092) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008635 "Reactome:230117") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047815 "EC:") (mo-inSubset GO--0004356 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018814 "phenylacetaldoxime dehydratase activity") (mo-inSubset GO--0009987 goslim_goa) (subclass GO--0031778 GO--0031776) (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0060104 ""surface coat of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix (sensu Nematoda)" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0032895 ""activation of gluconate transport" []") (mo-definition GO--0008842 ""Catalysis of the reaction: diphosphate + a purine nucleoside = monophosphate + a purine mononucleotide." [EC:]") (subclass GO--0005865 GO--0044449) (subclass GO--0046175 GO--0019520) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006048 "MetaCyc:UDPNAGSYN-PWY") (mo-definition GO--0010330 ""The multimeric protein complex, organized in a rosette, which catalyzes the biosynthesis of cellulose for the plant cell wall." [PMID:12514238]") (subclass GO--0051865 GO--0016567) (mo-alternateID GO--0048556 "GO:0043074") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002070 "epithelial cell maturation") (mo-definition GO--0009044 ""Catalysis of the hydrolysis of 1,4-beta-D-xylans so as to remove successive D-xylose residues from the non-reducing termini." [EC:]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042540 ""haemoglobin catabolism" []") (subclass GO--0009057 GO--0043170) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0000060 GO--0006606) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046661 "male sex differentiation") (mo-definition GO--0001983 ""The increase in nerve impulses from baroreceptors as a result of increased pressure on an artery." [ISBN:072163949 "Textbook of Medical Physiology"]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032345 ""downregulation of aldosterone metabolic process" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051592 ""response to Ca2+ ion" []") (subclass GO--0042668 GO--0001709) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045537 ""positive regulation of interleukin-25 biosynthesis" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008832 "EC:") (mo-definition GO--0000427 ""Plastid-encoded plastid RNA polymerases are plastid-encoded DNA-directed RNA polymerases that resemble eubacterial multisubunit RNA polymerases with a core composed of alpha, beta, and beta-prime subunits. Some forms contain multiple additional subunits. An additional sigma factor subunit is required for promoter recognition." [GOC:krc, GOC:pj]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051137 ""downregulation of NK T cell differentiation" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0043675 GO--0043673) (subclass GO--0032882 GO--0032881) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050458 "decylhomocitrate synthase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051564 ""elevation of calcium ion concentration in smooth endoplasmic reticulum" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051623 ""upregulation of norepinephrine uptake" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0022415 "viral reproductive process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031661 ""G2/M-specific down regulation of cyclin-dependent protein kinase activity" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042474 "middle ear morphogenesis") (subclass GO--0042652 GO--0044455) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018803 "MetaCyc:") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006383 "Reactome:274196") (subclass GO--0019542 GO--0019541) (subclass GO--0043267 GO--0043266) (mo-inSubset GO--0050569 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019672 "ethanol-acetate fermentation to butyrate and caproate") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030636 ""acetate derivative synthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0015065 ""purinoceptor type U" []") (mo-inSubset Cytoplasm goslim_plant) (subclass GO--0046623 GO--0042626) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051781 ""up regulation of cell division" []") (subclass GO--0032070 GO--0032069) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0046555 "MetaCyc:") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047706 "EC:") (subclass GO--0005756 GO--0045269) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0052307 "modulation by organism of defense-related calcium-dependent protein kinase pathway in other organism during symbiotic interaction") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0043721 "EC:4.2.1.-") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0045128 GO--0007131) (mo-inSubset GO--0008210 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005692 "snRNP U11") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052562 ""downregulation by symbiont of host immune response" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045815 ""activation of gene expression, epigenetic" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043158 "heterocyst differentiation") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018174 "protein-heme P460 linkage") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0019439 ""aromatic hydrocarbon catabolic process" []") (subclass GO--0031563 GO--0044463) (mo-definition GO--0051286 ""The region at either end of the longest axis of a cylindrical or elongated cell, where polarized growth may occur." [GOC:ai, GOC:vw]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050427 "Reactome:176631") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015142 "tricarboxylic acid transporter activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042430 ""ketole metabolic process" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0031612 GO--0031600) (mo-definition GO--0004768 ""Catalysis of the reaction: stearoyl-CoA + 2 ferrocytochrome b5 + O2 + 2 H+ = oleoyl-CoA + 2 ferricytochrome b5 + H2O." [EC:]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0000184 ""mRNA breakdown, nonsense-mediated decay" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0022409 ""up-regulation of cell-cell adhesion" []") (mo-definition GO--0043462 ""Any process that modulates the rate of ATP hydrolysis by an ATPase." [GOC:jl]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031538 ""down regulation of anthocyanin metabolic process" []") (mo-definition GO--0046412 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving phenylmercury acetate, an organomercurial compound composed of a mercury atom attached to a benzene ring and an acetate group." [GOC:ai]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050460 "hydroxylamine reductase (NADH) activity") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008545 "EC:2.7.1.-") (mo-definition GO--0048906 ""The process whereby a relatively unspecialized cell acquires specialized features of an anterior lateral line neuromast support cell. Support cells are non-sensory cells of the neuromast that extend between the sensory hair cells from the basement membrane to the apical surface; they are surrounded by mantle cells." [ISBN:0387968377]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0015969 ""guanosine tetraphosphate metabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042822 ""pyridoxal phosphate metabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0031624 ""Interacting selectively with a ubiquitin conjugating enzyme, any of the E2 proteins." [GOC:vp]") (mo-inSubset GO--0052443 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002335 ""mature B-lymphocyte differentiation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0016120 ""carotene anabolism" []") (subclass GO--0009425 GO--0044461) (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because it represents component and function information. To update annotations, use cellular_component term 'extracellular region ; GO:0005576' and molecular_function term 'calcium-dependent phospholipase A2 activity ; GO:0047498'.") (mo-definition GO--0031864 ""Interacting selectively with an EP1 subtype prostaglandin E2 receptor." [GOC:mah, GOC:nln]") (subclass GO--0021574 GO--0021546) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0031397 ""inhibition of protein ubiquitination" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051113 "enzyme active site formation via 1'-(phospho-5'-adenosine)-L-histidine") (subclass GO--0018161 GO--0009821) (documentation GO--0045262 EnglishLanguage "See also the cellular component term 'plasma membrane ; GO:0005886'.") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0032229 ""inhibition of synaptic transmission, GABAergic" []") (documentation GO--0042107 EnglishLanguage "This term was improved by GO_REF:0000022. It was moved.") (subclass GO--0050039 GO--0016616) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009258 ""10-formyltetrahydrofolate catabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0032372 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of the directed movement of sterols into, out of, within or between cells." [GOC:mah]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0052230 "modulation of intracellular transport in other organism during symbiotic interaction") (subclass GO--0019569 GO--0019572) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047107 "MetaCyc:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051033 "RNA transporter activity") (subclass GO--0010293 GO--0018488) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0000718 GO--0006289) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031841 "neuropeptide Y receptor binding") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0010399 "rhamnogalacturonan I backbone metabolic process") (mo-definition GO--0048769 ""The process by which sarcomeres are added in series within a fiber." [GOC:jic, GOC:lm, PMID:15947030]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0014016 "neuroblast differentiation") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0042288 ""gamma-delta T cell receptor activity" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004189 "MetaCyc:") (mo-definition GO--0048036 ""The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the central complex over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The central complex region of the insect brain is thought to be crucial for control of locomotive behavior. Located in the middle of the two protocerebral hemispheres, it comprises four neuropilar regions, the fan-shaped body, the ellipsoid body, the protocerebral bridge and the paired noduli." [PMID:12490252]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045590 ""downregulation of regulatory T cell differentiation" []") (subclass GO--0021820 GO--0030198) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0017078 "Hsc70 protein regulator activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043433 ""down regulation of transcription factor activity" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019368 "fatty acid elongation, unsaturated fatty acid") (subclass GO--0050601 GO--0016705) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004853 "EC:") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0016878 "EC:6.2.1") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0031938 GO--0006348) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047389 "MetaCyc:") (subclass GO--0008050 GO--0007619) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002394 ""tolerance induction in GALT" []") (subclass GO--0008982 GO--0016773) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043377 ""downregulation of CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell differentiation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046082 ""5-methylcytosine formation" []") (subclass GO--0050816 GO--0045309) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009852 ""auxin catabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045128 "negative regulation of meiotic recombination") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0010306 "rhamnogalacturonan II biosynthetic process") (mo-exactSynonym ""induction by organism of symbiont defensive cell wall thickening" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0042753 ""activation of circadian rhythm" []") (mo-definition GO--0010157 ""A change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a chlorate stimulus." [GOC:sm]") (mo-definition GO--0018773 ""Catalysis of the reaction: acetylpyruvate + H2O = acetate + pyruvate." [EC:]") (subclass GO--0044006 GO--0051820) (subclass GO--0047456 GO--0016836) (subclass GO--0019665 GO--0006113) (subclass GO--0015941 GO--0009109) (mo-inSubset GO--0046495 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0045811 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the frizzled signaling pathway." [GOC:go_curators]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045203 "integral to cell outer membrane") (subclass GO--0018400 GO--0019511) (mo-definition GO--0005729 ""A plasmid commonly found in Saccharomyces, inherited in a non-Mendelian manner and often present in 100-400 copies." [PMID:12073320]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0042078 GO--0007281) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050763 ""depsipeptide synthesis" []") (mo-definition GO--0060083 ""The process leading to shortening and/or development of tension in the urinary bladder smooth muscle tissue involved in the expulsion urine from the body." [GOC:dph, PMID:15827347]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0001942 "hair follicle development") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050650 ""chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan synthesis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016692 "NADH peroxidase activity") (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because it refers to involvement in a biological process. To update annotations, consider biological_process term 'complement activation ; GO:0006956' or its children.") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0007243 "Reactome:288299") (mo-definition GO--0019403 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of galactitol, the hexitol derived by the reduction of the aldehyde group of either D- or L-galactose." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (subclass GO--0009902 GO--0009658) (mo-definition GO--0030914 ""A large multiprotein complex that possesses histone acetyltransferase and is involved in regulation of transcription. The composition is similar to that of the SAGA complex; for example, the human complex contains the transcription-transformation cofactor TRRAP, hGCN5L acetylase, novel human ADA-like and SPT-like cofactors, and a subset of TAFs." [PMID:11564863]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050640 "EC:") (subclass GO--0031327 GO--0009890) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002689 ""down regulation of leukocyte chemotaxis" []") (subclass GO--0047675 GO--0016836) (subclass GO--0052143 GO--0052116) (subclass GO--0046499 GO--0046483) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046479 ""glycosphingolipid degradation" []") (subclass GO--0015492 GO--0015494) (subclass GO--0018268 GO--0018201) (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. Any process by which an organism activates, maintains or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the deposition of callose by the symbiont in its cell walls, occurring as part of the defense response of the symbiont organism. The symbiont is defined as the smaller of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction." [PAMGO:mtg]") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0019697 ""L-arabitol and xylitol degradation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045542 ""positive regulation of cholesterol anabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030275 "LRR domain binding") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030942 "endoplasmic reticulum signal peptide binding") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009986 "cell surface") (mo-inSubset GO--0052052 gosubset_prok) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0007094 ""Mad2-dependent checkpoint" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006264 "mitochondrial DNA replication") (mo-alternateID GO--0030482 "GO:0000141") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051813 ""active evasion of immune response of other organism via regulation of antigen processing and presentation pathway in other organism during symbiotic interaction" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009013 "succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050517 "inositol hexakisphosphate kinase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage Virion "virion") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0044460 ""flagellum component" []") (subclass GO--0018404 GO--0018209) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032846 ""up-regulation of homeostatic process" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006629 "Reactome:244894") (subclass GO--0007091 GO--0022402) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031744 "type 2 corticotropin releasing factor receptor binding") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0015694 GO--0050787) (subclass GO--0044413 GO--0051701) (mo-inSubset GO--0043385 gosubset_prok) (mo-inSubset GO--0047584 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0006559 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of phenylalanine, 2-amino-3-phenylpropanoic acid." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0016691 ""heme chloroperoxidase activity" []") (mo-definition GO--0050141 ""Catalysis of the reaction: nitroethane + H2O + O2 = acetaldehyde + NO2(-) (nitrite) + H2O2." [EC:, MetaCyc:NITROETHANE-OXIDASE-RXN]") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0048898 ""ALL system development" []") (subclass GO--0015827 GO--0015801) (mo-definition GO--0043020 ""A enzyme complex of which the core is a heterodimer composed of a light (alpha) and heavy (beta) chain, and requires several other water-soluble proteins of cytosolic origin for activity. Functions in superoxide generation by the NADPH-dependent reduction of O2." [GOC:jl, PMID:11483596, PMID:12440767]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004194 "pepsin A activity") (mo-definition GO--0002731 ""Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate, or extent of dendritic cell cytokine production." [GOC:add]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042378 ""quinone cofactor breakdown" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0045493 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0045446 GO--0030154) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004602 "Reactome:13237") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0016078 ""tRNA degradation" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047294 "MetaCyc:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032154 "cleavage furrow") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043070 "regulation of non-apoptotic programmed cell death") (mo-definition GO--0000900 ""Antagonizes the ribosome-mediated translation of mRNA into a polypeptide via direct binding to nucleic acid." [GOC:clt]") (subclass GO--0015917 GO--0006869) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046219 "indolalkylamine biosynthetic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019417 ""sulphur oxidation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051765 "inositol tetrakisphosphate kinase activity") (subclass GO--0016023 GO--0043231) (mo-inSubset GO--0046485 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046786 "viral replication complex formation and maintenance") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0035252 "UDP-xylosyltransferase activity") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0015365 "TC:2.A.3.10.13") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000170 "sphingosine hydroxylase activity") (mo-definition GO--0042746 ""The part of the circadian sleep/wake cycle where the organism is not asleep." [GOC:jl, PMID:12575468]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046293 "formaldehyde biosynthetic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009716 ""flavonoid phytoalexin formation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046369 ""galactose formation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0001951 "D-glucose absorption") (mo-inSubset GO--0006198 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048521 ""down-regulation of behavior" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0008277 ""regulation of GPCR protein signaling pathway" []") (subclass GO--0051684 GO--0051657) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0002909 ""inhibition of peripheral B cell deletion" []") (mo-definition GO--0002340 ""Processes of B cell selection that occur in the bone marrow." [GOC:jal]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018455 "UM-BBD_enzymeID:e0169") (subclass GO--0047300 GO--0008483) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008629 "Reactome:249878") (mo-definition GO--0006097 ""A modification of the TCA cycle occurring in some plants and microorganisms, in which isocitrate is cleaved to glyoxylate and succinate. Glyoxylate can then react with acetyl-CoA to form malate." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046370 ""fructose biosynthesis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "fibrinogen gamma chain") (subclass GO--0006253 GO--0046065) (mo-definition GO--0015368 ""Catalysis of the reaction: Ca2+(in) + cation(out) = Ca2+(out) + cation(in)." [TC:2.A.19.-.-]") (subclass GO--0030890 GO--0050671) (subclass GO--0042722 GO--0002287) (subclass GO--0043314 GO--0043313) (subclass GO--0002626 GO--0002625) (mo-definition GO--0021513 ""The process that regulates the coordinated growth and differentiation that establishes the non-random dorsal-ventral spatial arrangement of the spinal cord." [GOC:cls, GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jic, GOC:mtg_15jun06]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018639 "EC:1.14.13.-") (subclass GO--0031896 GO--0031893) (subclass GO--0009269 GO--0009414) (subclass GO--0045858 GO--0045815) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046985 ""positive regulation of hemoglobin biosynthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043444 ""2-propanone catabolism" []") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0035288 ""procephalic segmentation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000369 "U12-type nuclear mRNA 5'-splice site recognition") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006112 "Reactome:258920") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008925 "MetaCyc:MALTACETYLTRAN-RXN") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046585 ""enniatin anabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0001508 "regulation of action potential") (subclass GO--0046217 GO--0042434) (subclass GO--0045763 GO--0031324) (subclass GO--0006813 GO--0015672) (subclass GO--0051047 GO--0051046) (mo-definition GO--0002739 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate, or extent of cytokine secretion during immune response." [GOC:add]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042480 ""downregulation of eye photoreceptor cell development" []") (subclass GO--0032871 GO--0051128) (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because it represents a gene product. To update annotations, use molecular_function term 'endopeptidase inhibitor activity ; GO:0004866'.") (mo-definition GO--0016893 ""Catalysis of the hydrolysis of ester linkages within nucleic acids by creating internal breaks to yield 5'-phosphomonoesters." [GOC:mah]") (mo-definition GO--0030546 ""The function of interacting (directly or indirectly) with receptors such that the proportion of receptors in the active form is increased." [GOC:ceb]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018580 "MetaCyc:2-NITROPROPANE-DIOXYGENASE-RXN") (mo-inSubset GO--0018130 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0048019 GO--0030547) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009291 "unidirectional conjugation") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006007 ""glucose degradation" []") (subclass GO--0032786 GO--0032784) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0031703 ""type 2 angiotensin receptor ligand" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002760 ""upregulation of antimicrobial humoral response" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004503 "MetaCyc:MONOPHENOL-MONOOXYGENASE-RXN") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0009978 "MetaCyc:RXN1F-19") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045944 ""stimulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042078 ""germ-line stem cell renewal" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052404 ""downregulation by host of symbiont protease activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0040002 ""cuticle synthesis (sensu Nematoda)" []") (mo-definition GO--0031312 ""Loosely bound to one surface of an organelle membrane, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region." [GOC:mah]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050024 "EC:") (mo-definition GO--0004951 ""Combining with cholecystokinin, a 33-amino acid peptide secreted by the upper intestinal mucosa and also found in the central nervous system, to initiate a change in cell activity." [GOC:ai, http://cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk/]") (mo-inSubset GO--0047423 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019521 "D-gluconate metabolic process") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046400 "ketodeoxyoctanoate metabolic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030618 ""TGF-beta receptor, pathway-specific cytoplasmic mediator activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050696 ""trichloroethylene catabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015741 "fumarate transport") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032730 ""up regulation of interleukin-1 alpha production" []") (subclass GO--0007185 GO--0007167) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019415 "MetaCyc:CODH-PWY") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046398 ""UDP-glucuronate metabolism" []") (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because it represents a molecular function. To update annotations, use molecular_function term 'uridine kinase activity ; GO:0004849'.") (mo-definition GO--0045948 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of translational initiation." [GOC:go_curators]") (subclass GO--0015731 GO--0015730) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0021837 GO--0021827) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0015419 "MetaCyc:") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0009730 ""perception of carbohydrate stimulus" []") (subclass GO--0021585 GO--0048532) (subclass GO--0042304 GO--0019217) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019095 ""oocyte pole plasm mitochondrial rRNA localization" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031223 "auditory behavior") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0051371 ""alpha-actinin 3 binding" []") (mo-definition GO--0045160 ""A myosin complex containing a class I myosin heavy chain and associated light chains; myosin I heavy chains are single-headed, possess tails of various lengths, and do not self-associate into bipolar filaments; myosin I complexes are involved in diverse processes related to membrane traffic and cell movement." [GOC:mah, http://www.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/myosin/Review/Reviewframeset.html, PMID:9438839]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043595 "endospore cortex") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047717 "MetaCyc:IMIDAZOLEACETATE-4-MONOOXYGENASE-RXN") (mo-definition GO--0000790 ""The ordered and organized complex of DNA and protein that forms the chromosome in the nucleus." [GOC:elh]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018076 "N-terminal peptidyl-lysine acetylation") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0032770 ""stimulation of monooxygenase activity" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031783 "type 5 melanocortin receptor binding") (mo-inSubset GO--0000155 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0032933 ""A series of molecular signals from the endoplasmic reticulum to the nucleus generated as a consequence of altered levels of one or more lipids, and resulting in the activation of transcription by SREBP." [GOC:mah, PMID:0]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045345 ""positive regulation of major histocompatibility complex class I biosynthetic process" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052030 ""induction by organism of host apoptotic programmed cell death" []") (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. Catalysis of an oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction in which hydrogen is the electron donor and reduces an acceptor other than a cytochrome, an iron-sulfur protein, NAD, NADP or a quinone or similar compound." [GOC:ai]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016298 "lipase activity") (mo-inSubset GO--0001720 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0010125 GO--0010126) (mo-definition GO--0009854 ""The reactions of the C2 pathway bring about the metabolic conversion of two molecules of 2-phosphoglycolate to one molecule of 3-phosphoglycerate, which can be used by the C3 cycle, and one molecule of carbon dioxide (CO2)." [ISBN:00943088399]") (subclass GO--0046342 GO--0046340) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0030774 "MetaCyc:ANTHRANILATE-N-METHYLTRANSFERASE-RXN") (mo-definition GO--0010306 ""The formation from simpler components of rhamnogalacturonan II, a low molecular mass (5 - 10KDa) pectic polysaccharide, conserved in the primary walls of dicotyledenous and monocotyledenous plants and gymnosperms." [PMID:12754267]") (subclass GO--0051379 GO--0043176) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019597 "(R)-mandelate catabolic process to benzoate") (mo-definition GO--0010401 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving galactan, a polymer of D-galactosyl units that can be found as a side chain of the pectin rhamnogalacturonan I." [GOC:TAIR_curators]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0021863 ""abventricular progenitor cell differentiation" [PMID:16226447]") (mo-inSubset GO--0050685 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0019059 GO--0022415) (subclass GO--0035053 GO--0045165) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0016438 "MetaCyc:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019481 "L-alanine catabolic process, by transamination") (subclass GO--0006700 GO--0006694) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031752 "D5 dopamine receptor binding") (subclass GO--0035305 GO--0035303) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016518 "interleukin-14 receptor activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050813 "epothilone metabolic process") (subclass GO--0031817 GO--0031811) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0030889 ""inhibition of B cell proliferation" []") (mo-definition GO--0018163 ""The formation of a covalent cross-link between DNA and a peptidyl-tyrosine residue by the formation of O4'-(phospho-5'-DNA)-L-tyrosine." [RESID:AA0254]") (mo-definition GO--0047849 ""Catalysis of the reaction: sucrose + 1,6-alpha-D-glucosyl(n) = D-fructose + 1,6-alpha-D-glucosyl(n+1)." [EC:, MetaCyc:DEXTRANSUCRASE-RXN]") (subclass GO--0032048 GO--0006650) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000428 "DNA-directed RNA polymerase complex") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050992 ""dimethylallyl diphosphate formation" []") (mo-definition GO--0005915 ""Cell-cell adherens junction which forms a continuous belt near the apex of epithelial cells." [ISBN:0815316208]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0060002 ""barbed-end directed actin-filament motor activity" [GOC:dph]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "sevenless receptor activity") (mo-inSubset GO--0009198 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046383 "dTDP-rhamnose metabolic process") (subclass GO--0021941 GO--0008285) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046861 "glyoxysomal membrane") (subclass GO--0051003 GO--0051002) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009996 ""suppression of cell fate" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000216 "Reactome:244933") (mo-definition GO--0002625 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate, or extent of T cell antigen processing and presentation." [GOC:add]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042471 "ear morphogenesis") (mo-definition GO--0051984 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of chromosome segregation, the process by which genetic material, in the form of chromosomes, is organized and then physically separated and apportioned to two or more sets." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0030844 GO--0051247) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006157 ""deoxyadenosine catabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015373 "monovalent anion:sodium symporter activity") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0001760 "MetaCyc:") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047638 "EC:") (subclass GO--0008657 GO--0004857) (mo-definition GO--0004254 ""Catalysis of the reaction: acylaminoacyl-peptide + H2O = acylamino acid + peptide." [EC:]") (subclass GO--0046101 GO--0046100) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0007167 "enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0007320 "insemination") (subclass GO--0021797 GO--0009952) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045351 ""interferon type I formation" []") (subclass GO--0004836 GO--0016491) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031490 "chromatin DNA binding") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046059 ""dAMP breakdown" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0004505 ""phenylalanine hydroxylase activity" []") (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. Enables the directed movement of electrons into, out of, within or between cells." [GOC:ai]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045224 ""positive regulation of CD4 biosynthesis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0021797 "forebrain anterior-posterior pattern formation") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0048560 GO--0009653) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0012508 ""Golgi-endoplasmic reticulum transport vesicle membrane" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006561 "Reactome:291729") (mo-inSubset GO--0046306 gosubset_prok) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0048694 ""activation of collateral sprouting of injured axon" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045406 ""negative regulation of interleukin-5 anabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015772 "oligosaccharide transport") (subclass GO--0051209 GO--0007204) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0051094 ""stimulation of developmental process" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0007220 "Reactome:238261") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0007567 ""giving birth" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0052390 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045630 ""up-regulation of T-helper 2 cell differentiation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009512 ""cytochrome b(6)f complex" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018495 "EC:1.3.-.-") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032915 ""upregulation of transforming growth factor-beta2 production" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048347 ""downregulation of paraxial mesodermal cell fate determination" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0048848 GO--0021985) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0051651 ""intracellular retention" []") (subclass GO--0046205 GO--0046204) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047590 "MetaCyc:5-DEHYDRO-2-DEOXYGLUCONOKINASE-RXN") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051157 ""arabitol degradation" []") (subclass GO--0031883 GO--0001664) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006216 ""cytidine catabolism" []") (subclass GO--0008237 GO--0008233) (mo-inSubset GO--0018049 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000234 "MetaCyc:") (subclass GO--0052151 GO--0052501) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0004917 ""IL-7R" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0021812 "neuronal-glial interaction involved in cerebral cortex glial-mediated radial cell migration") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045741 "positive regulation of epidermal growth factor receptor activity") (mo-inSubset GO--0007105 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0005843 GO--0044445) (subclass GO--0001788 GO--0001794) (mo-relatedSynonym ""mannose receptor" []") (mo-definition GO--0051677 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of pullulan, a neutral linear polysaccharide composed of repeating units of maltotriose joined by alpha-(1,6)-linkages." [GOC:ai]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047676 "MetaCyc:ARACHIDONATE--COA-LIGASE-RXN") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046349 ""amino sugar synthesis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000404 "loop DNA binding") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018918 ""gallic acid metabolic process" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000086 "Reactome:255721") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0051436 "Reactome:225859") (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. Any process by which an organism activates programmed cell death in the symbiont, where programmed cell death proceeds by a non-apoptotic pathway. The symbiont is defined as the smaller of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction." [PAMGO:mtg]") (mo-inSubset GO--0019638 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage "shmoo orientation") (mo-definition GO--0045987 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of smooth muscle contraction." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002918 ""downregulation of peripheral B cell anergy" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008373 "EC:2.4.99.-") (mo-definition GO--0050809 ""Interacting selectively with diazepam, one of the most widely used benzodiazepine drugs. It is used as an anti-anxiety-hypnotic agent and has the proprietary name Valium." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (subclass GO--0032747 GO--0032667) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031524 "menthol metabolic process") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047046 "homoisocitrate dehydrogenase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009204 ""deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate catabolism" []") (subclass GO--0047308 GO--0008483) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0046661 GO--0007275) (mo-definition GO--0035021 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of Rac protein signal transduction." [GOC:bf]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0048387 ""inhibition of retinoic acid receptor signaling pathway" []") (subclass GO--0050586 GO--0016702) (subclass GO--0006005 GO--0042353) (mo-definition GO--0042113 ""The change in morphology and behavior of a mature or immature B cell resulting from exposure to a mitogen, cytokine, chemokine, cellular ligand, or an antigen for which it is specific." [GOC:mgi_curators, ISBN:0781735140]") (documentation GO--0018003 EnglishLanguage "See also the molecular function term 'tubulin N-acetyltransferase activity ; GO:0019799'.") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045948 ""stimulation of translational initiation" []") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0051266 ""siroheme synthase activity" []") (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because it was being used to describe two different components. To update annotations, consider cellular_component terms 'secretory granule ; GO:0030141' or its children and 'transport vesicle ; GO:0030133' or its children.") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019610 "MetaCyc:3-HYDROXYPHENYLACETATE-DEGRADATION-PWY") (subclass GO--0044002 GO--0051701) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0030540 GO--0046545) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045553 ""TRAIL formation" []") (subclass GO--0051620 GO--0051934) (mo-inSubset GO--0042956 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0047442 GO--0016832) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008121 "TC:3.D.3.-.-") (mo-definition GO--0019575 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of sucrose, catalyzed by the enzyme beta-fructofuranosidase (EC:" [GOC:jl]") (subclass GO--0018898 GO--0042196) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032740 ""up-regulation of interleukin-17 production" []") (mo-definition GO--0015833 ""The directed movement of peptides, compounds of two or more amino acids where the alpha carboxyl group of one is bound to the alpha amino group of another, into, out of, within or between cells." [GOC:ai]") (mo-definition GO--0031535 ""The movement of one microtubule along another microtubule, where the motion is directed towards the plus ends of the microtubules." [GOC:mah, GOC:vw]") (subclass GO--0048625 GO--0045165) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008819 "EC:2.7.1.-") (subclass GO--0018731 GO--0016789) (subclass GO--0031668 GO--0009991) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047300 "pyridoxamine-pyruvate transaminase activity") (mo-definition GO--0009155 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of purine deoxyribonucleotide, a compound consisting of deoxyribonucleoside (a purine base linked to a deoxyribose sugar) esterified with a phosphate moiety at either the 3' or 5'-hydroxyl group of its glycose moiety." [GOC:go_curators, ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (instance Smo-inSubset BinaryRelation) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006715 ""farnesol anabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0051238 ""The process of binding or confining metal ions such that they are separated from other components of a biological system." [GOC:ai]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050578 "EC:") (subclass GO--0017041 GO--0004553) (subclass GO--0016578 GO--0016570) (mo-inSubset GO--0042857 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0032071 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of endodeoxyribonuclease activity, the hydrolysis of ester linkages within deoxyribonucleic acid by creating internal breaks." [GOC:mah]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002787 ""down regulation of antibacterial peptide production" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018115 ""peptidyl-S-diphytanylglycerol diether-L-cysteine formation from peptidyl-cysteine" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0007426 ""tracheal outgrowth (sensu Insecta)" []") (subclass GO--0004574 GO--0015926) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052292 ""up-regulation by organism of defense-related cell wall callose deposition in other organism during symbiotic interaction" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043437 ""butyric acid metabolism" []") (subclass GO--0044275 GO--0044262) (subclass GO--0051460 GO--0051459) (mo-definition GO--0048525 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of the viral life cycle, the set of processes by which a virus reproduces and spreads among hosts." [GOC:jic]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0060028 "convergent extension involved in axis elongation") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046843 "dorsal appendage formation") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031553 ""positive regulation of BDNF receptor activity" []") (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because it was an unnecessary grouping term. To update annotations, consider molecular_function term 'oxidoreductase activity, acting on heme group of donors ; GO:0016675' or its children.") (subclass GO--0005232 GO--0005231) (subclass GO--0050013 GO--0016832) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018512 "1,6-dihydroxy-5-methylcyclohexa-2,4-dienecarboxylate dehydrogenase activity") (subclass GO--0009562 GO--0007097) (subclass GO--0043447 GO--0043446) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047795 "MetaCyc:CYCLOHEXANE-1,2-DIOL-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN") (mo-definition GO--0015155 ""Enables the directed movement of lactose into, out of, within or between cells. Lactose is a disaccharide 4-O-beta-D-galactopyranosyl-D-glucose, and constitutes roughly 5% of the milk in almost all mammals." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008127 "MetaCyc:QUERCETIN-23-DIOXYGENASE-RXN") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005156 "epidermal growth factor receptor inhibiting ligand activity") (subclass GO--0043232 GO--0043228) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0055022 ""down regulation of cardiac muscle growth" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0052040 ""modulation of host hypersensitive response" []") (subclass GO--0045998 GO--0045966) (mo-definition GO--0003964 ""Catalysis of the reaction: deoxynucleoside triphosphate + DNA(n) = diphosphate + DNA(n+1). Catalyzes RNA-template-directed extension of the 3'- end of a DNA strand by one deoxynucleotide at a time." [EC:]") (mo-definition GO--0005586 ""A collagen homotrimer of alpha1(III) chains; type III collagen triple helices associate to form fibrils." [ISBN:0721639976]") (subclass GO--0000101 GO--0006865) (subclass GO--0002084 GO--0042159) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0021783 GO--0007417) (mo-definition GO--0015868 ""The directed movement of a purine ribonucleotide, any compound consisting of a purine ribonucleoside (a purine organic base attached to a ribose sugar) esterified with (ortho)phosphate, into, out of or within a cell." [GOC:ai]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0020013 "rosetting") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032769 ""downregulation of monooxygenase activity" []") (subclass GO--0021659 GO--0021595) (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because more specific terms were created. To update annotations, use cellular_component term 'eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4F complex ; GO:0016281'.") (subclass GO--0019332 GO--0006807) (mo-inSubset GO--0019291 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0018276 GO--0018262) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0001547 GO--0001541) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006397 "Reactome:77586") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042317 ""penicillin catabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000361 "cis assembly of U12-type pre-catalytic spliceosome") (subclass GO--0006743 GO--0006733) (subclass GO--0045880 GO--0008589) (mo-alternateID GO--0006968 "GO:0016066") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046112 ""nucleobase anabolism" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004262 "EC:") (subclass GO--0048561 GO--0048560) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018748 "EC:3.5.1.-") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050961 ""sensory perception, sensory detection of thermal stimulus" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0010260 "organ senescence") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046021 ""mitotic regulation of transcription from Pol II promoter" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050774 "negative regulation of dendrite morphogenesis") (mo-definition GO--0052019 ""The alteration by an organism of the levels of hormones or growth regulators in the host organism. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction." [GOC:mtg_pamgo_17jul06]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009102 ""vitamin B7 biosynthetic process" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004789 "EC:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0033098 "amyloplast inner membrane") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045376 ""down-regulation of interleukin-16 biosynthetic process" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0045540 GO--0006695) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0003850 "2-deoxyglucose-6-phosphatase activity") (mo-inSubset GO--0018850 gosubset_prok) (mo-inSubset GO--0032238 gosubset_prok) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0051097 ""inhibition of helicase activity" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019195 "TC:4.A.6.1.5") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0046930 ""pore-forming toxin activity" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045407 ""stimulation of interleukin-5 biosynthetic process" []") (subclass GO--0045414 GO--0042035) (mo-exactSynonym ""GPI/GSI anchor synthesis" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0046536 GO--0000803) (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0031202 ""small nuclear RNA" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004658 "Reactome:13473") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030392 "fructosamine catabolic process") (mo-definition GO--0016888 ""Catalysis of the hydrolysis of ester linkages within deoxyribonucleic acids by creating internal breaks to yield 5'-phosphomonoesters." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0048020 GO--0042379) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009706 "chloroplast inner membrane") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030386 "ferredoxin:thioredoxin reductase complex") (subclass GO--0047386 GO--0016791) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002319 ""memory B lymphocyte differentiation" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047337 "EC:") (mo-inSubset GO--0006775 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0031518 GO--0044427) (subclass GO--0046656 GO--0009396) (mo-definition GO--0010364 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate, or extent of ethylene biosynthetic process." [GOC:TAIR_curator]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002547 ""up regulation of tissue kallikrein-kinin cascade" []") (subclass GO--0044238 GO--0008152) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006065 "Reactome:249777") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045407 ""upregulation of interleukin-5 biosynthetic process" []") (subclass GO--0021784 GO--0048731) (mo-alternateID GO--0007312 "GO:0008102") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030812 ""negative regulation of nucleotide degradation" []") (subclass GO--0018686 GO--0016716) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051006 ""up regulation of lipoprotein lipase activity" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051758 "homologous chromosome movement towards spindle pole during meiosis I") (subclass GO--0019275 GO--0009423) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050790 ""regulation of enzyme activity" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018635 "limonene 1,2-monooxygenase activity") (subclass GO--0043393 GO--0051098) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008978 "MetaCyc:") (mo-definition GO--0033023 ""The process of regulating the proliferation and elimination of mast cells such that the total number of mast cells within a whole or part of an organism is stable over time in the absence of an outside stimulus." [GOC:add, PMID:11292031]") (subclass GO--0008665 GO--0016740) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032991 "macromolecular complex") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0021850 GO--0022012) (subclass GO--0008700 GO--0016833) (mo-inSubset GO--0019887 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047933 "EC:") (mo-definition GO--0032908 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate, or extent of production of transforming growth factor-beta1." [GOC:mah]") (subclass GO--0047996 GO--0016899) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019724 ""B lymphocyte mediated immune effector process" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0008284 ""up regulation of cell proliferation" []") (subclass GO--0006075 GO--0051278) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006984 ""ER to nucleus signaling pathway" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009171 ""purine deoxyribonucleoside monophosphate anabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0048379 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of lateral mesoderm cell fate specification." [GOC:jic]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004766 "spermidine synthase activity") (subclass GO--0018306 GO--0018283) (termFormat EnglishLanguage "axonemal motor activity") (subclass GO--0042415 GO--0006584) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004846 "MetaCyc:URATE-OXIDASE-RXN") (mo-definition GO--0002300 ""The process whereby a relatively unspecialized hemopoietic stem cell acquires the specialized features of a CD8-positive, alpha-beta intraepithelial T cell. Intraepithelial T cells are found among epithelial cells in mucosal areas and have distinct phenotypes and developmental pathways." [GOC:add, ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology"]") (subclass GO--0005787 GO--0044432) (subclass GO--0050458 GO--0046912) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0044011 "single-species biofilm formation on inanimate substrate") (subclass GO--0006879 GO--0030005) (subclass GO--0015623 GO--0042626) (mo-inSubset GO--0046293 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0016596 ""Interacting selectively with thienylcyclohexylpiperidine." [GOC:jl]") (subclass GO--0052257 GO--0052305) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048330 ""upregulation of axial mesodermal cell fate specification" []") (mo-definition GO--0006641 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving triacylglycerol, any triester of glycerol. The three fatty acid residues may all be the same or differ in any permutation. Triacylglycerols are important components of plant oils, animal fats and animal plasma lipoproteins." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004747 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043315 ""positive regulation of neutrophil granule exocytosis" []") (subclass GO--0048393 GO--0001710) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019582 "D-galactarate catabolic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045632 ""down regulation of mechanoreceptor differentiation" []") (mo-definition GO--0007458 ""The morphogenetic furrow is a dorsoventral indentation which sweeps anteriorly across the eye disc. Ommatidia begin to form along the furrow, resulting in a graded series of ommatidial development across the anterior/posterior axis of the disc." [PMID:3076112, PMID:3937883]") (mo-definition GO--0032832 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of differentiation of CD4-positive, CD25-positive, alpha-beta regulatory T cells during an immune response." [GOC:mah]") (subclass GO--0016292 GO--0016291) (mo-definition GO--0021955 ""Generation of a long process from a neuron whose cell body resides in the central nervous system. The process carries efferent (outgoing) action potentials from the cell body towards target cells." [GOC:cls, GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jic, GOC:mtg_15jun06]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006887 ""vesicle exocytosis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002360 ""T-lymphocyte lineage commitment" []") (subclass GO--0014015 GO--0014013) (subclass GO--0052138 GO--0052125) (mo-definition GO--0047953 ""Catalysis of the reaction: glycerol + NADP+ = glycerone + NADPH." [EC:, MetaCyc:GLYCEROL-2-DEHYDROGENASE-(NADP+)-RXN]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0017144 ""drug metabolism" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000722 "Reactome:252515") (mo-definition GO--0021538 ""The progression of the epithalamus over time from its initial formation until its mature state. The epithalamus is the small dorsomedial area of the thalamus including the habenular nuclei and associated fiber bundles, the pineal body, and the epithelial roof of the third ventricle." [GOC:cls, GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jic, GOC:mtg_15jun06, ISBN:0838580343]") (mo-inSubset GO--0000738 gosubset_prok) (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because the process is not exclusive to the carboxy terminus of a protein. To update annotations, use biological_process term 'protein amino acid farnesylation ; GO:0018347'.") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032016 "negative regulation of Ran protein signal transduction") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0009655 GO--0009517) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032337 ""up-regulation of activin secretion" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047040 "EC:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008982 "protein-N(PI)-phosphohistidine-sugar phosphotransferase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004013 "adenosylhomocysteinase activity") (documentation GO--0021606 EnglishLanguage "This term was added by GO_REF:0000021.") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032853 "positive regulation of Ran GTPase activity") (subclass GO--0000910 GO--0051301) (mo-inSubset GO--0015078 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046061 ""dATP breakdown" []") (subclass GO--0003832 GO--0016787) (subclass GO--0006099 GO--0046356) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046321 ""up-regulation of fatty acid oxidation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050654 "chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan metabolic process") (subclass GO--0005987 GO--0005985) (mo-inSubset GO--0009060 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0042139 GO--0007146) (mo-inSubset GO--0051201 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045424 ""negative regulation of granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor anabolism" []") (subclass GO--0010217 GO--0006875) (mo-definition GO--0045117 ""The directed movement of azoles, heterocyclic compounds found in many biologically important substances, into, out of, within or between cells." [GOC:go_curators, http://cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk/]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0003977 "MetaCyc:NAG1P-URIDYLTRANS-RXN") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030578 ""PML body organisation and biogenesis" []") (subclass GO--0016589 GO--0031010) (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0021983 ""hypophysis development" [GOC:dph]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047364 "EC:") (subclass GO--0048205 GO--0048220) (subclass GO--0009724 GO--0009737) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000146 "microfilament motor activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009995 "soluble molecule recognition") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015104 "antimonite transporter activity") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0042095 GO--0032609) (subclass GO--0048610 GO--0022414) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046875 ""Eph receptor binding" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051614 "inhibition of serotonin uptake") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018496 "UM-BBD_enzymeID:e0186") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006562 "proline catabolic process") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0051817 ""regulation of physiology of other organism" []") (subclass GO--0048204 GO--0048199) (subclass GO--0006949 GO--0009987) (subclass GO--0004912 GO--0019978) (subclass GO--0009077 GO--0009075) (subclass GO--0031297 GO--0006310) (mo-inSubset GO--0015667 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0019394 GO--0019579) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047105 "MetaCyc:") (subclass GO--0009129 GO--0009123) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019384 "MetaCyc:P621-PWY") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0042706 GO--0001754) (subclass GO--0018155 GO--0018198) (subclass GO--0002842 GO--0002711) (mo-definition GO--0000019 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of DNA recombination during mitosis." [GOC:go_curators]") (subclass GO--0035118 GO--0035115) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046511 "sphinganine biosynthetic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031505 ""cell wall organization and biogenesis (sensu Fungi)" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0006721 ""terpene metabolism" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0042409 "EC:") (subclass GO--0030798 GO--0008757) (mo-definition GO--0043378 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell differentiation." [GOC:add, ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology"]") (mo-definition GO--0031414 ""A complex that catalyzes the transfer of an acetyl group to the N-terminal residue of a protein acceptor molecule." [GOC:mah]") (mo-definition GO--0052526 ""Any process by which an organism activates, maintains or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the second organism signal transduction pathways, the cascade of processes by which a signal interacts with a receptor, where the two organisms are in a symbiotic interaction." [GOC:mtg_pamgo_17jul06]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0007204 "elevation of cytosolic calcium ion concentration") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0021561 ""CN VII development" [GOC:cls]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045810 ""inhibition of frizzled signaling pathway" []") (subclass GO--0006041 GO--0006040) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0000150 ""strand transferase" []") (subclass GO--0018908 GO--0006790) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042849 ""L-sorbose synthesis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047374 "methylumbelliferyl-acetate deacetylase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0021977 "tectospinal tract morphogenesis") (subclass GO--0015428 GO--0042626) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0002843 GO--0002413) (mo-definition GO--0048684 ""Any process that activates, maintains or increases the rate of collateral sprouting of an intact axon as a result of injury to an axon." [GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jic, GOC:lm]") (mo-inSubset GO--0016020 goslim_yeast) (mo-definition GO--0004219 ""Catalysis of the reaction: pyroglutamyl-peptide + H2O = pyroglutamate + peptide." [EC:]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046587 ""up-regulation of calcium-dependent cell-cell adhesion" []") (mo-definition GO--0044264 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving polysaccharides, polymers of more than 10 monosaccharide residues joined by glycosidic linkages, as carried out by individual cells." [GOC:jl]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0021816 GO--0021815) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0015452 "TC:3.C.-.-.-") (subclass GO--0008969 GO--0016791) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018822 "MetaCyc:NITRILE-HYDRATASE-RXN") (mo-inSubset GO--0052076 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0003796 "MetaCyc:") (subclass GO--0019602 GO--0019600) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005882 "intermediate filament") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045762 ""up-regulation of adenylate cyclase activity" []") (documentation GO--0000360 EnglishLanguage "Note that this step represents formation of the A2-1 complex (yeast) or the B1 complex (mammals).") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009935 ""nutrient uptake" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006198 ""adenosine 3',5'-cyclophosphate catabolic process" []") (mo-definition GO--0007419 ""The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the ventral cord over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The ventral cord is one of the distinguishing traits of the central nervous system of all arthropods (such as insects, crustaceans and arachnids) as well as many other invertebrates, such as the annelid worms." [GOC:bf, GOC:go_curators, http://users.rcn.com/jkimball.ma.ultranet/BiologyPages/S/Spemann.html]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009674 "potassium:sodium symporter activity") (subclass GO--0000127 GO--0005667) (subclass GO--0015926 GO--0004553) (mo-definition GO--0046333 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving octopamine, 1-(p-hydroxyphenyl)-2-aminoethanol. The D enantiomer is about one-tenth as active as norepihephrine and is found in the salivary glands of Octopus and Eledone species." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050427 ""adenosine 3'-phosphate 5'-phosphosulfate metabolism" []") (subclass GO--0046152 GO--0046158) (documentation GO--0043672 EnglishLanguage "Note that nexine is distinguished on purely morphological criteria; compare with 'endexine ; GO:0043671'. See also 'sexine ; GO:0043673'.") (subclass GO--0042516 GO--0042509) (subclass GO--0046310 GO--0018902) (mo-alternateID GO--0005344 "GO:0015033") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043505 "centromere-specific nucleosome") (mo-inSubset GO--0015031 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047500 "EC:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004413 "homoserine kinase activity") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047243 "MetaCyc:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046952 ""ketone body breakdown" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0060052 "neurofilament cytoskeleton organization and biogenesis") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016896 "exoribonuclease activity, producing 5'-phosphomonoesters") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006045 ""N-acetylglucosamine synthesis" []") (mo-definition GO--0043495 ""Interacting selectively with both a protein or protein complex and a membrane, in order to maintain the localization of the protein at a specific location on the membrane." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0016846 "EC:4.4") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0001844 "Reactome:211294") (mo-definition GO--0045933 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of muscle contraction." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0017188 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042228 ""interleukin-8 formation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048743 ""upregulation of skeletal muscle fiber development" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008174 "EC:2.1.1.-") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "synaptic vesicle retrieval") (mo-inSubset GO--0009002 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051745 ""isopentenyl-diphosphate:NAD(P)+ oxidoreductase activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042413 ""vitamin Bt catabolic process" []") (mo-alternateID GO--0010091 "GO:0048274") (mo-inSubset GO--0004113 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0042555 ""A hexameric protein complex required for the initiation and regulation of DNA replication." [GOC:jl, PMID:11282021]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "cAMP generating peptide activity") (subclass GO--0002622 GO--0002577) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006353 "transcription termination") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050723 ""downregulation of interleukin-1 alpha biosynthetic process" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046842 ""trisporic acid anabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0007069 ""down-regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase I promoter, mitotic" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050965 ""sensory detection of temperature stimulus during perception of pain" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008701 "4-hydroxy-2-oxovalerate aldolase activity") (mo-inSubset GO--0004998 gosubset_prok) (mo-inSubset GO--0019854 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0007276 "gamete generation") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0017148 ""down-regulation of protein biosynthetic process" []") (subclass GO--0043060 GO--0051311) (mo-definition GO--0043377 ""Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the rate of CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell differentiation." [GOC:add, ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology"]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0017114 "wide-spectrum protease inhibitor activity") (subclass GO--0045828 GO--0019747) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0048288 GO--0000741) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0030239 GO--0055002) (mo-inSubset GO--0004531 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0006178 ""Any process that generates guanine, 2-amino-6-hydroxypurine, from derivatives of it without de novo synthesis." [GOC:jl]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009102 ""vitamin H biosynthetic process" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0003862 "3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase activity") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0031287 ""activation of stalk cell differentiation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045654 ""up-regulation of megakaryocyte differentiation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009408 "response to heat") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0055033 ""gamma-tubulin large complex, iMTOC" []") (documentation GO--0021859 EnglishLanguage "This term was added by GO_REF:0000021.") (subclass GO--0017003 GO--0017006) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0016645 ""oxidoreductase activity, acting on the CH-NH group of donors, other acceptors" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0009755 "Reactome:255742") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0050850 ""activation of calcium-mediated signaling" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043039 ""tRNA charging" []") (subclass GO--0048227 GO--0006886) (mo-definition GO--0000034 ""Catalysis of the reaction: adenine + H2O = hypoxanthine + NH3." [EC:]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046471 ""phosphatidylglycerol metabolism" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000722 "Reactome:174452") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032381 ""down regulation of intracellular sterol transport" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0021785 "branchiomotor neuron axon guidance") (subclass GO--0016815 GO--0016810) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009789 ""up-regulation of abscisic acid mediated signaling" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051204 ""protein-mitochondrial membrane insertion" []") (mo-definition GO--0031642 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of the formation of a myelin sheath around nerve axons." [GOC:mah]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050617 "15,16-dihydrobiliverdin:ferredoxin oxidoreductase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050958 "magnetoreception") (mo-inSubset GO--0046854 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002853 ""down regulation of T cell mediated cytotoxicity directed against tumor cell target" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009742 ""brassinosteroid mediated signalling" []") (subclass GO--0042802 GO--0005515) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030718 "germ-line stem cell maintenance") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051946 ""regulation of L-glutamate reuptake" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0048788 ""CAZ" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052284 ""modulation by organism of SA-mediated defense response of other organism" []") (subclass GO--0043218 GO--0044459) (subclass GO--0031601 GO--0005839) (mo-definition GO--0031598 ""The regulatory subcomplex of a proteasome located in the nucleus of a cell." [GOC:mah]") (subclass GO--0031020 GO--0045293) (mo-definition GO--0032859 ""Any process that initiates the activity of an inactive GTPase of the Ral family through the replacement of GDP by GTP." [GOC:mah]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050252 "MetaCyc:RETINOL-O-FATTY-ACYLTRANSFERASE-RXN") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0014013 GO--0042063) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050306 "sucrose 1F-fructosyltransferase activity") (mo-definition GO--0003998 ""Catalysis of the reaction: an acyl phosphate + H2O = a carboxylate + phosphate." [EC:]") (mo-inSubset GO--0016111 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0030840 GO--0051248) (subclass GO--0019622 GO--0046435) (subclass GO--0045864 GO--0042068) (mo-definition GO--0042100 ""The rapid expansion of a B cell population by cell division. Follows B cell activation." [GOC:jl]") (mo-definition GO--0050737 ""Catalysis of the transfer of a hydroxycinnamoyl group to an oxygen atom on the acceptor molecule." [GOC:ai]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019856 ""pyrimidine base synthesis" []") (subclass GO--0009399 GO--0006807) (documentation GO--0001782 EnglishLanguage "Note that this term represents the return of B cell levels to stable numbers following an immune response as well as the proliferation and elimination of B cells required to maintain stable numbers in the absence of an outside stimulus.") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045078 ""positive regulation of interferon-gamma anabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0003909 ""Catalysis of the formation of a phosphodiester bond between the 3'-hydroxyl group at the end of one DNA chain and the 5'-phosphate group at the end of another; requires an energy source such as ATP or NAD+." [ISBN:0716720094]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052064 ""activation by organism of defense-related host reactive oxygen intermediate production" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030549 "acetylcholine receptor activator activity") (subclass GO--0004661 GO--0008318) (subclass GO--0030817 GO--0030814) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050611 "MetaCyc:") (subclass GO--0000747 GO--0000746) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000717 "Reactome:247842") (mo-definition GO--0035121 ""The process by which the anatomical structures of the tail are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form. The tail is the hindmost part of some animals." [ISBN:0198612001]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030210 ""heparin synthesis" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0001715 GO--0001712) (mo-definition GO--0042541 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of hemoglobin, an oxygen carrying, conjugated protein containing four heme groups and globin." [GOC:jl, http://cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk/]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042692 "muscle cell differentiation") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0051504 GO--0051502) (subclass GO--0007027 GO--0007026) (mo-inSubset GO--0016874 goslim_yeast) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045921 "positive regulation of exocytosis") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050492 "EC:") (documentation GO--0021650 EnglishLanguage "This term was added by GO_REF:0000021.") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031300 "intrinsic to organelle membrane") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009243 ""O antigen anabolism" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0007154 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0046781 ""Viral processes that disperse host splicing factors (snRNPs) to prevent host mRNA splicing, thus reducing host protein production." [ISBN:0781718325]") (subclass GO--0002728 GO--0002716) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0005284 ""insulin-activated sodium/amino acid transporter activity" []") (mo-definition GO--0033123 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of purine nucleotides." [GOC:mah]") (mo-definition GO--0046845 ""Allocation of a set number of cells to each primary branch in an open tracheal system, prior to the onset of cell migration. This establishes different domains of cells within the tracheal placode." [GOC:mtg_sensu, PMID:10684581]") (mo-inSubset GO--0045918 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0010172 GO--0010171) (mo-definition GO--0042934 ""Enables the directed movement of achromobactin, a citrate siderophore, into, out of, within or between cells." [GOC:jl]") (subclass GO--0002740 GO--0050710) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0001980 GO--0001976) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046656 "folic acid biosynthetic process") (mo-definition GO--0031331 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of substances, carried out by individual cells." [GOC:mah]") (subclass GO--0010176 GO--0010354) (documentation GO--0022010 EnglishLanguage "This term was added by GO_REF:0000021.") (mo-definition GO--0030987 ""Interacting selectively with a high molecular weight kininogen receptor." [GOC:mah]") (subclass GO--0006626 GO--0006605) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042523 ""up regulation of tyrosine phosphorylation of Stat5 protein" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0001934 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009512 ""cyt b6/f complex" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0035006 ""melanization defence response" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016577 "histone demethylation") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018517 "phthalate 4,5-cis-dihydrodiol dehydrogenase activity") (documentation GO--0009319 EnglishLanguage "See also the molecular function term 'cytochrome o ubiquinol oxidase activity ; GO:0008827'.") (subclass GO--0051425 GO--0019904) (mo-definition GO--0052324 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of cellulose, a linear beta1-4 glucan of molecular mass 50-400 kDa with the pyranose units in the -4C1 conformation, as part of the organization and biogenesis of the cell wall." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0004117 GO--0004114) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0001583 ""sensory transduction of salty taste" []") (subclass GO--0006592 GO--0006591) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018178 "peptidyl-threonine adenylylation") (subclass GO--0047160 GO--0016413) (subclass GO--0018704 GO--0016491) (subclass GO--0018893 GO--0018904) (mo-definition GO--0015909 ""The directed movement of long-chain fatty acids into, out of, within or between cells. A long-chain fatty acid is an aliphatic compound with a terminal carboxyl group and with a chain length greater than C12." [GOC:ai]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0001635 "calcitonin gene-related polypeptide receptor activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0010138 "pyrimidine ribonucleotide salvage") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009396 ""folate and derivative biosynthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019251 ""anaerobic cobalamin formation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009554 ""meiotic division of the megasporocyte" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008999 "EC:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0010208 "pollen wall formation") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048573 ""response to photoperiod, flowering" []") (subclass GO--0006058 GO--0006056) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015091 "ferric iron transporter activity") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047125 "MetaCyc:") (subclass GO--0008121 GO--0016681) (mo-inSubset GO--0042854 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0030407 ""Catalysis of the transfer of a formimino group from 5-formimidoyltetrahydrofolate to an acceptor molecule such as an amino acid." [EC:, EC:, GOC:mah]") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0035196 ""microRNA biosynthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002668 ""down-regulation of T cell anergy" []") (documentation GO--0008326 EnglishLanguage "Note that EC: was deleted from EC as the reaction is performed by DNA (cytosine-5-)-methyltransferase (EC:") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0002654 ""activation of tolerance induction dependent upon immune response" []") (subclass GO--0006853 GO--0006839) (termFormat EnglishLanguage "electron transfer flavoprotein, group II") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0048146 ""stimulation of fibroblast proliferation" []") (subclass GO--0018401 GO--0019511) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045465 "R8 cell differentiation") (mo-definition GO--0019550 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of glutamate into other compounds, including aspartate." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0016617 "EC:") (mo-definition GO--0042905 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving 9-cis-retinoic acid, a metabolically active vitamin A derivative." [GOC:jl, PMID:11279029]") (subclass GO--0018921 GO--0018958) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0022017 "neuroblast division in the pallium") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0031678 GO--0031676) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0021639 "trochlear nerve morphogenesis") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004062 "Reactome:7193") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050133 "EC:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045604 "regulation of epidermal cell differentiation") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051770 ""positive regulation of NOS biosynthesis" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004551 "MetaCyc:NUCLEOTIDE-PYROPHOSPHATASE-RXN") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008882 "MetaCyc:GSADENYLATION-RXN") (subclass GO--0019337 GO--0018967) (mo-definition GO--0000425 ""Degradation of a peroxisome by macropexophagy." [PMID:12914914, PMID:16973210]") (mo-definition GO--0046683 ""A change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of an organophosphorus stimulus. Organophosphorus is a compound containing phosphorus bound to an organic molecule; several organophosphorus compounds are used as insecticides, and they are highly toxic cholinesterase inhibitors." [ISBN:0721662544]") (subclass GO--0016960 GO--0004748) (subclass GO--0000225 GO--0016811) (mo-definition GO--0018247 ""The linkage of phosphoribosyl dephospho-coenzyme A to protein via peptidyl-serine, to form O-(phosphoribosyl dephospho-coenzyme A)-L-serine; it is uncertain whether the phosphoribosyl glycosidic attachment to the dephospho-coenzyme A is alpha or beta, and through the 2' or the 3' position." [RESID:AA0167]") (mo-definition GO--0052379 ""Any process by which an organism modulates the frequency, rate or extent to which it enters into a second organism via the phagocytotic processes of the other organism, where the two organisms are in a symbiotic interaction." [GOC:mtg_pamgo_17jul06]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005619 "spore wall (sensu Fungi)") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006634 ""hexadecanal anabolism" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0009544 GO--0009535) (mo-definition GO--0005826 ""A cytoskeletal structure composed of actin filaments and myosin that forms beneath the plasma membrane of many cells, including animal cells and yeast cells, in a plane perpendicular to the axis of the spindle, i.e. the cell division plane. Ring contraction is associated with centripetal growth of the membrane that divides the cytoplasm of the two daughter cells. In animal cells, the contractile ring is located inside the plasma membrane at the location of the cleavage furrow. In budding fungal cells, e.g. mitotic S. cerevisiae cells, the contractile ring forms beneath the plasma membrane at the mother-bud neck before mitosis." [GOC:expert_jrp, GOC:sgd_curators, ISBN:0805319409, ISBN:0815316194]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030096 ""photosystem II (sensu Cyanobacteria)" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004349 "glutamate 5-kinase activity") (mo-definition GO--0008865 ""Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + D-fructose = ADP + D-fructose 6-phosphate." [EC:]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006506 ""glycosylphosphatidylinositol biosynthesis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0014050 "negative regulation of glutamate secretion") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0004221 ""ubiquitin thiolesterase activity" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045752 "positive regulation of Toll signaling pathway") (mo-definition GO--0043196 ""Non-terminal inflated portion of the axon, containing the specialized apparatus necessary to release neurotransmitters." [GOC:nln]") (subclass GO--0051225 GO--0007051) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0052079 ""stimulation by symbiont of defense-related host MAP kinase-mediated signal transduction pathway" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047159 "EC:") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047261 "EC:") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0021504 GO--0021503) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0007564 ""regulation of cuticle hardening" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050009 "EC:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050885 "regulation of balance") (subclass GO--0045584 GO--0045581) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0021848 "neuroblast division in the subpallium") (mo-definition GO--0052151 ""Any process by which an organism activates, maintains or increases the frequency, rate or extent of programmed cell death in the host, where programmed cell death proceeds by apoptosis. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction." [GOC:mtg_pamgo_17jul06]") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0019528 ""D-arabitol degradation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018248 ""enzyme active site formation via S-sulpho-L-cysteine" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046315 "phosphocreatine catabolic process") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0001842 "neural fold formation") (mo-inSubset GO--0043611 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045404 "positive regulation of interleukin-4 biosynthetic process") (subclass GO--0046333 GO--0042133) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050217 "propioin synthase activity") (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. A hemeprotein whose characteristic mode of action involves transfer of reducing equivalents associated with a reversible change in oxidation state of the prosthetic group. This redox change involves a single electron, reversible equilibrium between the Fe(II) and Fe(III) states of the central iron atom." [PMID:1655423]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016730 "oxidoreductase activity, acting on iron-sulfur proteins as donors") (mo-definition GO--0008009 ""The function of a family of chemotactic pro-inflammatory activation-inducible cytokines acting primarily upon hemopoietic cells in immunoregulatory processes; all chemokines possess a number of conserved cysteine residues involved in intramolecular disulfide bond formation." [http://www.copewithcytokines.de/cope.cgi?001252]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042839 "D-glucuronate metabolic process") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047578 "4-hydroxyglutamate transaminase activity") (mo-definition GO--0051819 ""The process by which an organism causes the formation of an abnormal mass of cells in a second organism, where the two organisms are in a symbiotic interaction." [GOC:cc]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048311 ""distribution of mitochondria" []") (subclass GO--0031269 GO--0030031) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043433 ""down-regulation of transcription factor activity" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0046205 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0014008 GO--0045687) (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0021718 ""superior olive development" []") (mo-definition GO--0043178 ""Interacting selectively with an alcohol, any of a class of alkyl compounds containing a hydroxyl group." [GOC:jl, ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-definition GO--0031897 ""The translocon of the inner envelope of chloroplasts, which facilitates the import of proteins across the chloroplast inner membrane." [PMID:12180471, PMID:12393016]") (subclass GO--0050862 GO--0050857) (subclass GO--0050037 GO--0016616) (subclass GO--0035193 GO--0009886) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032322 ""ubiquinone breakdown" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "MHC class II receptor activity") (mo-inSubset GO--0004044 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0051474 GO--0015144) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043307 "eosinophil activation") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043313 "regulation of neutrophil degranulation") (mo-inSubset GO--0046065 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004694 "eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2alpha kinase activity") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018682 "EC:1.14.15.-") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043003 ""up regulation of Golgi to plasma membrane CFTR protein transport" []") (subclass GO--0042100 GO--0046651) (mo-definition GO--0019799 ""Catalysis of the reaction: acetyl-CoA + (alpha-tubulin) L-lysine = CoA + (alpha-tubulin) N6-acetyl-L-lysine." [EC:]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016497 "substance K receptor activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031504 "peptidoglycan-based cell wall organization and biogenesis") (subclass GO--0005640 GO--0031965) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0008538 ""PA28" []") (subclass GO--0050632 GO--0016747) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043392 ""down-regulation of DNA binding" []") (subclass GO--0031394 GO--0031328) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047648 "alkylamidase activity") (subclass GO--0010059 GO--0010058) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045615 ""up-regulation of plasmatocyte differentiation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0015957 ""bis(5'-nucleosidyl) oligophosphate synthesis" []") (subclass GO--0002882 GO--0002678) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018316 "RESID:AA0025") (subclass GO--0032299 GO--0043234) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031487 "myosin XVII complex") (subclass GO--0009195 GO--0009222) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047653 "EC:") (subclass GO--0051786 GO--0016627) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032689 "negative regulation of interferon-gamma production") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0046961 ""hydrogen ion transporting two-sector ATPase activity" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0032000 ""stimulation of fatty acid beta-oxidation" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0052558 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0005003 ""Eph receptor activity" []") (mo-definition GO--0008064 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the assembly or disassembly of actin filaments by the addition or removal of actin monomers from a filament." [GOC:mah]") (mo-inSubset GO--0052258 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0042098 GO--0042110) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0016909 ""SAPK" []") (mo-definition GO--0001600 ""A G-protein coupled receptor that binds all endothelin molecules with approximately equal affinity." [IUPHAR:2.1 ET ETAB, PMID:8582288]") (mo-inSubset GO--0045283 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0016126 ""sterol anabolism" []") (subclass GO--0009720 GO--0009725) (subclass GO--0032920 GO--0009445) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0008465 ""hydroxypyruvate dehydrogenase activity" []") (mo-definition GO--0031314 ""Loosely bound to one surface of the mitochondrial inner membrane, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region." [GOC:mah]") (subclass GO--0031902 GO--0010008) (mo-exactSynonym ""suppression of symbiont SA mediated defense response" []") (subclass GO--0015083 GO--0015082) (subclass GO--0045705 GO--0045704) (subclass GO--0032463 GO--0032462) (mo-definition GO--0050143 ""Catalysis of the reaction: isonocardicin A = nocardicin A." [EC:, MetaCyc:NOCARDICIN-A-EPIMERASE-RXN]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048678 "response to axon injury") (subclass GO--0018387 GO--0018060) (subclass GO--0015994 GO--0042440) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046247 ""terpene catabolism" []") (subclass GO--0009133 GO--0009132) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0047657 ""a-1,3-glucan synthase activity" []") (subclass GO--0042356 GO--0016616) (subclass GO--0006065 GO--0046399) (subclass GO--0005594 GO--0005593) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0015401 "TC:2.A.21.6.1") (mo-inSubset GO--0015424 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0051956 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of the directed movement of amino acids into, out of, within or between cells." [GOC:ai]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046313 ""phosphoarginine degradation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048745 "smooth muscle development") (mo-definition GO--0051736 ""Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + 5'-dephospho-RNA = ADP + 5'-phospho-RNA." [EC:]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0019941 ""protein-ligand-dependent protein catabolism" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0006169 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031418 ""vitamin C binding" []") (mo-definition GO--0043181 ""The process of transporting a substance into, and confining within, a vacuole." [GOC:jl]") (mo-definition GO--0006089 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving lactate, the anion of lactic acid." [ISBN:0198547684]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0045008 "Reactome:268456") (subclass GO--0052527 GO--0052423) (subclass GO--0048161 GO--0022605) (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0021734 ""anterior lateral line nerve development" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0045137 GO--0007548) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0001403 "invasive growth (sensu Saccharomyces)") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019343 ""cysteine anabolism via cystathione" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050428 ""PAPS biosynthetic process" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006403 ""establishment and maintenance of RNA localization" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "axonemal dynein heavy chain") (mo-definition GO--0005940 ""A tight ring-shaped structure that forms in the division plane at the site of cytokinesis; composed of members of the conserved family of filament-forming proteins called septins as well as septin-associated proteins. This type of septin structure is observed at the bud neck of budding fungal cells, at the site of cell division in animal cells, at the junction between the mother cell and a pseudohyphal projection, and also within hyphae of filamentous fungi at sites where a septum will form." [GOC:krc, GOC:mah, PMID:16009555, PMID:16151244]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042868 ""antisense RNA metabolism" []") (subclass GO--0046059 GO--0046053) (subclass GO--0006401 GO--0043285) (subclass GO--0046308 GO--0042219) (mo-definition GO--0048712 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of astrocyte differentiation." [GOC:vp, PMID:15139015]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0021919 "BMP signaling pathway in spinal cord dorsal-ventral patterning") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031129 "inductive cell-cell signaling") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045964 ""positive regulation of dopamine metabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032712 "negative regulation of interleukin-3 production") (subclass GO--0001100 GO--0007096) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047760 "butyrate-CoA ligase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051357 "peptide cross-linking via 3-(2-methylthio)ethyl-6-(4-hydroxybenzylidene)-5-iminopiperazin-2-one") (mo-definition GO--0006796 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving the phosphate group, the anion or salt of any phosphoric acid." [GOC:ai]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048519 ""down-regulation of biological process" []") (subclass GO--0052082 GO--0052031) (mo-definition GO--0016770 ""Catalysis of the reversible transfer of an oxime group to an acceptor." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0051160 GO--0019527) (subclass GO--0009158 GO--0009161) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004584 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019578 ""aldaric acid formation" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045532 ""inhibition of interleukin-24 biosynthetic process" []") (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. Any mechanism of immune avoidance that directly affects the symbiont immune system, e.g. blocking any stage in symbiont MHC class I and II presentation. The symbiont is defined as the smaller of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction." [PMID:12439615]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008672 "2-dehydro-3-deoxyglucarate aldolase activity") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018487 "EC:1.2.3.-") (subclass GO--0042585 GO--0001674) (subclass GO--0045251 GO--0044444) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0007132 GO--0007127) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048180 "activin complex") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042894 "fosmidomycin transport") (mo-definition GO--0032806 ""A protein complex that phosphorylates Ser2 and Ser5 of RNA polymerase II C-terminal domain repeats; in Saccharomyces the complex contains Ctk1p, Ctk2p, and Ctk3p." [PMID:15047695, PMID:16721054]") (subclass GO--0043247 GO--0006974) (mo-definition GO--0032889 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the fusion of two vacuole membranes to form a single vacuole." [GOC:mah]") (mo-inSubset GO--0015490 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0045106 GO--0051261) (subclass GO--0030404 GO--0008133) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018326 "RESID:AA0056") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018588 "EC:1.14.-.-") (subclass GO--0032072 GO--0032071) (subclass GO--0000061 GO--0043624) (documentation GO--0003878 EnglishLanguage "Note that this function was formerly EC:") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0030798 "EC:") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006591 "Reactome:291694") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042351 ""'de novo' GDP-L-fucose synthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043018 ""negative regulation of lymphotoxin A formation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051811 "active evasion of immune response of other organism via regulation of complement system of other organism during symbiotic interaction") (subclass GO--0050704 GO--0050707) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031204 ""protein translocation during posttranslational protein targeting to membrane" []") (subclass GO--0045777 GO--0008217) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002494 "lipid antigen transport") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051006 ""upregulation of lipoprotein lipase activity" []") (subclass GO--0035025 GO--0051057) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015146 "pentose transporter activity") (mo-definition GO--0051434 ""Interacting selectively with the BH3 domain of a protein of the Bcl-2 family. The BH3 domain is a potent death domain and has an important role in protein-protein interactions and in cell death." [PMID:11048732, PMID:12133724, PMID:9020082, PMID:9704409, Prosite:PS01259]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0004796 ""cytochrome P450 CYP5" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046610 "lysosomal hydrogen ion transporting ATPase V0 domain") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048774 ""cyanophore cell differentiation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043016 ""regulation of lymphotoxin-alpha biosynthetic process" []") (subclass GO--0031894 GO--0031893) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050980 "detection of light stimulus during magnetoreception") (subclass GO--0009154 GO--0006195) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030825 ""up-regulation of cGMP metabolic process" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052015 ""catabolism by organism of host carbohydrate" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0030092 GO--0009296) (subclass GO--0031431 GO--0044424) (mo-definition GO--0047263 ""Catalysis of the reaction: ceramide + UDP-galactose = D-galactosylceramide + UDP." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (mo-inSubset GO--0019474 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage "monocluster bacterial-type ferredoxin") (mo-inSubset GO--0008894 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0008878 GO--0016779) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006718 "juvenile hormone biosynthetic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045668 ""downregulation of osteoblast differentiation" []") (subclass GO--0018255 GO--0018201) (subclass GO--0051971 GO--0031646) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0050488 ""ecdysteroid UDP-glucosyl/UDP-glucuronosyl transferase activity" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051922 "cholesterol sulfotransferase activity") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006281 "Reactome:282916") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045976 ""down-regulation of progression through embryonic mitotic cell cycle" []") (subclass GO--0016507 GO--0043234) (mo-definition GO--0018585 ""Catalysis of the reaction: fluorene + 2 H+ + 2 e- + O2 = H2O + 9-fluorenol." [UM-BBD_enzymeID:e0291]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0005706 ""polytene chromosome ectopic fibre" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032834 "positive regulation of CD4-positive, CD25-positive, alpha-beta regulatory T cell differentiation during immune response") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0045008 "Reactome:293753") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0010187 ""down regulation of seed germination" []") (mo-definition GO--0005905 ""An invagination of the cell membrane of many eukaryotic cells, concerned in receptor-mediated selective transport of many proteins and other macromolecules across the cell membrane. During endocytosis it is converted into a coated vesicle. The coat is of clathrin." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-definition GO--0045798 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of chromatin assembly or disassembly." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047783 "MetaCyc:CORTICOSTERONE-18-MONOOXYGENASE-RXN") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042438 "melanin biosynthetic process") (mo-definition GO--0003779 ""Interacting selectively with monomeric or multimeric forms of actin, including actin filaments." [GOC:clt]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0016896 "EC:3.1.13") (subclass GO--0031003 GO--0044430) (subclass GO--0048558 GO--0009653) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019549 "MetaCyc:GLUCAT-PWY") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018960 ""4-nitrophenol metabolism" []") (subclass GO--0051033 GO--0051032) (mo-inSubset GO--0042872 gosubset_prok) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0043267 ""negative regulation of potassium ion conductance" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050502 ""cis-zeatin O-b-D-glucosyltransferase activity" []") (mo-definition GO--0019601 ""The degradation of toluene to form pyruvate and acetaldehyde; the first step in the pathway is the oxidation of toluene to form 2-hydroxytoluene (o-cresol)." [MetaCyc:TOLUENE-DEG-2-OH-PWY]") (mo-exactSynonym ""anaerobic 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene biosynthesis" []") (subclass GO--0051361 GO--0018253) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0046861 GO--0009514) (subclass GO--0008819 GO--0016773) (subclass GO--0019234 GO--0019233) (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0007059 ""chromosome transmission" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008689 "MetaCyc:DHHB-METHYLTRANSFER-RXN") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004565 "MetaCyc:BGALACT-PWY") (subclass GO--0052352 GO--0052419) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0045181 "EC:1.4.1.-") (documentation GO--0003906 EnglishLanguage "Consider also annotating to the molecular function term 'damaged DNA binding ; GO:0003684'.") (mo-definition GO--0007391 ""The process during Drosophila embryogenesis whereby the ectodermal cells of the lateral epithelium stretch in a coordinated fashion to internalize the amnioserosa cells and close the embryo dorsally." [PMID:9224720]") (subclass GO--0043418 GO--0050667) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0007087 GO--0007084) (mo-definition GO--0019649 ""The pathways in which formaldehyde is processed and used as a carbon source for the cell." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0046696 GO--0016021) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042536 ""down-regulation of tumor necrosis factor biosynthetic process" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004142 "MetaCyc:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046310 ""1,3-dichloro-2-propanol degradation" []") (subclass GO--0045200 GO--0045196) (mo-definition GO--0018839 ""Catalysis of the reaction: cis-4-(2-(3-hydroxy)-thionaphthenyl)-2-oxo-3-butenoate = trans-4-(2-(3-hydroxy)-thionaphthenyl)-2-oxo-3-butenoate." [UM-BBD_enzymeID:e0163]") (subclass GO--0018075 GO--0018207) (subclass GO--0035007 GO--0050789) (mo-definition GO--0004473 ""Catalysis of the reaction: (S)-malate + NADP+ = pyruvate + CO2 + NADPH + H+. Also decarboxylates oxaloacetate." [EC:]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045065 "cytotoxic T cell differentiation") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046655 ""folate metabolic process" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0030596 "MetaCyc:") (mo-definition GO--0009918 ""Catalysis of the reaction: 5-dehydroepisterol = 24-methylenecholesterol." [ISBN:0943088399]") (subclass GO--0019158 GO--0004396) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009868 "jasmonic acid and ethylene-dependent systemic resistance, jasmonic acid mediated signaling pathway") (subclass GO--0016846 GO--0016829) (subclass GO--0015961 GO--0015959) (termFormat EnglishLanguage "2-nitropropane biosynthetic process") (mo-definition GO--0017094 ""Catalysis of the cleavage of a Leu-Ser bond within the luminal loop of a sterol regulatory element binding protein (SREBP). This activity is the first of two sequential cleavage reactions and cleaves SREBP into two membrane-bound halves." [GOC:bf, PMID:12923525]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048061 ""positive taxis in response to gravitytaxis in response to gravitational stimulus" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046001 ""negative regulation of preblastoderm mitotic cell cycle progression" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045380 ""stimulation of interleukin-17 biosynthetic process" []") (subclass GO--0051056 GO--0009966) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0005664 ""eukaryotic ORC" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042089 ""cytokine formation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0004511 ""tyrosine hydroxylase activity" []") (subclass GO--0042572 GO--0001523) (mo-definition GO--0047377 ""Catalysis of the reaction: H2O + 5-(3,4-diacetoxybut-1-ynyl)-2,2'-bithiophene = acetate + 5-(3-hydroxy-4-acetoxybut-1-ynyl)-2,2'-bithiophene." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (subclass GO--0042745 GO--0048512) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050950 "positive regulation of late stripe melanocyte differentiation") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019877 ""diaminopimelate anabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0032942 ""Catalysis of the reaction: 1D-myo-inositol tetrakisphosphate + ATP = 1D-myo-inositol pentakisphosphate (containing 2-phosphate) + ADP." [GOC:hf]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002055 "adenine binding") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0030132 GO--0005905) (subclass GO--0016905 GO--0004683) (mo-definition GO--0046704 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving CDP, cytidine (5'-)diphosphate." [GOC:ai]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000717 "Reactome:272410") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0045941 "Reactome:280687") (mo-inSubset GO--0008752 gosubset_prok) (mo-inSubset GO--0015568 gosubset_prok) (mo-broadSynonym GO--0030314 ""triad junction" []") (subclass GO--0009423 GO--0009095) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0032480 ""inhibition of interferon type I production" []") (subclass GO--0030232 GO--0005667) (subclass GO--0002231 GO--0009581) (mo-inSubset GO--0008714 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032916 ""up regulation of transforming growth factor-beta3 production" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045631 "regulation of mechanoreceptor differentiation") (subclass GO--0007163 GO--0009987) (subclass GO--0048869 GO--0032502) (mo-definition GO--0048514 ""The process by which the anatomical structures of blood vessels are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form. The blood vessel is the vasculature carrying blood." [GOC:jic]") (subclass GO--0032917 GO--0006595) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050864 ""regulation of B lymphocyte activation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030082 "B800-850 antenna complex") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0042238 GO--0032625) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031025 "equatorial microtubule organizing center disassembly") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0002404 ""antigen transport in mucosal-associated lymphoid tissue" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019584 "galactonate catabolic process") (mo-definition GO--0045929 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the chemical reactions and pathways involving juvenile hormone." [GOC:go_curators]") (subclass GO--0006809 GO--0044271) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046273 "lignan catabolic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045566 ""positive regulation of TRAIL receptor 1 anabolism" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0015446 ""arsenite ABC transporter" []") (mo-definition GO--0009647 ""The control of plant growth, development, and differentiation in response to growth in darkness." [http://www.plantphys.net/article.php?ch=t&id=63, PMID:15012288]") (subclass GO--0018095 GO--0018200) (mo-inSubset GO--0042764 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032319 "regulation of Rho GTPase activity") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050016 "MetaCyc:KYNURENINE-7,8-HYDROXYLASE-RXN") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043315 ""upregulation of neutrophil degranulation" []") (subclass GO--0016551 GO--0016550) (mo-definition GO--0031954 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the phosphorylation by a protein of one or more of its own residues." [GOC:mah]") (subclass GO--0051367 GO--0051366) (mo-inSubset GO--0042189 gosubset_prok) (mo-inSubset GO--0015973 gosubset_prok) (mo-inSubset GO--0047905 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002694 ""regulation of leucocyte activation" []") (subclass GO--0052057 GO--0052049) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005217 "intracellular ligand-gated ion channel activity") (subclass GO--0042468 GO--0042465) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0001963 "synaptic transmission, dopaminergic") (subclass GO--0031416 GO--0031414) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002657 "positive regulation of tolerance induction to nonself antigen") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019621 "creatinine catabolic process to formate") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042326 "negative regulation of phosphorylation") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0045430 "MetaCyc:CHALCONE-ISOMERASE-RXN") (mo-definition GO--0043397 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of corticotropin-releasing hormone secretion." [GOC:go_curators, PMID:11027914]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045579 ""positive regulation of B-cell differentiation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031336 ""down regulation of sulfur amino acid metabolic process" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0005046 ""KDEL receptor activity" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032641 "lymphotoxin A production") (mo-definition GO--0030228 ""Combining with a lipoprotein to initiate a change in cell activity. A lipoprotein is any conjugated, water-soluble protein in which the nonprotein moiety consists of a lipid or lipids; the lipid may be triacylglycerol, cholesterol, or phospholipid, or a combination of these." [GOC:mah, ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006746 "FADH2 metabolic process") (mo-definition GO--0051402 ""The process of apoptosis in neurons, the basic cellular unit of nervous tissue. Each neuron consists of a body, an axon, and dendrites. Their purpose is to receive, conduct, and transmit impulses in the nervous system." [MeSH:A.08.663]") (mo-definition GO--0045837 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of establishment or extent of a membrane potential, the electric potential existing across any membrane arising from charges in the membrane itself and from the charges present in the media on either side of the membrane." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032435 ""down-regulation of proteasomal ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process" []") (subclass GO--0031237 GO--0044462) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0016144 ""S-glycoside synthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002723 ""upregulation of B cell cytokine production" []") (subclass GO--0006201 GO--0046040) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015386 "potassium:hydrogen antiporter activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0001888 "glucuronyl-galactosyl-proteoglycan 4-alpha-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050053 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006529 ""asparagine anabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0002679 ""A phase of elevated metabolic activity, during which oxygen consumption increases made as a defense reponse ; this leads to the production, by an NADH dependent system, of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), superoxide anions and hydroxyl radicals." [GOC:add, ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology", PMID:12789499]") (subclass GO--0004697 GO--0001565) (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0021643 ""CN X maturation" []") (documentation GO--0021666 EnglishLanguage "This term was added by GO_REF:0000021.") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050975 ""tactition" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0048783 ""activation of cyanophore differentiation" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050427 "Reactome:174362") (mo-definition GO--0018819 ""Catalysis of the reaction: lactoyl-CoA = acryloyl-CoA + H2O." [EC:]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050464 "MetaCyc:NITRATE-REDUCTASE-(NADPH)-RXN") (mo-definition GO--0060073 ""The regulation of body fluids process by which parasympathetic nerves stimulate the bladder wall muscle to contract and expel urine from the body." [GOC:dph]") (mo-inSubset GO--0015620 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0035025 "positive regulation of Rho protein signal transduction") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0035235 ""ionotropic glutamate receptor signalling pathway" []") (subclass GO--0010222 GO--0010051) (mo-definition GO--0018888 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving 3-chloroacrylic acid, ClHC=CHCOOH, a chlorinated derivative of acrylic acid." [GOC:ai]") (mo-definition GO--0005675 ""A complex that contains kinase activity directed towards the C-terminal Domain (CTD) of the largest subunit of RNA polymerase II and is essential for initiation at RNA polymerase II promoters in vitro. In S. cerevisiae, it is composed of the 5-subunit core (Rad3, Tfb1, Tfb2, Ssl1, Tfb4), Ssl2p, and TFIIK (Kin28p, Ccl1p, and Tfb3p). All of the subunits have equivalents in humans: the 5 subunit core is composed of XPD, p62, p55, p44, p34; the equivalent of the TFIIK subcomplex is composed of MO15, Mat1, and a cyclin; the human equivalent of Ssl2p is XPB." [GOC:krc, PMID:14500720, PMID:7813015, UniProtKB:Q13889]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0046009 ""stimulation of female receptivity, post-mating" []") (subclass GO--0019740 GO--0006807) (mo-definition GO--0043421 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of anthranilate (2-aminobenzoate)." [GOC:jl]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0031401 ""activation of protein modification" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043078 "polar nucleus") (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. Oxidation of two cysteine sulfhydryl groups (thiols) in one protein by a disulfide bond in a second protein to form a disulfide bond in the first protein and two reduced sulfhydryls in the second. The oxidized cysteines linked by a disulfide bond is known as cystine." [http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/aminoacids/pages/cystine.html, http://www.indstate.edu/thcme/mwking/pentose-phosphate-pathway.html, RESID:AA0025]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005137 "interleukin-5 receptor binding") (subclass GO--0032997 GO--0044459) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046412 "phenylmercury acetate metabolic process") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008830 "dTDP-4-dehydrorhamnose 3,5-epimerase activity") (subclass GO--0007042 GO--0051452) (subclass GO--0031465 GO--0031461) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032030 "myosin I light chain binding") (mo-definition GO--0010091 ""The processes involved in the formation of branches in plant hair cells." [GOC:mtg_sensu, GOC:tair_curators]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009226 ""nucleotide-sugar synthesis" []") (subclass GO--0006751 GO--0006749) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0048469 GO--0048468) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006260 "Reactome:221383") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0001768 GO--0042110) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046438 "D-cysteine metabolic process") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0060105 ""epicuticle of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix (sensu Nematoda)" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0048893 GO--0048892) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048805 "imaginal disc-derived genitalia morphogenesis") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009201 "ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "DNA replication and chromosome cycle") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051014 ""F-actin severing" []") (subclass GO--0002212 GO--0002215) (subclass GO--0018967 GO--0043449) (subclass GO--0018618 GO--0016708) (documentation GO--0031224 EnglishLanguage "Note that proteins intrinsic to membranes cannot be removed without disrupting the membrane, e.g. by detergent.") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047625 "adenosylmethionine cyclotransferase activity") (subclass GO--0046460 GO--0006638) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009762 "NADP-malic enzyme C4 photosynthesis") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004316 "Reactome:76148") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046697 "decidualization") (mo-definition GO--0019131 ""Catalysis of the release of an N-terminal tripeptide from a polypeptide; requires acid pH." [EC:]") (mo-definition GO--0009755 ""A series of molecular signals mediated by the detection of a hormone." [GOC:sm]") (mo-definition GO--0043263 ""An extracellular multi-enzyme complex containing up to 11 different enzymes aligned on a non-catalytic scaffolding glycoprotein. Functions to hydrolyze cellulose." [GOC:jl, PMID:11601609]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050427 "Reactome:279729") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009175 ""pyrimidine ribonucleoside monophosphate degradation" []") (mo-definition GO--0008090 ""The directed movement of organelles along microtubules from the cell periphery toward the cell body in nerve cell axons." [ISBN:0815316194]") (mo-definition GO--0042857 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving the siderophore chrysobactin (alpha-N-(2,3-dihydroxybenzoyl)-D-lysyl-L-serine)." [GOC:jl, PMID:8837459]") (mo-inSubset GO--0046997 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051251 ""upregulation of lymphocyte activation" []") (subclass GO--0019778 GO--0008641) (subclass GO--0019429 GO--0019439) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006168 "adenine salvage") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006648 "dihydrosphingosine-1-P pathway") (mo-definition GO--0048016 ""A series of molecular signals in which a cell uses a water-soluble inositol phosphate to convert an extracellular signal into a response." [GOC:ceb]") (subclass GO--0045710 GO--0045708) (subclass GO--0051660 GO--0051649) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0015273 ""G-protein-enhanced inward rectifier potassium channel activity" []") (subclass GO--0021721 GO--0048532) (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0006412 ""protein-synthesizing GTPase activity, termination" []") (subclass GO--0050101 GO--0016811) (subclass GO--0033056 GO--0046416) (documentation GO--0030534 EnglishLanguage "See also the biological process term 'behavior ; GO:0007610'.") (mo-definition GO--0015996 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of chlorophyll, any compound of magnesium complexed in a porphyrin (tetrapyrrole) ring and which functions as a photosynthetic pigment, into less complex products." [GOC:jl]") (subclass GO--0004505 GO--0016714) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019091 ""mitochondrial lrRNA export from mitochondria" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002910 ""upregulation of peripheral B cell deletion" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002635 "negative regulation of germinal center formation") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032828 ""upregulation of natural killer cell differentiation during immune response" []") (subclass GO--0043503 GO--0043501) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052268 ""down regulation by organism of defense-related ethylene-mediated signal transduction pathway in other organism during symbiotic interaction" []") (mo-definition GO--0042558 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving any compound containing pteridine (pyrazino(2,3-dipyrimidine)), e.g. pteroic acid, xanthopterin and folic acid." [GOC:jl, ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043071 ""upregulation of non-apoptotic programmed cell death" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0001755 GO--0014032) (subclass GO--0006597 GO--0006596) (subclass GO--0045073 GO--0042035) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0021623 "oculomotor nerve formation") (subclass GO--0051850 GO--0051816) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000722 "Reactome:236130") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032734 ""positive regulation of IL-11 production" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0001707 "mesoderm formation") (subclass GO--0046156 GO--0042168) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047626 "EC:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031664 "regulation of lipopolysaccharide-mediated signaling pathway") (subclass GO--0051484 GO--0019288) (mo-definition GO--0021782 ""The process aimed at the progression of a glial cell over time, from initial commitment of the cell to a specific fate, to the fully functional differentiated cell." [GOC:cls, GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jic, GOC:mtg_15jun06]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005826 "contractile ring") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018481 "EC:") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0016298 "Reactome:1913") (subclass GO--0046937 GO--0006518) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046269 ""toluene-4-sulfonate breakdown" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050502 "MetaCyc:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009961 "response to 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid") (mo-definition GO--0004481 ""Catalysis of the reaction: S-adenosyl-L-methionine + phospholipid olefinic fatty acid = S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + phospholipid methylene fatty acid." [EC:]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0051129 ""inhibition of cell organization and biogenesis" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019187 "EC:2.4.1.-") (mo-definition GO--0050088 ""Catalysis of the reaction: D-mannitol 1-phosphate + NADP+ = D-mannose 6-phosphate + NADPH." [EC:, MetaCyc:MANNOSE-6-PHOSPHATE-6-REDUCTASE-RXN]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008790 "MetaCyc:DARABISOM-RXN") (mo-definition GO--0046795 ""The directed movement of a virion within a host cell from one location to another." [GOC:ai, PMID:11733033]") (subclass GO--0052362 GO--0052363) (mo-inSubset GO--0051206 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0002307 GO--0045066) (subclass GO--0046127 GO--0046121) (subclass GO--0006230 GO--0009174) (subclass GO--0002382 GO--0002256) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043319 ""positive regulation of cytotoxic T cell granule exocytosis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0015996 ""chlorophyll breakdown" []") (mo-definition GO--0009104 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of lipopolysaccharides, any of a group of related, structurally complex components of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria." [GOC:ai]") (mo-definition GO--0001815 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity." [GOC:add, ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology"]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0001918 "farnesylated protein binding") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0005601 GO--0005615) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002310 ""alpha-beta T-cell proliferation during immune response" []") (subclass GO--0018439 GO--0018350) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016878 "acid-thiol ligase activity") (subclass GO--0043458 GO--0006115) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032304 "negative regulation of icosanoid secretion") (mo-definition GO--0015413 ""Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + H2O + Ni2+(out) = ADP + phosphate + Ni2+(in)." [EC:]") (documentation GO--0021909 EnglishLanguage "This term was added by GO_REF:0000021.") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0050870 ""activation of T cell activation" []") (mo-definition GO--0008453 ""Catalysis of the reaction: L-alanine + glyoxylate = pyruvate + glycine." [EC:]") (subclass GO--0001929 GO--0001928) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031029 "regulation of septation initiation signaling") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042928 "ferrichrome transport") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046164 ""alcohol degradation" []") (subclass GO--0006114 GO--0006071) (subclass GO--0045315 GO--0045314) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009894 ""regulation of breakdown" []") (mo-definition GO--0010313 ""Interacting selectively with phytochrome." [PMID:15486102]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050481 "MetaCyc:MANDELATE-4-MONOOXYGENASE-RXN") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032907 ""TGFB3 production" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018363 "peroxidase-heme linkage via dihydroxyheme-L-aspartyl ester-L-glutamyl ester-L-methionine sulfonium") (mo-inSubset GO--0009269 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018311 ""peptidyl-N4-hydroxymethyl-L-asparagine synthesis from peptidyl-asparagine" []") (subclass GO--0046479 GO--0006687) (termFormat EnglishLanguage "opsin") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009210 ""pyrimidine ribonucleoside triphosphate catabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002457 "T cell antigen processing and presentation") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009247 ""glycolipid biosynthesis" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0030090 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0050303 ""Catalysis of the reaction: H2O + NAD+ + L-lysine = NH3 + NADH + allysine." [EC:, MetaCyc:LYSINE-6-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006448 "regulation of translational elongation") (mo-definition GO--0047811 ""Catalysis of the reaction: L-glutamine + D-alanine = NH3 + g-L-glutamyl-D-alanine." [EC:, MetaCyc:D-ALANINE-GAMMA-GLUTAMYLTRANSFERASE-RXN]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032802 ""LDL receptor breakdown" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045085 ""negative regulation of interleukin-2 biosynthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032009 ""early phagocytic vesicle" []") (mo-definition GO--0043592 ""The outer-most layer of a bacterial endospore, which is loosely attached and located outside of the endospore coat. It is generally composed of protein, carbohydrate, and perhaps lipid." [GOC:mlg]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019005 ""CRL1 complex" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050170 "EC:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018472 "1-hydroxy-2-naphthaldehyde dehydrogenase activity") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0051581 ""inhibition of neurotransmitter uptake" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050192 "MetaCyc:PHOSPHOGLYCERATE-PHOSPHATASE-RXN") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046362 "ribitol biosynthetic process") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "negative regulation by organism of defense-related symbiont salicylic acid-mediated signal transduction pathway") (subclass GO--0035037 GO--0006897) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032497 "detection of lipopolysaccharide") (mo-definition GO--0017144 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving a drug, a substance used in the diagnosis, treatment or prevention of a disease; as used here antibiotic substances (see antibiotic metabolism) are considered to be drugs, even if not used in medical or veterinary practice." [GOC:cab2]") (subclass GO--0032362 GO--0009109) (subclass GO--0018885 GO--0042196) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047748 "cholestanetetraol 26-dehydrogenase activity") (subclass GO--0006555 GO--0000096) (mo-definition GO--0005080 ""Interacting selectively with protein kinase C." [GOC:jl]") (subclass GO--0001907 GO--0051883) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004563 "MetaCyc:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042932 "chrysobactin transport") (mo-inSubset GO--0015323 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0002825 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate, or extent of a T-helper 1 type immune response." [GOC:add]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002530 "regulation of blood pressure during acute phase response") (subclass GO--0015326 GO--0005279) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042168 ""heme metabolism" []") (subclass GO--0004422 GO--0016763) (subclass GO--0006588 GO--0048554) (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. Any process by which an organism stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of symbiont MAP kinase-mediated signal transduction pathways during the symbiont defense response. The symbiont is defined as the smaller of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction." [PAMGO:mtg]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031294 ""lymphocyte co-stimulation" []") (subclass GO--0001964 GO--0050905) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050717 ""up regulation of interleukin-1 alpha secretion" []") (mo-definition GO--0032490 ""The series of events in which a stimulus from a molecule of bacterial origin is received and converted into a molecular signal." [GOC:add, GOC:rl]") (mo-definition GO--0052535 ""Any process by which an organism activates, maintains or increases the frequency, rate or extent of systemic acquired resistance organism; systemic acquired resistance is a salicylic acid-mediated response that confers broad spectrum systemic resistance, in a second organism, where the two organisms are in a symbiotic interaction." [GOC:mtg_pamgo_17jul06]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030804 ""upregulation of cyclic nucleotide biosynthetic process" []") (subclass GO--0044265 GO--0009057) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004831 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030144 ""alpha-1,3(6)-mannosylglycoprotein beta-1,6-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity" []") (subclass GO--0043188 GO--0044426) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0030785 "EC:") (subclass GO--0018556 GO--0016702) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051522 "activation of monopolar cell growth") (subclass GO--0002428 GO--0048002) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0044256 "protein digestion") (subclass GO--0015281 GO--0015249) (subclass GO--0006099 GO--0044262) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051254 ""up regulation of RNA metabolic process" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008543 "Reactome:190374") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045444 ""adipocyte cell differentiation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046275 ""flavonoid breakdown" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042098 ""T cell proliferation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047044 "3-alpha(or 20-beta)-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048680 ""up regulation of axon regeneration" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0004912 ""IL-3R" []") (subclass GO--0048858 GO--0032990) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0035171 ""lamellocyte cell differentiation" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0021967 GO--0021966) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048011 ""NGF receptor signaling pathway" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0005968 ""GGTase-II complex" []") (subclass GO--0016035 GO--0044451) (subclass GO--0051874 GO--0006668) (mo-inSubset GO--0008871 gosubset_prok) (mo-inSubset GO--0019527 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042670 "retinal cone cell differentiation") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042401 ""biogenic amine anabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048009 "insulin-like growth factor receptor signaling pathway") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032375 ""down-regulation of cholesterol transport" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000074 "Reactome:258917") (mo-definition GO--0016182 ""Budding of synaptic vesicles during the formation of constitutive recycling vesicles from early endosomes." [http://cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk, http://www.stedmans.com/]") (mo-definition GO--0042548 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the light-dependent reaction of photosynthesis." [GOC:jl]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0000095 ""S-adenosyl methionine transporter activity" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032825 "positive regulation of natural killer cell differentiation") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032312 "regulation of ARF GTPase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050754 ""up regulation of fractalkine biosynthetic process" []") (mo-definition GO--0019023 ""A viral genome composed of double stranded RNA." [ISBN:0121585336]") (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because 'susceptibility/resistance' implies a phenotype rather than a biological process. To update annotations, use biological_process term 'response to carbamate ; GO:0046681'.") (mo-definition GO--0031519 ""A chromatin-associated multiprotein complex containing Polycomb Group proteins. In Drosophila, Polycomb group proteins are involved in the long-term maintenance of gene repression, and PcG protein complexes associate with Polycomb group response elements (PREs) in target genes to regulate higher-order chromatin structure." [PMID:9372908]") (mo-definition GO--0048752 ""The process by which the anatomical structures of the semicircular canals are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form." [GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jic]") (subclass GO--0032363 GO--0046444) (mo-definition GO--0032284 ""A biotin carboxylase complex located in the stroma of a plastid." [GOC:mah]") (subclass GO--0052243 GO--0052216) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006068 "Reactome:268428") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051568 "histone H3-K4 methylation") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002622 ""regulation of B-cell antigen processing and presentation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0014017 "neuroblast fate commitment") (subclass GO--0030019 GO--0004295) (subclass GO--0001628 GO--0001584) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045617 ""down-regulation of keratinocyte differentiation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046375 "K antigen metabolic process") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004383 "guanylate cyclase activity") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0019091 ""export of mitochondrial lrRNA" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0004748 ""RNR" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000741 "karyogamy") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006405 "Reactome:158447") (mo-alternateID GO--0016791 "GO:0016302") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004473 "malate dehydrogenase (oxaloacetate-decarboxylating) (NADP+) activity") (mo-definition GO--0046891 ""The carbamoylation of peptidyl-cysteine to form peptidyl-S-carbamoyl-L-cysteine." [RESID:AA0332]") (subclass GO--0045078 GO--0045072) (mo-definition GO--0042682 ""Any process that mediates the specification of a cell into a compound eye cone cell." [GOC:mtg_sensu]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050306 "MetaCyc:SUCROSE-1F-FRUCTOSYLTRANSFERASE-RXN") (subclass GO--0046451 GO--0043648) (mo-broadSynonym GO--0051060 ""debranching enzyme" []") (subclass GO--0019979 GO--0019965) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002720 ""up regulation of cytokine production during immune response" []") (mo-definition GO--0018217 ""The posttranslational phosphorylation of peptidyl-aspartic acid." [GOC:jl]") (subclass GO--0051555 GO--0009813) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032735 "positive regulation of interleukin-12 production") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047585 "4-pyridoxolactonase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048522 ""up-regulation of cellular process" []") (mo-definition GO--0001705 ""The formation of ectoderm during gastrulation." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-definition GO--0048093 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of establishment of a pattern of pigment in males." [GOC:jic]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019650 "MetaCyc:P125-PWY") (subclass GO--0021555 GO--0009653) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042361 ""menaquinone degradation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0016295 ""tetradecanoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] hydrolase activity" []") (mo-definition GO--0047378 ""Catalysis of the reaction: H2O + 2-acetyl-1-alkyl-sn-glycerol = acetate + 1-alkyl-sn-glycerol." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030938 "collagen type XVIII") (documentation GO--0021967 EnglishLanguage "This term was added by GO_REF:0000021.") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004647 "MetaCyc:PSERPHOSPHA-RXN") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043328 ""protein vacuolar targeting during ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolism via the MVB pathway" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051798 ""up regulation of hair follicle development" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0047304 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046695 ""SAGA (alt) complex" []") (subclass GO--0031072 GO--0005515) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046609 "voltage-gated sulfate antiporter activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0008055 ""ocellus pigment formation" []") (subclass GO--0045806 GO--0030100) (mo-inSubset GO--0043592 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019743 ""hopanoid breakdown" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0001406 "glycerophosphodiester transporter activity") (subclass GO--0002531 GO--0008016) (subclass GO--0046548 GO--0042462) (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0032802 ""LDL receptor catabolism" []") (subclass GO--0006537 GO--0006536) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0003805 "Reactome:11530") (mo-definition GO--0043305 ""Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the rate of mast cell degranulation." [ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology"]") (subclass GO--0001536 GO--0043234) (subclass GO--0042158 GO--0042157) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0009291 ""mating (sensu Bacteria)" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0010310 "regulation of hydrogen peroxide metabolic process") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0032307 ""inhibition of prostaglandin secretion" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0042976 ""activation of JAK protein by tyrosine phosphorylation" []") (subclass GO--0018992 GO--0007530) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019441 ""tryptophan degradation to kynurenine" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030681 ""multimeric RNase P complex" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0002884 ""inhibition of hypersensitivity" []") (mo-definition GO--0007249 ""A series of reactions initiated by the activation of the transcription factor NF-kappaB. NF-kappaB is sequestered by the inhibitor I-kappaB, and is released when I-kappaB is phosphorylated by activated I-kappaB kinase." [GOC:jl, PMID:12773372]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006656 "phosphatidylcholine biosynthetic process") (subclass GO--0047321 GO--0016301) (subclass GO--0030488 GO--0001510) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0010009 "external side of endosome membrane") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042530 ""down-regulation of tyrosine phosphorylation of Stat7 protein" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0043266 GO--0006813) (mo-inSubset GO--0050779 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0050701 ""The regulated release of interleukin-1 from a cell or group of cells. Interleukin 1 is produced mainly by activated macrophages; it stimulates thymocyte proliferation by inducing interleukin 2 release and it is involved in the inflammatory response." [GOC:ai, ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (subclass GO--0016316 GO--0042577) (mo-inSubset GO--0042554 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0046697 GO--0009888) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051249 "regulation of lymphocyte activation") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015868 "purine ribonucleotide transport") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006536 ""glutamic acid metabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0051458 ""The regulated release of adrenocorticotropin hormone, also known as corticotropin, by a cell or group of cells. Adrenocorticotropin hormone is a polypeptide hormone synthesized and secreted from corticotropes in the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland in response to corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) released by the hypothalamus." [PMID:11027914]") (mo-definition GO--0018658 ""Catalysis of the reaction: salicylate + NADH + H+ + O2 = catechol + NAD+ + H2O + CO2." [EC:]") (subclass GO--0031998 GO--0046320) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0052031 "modulation by symbiont of host defense response") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019754 "one-carbon compound catabolic process") (subclass GO--0031893 GO--0001664) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0046520 GO--0030148) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043223 ""cytoplasmic SCF complex" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006041 ""chitosamine metabolic process" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0033028 ""apoptosis of myeloid cells" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019488 ""ribitol breakdown to xylulose 5-phosphate" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050678 "regulation of epithelial cell proliferation") (mo-definition GO--0030786 ""Catalysis of the reaction: S-adenosyl-L-methionine + (RS)-norcoclaurine = S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + (RS)-coclaurine." [EC:]") (subclass GO--0019731 GO--0019730) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006415 "Reactome:242928") (documentation GO--0048196 EnglishLanguage "Note that this term does not have 'extracellular region ; GO:0005576' as a parent because in plants the extracellular matrix is considered part of the cell.") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031937 ""upregulation of chromatin silencing" []") (mo-definition GO--0050074 ""Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + malate + CoA = ADP + phosphate + malyl-CoA." [EC:, MetaCyc:MALATE--COA-LIGASE-RXN]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030506 "ankyrin binding") (mo-inSubset GO--0051247 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0001316 ""A change in state or activity of a cell or an organism occurring during the process of replicative cell aging as a result of reactive oxygen species, where the change varies according to the age of the cell or organism." [GOC:jh]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016820 "hydrolase activity, acting on acid anhydrides, catalyzing transmembrane movement of substances") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032408 "MutSbeta complex binding") (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. Catalysis of the release of a C-terminal amino acid with a broad specificity." [EC:]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0004316 ""3-oxoacyl-ACP reductase activity" []") (subclass GO--0052034 GO--0052258) (subclass GO--0047536 GO--0008483) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031097 "medial ring") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018466 "limonene-1,2-diol dehydrogenase activity") (mo-definition GO--0015628 ""The process by which proteins are secreted across the outer membrane by the type II secretion system. Proteins using this pathway are first translocated across the plasma membrane via the Sec (general secretory) or Tat pathways." [GOC:pamgo_curators]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018323 "RESID:AA0262") (mo-inSubset GO--0007242 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0043275 ""Catalysis of the reaction: N-acetyl-L-Asp-L-Glu + H2O = N-acetyl-L-Asp + L-Glu." [BRENDA:, GOC:jl]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045326 ""DNA-protein covalent cross-linking via the 3' end to peptidyl-tyrosine" []") (subclass GO--0010056 GO--0009957) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047589 "5-aminovalerate transaminase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050145 "nucleoside phosphate kinase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0001905 "activation of membrane attack complex") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0007019 ""microtubule depolymerization during nuclear congression" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0010134 "sulfate assimilation via adenylyl sulfate reduction") (mo-definition GO--0005589 ""A collagen heterotrimer containing type VI alpha chains in alpha1(VI)alpha2(VI)alpha3(VI) trimers; type VI collagen triple helices associate to form beaded fibrils." [ISBN:0721639976]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0015450 ""chloroplast envelope protein translocase" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0042389 "EC:1.14.99.-") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030473 ""transport of nucleus, microtubule-mediated" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050494 ""GSI anchor formation via N-glycyl-glycosylsphingolipidinositolethanolamine" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048522 ""up regulation of cellular process" []") (subclass GO--0009165 GO--0044249) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0010344 GO--0048316) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0048441 GO--0048465) (mo-definition GO--0001990 ""The process by which hormones modulate the force with which blood passes through the circulatory system. A hormone is one of a group of substances formed in very small amounts in one specialized organ or group of cells and carried (sometimes in the bloodstream) to another organ or group of cells, in the same organism, upon which they have a specific regulatory action." [ISBN:0721643949 "Textbook of Medical Physiology"]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0051439 "Reactome:265207") (subclass GO--0046218 GO--0006586) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006415 "Reactome:141673") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015205 "nucleobase transporter activity") (mo-definition GO--0048617 ""The process by which the anatomical structures of the foregut are generated and organized, during the embryonic phase. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form." [GOC:jic, GOC:rc]") (subclass GO--0042558 GO--0006725) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009232 ""vitamin B2 catabolic process" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004639 "phosphoribosylaminoimidazolesuccinocarboxamide synthase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009892 "negative regulation of metabolic process") (mo-definition GO--0010300 ""Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + an acid + [acyl-carrier protein] = AMP + diphosphate + acyl-[acyl-carrier protein]." [EC:, PMID:16262711]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0043150 GO--0000724) (mo-inSubset GO--0042741 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042457 ""ethene catabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009807 ""lignan formation" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0008361 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0032338 GO--0046883) (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0008559 ""P-glycoprotein" []") (mo-definition GO--0015739 ""The directed movement of sialic acid into, out of, within or between cells." [GOC:krc]") (mo-definition GO--0051438 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of ubiquitin ligase activity, the catalysis of the reaction: ATP + ubiquitin + protein lysine = AMP + diphosphate + protein N-ubiquityllysine." [EC:, GOC:ai]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032215 ""up-regulation of telomere maintenance via semi-conservative replication" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006240 ""dCDP formation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002732 ""upregulation of dendritic cell cytokine production" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005582 "collagen type XV") (subclass GO--0016052 GO--0005975) (mo-inSubset GO--0019452 gosubset_prok) (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0004861 ""CDK inhibitor" []") (mo-definition GO--0000432 ""Any process involving glucose that activates or increases the rate of transcription from an RNA polymerase II promoter." [GOC:krc]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0051585 ""inhibition of dopamine uptake" []") (subclass GO--0009922 GO--0004312) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052005 ""down-regulation by symbiont of host ethylene-mediated defense response" []") (mo-definition GO--0052079 ""Any process by which an organism activates, maintains or increases the frequency, rate or extent of host MAP kinase-mediated signal transduction pathways during the host defense response. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction." [GOC:mtg_pamgo_17jul06]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0001632 "leukotriene B4 receptor activity") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0015694 ""mercuric ion transport" []") (subclass GO--0045752 GO--0008592) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019882 "antigen processing and presentation") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005918 "septate junction") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047475 "MetaCyc:PHENYLACETATE--COA-LIGASE-RXN") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046534 ""up-regulation of photoreceptor cell differentiation" []") (subclass GO--0008414 GO--0016740) (mo-definition GO--0008649 ""Catalysis of the transfer of a methyl group from S-adenosyl-L-methionine to a nucleoside residue in an rRNA molecule." [GOC:mah]") (mo-definition GO--0047733 ""Catalysis of the reaction: CDP-glucose = CDP-4-dehydro-6-deoxy-D-glucose + H2O." [EC:, MetaCyc:CDP-GLUCOSE-4,6-DEHYDRATASE-RXN]") (mo-definition GO--0042644 ""The region of a chloroplast to which the DNA is confined." [GOC:jl]") (mo-definition GO--0004181 ""Catalysis of the hydrolysis of C-terminal amino acid residues from oligopeptides or polypeptides; a bivalent cation is an essential component of the catalytic mechanism." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-definition GO--0001682 ""Generation of the mature 5'-end of the tRNA, usually via an endonucleolytic cleavage by RNase P." [PMID:11592395]") (subclass GO--0031681 GO--0005515) (mo-exactSynonym ""6-endo-hydroxycineole biosynthesis" []") (subclass GO--0047704 GO--0008146) (mo-exactSynonym ""pentachlorophenol anabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0009274 ""A protective structure outside the cytoplasmic membrane composed of peptidoglycan, a molecule made up of a glycan (sugar) backbone of repetitively alternating N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylmuramic acid with short, attached, cross-linked peptide chains containing unusual amino acids; also called murein. As in, but not restricted to, the taxon Bacteria (Bacteria, ncbi_taxonomy_id:2)." [GOC:mlg, ISBN:0815108893]") (subclass GO--0030818 GO--0030817) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004613 "MetaCyc:") (mo-definition GO--0035156 ""Process by which a cell becomes capable of differentiating autonomously into a fusion cell in an environment that is neutral with respect to the developmental pathway; upon specification, the cell fate can be reversed. Fusion cells allow the interconnection of adjacent tracheal metameres during tracheal tube fusion." [PMID:11063940]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048878 "chemical homeostasis") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0042269 ""regulation of natural killer-cell mediated cytolysis" []") (subclass GO--0022020 GO--0022012) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043048 ""dolichyl monophosphate synthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0016562 ""receptor recycling during protein import into peroxisome matrix" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0018296 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0043048 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of dolichyl diphosphate, a phosphorylated dolichol derivative." [GOC:jl]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0060098 "membrane reorganization involved in phagocytosis, engulfment") (mo-definition GO--0051412 ""A change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a corticosterone stimulus. Corticosterone is a 21 carbon steroid hormone of the corticosteroid type, produced in the cortex of the adrenal glands. In many species, corticosterone is the principal glucocorticoid, involved in regulation of fuel metabolism, immune reactions, and stress responses." [PMID:15240347]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0001571 "non-tyrosine kinase fibroblast growth factor receptor activity") (mo-inSubset GO--0030649 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0015049 "UM-BBD_enzymeID:e0007") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032705 ""downregulation of interleukin-21 production" []") (mo-definition GO--0047066 ""Catalysis of the reaction: a lipid hydroperoxide + 2 reduced glutathione = 2 H2O + lipid + 2 oxidized glutathione." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. An amorphous-appearing accumulation of septin proteins at the future site of cytokinesis." [PMID:16009555]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006598 ""polyamine catabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008188 "neuropeptide receptor activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0003712 ""transcriptional co-regulator" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046134 ""pyrimidine nucleoside formation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042757 "giant axon") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0001410 ""chlamydospore development (sensu Candida albicans)" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032682 ""down-regulation of chemokine production" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0015417 ""polyamine ABC transporter" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004951 "cholecystokinin receptor activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019382 ""carbon tetrachloride breakdown" []") (mo-definition GO--0017121 ""The process by which all major lipid classes are redistributed within the plasma membrane following cell activation or injury, resulting in surface exposure of phosphatidylserine (PS) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE). Cell surface-exposed PS can serve as receptor sites for coagulation enzyme complexes, and contributes to cell clearance by the reticuloendothelial system." [PMID:11487015]") (mo-definition GO--0046741 ""The process of viral dissemination within an infected host organism where infectious virion particles are passed from infected to uninfected host tissue." [ISBN:0781718325]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0051651 ""cellular retention" []") (subclass GO--0007512 GO--0007507) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030930 "homotetrameric ADPG pyrophosphorylase complex") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0035277 ""spiracle morphogenesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046505 ""sulfolipid metabolism" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0004178 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005795 "Golgi stack") (subclass GO--0001838 GO--0035239) (subclass GO--0045541 GO--0045939) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047146 "sterigmatocystin 7-O-methyltransferase activity") (mo-definition GO--0009631 ""Processes that increase freezing tolerance of an organism in response to low, nonfreezing temperatures." [GOC:syr]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019548 "MetaCyc:ARGSPECAT-PWY") (mo-definition GO--0015794 ""The directed movement of glycerol-3-phosphate into, out of, within or between cells. Glycerol-3-phosphate is a phosphoric monoester of glycerol." [GOC:ai]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030948 ""down-regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor signaling pathway" []") (subclass GO--0046251 GO--0043694) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0022611 "dormancy process") (mo-inSubset GO--0048501 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051460 ""negative regulation of adrenotropin secretion" []") (mo-definition GO--0018543 ""Catalysis of the reaction: 4-amino-2-hydroxylamino-6-nitrotoluene + NADP+ = NADPH + H+ + 4-amino-2-nitroso-6-nitrotoluene." [UM-BBD_enzymeID:e0365]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019694 ""alkanesulfonate metabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0045490 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of pectin, a polymer containing a backbone of alpha-1,4-linked D-galacturonic acid residues." [GOC:go_curators, PMID:11931668]") (subclass GO--0006238 GO--0046035) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016327 "apicolateral plasma membrane") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002637 "regulation of immunoglobulin production") (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. A copper-containing entity that serves as an electron acceptor and electron donor in an electron transport system." [GOC:ai]") (mo-definition GO--0046084 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of adenine, 6-aminopurine, one of the five main bases found in nucleic acids and a component of numerous important derivatives of its corresponding ribonucleoside, adenosine." [GOC:go_curators]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042535 "positive regulation of tumor necrosis factor biosynthetic process") (subclass GO--0051615 GO--0001504) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0015403 ""thiamine uptake transporter activity" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009932 "cell tip growth") (mo-definition GO--0000734 ""Synthesis of DNA that proceeds from the broken 3' single-strand DNA end uses the homologous intact duplex as the template during gene conversion at the mating-type locus." [GOC:elh]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "URM1 hydrolase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009250 ""glucan formation" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0048170 ""activation of long-term neuronal synaptic plasticity" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0000391 GO--0006374) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0005978 "Reactome:268440") (subclass GO--0010020 GO--0043572) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006548 "Reactome:280546") (mo-exactSynonym ""induction by organism of symbiont apoptotic programmed cell death" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004088 "carbamoyl-phosphate synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) activity") (mo-definition GO--0002851 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate, or extent of peripheral T cell tolerance induction." [GOC:add]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050427 "Reactome:176609") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030649 ""aminoglycoside antibiotic catabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0045682 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of epidermis development." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-definition GO--0020006 ""Tubular network of extensions from the parasitophorous vacuolar membrane that protrude into the host cytoplasm." [PMID:3528173]") (subclass GO--0019476 GO--0019478) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045194 ""Ox-LDL catabolic process" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0009055 ""thioredoxin-like 2Fe-2S ferredoxin" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0031355 GO--0009527) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0033106 "cis-Golgi network membrane") (mo-definition GO--0030877 ""A cytoplasmic protein complex containing glycogen synthase kinase-3-beta (GSK-3-beta), the adenomatous polyposis coli protein (APC), and the scaffolding protein axin, among others; phosphorylates beta-catenin, targets it for degradation by the proteasome." [PMID:14600025]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004822 "MetaCyc:ISOLEUCINE--TRNA-LIGASE-RXN") (subclass GO--0030882 GO--0003823) (subclass GO--0052356 GO--0052410) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0005672 GO--0016591) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032702 ""negative regulation of IL-19 production" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000501 "flocculation via cell wall protein-carbohydrate interaction") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016604 "nuclear body") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050454 "MetaCyc:COENZYME-F420-HYDROGENASE-RXN") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045582 ""up-regulation of T cell differentiation" []") (mo-definition GO--0050744 ""The formation of a protein-FMN linkage via 3'-(8alpha-FMN)-L-histidine." [RESID:AA0353]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032340 "positive regulation of inhibin secretion") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0060007 "linear vestibuloocular reflex") (subclass GO--0050397 GO--0016703) (subclass GO--0000122 GO--0045892) (subclass GO--0031626 GO--0042165) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0015963 ""diadenosine triphosphate synthesis" []") (subclass GO--0009175 GO--0009158) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004021 "EC:") (subclass GO--0052567 GO--0052550) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0030727 GO--0007293) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050427 "Reactome:293466") (mo-definition GO--0048543 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of the phytochrome chromophore. The phytochrome chromophore is a linear tetrapyrrolic prosthetic group covalently attached to the large soluble protein phytochrome. Light absorption by the phytochrome chromophore triggers photoconversion between two spectrally distinct forms of the photoreceptor: Pr, the red light absorbing form, and Pfr, the far red light absorbing form." [GOC:pj, PMID:2909515]") (mo-definition GO--0002624 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate, or extent of B cell antigen processing and presentation." [GOC:add]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0048086 ""inhibition of pigmentation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016092 "prenol catabolic process") (mo-exactSynonym ""o-xylene anabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0043401 ""A series of molecular signals mediated by the detection of a steroid hormone." [PMID:12606724]") (documentation GO--0031633 EnglishLanguage "Note that this term refers to a subcellular structure, and should not be confused with the specialized cells known as xanthophores, which produce yellow pigment and are found in fish and amphibian skin. Note that several terms in the biological process ontology ('xanthophore differentiation ; GO:0050936' and its children) refer to xanthophores in the sense of pigment-producing cells.") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047551 "MetaCyc:2-OXOALDEHYDE-DEHYDROGENASE-(NAD+)-RXN") (mo-definition GO--0051912 ""Catalysis of the reaction: coenzyme B + coenzyme M + methanophenazine = N-{7-[(2-sulfoethyl)dithio]heptanoyl}-3-O-phospho-L-threonine + dihydromethanophenazine." [EC:]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004502 "EC:") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0015432 "TC:3.A.1.207.2") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0014059 "regulation of dopamine secretion") (mo-definition GO--0047225 ""Catalysis of the reaction: N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminyl-1,3-N-acetyl-D-galactosaminyl-R + UDP-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine = N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminyl-1,6-(N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminyl-1,3)-N-acetyl-D-galactosaminyl-R + UDP." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0014018 "neuroblast fate specification") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051226 "meiotic spindle assembly") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046673 ""negative regulation of retinal cell programmed cell death (sensu Endopterygota)" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000922 "spindle pole") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043369 ""CD4-positive or CD8-positive, alpha-beta T lymphocyte lineage commitment" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0030187 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005160 "transforming growth factor beta receptor binding") (subclass GO--0000301 GO--0006891) (subclass GO--0002870 GO--0002249) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045786 ""down regulation of progression through cell cycle" []") (mo-definition GO--0007095 ""A signal transduction-based surveillance mechanism that ensures accurate chromosome segregation by preventing entry into mitosis in the presence of damaged DNA." [GOC:mah, PMID:10856933, PMID:11406266]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006599 "phosphagen metabolic process") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000509 "Rpd3S complex") (mo-definition GO--0045274 ""A part of the respiratory chain located in the plasma membrane, containing the four polypeptide subunits of succinate dehydrogenase, flavin-adenine dinucleotide and iron-sulfur. Catalyzes the oxidation of succinate by ubiquinone. Connects the TCA cycle with the respiratory chain." [GOC:mtg_sensu, ISBN:0198547684]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006591 "Reactome:268295") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006094 "MetaCyc:GLUCONEO-PWY") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006240 ""dCDP anabolism" []") (documentation GO--0021806 EnglishLanguage "This term was added by GO_REF:0000021.") (mo-definition GO--0031301 ""Penetrating at least one phospholipid bilayer of an organelle membrane. May also refer to the state of being buried in the bilayer with no exposure outside the bilayer." [GOC:mah]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045711 ""activation of adult salivary gland determination" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045835 ""down regulation of meiosis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006184 ""GTP breakdown" []") (mo-definition GO--0000802 ""A structural unit of the synaptonemal complex that spans the regions between the lateral elements and connects them." [GOC:elh]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045366 "regulation of interleukin-13 biosynthetic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031334 ""up-regulation of protein complex assembly" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0055005 "ventricular cardiac myofibril development") (subclass GO--0042490 GO--0030154) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006302 "Reactome:268526") (subclass GO--0018682 GO--0016713) (subclass GO--0031472 GO--0031469) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019258 ""4-nitrotoluene degradation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046364 ""monosaccharide anabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0000118 ""Complex that possesses histone deacetylase activity." [GOC:mah]") (subclass GO--0003918 GO--0003916) (subclass GO--0015997 GO--0016709) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005740 "mitochondrial envelope") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050996 ""up regulation of lipid catabolic process" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0001757 "somite specification") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "class III cytochrome c") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045755 ""inhibition of initiation of acetate catabolic process by acetate" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030993 "axonemal heterotrimeric kinesin-II complex") (mo-inSubset GO--0015012 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0032353 GO--0031327) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019661 ""homolactic fermentation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009876 "pollen adhesion") (mo-inSubset GO--0018924 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0005096 GO--0008047) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018940 ""orcinol metabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042856 ""4-allyl-2-methoxyphenol catabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045388 ""negative regulation of IL-20 biosynthetic process" []") (mo-definition GO--0051110 ""The uridylylation of peptidyl-histidine to form peptidyl-1'-(phospho-5'-uridine)-L-histidine (otherwise known as tau-UMP-histidine, tele-UMP-histidine)." [RESID:AA0372]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052510 ""up-regulation by organism of defense response of other organism during symbiotic interaction" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046655 ""vitamin M metabolic process" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018180 "protein amino acid desulfurization") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0016102 ""diterpene biosynthesis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043580 "periplasmic space organization and biogenesis") (subclass GO--0032322 GO--0006743) (mo-definition GO--0007634 ""The actions or reactions of an organism pertaining to movement of the eyes and of objects in the visual field, as in nystagmus." [GOC:jic, http://www.mercksource.com]") (documentation GO--0031033 EnglishLanguage "Note that this concept is a child of 'actin cytoskeleton organization and biogenesis ; GO:0030036' because the actin cytoskeleton is defined as actin filaments and associated proteins; myosin structures are sufficiently closely associated with actin filaments to be included with the actin cytoskeleton.") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045441 "deacetoxycephalosporin C synthetase activity") (subclass GO--0015117 GO--0015103) (mo-definition GO--0045176 ""The processes by which a protein is transported to, or maintained in, apical regions of the cell." [GOC:bf]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0005975 "Reactome:211962") (subclass GO--0045324 GO--0016197) (mo-inSubset GO--0016840 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050450 "citrate (Re)-synthase activity") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004488 "MetaCyc:METHYLENETHFDEHYDROG-NADP-RXN") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0008105 ""establishment and maintenance of asymmetric protein localization" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0047602 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006085 "acetyl-CoA biosynthetic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0010186 ""up-regulation of cellular defense response" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046149 ""pigment degradation" []") (subclass GO--0031651 GO--0031650) (subclass GO--0009496 GO--0009055) (mo-alternateID GO--0000270 "GO:0009284") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050147 "EC:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0052370 "entry of organism into cell of other organism by promotion of phagocytosis in other organism during symbiotic interaction") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042183 ""formic acid catabolic process" []") (subclass GO--0009164 GO--0009116) (subclass GO--0018143 GO--0043687) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045385 ""negative regulation of interleukin-19 formation" []") (subclass GO--0005340 GO--0015116) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030513 ""positive regulation of bone morphogenetic protein signaling pathway" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031195 ""vibriobactin synthesis, peptide biosynthesis" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0009011 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0021847 GO--0021869) (subclass GO--0052443 GO--0052250) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008797 "EC:") (mo-definition GO--0040028 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of development of the vulva. As in, but not restricted to, the roundworms (Nematoda, ncbi_taxonomy_id:6231)." [GOC:ma]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047820 "EC:") (subclass GO--0051921 GO--0016884) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043155 ""down regulation of photosynthesis, light reaction" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0002502 GO--0002397) (mo-inSubset GO--0006159 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018977 ""1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis-(4-chlorophenyl)ethane metabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042626 "ATPase activity, coupled to transmembrane movement of substances") (subclass GO--0031462 GO--0031461) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009963 "positive regulation of flavonoid biosynthetic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045899 ""upregulation of transcriptional preinitiation complex formation" []") (subclass GO--0009329 GO--0044444) (mo-definition GO--0007321 ""The physical displacement of sperm stored from previous mating encounters." [PMID:10440373]") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0001646 ""class E G protein coupled receptor" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0042103 ""activation of T cell homeostatic proliferation" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0051252 GO--0016070) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019082 "Reactome:168858") (mo-definition GO--0051600 ""Any process that modulates the localization of exocysts during endocytosis. An exocyst is a protein complex peripherally associated with the plasma membrane that determines where secretory vesicles dock and fuse." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0015083 GO--0046873) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051355 "proprioception during equilibrioception") (subclass GO--0008837 GO--0016855) (subclass GO--0032411 GO--0032409) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006788 ""haem oxidation" []") (mo-definition GO--0046910 ""Stops, prevents or reduces the activity of any pectinesterase enzyme." [GOC:ai, PMID:10880981]") (subclass GO--0018718 GO--0035251) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0005992 ""trehalose synthesis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032295 "ensheathment of neuronal cell bodies") (subclass GO--0019535 GO--0015343) (mo-definition GO--0035233 ""The directed movement of germ cells from their site of production to the gonad, through the repulsion of cells away from a tissue." [PMID:12885551]") (subclass GO--0045565 GO--0045561) (mo-definition Feeding ""Behavior associated with the intake of food." [GOC:mah]") (mo-definition GO--0050886 ""The hormonal, neural, and secretory processes that release products into the blood or lymph. These products have specific effects on other organs." [ISBN:0721662544]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051142 ""positive regulation of NT cell proliferation" []") (mo-definition GO--0018996 ""The periodic shedding of part or all of a collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle, which is then replaced by a new collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle." [GOC:jl, GOC:mtg_sensu]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051933 "amino acid uptake during transmission of nerve impulse") (mo-definition GO--0009620 ""A change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a stimulus from a fungus." [GOC:hb]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0052275 "negative regulation by organism of defense-related MAP kinase-mediated signal transduction pathway in other organism during symbiotic interaction") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046509 ""UDP-galactose:diacylglycerol galactosyltransferase activity" []") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0042309 ""antifreeze activity" []") (subclass GO--0009628 GO--0050896) (subclass GO--0004540 GO--0004518) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045606 ""upregulation of epidermal cell differentiation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045841 ""down-regulation of mitotic metaphase/anaphase transition" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045400 ""negative regulation of interleukin-3 anabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006170 "dAMP biosynthetic process") (mo-definition GO--0031104 ""The regrowth of dendrites following their loss or damage." [GOC:dgh]") (subclass GO--0002593 GO--0002592) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0032097 ""activation of response to food" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050792 "regulation of viral life cycle") (mo-definition GO--0051865 ""The ubiquitination by a protein of one or more of its own amino acid residues, or residues on an identical protein. Ubiquitination occurs on the lysine residue by formation of an isopeptide crosslink." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0052280 GO--0052278) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0042304 "Reactome:249611") (subclass GO--0009152 GO--0009260) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047163 "MetaCyc:") (subclass GO--0004359 GO--0016811) (subclass GO--0032608 GO--0032606) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0042531 ""activation of tyrosine phosphorylation of STAT protein" []") (mo-definition GO--0042848 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of sorbose, the ketohexose xylo-2-hexulose. Sorbose is produced commercially by fermentation and is used as an intermediate in the manufacture of ascorbic acid." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-definition GO--0030696 ""Catalysis of the transfer of a methyl group from a donor to the C5 atom of the uridine residue at position 54 in a tRNA molecule." [ISBN:1555811337]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0048111 GO--0048110) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030720 "oocyte localization during oogenesis") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042031 "angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor activity") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047640 "EC:") (mo-definition GO--0019701 ""The methylation of peptidyl-arginine on the internal nitrogen-5 (N5) atom (also called delta-nitrogen) to form peptidyl-N5-methyl-L-arginine." [GOC:bf, PMID:9792625, RESID:AA0305]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050110 "EC:") (mo-definition GO--0052207 ""The process by which an organism effects a change in the structure or function of a second organism, mediated by a substance secreted by a type III secretion system in the first organism, where the two organisms are in a symbiotic interaction." [GOC:mtg_pamgo_17jul06]") (mo-definition GO--0006761 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of dihydrofolate, the dihydroxylated derivative of folate." [GOC:ai]") (mo-definition GO--0031904 ""The volume enclosed by the membranes of an endosome." [GOC:mah]") (mo-definition GO--0016319 ""The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the mushroom body over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The mushroom body is composed of the prominent neuropil structures of the insect central brain, thought to be crucial for olfactory associated learning. These consist mainly of a bulbous calyx and tightly packaged arrays of thin parallel fibers of the Kenyon cells." [PMID:8790424]") (mo-inSubset GO--0015385 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0032106 GO--0032103) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050593 ""N-methylcoclaurine 3'-hydroxylase activity" []") (mo-definition GO--0004366 ""Catalysis of the reaction: acyl-CoA + sn-glycerol 3-phosphate = CoA + 1-acyl-sn-glycerol 3-phosphate." [EC:]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0003808 "EC:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015259 "glutamate channel activity") (subclass GO--0045475 GO--0007626) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0001770 GO--0030101) (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0001996 ""increased chronotropy by epinephrine-norepinephrine" []") (subclass GO--0048269 GO--0044424) (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0030156 ""diazepam binding inhibitor activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045813 ""up-regulation of frizzled-2 signaling pathway" []") (mo-definition GO--0016227 ""Catalysis of the reaction: L-cysteine + 'activated' tRNA = L-serine + tRNA containing a thionucleotide." [EC:]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042511 ""upregulation of tyrosine phosphorylation of Stat1 protein" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047621 "acylpyruvate hydrolase activity") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0007004 "Reactome:285107") (subclass GO--0043323 GO--0043302) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030232 "insulin control element activator complex") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0000408 ""Endopeptidase-like Kinase Chromatin-associated protein complex" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004790 "EC:") (subclass GO--0050456 GO--0016668) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0035207 ""down-regulation of hemocyte proliferation (sensu Arthropoda)" []") (mo-definition GO--0048746 ""The process whose specific outcome is the progression of smooth muscle fiber over time, from its formation to the mature structure." [GOC:dph, GOC:jic, GOC:lm]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0015430 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032965 ""regulation of collagen formation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009997 ""down-regulation of cardioblast cell fate specification" []") (mo-definition GO--0019563 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of glycerol, 1,2,3-propanetriol, a sweet, hygroscopic, viscous liquid, widely distributed in nature as a constituent of many lipids." [GOC:go_curators, ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (subclass GO--0030157 GO--0007589) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0032755 ""activation of interleukin-6 production" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045526 ""IL-26 biosynthetic process" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050427 "Reactome:282769") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051718 "DNA (cytosine-5-)-methyltransferase activity, acting on CpG substrates") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0003680 "AT DNA binding") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0005682 GO--0005689) (documentation GO--0019718 EnglishLanguage "Note that this term refers to disrupted cells, and does not necessarily correspond to any specific structure(s) in an intact cell.") (mo-definition GO--0050815 ""Interacting selectively with a phosphorylated serine residue within a protein." [GOC:ai]") (documentation GO--0008345 EnglishLanguage "See also the biological process term 'locomotory behavior ; GO:0007626'.") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043132 "NAD transport") (subclass GO--0045737 GO--0045787) (mo-inSubset GO--0019805 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. Catalysis of the reaction: coenzyme-M 7-mercaptoheptanoylthreonine-phosphate heterodisulfide + H2 = coenzyme-M + N-(7-mercaptoheptanoyl)threonine O3-phosphate." [EC:]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045982 ""negative regulation of purine base metabolism" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0016905 "EC:") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0051436 "Reactome:272160") (subclass GO--0004555 GO--0015927) (subclass GO--0047518 GO--0016799) (subclass GO--0019478 GO--0046416) (termFormat EnglishLanguage "cytochrome b5") (mo-definition GO--0002275 ""A change in the morphology or behavior of a myeloid cell resulting from exposure to an activating factor such as a cellular or soluble ligand, leading to the initiation or perpetuation of an immune response." [GOC:add, ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology"]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050687 ""downregulation of antiviral response" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016679 "oxidoreductase activity, acting on diphenols and related substances as donors") (subclass GO--0045925 GO--0045924) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015592 "methylgalactoside transporter activity") (subclass GO--0006259 GO--0006139) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0005388 ""calcium ABC transporter" []") (mo-definition GO--0005933 ""A protuberance from a cell of an organism that reproduces by budding, which will grow larger and become a separate daughter cell after nuclear division, cytokinesis, and cell wall formation (when appropriate). The daughter cell may completely separate from the mother cell, or the mother and daughter cells may remain associated." [GOC:sgd_curators]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0001862 "collectin binding") (subclass GO--0045321 GO--0002376) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006368 "Reactome:262507") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009656 "PSII associated light-harvesting complex II, peripheral complex") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046134 ""pyrimidine nucleoside synthesis" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000722 "Reactome:220705") (mo-definition GO--0005549 ""Interacting selectively with an odorant, any substance capable of stimulating the sense of smell." [GOC:jl, ISBN:0721662544]") (mo-narrowSynonym ""symbiont phytoalexin detoxification" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0045552 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045226 ""extracellular polysaccharide biosynthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009449 ""4-aminobutyrate biosynthetic process" []") (subclass GO--0035306 GO--0035303) (mo-inSubset GO--0045834 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0003870 "5-aminolevulinate synthase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046899 ""nucleoside-triphosphate-adenylate kinase activity" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0046439 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048542 ""hematopoietic organ development (sensu Arthropoda)" []") (mo-definition GO--0016866 ""Catalysis of the transfer of a functional group from one position to another within a single molecule." [GOC:mah]") (mo-inSubset GO--0009982 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019513 "lactose catabolic process, using glucoside 3-dehydrogenase") (mo-definition GO--0005842 ""The large subunit of a ribosome; has a sedimentation coefficient of 60S. As in, but not restricted to, the eukaryotes (Eukaryota, ncbi_taxonomy_id:2759)." [GOC:jic]") (mo-inSubset GO--0003774 goslim_yeast) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0048215 ""activation of Golgi vesicle fusion to target membrane" []") (subclass GO--0045743 GO--0009967) (mo-definition GO--0042328 ""Catalysis of the reaction: UDP-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine + heparan sulfate = UDP + (N-acetyl-D-glucosaminyl)-heparan sulfate." [GOC:ma]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042374 ""phytylmenaquinone metabolic process" []") (subclass GO--0017159 GO--0016811) (subclass GO--0046503 GO--0044242) (mo-definition GO--0019782 ""Catalysis of the activation of the small ubiquitin-related modifier ISG15, through the formation of an ATP-dependent high-energy thiolester bond." [GOC:mah]") (documentation GO--0015440 EnglishLanguage "Consider also annotating to the molecular function term 'ATP binding ; GO:0005524'.") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002872 ""downregulation of natural killer cell tolerance induction" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0021721 GO--0021585) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0017081 "chloride channel regulator activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043322 ""negative regulation of NK cell degranulation" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0051200 ""activation of prosthetic group metabolic process" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050291 ""dihydroceramide synthase" []") (subclass GO--0007476 GO--0035114) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005912 "adherens junction") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045629 ""inhibition of T-helper 2 cell differentiation" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0019199 gosubset_prok) (mo-inSubset GO--0045259 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006915 "Reactome:212025") (mo-definition GO--0005515 ""Interacting selectively with any protein or protein complex (a complex of two or more proteins that may include other nonprotein molecules)." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047684 "EC:") (subclass GO--0048002 GO--0019882) (subclass GO--0001695 GO--0042402) (mo-definition GO--0047770 ""Catalysis of the reaction: an aldehyde + acceptor + H2O = a carboxylate + reduced acceptor." [EC:, MetaCyc:CARBOXYLATE-REDUCTASE-RXN]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006561 "Reactome:289822") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046715 "boron transporter activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000150 "recombinase activity") (subclass GO--0004090 GO--0016616) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019624 "MetaCyc:P501-PWY") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002037 ""down-regulation of L-glutamate transport" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0003938 "IMP dehydrogenase activity") (mo-definition GO--0042936 ""Enables the directed movement of a dipeptide, a combination of two amino acids by means of a peptide (-CO-NH-) link, into, out of, within or between cells." [GOC:jl, http://cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk/]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050758 ""regulation of thymidylate synthase anabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0005793 ""ERGIC" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048836 ""up-regulation of petal number" []") (mo-definition GO--0015344 ""Catalysis of the reaction: siderophore-iron(ferrioxamine)(out) + H+(out) = siderophore-iron(ferrioxamine)(in) + H+(in)." [TC:2.A.1.16.1]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042871 "D-galactarate transport") (mo-inSubset GO--0015992 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0001566 ""Phorbol ester/diacylglycerol binding proteins that do not have intrinsic kinase activity." [PMID:10506570]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0021771 ""LGN development" [GOC:dgh]") (subclass GO--0000196 GO--0000165) (subclass GO--0018448 GO--0016614) (subclass GO--0042949 GO--0015759) (subclass GO--0000938 GO--0043234) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050079 ""acetylenecarboxylate hydratase activity, producing malonate-semialdehyde" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0051246 GO--0019538) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018234 "RESID:AA0113") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006974 "response to DNA damage stimulus") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050565 "aerobactin synthase activity") (mo-inSubset GO--0031330 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0052360 GO--0052364) (mo-definition GO--0030521 ""Any series of molecular signals generated as a consequence of an androgen binding to its receptor." [GOC:mah]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050343 "EC:") (mo-definition GO--0048939 ""The process aimed at the progression of a glial cell in the anterior lateral line nerve over time, from initial commitment of the cell to a specific fate, to the fully functional differentiated cell." [GOC:dgh]") (mo-definition GO--0047632 ""Catalysis of the reaction: agmatine + H2O = N-carbamoylputrescine + NH3." [EC:, MetaCyc:AGMATINE-DEIMINASE-RXN]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006750 ""glutathione formation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019531 ""oxalic acid transporter" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0009423 gosubset_prok) (mo-inSubset GO--0040029 goslim_plant) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009253 "peptidoglycan catabolic process") (subclass GO--0047175 GO--0008374) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0015471 "TC:1.B.10.1.1") (mo-definition GO--0031623 ""The process by which cell surface receptors are monoubiquitinated following ligand-induced activation, and subsequently taken up into endocytic vesicles and targeted to the lysosome or vacuole for degradation; serves as a mechanism to downregulate receptor signaling." [GOC:mah, PMID:15006537]") (mo-definition GO--0006627 ""The cleavage of proteins, usually near the N terminus, during the process of import into the mitochondrion; several different peptidases mediate cleavage of proteins destined for different mitochondrial compartments." [GOC:mcc, PMID:12191769]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047740 "MetaCyc:CEPHALOSPORIN-C-TRANSAMINASE-RXN") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009750 "response to fructose stimulus") (subclass GO--0000401 GO--0000400) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0005104 ""FGFR ligand" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004579 "dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide-protein glycotransferase activity") (subclass GO--0050679 GO--0008284) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032776 "DNA methylation on cytosine") (mo-definition GO--0010256 ""The assembly and arrangement of endomembrane systems." [GOC:sm]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004418 "Reactome:11374") (subclass GO--0031405 GO--0031406) (mo-inSubset GO--0009426 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0046982 ""Interacting selectively with a nonidentical protein to form a heterodimer." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0031880 GO--0031877) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019140 "EC:") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019064 "Reactome:168312") (mo-definition GO--0016572 ""The modification of histones by addition of phosphoric groups." [GOC:ai]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046907 "intracellular transport") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0009040 "MetaCyc:R165-RXN") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0042814 ""monopolar growth" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0016561 ""protein translocation during peroxisome matrix protein import" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019678 ""propionate metabolism, methylmalonyl pathway" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051707 "response to other organism") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042964 ""thioredoxin anabolism" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0030359 ""protein phosphatase type 2B, intrinsic regulator activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009030 ""thiamine-phosphate kinase activity" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006281 "Reactome:262414") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045805 ""up regulation of eclosion" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018494 "UM-BBD_enzymeID:e0473") (mo-definition GO--0005041 ""Combining with a low-density lipoprotein to initiate a change in cell activity." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (subclass GO--0047383 GO--0016791) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008990 "rRNA (guanine-N2-)-methyltransferase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002824 "positive regulation of adaptive immune response based on somatic recombination of immune receptors built from immunoglobulin superfamily domains") (subclass GO--0002458 GO--0002517) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0043304 GO--0043303) (subclass GO--0032174 GO--0032173) (subclass GO--0018835 GO--0016829) (mo-definition GO--0006713 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of glucocorticoids, hormonal C21 corticosteroids synthesized from cholesterol." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0000437 ""inhibition of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter by carbon catabolites" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0009318 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0006048 GO--0006047) (mo-definition GO--0006591 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving ornithine, an amino acid only rarely found in proteins, but which is important in living organisms as an intermediate in the reactions of the urea cycle and in arginine biosynthesis." [GOC:jl, ISBN:0192801023]") (subclass GO--0035269 GO--0035268) (mo-definition GO--0030156 ""Interacting selectively with the peripheral benzodiazepine receptor (PBR)." [GOC:ceb, GOC:mah, PMID:9915832]") (mo-definition GO--0019902 ""Interacting selectively with any phosphatase." [GOC:jl]") (subclass GO--0012509 GO--0030658) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018889 ""2-chloro-N-isopropylacetanilide metabolism" []") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0043592 ""epispore" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0015116 ""sulphate transporter activity" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0000302 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0008841 GO--0016881) (subclass GO--0042247 GO--0016334) (subclass GO--0018170 GO--0018040) (subclass GO--0042427 GO--0042446) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0021802 ""perikaryal translocation of Morest" [PMID:12626695]") (subclass GO--0043523 GO--0042981) (subclass GO--0051077 GO--0030428) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051794 "regulation of catagen") (subclass GO--0046787 GO--0006281) (subclass GO--0017198 GO--0030920) (subclass GO--0051758 GO--0016344) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005516 "calmodulin binding") (mo-definition GO--0001522 ""The intramolecular conversion of uridine to pseudouridine within an RNA molecule. This posttranscriptional base modification occurs in tRNA, rRNA, and snRNAs." [GOC:hjd, GOC:mah]") (mo-definition GO--0040038 ""The cell cycle process whereby two small cells are generated, as byproducts destined to degenerate, as a result of the first and second meiotic divisions of a primary oocyte during its development to a mature ovum. One polar body is formed in the first division of meiosis and the other in the second division; at each division, the cytoplasm divides unequally, so that the polar body is of much smaller size than the developing oocyte. At the second division in which a polar body is formed, the polar body and the developing oocyte each contain a haploid set of chromosomes." [GOC:ems, ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (subclass GO--0042413 GO--0009437) (subclass GO--0001607 GO--0042924) (subclass GO--0017182 GO--0018202) (mo-definition GO--0000148 ""The complex that catalyzes the transfer of a glucose moiety from UDP-glucose to a 1,3-beta-D-glucan chain." [EC:]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047456 "2-methylisocitrate dehydratase activity") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0043205 GO--0005578) (subclass GO--0046639 GO--0046637) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0015413 ""nickel transporting ATPase activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032351 ""down regulation of hormone metabolic process" []") (mo-definition GO--0006148 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of inosine, hypoxanthine riboside, a nucleoside found free but not in combination in nucleic acids except in the anticodons of some tRNAs." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018669 "UM-BBD_enzymeID:e0289") (mo-inSubset Growth goslim_generic) (mo-definition GO--0008800 ""Catalysis of the reaction: a beta-lactam + H2O = a substituted beta-amino acid." [EC:]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004021 "MetaCyc:ALANINE-AMINOTRANSFERASE-RXN") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042578 "phosphoric ester hydrolase activity") (subclass GO--0015382 GO--0015081) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0016111 ""polyterpene metabolic process" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030308 ""down-regulation of cell growth" []") (subclass GO--0006221 GO--0009165) (subclass GO--0002225 GO--0002784) (mo-definition GO--0004470 ""Catalysis of the oxidative decarboxylation of malate with the concomitant production of pyruvate." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051496 ""positive regulation of stress fibre formation" []") (mo-definition GO--0052344 ""Any process by which an organism activates, maintains or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the production of phytoalexins as part of the defense response of the host organism. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction." [GOC:mtg_pamgo_17jul06]") (mo-definition GO--0045302 ""Catalysis of the reaction: 3-alpha,7-alpha,12-alpha-trihydroxy-5-beta-cholan-24-oylglycine + H2O = 3-alpha,7-alpha,12-alpha-trihydroxy-5-beta-cholanate + glycine." [EC:]") (mo-definition GO--0000758 ""During conjugation without cellular fusion, the aggregation or adhesion of compatible mating types via complementary cell-cell interactions." [GOC:elh]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019370 "leukotriene biosynthetic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046963 ""PAPS transport" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018834 "dichloromethane dehalogenase activity") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0016761 "MetaCyc:CELLULOSE-SYNTHASE-(GDP-FORMING)-RXN") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045864 ""positive regulation of pteridine metabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "positive regulation by organism of induced systemic resistance in symbiont") (mo-alternateID GO--0006214 "GO:0006215") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045125 "bioactive lipid receptor activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019600 "toluene oxidation") (mo-inSubset GO--0006812 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0030173 ""Penetrating at least one phospholipid bilayer of the Golgi complex membrane. May also refer to the state of being buried in the bilayer with no exposure outside the bilayer." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006805 "Reactome:252581") (subclass GO--0002617 GO--0002578) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047007 "21-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051124 "synaptic growth at neuromuscular junction") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015088 "copper uptake transporter activity") (subclass GO--0018880 GO--0042196) (mo-inSubset GO--0016801 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0046304 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of 2-nitropropane, a clear, colorless liquid with a mild, fruity odor." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0051349 GO--0043085) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052345 ""up regulation by organism of defense-related nitric oxide production in other organism during symbiotic interaction" []") (subclass GO--0047060 GO--0016614) (mo-definition GO--0050394 ""Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + viomycin = ADP + O-phosphoviomycin." [EC:, MetaCyc:VIOMYCIN-KINASE-RXN]") (subclass GO--0002200 GO--0002376) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018459 "UM-BBD_enzymeID:e04") (subclass GO--0042277 GO--0005488) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0048385 GO--0048384) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006054 ""sialic acid metabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004777 "succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043273 "CTPase activity") (subclass GO--0016127 GO--0006706) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006003 "fructose 2,6-bisphosphate metabolic process") (mo-definition GO--0005130 ""Interacting selectively with the granulocyte colony-stimulating factor receptor." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0020015 GO--0043231) (mo-inSubset GO--0009150 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym ""ortho-xylene biosynthetic process" []") (mo-definition GO--0007346 ""Any process that modulates the rate or extent of progress through the mitotic cell cycle." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-definition GO--0005021 ""Combining with vascular endothelial growth factor to initiate a change in cell activity." [GOC:mah]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030574 ""collagen catabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019511 "peptidyl-proline hydroxylation") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0048559 GO--0048439) (subclass GO--0048508 GO--0048507) (mo-inSubset GO--0009195 gosubset_prok) (mo-inSubset GO--0006240 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0003700 ""The function of binding to a specific DNA sequence in order to modulate transcription. The transcription factor may or may not also interact selectively with a protein or macromolecular complex." [GOC:curators]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006412 ""protein formation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031900 "chromoplast outer membrane") (subclass GO--0045567 GO--0045563) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019082 "Reactome:168875") (mo-definition GO--0017076 ""Interacting selectively with purine nucleotides, any compound consisting of a purine nucleoside esterified with (ortho)phosphate." [GOC:ai]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0005958 ""DNA-PK complex" []") (subclass GO--0001808 GO--0002710) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0016538 ""G2/M-specific cyclin" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045429 ""upregulation of nitric oxide biosynthetic process" []") (subclass GO--0052309 GO--0052561) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030935 ""network-forming collagen" [ISBN:0815316194]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050966 "detection of mechanical stimulus during sensory perception of pain") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046455 ""organosilicon breakdown" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0031235 GO--0009898) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0014043 ""inhibition of neuron maturation" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000186 "Reactome:238032") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031714 "C5a anaphylatoxin chemotactic receptor binding") (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of styrene, an aromatic hydrocarbon liquid used in the manufacture of polystyrene." [GOC:ai]") (mo-definition GO--0009578 ""The space enclosed by the double membrane of an etioplast but excluding the prothylakoid space. It contains the etioplast DNA." [GOC:jl]") (mo-inSubset GO--0009159 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0000721 ""D-aminopropanol dehydrogenase" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0050710 ""inhibition of cytokine secretion" []") (subclass GO--0007317 GO--0050789) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0007006 "mitochondrial membrane organization and biogenesis") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0008338 ""ERK1" []") (subclass GO--0017155 GO--0015385) (subclass GO--0017180 GO--0009058) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006009 "glucose 1-phosphate phosphorylation") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042451 ""purine nucleoside anabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000095 "S-adenosylmethionine transporter activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030861 ""down-regulation of polarized epithelial cell differentiation" []") (mo-definition GO--0035301 ""A multiprotein complex that binds microtubules in a Hedgehog-dependent manner, and is required for signal transduction by members of the Hedgehog family of proteins. The core components of the complex are the serine/threonine protein kinase Fused, the kinesin motor protein Costal2 (Cos2), and a zinc finger transcription factor (Gli family members in humans, and Cubitus interruptus (Ci) in Drosophila)." [PMID:10825151, PMID:15057936]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000268 "peroxisome targeting sequence binding") (mo-alternateID GO--0015375 "GO:0015656") (subclass GO--0017085 GO--0009636) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004150 "EC:") (mo-definition GO--0009099 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of valine, 2-amino-3-methylbutanoic acid." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0031134 GO--0051313) (mo-definition GO--0017038 ""The directed movement of proteins into a cell or organelle." [GOC:ai]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0002861 GO--0002437) (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because it was an unnecessary grouping term. To update annotations, consider molecular_function term 'racemase and epimerase activity ; GO:0016854' or its children.") (subclass GO--0052047 GO--0044403) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009227 ""nucleotide-sugar breakdown" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004356 "glutamate-ammonia ligase activity") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0001548 GO--0001547) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048637 "skeletal muscle development") (subclass GO--0042467 GO--0042465) (mo-inSubset GO--0004198 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045161 "neuronal ion channel clustering") (mo-definition GO--0045486 ""Catalysis of the reaction: naringenin + 2-oxoglutarate + O2 = dihydrokaempferol + succinate + CO2." [EC:]") (subclass GO--0046784 GO--0006406) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008812 "MetaCyc:CHD-RXN") (subclass GO--0051019 GO--0019901) (mo-definition GO--0015367 ""Catalysis of the reaction: oxoglutarate(out) + malate(in) = oxoglutarate(in) + malate(out)." [TC:2.A.29.2.1]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015330 "high affinity glutamine permease activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0060095 ""zinc potentiation of glycinergic synaptic transmission" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046286 "flavonoid phytoalexin catabolic process") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000722 "Reactome:174427") (mo-definition GO--0019300 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of rhamnose, the hexose 6-deoxy-L-mannose." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (subclass GO--0043508 GO--0043407) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0021657 "rhombomere 2 formation") (subclass GO--0004909 GO--0004908) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019353 ""protoporphyrinogen IX formation from glutamate" []") (mo-definition GO--0047723 ""Catalysis of the reaction: 5'-inosinate + H2O = D-ribose 5-phosphate + hypoxanthine." [EC:, MetaCyc:INOSINATE-NUCLEOSIDASE-RXN]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0003875 "ADP-ribosylarginine hydrolase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019062 "virion attachment to host cell surface receptor") (mo-definition GO--0016161 ""Catalysis of the hydrolysis of 1,4-alpha-glucosidic linkages in polysaccharides so as to remove successive maltose units from the non-reducing ends of the chains." [EC:]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047089 "MetaCyc:") (subclass GO--0047784 GO--0016413) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0020015 "glycosome") (subclass GO--0015106 GO--0015103) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0015411 ""taurine ABC transporter" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043170 ""macromolecule metabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046742 ""nuclear viral capsid transport" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032406 "MutLbeta complex binding") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0051441 ""meiotic ubiquitin ligase activator" []") (mo-definition GO--0031745 ""Interacting selectively with a cysteinyl leukotriene receptor." [GOC:mah, GOC:nln]") (mo-definition GO--0046155 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of rhodopsin, a brilliant purplish-red, light-sensitive visual pigment found in the rod cells of the retinas." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004522 "pancreatic ribonuclease activity") (mo-definition GO--0006147 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of guanine, 2-amino-6-hydroxypurine, a purine that is one of the five main bases found in nucleic acids and a component of a number of phosphorylated guanosine derivatives whose metabolic or regulatory functions are important." [GOC:go_curators]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050919 "negative chemotaxis") (documentation GO--0030691 EnglishLanguage "Note that the term name uses Saccharomyces gene product names because no other names have yet arisen for this complex; the term nevertheless can be used for analogous complexes in other eukaryotes, and the name can be changed if better wording is found.") (subclass GO--0005471 GO--0015300) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0046716 GO--0007517) (subclass GO--0050647 GO--0050543) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008482 "EC:") (mo-definition GO--0031828 ""Interacting selectively with a type 2C serotonin receptor." [GOC:mah, GOC:nln]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045419 ""up-regulation of interleukin-9 biosynthetic process" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009583 "detection of light stimulus") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0001664 ""G protein coupled receptor binding" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0060032 GO--0048570) (mo-definition GO--0046888 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of the regulated release of a hormone from a cell or group of cells." [GOC:ai]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045412 ""negative regulation of interleukin-7 anabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0002213 ""A response to protect an organism from a directly detected or perceived external threat from an insect or insects to that organism." [GOC:add]") (subclass GO--0005821 GO--0044430) (subclass GO--0045921 GO--0017157) (subclass GO--0018345 GO--0043543) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0031983 GO--0031988) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046274 ""lignin degradation" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0018038 gosubset_prok) (documentation GO--0042536 EnglishLanguage "Note that this term refers only to the specific, original 'tumor necrosis factor' protein (TNF) and not other members of the tumor necrosis factor superfamily (those with the gene symbol root 'TNFSF').") (mo-inSubset GO--0004635 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0005863 ""Filaments formed of polymers of a muscle-specific myosin II isoform, found in the middle of sarcomeres in myofibrils." [ISBN:0815316194]") (subclass GO--0004791 GO--0009055) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009802 ""phenylacrylic acid ester biosynthesis" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0031241 GO--0009279) (termFormat EnglishLanguage "CD40 receptor activity") (subclass GO--0006315 GO--0006314) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045343 ""regulation of MHC class I synthesis" []") (mo-definition GO--0042279 ""Catalysis of the reaction: NH3 + 2 H2O + 6 ferricytochrome c = NO2(-) (nitrite) + 6 ferrocytochrome c + 7 H+." [EC:]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006550 "Reactome:221416") (mo-definition GO--0030032 ""Formation of a lamellipodium, a thin sheetlike extension of the surface of a migrating cell." [GOC:mah, ISBN:0815316194]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0048549 ""activation of pinocytosis" []") (mo-definition GO--0052210 ""An interaction with a second organism mediated by a substance secreted by the first organism by a type III secretion system, where the two organisms are in a symbiotic interaction." [GOC:mtg_pamgo_17jul06]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050751 ""ABCD-3 biosynthesis" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0019329 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0021836 GO--0050919) (subclass GO--0015609 GO--0015608) (mo-inSubset GO--0042034 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045899 "positive regulation of transcriptional preinitiation complex formation") (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. Any process by which an organism activates, maintains or increases the frequency, rate or extent of programmed cell death in the symbiont, where programmed cell death proceeds by apoptosis. The symbiont is defined as the smaller of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction." [PAMGO:mtg]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030796 "cycloartenol 24-C-methyltransferase activity") (subclass GO--0004118 GO--0004114) (subclass GO--0016889 GO--0004520) (mo-definition GO--0001938 ""Any process that activates or increases the rate or extent of endothelial cell proliferation." [GOC:add]") (subclass GO--0043006 GO--0019722) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006302 "Reactome:252555") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032784 "regulation of RNA elongation") (subclass GO--0001544 GO--0022602) (subclass GO--0015820 GO--0015804) (subclass GO--0018149 GO--0043687) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008794 "MetaCyc:RXN-982") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032724 ""up-regulation of fractalkine production" []") (mo-definition GO--0006026 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of aminoglycans, any polymer containing amino groups that consists of more than about 10 monosaccharide residues joined to each other by glycosidic linkages." [GOC:ai, ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (subclass GO--0018006 GO--0018321) (mo-definition GO--0048927 ""The process whereby a relatively unspecialized cell acquires specialized features of a posterior lateral line neuromast support cell. Support cells are non-sensory cells of the neuromast that extend between the sensory hair cells from the basement membrane to the apical surface; they are surrounded by mantle cells." [ISBN:0387968377]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0002628 GO--0002496) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045984 "negative regulation of pyrimidine base metabolic process") (subclass GO--0018006 GO--0018409) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002802 ""up regulation of antifungal peptide secretion" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015441 "beta-glucan-transporting ATPase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045396 "regulation of interleukin-23 biosynthetic process") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0032460 ""inhibition of protein oligomerization" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000700 "mismatch base pair DNA N-glycosylase activity") (subclass GO--0000168 GO--0000186) (mo-definition GO--0015629 ""The part of the cytoskeleton (the internal framework of a cell) composed of actin and associated proteins. Includes actin cytoskeleton-associated complexes." [GOC:jl, http://cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk/, ISBN:0395825172]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000387 "spliceosomal snRNP biogenesis") (mo-definition GO--0042488 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the formation and development of teeth, the hard, bony appendages which are borne on the jaws, or on other bones in the walls of the mouth or pharynx of most vertebrates. As in, but not restricted to, the vertebrates (Vertebrata, ncbi_taxonomy_id:7742)." [GOC:jl, http://cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk/]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004215 "EC:") (mo-definition GO--0050358 ""Catalysis of the reaction: pseudotropine + NADP+ = tropinone + NADPH." [EC:, MetaCyc:TROPINONE-REDUCTASE-RXN]") (subclass GO--0031837 GO--0031834) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009684 ""indoleacetic acid synthesis" []") (mo-definition GO--0001827 ""The cell fate commitment of precursor cells that will become inner cell mass cells." [GOC:dph, ISBN:0124020607, ISBN:0198542771]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0046796 "Reactome:168317") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0031692 ""alpha-1B adrenergic receptor ligand" []") (mo-definition GO--0046673 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of programmed cell death that occurs in the compound eye retina." [GOC:ai]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0016944 ""Pol II transcription elongation factor activity" []") (mo-definition GO--0047648 ""Catalysis of the reaction: N-methylhexanamide + H2O = hexanoate + methylamine." [EC:, MetaCyc:ALKYLAMIDASE-RXN]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006574 "Reactome:244712") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0046534 ""activation of photoreceptor cell differentiation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045745 ""positive regulation of G-protein coupled receptor protein signalling pathway" []") (subclass GO--0047794 GO--0016628) (mo-definition GO--0015439 ""Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + H2O + heme(in) = ADP + phosphate + heme(out)." [EC:]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0052272 ""stimulation by organism of salicylic acid-mediated defense response of other organism during symbiotic interaction" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019475 ""L-lysine degradation to acetate" []") (subclass GO--0060106 GO--0060103) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052056 ""downregulation by symbiont of host protein function" []") (mo-definition GO--0045539 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of interleukin-27." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002847 ""down-regulation of T cell tolerance induction to tumor cell" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008854 "exodeoxyribonuclease V activity") (mo-definition GO--0009502 ""A series of membrane-linked oxidation-reduction reactions in which electrons are transferred from an initial electron donor through a series of intermediates to a final electron acceptor (usually oxygen)." [ISBN:014051403]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0048461 GO--0048439) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018801 "glutaconyl-CoA decarboxylase activity") (mo-definition GO--0032849 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate, or extent of a process that reduces the internal pH of a cell." [GOC:mah]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006383 "Reactome:287828") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051229 ""spindle disassembly during meiosis" []") (subclass GO--0048177 GO--0042108) (subclass GO--0035282 GO--0003002) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0043068 ""activation of programmed cell death" []") (mo-definition GO--0046687 ""A change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a chromate stimulus." [ISBN:0721662544]") (mo-definition GO--0009727 ""The series of events in which an ethylene (ethene) stimulus is received by a cell and converted into a molecular signal." [GOC:sm]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019745 ""pentacyclic triterpenoid anabolism" []") (subclass GO--0015274 GO--0005247) (subclass GO--0008376 GO--0008194) (subclass GO--0031642 GO--0031645) (mo-definition GO--0045105 ""Assembly or disassembly of intermediate filaments by the addition or removal of component parts from a filament." [GOC:ai]") (mo-definition GO--0001809 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of type IV hypersensitivity, a type of inflammatory response." [GOC:add, ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology"]") (subclass GO--0030367 GO--0005126) (subclass GO--0050344 GO--0016709) (subclass GO--0007468 GO--0050789) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051041 ""up regulation of calcium-independent cell-cell adhesion" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031138 ""down-regulation of conjugation with cellular fusion" []") (mo-definition GO--0009666 ""A process that is carried out at the cellular level which results in the formation, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of the outer membrane of a plastid." [GOC:ai]") (mo-definition GO--0031488 ""A myosin complex containing a class XVIII myosin heavy chain and associated light chains; myosin XVIII heavy chains contain an N-terminal PDZ domain." [PMID:11294886]") (mo-definition GO--0007382 ""The specification of the characteristic structures of the maxillary segment following establishment of segment boundaries. Identity is considered to be the aggregate of characteristics by which a structure is recognized." [ISBN:0878932437]") (mo-definition GO--0015412 ""Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + H2O + molybdate(out) = ADP + phosphate + molybdate(in)." [EC:]") (mo-inSubset GO--0008673 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0060101 GO--0060099) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000398 "Reactome:212002") (mo-definition GO--0055036 ""The lipid bilayer surrounding a virion." [GOC:jic, GOC:rph, PMID:213106]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004110 "MetaCyc:CORTICOSTEROID-SIDE-CHAIN-ISOMERASE-RXN") (subclass GO--0009168 GO--0009152) (subclass GO--0000773 GO--0008757) (subclass GO--0019633 GO--0046395) (subclass GO--0032208 GO--0032207) (subclass GO--0045434 GO--0007621) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002674 ""down regulation of acute inflammatory response" []") (mo-exactSynonym ""LSP1" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005765 "lysosomal membrane") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050205 "oxamate carbamoyltransferase activity") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006383 "Reactome:268472") (subclass GO--0010029 GO--0050793) (subclass GO--0016571 GO--0006479) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030257 "type III protein secretion system complex") (subclass GO--0042865 GO--0046215) (subclass GO--0032848 GO--0032847) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008794 "EC:") (subclass GO--0007446 GO--0048589) (subclass GO--0019047 GO--0022415) (mo-definition GO--0005774 ""The lipid bilayer surrounding the vacuole and separating its contents from the cytoplasm of the cell." [GOC:ai]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0009042 "EC:") (mo-definition GO--0047012 ""Catalysis of the reaction: NAD(P)+ + 3-beta-hydroxy-4-alpha-methyl-5-alpha-cholest-7-ene-4-beta-carboxylate = NAD(P)H + H+ + CO2 + 4-alpha-methyl-5-alpha-cholest-7-en-3-one." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (mo-definition GO--0048482 ""The process by which the anatomical structures of the ovule are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form. The ovule is the structure in seed plants enclosing the female gametophyte, and is composed of the nucellus, one or two integuments, and the funiculus; it develops into the seed." [GOC:tb]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0042070 GO--0051663) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050073 "MetaCyc:MACROLIDE-2'-KINASE-RXN") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019319 ""hexose synthesis" []") (mo-definition GO--0047758 ""Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + 2-methylpropanoate = ADP + 2-methylpropanoyl phosphate." [EC:, MetaCyc:BRANCHED-CHAIN-FATTY-ACID-KINASE-RXN]") (subclass GO--0048447 GO--0048444) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015748 "organophosphate ester transport") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0003919 "EC:") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0017110 ""apyrase activity" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "leucine/valine/isoleucine permease activity") (mo-definition GO--0010254 ""The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the floral nectaries over time, from its formation to the mature structure." [GOC:lr]") (subclass GO--0052237 GO--0052224) (mo-definition GO--0043409 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of signal transduction mediated by the MAPKKK cascade." [GOC:go_curators]") (subclass GO--0047101 GO--0016620) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0003868 "MetaCyc:4-HYDROXYPHENYLPYRUVATE-DIOXYGENASE-RXN") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0051307 GO--0045132) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050758 ""regulation of thymidylate synthase biosynthesis" []") (mo-definition GO--0021810 ""Signaling by neurotransmitters and their receptors that results in the initiation of movement of cells as a component of the process of glial-mediated radial migration." [GOC:cls, GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jic, GOC:mtg_15jun06, PMID:12626695]") (subclass GO--0016334 GO--0007163) (subclass GO--0009676 GO--0008512) (mo-definition GO--0016568 ""The alteration of DNA or protein in chromatin, which may result in changing the chromatin structure." [GOC:mah]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0007208 "serotonin receptor, phospholipase C activating pathway") (mo-inSubset GO--0045550 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0005298 ""sodium/proline symporter" []") (mo-definition GO--0030029 ""Any cellular process that depends upon or alters the actin cytoskeleton, that part of the cytoskeleton comprising actin filaments and their associated proteins." [GOC:mah]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0052496 "occlusion by host of symbiont xylem") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0017132 "cyclic nucleotide-dependent guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002609 ""up regulation of myeloid dendritic cell antigen processing and presentation" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0003807 "Reactome:11535") (subclass GO--0009521 GO--0044436) (mo-definition GO--0052320 ""Any process that activates, maintains or increases the frequency, rate or extent of phytoalexin metabolism, the chemical reactions and pathways involving phytoalexins." [GOC:mtg_pamgo_17jul06]") (mo-inSubset GO--0009297 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0051439 "Reactome:280457") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019496 "MetaCyc:P106-PWY") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046709 "IDP catabolic process") (mo-inSubset GO--0009226 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0005846 GO--0043234) (mo-definition GO--0046407 ""Catalysis of the reaction: chlorophyll a + O2 + NADP+ + H+ = chlorophyll b + H2O + NADPH + H+." [ISBN:0471331309, PMID:9770552]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018941 ""organomercury metabolism" []") (subclass GO--0005851 GO--0044444) (mo-definition GO--0050168 ""Catalysis of the reaction: pentanamide + H2O = pentanoate + NH3." [EC:, MetaCyc:PENTANAMIDASE-RXN]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030837 ""down-regulation of actin filament polymerization" []") (mo-definition GO--0018814 ""Catalysis of the reaction: Z-phenylacetaldoxime = H2O + phenylacetonitrile." [UM-BBD_enzymeID:e0437]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052069 ""downregulation by symbiont of defense-related host jasmonic acid-mediated signal transduction pathway" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050382 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0005731 ""NOR" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0033053 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0016107 ""sesquiterpenoid catabolism" []") (documentation GO--0048151 EnglishLanguage "Note that this term should be used only to annotate gene products that carry out hyperphosphorylations that are normal for the cell/organism.") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051020 "GTPase binding") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0017085 "response to insecticide") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050569 "glycolaldehyde dehydrogenase activity") (subclass GO--0005234 GO--0005231) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0003910 "DNA ligase (ATP) activity") (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because it represents a classification of molecules and not a molecular function. To update annotations, consider biological_process term 'pathogenesis ; GO:0009405' and molecular_function term 'toxin receptor binding ; GO:0050827'.") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050853 "B cell receptor signaling pathway") (mo-definition GO--0047416 ""Catalysis of the reaction: H2O + N-acetylarylalkylamine = acetate + arylalkylamine." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (mo-definition GO--0005730 ""A small, dense body one or more of which are present in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells. It is rich in RNA and protein, is not bounded by a limiting membrane, and is not seen during mitosis. Its prime function is the transcription of the nucleolar DNA into 45S ribosomal-precursor RNA, the processing of this RNA into 5.8S, 18S, and 28S components of ribosomal RNA, and the association of these components with 5S RNA and proteins synthesized outside the nucleolus. This association results in the formation of ribonucleoprotein precursors; these pass into the cytoplasm and mature into the 40S and 60S subunits of the ribosome." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030963 "peptidyl-lysine dihydroxylation to 4,5-dihydroxy-L-lysine") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046095 ""deoxyinosine synthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030327 ""prenylated protein degradation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046603 "negative regulation of mitotic centrosome separation") (subclass GO--0007499 GO--0007267) (mo-definition GO--0000111 ""One of several protein complexes involved in nucleotide-excision repair; possesses damaged DNA binding activity. In S. cerevisiae, it is composed of Rad4p and Rad23p." [PMID:10915862]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000087 "Reactome:262532") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051370 ""Z-band alternatively spliced PDZ-motif protein binding" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0005577 ""fibrinogen beta chain" []") (subclass GO--0005364 GO--0005363) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031244 ""extrinsic to outer membrane (sensu ProteoBacteria)" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015366 "malate:hydrogen symporter activity") (subclass GO--0006561 GO--0009084) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0045357 GO--0045350) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018789 "EC:") (subclass GO--0046120 GO--0009120) (subclass GO--0031531 GO--0001664) (mo-definition GO--0004878 ""Combining with the C5a product of the complement cascade to initiate a change in cell activity." [GOC:add, ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology"]") (subclass GO--0015074 GO--0006259) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004333 "fumarate hydratase activity") (documentation GO--0019724 EnglishLanguage "This term was improved by GO_REF:0000022. It was moved.") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031881 "type 4 somatostatin receptor binding") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0020021 ""host cell transformation" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047335 "EC:") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008375 "EC:2.4.1.-") (mo-definition GO--0060014 ""The process whereby a relatively unspecialized cell acquires the specialized features of a granulosa cell, a supporting cell for the developing female gamete in the ovary of mammals." [GOC:dph]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018171 "RESID:AA0262") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046643 "regulation of gamma-delta T cell activation") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006115 ""ethanol anabolism" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0042940 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0021719 GO--0009653) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004842 "EC:") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0016289 "EC:3.1.2.-") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042232 ""interleukin-14 synthesis" []") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0002456 ""cell-mediated immunity" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019393 "glucarate biosynthetic process") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016045 "detection of bacterium") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0045561 GO--0045558) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0001752 ""eye photoreceptor fate commitment (sensu Endopterygota)" []") (mo-definition GO--0032764 ""Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate, or extent of mast cell cytokine production." [GOC:mah]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0048024 GO--0000398) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051392 "tRNA N-acetyltransferase activity") (mo-inSubset GO--0019533 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0007227 ""The series of molecular signals that are initiated by the transmembrane protein Smoothened. In the presence of a Hedgehog signaling molecule, the Patched protein no longer inhibits the activity of Smoothened, and Smoothened signals via the Hedgehog signaling complex to activate downstream components of the Hedgehog signaling pathway." [PMID:15057936]") (subclass GO--0016556 GO--0009451) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051663 ""oocyte axis determination, oocyte nucleus localization" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032770 ""upregulation of monooxygenase activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym ""suppression by organism of defense-related symbiont MAP kinase-mediated signal transduction pathway" []") (subclass GO--0016342 GO--0019897) (mo-definition GO--0030730 ""The process of binding or confining any triester of glycerol such that it is separated from other components of a biological system." [GOC:mah, ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-definition GO--0051957 ""Any process that activates, maintains or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the directed movement of amino acids into, out of, within or between cells." [GOC:ai]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0007004 "Reactome:258935") (subclass GO--0017101 GO--0044424) (subclass GO--0009113 GO--0046112) (subclass GO--0050347 GO--0016765) (mo-definition GO--0050830 ""Reactions triggered in response to the presence of a Gram-positive bacterium that act to protect the cell or organism." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0018417 GO--0018200) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008544 "epidermis development") (mo-definition GO--0052223 ""The directed movement of a motile cell or organism towards a lower concentration of a specific chemical on, within or near a second organism, where the two organisms are in a symbiotic interaction." [GOC:mtg_pamgo_17jul06]") (subclass GO--0006970 GO--0009628) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000753 "cellular morphogenesis during conjugation with cellular fusion") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0005432 "TC:2.A.19.3.1") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006898 "Reactome:219051") (mo-definition GO--0015676 ""The directed movement of vanadium (V) ions into, out of, within or between cells." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0000006 GO--0005385) (subclass GO--0008754 GO--0016874) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045971 ""positive regulation of juvenile hormone catabolism" []") (subclass GO--0007484 GO--0048806) (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because it represents a molecular function and not a biological process. To update annotations, use molecular_function term 'glutathione transferase activity ; GO:0004364'.") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046157 ""sirohaem catabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0020030 ""knob (sensu Plasmodium)" []") (subclass GO--0052115 GO--0052215) (mo-definition GO--0051704 ""The processes by which an organism has an effect on another organism of the same or different species." [GOC:ai]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018454 "EC:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042230 "interleukin-11 biosynthetic process") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018889 "UM-BBD_pathwayID:ppc") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008508 "bile acid:sodium symporter activity") (mo-definition GO--0003828 ""Catalysis of the reaction: CMP-N-acetylneuraminate + alpha-N-acetylneuraminyl-2,3-beta-D-galactosyl-R = CMP + alpha-N-acetylneuraminyl-2,8-alpha-N-acetylneuraminyl-2,3-beta-D-galactosyl-R." [EC:]") (mo-definition GO--0002414 ""The process of transporting immunoglobulin, via transcytosis, from one side of an epithelial cell to the other." [GOC:add, ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology", ISBN:081533642X, PMID:16048543]") (subclass GO--0042206 GO--0042178) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009202 ""deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate formation" []") (mo-definition GO--0051722 ""Catalysis of the reaction: C-terminal protein amino acid methyl ester + H2O = protein amino acid + methanol." [PMID:10318862, PMID:8650216]") (subclass GO--0016139 GO--0044275) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048232 "male gamete generation") (mo-definition GO--0046040 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving IMP, inosine monophosphate." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0014006 ""regulation of microglial cell differentiation" []") (subclass GO--0031045 GO--0030141) (mo-definition GO--0017018 ""Catalysis of the reaction: a phosphoprotein + H2O = a protein + phosphate." [EC:]") (subclass GO--0031703 GO--0031701) (mo-inSubset GO--0004016 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0004034 GO--0016857) (mo-definition GO--0019599 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of (R)-4-hydroxymandelate, the anion of (R)-4-hydroxymandelic acid." [GOC:ai]") (mo-definition GO--0008819 ""Catalysis of the reaction: cobinamide + ATP = cobinamide phosphate + ADP. This reaction is the phosphorylation of the hydroxyl group of the 1-amino-2-propanol residue of cobinamide, in the presence of ATP, to form cobinamide phosphate." [http://www.mblab.gla.ac.uk/, PMID:1655696]") (documentation GO--0021644 EnglishLanguage "This term was added by GO_REF:0000021.") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009767 ""electron carrier, chlorophyll electron transport system" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0047798 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0008344 GO--0007626) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006451 "translational readthrough") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0031850 ""delta-type opioid receptor ligand" []") (subclass GO--0007363 GO--0043193) (subclass GO--0050628 GO--0016668) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032951 "regulation of beta-glucan biosynthetic process") (subclass GO--0045592 GO--0045595) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019635 ""2-aminoethylphosphonate degradation" []") (subclass GO--0019859 GO--0006206) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050204 "EC:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032673 "regulation of interleukin-4 production") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0000381 ""splice site selection" []") (subclass GO--0009603 GO--0009602) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019569 "MetaCyc:ARABCAT-PWY") (subclass GO--0019447 GO--0046438) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050614 "EC:") (mo-inSubset GO--0019619 gosubset_prok) (mo-inSubset GO--0019290 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0051823 GO--0065008) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046577 "long-chain-alcohol oxidase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0052215 "energy taxis in environment of other organism during symbiotic interaction") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015649 "2-keto-3-deoxygluconate:hydrogen symporter activity") (subclass GO--0002523 GO--0050900) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006941 "striated muscle contraction") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006890 ""retrograde transport, Golgi to ER" []") (mo-definition GO--0043358 ""The process whereby a relatively unspecialized cell acquires the specialized features of a pigmented cell. As in, but not restricted to, the vertebrates (Vertebrata, ncbi_taxonomy_id:7742)." [GOC:jl]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006415 "Reactome:264321") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006747 ""flavin adenine dinucleotide biosynthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045910 ""down-regulation of DNA recombination" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0016104 ""triterpene biosynthesis" []") (subclass GO--0047560 GO--0016616) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0000310 ""xanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase activity" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0015515 "TC:2.A.47.3.2") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006022 "aminoglycan metabolic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046640 ""regulation of alpha-beta T-lymphocyte proliferation" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018054 "RESID:AA0117") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051737 ""GTP-dependent DNA 5'-hydroxyl-kinase activity" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0017099 "EC:1.3.99.-") (subclass GO--0007429 GO--0048754) (mo-definition GO--0047982 ""Catalysis of the reaction: L-homocysteine + H2O = sulfide + NH3 + 2-oxobutanoate." [EC:, MetaCyc:HOMOCYSTEINE-DESULFHYDRASE-RXN]") (mo-inSubset GO--0004448 gosubset_prok) (mo-alternateID GO--0004842 "GO:0004841") (subclass GO--0008660 GO--0019239) (mo-definition GO--0048159 ""The stage in mammalian oogenesis when the oocyte has a nucleus slightly larger than those of the adjacent cells and is surrounded by a layer of loose squamous epithelial cells." [GOC:jic, ISBN:0198542771]") (subclass GO--0042344 GO--0019762) (subclass GO--0050606 GO--0016620) (subclass GO--0042608 GO--0032403) (subclass GO--0018415 GO--0018202) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0000909 ""fruiting body formation during sexual reproduction (sensu Fungi)" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050686 ""down-regulation of mRNA processing" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018605 "2-aminobenzenesulfonate dioxygenase activity") (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because it is based on a temporal division of the cell cycle. To update annotations, consider cellular_component terms 'condensed chromosome ; GO:0000793' or its children and 'condensed nuclear chromosome ; GO:0000794' or its children.") (mo-definition GO--0030844 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of intermediate filament depolymerization." [GOC:mah]") (subclass GO--0007131 GO--0006310) (mo-definition GO--0021685 ""The process that contributes to the act of creating the structural organization of the cerebellar granule layer. This process pertains to the physical shaping of a rudimentary structure. The granular layer is the innermost layer of the cerebellar cortex. This layer contains densely packed small neurons, mostly granule cells. Some Golgi cells are found at the outer border. Granule neurons send parallel fibers to the upper molecular layer, where they synapse with Purkinje cell dendrites. Mossy fibers from the pontine nuclei in the white matter synapse with granule cell axons, Golgi cell axons and unipolar brush interneuron axons at cerebellar glomeruli in the granule cell layer." [GOC:cls, GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jic, GOC:mtg_15jun06, ISBN:0838580343]") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0008138 ""dual-specificity protein phosphatase" []") (subclass GO--0051927 GO--0051925) (mo-broadSynonym GO--0009277 ""chitin-containing cell wall" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0031116 ""activation of microtubule polymerization" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019250 ""aerobic cobalamin anabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0047721 ""indoleacetate-lysine ligase activity" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000722 "Reactome:261335") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042015 "interleukin-20 binding") (mo-definition GO--0002461 ""Tolerance induction dependent upon an immune response, typically a response by a mature T or B cell in the periphery resulting tolerance towards an antigen via induction of anergy, cellular deletion, or regulatory T cell activation." [GOC:jal, GOC:mtg_15nov05, ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology"]") (mo-inSubset GO--0042651 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0030433 GO--0043161) (subclass GO--0000504 GO--0044445) (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0032201 ""equal telomere replication" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019663 "homoacetate catabolic process") (mo-definition GO--0051950 ""Any process that activates, maintains or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the directed movement of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA, 4-aminobutyrate) into a neuron or glial cell." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0052253 GO--0052261) (subclass GO--0030485 GO--0044449) (mo-inSubset GO--0016642 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0005743 GO--0019866) (subclass GO--0050331 GO--0016301) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019388 "Reactome:238104") (subclass GO--0035005 GO--0035004) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050063 ""low-density-lipoprotein kinase activity" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042772 "DNA damage response, signal transduction resulting in transcription") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009886 "post-embryonic morphogenesis") (mo-definition GO--0015527 ""Catalysis of the reaction: glycerol phosphate(out) + inorganic phosphate(in) = glycerol phosphate(in) + inorganic phosphate(out)." [TC:2.A.1.4.3]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030163 "protein catabolic process") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050241 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym ""modulation by organism of defense-related symbiont CDPK pathway" []") (subclass GO--0051068 GO--0051186) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0010292 "GTP:GDP antiporter activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009623 "response to parasitic fungus") (subclass GO--0002923 GO--0002889) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0010114 "response to red light") (subclass GO--0042560 GO--0042558) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018120 "RESID:AA0168") (mo-definition GO--0033124 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of GTP, guanosine triphosphate." [GOC:mah]") (mo-definition GO--0045928 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of the chemical reactions and pathways involving juvenile hormone." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-definition GO--0000746 ""The union or introduction of genetic information from compatible mating types that results in a genetically different individual. Conjugation requires direct cellular contact between the organisms." [GOC:elh]") (mo-inSubset GO--0052041 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0042234 GO--0042089) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046606 "negative regulation of centrosome cycle") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032975 "amino acid import into vacuole") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032787 ""monocarboxylate metabolic process" []") (subclass GO--0042327 GO--0042325) (mo-definition GO--0016110 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of tetraterpenoid compounds, terpenoids with eight isoprene units." [GOC:go_curators]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000738 "DNA catabolic process, exonucleolytic") (subclass GO--0043130 GO--0032182) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0052030 "induction by symbiont of host apoptosis") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046639 ""downregulation of alpha-beta T cell differentiation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047524 "16-hydroxysteroid epimerase activity") (subclass GO--0046154 GO--0044267) (subclass GO--0019474 GO--0006084) (subclass GO--0031287 GO--0031285) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0007103 "spindle pole body duplication in nuclear envelope") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018739 "EC:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0010076 "maintenance of floral meristem identity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042380 "hydroxymethylbutenyl pyrophosphate reductase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031054 "pre-microRNA processing") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047544 "MetaCyc:2-HYDROXYBIPHENYL-3-MONOOXYGENASE-RXN") (mo-definition GO--0022600 ""A physical, chemical, or biochemical process carried out by living organisms to break down ingested nutrients into components that may be easily absorbed and directed into metabolism." [GOC:isa_complete, GOC:jic]") (subclass GO--0009172 GO--0009155) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0015428 "TC:3.A.1.-.-") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0021768 ""accumbens nucleus development" [GOC:dgh]") (mo-inSubset GO--0018202 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0007622 GO--0007610) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002912 ""down regulation of lymphocyte anergy" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042181 ""ketone biosynthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031675 ""NADH:plastoquinone reductase complex" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050600 "MetaCyc:") (subclass GO--0016891 GO--0004521) (subclass GO--0035014 GO--0019207) (mo-definition GO--0019079 ""Any process involved directly in viral genome replication, including viral nucleotide metabolism." [ISBN:0781702534]") (mo-inSubset GO--0003997 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005884 "actin filament") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0007052 "mitotic spindle organization and biogenesis") (subclass GO--0046378 GO--0044264) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046293 ""methanal biosynthesis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005642 "annulate lamellae") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0021804 "negative regulation of cell adhesion in the ventricular zone") (subclass GO--0050660 GO--0050662) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0006417 GO--0006412) (mo-definition GO--0004234 ""Catalysis of the hydrolysis of soluble and insoluble elastin. Specific cleavages are also produced at Ala14-Leu15 and Tyr16-Leu17 in the B chain of insulin." [EC:]") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0016046 ""perception of fungi" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051263 "microcin E492 biosynthetic process by siderophore ester modification of peptidyl-serine") (mo-definition GO--0005298 ""Catalysis of the reaction: proline(out) + Na+(out) = proline(in) + Na+(in)." [TC:2.A.22.2.1]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015519 "D-xylose:hydrogen symporter activity") (mo-definition GO--0035167 ""The production of blood cells from the larval lymph gland. The lymph gland consists of three to six bilaterally paired lobes that are attached to the cardioblasts during larval stages, and it degenerates during pupal stages." [GOC:bf, GOC:mtg_sensu, PMID:12445385]") (mo-inSubset GO--0052000 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0004155 ""dihydropteridine reductase activity" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0043046 GO--0007276) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030818 ""negative regulation of cAMP formation" []") (mo-definition GO--0009374 ""Interacting selectively with biotin (cis-tetrahydro-2-oxothieno(3,4-d)imidazoline-4-valeric acid), the (+) enantiomer of which is very widely distributed in cells and serves as a carrier in a number of enzymatic beta-carboxylation reactions." [GOC:jl, ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-definition GO--0051713 ""Any process by which an organism stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of the cytolysis of cells in another organism." [GOC:ai]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0051466 ""stimulation of corticotropin-releasing hormone secretion" []") (mo-definition GO--0046853 ""The process of introducing a phosphoric group into inositol or an inositol derivative. Inositol is the cyclic alcohol 1,2,3,4,5,6-cyclohexanehexol, which is widely distributed in nature and acts as a growth factor in animals and microorganisms." [ChEBI:24848, ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-definition GO--0032649 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate, or extent of interferon-gamma production." [GOC:mah]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0004663 ""GGTaseII activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009218 ""pyrimidine ribonucleotide metabolism" []") (subclass GO--0035266 GO--0048589) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0032944 ""regulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cell proliferation" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0005628 GO--0042764) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019416 "polythionate oxidation") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006415 "Reactome:285332") (subclass GO--0052494 GO--0052183) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046135 ""pyrimidine nucleoside degradation" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0009512 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048386 ""positive regulation of RAR signaling pathway" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019245 ""D(-)-lactate formation from pyruvate" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0044008 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0004341 ""Catalysis of the reaction: D-glucono-1,5-lactone + H2O = D-gluconate." [EC:]") (mo-definition GO--0019566 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving arabinose, arabino-pentose. L-Arabinose occurs both free, for example in the heartwood of many conifers, and in the combined state, as a constituent of plant hemicelluloses, bacterial polysaccharides etc. D-arabinose is a constituent of arabinonucleosides." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0021583 GO--0021575) (mo-definition GO--0018756 ""Catalysis of the reaction: ammeline + H2O = ammelide + NH3." [PMID:1991731]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019254 "carnitine metabolic process, CoA-linked") (mo-definition GO--0004557 ""Catalysis of the hydrolysis of terminal, non-reducing alpha-D-galactose residues in alpha-D-galactosides, including galactose oligosaccharides, galactomannans and galactohydrolase." [EC:]") (mo-definition GO--0000418 ""RNA polymerase IV is a multisubunit RNA polymerase complex found in the nucleus of plants and involved in accumulation of siRNAs and in DNA methylation-dependent silencing of endogenous repeated sequences. Two large subunits comprise the most conserved portion including the catalytic site and share similarity with other eukaryotic and bacterial multisubunit RNA polymerases. The IVa and IVb complexes contain different forms of the largest subunit. The remainder of the complex is composed of smaller subunits." [GOC:krc, GOC:mtg_sensu, PMID:15692015, PMID:15766525, PMID:16140984]") (mo-definition GO--0005829 ""That part of the cytoplasm that does not contain membranous or particulate subcellular components." [ISBN:0198547684]") (mo-inSubset GO--0050629 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048525 ""down regulation of viral life cycle" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0000267 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0009436 GO--0046395) (mo-alternateID GO--0007323 "GO:0007324") (mo-definition GO--0031665 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of signaling in response to detection of lipopolysaccharide." [GOC:mah]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008474 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045753 ""negative regulation of acetate breakdown" []") (documentation GO--0008329 EnglishLanguage "Note that this term and its child terms are intended for gene products which are directly coupled to a signal transduction pathway; gene products which recognize polymeric structures such as polysaccharides or peptidoglycans in extracellular space, but are not directly coupled to signal transduction pathway, should use the term 'pattern binding ; GO:0001871' or its child terms. Note that many gene products that are called pattern recognition receptors in the literature have a broad range of potential ligands and also can be annotated to 'scavenger receptor activity ; GO:0005044'.") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0007100 "mitotic centrosome separation") (mo-alternateID GO--0004165 "GO:0008461") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0044274 ""organismal biosynthesis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045841 "negative regulation of mitotic metaphase/anaphase transition") (subclass GO--0000270 GO--0005975) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047950 "glutathione oxidase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052289 ""activation by organism of systemic acquired resistance in other organism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032100 "positive regulation of appetite") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0032659 GO--0032619) (mo-inSubset GO--0046276 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031451 ""up-regulation of striated slow muscle contraction" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0009035 "EC:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009042 "valine-pyruvate transaminase activity") (mo-definition GO--0015310 ""Catalysis of the reaction: H+(out) + benomyl(in) = H+(in) + benomyl(out)." [TC:2.A.1.2.6]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043658 "host symbiosome") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0023003 ""nucleus migration to the female gametophyte center" []") (mo-definition GO--0047971 ""Catalysis of the reaction: 4-guanidinobutanoate + H2O = 4-aminobutanoate + urea." [EC:, MetaCyc:GUANIDINOBUTYRASE-RXN]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018008 ""N-terminal peptidyl-glycine N-myristylation" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045089 ""activation of innate immune response" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005628 "prospore membrane") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018106 "RESID:AA0035") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0021709 GO--0021688) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006506 ""glycosylphosphatidylinositol biosynthetic process" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046283 ""anthocyanin metabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0030907 ""A complex of two or three proteins that binds to the Mlu1 cell cycle box (MCB) promoter element and is involved in cell cycle-dependent regulation of transcription. In Saccharomyces the complex consists of Mbp1p and Swi6p; in Schizosaccharomyces the complex contains Res1p, Res2p, and Cdc10p." [PMID:9343385]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016707 "gibberellin 3-beta-dioxygenase activity") (mo-definition GO--0047804 ""Catalysis of the reaction: RS-CH2-CH(NH3+)COO- = RSH + NH3 + pyruvate." [EC:, MetaCyc:CYSTEINE-S-CONJUGATE-BETA-LYASE-RXN]") (mo-definition GO--0052014 ""The chemical reactions and pathways performed by an organism resulting in the breakdown of protein macromolecules within the host organism. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction." [ISBN:0198547684]") (subclass GO--0045544 GO--0016706) (termFormat EnglishLanguage "antimicrobial peptide activity") (mo-inSubset GO--0019552 gosubset_prok) (documentation GO--0021922 EnglishLanguage "This term was added by GO_REF:0000021.") (mo-inSubset GO--0044419 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0048666 ""The process whose specific outcome is the progression of a neuron over time, from initial commitment of the cell to a specific fate, to the fully functional differentiated cell." [GOC:dph]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050440 "EC:") (mo-definition GO--0043031 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of macrophage activation." [GOC:jl]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031464 "Cul4A-RING ubiquitin ligase complex") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0050688 GO--0009615) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008762 "EC:") (mo-inSubset GO--0016419 gosubset_prok) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0042690 ""inhibition of crystal cell differentiation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045068 ""negative extrathymic T lymphocyte selection" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043242 ""down regulation of protein complex disassembly" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0007489 GO--0007488) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018707 "1-phenanthrol methyltransferase activity") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0043105 ""inhibition of GTP cyclohydrolase I activity" []") (mo-definition GO--0046345 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of abscisic acid, 5-(1-hydroxy-2,6,6,trimethyl-4-oxocyclohex-2-en-1-y1)-3-methylpenta-2,4-dienoic acid." [GOC:ai]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009073 "aromatic amino acid family biosynthetic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030907 ""Mlu1-box binding factor" []") (subclass GO--0047955 GO--0016614) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0021993 "initiation of neural tube closure") (mo-inSubset GO--0018060 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0031813 ""Interacting selectively with a P2Y2 nucleotide receptor." [GOC:mah, GOC:nln]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050394 "viomycin kinase activity") (mo-definition GO--0051154 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of striated muscle cell differentiation." [GOC:ai]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0004960 ""TXA receptor activity" []") (subclass GO--0052324 GO--0052541) (mo-definition GO--0016081 ""The initial attachment of a synaptic vesicle membrane to the presynaptic membrane, mediated by proteins protruding from the membrane of the synaptic vesicle and the target membrane." [PMID:15217342]") (subclass GO--0002421 GO--0002450) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042159 ""lipoprotein degradation" []") (subclass GO--0051197 GO--0051194) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0002230 ""stimulation of antiviral response by host" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009263 "deoxyribonucleotide biosynthetic process") (subclass GO--0042192 GO--0046414) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032617 ""IL-14 production" []") (subclass GO--0016045 GO--0009581) (mo-inSubset GO--0001676 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019218 ""regulation of steroid metabolism" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0048852 GO--0048853) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0040017 "positive regulation of locomotion") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045260 "plasma membrane proton-transporting ATP synthase complex") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0005993 ""mykose catabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0000220 ""The integral domain of the V-type ATPase comprises the pore through the membrane, through which protons are translocated." [GOC:rb, PMID:10224039, TC:3.A.2.-.-]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008752 "FMN reductase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043303 ""mast cell granule exocytosis" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0001581 GO--0050915) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051572 ""downregulation of histone H3-K4 methylation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031284 ""upregulation of guanylate cyclase activity" []") (subclass GO--0051943 GO--0051941) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045286 "plasma membrane ubiquinol-cytochrome-c reductase complex") (subclass GO--0019853 GO--0042364) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050872 ""white adipocyte differentiation" []") (mo-definition GO--0031152 ""The initial phase of fruiting body development in cellular slime molds, in which an aggregate develops by the chemoattractant-mediated movement of cells toward each other." [GOC:mah, ISBN:0521583640]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042164 ""IL-12p35 binding" []") (mo-definition GO--0050357 ""Catalysis of the reaction: atropine + H2O = tropine + tropate." [EC:, MetaCyc:TROPINESTERASE-RXN]") (subclass GO--0005588 GO--0005583) (subclass GO--0006538 GO--0009065) (subclass GO--0051882 GO--0051881) (mo-definition GO--0030991 ""The smaller subcomplex of the intraflagellar transport particle; characterized complexes have molecular weights of 710-760 kDa." [GOC:kva, PMID:14570576]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0002912 ""inhibition of lymphocyte anergy" []") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0004353 ""glutamate biosynthesis, using glutamate dehydrogenase (NAD(P)+)" []") (subclass GO--0042207 GO--0019439) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009085 ""lysine formation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031002 "actin rod") (mo-inSubset GO--0019393 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0019858 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving cytosine, 4-amino-2-hydroxypyrimidine, a pyrimidine derivative that is one of the five main bases found in nucleic acids; it occurs widely in cytidine derivatives." [GOC:ai]") (mo-inSubset GO--0008879 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0000122 ""negative regulation of transcription from Pol II promoter" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031324 ""downregulation of cellular metabolic process" []") (mo-definition GO--0048914 ""The formation of compact myelin sheaths around the axons of the anterior lateral line nerve." [PMID:12112375]") (subclass GO--0021963 GO--0021952) (subclass GO--0004073 GO--0016620) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048561 "establishment of organ orientation") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032737 ""upregulation of interleukin-14 production" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045970 ""negative regulation of juvenile hormone catabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0000196 ""Cascade of at least three protein kinase activities culminating in the phosphorylation and activation of a MAP kinase that occurs during cell wall biogenesis, the assembly and arrangement of the cell wall, the rigid or semi-rigid envelope lying outside the cell membrane of plant, fungal and most prokaryotic cells." [PMID:9561267]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046609 ""voltage gated sulfate antiporter activity" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032114 "regulation of glucose-6-phosphatase activity") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0015992 ""passive proton transport, down the electrochemical gradient" []") (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. Catalysis of the reaction: (proline, glycine or betaine)(out) + (H+ or Na+)(out) = (proline, glycine or betaine)(in) + (H+ or Na+)(in)." [TC:2.A.1.6.4]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002492 "peptide antigen assembly with MHC class Ib protein complex") (subclass GO--0032193 GO--0006744) (subclass GO--0007041 GO--0046907) (subclass GO--0043208 GO--0046625) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0048655 GO--0048654) (termFormat EnglishLanguage "carbamate resistance") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0045309 ""phosphoprotein amino acid binding" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0007406 GO--0007405) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0005141 ""IL-10" []") (subclass GO--0009136 GO--0009133) (subclass GO--0018542 GO--0016702) (mo-definition GO--0003824 ""Catalysis of a biochemical reaction at physiological temperatures. In biologically catalyzed reactions, the reactants are known as substrates, and the catalysts are naturally occurring macromolecular substances known as enzymes. Enzymes possess specific binding sites for substrates, and are usually composed wholly or largely of protein, but RNA that has catalytic activity (ribozyme) is often also regarded as enzymatic." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0033153 ""T cell receptor V-D-J joining" []") (mo-definition GO--0007513 ""The process whereby a relatively unspecialized mesodermal cell acquires the specialized features of a pericardial cell. In insects, pericardial cells are loosely arranged non-myogenic cells that flank the cardioblasts and probably act in the filtration of hemolymph." [GOC:bf, PMID:12435360]") (subclass GO--0008450 GO--0004222) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018168 "protein-phycoerythrobilin linkage via S-phycoerythrobilin-L-cysteine") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002327 "immature B cell differentiation") (subclass GO--0015937 GO--0015936) (subclass GO--0045726 GO--0045727) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0055021 "regulation of cardiac muscle growth") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047199 "EC:") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008462 "MetaCyc:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032686 "negative regulation of hepatocyte growth factor production") (subclass GO--0046808 GO--0044428) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0031340 ""activation of vesicle fusion" []") (mo-definition GO--0002345 ""The process that takes place mainly in germinal center B cells in which a large number of mutations are generated in the heavy chain and light chain V-region genes and their immediately surrounding introns in order to increase antibody diversity and contribute to affinity maturation." [GOC:jal]") (mo-inSubset GO--0016421 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0018869 GO--0018874) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047213 "EC:") (mo-definition GO--0043689 ""The attachment of one cell to another cell via adhesion molecules, occurring as a part of the non-sexual aggregation of single-celled organisms." [GOC:jl]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0050948 ""activation of early stripe melanocyte differentiation" []") (mo-definition GO--0000749 ""A change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a pheromone stimulus during the process of conjugation with cellular fusion." [GOC:clt]") (subclass GO--0009873 GO--0000160) (mo-definition GO--0009517 ""Protein-pigment complex associated with photosystem II." [GOC:lr, ISBN:0582227089]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002765 "immune response-inhibiting signal transduction") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043105 "negative regulation of GTP cyclohydrolase I activity") (subclass GO--0032830 GO--0045590) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004746 "riboflavin synthase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009664 "cellulose and pectin-containing cell wall organization and biogenesis") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050253 "MetaCyc:RETINYL-PALMITATE-ESTERASE-RXN") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050560 "MetaCyc:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045113 ""regulation of integrin formation" []") (mo-alternateID GO--0047155 "GO:0045447") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016827 "hydrolase activity, acting on acid carbon-phosphorus bonds") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046672 "positive regulation of compound eye retinal cell programmed cell death") (mo-definition GO--0006593 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of ornithine, an amino acid only rarely found in proteins, but which is important in living organisms as an intermediate in the reactions of the urea cycle and in arginine biosynthesis." [GOC:jl, ISBN:0192801023]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019487 ""anaerobic ethyne catabolic process" []") (subclass GO--0002327 GO--0030183) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050427 "Reactome:273244") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005101 "Sar GTPase activator activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0044258 ""intestinal lipid degradation" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0019373 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0000506 GO--0043234) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004835 "MetaCyc:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050945 "positive regulation of iridophore differentiation") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043371 ""down-regulation of CD4-positive, alpha beta T cell differentiation" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047746 "MetaCyc:CHLOROPHYLLASE-RXN") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "inhibin") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018983 ""Z-phenylacetaldoxime metabolism" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0018173 gosubset_prok) (documentation GO--0009413 EnglishLanguage "Note that this term should not be confused with 'response to deep water ; GO:0030912'. Flooding refers to short-term immersion, whereas 'response to deep water ; GO:0030912' refers to standing in water throughout an organism's life cycle.") (mo-inSubset GO--0042368 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030832 "regulation of actin filament length") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047862 "MetaCyc:DIISOPROPYL-FLUOROPHOSPHATASE-RXN") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000713 "meiotic heteroduplex formation") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031778 "type 2 melanin-concentrating hormone receptor binding") (mo-definition GO--0042996 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the transport of proteins from the Golgi to the plasma membrane." [GOC:jl]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045534 ""downregulation of interleukin-26 biosynthetic process" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042560 ""pterin catabolic process" []") (subclass GO--0004877 GO--0001850) (subclass GO--0015492 GO--0015192) (mo-definition GO--0018468 ""Catalysis of the reaction: a primary alcohol + acceptor = an aldehyde + reduced acceptor." [EC:]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0052107 ""activation by symbiont of defense-related host callose deposition" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050620 "phycocyanobilin:ferredoxin oxidoreductase activity") (subclass GO--0060078 GO--0042391) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0000294 ""mRNA catabolism, endonucleolytic" []") (subclass GO--0043386 GO--0009403) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043301 "negative regulation of leukocyte degranulation") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0008440 ""inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate 3-kinase activity" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032499 "detection of peptidoglycan") (mo-definition GO--0048696 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of collateral sprouting in the absence of injury." [GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jic, GOC:lm]") (subclass GO--0043013 GO--0043012) (mo-definition GO--0050356 ""Catalysis of the reaction: tropine + NADP+ = tropinone + NADPH." [EC:, MetaCyc:TROPINE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0002883 GO--0002524) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045394 ""down-regulation of interleukin-22 biosynthetic process" []") (subclass GO--0051446 GO--0045787) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030217 ""T cell differentiation" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0051436 "Reactome:268363") (subclass GO--0021697 GO--0048646) (subclass GO--0050042 GO--0016614) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047234 "EC:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031616 "spindle pole centrosome") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008782 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042435 ""indole derivative synthesis" []") (subclass GO--0046003 GO--0007348) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046671 ""down regulation of retinal programmed cell death" []") (subclass GO--0008834 GO--0004659) (subclass GO--0050978 GO--0050952) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032000 ""upregulation of fatty acid beta-oxidation" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045766 ""activation of angiogenesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046417 ""chorismate metabolism" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0009252 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002401 ""tolerance induction in MALT" []") (subclass GO--0051956 GO--0051955) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006805 "Reactome:262466") (mo-definition GO--0047565 ""Catalysis of the reaction: 3-hydroxypropanoate + NAD+ = 3-oxopropanoate + NADH + H+." [EC:, MetaCyc:3-HYDROXYPROPIONATE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0005513 ""detection of Ca2+ ion" []") (subclass GO--0000078 GO--0000075) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018581 "MetaCyc:HYDROXYQUINOL-1,2-DIOXYGENASE-RXN") (subclass GO--0019500 GO--0019499) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004351 "MetaCyc:GLUTDECARBOX-RXN") (mo-definition GO--0004962 ""Combining with endothelin to initiate a change in cell activity." [GOC:dph, IUPHAR:2.1 ET]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051486 ""isopentenyl diphosphate formation, mevalonate pathway, during terpenoid biosynthesis" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0016631 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0009766 ""In the photosynthetic reaction centers, primary charge separation is initiated by the excitation of a molecule followed by the transfer of an electron to an electron acceptor molecule following energy transfer from light harvesting complexes." [ISBN:0792361431]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002901 ""apoptosis of mature B-cells" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0002780 GO--0002778) (subclass GO--0003950 GO--0016763) (subclass GO--0015488 GO--0015164) (subclass GO--0042070 GO--0051658) (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. Catalysis of an oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction in which a CH-NH2 group acts as a hydrogen or electron donor and reduces an acceptor other than a cytochrome, disulfide, an iron-sulfur protein, NAD, NADP or oxygen." [GOC:ai]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048836 ""upregulation of petal number" []") (subclass GO--0052190 GO--0052231) (subclass GO--0009933 GO--0048532) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004150 "dihydroneopterin aldolase activity") (mo-definition GO--0000250 ""Catalysis of the reaction: (S)-2,3-epoxysqualene = lanosterol. This is a cyclization reaction that forms the sterol nucleus." [EC:]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030213 "hyaluronan biosynthetic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002884 ""down regulation of hypersensitivity" []") (mo-definition GO--0050243 ""Catalysis of the reaction: pyruvate + CoA + NADP+ = acetyl-CoA + CO2 + NADPH." [EC:, MetaCyc:PYRUVATE-DEHYDROGENASE-(NADP+)-RXN]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004340 "MetaCyc:GLUCOKIN-RXN") (mo-inSubset GO--0032461 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009548 "plasmodesmatal plasma membrane") (subclass GO--0018125 GO--0006479) (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0032395 ""alpha-beta T cell receptor activity" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0017118 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016586 "RSC complex") (mo-definition GO--0018992 ""The determination of sex and sexual phenotype in an organism's germ line." [GOC:ems]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050185 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045966 ""up regulation of ecdysteroid metabolic process" []") (mo-definition GO--0005430 ""Enables the directed movement of amines into, out of or within synaptic vesicles." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0048700 GO--0022611) (mo-definition GO--0030315 ""Invagination of the plasma membrane of a muscle cell that extends inward from the cell surface around each myofibril. The ends of T-tubules make contact with the sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane." [ISBN:0815316194]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019762 ""glucosinolate catabolism" []") (subclass GO--0006362 GO--0006354) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046701 "insecticide catabolic process") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016213 "linoleoyl-CoA desaturase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030309 ""poly-N-acetyllactosamine metabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030391 ""fructosamine biosynthesis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000111 "nucleotide-excision repair factor 2 complex") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031064 ""downregulation of histone deacetylation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0005049 ""NES receptor" []") (mo-definition GO--0000149 ""Interacting selectively with a SNARE (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attached protein receptor) protein." [PMID:12642621]") (subclass GO--0002829 GO--0002823) (mo-definition GO--0009975 ""Catalysis of a ring closure reaction." [ISBN:0198547684]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008017 "microtubule binding") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042495 "detection of triacylated bacterial lipoprotein") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0008348 ""downregulation of antimicrobial humoral response" []") (mo-definition GO--0046916 ""The regulation of the levels, transport, and metabolism of transition metal ions within a cell or between a cell and its external environment. A transition metal is an element whose atom has an incomplete d-subshell of extranuclear electrons, or which gives rise to a cation or cations with an incomplete d-subshell. Transition metals often have more than one valency state. Biologically relevant transition metals include vanadium, manganese, iron, copper, cobalt, nickel, molybdenum and silver." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043180 "rhythmic inhibition") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009945 "radial axis specification") (subclass GO--0046708 GO--0046707) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002593 ""downregulation of antigen processing and presentation via MHC class Ib" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006497 "RESID:AA0080") (mo-definition GO--0046805 ""The covalent linkage of heme and a protein via 1'-L-histidine (otherwise known as tau-heme-histidine, tele-heme-histidine)." [RESID:AA0329]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006752 "group transfer coenzyme metabolic process") (mo-definition GO--0052265 ""The activation by an organism of a flux of calcium ions that occurs as part of the defense response of a second organism, where the two organisms are in a symbiotic interaction." [GOC:mtg_pamgo_17jul06]") (mo-definition GO--0009907 ""A change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a red light (light with a wavelength of between 620 and 700nm) photoperiod stimulus." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008202 "Reactome:249836") (mo-definition GO--0051182 ""The directed movement of a coenzyme into, out of, within or between cells. A coenzyme is any of various nonprotein organic cofactors that are required, in addition to an enzyme and a substrate, for an enzymatic reaction to proceed." [GOC:ai]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0014040 "positive regulation of Schwann cell differentiation") (subclass GO--0048818 GO--0051798) (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. Mediates the adhesion of the cell to other cells or to the extracellular matrix." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (subclass GO--0047983 GO--0016881) (mo-definition GO--0009316 ""A heterodimeric enzyme complex composed of subunits leuC and leuD. Catalyzes the isomerization between 2-isopropylmalate and 3-isopropylmalate, via the formation of 2-isopropylmaleate." [BRENDA:, GOC:jl, UniProtKB:Q8TW31]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018743 "phenanthrene-9,10-epoxide hydrolase (9R,10R-forming) activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0001676 ""long-chain fatty acid metabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0007346 ""regulation of mitotic cell cycle progression" []") (mo-definition GO--0032845 ""Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate, or extent of a homeostatic process." [GOC:mah]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030712 ""down regulation of border follicle cell delamination" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0052151 ""stimulation by symbiont of host apoptosis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042645 "mitochondrial nucleoid") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042302 "structural constituent of cuticle") (mo-definition GO--0042214 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving terpenes, any of a large group of hydrocarbons that are made up of isoprene (C5H8) units which may be cyclic, acyclic or multicyclic, saturated or unsaturated, and may contain various functional groups." [http://cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk/]") (mo-definition GO--0047457 ""Catalysis of the reaction: linear alpha-glucan = 1,5-anhydro-D-fructose + beta-D-glucose." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (subclass GO--0002614 GO--0002613) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048724 "epistomal sclerite development") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032695 ""downregulation of interleukin-12 production" []") (subclass GO--0033090 GO--0033082) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046226 ""coumarin catabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0046724 ""The regulated release of oxalic acid, ethanedioic acid, by a cell or group of cells." [GOC:ai]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0050855 GO--0050853) (subclass GO--0031431 GO--0043234) (subclass GO--0015975 GO--0006091) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004347 "glucose-6-phosphate isomerase activity") (subclass GO--0006629 GO--0044238) (mo-definition GO--0007505 ""The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the adult fat body over time, from its formation to the mature structure. Larval fat body cells that remain at eclosion degenerate in the first 2 to 4 days of adult life, leaving behind the smaller cells of the adult fat body." [GOC:bf, ISBN:0879694238]") (mo-definition GO--0009054 ""Any substance to which an electron may be transferred." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008717 "D-alanyl-D-alanine endopeptidase activity") (mo-definition GO--0004414 ""Catalysis of the reaction: acetyl-CoA + L-homoserine = CoA + O-acetyl-L-homoserine." [EC:]") (subclass GO--0009708 GO--0009821) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030827 "negative regulation of cGMP biosynthetic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045671 ""down regulation of osteoclast differentiation" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0042217 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048086 ""down-regulation of pigmentation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046045 ""TMP degradation" []") (mo-definition GO--0001891 ""An invagination of the cell membrane formed by an actin dependent process during phagocytosis. Following internalization it is converted into a phagosome." [PMID:10358769]") (mo-alternateID GO--0004869 "GO:0004870") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043616 "keratinocyte proliferation") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030101 "natural killer cell activation") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006663 ""platelet activating factor synthesis" []") (subclass GO--0015891 GO--0006810) (mo-definition GO--0000391 ""Disassembly of the U2-type spliceosome with the ATP-dependent release of the product RNAs, one of which is composed of the joined exons. The other product is the excised sequence. In cis splicing, this forms a lariat structure." [GOC:krc, ISBN:0879695897]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047329 "phosphoramidate-hexose phosphotransferase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032466 ""down regulation of cytokinesis" []") (mo-definition GO--0047472 ""Catalysis of the reaction: 2-carboxy-2,5-dihydro-5-oxofuran-2-acetate = 3-carboxy-cis,cis-muconate." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (subclass GO--0019312 GO--0019311) (mo-definition GO--0031803 ""Interacting selectively with a type 6 metabotropic glutamate receptor." [GOC:mah, GOC:nln]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048845 ""venous morphogenesis" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0046092 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0007265 GO--0007264) (subclass GO--0006964 GO--0006963) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006307 "Reactome:268388") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, class I, catalyst activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045434 ""down-regulation of female receptivity, post-mating" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005003 "ephrin receptor activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0005245 ""depolarization-activated voltage-gated calcium channel activity" []") (subclass GO--0019266 GO--0006529) (subclass GO--0043127 GO--0051348) (mo-inSubset GO--0018394 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0017057 GO--0016789) (subclass GO--0015214 GO--0005337) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0021589 GO--0021577) (mo-definition GO--0008809 ""Catalysis of the reaction: D-carnitine = L-carnitine." [MetaCyc:CARNRACE-RXN]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006972 "hyperosmotic response") (mo-alternateID GO--0048451 "GO:0048419") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051886 "negative regulation of anagen") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0001550 ""ovarian cumulus growth" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032416 "negative regulation of sodium:hydrogen antiporter activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032824 ""negative regulation of NK cell differentiation" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0042520 ""stimulation of tyrosine phosphorylation of Stat4 protein" []") (subclass GO--0017048 GO--0017016) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0000778 GO--0000780) (mo-definition GO--0042832 ""Reactions triggered in response to the presence of a protozoan that act to protect the cell or organism." [GOC:jl]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051649 "establishment of cellular localization") (documentation GO--0030692 EnglishLanguage "Note that the term name uses Saccharomyces gene product names because no other names have yet arisen for this complex; the term nevertheless can be used for analogous complexes in other eukaryotes, and the name can be changed if better wording is found.") (subclass GO--0032467 GO--0051781) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032106 "positive regulation of response to extracellular stimulus") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051566 ""anthocyanidin 3-glucoside-rhamnosyltransferase activity" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0046626 GO--0008286) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004061 "Reactome:7190") (mo-definition GO--0006378 ""The enzymatic addition of a sequence of 40-200 adenylyl residues at the 3' end of a eukaryotic mRNA primary transcript." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (subclass GO--0048530 GO--0009886) (mo-inSubset GO--0047570 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008407 "bristle morphogenesis") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016885 "ligase activity, forming carbon-carbon bonds") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0045303 "EC:") (mo-inSubset GO--0047651 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004838 "Reactome:15141") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0042269 ""regulation of NK cell mediated cytotoxicity" []") (mo-definition GO--0047712 ""Catalysis of the reaction: Cypridina luciferin + O2 = oxidized Cypridina luciferin + CO2 + light." [EC:, MetaCyc:CYPRIDINA-LUCIFERIN-2-MONOOXYGENASE-RXN]") (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because it was an unnecessary grouping term. To update annotations, consider molecular_function term 'ligase activity, forming carbon-nitrogen bonds ; GO:0016879' or its children.") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031146 ""SCF-dependent proteasomal ubiquitin-dependent protein breakdown" []") (mo-exactSynonym ""phenanthrene anabolism" []") (subclass GO--0046124 GO--0006152) (subclass GO--0003999 GO--0016763) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051292 ""nuclear pore assembly" []") (subclass GO--0019264 GO--0006563) (subclass GO--0008054 GO--0000074) (mo-definition GO--0005596 ""A collagen homotrimer of alpha1(XIV) chains; type XIV collagen triple helices may link sheet-forming or fibrillar collagens to other structures." [ISBN:0721639976]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051738 "xanthophyll binding") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042308 ""negative regulation of protein-nucleus import" []") (mo-definition GO--0031838 ""A protein complex formed by the stable binding of a haptoglobin to hemoglobin." [GOC:mah]") (subclass GO--0004012 GO--0015247) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031124 "mRNA 3'-end processing") (mo-definition GO--0001697 ""The regulated release of gastric acid induced by the interaction of histamine with H2 type receptor receptors with subsequent activation of adenylate cyclase and elevation of intracellular cyclic AMP." [GOC:hjd]") (mo-definition GO--0045805 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of eclosion." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030473 ""transport of nucleus by microtubules" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0030017 GO--0030016) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032011 "ARF protein signal transduction") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030250 "guanylate cyclase activator activity") (mo-definition GO--0035025 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of Rho protein signal transduction." [GOC:bf]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0033017 "sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0051439 "Reactome:273978") (subclass GO--0048917 GO--0048890) (mo-definition GO--0004640 ""Catalysis of the reaction: N-(5-phospho-beta-D-ribosyl)-anthranilate = 1-(2-carboxyphenylamino)-1-deoxy-D-ribulose 5-phosphate." [EC:]") (mo-definition GO--0042258 ""The incorporation of molybdenum into a protein via L-serinyl molybdopterin guanine dinucleotide." [PDB:1EU1, PMID:8658132, RESID:AA0319]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015857 "uracil transport") (mo-definition GO--0042068 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the chemical reactions and pathways involving pteridine." [GOC:go_curators]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0005787 GO--0005789) (mo-alternateID GO--0016251 "GO:0003703") (subclass GO--0043030 GO--0050865) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004796 "MetaCyc:THROMBOXANE-A-SYNTHASE-RXN") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000724 "Reactome:252628") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "class IIa cytochrome c") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016585 "chromatin remodeling complex") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0001783 ""programmed cell death of B-lymphocytes by apoptosis" []") (subclass GO--0004936 GO--0004935) (mo-inSubset GO--0045820 gosubset_prok) (mo-inSubset GO--0000809 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0010325 ""raffinose family oligosaccharide biosynthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006259 ""DNA metabolism" []") (subclass GO--0019383 GO--0042182) (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because 'short patch' is a relative statement, often used ambiguously, and does not necessarily represent a process; the processes it can stand for are base excision repair, nucleotide excision repair, transcription-coupled nucleotide excision repair, and mismatch repair. To update annotations, consider biological_process terms 'base-excision repair ; GO:0006284' or its children and 'nucleotide-excision repair ; GO:0006289' or its children.") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0046929 ""inhibition of neurotransmitter secretion" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000085 "Reactome:68911") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0051357 "RESID:AA0377") (subclass GO--0007430 GO--0048754) (subclass GO--0006091 GO--0008152) (mo-definition GO--0031495 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of mating type switching." [GOC:mah]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0010116 "positive regulation of abscisic acid biosynthetic process") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0045369 GO--0042232) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0051781 ""stimulation of cell division" []") (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because it represents a single gene product and not a complex. To update annotations, use cellular_component term 'transcription factor TFIID complex ; GO:0005669'.") (mo-inSubset GO--0019361 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0031504 GO--0007047) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0048463 GO--0048445) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045708 "regulation of larval salivary gland determination") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006187 ""dGTP anabolism from dGDP" []") (mo-definition GO--0043498 ""Interacting selectively with any component on the surface of a cell." [GOC:jl]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031147 "1-(3,5-dichloro-2,6-dihydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)hexan-1-one metabolic process") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048714 "positive regulation of oligodendrocyte differentiation") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0047973 ""guanidoacetate kinase activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046639 ""down-regulation of alpha-beta T cell differentiation" []") (subclass GO--0035232 GO--0006935) (subclass GO--0002253 GO--0050778) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002582 ""up regulation of antigen processing and presentation of peptide or polysaccharide antigen via MHC class II" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042015 ""IL-20 binding" []") (subclass GO--0007392 GO--0009653) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0002580 GO--0002504) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018618 "EC:") (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because it describes a gene product.") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046131 "pyrimidine ribonucleoside metabolic process") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006390 "Reactome:252600") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0043072 ""inhibition of non-apoptotic programmed cell death" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019920 ""peptidyl-1-thioglycine synthesis, internal" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051191 ""prosthetic group synthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045855 ""down regulation of pole plasm oskar mRNA localization" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046045 "TMP catabolic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048023 ""positive regulation of melanin biosynthesis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0021570 "rhombomere 4 development") (mo-inSubset GO--0042961 gosubset_prok) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0051278 GO--0009272) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043215 "daunorubicin transport") (subclass GO--0043011 GO--0001773) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006415 "Reactome:248974") (mo-definition GO--0009803 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving cinnamic acid, 3-phenyl-2-propenoic acid." [GOC:jl]") (subclass GO--0046879 GO--0003001) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006307 "Reactome:221838") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032230 ""up-regulation of synaptic transmission, GABAergic" []") (subclass GO--0004329 GO--0016879) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0020023 "kinetoplast") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050302 "EC:") (subclass GO--0045084 GO--0045075) (mo-definition GO--0005214 ""The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of a chitin-based cuticle." [GOC:mah, GOC:mtg_sensu]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006297 "Reactome:293709") (subclass GO--0050153 GO--0016616) (subclass GO--0015954 GO--0015953) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006713 "glucocorticoid catabolic process") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006574 "Reactome:70894") (subclass GO--0006023 GO--0006022) (subclass GO--0050256 GO--0016616) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046119 ""7-methylguanosine degradation" []") (subclass GO--0021551 GO--0009653) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002511 ""central B-cell receptor editing" []") (subclass GO--0002693 GO--0002691) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002589 "regulation of antigen processing and presentation of peptide antigen via MHC class I") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045401 ""positive regulation of IL-3 biosynthesis" []") (mo-definition GO--0051291 ""The process of creating protein oligomers, compounds composed of a small number, usually between three and ten, of nonidentical component monomers. Oligomers may be formed by the polymerization of a number of monomers or the depolymerization of a large protein polymer." [GOC:ai]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047241 "MetaCyc:") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0005227 ""polycystin" []") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0007120 ""axial budding" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045786 "negative regulation of progression through cell cycle") (mo-definition GO--0031005 ""Interacting selectively with a filamin, any member of a family of high molecular mass cytoskeletal proteins that crosslink actin filaments to form networks and stress fibers. Filamins contain an amino-terminal alpha-actinin-like actin binding domain, which is followed by a rod-domain composed of 4 to 24 100-residue repetitive segments including a carboxy-terminal dimerization domain." [GOC:mah, PMID:11336782]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0008558 ""guanine ABC transporter" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045401 ""up regulation of interleukin-3 biosynthetic process" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019912 ""CAK" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0001672 GO--0006333) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0003866 "EC:") (subclass GO--0005754 GO--0045267) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008060 "ARF GTPase activator activity") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0044424 GO--0005622) (subclass GO--0045659 GO--0045658) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019343 ""cysteine synthesis via cystathione" []") (mo-definition GO--0051509 ""Catalysis of the reaction: UDP-glucose + a sterol = UDP + O-glucosyl-tomatidine." [GOC:ai]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047802 "MetaCyc:CYSTEINE-CONJUGATE-TRANSAMINASE-RXN") (subclass GO--0006607 GO--0006606) (mo-definition GO--0008334 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving an mRNA encoding a histone." [GOC:mah]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0045658 GO--0030223) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0031563 GO--0043332) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042405 "nuclear inclusion body") (subclass GO--0005141 GO--0005126) (mo-definition GO--0060099 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the internalization of bacteria, immune complexes and other particulate matter or of an apoptotic cell by phagocytosis." [GOC:dph]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006397 "Reactome:212012") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042196 "chlorinated hydrocarbon metabolic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0015834 ""muropeptide transport" []") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0045095 ""basic/neutral keratin" []") (subclass GO--0045003 GO--0000724) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052153 ""upregulation by symbiont of host non-apoptotic programmed cell death" []") (subclass GO--0048738 GO--0007517) (mo-inSubset GO--0008838 gosubset_prok) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045367 ""inhibition of interleukin-13 biosynthetic process" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006254 "CTP catabolic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0040040 ""behavioural response to temperature stimulus" []") (mo-definition GO--0043715 ""Catalysis of the enolization of 2,3-diketo-5-methylthiopentyl-1-phosphate (DK-MTP-1-P) into 2-hydroxy 3-keto-5-methylthiopentenyl-1-phosphate (HK-MTPenyl-1-P)." [UniProt:Q81MJ2]") (mo-definition GO--0006478 ""The posttranslational sulfation of peptidyl-tyrosine residues to form peptidyl-O4'-sulfo-L-tyrosine." [RESID:AA0172]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000810 "diacylglycerol pyrophosphate phosphatase activity") (subclass GO--0007439 GO--0048565) (subclass GO--0051405 GO--0008133) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050047 "EC:") (mo-definition GO--0016820 ""Catalysis of the hydrolysis of an acid anhydride to directly drive the transport of a substance across a membrane." [GOC:mah]") (subclass GO--0042581 GO--0030141) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0035164 ""embryonic plasmatocyte cell differentiation" []") (mo-definition GO--0042596 ""The response of an organism to a perceived external threat." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018787 "UM-BBD_enzymeID:e0113") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009164 ""nucleoside catabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0006754 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of ATP, adenosine 5'-triphosphate, a universally important coenzyme and enzyme regulator." [GOC:go_curators, ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (documentation GO--0002440 EnglishLanguage "This term was added by GO_REF:0000022.") (subclass GO--0009526 GO--0031967) (mo-definition GO--0008385 ""A protein serine/threonine kinase that phosphorylates IkappaB, thereby targeting this for proteasomal degradation and allowing the nuclear translocation of kB. Composed of alpha, beta and gamma subunits, the latter not having kinase activity but presumed to play a regulatory role." [GOC:ma]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015620 "ferric-enterobactin transporter activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006597 ""spermine formation" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0044240 GO--0044241) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050487 ""sulphoacetaldehyde acetyltransferase activity" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0015220 ""amino acid/choline transporter activity" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019142 "MetaCyc:HYDGLUTSYN-RXN") (subclass GO--0051006 GO--0051004) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043068 ""upregulation of programmed cell death" []") (subclass GO--0047825 GO--0008484) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0005980 "Reactome:293699") (mo-alternateID GO--0048455 "GO:0048427") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008441 "Reactome:24620") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0004674 ""SAP kinase 4 activity" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0052255 "modulation by organism of defense response of other organism during symbiotic interaction") (mo-definition GO--0051229 ""The controlled breakdown of the spindle during a meiotic cell cycle." [GOC:ai]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045419 ""positive regulation of IL-9 biosynthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002836 ""up regulation of response to tumor cell" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032348 ""downregulation of aldosterone biosynthetic process" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047191 "EC:") (subclass GO--0044429 GO--0044444) (subclass GO--0050065 GO--0008483) (subclass GO--0002911 GO--0002682) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047694 "MetaCyc:BARBITURASE-RXN") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000730 "Reactome:244700") (subclass GO--0021737 GO--0048857) (subclass GO--0050636 GO--0016747) (termFormat EnglishLanguage "meiotic chromosome") (subclass GO--0051001 GO--0051354) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009594 ""detection of nutrients" []") (subclass GO--0048501 GO--0048500) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031019 "mitochondrial mRNA editing complex") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002522 ""immune cell migration during immune response" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008735 "EC:") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0031321 GO--0030437) (mo-inSubset GO--0030031 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0001952 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of attachment of a cell to the extracellular matrix." [GOC:hjd]") (subclass GO--0046648 GO--0046646) (subclass GO--0019180 GO--0008483) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0005119 ""smo binding" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019638 ""6-hydroxycineole metabolism" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050274 "EC:") (mo-definition GO--0051608 ""The directed movement of histamine into, out of, within or between cells. Histamine is a physiologically active amine, found in plant and animal tissue and released from mast cells as part of an allergic reaction in humans." [GOC:ai]") (mo-definition GO--0007487 ""The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the analia over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The analia is the posterior-most vertral appendage that develops from the genital disc. As in, but not restricted to, the Holometabola (Endopterygota, ncbi_taxonomy_id:33392)." [GOC:ai, GOC:mtg_sensu_feb07]") (subclass GO--0031632 GO--0031630) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0030409 "MetaCyc:GLUTAMATE-FORMIMINOTRANSFERASE-RXN") (documentation GO--0021506 EnglishLanguage "This term was added by GO_REF:0000021.") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031126 ""snoRNA 3' end processing" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045923 ""upregulation of fatty acid metabolic process" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030278 "regulation of ossification") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006195 ""purine nucleotide catabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009892 ""down regulation of metabolic process" []") (subclass GO--0015531 GO--0015295) (mo-inSubset GO--0005344 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0052039 GO--0052043) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0003832 "beta-alanyl-dopamine hydrolase activity") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0009602 ""perception of symbiont" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006898 "Reactome:171106") (mo-inSubset GO--0046789 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0016486 ""The generation of a mature peptide hormone by posttranslational processing of a prohormone." [GOC:mah]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046534 ""up regulation of photoreceptor cell differentiation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030436 ""spore formation (sensu Bacteria)" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0050679 ""stimulation of epithelial cell proliferation" []") (mo-definition GO--0006925 ""The process of apoptosis in inflammatory cells, any cell participating in the inflammatory response to a foreign substance e.g. neutrophil, macrophage." [GOC:jl, http://www.mercksource.com/]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002303 ""gamma-delta T-lymphocyte differentiation during immune response" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050928 ""downregulation of positive chemotaxis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046589 ""guanyloribonuclease" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005997 "xylulose metabolic process") (mo-inSubset GO--0008910 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0005978 "Reactome:282857") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048387 ""negative regulation of RAR signalling pathway" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002289 ""NK T-lymphocyte proliferation during immune response" []") (mo-definition GO--0048720 ""The process by which the anatomical structures of posterior cibarial plate are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form." [GOC:rc]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045425 ""activation of granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor biosynthetic process" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018531 ""L-6-hydroxynicotine oxidase activity" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000722 "Reactome:261619") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005062 "hematopoietin/interferon-class (D200-domain) cytokine receptor signal transducer activity") (subclass GO--0009647 GO--0009646) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002853 "negative regulation of T cell mediated cytotoxicity directed against tumor cell target") (mo-definition GO--0051790 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of fatty acids with a chain length of less than 8 carbons." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045221 ""inhibition of FasL biosynthetic process" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0004325 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0002088 ""The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the lens over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The lens is a transparent structure in the eye through which light is focused onto the retina." [GOC:dph, ISBN:0582064333]") (mo-definition GO--0051464 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the regulated release of cortisol from a cell or group of cells." [GOC:ai]") (mo-inSubset GO--0045280 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042167 ""haem catabolic process" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042361 ""vitamin K2 catabolic process" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0051885 ""stimulation of anagen" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052030 ""activation by organism of host apoptosis" []") (mo-definition GO--0018493 ""Catalysis of the reaction: formylmethanofuran + H2O + acceptor = CO2 + methanofuran + reduced acceptor." [EC:]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006023 ""aminoglycan anabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042662 ""downregulation of mesodermal cell fate specification" []") (subclass GO--0052553 GO--0052031) (subclass GO--0046769 GO--0046746) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002639 ""up-regulation of immunoglobulin production" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0048195 GO--0048200) (subclass GO--0052259 GO--0052256) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0020028 "hemoglobin import") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045437 "uridine nucleosidase activity") (subclass GO--0019438 GO--0006725) (mo-definition GO--0045893 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of DNA-dependent transcription." [GOC:go_curators]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006166 "purine ribonucleoside salvage") (subclass GO--0009597 GO--0009615) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0016857 "EC:5.1.3") (subclass GO--0047795 GO--0016616) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045861 ""down regulation of proteolysis" []") (subclass GO--0031515 GO--0043234) (mo-definition GO--0007114 ""A form of asexual reproduction, occurring in certain bacteria and fungi (e.g. yeasts) and some primitive animals in which an individual arises from a daughter cell formed by pinching off a part of the parent cell. The budlike outgrowths so formed may sometimes remain attached to the parent cell." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (subclass GO--0001702 GO--0007369) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030604 ""DOXP reductoisomerase activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032853 ""upregulation of Ran GTPase activity" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0019371 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0031476 ""A myosin complex containing a dimer of class VI myosin heavy chains and associated light chains. Myosin VI has a single IQ motif in the neck and a tail region with a coiled coil domain followed by a unique globular domain; a unique insertion that enables myosin VI to move towards the pointed or minus end of actin filaments." [http://www.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/myosin/Review/Reviewframeset.html]") (mo-alternateID GO--0042100 "GO:0042114") (mo-alternateID GO--0051866 "GO:0051868") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0007437 "adult salivary gland morphogenesis") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045538 ""positive regulation of interleukin-26 biosynthesis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0033088 "negative regulation of immature T cell proliferation in the thymus") (mo-definition GO--0018348 ""The covalent attachment of a geranylgeranyl moiety to a protein amino acid." [GOC:jl]") (documentation GO--0009448 EnglishLanguage "See also the biological process term 'neurotransmitter metabolic process ; GO:0042133'.") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048893 "afferent axon development in a lateral line nerve") (subclass GO--0006559 GO--0006558) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0046804 "RESID:AA0330") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046711 ""GDP synthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031173 ""otoconia mineralization" []") (subclass GO--0032900 GO--0032899) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046137 ""negative regulation of vitamin metabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0030225 ""The process whereby a relatively unspecialized monocyte acquires the specialized features of a macrophage." [GOC:add, ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology"]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045344 ""negative regulation of major histocompatibility complex class I biosynthetic process" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0019505 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050255 "ribitol 2-dehydrogenase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032243 ""down-regulation of nucleoside transport" []") (mo-definition GO--0010175 ""Enables the directed movement of the amino alcohol sphingosine into, out of, within, or between cells." [GOC:tb]") (subclass GO--0047565 GO--0016616) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042213 ""m-cresol catabolism" []") (subclass GO--0045423 GO--0042035) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018673 "EC:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032932 "negative regulation of astral microtubule depolymerization") (subclass GO--0009731 GO--0009730) (mo-definition GO--0047658 ""Catalysis of the reaction: an alpha-amino acid ester + H2O = an alpha-amino acid + an alcohol." [EC:, MetaCyc:ALPHA-AMINO-ACID-ESTERASE-RXN]") (mo-definition GO--0045725 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of glycogen." [GOC:go_curators]") (subclass GO--0051139 GO--0015299) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031952 "regulation of protein amino acid autophosphorylation") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0014039 ""down-regulation of Schwann cell differentiation" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0051909 "EC:4.2.1.-") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019965 "interleukin binding") (mo-definition GO--0006124 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving ferredoxin, any simple, nonenzymatic iron-sulfur protein that is characterized by having equal numbers of atoms of iron and labile sulfur. Iron and sulfur atoms are present in one or two clusters of two or four atoms of each." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031339 ""down regulation of vesicle fusion" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032145 "succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase binding") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047019 "MetaCyc:") (subclass GO--0016203 GO--0032502) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052070 ""down-regulation by symbiont of defense-related host ethylene-mediated signal transduction pathway" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016917 "GABA receptor activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016984 "ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase activity") (subclass GO--0051126 GO--0051129) (mo-definition GO--0045314 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of compound eye photoreceptor development." [GOC:bf]") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0030141 ""secretory vesicle" []") (mo-definition GO--0000159 ""A heterodimer with protein serine/threonine phosphatase activity that is polycation-stimulated (PCS), being directly stimulated by protamine, polylysine, or histone H1; it constitutes a subclass of several enzymes activated by different histones and polylysine, and consists of catalytic and regulatory subunits." [GOC:mah, ISBN:0198547684]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046167 ""glycerol-3-phosphate formation" []") (subclass GO--0031897 GO--0043234) (mo-inSubset GO--0009275 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016750 "O-succinyltransferase activity") (subclass GO--0048916 GO--0048882) (mo-inSubset GO--0042371 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0042530 GO--0042532) (mo-definition GO--0032327 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of the W-molybdopterin cofactor, essential for the catalytic activity of some enzymes. The cofactor consists of a mononuclear tungsten ion (W) coordinated by one or two molybdopterin ligands." [GOC:mah]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045522 "interleukin-26 receptor binding") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045895 ""upregulation of transcription, mating-type specific" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046748 ""endoplasmic reticulum membrane viral budding during viral capsid re-envelopment" []") (subclass GO--0004954 GO--0004953) (subclass GO--0051573 GO--0051570) (subclass GO--0000272 GO--0043285) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032845 ""downregulation of homeostatic process" []") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0051737 ""GTP-dependent polynucleotide kinase activity" []") (mo-definition GO--0030186 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine)." [GOC:mah, ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0033122 ""negative regulation of purine nucleotide breakdown" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0004419 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0017049 GO--0017048) (mo-definition GO--0045527 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of interleukin-27." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0008483 ""aminotransferase" []") (subclass GO--0048597 GO--0048050) (mo-definition GO--0007192 ""The series of molecular signals generated as a consequence of a serotonin receptor binding to its physiological ligand, followed by activation of adenylyl cyclase and a subsequent increase in the concentration of cyclic AMP." [GOC:mah]") (subclass GO--0046551 GO--0042706) (mo-definition GO--0001872 ""Interacting selectively with zymosan." [PMID:14707091]") (mo-definition GO--0005245 ""Allows movement of calcium across a cell membrane through a transmembrane channel whose opening and closing is responsive to changes in membrane potential." [GOC:tb]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004436 "MetaCyc:") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0046890 GO--0008610) (subclass GO--0032665 GO--0001817) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0032209 ""activation of telomere maintenance via recombination" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0001842 GO--0014020) (subclass GO--0015324 GO--0015197) (mo-inSubset GO--0046122 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008963 "MetaCyc:PHOSNACMURPENTATRANSLYS-RXN") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046636 ""negative regulation of alpha-beta T-cell activation" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0031066 GO--0031059) (mo-definition GO--0048867 ""The process whereby a cell becomes capable of differentiating autonomously into a stem cell regardless of its environment; upon determination, the cell fate cannot be reversed." [CL:0000034, GOC:isa_complete]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008842 "MetaCyc:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045359 ""up-regulation of interferon-beta biosynthetic process" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019528 "D-arabitol catabolic process to xylulose 5-phosphate") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045358 ""negative regulation of interferon-beta synthesis" []") (subclass GO--0005783 GO--0044444) (subclass Fever GO--0031649) (subclass GO--0007613 GO--0007611) (mo-definition GO--0019234 ""The series of events required for an organism to receive a fast pain stimulus, convert it to a molecular signal, and recognize and characterize the signal. Fast pain is often subjectively described as a sharp or stabbing pain; in humans, the signals from a fast pain stimulus are perceived and relayed along myelinated A-delta fibers to the central nervous system, reaching their target in about 0.1 seconds." [http://www.spine-health.com/]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0021547 ""midbrain-hindbrain boundary biosynthesis" [GOC:cls]") (mo-exactSynonym ""suppression of MAMP induced symbiont innate immunity" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042480 "negative regulation of eye photoreceptor cell development") (mo-definition GO--0006189 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of IMP, inosine monophosphate, beginning with the synthesis of a purine ring from simpler precursors." [GOC:mah, ISBN:0716720094]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051638 ""barbed end F-actin uncapping" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045192 ""low-density lipoprotein breakdown" []") (subclass GO--0050961 GO--0050906) (subclass GO--0015880 GO--0051182) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006099 "Reactome:289779") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030596 "alpha-L-rhamnosidase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042664 ""down-regulation of endodermal cell fate specification" []") (mo-definition GO--0016653 ""Catalysis of an oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction in which NADH or NADPH acts as a hydrogen or electron donor and reduces a heme protein." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0050201 GO--0016773) (mo-definition GO--0030936 ""Any collagen polymer that passes through a lipid bilayer membrane." [ISBN:0721639976]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031830 ""5-hydroxytryptamine 5A receptor binding" []") (subclass GO--0020017 GO--0044459) (mo-definition GO--0009653 ""The process by which anatomical structures are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form." [GOC:go_curators, ISBN:0521436125]") (mo-definition GO--0043310 ""Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the rate of eosinophil degranulation." [ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology"]") (mo-inSubset GO--0050567 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0020030 GO--0044421) (mo-broadSynonym GO--0003682 ""lamin/chromatin binding" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0031077 GO--0043010) (subclass GO--0051731 GO--0019205) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0015147 ""L-arabinose/beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside:hydrogen antiporter activity" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0030208 gosubset_prok) (mo-inSubset GO--0016106 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0007538 GO--0007530) (mo-alternateID GO--0006414 "GO:0006442") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0006414 ""protein-synthesizing GTPase activity, elongation" []") (subclass GO--0002871 GO--0002643) (subclass GO--0019932 GO--0007242) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0001609 ""adenosine receptor activity, G protein coupled" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0030732 "MetaCyc:METHIONINE-S-METHYLTRANSFERASE-RXN") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047296 "homospermidine synthase activity") (mo-inSubset GO--0005488 goslim_generic) (subclass GO--0006055 GO--0046380) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0016607 ""speckle domain" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019853 ""ascorbate biosynthetic process" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046362 ""ribitol biosynthesis" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004768 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043531 ""adenosine 5'-diphosphate binding" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009250 ""glucan biosynthesis" []") (subclass GO--0045354 GO--0042035) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0048814 GO--0048813) (mo-definition GO--0007042 ""Any process that reduces the pH of the lysosomal lumen, measured by the concentration of the hydrogen ion." [GOC:jic]") (mo-definition GO--0032095 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of a response to a food stimulus." [GOC:add]") (mo-inSubset GO--0016882 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004370 "glycerol kinase activity") (mo-definition GO--0016569 ""The alteration of DNA or protein in chromatin by the covalent addition or removal of chemical groups." [GOC:mah]") (subclass GO--0008327 GO--0000166) (subclass GO--0042384 GO--0030031) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0005275 ""polyamine transporter activity" []") (subclass GO--0019560 GO--0006548) (documentation GO--0021534 EnglishLanguage "This term was added by GO_REF:0000021.") (mo-inSubset GO--0009712 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046250 ""limonene biosynthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051353 ""oxidoreductase activator" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048076 "regulation of compound eye pigmentation") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0031782 ""type 4 melanocortin receptor ligand" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0010105 ""negative regulation of ethene mediated signalling pathway" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0001815 ""positive regulation of antibody-dependent cell killing" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030840 ""down regulation of intermediate filament polymerization" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018340 ""peptidyl-O-(sn-1-glycerophosphoryl)-L-serine synthesis from peptidyl-serine" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0048170 ""stimulation of long-term neuronal synaptic plasticity" []") (documentation GO--0046910 EnglishLanguage "See also the molecular function term 'pectinesterase activity ; GO:0030599'.") (mo-definition GO--0007131 ""The cell cycle process whereby double strand breaks are formed and repaired through a double Holliday junction intermediate. This results in the equal exchange of genetic material between non-sister chromatids in a pair of homologous chromosomes. These reciprocal recombinant products ensure the proper segregation of homologous chromosomes during meiosis I and create genetic diversity." [PMID:2087779]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046246 ""terpene synthesis" []") (subclass GO--0030895 GO--0044428) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031602 "ER proteasome core complex") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019243 ""methylglyoxal degradation to D-lactate" []") (mo-definition GO--0031991 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of contraction of the actomyosin ring during cytokinesis." [GOC:mah]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048084 ""up-regulation of adult chitin-containing cuticle pigmentation" []") (subclass GO--0045736 GO--0006469) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019473 "MetaCyc:LYSDEGII-PWY") (subclass GO--0016532 GO--0016531) (subclass GO--0043204 CellPart) (mo-definition GO--0042850 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of L-sorbose, the levorotatory isomer of the ketohexose xylo-2-hexulose." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043161 "proteasomal ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046016 ""up-regulation of transcription by glucose" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009231 ""riboflavin biosynthesis" []") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0015297 ""antiport" []") (subclass GO--0042009 GO--0019965) (mo-definition GO--0002324 ""The rapid expansion of a natural killer cell population by cell division during an immune response." [GOC:add, PMID:15032583]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031652 ""up regulation of heat generation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032853 ""up regulation of Ran GTPase activity" []") (mo-definition GO--0051315 ""The cell cycle process whereby spindle microtubules become physically associated with the proteins making up the kinetochore complex during mitosis. During mitosis, the kinetochores of sister chromosomes are situated facing opposite spindle poles and bipolar attachment of the sister chromosomes to the spindle occurs." [GOC:ai, GOC:clt]") (mo-definition GO--0009698 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving aromatic derivatives of trans-cinnamic acid." [GOC:jl]") (subclass GO--0031022 GO--0030048) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0008348 ""attenuation of antimicrobial humoral response" []") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0021801 ""glial-guided locomotion" [PMID:12626695]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018462 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0007406 ""down-regulation of neuroblast proliferation" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004226 "MetaCyc:GLY-X-CARBOXYPEPTIDASE-RXN") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009113 ""purine base biosynthesis" []") (subclass GO--0045377 GO--0045375) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009807 ""lignan synthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042832 ""defense response to protozoa" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004351 "glutamate decarboxylase activity") (subclass GO--0045957 GO--0030451) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043636 ""bisphenol-A catabolism" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0032401 GO--0032400) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0052272 ""induction by organism of SA-mediated defense response of other organism" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0019539 gosubset_prok) (mo-inSubset GO--0008448 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0008936 GO--0016811) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051284 ""positive regulation of calcium ion (Ca2+) retention" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002037 ""down regulation of L-glutamate transport" []") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0030613 ""oxidoreductase activity, acting on phosphorus or arsenic in donors, with other acceptors" []") (mo-definition GO--0019413 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of acetate, the anion of acetic acid." [GOC:go_curators]") (subclass GO--0015909 GO--0015908) (mo-definition GO--0002700 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate, or extent of the production of molecular mediator of immune response." [GOC:add]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050969 ""magnetoreception, sensory transduction of chemical stimulus" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018931 "naphthalene metabolic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006569 ""tryptophan catabolism" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0015809 ""L-arginine transport" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "SAP kinase 4 activity") (mo-definition GO--0043018 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of the chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of the cytokine lymphotoxin A." [GOC:jl]") (subclass GO--0047037 GO--0016616) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018343 "protein farnesylation") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0017023 "myosin phosphatase complex") (mo-definition GO--0033058 ""Self-propelled movement of a cell or organism from one location to another along an axis." [GOC:mtg_MIT]") (mo-definition GO--0000402 ""Interacting selectively with DNA containing the crossed form of a four-way junction, also known as a Holliday junction, a structure where two DNA double strands are held together by reciprocal exchange of two of the four strands, one strand each from the two original helices. The crossed form of a four-way junction cannot be diagrammed without any of the strands crossing over, and instead contains a single crossover between two of the strands." [GOC:krc, ISBN:0815332181, PMID:15563464]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0035004 "EC:2.7.1.-") (mo-definition GO--0002273 ""The process whereby a relatively unspecialized hemopoietic precursor cell acquires the specialized features of a plasmacytoid dendritic cell." [GOC:add, PMID:15990333, PMID:16174108]") (subclass GO--0046800 GO--0019089) (subclass GO--0018599 GO--0004497) (mo-definition GO--0032871 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of karyogamy, the creation of a single nucleus from multiple nuclei as a result of membrane fusion." [GOC:mah]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048870 "cell motility involved in cell locomotion") (subclass GO--0030925 GO--0030923) (subclass GO--0001998 GO--0042310) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006216 ""cytidine breakdown" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004833 "Reactome:15133") (mo-definition GO--0018293 ""The formation of a linkage between a protein amino acid and flavin-adenine dinucleotide (FAD)." [GOC:ai]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030253 ""type I protein secretion system" []") (subclass GO--0045284 GO--0045283) (subclass GO--0032109 GO--0032106) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0000902 ""cellular morphogenesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050762 ""depsipeptide breakdown" []") (subclass GO--0048658 GO--0048856) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015161 "capsular-polysaccharide transporter activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045693 ""upregulation of female gametophyte central cell differentiation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002205 ""somatic hypermutation of antibody genes during immune response" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002591 ""up-regulation of antigen processing and presentation of peptide antigen via MHC class I" []") (mo-definition GO--0006662 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving glycerol ethers, any anhydride formed between two organic hydroxy compounds, one of which is glycerol." [GOC:ai, ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (subclass GO--0018296 GO--0018293) (mo-inSubset GO--0015967 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002541 "activation of plasma proteins during acute inflammatory response") (subclass GO--0044004 GO--0044003) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048042 "regulation of oviposition, post-mating") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0047625 ""adenosyl methionine cyclotransferase activity" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0031835 ""substance P receptor ligand" []") (subclass GO--0009707 GO--0031969) (mo-definition GO--0060038 ""The rapid expansion of a cardiac muscle cell population by cell division." [GOC:dph, GOC:rh1, PMID:11161571]") (subclass GO--0005412 GO--0015370) (subclass GO--0047031 GO--0016616) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004741 "MetaCyc:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006686 ""sphingomyelin anabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0044269 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of glycerol ethers, any anhydride formed between two organic hydroxy compounds, one of which is glycerol." [GOC:jl]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030802 ""regulation of cyclic nucleotide anabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030319 "di-, tri-valent inorganic anion homeostasis") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0010106 "cellular response to iron ion starvation") (subclass GO--0016867 GO--0016866) (mo-definition GO--0018272 ""The posttranslation modification of peptidyl-lysine to form N6-pyridoxal phosphate-L-lysine." [RESID:AA0119]") (mo-definition GO--0031960 ""A change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a corticosteroid hormone stimulus. A corticosteroid is a steroid hormone that is produced in the adrenal cortex. Corticosteroids are involved in a wide range of physiologic systems such as stress response, immune response and regulation of inflammation, carbohydrate metabolism, protein catabolism, blood electrolyte levels, and behavior. They include glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids." [GOC:mah, PMID:11027914]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050819 ""negative regulation of clotting." []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043320 ""NK cell granule exocytosis" []") (mo-definition GO--0019808 ""Interacting selectively with polyamines, organic compounds containing two or more amino groups." [GOC:ai]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045057 "cisternal progression") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0046691 GO--0016324) (subclass GO--0032660 GO--0001817) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0042210 "UM-BBD_pathwayID:osi") (mo-definition GO--0048536 ""The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the spleen over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The spleen is a large vascular lymphatic organ composed of white and red pulp, involved both in hemopoietic and immune system functions." [GOC:add, ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology"]") (subclass GO--0016561 GO--0065002) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0048895 GO--0048892) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047277 "EC:") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0045411 GO--0042227) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008170 "EC:2.1.1.-") (subclass GO--0004945 GO--0001595) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045202 ""synaptic junction" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015246 "fatty acyl transporter activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031868 "prostaglandin F2-alpha receptor binding") (mo-inSubset GO--0045937 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0035274 GO--0035273) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045182 "translation regulator activity") (subclass GO--0031564 GO--0031555) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0042255 GO--0042254) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006017 "deoxyribose 1,5-bisphosphate biosynthetic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0047665 ""aminolevulinate aminotransferase activity" []") (mo-definition GO--0045289 ""Catalysis of the oxidation of luciferin. The reaction results in light emission as luciferin returns to the ground state after enzymatic oxidation." [GOC:bf]") (mo-definition GO--0042466 ""A response by a motile cell to a soluble chemical that involves an increase or decrease in speed (positive or negative orthokinesis) or of frequency of movement or a change in the frequency or magnitude of turning behavior (klinokinesis)." [GOC:jl, http://cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk/]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045870 ""up regulation of retroviral genome replication" []") (subclass GO--0045365 GO--0045363) (subclass GO--0048236 GO--0032502) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0021873 "forebrain neuroblast division") (mo-definition GO--0048097 ""Any mechanism, at the level of transcription or post-transcription, maintaining gene activation in the long-term." [GOC:jic]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002292 "T cell differentiation during immune response") (subclass GO--0009525 GO--0044444) (subclass GO--0045397 GO--0042036) (mo-inSubset GO--0050741 gosubset_prok) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0003682 ""nuclear membrane vesicle binding to chromatin" []") (subclass GO--0046597 GO--0046596) (mo-definition GO--0019146 ""Catalysis of the reaction: D-arabinose 5-phosphate = D-ribulose 5-phosphate." [EC:]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032150 "ubiquinone biosynthetic process from chorismate") (mo-definition GO--0048452 ""The process that contributes to the act of creating the structural organization of the petal. This process pertains to the physical shaping of a rudimentary structure." [GOC:jic]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051051 ""down-regulation of transport" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050606 "4-carboxy-2-hydroxymuconate-6-semialdehyde dehydrogenase activity") (mo-inSubset GO--0019990 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045499 "chemorepellant activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043289 ""apocarotenoid biosynthesis" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0006139 goslim_plant) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050293 "EC:") (documentation GO--0032861 EnglishLanguage "Note that this term should not be confused with the molecular function term 'Rap GTPase activator activity ; GO:0046582', which refers specifically to the activity of Rap GAPs.") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000704 "pyrimidine dimer DNA N-glycosylase activity") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0019064 ""viral-cell fusion molecule activity" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0018283 ""iron incorporation into iron-sulfur cluster via hexakis-L-cysteinyl triiron trisulfide" []") (subclass GO--0050170 GO--0016811) (mo-definition GO--0022028 ""The migration of cells in the telencephalon from the subventricular zone to the olfactory bulb in which cells move orthogonally to the direction of radial migration and do not use radial glial cell processes as substrates for migration." [GOC:cls, GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jic, GOC:mtg_15jun06]") (subclass GO--0047882 GO--0004497) (mo-definition GO--0046239 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of phthalate, the anion of phthalic acid." [GOC:ai]") (mo-definition GO--0042210 ""The anaerobic chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane into dimethylsilanediol. The former is a tetramer of the latter." [GOC:jl]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008805 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046172 ""octanol degradation" []") (mo-definition GO--0042754 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of a circadian rhythm behavior." [GOC:go_curators]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046027 "phospholipid:diacylglycerol acyltransferase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042453 ""deoxyguanosine metabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0003958 "NADPH-hemoprotein reductase activity") (mo-definition GO--0030431 ""The processes by which an organism enters and maintains a periodic, readily reversible state of reduced awareness and metabolic activity. Usually accompanied by physical relaxation, the onset of sleep in humans and other mammals is marked by a change in the electrical activity of the brain." [ISBN:0192800981]") (subclass GO--0004520 GO--0004519) (mo-inSubset GO--0052171 gosubset_prok) (mo-inSubset GO--0005730 goslim_yeast) (mo-definition GO--0010052 ""The process whereby a relatively unspecialized epidermal cell acquires the specialized features of a guard cell." [GOC:tb]") (subclass GO--0030385 GO--0016730) (mo-definition GO--0007164 ""Coordinated organization of groups of cells in a tissue, such that they all orient to similar coordinates." [GOC:jic]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048720 "posterior cibarial plate morphogenesis") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008334 "Reactome:284569") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046923 "ER retention sequence binding") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008869 "EC:") (mo-definition GO--0016823 ""Catalysis of the hydrolysis of any acid carbon-carbon bond in a ketonic substance, a substance containing a keto (C=O) group." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0050986 GO--0018262) (subclass GO--0001618 GO--0004872) (mo-definition GO--0042267 ""The directed killing of a target cell by a natural killer cell through the release of granules containing cytotoxic mediators or through the engagement of death receptors." [GOC:add]") (mo-definition GO--0005671 ""A multiprotein complex that possesses histone acetyltransferase and is involved in regulation of transcription. The budding yeast complex includes Gcn5p, two proteins of the Ada family, and two TBP-associate proteins (TAFs); analogous complexes in other species have analogous compositions, and usually contain homologs of the yeast proteins." [PMID:10637607]") (subclass GO--0000300 GO--0005624) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018715 "EC:2.4.1.-") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018670 ""4-aminobenzoate hydroxylase activity" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047109 "EC:") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050427 "Reactome:281800") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005830 "cytosolic ribosome (sensu Eukaryota)") (subclass GO--0051165 GO--0019507) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008058 "ocellus pigment granule organization and biogenesis") (subclass GO--0009171 GO--0009157) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018741 "alkyl sulfatase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043523 "regulation of neuron apoptosis") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008159 "positive transcription elongation factor activity") (subclass GO--0046085 GO--0046128) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047191 "MetaCyc:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0052115 "energy taxis in host environment") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015096 "manganese resistance permease activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050028 "L-lysine-lactamase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002835 ""down-regulation of response to tumor cell" []") (subclass GO--0000792 GO--0000785) (mo-definition GO--0032172 ""A tight ring-shaped structure that forms in the division plane within the germ tube of filamentous fungi at sites where a septum will form; composed of septins as well as septin-associated proteins." [GOC:krc, PMID:16151244]") (mo-inSubset GO--0010359 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031648 "protein destabilization") (subclass GO--0048401 GO--0048399) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006778 "Reactome:290388") (mo-inSubset GO--0019386 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0032699 ""Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate, or extent of interleukin-16 production." [GOC:mah]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008543 "Reactome:238110") (subclass GO--0016107 GO--0051763) (mo-inSubset GO--0003838 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052108 ""growth or development of organism during interaction with host" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018907 "UM-BBD_pathwayID:sulf") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0010092 "specification of organ identity") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0051909 ""acetylenecarboxylate hydratase activity" []") (mo-definition GO--0045095 ""A filament composed of acidic and basic keratins (types I and II), typically expressed in epithelial cells. The keratins are the most diverse classes of IF proteins, with a large number of keratin isoforms being expressed. Each type of epithelium always expresses a characteristic combination of type I and type II keratins." [ISBN:0716731363]") (mo-definition GO--0048560 ""The process that determines the orientation of an anatomical structure with reference to an axis." [GOC:jic]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000279 "M phase") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050748 ""negative regulation of lipoprotein metabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042999 "regulation of Golgi to plasma membrane CFTR protein transport") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042574 "retinal metabolic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043272 ""ethylene synthesis during jasmonic acid and ethylene-dependent systemic resistance" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0015965 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0010284 "lariciresinol reductase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015744 "succinate transport") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0008153 ""para-aminobenzoic acid formation" []") (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. Catalysis of the reaction: GTP + H2O = GDP + phosphate. Activity is associated with the signal-recognition particle, a protein and RNA-containing structure involved in endoplasmic reticulum-associated protein synthesis." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (mo-definition GO--0031460 ""The directed movement of glycine betaine, N-trimethylglycine, into, out of, within or between cells." [GOC:mah]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0048817 ""inhibition of hair follicle maturation" []") (subclass GO--0007130 GO--0022607) (documentation GO--0021894 EnglishLanguage "This term was added by GO_REF:0000021.") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032068 "Type IV site-specific deoxyribonuclease complex") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045901 "positive regulation of translational elongation") (subclass GO--0008660 GO--0016810) (subclass GO--0000227 GO--0015131) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051939 "gamma-aminobutyric acid import") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045395 ""positive regulation of interleukin-22 formation" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0003802 "MetaCyc:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050730 "regulation of peptidyl-tyrosine phosphorylation") (mo-definition GO--0032701 ""Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate, or extent of interleukin-18 production." [GOC:mah]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004622 "lysophospholipase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046203 ""spermidine catabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "chemi-mechanical coupling") (mo-definition GO--0047948 ""Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + glutarate + CoA = ADP + phosphate + glutaryl-CoA." [EC:, MetaCyc:GLUTARATE--COA-LIGASE-RXN]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0030204 GO--0050654) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042368 ""calciferol biosynthetic process" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0050605 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0052146 GO--0052118) (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0006378 ""cleavage and polyadenylylation specificity factor activity" []") (subclass GO--0015473 GO--0015288) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019902 "phosphatase binding") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0040010 ""activation of growth rate" []") (mo-definition GO--0042293 ""Catalysis of the activation of the small ubiquitin-related modifier Hub1, through the formation of an ATP-dependent high-energy thiolester bond." [GOC:mah]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018788 "atrazine chlorohydrolase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050846 ""teichuronic acid metabolism" []") (subclass GO--0045590 GO--0045589) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047058 "vitamin-K-epoxide reductase (warfarin-insensitive) activity") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0003870 "Reactome:11690") (subclass GO--0005895 GO--0043235) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050927 ""upregulation of positive chemotaxis" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000730 "Reactome:258948") (mo-definition GO--0055020 ""Any process that activates, maintains or increases the frequency, rate or extent of cardiac muscle fiber development." [GOC:vk]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032701 ""negative regulation of IL-18 production" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0003906 "DNA-(apurinic or apyrimidinic site) lyase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009212 ""pyrimidine deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate synthesis" []") (mo-definition GO--0019586 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving galacturonate, the anion of galacturonic acid, the uronic acid formally derived from galactose by oxidation of the hydroxymethylene group at C-6 to a carboxyl group." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (subclass GO--0001608 GO--0001584) (subclass GO--0008349 GO--0004702) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0009245 GO--0009103) (subclass GO--0048381 GO--0048338) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0007173 "Reactome:221546") (subclass GO--0001916 GO--0001914) (mo-definition GO--0018974 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene, 1-methyl-2,4,6-trinitrobenzene, a highly explosive pale yellow crystalline solid. It is prepared from toluene treated with concentrated sulfuric and nitric acids and is used in shells, bombs, and blasting explosives." [ISBN:0333781767]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0052347 ""activation by symbiont of defense-related host nitric oxide production" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0052166 ""stimulation by symbiont of host innate immunity" []") (mo-definition GO--0031229 ""Located in the nuclear inner membrane such that some covalently attached portion of the gene product spans or is embedded in one or both leaflets of the membrane." [GOC:mah]") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0051280 ""negative regulation of release of sequestered calcium ion into cytoplasm" []") (subclass GO--0021884 GO--0021954) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009807 ""lignan biosynthesis" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0018146 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019383 "(+)-camphor catabolic process") (subclass GO--0047344 GO--0016779) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0015068 "EC:") (subclass GO--0045531 GO--0042035) (subclass GO--0045418 GO--0045417) (mo-inSubset GO--0004426 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0000922 ""Either of the ends of a spindle, where spindle microtubules are organized; usually contains a microtubule organizing center and accessory molecules, spindle microtubules and astral microtubules." [GOC:clt]") (subclass GO--0000169 GO--0000187) (mo-definition GO--0030839 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the assembly of intermediate filaments by the addition of monomers to a filament." [GOC:mah]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051338 "regulation of transferase activity") (subclass GO--0050762 GO--0050761) (mo-inSubset GO--0016787 goslim_goa) (mo-definition GO--0002355 ""The series of events in which a stimulus from a tumor cell is received and converted into a molecular signal." [GOC:add, ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology", PMID:16730260]") (mo-inSubset GO--0008117 gosubset_prok) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0006911 GO--0006909) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0001914 ""regulation of T cell mediated cell killing" []") (mo-definition GO--0047652 ""Catalysis of the reaction: 2 H2O + 2 allantoate = O2 + 2 CO2 + 2 NH3 + 2 ureidoglycine." [EC:, MetaCyc:ALLANTOATE-DEIMINASE-RXN]") (mo-definition GO--0009262 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving a deoxyribonucleotide, a compound consisting of deoxyribonucleoside (a base linked to a deoxyribose sugar) esterified with a phosphate moiety at either the 3' or 5'-hydroxyl group of its glycose moiety." [GOC:go_curators, ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (subclass GO--0045294 GO--0005515) (subclass GO--0031939 GO--0031938) (mo-inSubset GO--0009032 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047600 "MetaCyc:ABEQUOSYLTRANSFERASE-RXN") (subclass GO--0010288 GO--0010038) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050270 "EC:") (mo-alternateID GO--0035196 "GO:0030918") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0055003 "cardiac myofibril assembly") (mo-inSubset GO--0052368 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002233 "leukocyte chemotaxis during immune response") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030824 ""downregulation of cGMP metabolic process" []") (mo-definition GO--0019865 ""Interacting selectively with an immunoglobulin." [GOC:ma]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016789 "carboxylic ester hydrolase activity") (subclass GO--0008261 GO--0008528) (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0018518 ""5,6-dihydrodiol-3-methyl-2-oxo-1,2-dihydroquinoline dehydrogenase" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009096 "aromatic amino acid family biosynthetic process, anthranilate pathway") (mo-definition GO--0050613 ""Catalysis of the reaction: NADP+ + 4,4-dimethyl-5-alpha-cholesta-8,24-dien-3-beta-ol = NADPH + H+ + 4,4-dimethyl-5-alpha-cholesta-8,14,24-trien-3-beta-ol." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (mo-inSubset GO--0015927 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046788 "egress of virus within host cell") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042094 "interleukin-2 biosynthetic process") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0000813 ""Endosomal Sorting Complex Required for Transport" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045633 ""upregulation of mechanoreceptor differentiation" []") (subclass GO--0046165 GO--0006066) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0035114 "imaginal disc-derived appendage morphogenesis") (mo-definition GO--0006513 ""Addition of a single ubiquitin moiety to a protein." [GOC:ai]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045613 "regulation of plasmatocyte differentiation") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045814 "negative regulation of gene expression, epigenetic") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019590 "L-arabitol catabolic process to xylulose 5-phosphate") (subclass GO--0018828 GO--0019181) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051263 ""microcin E492 synthesis by siderophore ester modification of peptidyl-serine" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0016429 "EC:") (mo-inSubset GO--0019143 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0005875 ""Any multimeric complex connected to a microtubule." [GOC:jl]") (mo-definition GO--0048459 ""The process that contributes to the act of creating the structural organization of the floral whorl. This process pertains to the physical shaping of a rudimentary structure." [GOC:jic]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031191 ""enterobactin anabolism, peptide formation" []") (mo-definition GO--0018690 ""Catalysis of the reaction: 4-methoxybenzoate + donor-H2 + O2 = 4-hydroxybenzoate + formaldehyde + acceptor + H2O." [EC:]") (subclass GO--0019879 GO--0009058) (subclass GO--0016012 GO--0044420) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0044254 ""organismal protein breakdown" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0044460 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045013 ""down regulation of transcription by carbon catabolites" []") (mo-definition GO--0050351 ""Catalysis of the reaction: trimetaphosphate + H2O = triphosphate." [EC:, MetaCyc:TRIMETAPHOSPHATASE-RXN]") (mo-definition GO--0021941 ""The process that stops, prevents or reduces the rate or extent of granule cell precursor proliferation." [GOC:cls, GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jic, GOC:mtg_15jun06, PMID:15157725]") (mo-definition GO--0030160 ""Functions as a physical support bridging the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor-PSD-95-GKAP complex and the mGluR-Homer complex, which are involved in receptor signaling in synapses." [PMID:10506216]") (documentation GO--0021541 EnglishLanguage "This term was added by GO_REF:0000021.") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032101 "regulation of response to external stimulus") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0046935 ""phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, class I, regulator activity" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0007487 "analia development") (mo-definition GO--0032075 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of nuclease activity, the hydrolysis of ester linkages within nucleic acids." [GOC:mah]") (subclass GO--0008780 GO--0008374) (subclass GO--0005024 GO--0004675) (subclass GO--0018859 GO--0016878) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0007270 "nerve-nerve synaptic transmission") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008528 "peptide receptor activity, G-protein coupled") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0052247 "positive energy taxis within other organism during symbiotic interaction") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019427 "acetyl-CoA biosynthetic process from acetate") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0010030 ""up-regulation of seed germination" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006778 "Reactome:255726") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042307 ""up regulation of protein import into nucleus" []") (mo-definition GO--0021967 ""The process by which the migration of an axon growth cone of a pyramidal cell that is part of the corticospinal tract is directed from its cell body in layer V through the cerebral cortex in response to a combination of attractive and repulsive cues." [GOC:cls, GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jic, GOC:mtg_15jun06, PMID:9878731]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045528 ""regulation of interleukin-24 anabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032873 ""downregulation of stress-activated MAPK cascade" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0042737 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0003859 ""Catalysis of the reaction: (3R)-3-hydroxybutanoyl-CoA = crotonoyl-CoA + H2O." [EC:]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0010122 "arginine catabolic process to alanine via ornithine") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "viral-cell fusion molecule activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048858 "cell projection morphogenesis") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0007531 GO--0048468) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0007347 ""modulation of preblastoderm mitotic cell cycle progression" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0000175 ""3'-5' exoribonuclease activity" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0000347 GO--0000346) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002795 "negative regulation of antimicrobial peptide secretion") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051919 "positive regulation of fibrinolysis") (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. Inhibits the growth of, or directly kills, bacterial cells, but which is only expressed in males." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-definition GO--0050180 ""Catalysis of the reaction: phloretin + H2O = phloretate + phloroglucinol." [EC:, MetaCyc:PHLORETIN-HYDROLASE-RXN]") (subclass GO--0047333 GO--0016773) (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0021579 ""myelencephalon morphogenesis" []") (subclass GO--0004680 GO--0004674) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030839 "regulation of intermediate filament polymerization") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008809 "EC:5.1.-.-") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045911 ""upregulation of DNA recombination" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009212 "pyrimidine deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process") (subclass GO--0015579 GO--0008982) (subclass GO--0043679 GO--0044463) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006956 "Reactome:221852") (mo-definition GO--0004314 ""Catalysis of the reaction: malonyl-CoA + [acyl-carrier protein] = CoA + malonyl-[acyl-carrier protein]." [EC:]") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0005515 ""death receptor interacting protein activity" []") (subclass GO--0008188 GO--0042923) (subclass GO--0015140 GO--0005310) (subclass GO--0047903 GO--0016616) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0042664 ""inhibition of endodermal cell fate specification" []") (subclass GO--0005747 GO--0044455) (subclass GO--0008090 GO--0008088) (subclass GO--0043243 GO--0043244) (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid is not synthesized by living organisms and GO does not cover non-biological processes. To update annotations, use biological_process term '2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid metabolic process ; GO:0018901'.") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002289 ""NK T-cell proliferation during immune response" []") (subclass GO--0055001 GO--0048468) (mo-definition GO--0031609 ""The subunits forming the inner ring of the core complex of a proteasome located in the cytosol of a cell; as in, but not restricted to, the eukaryotes (Eukaryota, ncbi_taxonomy_id:2759)." [GOC:mah]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031394 ""positive regulation of prostaglandin formation" []") (mo-definition GO--0018446 ""Catalysis of the reaction: pinocarveol = pinocarvone + 2 H+ + 2 e-." [UM-BBD_enzymeID:e0449]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031740 "type A cholecystokinin receptor binding") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031294 "lymphocyte costimulation") (subclass GO--0043098 GO--0043101) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002907 ""up-regulation of mature B cell apoptosis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045768 "positive regulation of anti-apoptosis") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048254 ""establishment and maintenance of snoRNA localization" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0001544 GO--0001541) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016527 "brain-specific angiogenesis inhibitor activity") (subclass GO--0019843 GO--0003723) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030893 "meiotic cohesin complex") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006864 "pyrimidine nucleotide transport") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019082 "viral protein processing") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0020036 "Maurer's cleft") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045781 ""down-regulation of cell budding" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000722 "Reactome:174438") (mo-definition GO--0021860 ""The progression of a pyramidal neuron from its initial formation to its mature state." [GOC:cls, GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jic, GOC:mtg_15jun06]") (subclass GO--0052078 GO--0052080) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0045133 "MetaCyc:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032702 "negative regulation of interleukin-19 production") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0001844 ""insertion of proteins into mitochondrial membranes during the induction of apoptosis" []") (subclass GO--0047374 GO--0019213) (subclass GO--0044000 GO--0052126) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006415 "Reactome:218548") (mo-definition GO--0018899 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving 1,2-dichloroethane, a major commodity chemical used, for example, in the manufacture of vinyl chloride." [GOC:jl]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0004872 ""peroxisome receptor" []") (mo-definition GO--0000236 ""Progression through prometaphase, the stage following prophase in mitosis (in higher eukaryotes) during which the nuclear envelope is disrupted and breaks into membrane vesicles, and the spindle microtubules enter the nuclear region. Kinetochores mature on each centromere and attach to some of the spindle microtubules. Kinetochore microtubules begin the process of aligning chromosomes in one plane halfway between the poles." [GOC:mah, ISBN:0198547684]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047805 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046176 ""aldonic acid degradation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030542 "plasmid partitioning (sensu Bacteria)") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0052324 "cell wall cellulose biosynthesic process") (subclass GO--0030339 GO--0016789) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002696 ""up-regulation of leukocyte activation" []") (subclass GO--0009972 GO--0006216) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019352 ""protoporphyrinogen IX formation from glycine" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043441 ""acetoacetic acid synthesis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030334 "regulation of cell migration") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0007116 ""regulation of budding" []") (subclass GO--0008963 GO--0016780) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050668 ""positive regulation of Hcy metabolism" []") (subclass GO--0002880 GO--0002676) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0009558 GO--0009561) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015345 "ferric enterobactin:hydrogen symporter activity") (subclass GO--0033147 GO--0033144) (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0051087 ""co-chaperonin activity" []") (subclass GO--0050509 GO--0015020) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018123 "peptidyl-cysteine ADP-ribosylation") (subclass GO--0016477 GO--0006928) (mo-definition GO--0000267 ""A generic term for parts of cells prepared by disruptive biochemical techniques." [GOC:ma]") (subclass GO--0002400 GO--0002401) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0032770 ""activation of monooxygenase activity" []") (subclass GO--0016078 GO--0006399) (mo-inSubset GO--0019518 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042432 ""indole anabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0043597 ""The Y-shaped region of a cytoplasmic replicating DNA molecule, resulting from the separation of the DNA strands and in which the synthesis of new strands takes place. Also includes associated protein complexes." [GOC:jl, GOC:mtg_sensu]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047398 "EC:") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0031175 ""neurite growth" []") (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. Catalysis of the reaction: [eIF5A-precursor]-lysine + spermidine = [eIF5A-precursor]-deoxyhypusine + propane-1,3-diamine." [EC:]") (mo-definition GO--0042376 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of phylloquinone, vitamin K1, a quinone-derived compound synthesized by green plants." [GOC:jl, http://www.dentistry.leeds.ac.uk/biochem/thcme/vitamins.html#k]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045210 ""CD95 biosynthesis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043342 "establishment and/or maintenance of neuroblast polarity (sensu Vertebrata)") (mo-definition GO--0016361 ""Combining with activin-bound type II activin receptor to initiate a change in cell activity; upon binding, acts as a downstream transducer of activin signals." [GOC:mah, PMID:8622651]") (mo-inSubset GO--0008477 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage "storage protein") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031808 "H2 histamine receptor binding") (subclass GO--0003714 GO--0003712) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045774 ""negative regulation of beta 2 integrin biosynthesis" []") (mo-alternateID GO--0030143 "GO:0005807") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015365 "dicarboxylic acid permease activity") (documentation GO--0032395 EnglishLanguage "Note that this term is intended for annotation of gene products that act as receptors for MHC class II protein complexes, not for components of the MHC class II protein complexes themselves.") (mo-definition GO--0007486 ""The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the female genitalia over time, from formation as part of the genital disc to the mature structure." [GOC:ai, GOC:sensu]") (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. The process by which the anatomical structures of the first or anterior segment of the insect thorax are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form." [GOC:jic]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031048 ""RNA-mediated transcriptional silencing" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008833 "MetaCyc:") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006414 "Reactome:238185") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043336 "site-specific telomere resolvase activity") (subclass GO--0007263 GO--0007242) (mo-definition GO--0010088 ""The formation of the principal food-conducting tissue of a vascular plant." [GOC:tb, ISBN:0471245208]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0005129 ""GM-CSF receptor ligand" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006015 ""5-phosphoribose 1-diphosphate formation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019674 ""NAD metabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0045557 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of the TRAIL (TNF-related apoptosis inducing ligand) receptor." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-definition GO--0030482 ""A long bundle of actin filaments, comprising filamentous actin and associated proteins, found in cells." [ISBN:0879693649]") (mo-definition GO--0018400 ""The posttranslational modification of peptidyl-proline to form 3-hydroxy-L-proline; catalyzed by procollagen-proline 3-dioxygenase." [RESID:AA0029]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0032844 GO--0042592) (subclass GO--0051107 GO--0051105) (mo-inSubset GO--0016160 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0050043 ""Catalysis of the reaction: (S)-lactate = (R)-lactate." [EC:, MetaCyc:LACTATE-RACEMASE-RXN]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047512 "(S,S)-butanediol dehydrogenase activity") (mo-definition GO--0045742 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of epidermal growth factor receptor signaling pathway activity." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004091 "MetaCyc:CARBOXYLESTERASE-RXN") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018114 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019669 ""glycine fermentation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048547 ""intestinal morphogenesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006785 ""heme b anabolism" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0016738 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0015419 ""Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + H2O + sulfate(out) = ADP + phosphate + sulfate(in)." [EC:]") (mo-inSubset GO--0043023 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0031776 GO--0001664) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042941 "D-alanine transport") (subclass GO--0004855 GO--0016727) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048294 ""down regulation of isotype switching to IgE isotypes" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006086 "Reactome:255528") (mo-definition GO--0008770 ""Catalysis of the reaction: [acyl-carrier protein] + H2O = 4'-phosphopantetheine + apoprotein." [EC:]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051772 ""regulation of nitric-oxide synthase (type II) biosynthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002749 ""antigen processing and presentation initiated by TLR mediated phagocytosis of antigen" []") (mo-definition GO--0031857 ""Interacting selectively with a type 1 parathyroid hormone receptor." [GOC:mah, GOC:nln]") (mo-inSubset GO--0009784 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0030584 ""Formation of a spore-bearing structure. As in, but not restricted to, the fungi (Fungi, ncbi_taxonomy_id:4751)." [GOC:mah]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006498 "N-terminal protein lipidation") (mo-broadSynonym PlasmaMembrane ""juxtamembrane" []") (subclass GO--0012508 GO--0030660) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032440 ""NADPH:2-alkenal alpha,beta-hydrogenase" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046770 ""viral budding from outer nuclear membrane during viral capsid re-envelopment" []") (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because it does not represent a molecular function and the term name appears to make no sense. To update annotations, consider molecular_function term 'enzyme binding ; GO:0019899' or its children.") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046532 ""regulation of photoreceptor differentiation (sensu Endopterygota)" []") (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete as part of a general reorganization of vesicle and vesicle coat terms; its position in the ontology suggested that a new term was required. To update annotations, consider cellular_component term 'Golgi to ER transport vesicle ; GO:0030142' or its children.") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016774 "phosphotransferase activity, carboxyl group as acceptor") (mo-inSubset GO--0008717 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002645 ""up-regulation of tolerance induction" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045680 ""down regulation of R8 differentiation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015778 "hexuronide transport") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004360 "MetaCyc:L-GLN-FRUCT-6-P-AMINOTRANS-RXN") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006805 "Reactome:219821") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050427 "Reactome:267710") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0021683 GO--0021696) (subclass GO--0002657 GO--0002655) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0016990 "MetaCyc:ARGININE-DEIMINASE-RXN") (subclass GO--0016882 GO--0016879) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045154 ""cytochrome a" []") (subclass GO--0005483 GO--0005478) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005381 "iron ion transporter activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009771 "primary charge separation in photosystem II") (subclass GO--0050189 GO--0016791) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043318 ""negative regulation of cytotoxic T-lymphocyte granule exocytosis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030183 ""B lymphocyte differentiation" []") (mo-definition GO--0051147 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of muscle cell differentiation." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0032997 GO--0043234) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051518 ""upregulation of bipolar cell growth" []") (subclass GO--0016099 GO--0016098) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019879 ""peptidyl-thyronine anabolism from peptidyl-tyrosine" []") (documentation GO--0002385 EnglishLanguage "This term was added by GO_REF:0000022.") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045667 "regulation of osteoblast differentiation") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0055020 ""positive regulation of heart muscle fiber development" []") (subclass GO--0018912 GO--0043449) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0005793 ""pre-Golgi intermediate compartment" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0014051 ""GABA secretion" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0031067 ""inhibition of histone deacetylation at centromere" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0044434 "chloroplast part") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000910 "Reactome:286599") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0007305 "vitelline membrane formation (sensu Insecta)") (mo-definition GO--0045699 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of synergid cell differentiation." [GOC:go_curators]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0000388 GO--0000393) (subclass GO--0015483 GO--0005324) (mo-definition GO--0001633 ""A G-protein coupled receptor that is structurally/functionally related to the secretin receptor." [IUPHAR:2.2]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050713 ""downregulation of interleukin-1 beta secretion" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008520 "TC:2.A.40.6.1") (mo-definition GO--0008794 ""Catalysis of the reaction: arsenate + reduced glutaredoxin = arsenite + oxidized glutaredoxin. Glutaredoxin functions as the electron donor for arsenate reduction. The electron flow therefore is ( NADPH -> glutathione reductase (EC: -> ) glutathione -> glutaredoxin -> arsenate reductase, i.e. glutathione is reduced by glutathione reductase and glutaredoxin is reduced by glutathione." [EC:, GOC:kd, PMID:10593884]") (subclass GO--0048534 GO--0048513) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0001949 ""sebocytes differentiation" [GOC:mgi_curators]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0033067 ""macrolide metabolism" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0016824 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0010220 ""upregulation of vernalization response" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0016152 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0019853 GO--0019852) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045301 "tRNA-(2-methylthio-N-6-(cis-hydroxy)isopentenyl adenosine)-hydroxylase activity") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0051600 ""relocation of endocytosis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0052344 "positive regulation by symbiont of host phytoalexin production") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0035167 ""lymph gland haemopoiesis (sensu Arthropoda)" []") (subclass GO--0042352 GO--0046368) (subclass GO--0050325 GO--0016646) (mo-definition GO--0006800 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving dioxygen (O2), or any of the reactive oxygen species, e.g. superoxide anions (O2-), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and hydroxyl radicals (-OH)." [GOC:jl, PMID:12115731]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006297 "Reactome:268374") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006768 ""vitamin H metabolic process" []") (documentation GO--0030791 EnglishLanguage "Note that the enzyme arsenite methyltransferase also has methylarsonite methyltransferase activity (GO:0030792).") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045590 ""down-regulation of regulatory T cell differentiation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046867 "carotenoid transport") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046192 ""anaerobic phenol synthesis" []") (subclass GO--0002826 GO--0002825) (mo-definition GO--0051747 ""Catalysis of the reaction: methyl-dCpdG DNA + H2O = dCpdG DNA + methanol. This reaction is the hydrolytic removal of the methyl group on the 5 position of cytosine in DNA." [PMID:10050851]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0031061 ""inhibition of histone methylation" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000075 "Reactome:255806") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018362 "peroxidase-heme linkage via dihydroxyheme-L-aspartyl ester-L-glutamyl ester") (mo-definition GO--0000419 ""RNA polymerase IVb is a multisubunit RNA polymerase complex found in the nucleus of plants and involved in accumulation of siRNAs and in DNA methylation-dependent silencing of endogenous repeated sequences. Two large subunits comprise the most conserved portion including the catalytic site and share similarity with other eukaryotic and bacterial multisubunit RNA polymerases. The second largest subunit is also found in RNA polymerase IVa, while the largest subunit is found only in the IVa complex and contains an extended C-terminal domain (CTD) that includes multiple repeats of a 16 amino-acid consensu thes sequence as well as other sequences. The remainder of the complex is composed of smaller subunits." [GOC:krc, GOC:mtg_sensu, PMID:16140984]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031394 ""upregulation of prostaglandin biosynthetic process" []") (subclass GO--0002517 GO--0002507) (subclass GO--0015392 GO--0015209) (mo-alternateID "GO:0003758") (subclass GO--0005947 GO--0045240) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047210 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019753 ""one-carbon compound formation" []") (subclass GO--0002427 GO--0002385) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030653 "beta-lactam antibiotic metabolic process") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008886 "glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NADP+) activity") (subclass GO--0043414 GO--0032259) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046741 "spread of virus within host, tissue to tissue") (subclass GO--0006557 GO--0006743) (subclass GO--0051883 GO--0051818) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042148 "strand invasion") (subclass GO--0018298 GO--0043687) (subclass GO--0032122 GO--0006996) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0044427 "chromosomal part") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0016210 ""6'-deoxychalcone synthase" []") (subclass GO--0046274 GO--0009808) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042936 "dipeptide transporter activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004835 "tubulin-tyrosine ligase activity") (mo-definition GO--0021778 ""The process whereby a cell becomes capable of differentiating autonomously into an oligodendrocyte in an environment that is neutral with respect to the developmental pathway. Upon specification, the cell fate can be reversed." [GOC:cls, GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jic, GOC:mtg_15jun06]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050742 "protein-FMN linkage via S-(4a-FMN)-L-cysteine") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0045069 GO--0019079) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018787 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048133 ""male germ-line stem cell renewal" []") (mo-definition GO--0016100 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of monoterpenoid compounds, terpenoids having a C10 skeleton." [CHEBI:25409]") (documentation GO--0004362 EnglishLanguage "Note that this function was formerly EC:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051183 "vitamin transporter activity") (subclass GO--0002660 GO--0002658) (subclass GO--0018521 GO--0016628) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043490 ""malate aspartate shuttle" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051539 ""tetrairon tetrasulfide cluster binding" []") (mo-definition GO--0018254 ""The posttranslational adenylylation of peptidyl-tyrosine to form peptidyl-O4'-(phospho-5'-adenosine)-L-tyrosine." [RESID:AA0203]") (subclass GO--0007293 GO--0048646) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002665 "negative regulation of T cell tolerance induction") (subclass GO--0031359 GO--0044434) (mo-definition GO--0032124 ""A process that is carried out at the cellular level which results in the formation, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of the macronucleus." [PMID:10503190]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0016336 GO--0016335) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0048743 ""activation of skeletal muscle fiber development" []") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0032216 ""GPI-inositol acyltransferase" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005705 "polytene chromosome interband") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006801 ""superoxide free radical metabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0016121 ""carotene degradation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031486 "myosin XVI complex") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0005687 GO--0005684) (mo-inSubset GO--0004855 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0019390 GO--0019389) (subclass GO--0002394 GO--0002387) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009102 ""biotin synthesis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "modulation by organism of symbiont B-cell mediated immune response") (subclass GO--0035162 GO--0048568) (subclass GO--0005637 GO--0044453) (mo-definition GO--0008553 ""Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + H2O + H+(in) = ADP + phosphate + H+(out); by a phosphorylative mechanism." [EC:]") (subclass GO--0031136 GO--0046999) (subclass GO--0032463 GO--0032460) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006029 ""proteoglycan metabolism" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0005515 goslim_yeast) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050509 "N-acetylglucosaminyl-proteoglycan 4-beta-glucuronosyltransferase activity") (mo-inSubset GO--0015294 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047032 "EC:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031579 "lipid raft organization and biogenesis") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006831 "low-affinity zinc ion transport") (subclass GO--0002280 GO--0002275) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046181 ""ketogluconate degradation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006182 ""cGMP formation" []") (mo-definition GO--0030182 ""The process whereby a relatively unspecialized cell acquires specialized features of a neuron." [GOC:mah]") (mo-definition GO--0009645 ""A change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a low light intensity stimulus." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0032911 ""inhibition of transforming growth factor-beta1 production" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030883 "endogenous lipid antigen binding") (subclass GO--0021983 GO--0048732) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031737 ""fractalkine receptor binding" []") (mo-definition GO--0005780 ""Loosely bound to the intraperoxisomal surface of the peroxisomal membrane, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region." [GOC:mah]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004071 "EC:") (mo-definition GO--0015710 ""The directed movement of tellurite into, out of, within or between cells." [GOC:krc]") (subclass GO--0018166 GO--0018410) (termFormat EnglishLanguage "low affinity metal ion uptake transporter activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009330 "DNA topoisomerase complex (ATP-hydrolyzing)") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045874 ""up regulation of sevenless signaling pathway" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043415 ""up regulation of skeletal muscle regeneration" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004452 "EC:") (subclass GO--0015249 GO--0015268) (mo-definition GO--0018240 ""The posttranslational glycosylation of protein via the sulfur atom of peptidyl-cysteine, forming S-glycosyl-L-cysteine." [RESID:AA0152]") (mo-inSubset GO--0052038 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018456 "MetaCyc:ARYL-ALCOHOL-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0010108 ""glutamine sensing" []") (subclass GO--0047649 GO--0016301) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018364 "peptidyl-glutamine methylation") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048471 "perinuclear region of cytoplasm") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045913 "positive regulation of carbohydrate metabolic process") (mo-definition GO--0003796 ""Catalysis of the hydrolysis of the 1,4-beta-linkages between N-acetyl-D-glucosamine and N-acetylmuramic acid in peptidoglycan heteropolymers of the prokaryotes cell walls and between N-acetyl-D-glucosamine residues in chitodextrins." [EC:]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019885 "antigen processing and presentation of endogenous peptide antigen via MHC class I") (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + H2O + polar amino acid(out) = ADP + phosphate + polar amino acid(in)." [EC:, TC:3.A.1.3.4]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019365 ""pyridine nucleotide cycling" []") (subclass GO--0019851 GO--0004045) (subclass GO--0006606 GO--0051170) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0000270 ""murein metabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0016139 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of glycosides, compounds in which a glycosyl group is substituted into a hydroxyl, thiol or selenol group in another compound." [GOC:go_curators]") (subclass GO--0045608 GO--0045632) (mo-definition GO--0051029 ""The directed movement of rRNA, ribosomal ribonucleic acid, into, out of, within or between cells." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0051611 GO--0051580) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0051437 "Reactome:238210") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047688 "MetaCyc:ASPARTATE-4-DECARBOXYLASE-RXN") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051536 ""iron sulphur cluster binding" []") (subclass GO--0046526 GO--0016616) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0015563 ""monocarboxylate (lactate, pyruvate, mevalonate) uptake/efflux porter activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018980 ""2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid metabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015196 "L-tryptophan transporter activity") (mo-definition GO--0031597 ""A proteasome found in the cytosol of a cell; as in, but not restricted to, the eukaryotes (Eukaryota, ncbi_taxonomy_id:2759)." [GOC:mah]") (mo-definition GO--0046596 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the introduction of virus particles into the cell." [GOC:ai]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046673 ""down-regulation of retinal cell programmed cell death (sensu Endopterygota)" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0003806 "Reactome:11532") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0031259 GO--0001931) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018390 ""peptidyl-L-glutamic acid 5-methyl ester synthesis from peptidyl-glutamic acid or peptidyl-glutamine" []") (subclass GO--0004987 GO--0004985) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045796 ""down regulation of cholesterol absorption" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0002047 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008514 "organic anion transporter activity") (mo-inSubset GO--0019681 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008750 "MetaCyc:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018665 ""4-hydroxyphenyl-acetate 1-hydroxylase activity" []") (subclass GO--0048860 GO--0051301) (mo-inSubset GO--0009230 gosubset_prok) (mo-inSubset GO--0016702 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0004731 ""Catalysis of the reaction: purine nucleoside + phosphate = purine + alpha-D-ribose 1-phosphate." [EC:]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043508 ""negative regulation of JUN kinase activity" []") (mo-definition GO--0031491 ""Interacting selectively with a nucleosome, a complex comprised of DNA wound around a multisubunit core and associated proteins, which forms the primary packing unit of DNA into higher order structures." [GOC:mah]") (subclass GO--0016531 GO--0005375) (mo-definition GO--0047080 ""Catalysis of the reaction: O2 + 2-oxoglutarate + deoxyuridine = CO2 + succinate + uridine." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because it is not clear that this process occurs. To update annotations, consider biological_process term 'amino acid metabolic process ; GO:0006520' or its children.") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006006 "Reactome:249822") (mo-inSubset GO--0048610 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006254 ""CTP catabolism" []") (subclass GO--0007390 GO--0009653) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004468 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045939 ""down-regulation of steroid metabolic process" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0004648 ""phosphoserine aminotransferase activity" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0051914 ""activation of synaptic plasticity by chemical substance" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046004 "positive regulation of progression through syncytial blastoderm mitotic cell cycle") (subclass GO--0045368 GO--0042108) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030503 "regulation of cell redox homeostasis") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050705 "regulation of interleukin-1 alpha secretion") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019464 "MetaCyc:GLYCLEAV-PWY") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0000186 ""activation of MAP/ERK kinase kinase" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0016279 "EC:2.1.1.-") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018464 "UM-BBD_enzymeID:e0181") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019288 ""isopentenyl diphosphate anabolism, mevalonate-independent pathway" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043686 "co-translational protein modification") (subclass GO--0030701 GO--0016763) (mo-inSubset GO--0016417 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002522 ""immune cell trafficking during immune response" []") (mo-definition GO--0051194 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the chemical reactions and pathways involving a cofactor." [GOC:ai]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009832 ""cell wall synthesis (sensu Magnoliophyta)" []") (subclass GO--0019278 GO--0046348) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042412 ""taurine formation" []") (documentation GO--0001830 EnglishLanguage "See also the Anatomical Dictionary for Mouse Development ontology terms 'TS4, trophectoderm ; EMAP:19'.") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004040 "EC:") (mo-definition GO--0002918 ""Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate, or extent of peripheral B cell anergy." [GOC:add]") (subclass GO--0018592 GO--0004497) (mo-definition GO--0042023 ""Regulated re-replication of DNA within a single cell cycle, resulting in an increased cell ploidy. For example, occurs in the synthesis of Drosophila salivary gland cell polytene chromosomes." [GOC:jl]") (subclass GO--0019289 GO--0046494) (mo-definition GO--0022006 ""The formation of the narrow stripe of cells that lies between the prospective dorsal and ventral thalami. This boundary contains signals that pattern the prethalamic and thalamic territories of the future mid-diencephalon." [GOC:cls, GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jic, GOC:mtg_15jun06, PMID:11425897, PMID:16452095]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0003992 ""N2-acetylornithine 5-aminotransferase activity" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0052036 "negative regulation by symbiont of host inflammatory response") (subclass GO--0045593 GO--0045596) (documentation GO--0060064 EnglishLanguage "Occurs in reptiles, birds and mammals.") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0051600 GO--0051601) (subclass GO--0018186 GO--0017004) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018102 "RESID:AA0215") (mo-alternateID GO--0047555 "GO:0004116") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0051333 GO--0051321) (subclass GO--0040023 GO--0051649) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002357 "defense response to tumor cell") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051220 ""retention of protein in cytoplasm" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051158 ""L-arabitol degradation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0004958 ""PGF(2-alpha) receptor activity" []") (subclass GO--0017054 GO--0017053) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048146 "positive regulation of fibroblast proliferation") (subclass GO--0019371 GO--0019369) (documentation GO--0030896 EnglishLanguage "Note that the following subunit names have been used: human RAD9/RAD1/HUS1; S. pombe Rad9/Rad1/Hus1; S. cerevisiae Ddc1p/Rad17p/Mec3p.") (subclass GO--0016812 GO--0016810) (subclass GO--0009228 GO--0006772) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018703 "2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetate dehalogenase activity") (subclass GO--0009390 GO--0005941) (subclass GO--0007176 GO--0009966) (subclass GO--0003852 GO--0046912) (mo-inSubset GO--0015343 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0001798 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of type IIa hypersensitivity, a type of inflammatory response." [GOC:add, ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology"]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005587 "collagen type IV") (mo-definition GO--0047417 ""Catalysis of the reaction: H2O + N-carbamoyl-D-amino acid = CO2 + NH3 + D-amino acid." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009868 ""jasmonic acid and ethene-dependent systemic resistance, jasmonic acid mediated signaling pathway" []") (subclass GO--0060086 GO--0007623) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050165 "MetaCyc:PANTETHEINE-KINASE-RXN") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051766 "inositol trisphosphate kinase activity") (subclass GO--0030238 GO--0007530) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050627 "mycothione reductase activity") (subclass GO--0051348 GO--0043086) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002603 ""upregulation of antigen processing and presentation of polysaccharide antigen via MHC class II" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045367 ""negative regulation of IL-13 biosynthesis" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0042179 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0050977 GO--0050958) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031337 ""upregulation of sulfur amino acid metabolic process" []") (subclass GO--0051602 GO--0009628) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045542 ""positive regulation of cholesterol synthesis" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0043317 GO--0043316) (mo-inSubset GO--0015405 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0019727 GO--0004495) (subclass GO--0016600 GO--0044459) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018649 "EC:1.14.13.-") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0045941 "Reactome:265363") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047948 "EC:") (subclass GO--0018281 GO--0018209) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002512 ""central T-cell tolerance induction" []") (mo-definition GO--0046287 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving isoflavonoids, a group of water-soluble phenolic derivatives, isomeric with flavonoids, containing a flavan skeleton. They are differentiated from flavonoids by the point of attachment of the aromatic ring moiety." [GOC:ai, http://cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk/]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030579 ""ubiquitin-dependent SMAD protein breakdown" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046833 "positive regulation of RNA export from nucleus") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042724 ""thiamine and derivative biosynthesis" []") (subclass GO--0000323 GO--0005773) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0003847 ""2-acetyl-1-alkylglycerophosphocholine esterase activity" []") (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because it represents a multifunctional gene product. To update annotations, consider molecular_function terms 'L-arginine transporter activity ; GO:0015181' or its children, 'L-histidine transporter activity ; GO:0005290' or its children, 'L-lysine transporter activity ; GO:0015189' or its children, 'L-ornithine transporter activity ; GO:0000064' or its children, and 'polar-amino acid-transporting ATPase activity ; GO:0015426' or its children.") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0003840 "gamma-glutamyltransferase activity") (subclass GO--0050090 GO--0016616) (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0016046 ""perception of fungus" []") (subclass GO--0017097 GO--0008170) (mo-definition GO--0047454 ""Catalysis of the reaction: phaseollidin hydrate = H2O + phaseollidin." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046605 "regulation of centrosome cycle") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009534 "chloroplast thylakoid") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050096 "MetaCyc:METHYLASPARTATE-AMMONIA-LYASE-RXN") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008091 "spectrin") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047390 "glycerophosphocholine cholinephosphodiesterase activity") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050093 "MetaCyc:METHANOL-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0005753 ""hydrogen-translocating F-type ATPase complex (sensu Eukaryota)" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045799 ""activation of chromatin assembly or disassembly" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051645 ""Golgi apparatus localization" []") (mo-definition GO--0021755 ""The process whereby neuroblasts acquire specialized structural and/or functional features that characterize the mature eurydendroid cell. Differentiation includes the processes involved in commitment of a neuroblast to a eurydendroid cell fate. A eurydendroid cell is an efferent neuron found in the cerebellar cortex of teleosts." [GOC:cls, GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jic, GOC:mtg_15jun06, PMID:15892096]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018669 ""3-hydroxybenzoate 6-hydroxylase activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050710 ""down regulation of cytokine secretion" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0010235 "guard mother cell cytokinesis") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030652 ""peptide antibiotic breakdown" []") (subclass GO--0052139 GO--0052123) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046380 ""N-acetylneuraminate anabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0016630 ""Catalysis of the reaction: chlorophyllide A + NADP+ = protochlorophyllide + NADPH + H+." [EC:]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018042 "C-terminal peptidyl-histidine amidation") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009166 ""nucleotide degradation" []") (subclass GO--0043690 GO--0043689) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002644 "negative regulation of tolerance induction") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019859 ""thymine metabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046726 ""upregulation of viral protein levels in host cell" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0022605 "oogenesis stage") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004458 "EC:") (mo-definition GO--0050387 ""Catalysis of the reaction: urethane + H2O = ethanol + CO2 + NH3." [EC:, MetaCyc:URETHANASE-RXN]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0003878 ""ATP-citrate (pro-S)-lyase activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006106 ""fumarate metabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015224 "biopterin transporter activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030404 "collagenase 3 activity") (mo-inSubset GO--0019242 gosubset_prok) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0005839 ""20S core complex" []") (subclass GO--0005090 GO--0005085) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019676 ""glutamate metabolism via glutamine and ammonia" []") (mo-definition GO--0042684 ""The process by which a cell becomes committed to becoming a cardioblast." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0005132 ""interferon-alpha/beta receptor ligand" []") (subclass GO--0005313 GO--0015179) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0014068 ""activation of phosphoinositide 3-kinase cascade" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052166 ""upregulation by symbiont of host innate immunity" []") (subclass GO--0046864 GO--0006810) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006220 "pyrimidine nucleotide metabolic process") (subclass GO--0047460 GO--0016848) (subclass GO--0019642 GO--0006096) (mo-definition GO--0004228 ""Catalysis of the cleavage of gelatin type I and collagen types IV, V, VII, X. Cleaves the collagen-like sequence Pro-Gln-Gly-Ile-Ala-Gly-Gln at the Gly-Ile bond." [EC:]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0014063 ""downregulation of serotonin secretion" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002622 ""regulation of B-lymphocyte antigen processing and presentation" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008876 "EC:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0007272 "ensheathment of neurons") (subclass GO--0019445 GO--0006572) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009154 ""purine ribonucleotide degradation" []") (mo-definition GO--0019503 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of stachydrine, N-methylproline methylbetaine, the betaine derivative of L-proline." [GOC:ai]") (mo-definition GO--0002844 ""Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate, or extent of tolerance induction to tumor cell." [GOC:add]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016640 "oxidoreductase activity, acting on the CH-NH2 group of donors, cytochrome as acceptor") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030802 ""regulation of cyclic nucleotide formation" []") (subclass GO--0009289 GO--0043232) (subclass GO--0047793 GO--0016872) (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because 'sensitivity/resistance' implies a phenotype rather than a biological process. To update annotations, use biological_process term 'response to tellurium ion ; GO:0046690'.") (subclass GO--0051548 GO--0030336) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042226 ""interleukin-6 synthesis" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0048562 GO--0048568) (mo-definition GO--0018124 ""The cross-linking of the epsilon-amino group of a peptidyl-lysine with peptidyl-topaquinone, a modified tyrosine residue." [RESID:AA0233]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050427 "Reactome:213560") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051437 ""up regulation of ubiquitin ligase activity during mitotic cell cycle" []") (mo-definition GO--0046094 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving deoxyinosine, hypoxanthine deoxyriboside." [GOC:go_curators]") (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because 'susceptibility/resistance' implies a phenotype rather than a biological process. To update annotations, use biological_process term 'response to toxin ; GO:0009636'.") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018710 "UM-BBD_enzymeID:e0386") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019047 "provirus integration") (mo-definition GO--0021868 ""The unequal mitotic division of a forebrain radial glial cell that gives rise to a radial glial cell and a ventricular zone cell." [GOC:cls, GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jic, GOC:mtg_15jun06, PMID:16226447]") (mo-inSubset GO--0000273 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0018320 ""The transient methylation of peptidyl-cysteine to form S-methyl-L-cysteine." [RESID:AA0234]") (mo-definition GO--0009999 ""Any process that restricts, stops or prevents a cell from specifying into an auditory hair cell." [GOC:go_curators]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019851 "D-tyrosyl-tRNA hydrolase activity") (subclass GO--0045875 GO--0007063) (mo-definition GO--0001300 ""The process associated with progression of the cell from its inception to the end of its lifespan that occur when the cell is in a non-dividing, or quiescent, state." [GOC:jh, PMID:12044934]") (subclass GO--0006486 GO--0043413) (subclass GO--0031886 GO--0031883) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0042787 "Reactome:221185") (subclass GO--0047525 GO--0016628) (subclass GO--0002852 GO--0001914) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032807 "DNA ligase IV complex") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008770 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051538 ""3 iron, 4 sulphur cluster binding" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008632 "apoptotic program") (mo-definition GO--0046254 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of toluene, a volatile monoaromatic hydrocarbon found in crude petroleum and petroleum products, in the absence of oxygen." [GOC:ai]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047600 "EC:") (subclass GO--0006703 GO--0006694) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0030991 GO--0030990) (termFormat EnglishLanguage "oxidoreductase activity, acting on the CH-CH group of donors, other acceptors") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0030437 ""nuclear translocation of MAPK during sporulation (sensu Saccharomyces)" []") (mo-definition GO--0052132 ""The directed movement of a motile cell or organism towards a higher concentration of environmental oxygen on or near its host organism. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction." [GOC:mtg_pamgo_17jul06]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018480 "5-carboxymethyl-2-hydroxymuconic-semialdehyde dehydrogenase activity") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004198 "EC:") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047518 "EC:") (subclass GO--0009384 GO--0019200) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0051443 ""activation of ubiquitin ligase activity" []") (subclass GO--0031521 CellPart) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018884 "carbazole metabolic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0010144 ""pyridoxal phosphate formation from pyridoxamine" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045080 ""stimulation of chemokine biosynthetic process" []") (subclass GO--0052483 GO--0052373) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0045007 "Reactome:230368") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008387 "steroid 7-alpha-hydroxylase activity") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0030307 GO--0045793) (mo-definition GO--0042495 ""The series of events in which a triacylated bacterial lipoprotein stimulus is received by a cell and converted into a molecular signal. Triacylated bacterial lipoproteins are triacylated lipoproteins characterized by the presence of conserved sequence motifs called pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs)." [GOC:jl, PMID:12077222]") (subclass GO--0044002 GO--0051816) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046640 ""regulation of alpha-beta T lymphocyte proliferation" []") (subclass GO--0010007 GO--0044434) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019962 "interferon-alpha/beta binding") (mo-definition GO--0006295 ""The endonucleolytic cleavage of the damaged strand of DNA 3' to the site of damage. The incision occurs at the junction of single-stranded DNA and double-stranded DNA that is formed when the DNA duplex is unwound. The incision precedes the incision formed 5' to the site of damage." [GOC:elh, PMID:10197977]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047315 "MetaCyc:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006574 ""valine degradation" []") (mo-definition GO--0002286 ""The change in morphology and behavior of a mature or immature T cell resulting from exposure to a mitogen, cytokine, chemokine, cellular ligand, or an antigen for which it is specific, leading to the initiation or perpetuation of an immune response." [GOC:add, ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology"]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032447 "protein urmylation") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031325 ""upregulation of cellular metabolic process" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051773 ""positive regulation of nitric-oxide synthase (type II) biosynthetic process" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031453 "negative regulation of striated mixed muscle contraction") (subclass GO--0016528 Cytoplasm) (subclass GO--0042479 GO--0042478) (subclass GO--0060076 GO--0045202) (subclass GO--0030031 GO--0030030) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046507 ""UDPsulphoquinovose synthase activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051488 ""APC activation" []") (mo-definition GO--0051839 ""Any process by which an organism modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the cytolysis by that organism of cells in its symbiont organism. The symbiont is defined as the smaller of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction." [GOC:add]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051864 ""histone-lysine demethylase activity (H3-K36 specific)" []") (subclass GO--0030433 GO--0006515) (mo-inSubset GO--0050256 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045078 ""up-regulation of interferon-gamma biosynthetic process" []") (subclass GO--0040009 GO--0040008) (mo-inSubset GO--0006733 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0046711 GO--0046710) (mo-definition GO--0051444 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of ubiquitin ligase activity, the catalysis of the reaction: ATP + ubiquitin + protein lysine = AMP + diphosphate + protein N-ubiquityllysine." [EC:, GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0032701 GO--0032661) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032612 ""IL-1 production" []") (mo-definition GO--0031349 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of a defense response." [GOC:mah]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019495 ""proline catabolism to alpha-ketoglutarate" []") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0030674 ""protein-protein adaptor" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019613 "MetaCyc:7ALPHADEHYDROX-PWY") (subclass GO--0042185 GO--0018949) (subclass GO--0021901 GO--0021898) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051628 "positive regulation of epinephrine uptake") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031858 "pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide receptor binding") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0021712 "candelabrum cell differentiation") (mo-definition GO--0045512 ""Interacting selectively with interleukin-26." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-inSubset GO--0042451 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004149 "Reactome:8404") (mo-inSubset GO--0051266 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0009176 GO--0009219) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047501 "EC:") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006068 "Reactome:292422") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045470 "R8-mediated photoreceptor organization") (subclass GO--0021651 GO--0021593) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030233 "deoxynucleotide transporter activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0035228 ""down-regulation of glutamate-cysteine ligase activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048152 ""S100 beta biosynthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0005987 ""sucrose catabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043377 ""negative regulation of CD8-positive T-cell differentiation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045019 ""negative regulation of nitric oxide formation" []") (subclass GO--0019797 GO--0019798) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052074 ""up regulation by symbiont of host salicylic acid-mediated defense response" []") (subclass GO--0009253 GO--0000270) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0044430 ""cytoskeleton component" []") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0007535 ""donor preference" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047074 "EC:1.13.11.-") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050528 "EC:") (mo-definition GO--0046361 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving 2-oxobutyrate, the anion of the organic acid 2-oxobutyric acid, which contains a ketone group on carbon 2." [http://chemfinder.cambridgesoft.com/, ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (subclass GO--0051984 GO--0051983) (subclass GO--0030526 GO--0044459) (subclass GO--0008305 GO--0044459) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043382 ""positive regulation of memory T lymphocyte differentiation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031688 "A2B adenosine receptor binding") (mo-inSubset GO--0003908 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0045949 GO--0006795) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008633 "Reactome:221735") (subclass GO--0019491 GO--0019438) (mo-inSubset GO--0016727 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0046463 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of acylglycerol, any mono-, di- or triester of glycerol with (one or more) fatty acids." [GOC:ai]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045606 ""up-regulation of epidermal cell differentiation" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0050824 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005229 "intracellular calcium activated chloride channel activity") (mo-definition GO--0048786 ""A specialized presynaptic plasma membrane region where synaptic vesicles dock and fuse." [GOC:dh, GOC:dl, GOC:ef, GOC:jic, PMID:3152289]") (mo-definition GO--0045957 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of complement activation by the alternative pathway." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045612 ""up-regulation of hemocyte differentiation" []") (subclass GO--0016285 GO--0016284) (mo-inSubset GO--0046503 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0035066 ""up regulation of histone acetylation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032068 ""Type IV restriction enzyme complex" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002617 ""downregulation of macrophage antigen processing and presentation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046141 ""corrin degradation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0001575 ""globoside metabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051804 ""up-regulation of cytolysis of cells in other organism during symbiotic interaction" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019492 "proline salvage") (mo-inSubset GO--0006281 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019327 "MetaCyc:P301-PWY") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0007302 GO--0007300) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0052330 "positive regulation by organism of programmed cell death in other organism during symbiotic interaction") (subclass GO--0031972 GO--0044434) (documentation GO--0022033 EnglishLanguage "This term was added by GO_REF:0000021.") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048188 "COMPASS complex") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018662 ""phenol hydroxylase" []") (mo-definition GO--0045588 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of gamma-delta T cell differentiation." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-inSubset GO--0035308 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0045718 GO--0051093) (mo-inSubset GO--0009004 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0005769 ""Small irregularly shaped intracellular vesicles to which endocytosed molecules are initially delivered." [GOC:rb]") (subclass GO--0000335 GO--0000337) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002091 ""downregulation of receptor internalization" []") (subclass GO--0051127 GO--0051125) (mo-definition GO--0050080 ""Catalysis of the reaction: malonyl-CoA = acetyl-CoA + CO2." [EC:, MetaCyc:MALONYL-COA-DECARBOXYLASE-RXN]") (subclass GO--0005385 GO--0046915) (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because it represents a molecular function rather than a biological process. To update annotations, consider biological_process term 'electron transport ; GO:0006118' or its children and molecular_function term 'protein-disulfide reductase (glutathione) activity ; GO:0019153'.") (subclass GO--0042404 GO--0042402) (mo-inSubset GO--0050105 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0021729 ""The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the superior reticular formation over time, from its formation to the mature structure." [GOC:cls, GOC:curators, GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jic, GOC:mtg_15jun06]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006591 "Reactome:289792") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050751 ""fractalkine synthesis" []") (mo-definition GO--0010228 ""The process involved in transforming a meristem that produces vegetative structures, such as leaves, into a meristem that produces reproductive structures, such as a flower or an inflorescence." [GOC:tb]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004402 "EC:") (mo-definition GO--0018026 ""The methylation of peptidyl-lysine to form peptidyl-N6-methyl-L-lysine." [RESID:AA0076]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009891 ""positive regulation of anabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0009042 ""Catalysis of the reaction: L-valine + pyruvate = 3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate + L-alanine." [EC:]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019458 ""methionine degradation via 2-oxobutanoate" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045403 ""negative regulation of interleukin-4 anabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0008583 ""The process by which an undifferentiated cell acquires the features of a mystery cell. The mystery cells are a precluster of cells that emerge from the compound eye morphogenetic furrow, normally positioned between R3 and R4. They then disappear into the surrounding pool of undifferentiated cells and have no known fate in the mature ommatidium." [ISBN:0632030488, PMID:1295747]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0016671 "EC:1.8.4") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004459 "MetaCyc:L-LACTATE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN") (subclass GO--0050701 GO--0050663) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031462 "Cul2-RING ubiquitin ligase complex") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030546 "receptor activator activity") (subclass GO--0047024 GO--0016229) (mo-definition GO--0048633 ""Any process that activates, maintains or increases the rate of skeletal muscle growth." [GOC:lm, PMID:15726494, PMID:15907921]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019548 ""arginine breakdown to spermine" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052028 ""up regulation by symbiont of host signal transduction pathway" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0032806 ""CTDK-1" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0021715 GO--0021714) (mo-inSubset GO--0009431 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006701 ""progesterone synthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046597 ""downregulation of virion penetration into host" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0008811 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050427 "Reactome:216730") (subclass GO--0032749 GO--0032669) (subclass GO--0048096 GO--0006338) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047042 "MetaCyc:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000080 "G1 phase of mitotic cell cycle") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0032042 GO--0000002) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0021605 GO--0021545) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0000097 ""sulphur amino acid biosynthetic process" []") (subclass GO--0047365 GO--0008146) (subclass GO--0048542 GO--0048534) (mo-inSubset GO--0015553 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006086 "Reactome:238011") (mo-definition GO--0015912 ""The directed movement of short-chain fatty acids into, out of, within or between cells. Short-chain fatty acids are fatty acids with a chain length of less than 8 carbons." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0045962 GO--0040034) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0015306 "TC:2.A.1.14.10") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048837 "sorus development") (mo-definition GO--0016707 ""Catalysis of the reaction: gibberellin 20 + 2-oxoglutarate + O2 = gibberellin 1 + succinate + CO2." [EC:]") (subclass GO--0031792 GO--0031789) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0060061 "Spemann organizer formation") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045748 ""up regulation of R8 spacing" []") (subclass GO--0016031 GO--0051031) (mo-definition GO--0030582 ""Formation of a multicellular structure that contains spores." [GOC:mah]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "electron carrier, chlorophyll electron transport system") (mo-alternateID GO--0004671 "GO:0018225") (mo-definition GO--0021546 ""The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the rhombomere over time, from its formation to the mature structure. Rhombomeres are transverse segments of the developing rhombencephalon. Rhombomeres are lineage restricted, express different genes from one another, and adopt different developmental fates." [GOC:cls, GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jic, GOC:mtg_15jun06, ISBN:0838580343]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0048202 GO--0048203) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0030077 GO--0042716) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018561 "UM-BBD_enzymeID:e0324") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0003715 "transcription termination factor activity") (mo-definition GO--0047488 ""Catalysis of the eliminative cleavage of polysaccharides containing 1,4-linked D-glucuronate or L-iduronate residues and 1,4-alpha-linked 2-sulfoamino-2-deoxy-6-sulfo-D-glucose residues to give oligosaccharides with terminal 4-deoxy-alpha-D-gluc-4-enuronosyl groups at their nonreducing ends." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0002295 ""Thp lineage commitment" [ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology"]") (mo-inSubset GO--0009433 gosubset_prok) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0018456 ""benzyl alcohol dehydrogenase activity" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050320 "EC:") (subclass GO--0006532 GO--0009067) (mo-inSubset GO--0019309 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0048685 GO--0048683) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006657 "CDP-choline pathway") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006727 ""ommochrome formation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008984 "protein-glutamate methylesterase activity") (mo-definition GO--0003935 ""Catalysis of the reaction: GTP + 3 H2O = formate + 2,5-diamino-6-hydroxy-4-(5-phosphoribosylamino)pyrimidine + diphosphate." [EC:]") (subclass GO--0032484 GO--0007265) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042322 ""down-regulation of circadian sleep/wake cycle, REM sleep" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0008982 ""PTS transporter" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005168 "neurotrophin TRKA receptor binding") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0032890 GO--0015849) (subclass GO--0035072 GO--0035078) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0044241 "Reactome:244763") (mo-definition GO--0019382 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of carbon tetrachloride, a toxic, carcinogenic compound which is used as a general solvent in industrial degreasing operations. It is also used as grain fumigant and a chemical intermediate in the production of refrigerants." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-definition GO--0009350 ""An enzyme complex that catalyzes the breakdown of ethanolamine to form acetaldehyde and ammonia." [EC:]") (subclass GO--0042275 GO--0045021) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030677 ""RNase P complex" []") (subclass GO--0040021 GO--0018992) (subclass GO--0046538 GO--0004619) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019375 "MetaCyc:LIPSYN-PWY") (subclass GO--0018110 GO--0035173) (mo-definition GO--0047274 ""Catalysis of the reaction: sucrose + 1-alpha-D-galactosyl-myo-inositol = raffinose + myo-inositol." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (mo-definition GO--0030754 ""Catalysis of the reaction: S-adenosyl-L-methionine + 5,7,4'-trihydroxyflavone = S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + 4'-methoxy-5,7-dihydroxyflavone." [EC:]") (subclass GO--0047449 GO--0016836) (mo-inSubset GO--0015282 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0001631 ""Combining with a cysteinyl leukotriene to initiate a change in cell activity. Cysteinyl leukotrienes are leukotrienes that contain a peptide moiety based on cysteine." [GOC:ai, ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-inSubset GO--0005242 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage "caa3-type cytochrome c oxidase") (mo-definition GO--0042955 ""The directed movement of dextrin, any one, or the mixture, of the intermediate polysaccharides formed during the hydrolysis of starch, which are dextrorotatory, soluble in water, and precipitable in alcohol, into, out of, within or between cells." [GOC:jl, http://www.mercksource.com/]") (subclass GO--0031315 GO--0031312) (mo-definition GO--0032775 ""The covalent transfer of a methyl group to N-6 of adenine in a DNA molecule." [GOC:pf]") (mo-definition GO--0002557 ""The regulated release of histamine by a basophil or group of basophils." [GOC:add, ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology"]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047944 "MetaCyc:GLUTAMATE-1-KINASE-RXN") (subclass GO--0046859 GO--0044444) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051387 ""down-regulation of nerve growth factor receptor signaling pathway" []") (mo-definition GO--0048788 ""The specialized cytoskeletal matrix assembled at the active zones of the presynaptic nerve terminal. The cytoskeletal matrix is a proteinaceous structure involved in organizing synaptic events such as immobilisation or translocation of synaptic vesicles, and assembling active zone components. The cytomatrix protein exclusively assembled at active zones, is thought to form a molecular scaffold that organizes neurotransmitter release sites." [GOC:dh, GOC:dl, GOC:ef, GOC:jic, PMID:10944438]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052073 ""up regulation by symbiont of defense-related host jasmonic acid-mediated signal transduction pathway" []") (subclass GO--0010335 GO--0006970) (subclass GO--0031679 GO--0050136) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030244 ""cellulose formation" []") (subclass GO--0048060 GO--0042332) (subclass GO--0007051 GO--0000226) (subclass GO--0005046 GO--0046923) (subclass GO--0043289 GO--0043288) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004221 "MetaCyc:UBIQUITIN-THIOLESTERASE-RXN") (subclass GO--0009424 GO--0044461) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0001952 GO--0007160) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0000118 ""HDAC complex" []") (subclass GO--0005824 GO--0044450) (mo-definition GO--0007098 ""The cell cycle process whereby centrosome duplication and separation takes place. The centrosome cycle can operate with a considerable degree of independence from other processes of the cell cycle." [ISBN:0815316194]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050010 ""isovitexin b-glucosyltransferase activity" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006501 "Reactome:282846") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051754 "meiotic sister chromatid cohesion, centromeric") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0051346 ""inhibition of hydrolase activity" []") (mo-definition GO--0016345 ""The directed movement of chromosomes in the center of the spindle towards the spindle poles, mediated by the shortening of microtubules attached to the chromosomes, during female meiosis." [GOC:ai]") (mo-definition GO--0051566 ""Catalysis of the reaction: anthocyanidin 3-glucoside + UDP-rhamnose = anthocyanidin 3-rutinoside + UDP." [PMID:8130800]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016823 "hydrolase activity, acting on acid carbon-carbon bonds, in ketonic substances") (mo-inSubset GO--0052159 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048573 ""response to daylength, flowering" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0006058 gosubset_prok) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0007560 GO--0007552) (subclass GO--0045555 GO--0042036) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0015546 ""bicyclomycin/sulfathiazole:hydrogen antiporter activity" []") (subclass GO--0018527 GO--0016641) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0030089 GO--0009843) (subclass GO--0032304 GO--0032303) (mo-inSubset GO--0050531 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0017068 "glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase activity") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008859 "MetaCyc:") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0050854 GO--0050851) (subclass GO--0002596 GO--0002584) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018855 "UM-BBD_enzymeID:e0303") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0048327 GO--0048322) (subclass GO--0009729 GO--0009741) (mo-broadSynonym GO--0005243 ""intercellular channel" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050962 "detection of light stimulus during sensory perception") (subclass GO--0018122 GO--0018196) (subclass GO--0052141 GO--0052241) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045744 ""negative regulation of GPCR protein signalling pathway" []") (subclass GO--0010090 GO--0000904) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050911 ""sensory detection of scent" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051322 "anaphase") (subclass GO--0016895 GO--0016796) (subclass GO--0045316 GO--0045314) (mo-definition GO--0002364 ""The process by which a pro-T cell becomes committed to becoming an NK T cell." [GOC:add, ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology"]") (mo-definition GO--0008605 ""Modulation of the activity of the enzyme protein kinase CK2." [EC:, GOC:ai]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0040027 ""downregulation of vulval development (sensu Nematoda)" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0010143 ""cutin formation" []") (mo-definition GO--0048015 ""A series of molecular signals in which a cell uses a phosphoinositide to convert an extracellular signal into a response." [GOC:ceb, PMID:11331907]") (subclass GO--0000144 GO--0005940) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019433 ""triacylglycerol degradation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002856 ""down-regulation of natural killer cell mediated immune response to tumor cell" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0003690 gosubset_prok) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0007542 GO--0018992) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0016646 "EC:1.5.1") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0015267 ""channel-forming toxin activity" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047199 "MetaCyc:") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0007320 GO--0007620) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051439 ""regulation of ubiquitin-protein ligase activity during mitotic cell cycle" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0008158 ""patched activity" []") (subclass GO--0009678 GO--0015405) (subclass GO--0000083 GO--0022402) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000910 "Reactome:262434") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009773 "photosynthetic electron transport in photosystem I") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0007441 "anterior midgut (ectodermal) morphogenesis") (subclass GO--0031561 GO--0000133) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000722 "Reactome:238317") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0007004 "Reactome:259951") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002502 "peptide antigen assembly with MHC class I protein complex") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0003882 "CDP-diacylglycerol-serine O-phosphatidyltransferase activity") (subclass GO--0031410 GO--0043229) (subclass GO--0031178 GO--0019184) (subclass GO--0005744 GO--0044455) (subclass GO--0048685 GO--0048681) (mo-definition GO--0006534 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving cysteine, 2-amino-3-mercaptopropanoic acid." [GOC:go_curators]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047826 "D-lysine 5,6-aminomutase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050064 ""luteolin 7-O-glucoronosyltransferase activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006685 ""sphingomyelin catabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004112 "cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase activity") (mo-definition GO--0006106 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving fumarate, the anion of trans-1,2-ethenedicarboxylic acid, the diastereoisomer of maleate. It is a key intermediate in metabolism and is formed in the TCA cycle from succinate and converted into malate." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050797 "EC:") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0032076 ""DNase inhibitor" []") (mo-definition GO--0008687 ""Catalysis of the reaction: 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetate + O2 = 2-hydroxy-5-carboxymethylmuconate semialdehyde." [EC:]") (subclass GO--0051537 GO--0051536) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050203 "MetaCyc:OXALATE--COA-LIGASE-RXN") (mo-definition GO--0051449 ""Interacting selectively with thyrotropin-releasing hormone, a tripeptide hormone that stimulates the release of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and prolactin by the anterior pituitary and it is produced by the hypothalamus and travels across the median eminence to the pituitary via the pituitary portal system." [GOC:ai]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047291 "EC:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0014058 "negative regulation of acetylcholine secretion") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018570 "UM-BBD_enzymeID:e0270") (mo-definition GO--0019272 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of alanine from other compounds, including pyruvate." [GOC:go_curators]") (subclass GO--0043018 GO--0043016) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0055019 GO--0055026) (termFormat EnglishLanguage "pyrimidine metabolic process") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031402 "sodium ion binding") (subclass GO--0032432 GO--0044430) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0032369 ""inhibition of lipid transport" []") (mo-definition GO--0040018 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of growth of an organism to reach its usual body size." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-definition GO--0045045 ""The pathway along which proteins and other substances are moved around and out of the cell. After synthesis on the ribosomes of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), completed polypeptide chains are moved to the Golgi complex and subsequently sorted to various destinations. Proteins synthesized and sorted in the secretory pathway include not only those that are secreted from the cell but also enzymes and other resident proteins in the lumen of the ER, Golgi, and lysosomes as well as integral proteins in the membranes of these organelles and the plasma membrane." [ISBN:0716731363]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050788 ""mercuric ion (Hg2+) sequestration" []") (subclass GO--0031964 GO--0016787) (mo-definition GO--0019440 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of tryptophan into other compounds, including indole-3-acetate." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047284 "EC:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002320 "lymphoid progenitor cell differentiation") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0055018 "regulation of cardiac muscle fiber development") (subclass GO--0043283 GO--0043170) (mo-inSubset GO--0030580 gosubset_prok) (mo-inSubset GO--0048066 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0045184 GO--0051234) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0030874 GO--0000790) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0052269 ""induction by organism of defense-related ethylene-mediated signal transduction pathway in other organism" []") (mo-definition GO--0002657 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate, or extent of tolerance induction to nonself antigen." [GOC:add]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000087 "Reactome:286702") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0001926 "positive regulation of B-1 B cell differentiation") (mo-definition GO--0004068 ""Catalysis of the reaction: L-aspartate = beta-alanine + CO2." [EC:]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0046028 ""plastocyanin" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "modulation by organism of symbiont cell-mediated immune response") (subclass GO--0021703 GO--0048856) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045839 ""inhibition of mitosis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009231 ""riboflavin anabolism" []") (subclass GO--0018151 GO--0018202) (subclass GO--0031050 GO--0006396) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0042523 ""stimulation of tyrosine phosphorylation of Stat5 protein" []") (subclass GO--0005100 GO--0005099) (subclass GO--0018161 GO--0046453) (subclass GO--0042034 GO--0018350) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006361 "transcription initiation from RNA polymerase I promoter") (mo-definition GO--0006338 ""Dynamic structural changes to eukaryotic chromatin occurring throughout the cell division cycle. These changes range from the local changes necessary for transcriptional regulation to global changes necessary for chromosome segregation." [GOC:jic, PMID:12697820]") (subclass GO--0015430 GO--0042626) (subclass GO--0003876 GO--0019239) (mo-inSubset GO--0006412 goslim_generic) (mo-definition GO--0019564 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of glycerol, 1,2,3-propanetriol, in the presence of oxygen." [GOC:ai, ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (subclass GO--0018134 GO--0018201) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032422 "purine-rich negative regulatory element binding") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016988 "transcription initiation factor antagonist activity") (mo-definition GO--0018485 ""Catalysis of the reaction: salicylaldehyde + NAD+ + H2O = salicylate + NADH + H+." [EC:]") (mo-inSubset GO--0047769 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031542 ""positive regulation of anthocyanin formation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008300 "isoprenoid catabolic process") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008282 "ATP-sensitive potassium channel complex") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002499 "proteolysis within endosome associated with antigen processing and presentation") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0010111 "glyoxysome organization and biogenesis") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047373 "MetaCyc:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046962 ""sodium transporting ATPase activity, rotational mechanism" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045079 ""inhibition of chemokine biosynthetic process" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005328 "neurotransmitter:sodium symporter activity") (mo-definition GO--0047302 ""Catalysis of the reaction: 2-oxoglutarate + UDP-2-acetamido-4-amino-2,4,6-trideoxyglucose = L-glutamate + UDP-2-acetamido-4-dehydro-2,6-dideoxyglucose." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (subclass GO--0046833 GO--0046824) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0060047 ""heart beating" []") (subclass GO--0006378 GO--0043631) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045142 "triplex DNA binding") (subclass GO--0051039 GO--0051037) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032817 "regulation of natural killer cell proliferation") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008203 "cholesterol metabolic process") (mo-definition GO--0005198 ""The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of a complex or assembly within or outside a cell." [GOC:mah]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0010225 ""response to UVC radiation stimulus" []") (mo-definition GO--0022414 ""A biological process that directly contributes to the process of producing new individuals by one or two organisms. The new individuals inherit some proportion of their genetic material from the parent or parents." [GOC:dph, GOC:isa_complete]") (subclass GO--0047829 GO--0016646) (subclass GO--0007228 GO--0051091) (subclass GO--0021787 GO--0021793) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002663 ""up regulation of B cell tolerance induction" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050899 ""nitrile breakdown" []") (subclass GO--0006747 GO--0042727) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019274 ""phenylalanine formation, prephenate pathway" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015430 "glycerol-3-phosphate-transporting ATPase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030380 "interleukin-17E receptor binding") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0010192 "mucilage biosynthetic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051957 ""up regulation of amino acid transport" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047488 "MetaCyc:") (mo-definition GO--0047247 ""Catalysis of the reaction: luteolin 7-O-beta-D-glucuronide + UDP-D-glucuronate = luteolin 7-O-[beta-D-glucuronosyl-(1,2)-beta-D-glucuronide]-4'-O-beta-D-glucuronide + UDP." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (subclass GO--0016125 GO--0006066) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0001667 ""amoeboid cell migration" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0044416 ""activation of host defense response" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032460 ""down regulation of protein oligomerization" []") (mo-definition GO--0051899 ""The process in which membrane potential changes in the depolarizing direction from the resting potential, usually from negative to positive. For example, the initial depolarization during the rising phase of an action potential is in the direction from the negative resting potential towards the positive membrane potential that will be the peak of the action potential." [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depolarization]") (subclass GO--0008938 GO--0008757) (mo-definition GO--0016198 ""The recognition of molecules at a choice point by an axon growth cone; at a choice point the growth cone determines the direction of its future growth." [PMID:10218152]") (mo-definition GO--0006120 ""The transfer of electrons from NADH to ubiquinone that occurs during oxidative phosphorylation, mediated by the multisubunit enzyme known as complex I." [ISBN:0716731363]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000795 "synaptonemal complex") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030143 "inter-Golgi transport vesicle") (subclass GO--0016322 GO--0042551) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045997 ""negative regulation of ecdysteroid anabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043508 ""down-regulation of JNK activity" []") (mo-definition GO--0016057 ""Hyperpolarization (vertebrates) or depolarization (invertebrates) of the photoreceptor cell membrane via closing/opening of cation specific channels as a result of signals generated by rhodopsin activation by a photon." [GOC:hb]") (mo-definition GO--0001971 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of the activation of the membrane attack complex components of the complement cascade." [GOC:hjd]") (mo-definition GO--0032333 ""The regulated release of activin, a nonsteroidal regulator composed of two covalently linked beta subunits, which is synthesized in the pituitary gland and gonads and stimulates the secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone." [GOC:mah]") (subclass GO--0018139 GO--0018157) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0052037 ""inhibition by symbiont of host defense response" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009785 "blue light signaling pathway") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042832 ""defence response to protozoon" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0002913 ""stimulation of lymphocyte anergy" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046429 "4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl diphosphate synthase activity") (subclass GO--0008694 GO--0016831) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000500 "RNA polymerase I upstream activating factor complex") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0009913 GO--0048730) (mo-definition GO--0048448 ""The process by which the anatomical structures of the stamen are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-definition GO--0002911 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate, or extent of lymphocyte anergy." [GOC:add]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047776 "EC:") (mo-definition GO--0031860 ""The formation of the single stranded telomeric 3' overhang, a conserved feature that ranges in length from 12 nt in budding yeast to approximately 500 nt in humans." [PMID:16096639]") (mo-definition GO--0002050 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of the siderochrome pyoverdine." [PMID:15317763]") (mo-definition GO--0008776 ""Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + acetate = ADP + acetyl phosphate." [EC:]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0001991 "regulation of blood pressure by circulatory renin-angiotensin") (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because it represents two functions. To update annotations, consider molecular_function terms 'phosphoserine binding ; GO:0050815' and 'phosphothreonine binding ; GO:0050816'.") (mo-definition GO--0005791 ""The rough (or granular) endoplasmic reticulum (ER) has ribosomes adhering to the outer surface; the ribosomes are the site of translation of the mRNA for those proteins which are either to be retained within the cisternae (ER-resident proteins), the proteins of the lysosomes, or the proteins destined for export from the cell. Glycoproteins undergo their initial glycosylation within the cisternae." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0006725 ""aromatic hydrocarbon metabolism" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0017083 "EC:") (mo-definition GO--0047603 ""Catalysis of the reaction: acetoacetyl-CoA + H2O = CoA + acetoacetate." [EC:, MetaCyc:ACETOACETYL-COA-HYDROLASE-RXN]") (mo-definition GO--0052414 ""The chemical reactions and pathways performed by an organism involving glucans within the symbiont organism. The symbiont is defined as the smaller of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction." [GOC:mtg_pamgo_17jul06]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0016163 ""vanadium-iron nitrogenase activity" []") (mo-definition GO--0048663 ""The process whereby the developmental fate of a cell becomes restricted such that it will develop into a neuron." [GOC:dph]") (mo-definition GO--0001767 ""The directed orientation of lymphocyte signaling molecules and associated lipid rafts towards a chemokine gradient or a contact point with an appropriate activating cell." [GOC:mgi_curators, PMID:11244041, PMID:12615889]") (mo-definition GO--0005765 ""The lipid bilayer surrounding the lysosome and separating its contents from the cell cytoplasm." [GOC:ai]") (mo-inSubset GO--0051273 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage "positive regulation by organism of symbiont ethylene-mediated defense response") (mo-inSubset GO--0031678 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0010025 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of wax, which includes C16 and C18 fatty acids." [ISBN:0943088399]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042710 "biofilm formation") (subclass GO--0009849 GO--0009684) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0008659 ""(3R)-hydroxymyristoyl-[acyl-carrier protein] dehydratase activity" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006068 "Reactome:280618") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030764 "bergaptol O-methyltransferase activity") (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because it represents a class of gene products. To update annotations, use cellular_component term 'fimbrium ; GO:0009289'.") (subclass GO--0010407 GO--0010405) (termFormat EnglishLanguage "oncogenesis") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0001673 ""male germ cell nucleus (sensu Metazoa)" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0033031 ""up-regulation of neutrophil apoptosis" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000186 "Reactome:110049") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0031954 ""activation of protein amino acid autophosphorylation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008625 "induction of apoptosis via death domain receptors") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0001847 "opsonin receptor activity") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0009026 "EC:") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0009442 ""allantoin degradation pathway" []") (subclass GO--0000240 GO--0022403) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0048102 ""autophagic death (sensu Saccharomyces)" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0052330 ""activation by organism of programmed cell death in other organism during symbiotic interaction" []") (subclass GO--0006627 GO--0016485) (subclass GO--0005515 GO--0005488) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018425 "O3-(N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphoryl)-L-serine biosynthetic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032320 ""up-regulation of Ras GTPase activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032691 ""downregulation of interleukin-1 beta production" []") (mo-definition GO--0018377 ""The covalent or non-covalent attachment of a myristoyl moiety to a protein." [GOC:ai]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031345 ""down-regulation of cell projection organization and biogenesis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018617 "4-aminobenzenesulfonate 3,4-dioxygenase (deaminating) activity") (mo-definition GO--0005020 ""Combining with stem cell factor, a cytokine that stimulates mast cell growth and differentiation, to initiate a change in cell activity." [GOC:jl, PMID:10698217]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0004231 ""insulinase" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0051571 ""stimulation of histone H3-K4 methylation" []") (mo-definition GO--0035118 ""The process, occurring in the embryo, by which the anatomical structures of the pectoral fin are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form. Pectoral fins are bilaterally paired fins mounted lateraly and located behind the gill covers of fish. These fins are used for lateral mobility and propulsion." [GOC:dgh]") (subclass GO--0042272 GO--0044451) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006415 "Reactome:221586") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0048578 ""stimulation of long-day photoperiodism, flowering" []") (subclass GO--0006742 GO--0019364) (mo-definition GO--0046598 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the introduction of virus particles into the cell." [GOC:ai]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0035173 "histone kinase activity") (mo-definition GO--0050344 ""Catalysis of the reaction: trans-cinnamate + NADPH + O2 = 2-hydroxycinnamate + NADP+ + H2O." [EC:, MetaCyc:TRANS-CINNAMATE-2-MONOOXYGENASE-RXN]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043373 ""CD4-positive, alpha-beta T-lymphocyte lineage commitment" []") (subclass GO--0046703 GO--0005102) (subclass GO--0051373 GO--0008092) (subclass GO--0031557 GO--0042221) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000144 "cellular bud neck septin ring") (subclass GO--0009055 GO--0016491) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006240 "dCDP biosynthetic process") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0048136 GO--0007283) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016055 "Wnt receptor signaling pathway") (mo-inSubset GO--0019611 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0001910 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate, or extent of leukocyte mediated cytotoxicity." [GOC:add, ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology", PMID:11911826]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015322 "oligopeptide porter activity") (mo-definition GO--0015941 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of pantothenate, the anion of pantothenic acid. It is a B complex vitamin that is a constituent of coenzyme A and is distributed ubiquitously in foods." [GOC:ai, ISBN:0721662544]") (mo-definition GO--0048770 ""A small, subcellular membrane-bound vesicle containing pigment and/or pigment precursor molecules. Pigment granule biogenesis is poorly understood, as pigment granules are derived from multiple sources including the endoplasmic reticulum, coated vesicles, lysosomes, and endosomes." [GOC:jic, GOC:mh]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0000434 ""inhibition of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter by galactose" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0060049 "regulation of protein amino acid glycosylation") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051512 "positive regulation of unidimensional cell growth") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "Rho small monomeric GTPase activity") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0009024 "EC:") (mo-inSubset GO--0008260 gosubset_prok) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0048177 ""stimulation of hepatocyte growth factor biosynthetic process" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052347 ""upregulation by symbiont of defense-related host nitric oxide production" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0042337 GO--0007591) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042926 "3-hydroxyphenylpropionic acid transporter activity") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0048074 ""inhibition of eye pigmentation" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0046875 ""GPI-linked ephrin" []") (mo-definition GO--0050762 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of depsipeptides, a linear or cyclic compound composed of both amino acids and hydroxy acids in peptide and ester bonds respectively." [GOC:go_curators]") (subclass GO--0015512 GO--0015195) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050853 ""B lymphocyte receptor signalling pathway" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031287 ""up-regulation of stalk cell differentiation" []") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0021703 ""locus caeruleus development" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005485 "v-SNARE activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0004400 ""histidinol-phosphate aminotransferase activity" []") (subclass GO--0052261 GO--0052255) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000772 "mating pheromone activity") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0033031 ""stimulation of neutrophil apoptosis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009311 ""oligosaccharide metabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0048760 ""The process whereby a relatively unspecialized cell acquires specialized features of a parenchymal cell. Parenchymal cells are the most abundant and versatile cells in plants. They have very few distinguishing characteristics and botanists classify them as any cell type that cannot be assigned to any other structural or functional class. They can redifferentiate and dedifferentiate and are involved in storage, basic metabolism and other processes. The cells are polyhedral, typically with thin, non-lignified cellulose cell walls and nucleate living protoplasts. They vary in size, form, and wall structure." [CL:0000668, GOC:jic, ISBN:069716957X, PO:0005421]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050551 ""geranyl-diphosphate diphosphate-lyase (myrcene-forming) activity" []") (subclass GO--0015833 GO--0006810) (subclass GO--0019051 GO--0052030) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005990 "lactose catabolic process") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006281 "Reactome:289825") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019170 "EC:") (mo-definition GO--0032821 ""Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of natural killer cell proliferation during an immune response." [GOC:mah]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050257 "riboflavin phosphotransferase activity") (mo-definition GO--0016654 ""Catalysis of an oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction in which NADH or NADPH acts as a hydrogen or electron donor and reduces a disulfide group." [GOC:ai]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005145 "interleukin-14 receptor binding") (mo-definition GO--0046748 ""The re-envelopment of a virus, in which the nucleocapsid evaginates from the host endoplasmic reticulum membrane system, thus acquiring an additional membrane envelope." [ISBN:0072370319]") (subclass GO--0046205 GO--0046203) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0031145 "Reactome:280458") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "lysosomal protein stabilization") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006790 ""sulphur metabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0033167 "ARC complex") (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. A change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of nitric oxide produced as part of the defense response of the symbiont organism. The symbiont is defined as the smaller of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction." [PAMGO:mtg]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0007004 "Reactome:273780") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0046328 ""regulation of SAPK cascade" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008329 "pattern recognition receptor activity") (documentation GO--0030838 EnglishLanguage "This term was split from 'positive regulation of actin polymerization and/or depolymerization ; GO:0045758' (sibling term 'positive regulation of actin depolymerization ; GO:0030836').") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0033088 ""negative regulation of thymocyte cell proliferation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046327 ""glycerol synthesis from pyruvate" []") (mo-definition GO--0032622 ""The appearance of interleukin-19 due to biosynthesis or secretion following a cellular stimulus, resulting in an increase in its intracellular or extracellular levels." [GOC:mah]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0030412 "MetaCyc:") (subclass GO--0042951 GO--0015573) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0007164 "establishment of tissue polarity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002628 "regulation of proteolysis associated with antigen processing and presentation") (subclass GO--0044254 GO--0030163) (mo-inSubset GO--0046298 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0006333 ""The formation or destruction of chromatin structures." [GOC:mah]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0051924 GO--0006816) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0003805 ""blood coagulation factor XI activity" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004155 "Reactome:8421") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048245 "eosinophil chemotaxis") (mo-definition GO--0052341 ""The chemical reactions and pathways performed by an organism resulting in the breakdown of pectin in the cell wall of a second organism, where the two organisms are in a symbiotic interaction." [ISBN:0198547684]") (mo-definition GO--0001976 ""The process that modulates the force with which blood moves through the circulatory system that responds to a change within minutes or hours." [ISBN:0721643949 "Textbook of Medical Physiology"]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0048614 GO--0048621) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050760 "negative regulation of thymidylate synthase biosynthetic process") (subclass GO--0006405 GO--0050658) (mo-definition GO--0021611 ""The process that gives rise to the facial nerve. This process pertains to the initial formation of a structure from unspecified parts. This sensory and motor nerve supplies the muscles of facial expression and the expression and taste at the anterior two-thirds of the tongue. The principal branches are the superficial opthalmic, buccal, palatine and hyomandibular. The main trunk synapses within pterygopalatine ganglion in the parotid gland and this ganglion then gives of nerve branches which supply the lacrimal gland and the mucous secreting glands of the nasal and oral cavities." [GOC:cls, GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jic, GOC:mtg_15jun06, ISBN:0838580343]") (mo-definition GO--0016509 ""Catalysis of the reaction: (S)-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA + NAD+ = 3-oxoacyl-CoA + NADH + H+." [EC:]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015987 "GTP synthesis coupled proton transport") (mo-definition GO--0052078 ""Any process by which an organism stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of host MAP kinase-mediated signal transduction pathways during the host defense response. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction." [GOC:mtg_pamgo_17jul06]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030822 "positive regulation of cAMP catabolic process") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0042776 "Reactome:249603") (subclass GO--0031112 GO--0031110) (mo-definition GO--0019774 ""Refers to the subunits that constitute the inner rings of the proteasome core complex, as in, but not restricted to, the eukaryotes (Eukaryota, ncbi_taxonomy_id:2759)." [GOC:jl, GOC:rb, PMID:10854779]") (subclass GO--0046961 GO--0015078) (mo-definition GO--0032472 ""The directed movement of calcium ions (Ca2+) into, out of or within the Golgi apparatus." [GOC:mah]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0016475 ""sensing of nuclear:cytoplasmic ratio" []") (mo-alternateID GO--0016046 "GO:0009599") (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. The process of nucleolar expansion." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0030970 GO--0006886) (subclass GO--0010254 GO--0048856) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005496 "steroid binding") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048325 "negative regulation of axial mesodermal cell fate determination") (subclass GO--0018357 GO--0018198) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042386 ""hemocyte differentiation (sensu Arthropoda)" []") (mo-definition GO--0046277 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of methylgallate, trihydroxymethylbenzoate, the anion of methylgallic acid." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0005498 GO--0032934) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050324 "taurocyamine kinase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002685 ""regulation of immune cell migration" []") (subclass GO--0045823 GO--0051240) (mo-inSubset GO--0030335 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009198 "pyrimidine deoxyribonucleoside diphosphate catabolic process") (subclass GO--0030021 GO--0005201) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0009930 GO--0009986) (mo-definition GO--0015188 ""Enables the directed movement of L-isoleucine, (2R*,3R*)-2-amino-3-methylpentanoic acid, into, out of, within or between cells." [GOC:ai]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042787 ""protein ubiquitination during ubiquitin-dependent protein degradation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045559 ""TRAIL receptor 2 anabolism" []") (subclass GO--0000382 GO--0000389) (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. Catalysis of an oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction in which a diphenol, or related compound, acts as a hydrogen or electron donor and reduces an acceptor other than a cytochrome, NAD, NADP or oxygen." [GOC:jl]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008202 "Reactome:280652") (mo-definition GO--0033151 ""The process by which immune receptor V, D, and J, or V and J gene segments, depending on the specific receptor, are recombined within a single locus utilizing the conserved heptamer and nonomer recombination signal sequences (RSS)." [GOC:add, ISBN:0781700221, ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology"]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0000902 ""negative regulation of cell shape and cell size" []") (subclass GO--0002625 GO--0002577) (subclass GO--0008227 GO--0001584) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048573 ""photoperiodic control of inflorescence development" []") (subclass GO--0009091 GO--0009092) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051238 ""retention of metal ion" []") (subclass GO--0021790 GO--0021789) (mo-definition GO--0016899 ""Catalysis of an oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction in which a CH-OH group acts as a hydrogen or electron donor and reduces an oxygen molecule." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0030950 GO--0030952) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0010008 "endosome membrane") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030594 "neurotransmitter receptor activity") (mo-inSubset GO--0046687 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0042826 GO--0019899) (subclass GO--0019970 GO--0019965) (subclass GO--0006005 GO--0042354) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0043045 GO--0009790) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047752 "cholestenone 5-beta-reductase activity") (subclass GO--0008123 GO--0008395) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050400 "EC:") (subclass GO--0051315 GO--0022402) (mo-definition GO--0055040 ""Flagellar filaments located in the periplasmic space; characterized in spirochetes, in which they are essential for shape and motility. Composed of a core surrounded by two sheath layers, the flagella rotate to allow migration of the cell through viscous media, which would not be possible using external flagella." [GOC:jic, GOC:rph, PMID:15175283, PMID:1624463]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045943 ""activation of transcription from RNA polymerase I promoter" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0008927 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004124 "cysteine synthase activity") (subclass GO--0019776 GO--0008639) (mo-definition GO--0050935 ""The process whereby a relatively unspecialized cell acquires the specialized features of an iridophore. Iridophores are pigment cells derived from the neural crest. They contain guanidine or other purine crystals deposited in stacks called reflecting platets or iridisomes. This gives them a silver, gold, or iridescent appearance." [GOC:jic, GOC:mh, PMID:11858836]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042188 "1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis-(4-chlorophenyl)ethane catabolic process") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0002456 ""cellular immune response" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009246 ""enterobacterial common antigen formation" []") (subclass GO--0047824 GO--0016616) (subclass GO--0004581 GO--0035251) (subclass GO--0006404 GO--0051170) (subclass GO--0015031 GO--0006810) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045687 ""up-regulation of glial cell differentiation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048176 ""regulation of hepatocyte growth factor anabolism" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0016406 "EC:2.3.1.-") (mo-definition GO--0047781 ""Catalysis of the reaction: H2O + citrulline = NH3 + CO2 + L-ornithine." [EC:, MetaCyc:CITRULLINASE-RXN]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016876 "ligase activity, forming aminoacyl-tRNA and related compounds") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0051208 ""negative regulation of calcium ion (Ca2+) transport" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008308 "voltage-gated ion-selective channel activity") (mo-definition GO--0031601 ""The core complex of a proteasome located in the nucleus of a cell." [GOC:mah]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042864 ""pyochelin biosynthesis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050355 "triphosphatase activity") (mo-definition GO--0005672 ""A component of the transcription machinery of RNA Polymerase II. In humans, TFIIA is a heterotrimer composed of an alpha (P35), beta (P19) and gamma subunits (P12)." [GOC:jl, UniProtKB:P52655]") (mo-definition GO--0048912 ""The movement of glial cells along the axons in the anterior lateral line nerve." [PMID:12062041]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018754 "EC:3.5.3.-") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0030854 ""activation of granulocyte differentiation" []") (subclass GO--0030094 GO--0009522) (mo-definition GO--0017190 ""The acetylation of the N-terminal aspartic acid of proteins; catalyzed by aspartate N-acetyltransferase." [RESID:AA0042]") (mo-definition GO--0001817 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate, or extent of production of a cytokine." [GOC:add, ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology"]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008662 "1-phosphofructokinase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016651 "oxidoreductase activity, acting on NADH or NADPH") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019367 "MetaCyc:FASYN-ELONG-PWY") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050005 "MetaCyc:ISOHEXENYLGLUTACONYL-COA-HYDRATASE-RXN") (mo-definition GO--0035060 ""A multi-subunit ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complex, a counterpart of the SWI/SNF complex that contains the ATPase product of the Drosophila brahma gene." [GOC:bf, PMID:10809665, PMID:12482982]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005198 "structural molecule activity") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0045986 ""smooth muscle relaxation" []") (subclass GO--0003961 GO--0016765) (mo-inSubset GO--0050898 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031126 "snoRNA 3'-end processing") (mo-inSubset GO--0006809 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030374 ""ligand-dependent nuclear receptor transcription co-activator activity" []") (mo-definition GO--0009089 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of lysine, via the intermediate diaminopimelate." [GOC:go_curators]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031447 "negative regulation of striated fast muscle contraction") (subclass GO--0009089 GO--0046451) (mo-inSubset GO--0042725 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0042818 GO--0042816) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048666 "neuron development") (mo-definition GO--0006018 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of deoxyribose 1-phosphate, the phosphorylated sugar 1-phospho-2-deoxyribose." [GOC:ai]") (mo-definition GO--0006939 ""A process leading to shortening and/or development of tension in smooth muscle tissue." [GOC:jl, ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0015013 ""heparan sulphate proteoglycan biosynthesis, linkage to polypeptide" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050108 "monoterpenyl-diphosphatase activity") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0051485 ""terpene biosynthesis, mevalonate-dependent" []") (subclass GO--0002885 GO--0002866) (subclass GO--0004347 GO--0016861) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0004768 ""fatty acid desaturase" []") (mo-definition GO--0048029 ""Interacting selectively with any monosaccharide. Monosaccharides are the simplest carbohydrates; they are polyhydric alcohols containing either an aldehyde or a keto group and between three to ten or more carbon atoms. They form the constitutional repeating units of oligo- and polysaccharides." [GOC:jic]") (subclass GO--0042852 GO--0006523) (subclass GO--0046844 GO--0048646) (mo-definition GO--0032940 ""The regulated release of a substance by a cell." [GOC:mah]") (mo-definition GO--0033114 ""The volume enclosed by a cyanelle thylakoid membrane." [GOC:mah]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043020 "NADPH oxidase complex") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002416 "IgG immunoglobulin transcytosis in epithelial cells mediated by FcRn immunoglobulin receptor") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0002363 GO--0046632) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0001729 ""acylsphingosine kinase" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0017060 ""galactoside 3(4)-L-fucosyltransferase activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0016299 ""regulator of G-protein signalling activity" []") (subclass GO--0009442 GO--0000256) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052078 ""suppression by organism of defense-related host MAP kinase-mediated signal transduction pathway" []") (mo-exactSynonym ""2-aminobenzenesulphonate biosynthetic process" []") (mo-definition GO--0042385 ""A myosin complex containing a class III myosin heavy chain and associated light chains; myosin III is monomeric myosin that serves as a link between the cytoskeleton and the signaling complex involved in phototransduction, and differs from all other myosins in having an N-terminal kinase domain." [GOC:jl, http://www.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/myosin/Review/Reviewframeset.html]") (mo-definition GO--0050097 ""Catalysis of the reaction: L-threo-3-methylaspartate = L-glutamate." [EC:, MetaCyc:METHYLASPARTATE-MUTASE-RXN]") (mo-definition GO--0006110 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of glycolysis." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042190 ""vanillin degradation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046986 ""negative regulation of haemoglobin biosynthetic process" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047836 "D-tryptophan N-malonyltransferase activity") (subclass GO--0035316 GO--0030030) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008909 "isochorismate synthase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0008265 ""Mo-molybdopterin cofactor sulphurase activity" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0032096 ""inhibition of response to food" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018036 "C-terminal peptidyl-asparagine amidation") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047843 "EC:") (subclass GO--0004815 GO--0004812) (subclass GO--0051436 GO--0051444) (mo-definition GO--0004468 ""Catalysis of the reaction: acetyl phosphate + L-lysine = phosphate + N6-acetyl-L-lysine." [EC:]") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0005160 ""activin" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0021882 GO--0021898) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006654 ""phosphatidic acid synthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019630 ""quinic acid metabolic process" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046346 ""mannosamine degradation" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0051223 GO--0015031) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006660 "phosphatidylserine catabolic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0015015 ""heparan sulfate proteoglycan synthesis, enzymatic modification" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0010129 ""anaerobic cyclohexane-1-carboxylate breakdown" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042035 ""regulation of cytokine synthesis" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0045814 gosubset_prok) (mo-inSubset GO--0052433 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0017165 "dipeptidase E activity") (subclass GO--0006996 GO--0016043) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050427 "Reactome:228902") (mo-definition GO--0007436 ""The process, occurring in the larva, by which the anatomical structures of the salivary gland are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form." [GOC:jic]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006726 ""eye pigment biosynthesis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016971 "flavin-linked sulfhydryl oxidase activity") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0005890 GO--0005887) (mo-definition GO--0047501 ""Catalysis of the reaction: (+)-neomenthol + NADP+ = (-)-menthone + NADPH + H+." [EC:, MetaCyc:(+)-NEOMENTHOL-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN]") (mo-alternateID GO--0019125 "GO:0018089") (mo-inSubset GO--0019560 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051266 "sirohydrochlorin ferrochelatase activity") (subclass GO--0019749 GO--0030705) (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because it does not represent a true function. To update annotations, use biological_process term 'positive regulation of establishment of competence for transformation ; GO:0045809'.") (subclass GO--0047022 GO--0016229) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045921 ""up-regulation of exocytosis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032348 "negative regulation of aldosterone biosynthetic process") (subclass GO--0010355 GO--0010354) (mo-definition GO--0042673 ""Any process that mediates the specification of a cell into a retinal cone cell." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008152 "Reactome:290414") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "small cytoplasmic ribonucleoprotein") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0016207 ""4-coumarate-CoA synthetase" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0004129 ""aa3-type cytochrome c oxidase" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0007197 "muscarinic acetylcholine receptor, adenylate cyclase inhibiting pathway") (subclass GO--0001725 GO--0032432) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0060083 GO--0060073) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051350 ""lyase inhibitor" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006771 ""vitamin G metabolism" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0007004 "Reactome:237268") (subclass GO--0000073 GO--0022402) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047372 "acylglycerol lipase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002829 ""down-regulation of T-helper 2 type immune response" []") (subclass GO--0019779 GO--0008641) (subclass GO--0015452 GO--0015399) (subclass GO--0043093 AsexualReproduction) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0021984 "adenohypophysis development") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042836 "D-glucarate metabolic process") (subclass GO--0030054 GO--0044459) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015959 "diadenosine polyphosphate metabolic process") (subclass GO--0017198 GO--0006474) (subclass GO--0045008 GO--0006285) (subclass GO--0050342 GO--0008171) (mo-definition GO--0032965 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of collagen, any of a group of fibrous proteins of very high tensile strength that form the main component of connective tissue in animals." [GOC:mah]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052053 ""downregulation by symbiont of host enzyme activity" []") (subclass GO--0010025 GO--0010166) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0001914 ""regulation of T lymphocyte mediated cytotoxicity" []") (mo-definition GO--0046218 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of indolalkylamines, indole or indole derivatives containing a primary, secondary, or tertiary amine group." [http://cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk/]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0016860 "EC:5.3") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051097 ""down-regulation of helicase activity" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018580 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0001649 ""osteoblast cell differentiation" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050034 "EC:") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000715 "Reactome:238329") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042264 "peptidyl-aspartic acid hydroxylation") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0045265 GO--0045263) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046328 "regulation of JNK cascade") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045973 ""up regulation of juvenile hormone secretion" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042525 "regulation of tyrosine phosphorylation of Stat6 protein") (mo-definition GO--0006569 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of tryptophan, the chiral amino acid 2-amino-3-(1H-indol-3-yl)propanoic acid." [ISBN:0198547684]") (mo-definition GO--0018812 ""Catalysis of the reaction: alkene-CoA + H2O = alcohol-CoA. Substrates are crotonoyl-CoA (producing 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA) and 2,3-didehydro-pimeloyl-CoA (producing 3-hydroxypimeloyl-CoA)." [UM-BBD_enzymeID:e0183]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045261 "proton-transporting ATP synthase complex, catalytic core F(1)") (subclass GO--0015328 GO--0015184) (subclass GO--0032815 GO--0032814) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0003988 ""3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase activity" []") (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because it represents a molecular function and not a biological process. To update annotations, use molecular_function term 'AT DNA binding ; GO:0003680'.") (mo-definition GO--0030218 ""The process by which a myeloid precursor cell acquires specializes features of an erythrocyte." [GOC:mah]") (subclass GO--0009037 GO--0008907) (mo-definition GO--0015057 ""Combining with thrombin to initiate a change in cell activity." [GOC:ai]") (mo-exactSynonym ""negative regulation by organism of symbiont cell-based immune response" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045208 ""MAPK phosphatase transport from nucleus to cytoplasm" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045406 ""negative regulation of interleukin-5 synthesis" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0005632 GO--0005619) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050709 ""down-regulation of protein secretion" []") (subclass GO--0052329 GO--0052304) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045389 ""positive regulation of interleukin-20 formation" []") (subclass GO--0047243 GO--0035251) (mo-inSubset GO--0051470 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002354 "central B cell negative selection") (subclass GO--0018965 GO--0006725) (mo-definition GO--0007368 ""The establishment of an organism's body plan or part of an organism with respect to the left and right halves. The pattern can either be symmetric, such that the halves are mirror images, or asymmetric where the pattern deviates from this symmetry." [GOC:dph, GOC:jic]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009248 ""K antigen biosynthesis" []") (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because it describes the composition (i.e. proteoglycan) and not the location of a gene product. To update annotations, use cellular_component term 'integral to plasma membrane ; GO:0005887'.") (mo-definition GO--0033140 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of the phosphorylation of a serine residue of a STAT (Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription) protein." [GOC:mah]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016559 "peroxisome fission") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0003921 "GMP synthase activity") (mo-definition GO--0016038 ""The reception of a (visible light) photon by a cell, visible light being defined as having a wavelength within the range 380-780 nm." [GOC:go_curators, ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (subclass GO--0004811 GO--0016765) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018480 "UM-BBD_enzymeID:e0280") (subclass GO--0005940 GO--0032156) (mo-inSubset GO--0006465 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031180 "siderophore biosynthetic process, peptide modification") (subclass GO--0016631 GO--0016628) (subclass GO--0035285 GO--0035282) (subclass GO--0045030 GO--0015065) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0015380 "TC:2.A.31.1.1") (mo-definition GO--0015709 ""The directed movement of thiosulfate into, out of, within or between cells." [GOC:krc]") (subclass GO--0007636 GO--0007630) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002645 ""up regulation of tolerance induction" []") (mo-definition GO--0031993 ""Absorbing energy from one or more photons and transferring their energy to another molecule, usually a protein, within the cell." [GOC:mah, GOC:mlg]") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0046690 ""tellurium sensitivity/resistance" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008126 "EC:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0007329 "positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter by pheromones") (mo-inSubset GO--0017008 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045572 ""up regulation of imaginal disc growth" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032676 ""regulation of IL-7 production" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018708 "thiol S-methyltransferase activity") (mo-inSubset GO--0050620 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0051257 GO--0051255) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018706 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0015361 ""low affinity sodium:dicarboxylate cotransporter activity" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0051947 GO--0051936) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032897 ""down-regulation of viral transcription" []") (subclass GO--0015900 GO--0042908) (mo-definition GO--0045359 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of interferon-beta." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050861 ""positive regulation of B-cell receptor signaling pathway" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019217 "regulation of fatty acid metabolic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006697 ""ecdysone synthesis" []") (subclass GO--0046952 GO--0044248) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0030144 "MetaCyc:") (mo-definition GO--0010148 ""Release of water by the plant into the air as water vapor mainly through leaves." [GOC:sm, ISBN:0879015322]") (subclass GO--0035233 GO--0006935) (subclass GO--0046265 GO--0042178) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019663 ""homoacetate fermentation" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0031002 GO--0015629) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002329 "pre-B cell differentiation") (mo-definition GO--0048592 ""The process by which the anatomical structures of the eye are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form." [GOC:jic, GOC:mtg_sensu]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050786 "RAGE receptor binding") (subclass GO--0016307 GO--0001727) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016624 "oxidoreductase activity, acting on the aldehyde or oxo group of donors, disulfide as acceptor") (mo-definition GO--0016011 ""Includes alpha- and beta-dystroglycan; alternative products of the same gene; the laminin-binding component of the dystrophin-associated glycoprotein complex, providing a link between the subsarcolemmal cytoskeleton (in muscle cells) and the extracellular matrix. Alpha-dystroglycan is an extracellular protein binding to alpha-laminin and to beta-dystroglycan; beta-dystroglycan is a transmembrane protein which binds alpha-dystroglycan and dystrophin." [http://www.dmd.nl/dap.html#dg]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051943 ""up regulation of amino acid uptake during transmission of nerve impulse" []") (mo-definition GO--0005796 ""The volume enclosed by the membranes of any cisterna of the Golgi apparatus." [GOC:mah]") (subclass GO--0030227 GO--0030226) (mo-inSubset GO--0009698 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008152 "Reactome:280692") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047913 "gallate 1-beta-glucosyltransferase activity") (subclass GO--0048045 GO--0016765) (mo-definition GO--0021642 ""The process that gives rise to the trochlear nerve. This process pertains to the initial formation of a structure from unspecified parts. The trochlear nerve is a motor nerve and is the only cranial nerve to exit the brain dorsally. The trochlear nerve innervates the superior oblique muscle." [GOC:cls, GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jic, GOC:mtg_15jun06, ISBN:0838580343]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0005334 "TC:2.A.22.1.2") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "other pathways of electron transport") (mo-definition GO--0048603 ""Interacting selectively with fibroblast growth factor 2." [GOC:ebc]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0000188 ""termination of MAPK activity" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0042710 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0050905 ""The processes pertaining to the functions of the nervous and muscular systems of an organism." [GOC:ai]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051725 ""poly(ADP-ribose) removal from protein" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042602 ""NADPH-flavin oxidoreductase" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0031812 ""P2Y1 nucleotide receptor ligand" []") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0007155 ""membrane-associated guanylate kinase" []") (mo-definition GO--0019820 ""A subform of peroxisome that corresponds to an intermediate in a peroxisome assembly pathway, which operates by conversion of peroxisomal subforms in the direction P1, P2 -> P3 -> P4 -> P5 -> P6. P2 peroxisomes are distinguished from the other subforms on the bases of buoyant density and protein content; they are the least dense of the subforms observed." [PMID:10629216]") (subclass GO--0005369 GO--0005343) (mo-inSubset GO--0004386 goslim_yeast) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030335 ""up regulation of cell migration" []") (subclass GO--0005123 GO--0005102) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008169 "EC:2.1.1.-") (mo-definition GO--0005989 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of lactose, the disaccharide galactopyranosyl-glucose." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-definition GO--0033168 ""The process by which double-stranded siRNA molecules are converted to single-stranded siRNAs; required for the formation of a mature RITS complex during RNA interference." [GOC:mah, PMID:17310250]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000165 "Reactome:109869") (mo-inSubset GO--0042442 gosubset_prok) (mo-inSubset GO--0003725 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032674 ""regulation of IL-5 production" []") (subclass GO--0060020 GO--0060019) (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0004175 ""proteasome endopeptidase regulator" []") (mo-definition GO--0004691 ""Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + a protein = ADP + a phosphoprotein; dependent on the presence of cAMP." [EC:]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018906 ""methyl tert-butyl ether metabolism" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0015031 ""enzyme transport" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050756 ""CX3CL1 metabolic process" []") (mo-definition GO--0047380 ""Catalysis of the reaction: H2O + acyl-CoA = an acid + CoA." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (mo-definition GO--0005293 ""Catalysis of the stereospecific transfer of lysine, 2,6-diaminohexanoic acid, across a biological membrane." [GOC:ai]") (mo-definition GO--0018746 ""Catalysis of the reaction: phenanthrene-3,4-oxide + H2O = trans-3,4-dihydrodiolphenanthrene." [UM-BBD_enzymeID:e0363]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018784 "UM-BBD_enzymeID:e0021") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0010061 "regulation of trichoblast fate") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006378 "Reactome:209549") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0006720 ""polyisoprenoid metabolic process" []") (subclass GO--0009527 GO--0031968) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045338 ""farnesyl diphosphate metabolism" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0045990 gosubset_prok) (documentation GO--0042607 EnglishLanguage "Note that this term can be used to describe binding to the peptide expressed by an MHC molecule.") (mo-definition GO--0006354 ""The extension of an RNA molecule after transcription initiation by the addition of ribonucleotides catalyzed by an RNA polymerase." [GOC:mah]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002601 ""regulation of polysaccharide antigen processing and presentation via MHC class II" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050238 "pyridoxine 5-dehydrogenase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0008152 ""metabolic process" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031397 ""downregulation of protein ubiquitination" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006925 ""inflammatory cell programmed cell death by apoptosis" []") (mo-definition GO--0048790 ""The process by which a neuronal cell maintains the organization and the arrangement of proteins at the active zone to ensure the fusion and dock of vesicles and the release of neurotransmitters." [GOC:curators]") (mo-definition GO--0050480 ""Catalysis of the reaction: (S)-3-(5-oxo-4,5-dihydro-3H-imidazol-4-yl)propanoate + H2O = H+ + N-formimidoyl-L-glutamate." [EC:, MetaCyc:IMIDAZOLONEPROPIONASE-RXN]") (mo-inSubset GO--0046063 gosubset_prok) (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0009647 ""etiolation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019608 ""nicotine breakdown" []") (mo-definition GO--0047564 ""Catalysis of the reaction: 3-hydroxycyclohexanone + acceptor = cyclohexane-1,3-dione + reduced acceptor." [EC:, MetaCyc:3-HYDROXYCYCLOHEXANONE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN]") (subclass GO--0008047 GO--0030234) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047420 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042400 ""ectoine breakdown" []") (subclass GO--0015749 GO--0008643) (subclass GO--0006080 GO--0010412) (subclass GO--0045336 GO--0045335) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0002527 GO--0002526) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019590 ""L-arabitol breakdown to xylulose 5-phosphate" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048773 "erythrophore differentiation") (subclass GO--0042859 GO--0042857) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0007004 "Reactome:261147") (subclass GO--0019672 GO--0019662) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0021875 "fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway in forebrain neuroblast division") (subclass GO--0008022 GO--0005515) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030165 ""GLGF-domain binding" []") (mo-definition GO--0060023 ""The biological process whose specific outcome is the progression of the soft palate from an initial condition to its mature state. This process begins with the formation of the structure and ends with the mature structure, whatever form that may be including its natural destruction. The soft palate is the posterior portion of the palate extending from the posterior edge of the hard palate." [GOC:dph, ISBN:0721662544]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019877 "diaminopimelate biosynthetic process") (mo-definition GO--0042784 ""Any mechanism of active immune avoidance which works by regulating the host complement system, e.g. by possessing complement receptors which mediate attachment to, then infection of, host macrophages, which are eventually destroyed. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction." [http://www.brown.edu/Courses/Bio_160/Projects1999/ies/ces.html]") (mo-definition GO--0032836 ""The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the glomerular basement membrane over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The glomerular basement membrane is the basal laminal portion of the glomerulus which performs the actual filtration." [GOC:sr]") (mo-definition GO--0009606 ""The movement of an organism, or part of an organism, in response to an external source of stimulus, usually toward or away from it." [GOC:jl, http://cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk/]") (subclass GO--0018458 GO--0016616) (subclass GO--0050946 GO--0050938) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030407 "formimidoyltransferase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050471 "uracilylalanine synthase activity") (mo-definition GO--0000921 ""Assembly and organization of septins and associated proteins into a structure resembling a ring at the cell cortex." [GOC:clt]") (subclass GO--0007078 GO--0051261) (subclass GO--0009590 GO--0009629) (subclass GO--0043345 GO--0045034) (subclass GO--0051048 GO--0051046) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032999 "Fc-alpha receptor I complex") (subclass GO--0018752 GO--0016812) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048161 "double layer follicle stage, oogenesis (sensu Mammalia)") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045144 ""meiosis II, chromosome segregation" []") (subclass GO--0048475 GO--0016020) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0042445 "Reactome:225626") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018967 ""tetrachloroethene metabolic process" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0035080 "heat shock-mediated polytene chromosome puffing") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045489 ""pectin formation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0010124 ""phenylacetate catabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0021535 ""The orderly movement of cells that will reside in the hindbrain." [GOC:cls, GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jic, GOC:mtg_15jun06]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0004248 ""MMP-3" []") (subclass GO--0007470 GO--0007560) (subclass GO--0015293 GO--0015291) (subclass GO--0051813 GO--0051810) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050911 ""sensory detection of smell" []") (mo-definition GO--0048643 ""Any process that activates, maintains or increases the rate of skeletal muscle development." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-inSubset GO--0016049 goslim_plant) (mo-definition GO--0031076 ""The process occuring during the embryonic phase whose specific outcome is the progression of the eye over time, from its formation to the mature structure." [GOC:mah, GOC:mtg_sensu]") (subclass GO--0051529 GO--0051525) (mo-inSubset GO--0018660 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046177 ""D-gluconate degradation" []") (mo-definition GO--0004847 ""Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + urea + CO2 = ADP + phosphate + urea-1-carboxylate." [EC:]") (mo-definition GO--0042803 ""Interacting selectively with an identical protein to form a homodimer." [GOC:jl]") (mo-definition GO--0015436 ""Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + H2O + capsular polysaccharide(in) = ADP + phosphate + capsular polysaccharide(out)." [EC:]") (subclass GO--0045765 GO--0050789) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018478 "MetaCyc:") (subclass GO--0018670 GO--0016709) (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0010304 ""LHCII catabolism" []") (subclass GO--0048493 GO--0048492) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0007004 "Reactome:257585") (mo-definition GO--0050159 ""Catalysis of the reaction: 2,4-dihydroxy-6-methylbenzoate = orcinol + CO2." [EC:, MetaCyc:ORSELLINATE-DECARBOXYLASE-RXN]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0048784 GO--0048757) (mo-definition GO--0000292 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of a fragment of RNA, such as excised introns or sequences removed from ribosomal RNA during processing." [GOC:mah]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042013 ""IL-19 binding" []") (subclass GO--0005087 GO--0005088) (subclass GO--0051187 GO--0051186) (subclass GO--0018043 GO--0018033) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009099 ""valine biosynthesis" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0031913 GO--0031164) (mo-definition GO--0016237 ""The transfer of cytosolic components into the lysosomal compartment by direct invagination of the lysosomal membrane without prior sequestration into an autophagosome. The engulfing membranes fuse, resulting in the lysosomal delivery of the cargo wrapped in a single membrane derived from the invaginated lysosomal membrane. In S. cerevisiae, the vacuole is the lysosomal compartment." [PMID:14679207, PMID:15798367, PMID:16973210, PMID:9566964]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0008536 ""Ran protein binding" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0022006 "zona limitans intrathalamica formation") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018521 "MetaCyc:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004488 "methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (NADP+) activity") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0042484 GO--0042477) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019137 ""sinigrinase activity" []") (mo-definition GO--0043514 ""Secreted heterodimeric cytokine complex composed of an interleukin-12 alpha and an interleukin-12 beta subunit." [GOC:ebc]") (subclass GO--0031379 GO--0030880) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042179 ""nicotine anabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0001560 "regulation of cell growth by extracellular stimulus") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032277 "negative regulation of gonadotropin secretion") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052336 ""metabolism of symbiont cell wall by organism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051142 ""up-regulation of NK T cell proliferation" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0031886 ""type 1 member 3 taste receptor ligand" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0005768 goslim_plant) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018654 "2-hydroxy-phenylacetate hydroxylase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031467 ""SCF7 complex" []") (mo-definition GO--0060111 ""Raised, thickened cuticular ridges that run longitudinally, and in parallel, along the left and right sides of the animal. The alae lie above the hypodermal cells known as the lateral seam cells. In C. elegans, alae are produced in L1 larvae, dauer larvae and adult stage animals, where they consist of three, five, and three ridges of distinct morphology, respectively." [GOC:dph, GOC:kva, ISSN:15518507]") (mo-definition GO--0032223 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of cholinergic synaptic transmission, the process of communication from a neuron to another neuron across a synapse using the neurotransmitter acetylcholine." [GOC:mah]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0032215 ""activation of telomere maintenance via semi-conservative replication" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019206 "nucleoside kinase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0008076 ""voltage gated potassium channel complex" []") (subclass GO--0030980 GO--0030978) (mo-inSubset GO--0043412 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050754 ""positive regulation of fractalkine synthesis" []") (mo-definition GO--0046041 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving ITP, inosine triphosphate." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-definition GO--0008058 ""A process that is carried out at the cellular level which results in the formation, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of intracellular pigment storage granules in the ocellus." [http://fly.ebi.ac.uk/allied-data/lk/interactive-fly/aimain/1aahome.htm]") (mo-definition GO--0009630 ""The orientation of plant parts under the stimulation of gravity." [ISBN:0198547684]") (subclass GO--0030887 GO--0030885) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0051943 ""stimulation of amino acid uptake during transmission of nerve impulse" []") (subclass GO--0031024 GO--0031023) (mo-definition GO--0047174 ""Catalysis of the reaction: putrescine + caffeoyl-CoA = N-caffeoylputrescine + CoA." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0052321 "negative regulation of phytoalexin metabolic process") (subclass GO--0031494 GO--0051052) (subclass GO--0009319 GO--0043234) (subclass GO--0052567 GO--0052572) (mo-exactSynonym ""para-xylene biosynthetic process" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043235 "receptor complex") (subclass GO--0004131 GO--0016814) (mo-alternateID GO--0030478 "GO:0000143") (mo-definition GO--0000760 ""In organisms that undergo conjugation without cellular fusion, the processes involved in desensitization following exposure to pheromone stimulus that act to down-regulate further stimulation or block initial conjugation responses." [GOC:clt]") (documentation GO--0035034 EnglishLanguage "See also the molecular function term 'histone acetyltransferase activity ; GO:0004402'.") (mo-definition GO--0045423 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor." [GOC:go_curators]") (subclass GO--0045535 GO--0042036) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047506 "(deoxy)adenylate kinase activity") (mo-definition GO--0047020 ""Catalysis of the reaction: NADP+ + (5Z,13E)-(15S)-9-alpha,15-dihydroxy-11-oxoprosta-5,13-dienoate = NADPH + H+ + (5Z,13E)-9-alpha-hydroxy-11,15-dioxoprosta-5,13-dienoate." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (subclass GO--0012511 GO--0005811) (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0005102 ""membrane-associated guanylate kinase" []") (subclass GO--0031330 GO--0009895) (mo-exactSynonym ""activation by organism of defense-related symbiont ROI production" []") (subclass GO--0032799 GO--0043112) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0035067 ""down-regulation of histone acetylation" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0006271 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0019302 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of D-ribose, (ribo-pentose)." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-definition GO--0009232 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of riboflavin (vitamin B2), the precursor for the coenzymes flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)." [GOC:jl, http://www.indstate.edu/thcme/mwking/vitamins.html]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0008599 ""protein phosphatase type 1, intrinsic regulator activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009234 ""vitamin K2 biosynthetic process" []") (subclass GO--0032921 GO--0043234) (mo-inSubset GO--0004375 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032481 ""up-regulation of interferon type I production" []") (subclass GO--0055023 GO--0055021) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052059 ""evasion or tolerance by organism of reactive oxygen species produced during host defense response" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042102 ""up-regulation of T cell proliferation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008612 "hypusine biosynthetic process from peptidyl-lysine") (subclass GO--0015977 GO--0015976) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0000319 ""sulphite transporter activity" []") (subclass GO--0032730 GO--0032732) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0001844 "Reactome:139914") (mo-definition GO--0006506 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor that attaches some membrane proteins to the lipid bilayer of the cell membrane. The phosphatidylinositol moiety is linked via the C-6 hydroxyl residue of inositol to a carbohydrate chain which is itself linked to the protein via an ethanolamine phosphate moiety, its amino group forming an amide linkage with the C-terminal carboxyl of the protein. Some GPI anchors have variants on this canonical linkage." [GOC:go_curators, ISBN:0198547684]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030828 ""up regulation of cGMP biosynthetic process" []") (mo-definition GO--0006959 ""An immune response mediated through a body fluid." [GOC:hb, ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0045685 GO--0010001) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046731 ""passive activation of host immune response by virus" []") (subclass GO--0004938 GO--0004936) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018729 "propionate CoA-transferase activity") (mo-inSubset GO--0051122 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042511 "positive regulation of tyrosine phosphorylation of Stat1 protein") (subclass GO--0047994 GO--0016289) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030837 ""negative regulation of actin polymerization" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002778 "antibacterial peptide production") (mo-inSubset GO--0016268 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0048440 GO--0048437) (mo-definition GO--0050996 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of lipids." [GOC:ai]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051501 "diterpene phytoalexin metabolic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0016262 ""O-GlcNAc transferase" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019419 ""sulphate reduction" []") (mo-definition GO--0030540 ""The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the female genitalia over time, from formation to the mature structure." [GOC:mah]") (subclass GO--0032379 GO--0032377) (mo-definition GO--0045448 ""The eukaryotic cell cycle in which a cell is duplicated without changing ploidy, occurring in the embryo." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051038 ""meiotic repression of transcription" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0006818 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0040010 ""up-regulation of growth rate" []") (mo-alternateID GO--0007131 "GO:0000021") (mo-definition GO--0002211 ""A behavioral response seeking to protect an organism from an a perceived external threat from an insect or insects to that organism." [GOC:add]") (subclass GO--0030653 GO--0046483) (mo-definition GO--0015552 ""Enables the directed movement of propionate into, out of, within or between cells. Propionate (or propanoate) is the organic acid CH3-CH2-COOH." [GOC:ai]") (mo-definition GO--0035122 ""The process, occurring in the embryo, by which the anatomical structures of the medial fin are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form. Medial fins are unpaired fins of fish, usually located dorsomedially or ventromedially and primarily used for stability while swimming." [GOC:dgh]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006535 "MetaCyc:CYSTSYN-PWY") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0021697 "cerebellar cortex formation") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0003818 "MetaCyc:") (mo-definition GO--0004000 ""Catalysis of the reaction: adenosine + H2O = inosine + NH3." [EC:]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043322 ""downregulation of natural killer cell degranulation" []") (subclass GO--0001900 GO--0051804) (subclass GO--0050422 GO--0004553) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0006295 GO--0006289) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006265 "DNA topological change") (mo-definition GO--0031512 ""A specialized primary cilium that contains a 9 + 0 arrangement of microtubules, radial spokes, and a dynein apparatus, but no inner doublet microtubules. Motile primary cilia display a distinct twirling motion that directs fluid flow asymmetrically across the cellular surface." [GOC:kva]") (subclass GO--0050735 GO--0016420) (mo-definition GO--0052214 ""The chemical reactions and pathways performed by an organism in a second organism, where the two organisms are in a symbiotic interaction." [GOC:mtg_pamgo_17jul06]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051641 "cellular localization") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046370 "fructose biosynthetic process") (subclass GO--0000271 GO--0016051) (subclass GO--0052566 GO--0052572) (subclass GO--0004063 GO--0016791) (mo-definition GO--0050793 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of development, the biological process whose specific outcome is the progression of a multicellular organism over time from an initial condition (e.g. a zygote, or a young adult) to a later condition (e.g. a multicellular animal or an aged adult)." [GOC:go_curators]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0010358 GO--0009965) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0051345 ""activation of hydrolase activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0010310 ""regulation of hydrogen peroxide metabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0019629 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of propionate that occurs in the 2-methylcitrate cycle." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-definition GO--0046981 ""Catalysis of the transfer of N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) in a beta-1,3 linkage to the mannose(beta-1,4)Glc disaccharide core of glycolipids." [GOC:bf, PMID:12130631, PMID:12130651]") (mo-definition GO--0048611 ""The process, occurring during the embryonic phase, whose specific outcome is the progression of the ectodermal gut over time, from its formation to the mature structure." [GOC:jic, GOC:rc]") (mo-definition GO--0042663 ""Any process that mediates the specification of a cell into an endoderm cell." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052170 ""down regulation by symbiont of host innate immunity" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "DNA replication accessory factor") (subclass GO--0030779 GO--0008757) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051016 "barbed-end actin filament capping") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0002612 ""stimulation of plasmacytoid dendritic cell antigen processing and presentation" []") (documentation GO--0030688 EnglishLanguage "Note that this complex is 43S in Saccharomyces.") (mo-definition GO--0060041 ""The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the retina over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The retina is the innermost layer or coating at the back of the eyeball, which is sensitive to light and in which the optic nerve terminates." [GOC:bf, GOC:dph, GOC:mtg_transport]") (subclass GO--0005739 GO--0044444) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015794 "glycerol-3-phosphate transport") (mo-definition GO--0031922 ""The directed movement of pyridoxamine into, out of, within or between cells. Pyridoxamine, 4-(aminomethyl)-5-(hydroxymethyl)-2-methylpyridin-3-ol, is one of the vitamin B6 compounds. Pyridoxal, pyridoxamine and pyridoxine are collectively known as vitamin B6, and are efficiently converted to the biologically active form of vitamin B6, pyridoxal phosphate." [GOC:mah]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050130 "EC:") (mo-inSubset GO--0008851 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0007079 ""The cell cycle process whereby the directed movement of chromosomes from the center of the spindle towards the spindle poles occurs. This mediates by the shortening of microtubules attached to the chromosomes, during mitosis." [GOC:ai]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048899 "anterior lateral line development") (subclass GO--0006962 GO--0050831) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045950 ""downregulation of mitotic recombination" []") (mo-definition GO--0009875 ""The interaction between a pollen grain and pistil." [GOC:go_curators]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050699 "WW domain binding") (subclass GO--0048077 GO--0048074) (mo-definition GO--0018290 ""The incorporation of iron and molybdenum into a Mo-7Fe-8S iron-molybdenum-sulfur cluster via L-cysteinyl homocitryl molybdenum-heptairon-nonasulfide, found in nitrogenase." [RESID:AA0141]") (subclass GO--0045006 GO--0006304) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009452 "RNA capping") (mo-definition GO--0035181 ""Digging into the substrate by non-feeding larvae in search for food-free sites suitable for pupation." [PMID:12848927, PMID:12848939]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050992 ""dimethylallyl diphosphate biosynthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042984 ""regulation of APP biosynthetic process" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0016052 ""carbohydrate catabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045980 ""down-regulation of nucleotide metabolic process" []") (mo-definition GO--0021617 ""The process that contributes to the act of creating the structural organization of the glossopharyngeal nerve. This process pertains to the physical shaping of a rudimentary structure. Various sensory and motor branches of the glossopharyngeal nerve supply nerve connections to the pharynx and back of the tongue. The branchial motor component contains motor fibers that innervate muscles that elevate the pharynx and larynx, and the tympanic branch supplies parasympathetic fibers to the otic ganglion." [GOC:cls, GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jic, GOC:mtg_15jun06, ISBN:0838580343]") (mo-definition GO--0010215 ""Oriented deposition of cellulose microfibrils during plant cell wall biosynthesis." [PMID:12468730]") (mo-definition GO--0005920 ""A septate junction that lacks the regular arrays of electron-dense septae found in pleated septate junctions." [PMID:11700298]") (subclass GO--0009211 GO--0009219) (subclass GO--0050436 GO--0005488) (mo-inSubset GO--0009853 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032723 ""positive regulation of IGFBP8 production" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0001760 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0032096 GO--0032108) (subclass GO--0001540 GO--0005515) (subclass GO--0006038 GO--0006031) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019161 "EC:") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0003872 "MetaCyc:6PFRUCTPHOS-RXN") (mo-definition GO--0003786 ""Interacting selectively with an actin filament along its length." [GOC:mah]") (mo-definition GO--0002488 ""The process by which an antigen-presenting cell expresses a peptide antigen of endogenous origin on its cell surface in association with an MHC class Ib protein complex. The peptide is typically a fragment of a larger endogenous protein which has been degraded within the cell. Class Ib here refers to non-classical class I molecules, such as those of the HLA-E gene family." [GOC:add, PMID:15928678]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000434 "negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter by galactose") (subclass GO--0030844 GO--0030842) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019521 ""D-gluconate metabolism" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045886 ""inhibition of synaptic growth at neuromuscular junction" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0007443 "Malpighian tubule morphogenesis") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051915 "induction of synaptic plasticity by chemical substance") (mo-definition GO--0005693 ""Ribonucleoprotein complex containing small nuclear RNA U12; a component of the minor spliceosome complex." [GOC:krc]") (subclass GO--0016034 GO--0016859) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0046556 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045469 ""down regulation of R8 spacing" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030881 "beta-2-microglobulin binding") (subclass GO--0042098 GO--0046651) (subclass GO--0045995 GO--0050793) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0001783 ""B lymphocyte apoptosis" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0030867 GO--0005791) (mo-alternateID GO--0050079 "GO:0047607") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045762 ""activation of adenylate cyclase activity" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048533 "sporocyte differentiation") (mo-definition GO--0043385 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving a mycotoxin, any poisonous substance produced by a fungus." [GOC:jl, http://cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk/]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0016346 GO--0007060) (subclass GO--0008821 GO--0016889) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0010144 ""pyridoxal phosphate anabolism from pyridoxamine" []") (mo-definition GO--0018552 ""Catalysis of the reaction: methyl-coenzyme-M + HTP = CoM-S-S-HTP + methane." [UM-BBD_enzymeID:e0267]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0051437 "Reactome:230174") (subclass GO--0020036 GO--0044421) (mo-exactSynonym ""3-hydroxyphenylacetate anabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0044424 ""Any constituent part of the living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm." [GOC:jl]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000050 "Reactome:229964") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042531 "positive regulation of tyrosine phosphorylation of STAT protein") (subclass GO--0010341 GO--0010340) (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because it represents a single gene product and not a complex. To update annotations, consider cellular_component terms 'cytoplasm ; GO:0005737' or its children, 'nuclear pore ; GO:0005643' or its children, and 'nucleus ; GO:0005634' or its children.") (mo-definition GO--0006049 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of UDP-N-acetylglucosamine, a substance composed of N-acetylglucosamine, a common structural unit of oligosaccharides, in glycosidic linkage with uridine diphosphate." [GOC:ai]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0007487 ""analia development (sensu Endopterygota)" []") (mo-definition GO--0000023 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving the disaccharide maltose (4-O-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-D-glucopyranose), an intermediate in the catabolism of glycogen and starch." [GOC:jl, ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-definition GO--0051333 ""The cell cycle process whereby the reformation of the nuclear envelope during meiosis occurs." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0047712 GO--0045289) (mo-definition GO--0006798 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of a polyphosphate, the anion or salt of polyphosphoric acid." [GOC:go_curators, ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048060 ""negative geotactic behaviour" []") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0043050 ""pumping behavior" []") (subclass GO--0009530 GO--0048196) (mo-definition GO--0009595 ""The series of events in which a biotic stimulus, one caused or produced by a living organism, is received and converted into a molecular signal." [GOC:hb]") (subclass GO--0030247 GO--0030246) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048715 "negative regulation of oligodendrocyte differentiation") (documentation GO--0002544 EnglishLanguage "This term was added by GO_REF:0000022.") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045602 ""downregulation of endothelial cell differentiation" []") (mo-definition GO--0051520 ""Any process that stops the active process of bipolar cell growth, polarized growth from both ends of a cell." [GOC:ai]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050532 ""2-phosphosulpholactate phosphatase activity" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015135 "glucuronate transporter activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018974 ""TNT metabolism" []") (subclass GO--0001894 GO--0042592) (subclass GO--0018267 GO--0018198) (subclass GO--0018543 GO--0016657) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018967 ""tetrachloroethylene metabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048176 ""regulation of HGF biosynthetic process" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0042433 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008202 "Reactome:238361") (mo-definition GO--0032867 ""Catalysis of the reaction: L-arabitol + NADP+ = L-arabinose + NADPH + H+." [PMID:12724380, PMID:15184173]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0000783 GO--0000784) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018172 "peptidyl-L-3',4',5'-trihydroxyphenylalanine biosynthetic process from peptidyl-tyrosine") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0008897 ""holo-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase activity" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016464 "chloroplast protein-transporting ATPase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015710 "tellurite transport") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018105 "peptidyl-serine phosphorylation") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0001318 GO--0001317) (mo-inSubset GO--0050499 gosubset_prok) (mo-inSubset GO--0001539 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0047517 ""Catalysis of the reaction: UDP-D-xylose + 1,4-beta-D-xylan(n) = UDP + 1,4-beta-D-xylan(n+1)." [EC:, MetaCyc:1,4-BETA-D-XYLAN-SYNTHASE-RXN]") (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. Inhibits the growth of, or directly kills, Gram-positive bacterial cells." [GOC:go_curators]") (subclass GO--0043520 GO--0043519) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002591 ""up regulation of antigen processing and presentation of peptide antigen via MHC class I" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046394 ""carboxylic acid synthesis" []") (mo-definition GO--0048386 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of retinoic acid receptor signaling pathway activity." [GOC:dgh]") (mo-inSubset GO--0050731 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0030279 GO--0030278) (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because it represents the specific complex represented by the cellular component term 'DNA-directed RNA polymerase III complex ; GO:0005666'. To update annotations, use molecular_function term 'DNA-directed RNA polymerase activity ; GO:0003899'.") (subclass GO--0031991 GO--0000074) (mo-inSubset GO--0000044 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0043351 GO--0007407) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018636 "EC:1.14.13.-") (mo-definition GO--0048661 ""Any process that activates or increases the rate or extent of smooth muscle cell proliferation." [GOC:ebc]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042609 "CD4 receptor binding") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051651 "maintenance of cellular localization") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042188 ""1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis-(4-chlorophenyl)ethane degradation" []") (subclass GO--0019753 GO--0044249) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052034 ""suppression of pathogen-associated molecular pattern-induced host innate immunity" []") (mo-definition GO--0002420 ""The directed killing of a tumor cell by a natural killer cell through the release of granules containing cytotoxic mediators or through the engagement of death receptors." [GOC:add, ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology", PMID:16730260]") (subclass GO--0016826 GO--0016787) (mo-definition GO--0035128 ""The process, occurring after embryonic development, by which the anatomical structures of the forelimb are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form. The forelimbs are the front limbs of an organism." [GOC:bf]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046000 ""up regulation of ecdysteroid secretion" []") (subclass GO--0050922 GO--0050920) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004796 "EC:") (subclass GO--0046427 GO--0009967) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008475 "EC:") (subclass GO--0046217 GO--0052314) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030207 ""chondroitin sulfate degradation" []") (mo-definition GO--0017014 ""The addition of a nitrosyl group to a protein amino acid." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0050400 GO--0016301) (subclass GO--0046155 GO--0046154) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018833 "MetaCyc:DDT-DEHYDROCHLORINASE-RXN") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "effector caspase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052064 ""induction by organism of defense-related host ROI production" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0003869 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052003 ""downregulation by symbiont of defense-related host salicylic acid-mediated signal transduction pathway" []") (mo-definition GO--0032278 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the regulated release of a gonadotropin." [GOC:mah]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006703 ""oestrogen biosynthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0007214 ""GABA signalling pathway" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0006807 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage "nuclear translocation of Hog1") (subclass GO--0008810 GO--0004553) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0030215 ""plexin binding" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047446 "MetaCyc:") (mo-definition GO--0004789 ""Catalysis of the reaction: 2-methyl-4-amino-5-hydroxymethylpyrimidine diphosphate + 4-4-methyl-5-(2-phosphonooxyethyl)-thiazole = diphosphate + thiamin monophosphate." [EC:]") (subclass GO--0030555 GO--0003723) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030101 ""NK cell activation" []") (mo-definition GO--0031680 ""The heterodimer formed by the beta and gamma subunits of a heterotrimeric G protein, which dissociates from the alpha subunit upon guanine nuclotide exchange." [GOC:mah]") (subclass GO--0008292 GO--0042401) (subclass GO--0031116 GO--0031112) (subclass GO--0031493 GO--0042393) (subclass GO--0004366 GO--0008374) (mo-definition GO--0014057 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the regulated release of acetylcholine." [GOC:ef]") (subclass GO--0002458 GO--0002456) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006096 "Reactome:291697") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0042308 ""inhibition of protein import into nucleus" []") (subclass GO--0046622 GO--0046620) (mo-definition GO--0009952 ""The regionalization process by which specific areas of cell differentiation are determined along the anterior-posterior axis." [GOC:dph, GOC:go_curators, GOC:isa_complete]") (subclass GO--0052199 GO--0052203) (subclass GO--0043024 GO--0043021) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005671 "Ada2/Gcn5/Ada3 transcription activator complex") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005956 "protein kinase CK2 complex") (mo-definition GO--0008755 ""Catalysis of the polymerization of o-antigen chains. O-antigens are tetra and penta saccharide repeat units of the cell walls of Gram-negative bacteria and are a component of lipopolysaccharide." [GOC:jl, http://cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk/]") (subclass GO--0016307 GO--0004428) (mo-definition GO--0006407 ""The directed movement of rRNA from the nucleus to the cytoplasm." [GOC:ma]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009407 ""toxin catabolism" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0045905 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000729 "Reactome:83897") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006383 "Reactome:237412") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016709 "oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen, NADH or NADPH as one donor, and incorporation of one atom of oxygen") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004684 "calmodulin-dependent protein kinase I activity") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047445 "EC:") (subclass GO--0045095 GO--0005882) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0052304 "modulation by organism of phytoalexin production in other organism during symbiotic interaction") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0009934 GO--0009933) (mo-definition GO--0016058 ""Maintenance of the excited state of a photoreceptor cell to produce a steady state current." [GOC:hb]") (subclass GO--0030803 GO--0030809) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045892 ""down regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "modulation by organism of symbiont hormone or growth regulator levels") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045919 ""up-regulation of cytolysis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030257 ""TTSS complex" []") (subclass GO--0032232 GO--0032231) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047615 "actinomycin lactonase activity") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008063 "Reactome:221435") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006805 "Reactome:289873") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042390 "gibberellic acid mediated signaling, G-alpha-independent") (subclass GO--0002481 GO--0002477) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0000415 ""downregulation of histone H3-K36 methylation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006719 ""juvenile hormone catabolism" []") (subclass GO--0042840 GO--0042839) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032710 "negative regulation of interleukin-26 production") (subclass GO--0050642 GO--0016747) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006805 "Reactome:259123") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030215 "semaphorin receptor binding") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0022036 "rhombomere cell differentiation") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004631 "phosphomevalonate kinase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018621 "4-sulfobenzoate 3,4-dioxygenase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0001791 "IgM binding") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0003865 "MetaCyc:") (subclass GO--0001324 GO--0001306) (subclass GO--0042171 GO--0008415) (mo-inSubset GO--0000229 goslim_generic) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0005975 "Reactome:259109") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0016581 ""nucleosome remodeling and histone deacetylation complex" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0022035 "rhombomere cell migration") (subclass GO--0009831 GO--0009827) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043722 "4-hydroxyphenylacetate decarboxylase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042267 "natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity") (subclass GO--0048053 GO--0042051) (subclass GO--0006227 GO--0009197) (mo-inSubset GO--0006203 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0005740 GO--0044429) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030038 "contractile actin filament bundle formation") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043309 ""regulation of eosinophil granule exocytosis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045535 ""negative regulation of IL-27 biosynthetic process" []") (mo-definition GO--0043240 ""A protein complex composed of the Fanconi anaemia (FA) proteins A, C, E, G and F (FANCA-F). Functions in the activation of the downstream protein FANCD2 by monoubiquitylation, and is essential for protection against chromosome breakage." [GOC:jl, PMID:12093742]") (subclass GO--0019143 GO--0016791) (mo-definition GO--0045670 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of osteoclast differentiation." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0000186 ""positive regulation of MAPKK activity" []") (subclass GO--0045193 GO--0045192) (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. The characteristic projection formed in response to mating pheromone by cells of Saccharomyces and other fungi with similar life cycles. Named after the Al Capp cartoon character, whose shape it resembles." [GOC:mah, GOC:mcc]") (mo-inSubset GO--0006259 goslim_yeast) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008670 "MetaCyc:DIENOYLCOAREDUCT-RXN") (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because it represents a multifunctional gene product. To update annotations, consider molecular_function terms 'permease activity ; GO:0015646' or its children, 'uracil transporter activity ; GO:0015210' or its children, and 'uridine transporter activity ; GO:0015213' or its children.") (mo-definition GO--0001708 ""The process involved in the specification of cell identity. Once specification has taken place, a cell will be committed to differentiate down a specific pathway if left in its normal environment." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-definition GO--0050995 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of the chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of lipids." [GOC:ai]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048596 "embryonic camera-type eye morphogenesis") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0015623 ""ferric/ferric-dicitrate porter" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0045484 "MetaCyc:L-LYSINE-AMINOTRANSFERASE-RXN") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0005750 ""respiratory chain complex III (sensu Eukaryota)" []") (mo-definition GO--0015157 ""Enables the directed movement of oligosaccharide into, out of, within or between cells." [GOC:jl]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0043319 ""stimulation of cytotoxic T cell degranulation" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0016997 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0016607 ""A discrete extra-nucleolar subnuclear domain, 20-50 in number, in which splicing factors are seen to be localized by immunofluorescence microscopy." [http://www.cellnucleus.com/]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "transportin") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018942 "organometal metabolic process") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0017198 "RESID:AA0051") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0017055 ""down regulation of transcriptional preinitiation complex formation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032097 ""up-regulation of response to food" []") (mo-definition GO--0021671 ""The process by which the anatomical structure of rhombomere 7 is generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form. Rhombomeres are transverse segments of the developing rhombencephalon. Rhombomeres are lineage restricted, express different genes from one another, and adopt different developmental fates. Rhombomeres are numbered in an anterior to posterior order." [GOC:cls, GOC:curators, GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jic, GOC:mtg_15jun06]") (subclass GO--0046007 GO--0042130) (subclass GO--0006486 GO--0006464) (subclass GO--0050835 GO--0018198) (mo-broadSynonym GO--0000921 ""septin assembly and septum biosynthesis" []") (mo-definition GO--0045487 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of gibberellin. Gibberellins are a class of highly modified terpenes that function as plant growth regulators." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0015997 ""coenzyme Q biosynthetic process monooxygenase activity" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0003984 "MetaCyc:ACETOLACTSYN-RXN") (subclass GO--0045972 GO--0007558) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0001696 ""hydrochloric acid secretion" []") (documentation GO--0031202 EnglishLanguage "Note that nuclear mRNA, Group I, Group II, and Group III introns are all spliced by a series of two transesterification reactions that occur within the RNA itself, or between two RNAs in trans splicing. Some of these require one or more proteins to stabilize the catalytic conformation, while others are autocatalytic. Note that tRNA introns are spliced by a different catalytic mechanism.") (subclass GO--0001927 GO--0043623) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004569 "MetaCyc:") (subclass GO--0008991 GO--0004252) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009240 ""IPP biosynthetic process" []") (mo-definition GO--0015031 ""The directed movement of proteins into, out of, within or between cells." [GOC:ai]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042476 ""odontosis" []") (subclass GO--0008084 GO--0008083) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019067 "Reactome:168268") (subclass GO--0046914 GO--0043169) (mo-definition GO--0051506 ""Catalysis of the reaction: UDP-glucose + a sterol = UDP + O-glucosyl-ergosterol." [GOC:ai]") (mo-inSubset GO--0004475 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0031025 GO--0031121) (subclass GO--0018078 GO--0018077) (subclass GO--0003980 GO--0035251) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018739 ""4-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA thiolesterase activity" []") (mo-definition GO--0002343 ""Processes of B cell selection that occur in the periphery." [GOC:jal]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018626 ""2-halobenzoate 1,2-dioxygenase activity" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031764 "type 1 galanin receptor binding") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008543 "Reactome:190236") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0016907 ""G protein coupled acetylcholine receptor activity" []") (subclass GO--0046223 GO--0046222) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045717 ""downregulation of fatty acid biosynthetic process" []") (subclass GO--0018065 GO--0043687) (documentation GO--0021793 EnglishLanguage "This term was added by GO_REF:0000021.") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051028 "mRNA transport") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052382 ""activation by organism of innate immunity in other organism during symbiotic interaction" []") (subclass GO--0016573 GO--0006473) (mo-definition GO--0010159 ""The regionalization process by which information that determines the correct position at which organ primordia are formed is generated and perceived resulting in correct positioning of the new organ." [PMID:9611175]") (mo-definition GO--0047163 ""Catalysis of the reaction: 3,4-dichloroaniline + malonyl-CoA = N-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)malonate + CoA." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046356 "acetyl-CoA catabolic process") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0001612 "A2B adenosine receptor activity, G-protein coupled") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0015011 ""nickel-tetrapyrrole coenzyme metabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045275 "respiratory chain complex III") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018693 "EC:1.17.-.-") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004465 "lipoprotein lipase activity") (subclass GO--0000019 GO--0000018) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043016 ""regulation of LTA biosynthetic process" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018793 "EC:4.1.1.-") (mo-definition GO--0009226 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of nucleotide-sugars, any nucleotide in which the distal phosphoric residue of a nucleoside 5'-diphosphate is in glycosidic linkage with a monosaccharide or monosaccharide derivative." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-inSubset GO--0016301 goslim_goa) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018417 "RESID:AA0293") (mo-inSubset GO--0004871 goslim_yeast) (subclass GO--0032126 GO--0044448) (mo-definition GO--0019932 ""A series of molecular signals in which an ion or small molecule is formed or released into the cytosol, thereby helping relay the signal within the cell." [GOC:mah, ISBN:0815316194]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0007596 "Reactome:230054") (subclass GO--0000138 GO--0031985) (subclass GO--0046789 GO--0046812) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032296 ""dsRNA-specific RNase activity" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0009021 "MetaCyc:TRNA-(URACIL-5-)-METHYLTRANSFERASE-RXN") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006383 "Reactome:251616") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000722 "Reactome:262446") (subclass GO--0045667 GO--0045595) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019323 ""pentose catabolism" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0007004 "Reactome:250481") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018687 "MetaCyc:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050972 ""sensory transduction of mechanical stimulus during echolocation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0000506 ""GPI-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase complex" []") (mo-definition GO--0050290 ""Catalysis of the reaction: sphingomyelin + H2O = ceramide phosphate + choline." [EC:, MetaCyc:SPHINGOMYELIN-PHOSPHODIESTERASE-D-RXN]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0030910 GO--0048598) (mo-definition GO--0046761 ""A form of viral release in which the nucleocapsid evaginates from the host plasma membrane system, resulting in envelopment of the virus without triggering cell lysis." [ISBN:0072370319]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051770 "positive regulation of nitric-oxide synthase biosynthetic process") (subclass GO--0048940 GO--0048938) (mo-definition GO--0002386 ""Immune response taking place in the mucosal-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT). Mucosal-associated lymphoid tissue is typically found as nodules associated with mucosal epithelia with distinct internal structures including B- and T-zones for the activation of lymphocytes." [GOC:jal, ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology"]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046903 "secretion") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0021628 ""CN I formation" []") (mo-definition GO--0010344 ""The assembly and arrangement of the seed oilbody. Seed oilbodies are simple organelles comprising a matrix of triacylglycerol surrounded by a phospholipid monolayer embedded and covered with unique proteins called oleosins. Seed oilbodies supply the energy requirements for the growth of the seedling after germination." [PMID:16877495]") (subclass GO--0045799 GO--0001672) (subclass GO--0045370 GO--0042036) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032831 ""up-regulation of CD4-positive, CD25-positive, alpha-beta regulatory T cell differentiation" []") (mo-definition GO--0052435 ""Any process by which an organism modulates the frequency, rate or extent of symbiont MAP kinase-mediated signal transduction pathways during the symbiont defense response. The symbiont is defined as the smaller of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction." [GOC:mtg_pamgo_17jul06]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002906 "negative regulation of mature B cell apoptosis") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018919 "MetaCyc:GAMMAHEXCHLORDEG-PWY") (subclass GO--0050274 GO--0035251) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046719 "regulation of viral protein levels in host cell") (mo-definition GO--0010146 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of fructan a polysaccharide consisting of fructose residues." [GOC:pz]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0040001 ""mitotic spindle positioning or orientation (sensu Fungi)" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0000228 goslim_generic) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000712 "resolution of meiotic joint molecules as recombinants") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032756 ""upregulation of interleukin-7 production" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052080 ""modulation of defense-related host mitogen activated protein kinase-mediated signal transduction pathway by organism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0010025 ""wax synthesis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050378 "UDP-glucuronate 4-epimerase activity") (subclass GO--0048300 GO--0045829) (mo-definition GO--0051007 ""Catalysis of the reaction: squalene = hop-22(29)-ene." [EC:]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032769 ""down-regulation of monooxygenase activity" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000061 "protein import into nucleus, substrate release") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0015407 ""monosaccharide ABC transporter" []") (mo-definition GO--0043441 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of acetoacetic acid, a beta-keto acid of the keto acid group, empirical formula is C4H6O3 or CH3COCH2COOH." [GOC:jl]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0002837 GO--0002418) (mo-definition GO--0018663 ""Catalysis of the reaction: 2,6-dihydroxypyridine + NADH + H+ + O2 = 2,3,6-trihydroxypyridine + NAD+ + H2O." [EC:]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0016995 "MetaCyc:CHOLESTEROL-OXIDASE-RXN") (mo-inSubset GO--0019645 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0015809 GO--0015802) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0016906 "MetaCyc:STEROL-GLUCOSYLTRANSFERASE-RXN") (mo-definition GO--0003922 ""Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + xanthosine 5'-phosphate + L-glutamine + H2O = AMP + diphosphate + GMP + L-glutamate." [EC:]") (mo-inSubset GO--0006118 goslim_goa) (subclass GO--0046352 GO--0005984) (mo-definition GO--0031069 ""The process by which the anatomical structures of the hair follicle are generated and organized." [GOC:ln]") (subclass GO--0047026 GO--0016229) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032942 "inositol tetrakisphosphate 2-kinase activity") (documentation GO--0021602 EnglishLanguage "This term was added by GO_REF:0000021.") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006715 ""farnesol formation" []") (subclass GO--0042907 GO--0005345) (documentation GO--0021877 EnglishLanguage "This term was added by GO_REF:0000021.") (mo-definition GO--0016872 ""The catalysis of certain rearrangements of a molecule to break or form a ring." [GOC:jl, http://www.mercksource.com/]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0044266 ""organismal macromolecule breakdown" []") (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. The interaction with synapse-associated membrane-associated protein with guanylate kinase activity." [PMID:10207005]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043381 ""down regulation of memory T cell differentiation" []") (mo-definition GO--0030177 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of Wnt receptor signaling pathway activity." [GOC:go_curators]") (subclass GO--0048618 GO--0009886) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002838 "negative regulation of immune response to tumor cell") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0019941 ""protein-ligand-dependent protein catabolic process" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0052224 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050111 "mycocerosate synthase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043254 "regulation of protein complex assembly") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009377 "HslUV protease activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045718 ""downregulation of flagellum biogenesis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047605 "acetolactate decarboxylase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045683 ""down-regulation of epidermis development" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045555 ""negative regulation of TRAIL formation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030042 "actin filament depolymerization") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0031893 ""vasopressin receptor ligand" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004426 "EC:") (mo-inSubset GO--0006498 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047519 "quinate dehydrogenase (pyrroloquinoline-quinone) activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004008 "copper-exporting ATPase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030369 "ICAM-3 receptor activity") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0016711 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045220 ""upregulation of FasL biosynthetic process" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045145 "single-stranded DNA specific 5'-3' exodeoxyribonuclease activity") (mo-inSubset GO--0007154 goslim_goa) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032966 ""negative regulation of collagen biosynthesis" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0043332 ""conjugation tube tip" []") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0016954 ""nickel superoxide oxidoreductase" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046455 ""organosilicone catabolism" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0015436 "MetaCyc:") (mo-alternateID GO--0046594 "GO:0048122") (mo-definition GO--0046051 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving UTP, uridine (5'-)triphosphate." [GOC:go_curators]") (subclass GO--0007080 GO--0051310) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0000041 ""transition metal transport" []") (subclass GO--0042043 GO--0005515) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051353 "positive regulation of oxidoreductase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "myosin phosphatase myosin binding") (subclass GO--0021763 GO--0048857) (subclass GO--0050216 GO--0016616) (mo-definition GO--0033017 ""The lipid bilayer surrounding the sarcoplasmic reticulum." [GOC:rph]") (subclass GO--0042459 GO--0019469) (mo-definition GO--0047939 ""Catalysis of the reaction: L-gulonate + NADP+ = D-glucuronate + NADPH." [EC:, MetaCyc:GLUCURONATE-REDUCTASE-RXN]") (subclass GO--0050314 GO--0016765) (subclass GO--0006094 GO--0006090) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006809 ""nitric oxide formation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006579 "betaine catabolic process") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004845 "MetaCyc:URACIL-PRIBOSYLTRANS-RXN") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043673 "sexine") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000932 "cytoplasmic mRNA processing body") (mo-definition GO--0016624 ""Catalysis of an oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction in which an aldehyde or ketone (oxo) group acts as a hydrogen or electron donor and reduces a disulfide." [GOC:jl]") (mo-definition GO--0006818 ""The directed movement of hydrogen (H2 or H+), into, out of, within or between cells." [GOC:jl]") (subclass GO--0030902 GO--0048856) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045702 ""up-regulation of spermatid nuclear differentiation" []") (subclass GO--0052520 GO--0052313) (subclass GO--0050141 GO--0016663) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019213 "deacetylase activity") (subclass GO--0005114 GO--0005160) (mo-definition GO--0031307 ""Penetrating at least one phospholipid bilayer of the mitochondrial outer membrane. May also refer to the state of being buried in the bilayer with no exposure outside the bilayer." [GOC:mah]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0007592 "protein-based cuticle development") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0001633 ""class B G protein coupled receptor" []") (mo-definition GO--0007375 ""Internalization of the anterior midgut into the interior of the embryo." [ISBN:08795694238]") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0008534 ""DNA glycosylase/AP-lyase activity" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046926 "peptide cross-linking via 2-(S-L-cysteinyl)-D-allo-threonine") (subclass GO--0052330 GO--0052248) (subclass GO--0016028 GO--0043232) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047053 "EC:") (subclass GO--0008115 GO--0016647) (subclass GO--0042381 GO--0006959) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045272 ""NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) complex (sensu Bacteria)" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004449 "isocitrate dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0045328 "RESID:AA0324") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0015925 "EC:3.2.1.-") (mo-inSubset GO--0050926 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0065003 GO--0043170) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0045437 "EC:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043371 "negative regulation of CD4-positive, alpha beta T cell differentiation") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019593 ""mannitol biosynthesis" []") (subclass GO--0001546 GO--0022605) (mo-broadSynonym GO--0051730 ""GTP-dependent polynucleotide 5'-hydroxyl-kinase activity" []") (mo-definition GO--0035215 ""Progression of the genital imaginal disc over time, from its initial formation through to its metamorphosis to form the adult terminalia, comprising the entire set of internal and external genitalia and analia. Both sexes of Drosophila have a single genital disc formed from the female and male genital primordia, and the anal primordium. The anal primordium develops in both sexes, forming either male or female analia. However, only one of the genital primordia develops in each sex, forming either the male or the female genitalia." [GOC:bf, ISBN:0879694238, PMID:11494318]") (subclass GO--0042883 GO--0006865) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0060022 ""palatum durum development" [ISBN:0721662544]") (mo-inSubset GO--0030267 gosubset_prok) (documentation GO--0021591 EnglishLanguage "This term was added by GO_REF:0000021.") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045734 ""regulation of acetate catabolism" []") (subclass GO--0009998 GO--0042683) (mo-definition GO--0019072 ""The encapsulation of the viral genome within the capsid." [ISBN:0121585336]") (subclass GO--0051970 GO--0051969) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018824 "hydroxylaminobenzene mutase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032449 ""CARMA1-BCL10-Malt1 complex" []") (subclass GO--0035030 GO--0005942) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0055023 ""stimulation of cardiac muscle growth" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002816 "regulation of biosynthetic process of antibacterial peptides active against Gram-positive bacteria") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0031733 ""CCR8 chemokine receptor ligand" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0052385 "evasion or tolerance by organism of reactive oxygen species produced by other organism during symbiotic interaction") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0003910 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045979 ""up-regulation of nucleoside metabolic process" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0019134 gosubset_prok) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0005304 ""isoleucine/valine:sodium symporter activity" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0009813 "MetaCyc:PWY1F-FLAVSYN") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016114 "terpenoid biosynthetic process") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0048321 GO--0048320) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052348 ""positive regulation by organism of defense-related active oxygen species production in other organism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032378 ""down-regulation of intracellular lipid transport" []") (mo-definition GO--0006813 ""The directed movement of potassium ions (K+) into, out of, within or between cells." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0006190 GO--0006166) (mo-definition GO--0048524 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the viral life cycle, the set of processes by which a virus reproduces and spreads among hosts." [GOC:jic]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009268 "response to pH") (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene, 1-methyl-2,4,6-trinitrobenzene, a highly explosive pale yellow crystalline solid, in the absence of oxygen." [GOC:ai]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009833 ""primary cell wall formation (sensu Magnoliophyta)" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006965 ""upregulation of biosynthetic process of antibacterial peptides active against Gram-positive bacteria" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019270 "aerobactin biosynthetic process") (instance Smo-definedSubset BinaryRelation) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051897 ""positive regulation of PKB signaling cascade" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042811 ""pheromone anabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0031681 ""Interacting selectively with a G-protein beta subunit." [GOC:mah]") (subclass GO--0047743 GO--0016616) (subclass GO--0030815 GO--0030800) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0015437 ""lipopolysaccharide ABC transporter" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046724 ""oxalate secretion" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0017039 "MetaCyc:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0008113 ""peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase" []") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0019836 ""hemolysin activity" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0031710 ""neuromedin B receptor ligand" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047590 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002901 ""programmed cell death, mature B cells" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018269 ""GPI anchor anabolism via N-seryl-glycosylphosphatidylinositolethanolamine" []") (mo-definition GO--0048492 ""A complex containing either both large and small subunits or just small subunits which carries out the activity of producing 3-phosphoglycerate from carbon dioxide and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate." [GOC:mlg]") (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because it represents a class of gene products. To update annotations, consider biological_process term 'pathogenesis ; GO:0009405', cellular_component term 'intracellular ; GO:0005622' or its children, and molecular_function term 'toxin receptor binding ; GO:0050827'.") (subclass GO--0002528 GO--0043114) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050646 "5-oxo-6E,8Z,11Z,14Z-icosatetraenoic acid binding") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030685 "nucleolar preribosome") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043212 "carbohydrate-exporting ATPase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0008528 ""G protein coupled peptide receptor activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019315 ""D-allose anabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032745 ""up-regulation of interleukin-21 production" []") (subclass GO--0032350 GO--0031323) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0015973 ""guanosine pentaphosphate anabolism" []") (subclass GO--0009758 GO--0032501) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042965 ""glutaredoxin biosynthesis" []") (subclass GO--0015892 GO--0015891) (subclass GO--0009116 GO--0006139) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032016 ""downregulation of Ran protein signal transduction" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000248 "C-5 sterol desaturase activity") (documentation GO--0030253 EnglishLanguage "Note that this term represents an activity and not a cellular structure. Consider also annotating to the cellular component term 'type I protein secretion system complex ; GO:0030256'.") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0005316 "TC:2.A.20.2.2") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004301 "EC:") (subclass GO--0009171 GO--0009170) (mo-inSubset GO--0019683 gosubset_prok) (mo-inSubset GO--0018270 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019589 ""glycerol fermentation to propane-1,3-diol" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050689 ""down-regulation of antiviral response by host" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048614 "post-embryonic ectodermal gut morphogenesis") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047143 "EC:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019251 "anaerobic cobalamin biosynthetic process") (mo-definition GO--0048333 ""The process whereby a relatively unspecialized cell acquires the specialized features of a mesoderm cell." [GOC:dgh]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018513 "UM-BBD_enzymeID:e0161") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004349 "MetaCyc:GLUTKIN-RXN") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0002021 GO--0040014) (mo-inSubset GO--0010142 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0015304 "TC:2.A.1.1.12") (mo-definition GO--0008789 ""Catalysis of the reaction: D-altronate = 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-gluconate + H2O." [EC:]") (subclass GO--0031540 GO--0009962) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006754 "Reactome:224346") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019543 ""propionate degradation" []") (subclass GO--0051623 GO--0051621) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0052210 "interaction with other organism via protein secreted by type III secretion system during symbiotic interaction") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051173 ""up-regulation of nitrogen metabolic process" []") (mo-definition GO--0031444 ""A process leading to shortening and/or development of tension in striated muscle tissue consisting entirely of slow-twitch fibers." [GOC:mah]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050859 ""negative regulation of B-cell receptor signalling pathway" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030715 "oocyte growth (sensu Insecta)") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032895 ""up regulation of gluconate transport" []") (mo-definition GO--0002301 ""The process whereby a relatively unspecialized hemopoietic stem cell acquires the specialized features of a CD4-positive, alpha-beta intraepithelial T cell. Intraepithelial T cells are found among epithelial cells in mucosal areas and have distinct phenotypes and developmental pathways." [GOC:add, ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology"]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015923 "mannosidase activity") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0051437 "Reactome:211808") (mo-definition GO--0050294 ""Catalysis of the reaction: 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate + a phenolic steroid = adenosine 3',5'-bisphosphate + steroid O-sulfate." [EC:, MetaCyc:STEROID-SULFOTRANSFERASE-RXN]") (subclass GO--0045603 GO--0045601) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0030163 ""pheromone catabolism (sensu Saccharomyces)" []") (subclass GO--0048366 GO--0048827) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0006788 GO--0006787) (mo-definition GO--0052018 ""The alteration by an organism of the levels of RNA in the host organism. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction." [GOC:mtg_pamgo_17jul06]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042357 ""thiamin pyrophosphate metabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006488 ""dolichol-linked oligosaccharide synthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0000931 ""gamma-tubulin large complex (sensu Schizosaccharomyces)" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0004043 ""AAR" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0003978 "UDP-glucose 4-epimerase activity") (mo-definition GO--0008676 ""Catalysis of the reaction: phosphoenolpyruvate + D-arabinose 5-phosphate + H2O = 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-octonate 8-phosphate + phosphate." [EC:]") (subclass GO--0021932 GO--0021535) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042925 "benzoate transporter activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0021729 "superior reticular formation development") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0040019 ""upregulation of embryonic development" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042524 "negative regulation of tyrosine phosphorylation of Stat5 protein") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002343 ""peripheral B-lymphocyte selection" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0019136 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0021882 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of transcription from an RNA polymerase II promoter that contributes to the commitment of a neuroblast to a neuronal fate. The neuron will reside in the forebrain." [GOC:cls, GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jic, GOC:mtg_15jun06, PMID:16226447]") (subclass GO--0006995 GO--0043562) (mo-definition GO--0048009 ""The series of molecular signals generated as a consequence of the insulin-like growth factor receptor binding to one of its physiological ligands." [GOC:ceb]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0000168 ""osmolarity sensing, activation of MAP kinase kinase activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0007186 ""G protein coupled receptor protein signaling pathway" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0051349 ""stimulation of lyase activity" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018271 "EC:6.3.4.-") (mo-definition GO--0019744 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving hopanoids, pentacyclic sterol-like compounds based on the hopane nucleus." [ISBN:0198547684]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006260 "Reactome:230019") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009947 "centrolateral axis specification") (mo-definition GO--0046036 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving CTP, cytidine triphosphate." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-alternateID GO--0004057 "GO:0042172") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004954 "prostanoid receptor activity") (subclass GO--0019400 GO--0019751) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046413 ""organomercury degradation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042254 "ribosome biogenesis and assembly") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045535 ""down regulation of interleukin-27 biosynthetic process" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006200 ""ATP hydrolysis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032912 ""negative regulation of TGF-B2 production" []") (subclass GO--0010346 GO--0048646) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043514 "interleukin-12 complex") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052079 ""positive regulation by organism of defense-related host mitogen-activated protein kinase-mediated signal transduction pathway" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042704 "uterine wall breakdown") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0004364 ""glutathione conjugation reaction" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015158 "raffinose transporter activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006895 "Golgi to endosome transport") (mo-definition GO--0047698 ""Catalysis of the reaction: beta-alanyl-CoA = acryloyl-CoA + NH3." [EC:, MetaCyc:BETA-ALANYL-COA-AMMONIA-LYASE-RXN]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0001969 "regulation of activation of membrane attack complex") (mo-inSubset GO--0006231 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046584 "enniatin metabolic process") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0032854 ""activation of Rap GTPase activity" []") (subclass GO--0006219 GO--0046096) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0045285 GO--0045275) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045370 ""inhibition of interleukin-14 biosynthetic process" []") (subclass GO--0017090 GO--0043234) (subclass GO--0032247 GO--0032244) (subclass GO--0001779 GO--0030098) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0015940 ""pantothenate synthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0007029 ""ER organisation and biogenesis" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047552 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006924 ""programmed cell death, activated T cells" []") (subclass GO--0021513 GO--0009953) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019517 "threonine catabolic process to D-lactate") (mo-inSubset GO--0006493 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0021956 GO--0021955) (mo-definition GO--0042610 ""Interacting selectively with a CD8, a receptor found on the surface of thymocytes and cytotoxic and suppressor T-lymphocytes." [GOC:jl, MeSH:D016827]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018227 ""peptidyl-S-12-hydroxyfarnesyl-L-cysteine formation from peptidyl-cysteine" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0035141 "medial fin morphogenesis") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000075 "Reactome:280705") (subclass GO--0032822 GO--0032820) (mo-definition GO--0007066 ""The joining of the sister chromatids of a replicated chromosome along the entire length of the chromosome that occurs during meiosis in a female." [GOC:ai]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008524 "TC:2.A.1.4.5") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0032251 ""activation of adenosine transport" []") (subclass GO--0008559 GO--0042626) (mo-definition GO--0008272 ""The directed movement of sulfate into, out of, within or between cells." [GOC:krc]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0016182 GO--0016079) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047129 "EC:") (mo-definition GO--0015066 ""Stops, prevents or reduces the activity of alpha-amylase." [GOC:mah]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0001560 ""regulation of growth by exogenous signal" []") (subclass GO--0016429 GO--0016426) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052252 ""negative regulation by organism of defense-related SA-mediated signal transduction pathway in other organism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0005832 ""CCT particle" []") (mo-definition GO--0030165 ""Interacting selectively with a PDZ domain of a protein, a domain found in diverse signaling proteins." [GOC:go_curators, Pfam:PF00595]") (subclass GO--0004965 GO--0008067) (subclass GO--0045620 GO--0045619) (mo-inSubset GO--0015682 gosubset_prok) (mo-inSubset GO--0046912 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047225 "MetaCyc:") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0016435 "EC:2.1.1.-") (mo-inSubset GO--0005386 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031117 ""upregulation of microtubule depolymerization" []") (subclass GO--0006747 GO--0046443) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006163 "purine nucleotide metabolic process") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0032678 GO--0032638) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0048851 GO--0048850) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006925 "inflammatory cell apoptosis") (subclass GO--0048377 GO--0007501) (mo-definition GO--0052469 ""The alteration by an organism of the levels of salicylic acid in a second organism, where the two organisms are in a symbiotic interaction." [GOC:mtg_pamgo_17jul06]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0016903 "EC:1.2") (subclass GO--0006059 GO--0019400) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002893 ""down regulation of type II hypersensitivity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002297 ""Th2 fate commitment" [ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology"]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005215 "transporter activity") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0000915 ""cytokinesis, contractile ring assembly" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009851 ""auxin synthesis" []") (mo-definition GO--0060089 ""The molecular function that accepts an input of one form and creates an output of a different form." [GOC:mtg_MIT]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008568 "MetaCyc:") (subclass GO--0021840 GO--0030334) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0007000 "nucleolus organization and biogenesis") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045014 ""down regulation of transcription by glucose" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002299 ""alpha-beta intraepithelial T-cell differentiation" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0051254 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004373 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0047804 ""cysteine-S-conjugate b-lyase activity" []") (mo-definition GO--0002891 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate, or extent of an immunoglobulin mediated immune response." [GOC:add]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048332 "mesoderm morphogenesis") (mo-definition GO--0045103 ""Any cellular process that depends upon or alters the intermediate filament cytoskeleton, that part of the cytoskeleton comprising intermediate filaments and their associated proteins." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0045935 GO--0019219) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002354 ""central B-cell negative selection" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042426 ""choline catabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015103 "inorganic anion transporter activity") (mo-definition GO--0007045 ""The formation of a hemi-adherens junction. Within proximal sheath cells, actin/myosin bundles are anchored to the plasma membrane at plaque-like structures termed hemi-adherens junctions, which in turn are closely associated with the gonadal basal lamina. It is proposed that hemi-adherens junctions function to anchor the myofilament apparatus within the basal plasma membrane of the sheath cell and to the exterior basal lamina." [PMID:10419689]") (subclass GO--0042015 GO--0019965) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0010121 ""arginine degradation to proline via ornithine" []") (mo-definition GO--0043362 ""A developmental process, independent of morphogenetic (shape) change, that is required for a nucleate erythrocyte to attain its fully functional state. A nucleate erythrocyte is an erythrocyte with a nucleus." [GOC:devbiol, GOC:jl]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter activity") (mo-definition GO--0008915 ""Catalysis of the reaction: UDP-2,3-bis(3-hydroxytetradecanoyl)glucosamine + 2,3-bis(3-hydroxytetradecanoyl)-beta-D-glucosaminyl 1-phosphate = UDP + 2,3-bis(3-hydroxytetradecanoyl)-D-glucosaminyl-1,6-beta-D-2,3-bis(3-hydroxytetradecanoyl)-beta-D-glucosaminyl 1-phosphate." [EC:]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006768 ""vitamin B7 metabolism" []") (mo-alternateID GO--0043010 "GO:0031075") (subclass GO--0015876 GO--0051182) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0015563 ""zinc, iron permease activity" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0042157 "Reactome:174800") (subclass GO--0000334 GO--0016702) (subclass GO--0048693 GO--0048670) (mo-definition GO--0032983 ""An assembly of four or five subunits which form a structure with an extracellular N-terminus and a large loop that together form the ligand binding domain. The C-terminus is intracellular. The ionotropic glutamate receptor complex itself acts as a ligand gated ion channel; on binding glutamate, charged ions pass through a channel in the center of the receptor complex. Kainate receptors are multimeric assemblies of GluR5-7 and KA-1/2 subunits." [http://www.bris.ac.uk/Depts/Synaptic/info/glutamate.html]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0032039 GO--0016591) (mo-inSubset GO--0042026 gosubset_prok) (mo-inSubset GO--0019203 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0018078 GO--0018212) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004643 "MetaCyc:AICARTRANSFORM-RXN") (mo-definition GO--0048855 ""The process by which the anatomical structures of the adenohypophysis are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form. The adenohypophysis is the anterior part of the pituitary. It secretes a variety of hormones and its function is regulated by the hypothalamus." [GOC:cvs, GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jic]") (mo-definition GO--0001313 ""Excision from the chromosome and circularization of a region of chromosomal DNA, generally, but not always, via homologous recombination between direct tandem repeats, in dividing cells as they age." [GOC:jh]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019495 "proline catabolic process to 2-oxoglutarate") (mo-inSubset GO--0000375 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0032262 GO--0008655) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051894 ""upregulation of focal adhesion formation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0052532 "positive regulation by organism of induced systemic resistance in other organism during symbiotic interaction") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050354 "Reactome:70343") (subclass GO--0030206 GO--0006024) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0001772 ""supramolecular activation cluster" [PMID:14724296]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0003904 "deoxyribodipyrimidine photo-lyase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045726 ""positive regulation of integrin synthesis" []") (subclass GO--0042992 GO--0042990) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0035291 GO--0035288) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019535 "ferric-vibriobactin transporter activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046562 ""beta-D-glucose oxidase" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051645 ""establishment and maintenance of Golgi localization" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004742 "dihydrolipoyllysine-residue acetyltransferase activity") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008762 "MetaCyc:UDPNACETYLMURAMATEDEHYDROG-RXN") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0048344 GO--0048343) (mo-definition GO--0002719 ""Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate, or extent of cytokine production during immune response." [GOC:add]") (mo-definition GO--0051784 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of nuclear division, the partitioning of the nucleus and its genetic information." [GOC:ai]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047336 "MetaCyc:") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047938 "MetaCyc:GLUCOSE-6-PHOSPHATE-1-EPIMERASE-RXN") (subclass GO--0015623 GO--0015603) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046522 ""5-methylthioribose kinase activity" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008800 "MetaCyc:BETA-LACTAMASE-RXN") (subclass GO--0048185 GO--0005515) (mo-definition GO--0006893 ""The directed movement of substances from the Golgi to the plasma membrane in transport vesicles that move from the trans-Golgi network to the plasma membrane, where they fuse and release their contents by exocytosis." [ISBN:0716731363]") (subclass GO--0004138 GO--0019136) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048518 ""positive regulation of physiological process" []") (subclass GO--0050926 GO--0050920) (mo-definition GO--0051363 ""The process of linking a protein to peptidoglycan via a carboxy terminal alanine carboxyl group through a pentaglycyl peptide to the lysine or diaminopimelic acid of the peptidoglycan." [PMID:8163519, PMID:9086265, RESID:AA0383]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048339 "paraxial mesoderm development") (mo-inSubset GO--0019282 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0035103 ""The proteolytic release of a transcriptionally active sterol regulatory element binding protein (SREBP) from intracellular membranes, freeing it to move to the nucleus and upregulate transcription of target genes, in response to altered levels of one or more lipids." [GOC:bf, PMID:12923525]") (mo-definition GO--0004560 ""Catalysis of the reaction: an alpha-L-fucoside + H2O = an alcohol + L-fucose." [EC:]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032480 ""down-regulation of interferon type I production" []") (mo-definition GO--0052035 ""Any process by which an organism activates, maintains or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the inflammatory response of the host organism; the inflammatory response is the immediate defensive reaction (by vertebrate tissue) to infection or injury caused by chemical or physical agents. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction." [GOC:mtg_pamgo_17jul06]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0009878 GO--0009877) (subclass GO--0001550 GO--0022602) (subclass GO--0032106 GO--0032104) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045777 ""stimulation of blood pressure" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016465 "chaperonin ATPase complex") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043498 "cell surface binding") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030213 ""hyaluronan biosynthesis" []") (subclass GO--0052359 GO--0052354) (mo-definition GO--0009601 ""The series of events in which a stimulus from an insect is received and converted into a molecular signal." [GOC:hb]") (mo-definition GO--0045191 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of isotype switching." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0015587 GO--0008982) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046458 ""hexadecanal metabolism" []") (subclass GO--0021603 GO--0048646) (mo-definition GO--0032829 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of differentiation of CD4-positive, CD25-positive, alpha-beta regulatory T cells." [GOC:mah]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031442 ""upregulation of mRNA 3'-end processing" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0000165 ""MAPK cascade" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018444 ""eukaryotic peptide chain release factor" []") (subclass GO--0019239 GO--0003824) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0016508 "MetaCyc:LONG-CHAIN-ENOYL-COA-HYDRATASE-RXN") (subclass GO--0030889 GO--0050672) (subclass GO--0003690 GO--0043566) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045075 ""regulation of interleukin-12 formation" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0050484 ""IMP-GMP specific 5'-nucleotidase activity" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016978 "lipoate-protein ligase B activity") (subclass GO--0016671 GO--0016667) (mo-inSubset GO--0047133 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030828 ""up-regulation of cGMP biosynthetic process" []") (subclass GO--0009213 GO--0009211) (subclass GO--0005980 GO--0005977) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042369 ""vitamin D degradation" []") (mo-definition GO--0018940 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving orcinol (5-methyl-1,3-benzenediol), an aromatic compound derived from the fermentation of lichen, and synthesized, probably as a fungicide, by some higher plants." [GOC:jl]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050572 "EC:") (mo-definition GO--0017048 ""Interacting selectively with Rho protein, any member of the Rho subfamily of the Ras superfamily of monomeric GTPases. Proteins in the Rho subfamily are involved in relaying signals from cell-surface receptors to the actin cytoskeleton." [ISBN:0198547684, PMID:12581856]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0021719 GO--0021718) (subclass GO--0030001 GO--0006812) (mo-definition GO--0021533 ""The process whereby relatively unspecialized cells acquire specialized structural and/or functional features that characterize the mature cells of the hindbrain. Differentiation includes the processes involved in commitment of a cell to a specific fate." [GOC:cls, GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jic, GOC:mtg_15jun06]") (subclass GO--0015737 GO--0015736) (subclass GO--0044445 GO--0044444) (subclass GO--0001775 GO--0009987) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006281 "Reactome:230400") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006783 "Reactome:249768") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050583 "MetaCyc:") (mo-definition GO--0045660 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of neutrophil differentiation." [GOC:go_curators]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0021989 GO--0021988) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047094 "3-hydroxyphenylacetate 6-hydroxylase activity") (subclass GO--0051745 GO--0016726) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031539 ""upregulation of anthocyanin metabolic process" []") (mo-definition GO--0032447 ""Covalent attachment of the ubiquitin-like protein URM1 to another protein." [GOC:vw]") (mo-inSubset GO--0016747 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019258 "MetaCyc:P421-PWY") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0002052 ""activation of neuroblast proliferation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047937 "glucose-1-phosphate phosphodismutase activity") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0050906 GO--0007600) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006414 "Reactome:265213") (subclass GO--0002364 GO--0002360) (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. Catalysis of the reaction: 4 Fe2+ + 4 H+ + O2 = 4 Fe3+ + 2 H2O." [EC:]") (mo-definition GO--0047300 ""Catalysis of the reaction: pyruvate + pyridoxamine = L-alanine + pyridoxal." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of intermediate filament polymerization and/or depolymerization." [GOC:go_curators]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031498 "chromatin disassembly") (mo-definition GO--0035087 ""The transfer of small interfering RNA molecules (siRNAs) from the Dicer family of enzymes that cleave the double-stranded RNA, onto the nuclease-containing RNA-initiated silencing complex (RISC)." [GOC:bf, PMID:14512631]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0033071 "vancomycin metabolic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0016908 ""ERK2" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0018884 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0030906 GO--0044425) (mo-definition GO--0018900 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving dichloromethane, a dichlorinated derivative of methane. It is a colorless organic liquid with a sweet, chloroform-like odor, often used as a paint remover." [UM-BBD_pathwayID:dcm]") (mo-definition GO--0015026 ""Combining with an extracellular or intracellular messenger, and in cooperation with a nearby primary receptor, initiating a change in cell activity." [GOC:go_curators]") (subclass GO--0030411 GO--0016836) (subclass GO--0009810 GO--0043449) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050480 "MetaCyc:IMIDAZOLONEPROPIONASE-RXN") (mo-definition GO--0043650 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of dicarboxylic acids, any organic acid containing two carboxyl (-COOH) groups." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042144 ""homotypic vacuole fusion (non-autophagic)" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0018467 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0052443 ""Any process by which an organism modulates the frequency, rate or extent of jasmonic acid-mediated signal transduction pathways that occur as part of the defense response of a second organism, where the two organisms are in a symbiotic interaction." [GOC:mtg_pamgo_17jul06]") (subclass GO--0005131 GO--0005126) (subclass GO--0050909 GO--0007606) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015740 "C4-dicarboxylate transport") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009963 ""upregulation of flavonoid biosynthetic process" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0005160 ""transforming growth factor beta receptor ligand" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0030818 ""inhibition of cAMP biosynthetic process" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045383 ""activation of interleukin-18 biosynthetic process" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032117 ""HAA" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018866 ""adamantanone metabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051001 ""down regulation of nitric-oxide synthase activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019564 ""aerobic glycerol degradation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045695 "negative regulation of embryo sac egg cell differentiation") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051056 "regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0001808 ""down regulation of type IV hypersensitivity" []") (subclass GO--0032400 GO--0051875) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0001713 GO--0001705) (mo-definition GO--0051593 ""A change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a folic acid stimulus." [GOC:ai]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0017057 "6-phosphogluconolactonase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006651 ""diacylglycerol biosynthesis" []") (subclass GO--0019254 GO--0009437) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046383 ""dTDP-rhamnose metabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0048074 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of establishment of a pattern of pigment in the eye of an organism." [GOC:jic]") (mo-inSubset GO--0052117 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0017161 "EC:3.1.3.-") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0016408 "EC:2.3.1.-") (subclass GO--0031997 GO--0047485) (subclass GO--0019469 GO--0046419) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0000913 GO--0000911) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045856 ""stimulation of pole plasm oskar mRNA localization" []") (mo-definition GO--0000387 ""The formation and assembly from one or more snRNA and multiple protein components of a ribonucleoprotein complex that in involved in formation of the spliceosome." [GOC:krc, ISBN:0879695897]") (subclass GO--0002653 GO--0002644) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0051687 GO--0051653) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002202 "somatic diversification of variable lymphocyte receptors of jawless fish") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0016344 ""meiotic chromosome movement" []") (subclass GO--0002374 GO--0050663) (subclass GO--0010086 GO--0010015) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0004435 ""1-phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate phosphodiesterase activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046482 ""para-aminobenzoic acid metabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042759 ""long-chain fatty acid formation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008428 "ribonuclease inhibitor activity") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0003746 ""protein-synthesizing GTPase activity, elongation" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0048554 ""activation of metalloenzyme activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0060075 ""regulation of resting potential" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031198 ""siderophore synthesis from hydroxamic acid, peptide modification" []") (mo-definition GO--0009860 ""Growth of pollen via tip extension of the intine wall." [ISBN:00943088399]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006368 ""RNA elongation from Pol II promoter" []") (mo-definition GO--0004772 ""Catalysis of the reaction: acyl-CoA + cholesterol = CoA + cholesterol ester." [EC:]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019780 "FAT10 activating enzyme activity") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0002708 ""stimulation of lymphocyte mediated immunity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048235 ""male gamete generation (sensu Magnoliophyta)" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0006987 GO--0030968) (mo-inSubset GO--0046326 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002255 "tissue kallikrein-kinin cascade") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "tubulin GTPase activity") (subclass GO--0032721 GO--0032681) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006163 ""purine nucleotide metabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0001595 ""Combining with angiotensin to initiate a change in cell activity." [GOC:ai]") (mo-inSubset GO--0051180 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0008257 ""Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + protein L-histidine = ADP + protein N(tau)-phospho-L-histidine." [EC:]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051238 ""metal ion retention" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051460 ""negative regulation of adrenotropic hormone secretion" []") (mo-definition GO--0030519 ""Interacting selectively with a protein constituent of a small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein particle." [GOC:mah]") (subclass GO--0006592 GO--0019795) (mo-definition GO--0006425 ""The process of coupling glutamine to glutaminyl-tRNA, catalyzed by glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase. In tRNA aminoacylation, the amino acid is first activated by linkage to AMP and then transferred to either the 2'- or the 3'-hydroxyl group of the 3'- adenosine residue of the tRNA." [GOC:mcc, ISBN:0716730510]") (subclass GO--0018305 GO--0018198) (mo-definition GO--0008094 ""Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + H2O = ADP + phosphate in the presence of double-stranded DNA; drives another reaction." [EC:, GOC:jl]") (subclass GO--0006152 GO--0009164) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019569 "L-arabinose catabolic process to xylulose 5-phosphate") (mo-definition GO--0018342 ""The enzymatic addition of prenyl moieties to proteins as a posttranslational modification; geranyl, farnesyl, or geranylgeranyl groups may be added." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-definition GO--0046047 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of TTP, ribosylthymine triphosphate." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006172 ""ADP anabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006297 "nucleotide-excision repair, DNA gap filling") (subclass GO--0005170 GO--0005167) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0042719 GO--0005758) (mo-definition GO--0004504 ""Catalysis of the reaction: peptidyl-glycine + ascorbate + O2 = peptidyl(2-hydroxyglycine) + dehydroascorbate + H2O." [EC:]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000722 "Reactome:273558") (subclass GO--0008859 GO--0008408) (subclass GO--0050654 GO--0006029) (subclass GO--0021557 GO--0021545) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043676 ""sexine 2" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0003774 "motor activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047731 "catechol oxidase (dimerizing) activity") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006635 "Reactome:230396") (subclass GO--0046641 GO--0042102) (mo-definition GO--0006948 ""The process of syncytia-forming cell-cell fusion, caused by a virus." [ISBN:0781718325]") (subclass GO--0030532 GO--0044428) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046538 "2,3-bisphosphoglycerate-dependent phosphoglycerate mutase activity") (subclass GO--0043390 GO--0043389) (subclass GO--0004043 GO--0016620) (subclass GO--0018332 GO--0018307) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0042368 ""cholecalciferol biosynthetic process" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0004793 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0006821 GO--0015698) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042361 ""multiprenylmenaquinone catabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030808 ""regulation of nucleotide anabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0000943 ""VLP" []") (documentation GO--0009382 EnglishLanguage "See also the molecular function term 'imidazoleglycerol-phosphate synthase activity ; GO:0000107'.") (mo-inSubset GO--0015763 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0043230 ""Organized structure of distinctive morphology and function, occurring outside the cell. Includes, for example, extracellular membrane vesicles (EMVs) and the cellulosomes of anaerobic bacteria and fungi." [GOC:jl, PMID:9914479]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015547 "nalidixic acid transporter activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0001926 ""positive regulation of B-1 B-cell differentiation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031222 ""arabinan breakdown" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050685 "positive regulation of mRNA processing") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0003817 "complement factor D activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050766 ""up-regulation of phagocytosis" []") (subclass GO--0000923 GO--0005815) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004165 "Reactome:8459") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019570 ""L-arabinose catabolic process to alpha-ketoglutarate" []") (mo-definition GO--0030472 ""A process that is carried out at the cellular level which results in the formation, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of the microtubule spindle in the nucleus during a mitotic cell cycle, as seen in Fungi." [GOC:mah]") (subclass GO--0009822 GO--0009820) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0052206 "modification of morphology or physiology of other organism via protein secreted by type II secretion system during symbiotic interaction") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002289 ""NK T lymphocyte proliferation during immune response" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018651 "EC:1.14.13.-") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051480 ""regulation of cytosolic calcium ion concentration" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046442 ""aerobactin metabolism" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0003887 "MetaCyc:DNA-DIRECTED-DNA-POLYMERASE-RXN") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0016711 ""flavonoid 3'-hydroxylase" []") (mo-definition GO--0042129 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of T cell proliferation." [GOC:jl]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "ABC-type efflux permease activity") (subclass GO--0019908 GO--0000307) (mo-definition GO--0002417 ""B cell antigen processing and presentation which is initiated by uptake of antigen bound to the B cell receptor." [GOC:add, ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology", PMID:15771591]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "interaction with symbiont via protein secreted by type II secretion system") (subclass GO--0022622 GO--0048731) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0016110 ""tetraterpenoid breakdown" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046332 "SMAD binding") (subclass GO--0050257 GO--0016301) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018021 "peptidyl-histidine methylation") (mo-definition GO--0030062 ""Any of the heteromeric enzymes, located in the mitochondrion, that act in the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle." [GOC:mah, GOC:mtg_sensu]") (mo-inSubset GO--0005941 goslim_generic) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050924 "positive regulation of negative chemotaxis") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018032 "protein amino acid amidation") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0007296 GO--0007292) (mo-definition GO--0051594 ""The series of events in which a glucose stimulus is received by a cell and converted into a molecular signal." [GOC:ai]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006260 "Reactome:222984") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0010325 "raffinose family oligosaccharide biosynthesic process") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015439 "heme-transporting ATPase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0065001 "specification of axis polarity") (subclass GO--0009812 GO--0009698) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032245 "regulation of purine nucleoside transport") (mo-inSubset GO--0004053 gosubset_prok) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0031017 GO--0035272) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009056 ""degradation" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0000038 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0005116 GO--0005160) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018651 "UM-BBD_enzymeID:e0243") (subclass GO--0018036 GO--0018196) (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0005102 ""receptor-associated protein activity" []") (mo-definition GO--0051859 ""Any process by which an organism stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of symbiont defense(s) by active mechanisms that normally result in the shutting down of a symbiont pathway. The symbiont is defined as the smaller of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction." [GOC:cc]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045378 ""regulation of interleukin-17 anabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0001695 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of histamine, a physiologically active amine, found in plant and animal tissue and released from mast cells as part of an allergic reaction in humans." [GOC:jl, ISBN:0395825172]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0021943 GO--0021932) (subclass GO--0004509 GO--0016705) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0052144 "negative energy taxis within host") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0042213 "MetaCyc:M-CRESOL-DEGRADATION-PWY") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0035099 ""hemocyte migration (sensu Arthropoda)" []") (mo-definition GO--0010169 ""A large (200-800 kDa) multiprotein complex formed by 70-kDa and 5-kDa myrosinases, myrosinase- binding proteins (MBPs), MBP-related proteins and myrosinase-associated proteins. The complex has been identified in Brassica napus seeds." [PMID:10682349]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0010123 ""acetate fermentation to butyrate, ethanol, acetone and butanol" []") (mo-definition GO--0050138 ""Catalysis of the reaction: nicotinate + H2O + NADP+ = 6-hydroxynicotinate + NADPH." [EC:, MetaCyc:NICOTINATE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN]") (subclass GO--0009191 GO--0009261) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045385 ""negative regulation of interleukin-19 synthesis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0035090 "maintenance of apical/basal cell polarity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0001959 "regulation of cytokine and chemokine mediated signaling pathway") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042793 "transcription from plastid promoter") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0052509 ""stimulation by symbiont of host defense response" []") (mo-definition GO--0043482 ""The aggregation of coloring matter in a particular location in a cell, occurring in response to some external stimulus." [GOC:jl]") (subclass GO--0019250 GO--0009236) (mo-inSubset GO--0018312 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0042208 GO--0018964) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006397 "Reactome:216307") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047545 "2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase activity") (subclass GO--0045071 GO--0048525) (subclass GO--0008375 GO--0016758) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043318 ""down-regulation of cytotoxic T cell degranulation" []") (subclass GO--0045077 GO--0045072) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030741 "inositol 1-methyltransferase activity") (subclass GO--0008691 GO--0016616) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004501 "ecdysone 20-monooxygenase activity") (subclass GO--0045580 GO--0050863) (mo-inSubset GO--0046055 gosubset_prok) (subclass SexualReproduction GO--0000003) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018396 "peptidyl-lysine hydroxylation to 4-hydroxy-L-lysine") (mo-definition GO--0044431 ""Any constituent part of the Golgi apparatus, a compound membranous cytoplasmic organelle of eukaryotic cells, consisting of flattened, ribosome-free vesicles arranged in a more or less regular stack." [GOC:jl]") (mo-definition GO--0042714 ""The processes by which the complex that mediates dosage compensation is assembled on one or more X chromosomes." [GOC:jl, PMID:11102361, PMID:12672493]") (subclass GO--0050545 GO--0016831) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050845 ""teichuronic acid synthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0015366 ""malate:proton symporter" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0046516 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008987 "quinolinate synthetase A activity") (subclass GO--0042535 GO--0042108) (mo-definition GO--0002636 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate, or extent of germinal center formation." [GOC:add]") (subclass GO--0042754 GO--0042752) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046445 ""benzyl isoquinoline alkaloid metabolism" []") (subclass GO--0045487 GO--0009685) (subclass GO--0047111 GO--0016622) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006924 ""activated T-lymphocyte apoptosis" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004072 "EC:") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0042104 ""stimulation of activated T cell proliferation" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047017 "MetaCyc:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0005732 ""snoRNP" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018315 ""molybdenum incorporation into metallo-pterin complex" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0047555 ""3',5' cyclic-GMP phosphodiesterase activity" []") (subclass GO--0009644 GO--0009642) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048211 "Golgi vesicle docking") (documentation GO--0021938 EnglishLanguage "This term was added by GO_REF:0000021.") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051198 "negative regulation of coenzyme metabolic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052004 ""downregulation by symbiont of host salicylic acid-mediated defense response" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048056 "R3/R4 cell differentiation") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045040 ""mitochondrial outer membrane protein import" []") (subclass GO--0015089 GO--0005375) (subclass GO--0001761 GO--0015175) (mo-definition GO--0030926 ""The incorporation of calcium into a 4Mn-Ca-4O complex by bis-L-aspartato tris-L-glutamato L-histidino calcium tetramanganese tetroxide as in the photosystem II catalytic site." [PMID:14764885, RESID:AA0366]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0043306 ""activation of mast cell degranulation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019527 ""pentitol degradation" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0050434 ""activation of viral transcription" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000722 "Reactome:210851") (subclass GO--0040017 GO--0040012) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031730 "CCR5 chemokine receptor binding") (mo-definition GO--0006446 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of translational initiation." [GOC:go_curators]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047505 "(-)-menthol monooxygenase activity") (subclass GO--0046325 GO--0046324) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0040017 ""stimulation of locomotion" []") (subclass GO--0009826 GO--0016049) (subclass GO--0046406 GO--0008757) (subclass GO--0009730 GO--0009593) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005819 "spindle") (mo-definition GO--0033119 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of RNA splicing." [GOC:mah]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042608 ""TCR binding" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050449 "casbene synthase activity") (subclass GO--0042369 GO--0042359) (mo-definition GO--0004996 ""Combining with thyroid-stimulating hormone to initiate a change in cell activity." [GOC:mah]") (subclass GO--0045455 GO--0008202) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045686 ""inhibition of glial cell differentiation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016363 "nuclear matrix") (subclass GO--0009440 GO--0019754) (mo-definition GO--0004075 ""Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + biotin-carboxyl-carrier protein + CO2 = ADP + phosphate + carboxybiotin-carboxyl-carrier protein." [EC:]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015030 "Cajal body") (mo-definition GO--0046520 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of sphingoids, any of a class of compounds comprising sphinganine and its homologues and stereoisomers, and derivatives of these compounds." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030218 ""erythrocyte cell differentiation" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0018081 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009963 ""positive regulation of flavonoid formation" []") (subclass GO--0042209 GO--0018940) (subclass GO--0019648 GO--0019649) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043516 "regulation of DNA damage response, signal transduction by p53 class mediator") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050020 "EC:") (subclass GO--0030374 GO--0003713) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048486 "parasympathetic nervous system development") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0017055 ""inhibition of transcriptional preinitiation complex formation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0001615 "thyrotropin releasing hormone and secretagogue-like receptors activity") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0009888 GO--0048513) (mo-definition GO--0005587 ""A collagen heterotrimer containing type IV alpha chains; [alpha1(IV)]2alpha2(IV) trimers are commonly observed, although more type IV alpha chains exist and may be present in type IV trimers; type IV collagen triple helices associate to form nets within basement membranes." [ISBN:0721639976]") (subclass GO--0008782 GO--0016799) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045383 ""positive regulation of interleukin-18 biosynthesis" []") (mo-definition GO--0051397 ""Catalysis of the hydrolysis of basic amino acid residues at the N-terminal of an oligopeptide or polypeptide chain." [GOC:ai]") (mo-definition GO--0047795 ""Catalysis of the reaction: trans-cyclohexane-1,2-diol + NAD+ = 2-hydroxycyclohexan-1-one + NADH." [EC:, MetaCyc:CYCLOHEXANE-1,2-DIOL-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045905 ""up-regulation of translational termination" []") (subclass GO--0046218 GO--0042402) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006307 "Reactome:261697") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0048088 GO--0048094) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0005751 ""respiratory chain complex IV (sensu Eukaryota)" []") (mo-definition GO--0030154 ""The process whereby relatively unspecialized cells, e.g. embryonic or regenerative cells, acquire specialized structural and/or functional features that characterize the cells, tissues, or organs of the mature organism or some other relatively stable phase of the organism's life history. Differentiation includes the processes involved in commitment of a cell to a specific fate." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (subclass GO--0015389 GO--0005415) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006360 "Reactome:249846") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051930 "regulation of sensory perception of pain") (mo-inSubset GO--0042177 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0010250 ""S-methylmethionine formation" []") (documentation GO--0015614 EnglishLanguage "Consider also annotating to the molecular function term 'ATP binding ; GO:0005524'.") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002617 "negative regulation of macrophage antigen processing and presentation") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018750 "EC:") (mo-definition GO--0004285 ""Catalysis of the release of protein hormones, neuropeptides and renin from their precursors, generally by cleavage of -Lys-Arg-Xaa at the Arg-Xaa bond." [EC:]") (mo-exactSynonym ""secretory granule" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0016413 "EC:2.3.1.-") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043330 ""response to exogenous double-stranded RNA" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006826 ""iron transport" []") (mo-exactSynonym ""2,4-dichlorobenzoate biosynthesis" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0001930 ""activation of exocyst assembly" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0006715 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0032626 GO--0001816) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0015890 ""nicotinamide ribonucleotide transport" []") (subclass GO--0032736 GO--0032656) (subclass GO--0032041 GO--0031078) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018601 "UM-BBD_enzymeID:e0205") (subclass GO--0016779 GO--0016772) (mo-inSubset GO--0009096 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015344 "siderophore-iron (ferrioxamine) uptake transporter activity") (mo-inSubset GO--0045243 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0031985 GO--0031984) (subclass GO--0047408 GO--0016803) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0004791 ""thioredoxin-disulphide reductase activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019815 ""B-lymphocyte receptor complex" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019474 ""L-lysine degradation to acetyl-CoA" []") (subclass GO--0016682 GO--0016679) (mo-definition GO--0019573 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of D-arabinose to form xylulose 5-phosphate. D-arabinose is converted into D-ribulose, which is phosphorylated to ribulose-5-phosphate, which is isomerized to give D-xylulose-5-phosphate." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031540 ""regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051954 ""up regulation of amine transport" []") (mo-definition GO--0006019 ""The process of introducing a phosphoric group into deoxyribose 5-phosphate to produce deoxyribose bisphosphate." [GOC:ai]") (mo-definition GO--0051386 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the activity of the nerve growth factor receptor signaling pathway." [GOC:ai]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030209 "dermatan sulfate catabolic process") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032390 "MutLbeta complex") (subclass GO--0021896 GO--0048708) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052385 ""evasion or tolerance by organism of defense-related oxidative burst in other organism during symbiotic interaction" []") (subclass GO--0018272 GO--0018352) (mo-definition GO--0010249 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving auxin conjugates, a bound form of free auxin." [GOC:sm]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042091 ""interleukin-10 formation" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0031163 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0007347 ""control of preblastoderm mitotic cell cycle progression" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0050859 ""inhibition of B cell receptor signaling pathway" []") (subclass GO--0031697 GO--0031690) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0021582 GO--0021550) (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0021734 ""ALLN development" []") (mo-definition GO--0032376 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the directed movement of cholesterol into, out of, within or between cells." [GOC:mah]") (subclass GO--0032866 GO--0004032) (mo-definition GO--0051210 ""The process by which a cell irreversibly increases in size uniformly in all directions. In general, a rounded cell morphology reflects isotropic cell growth." [GOC:ai, GOC:jic]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002527 "vasodilation during acute inflammatory response") (subclass GO--0050402 GO--0016789) (mo-definition GO--0006682 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of galactosylceramides, any compound formed by the replacement of the glycosidic hydroxyl group of a cyclic form of galactose by a ceramide group." [GOC:ai]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004131 "cytosine deaminase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0001568 "blood vessel development") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051979 ""alginate acetylation" []") (subclass GO--0052138 GO--0052238) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050427 "Reactome:292359") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0007004 "Reactome:251340") (mo-definition GO--0008538 ""Catalysis of the activation of the proteasome, a large multisubunit complex which performs regulated ubiquitin-dependent cytosolic and nuclear proteolysis." [GOC:rn, PMID:10428771]") (subclass GO--0005368 GO--0005275) (mo-inSubset GO--0015171 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0042140 ""The assembly of small, electron dense structures in association with meiotic chromosomes during pachytene. Involved in the catalysis crossing over." [GOC:jl, PMID:9334324]") (subclass GO--0002894 GO--0002891) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045600 ""positive regulation of adipocyte differentiation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019092 ""mitochondrial srRNA export" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0032916 ""activation of transforming growth factor-beta3 production" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0015273 "TC:1.A.2.1.2") (mo-definition GO--0050857 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of signaling pathways initiated by the cross-linking of an antigen receptor on a B- or T cell." [GOC:ai]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006241 ""CTP biosynthesis" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0003899 ""DNA-directed RNA polymerase I activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050661 ""NADPH binding" []") (subclass GO--0018208 GO--0018193) (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0006911 ""phagosome biosynthesis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048698 "negative regulation of collateral sprouting in the absence of injury") (mo-definition GO--0002361 ""The process whereby a relatively unspecialized hemopoietic stem cell acquires the specialized features of a CD4-positive, CD25-positive, alpha-beta regulatory T cell." [GOC:add, PMID:15207821]") (mo-inSubset GO--0019688 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage "Gram-positive antibacterial peptide activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0015884 ""vitamin M transport" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047440 "MetaCyc:") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0004129 ""ba3-type cytochrome c oxidase" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004460 "L-lactate dehydrogenase (cytochrome) activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048842 ""upregulation of axon extension involved in axon guidance" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050652 ""dermatan sulfate proteoglycan anabolism, polysaccharide chain anabolism" []") (mo-alternateID GO--0008639 "GO:0008640") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042410 "6-carboxyhexanoate-CoA ligase activity") (subclass GO--0004556 GO--0016160) (mo-definition GO--0022608 ""The attachment of a multicellular organism to a substrate or other organism." [GOC:isa_complete]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0007179 "Reactome:170834") (mo-definition GO--0009301 ""The synthesis of small nuclear RNA (snRNA) from a DNA template." [GOC:jl, ISBN:0321000382]") (mo-definition GO--0015148 ""Enables the directed movement of D-xylose into, out of, within or between cells. D-xylose (the naturally occurring enantiomer is always D-) is a constituent of plant polysaccharides." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0002256 GO--0002254) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047058 "EC:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050035 "L-sorbose oxidase activity") (subclass GO--0046057 GO--0046056) (subclass GO--0018442 GO--0018350) (subclass GO--0009102 GO--0006768) (subclass GO--0032870 GO--0009725) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0009353 GO--0005759) (subclass GO--0046635 GO--0050870) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006557 "S-adenosylmethioninamine biosynthetic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048671 ""downregulation of collateral sprouting" []") (mo-definition GO--0045465 ""The process whereby a relatively unspecialized cell acquires the specialized features of the R8 photoreceptor." [PMID:11880339]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002662 ""negative regulation of B-lymphocyte tolerance induction" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051057 ""up-regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032944 "regulation of mononuclear cell proliferation") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008939 "MetaCyc:DMBPPRIBOSYLTRANS-RXN") (subclass GO--0032708 GO--0001818) (mo-definition GO--0015499 ""Enables the directed movement of formate into, out of, within or between cells. Formate is also known as methanoate, the anion HCOO- derived from methanoic (formic) acid." [GOC:ai]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002869 ""up regulation of B cell deletion" []") (documentation GO--0021545 EnglishLanguage "This term was added by GO_REF:0000021.") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002838 ""down-regulation of immune response to tumor cell" []") (subclass GO--0010118 GO--0009987) (subclass GO--0030061 GO--0044455) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0021639 GO--0021558) (subclass GO--0009377 GO--0008233) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051481 "reduction of cytosolic calcium ion concentration") (subclass GO--0046067 GO--0046066) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0030784 "EC:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002053 "positive regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation") (mo-inSubset GO--0033104 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0016159 GO--0016863) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018560 "protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase type II activity") (subclass GO--0021935 GO--0021934) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043444 ""propan-2-one catabolism" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0018133 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048278 ""vesicle to membrane docking" []") (mo-definition GO--0047575 ""Catalysis of the reaction: 2-carboxy-2,5-dihydro-5-oxofuran-2-acetate = 4,5-dihydro-5-oxofuran-2-acetate + CO2." [EC:, MetaCyc:4-CARBOXYMUCONOLACTONE-DECARBOXYLASE-RXN]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048797 ""gas bladder biosynthesis" []") (mo-definition GO--0009422 ""The region of the flagellum where the hook and filament meet." [GOC:mah, GOC:mtg_sensu, PMID:10572114, PMID:12624192]") (subclass GO--0006016 GO--0046384) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0010101 "post-embryonic root morphogenesis") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045965 ""inhibition of ecdysteroid metabolic process" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0001759 "induction of an organ") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0051266 "EC:") (mo-definition GO--0048154 ""Interacting selectively with S100 beta protein. S100 is a small calcium and zinc binding protein produced in astrocytes that is implicated in Alzheimer's disease, Down Syndrome and ALS." [GOC:jic]") (documentation GO--0021799 EnglishLanguage "This term was added by GO_REF:0000021.") (subclass GO--0048505 GO--0040034) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052291 ""up regulation by organism of defense-related callose deposition in other organism during symbiotic interaction" []") (subclass GO--0010144 GO--0042823) (mo-inSubset GO--0046372 gosubset_prok) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0016198 GO--0007411) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047774 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045362 ""positive regulation of IL-1 biosynthesis" []") (mo-definition GO--0005715 ""An electron dense structure that is associated with meiotic chromosomes in pachytene during meiosis I." [GOC:elh]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018245 "protein amino acid O-linked glycosylation via tyrosine") (mo-inSubset GO--0050493 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008612 "RESID:AA0116") (subclass GO--0043524 GO--0043066) (subclass GO--0018926 GO--0006790) (subclass GO--0009090 GO--0009070) (mo-definition GO--0000385 ""Catalysis of a transesterification reaction that is part of spliceosomal mRNA splicing." [GOC:krc, ISBN:0879695897]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046642 ""negative regulation of alpha-beta T-cell proliferation" []") (mo-definition GO--0047513 ""Catalysis of the reaction: H2O + methyl-2-alpha-L-fucopyranosyl-beta-D-galactoside = L-fucose + methyl beta-D-galactoside." [EC:, MetaCyc:1,2-ALPHA-L-FUCOSIDASE-RXN]") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0042800 ""histone lysine N-methyltransferase activity (H3-K24 specific)" []") (subclass GO--0000768 GO--0006949) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0045554 GO--0045553) (mo-definition GO--0047366 ""Catalysis of the reaction: quercetin 3-sulfate + 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate = quercetin 3,4'-bissulfate + adenosine 3',5'-bisphosphate." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019674 "NAD metabolic process") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002206 "gene conversion of immunoglobulin genes") (subclass GO--0030069 GO--0022415) (subclass GO--0050162 GO--0016623) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0003983 "UTP:glucose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase activity") (mo-inSubset GO--0043226 goslim_generic) (subclass GO--0002571 GO--0002569) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051570 "regulation of histone H3-K9 methylation") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031869 ""prostanoid IP receptor binding" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0001966 "thigmotaxis") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030372 ""high molecular weight B lymphocyte growth factor receptor binding" []") (subclass GO--0044272 GO--0006790) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0035154 "terminal cell fate specification, open tracheal system") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045814 ""down regulation of gene expression, epigenetic" []") (subclass GO--0015296 GO--0008509) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047752 "MetaCyc:CHOLESTENONE-5-BETA-REDUCTASE-RXN") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051638 ""plus-end actin filament uncapping" []") (mo-definition GO--0046746 ""The re-envelopment of a virus, in which the nucleocapsid evaginates from the host nuclear membrane system, thus acquiring an additional membrane envelope." [ISBN:0072370319]") (documentation GO--0021879 EnglishLanguage "This term was added by GO_REF:0000021.") (subclass GO--0015868 GO--0015865) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002906 ""downregulation of mature B cell apoptosis" []") (mo-definition GO--0052567 ""A change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of reactive oxygen speciesc produced as part of the defense response of the host organism. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction." [GOC:mtg_pamgo_17jul06]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "Gram-negative antibacterial peptide activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019618 ""protocatechuate breakdown, ortho-cleavage" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016773 "phosphotransferase activity, alcohol group as acceptor") (subclass GO--0048592 GO--0009887) (subclass GO--0008055 GO--0046148) (termFormat EnglishLanguage "negative regulation by organism of defense-related symbiont callose deposition") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0001879 "detection of yeast") (mo-inSubset GO--0003886 gosubset_prok) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0051487 ""meiotic anaphase promoting complex activator" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048303 "negative regulation of isotype switching to IgG isotypes") (mo-definition GO--0042431 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving indole (2,3-benzopyrrole), the basis of many biologically active substances (e.g. serotonin, tryptophan)." [GOC:jl, http://cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk/]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006452 "translational frameshifting") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000064 "Reactome:20635") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0002838 ""inhibition of immune response to tumor cell" []") (subclass GO--0043196 GO--0044463) (subclass GO--0030165 GO--0019904) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0016884 ""glutamine amidotransferase" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002890 "negative regulation of immunoglobulin mediated immune response") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043062 ""extracellular structure organisation and biogenesis" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004465 "Reactome:11541") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050999 ""regulation of NOS activity" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0007502 "gut mesoderm development") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0051442 ""meiotic anaphase promoting complex inhibitor" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047005 "16-alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051581 "negative regulation of neurotransmitter uptake") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048194 "Golgi vesicle budding") (mo-definition GO--0015425 ""Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + H2O + nonpolar amino acid(out) = ADP + phosphate + nonpolar amino acid(in)." [EC:]") (mo-definition GO--0050285 ""Catalysis of the reaction: sinapoylcholine + H2O = sinapate + choline." [EC:, MetaCyc:SINAPINE-ESTERASE-RXN]") (subclass GO--0016701 GO--0016491) (subclass GO--0030474 GO--0022402) (mo-definition GO--0019754 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of compounds containing a single carbon atom." [GOC:ai]") (mo-definition GO--0019487 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving acetylene, a colorless, volatile, explosive gas, that occur in the absence of oxygen." [ISBN:0721662544]") (mo-inSubset GO--0015291 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006509 "membrane protein ectodomain proteolysis") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042102 ""positive regulation of T-lymphocyte proliferation" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004414 "MetaCyc:HOMOSERINE-O-ACETYLTRANSFERASE-RXN") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0050827 ""pore-forming toxin activity" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0048402 GO--0048390) (mo-definition GO--0032855 ""Any process that activates or increases the activity of a GTPase of the Rac family." [GOC:mah]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004307 "EC:") (subclass GO--0009200 GO--0009262) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0003940 "MetaCyc:") (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. Any process by which an organism activates induced systemic resistance in the symbiont; induced systemic resistance is a response that confers broad spectrum systemic resistance to disease and that does not depend upon salicylic acid signaling. The symbiont is defined as the smaller of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction." [PAMGO:mtg]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042534 ""regulation of TNF biosynthetic process" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015296 "anion:cation symporter activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043323 ""up regulation of natural killer cell degranulation" []") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0032998 ""immunoglobulin E receptor complex" []") (subclass GO--0015109 GO--0015103) (mo-inSubset GO--0050580 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004332 "MetaCyc:F16ALDOLASE-RXN") (mo-inSubset GO--0006981 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045624 ""up-regulation of T-helper cell differentiation" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018067 "RESID:AA0146") (mo-inSubset GO--0018377 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042675 ""cone cell differentiation (sensu Endopterygota)" []") (mo-definition GO--0006423 ""The process of coupling cysteine to cysteinyl-tRNA, catalyzed by cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase. In tRNA aminoacylation, the amino acid is first activated by linkage to AMP and then transferred to either the 2'- or the 3'-hydroxyl group of the 3'-adenosine residue of the tRNA." [GOC:mcc, ISBN:0716730510]") (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. A phosphoinositide 3-kinase which can phosphorylate phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate; the human form can phosphorylate phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate in the presence of phosphatidylserine." [PMID:9759495]") (mo-definition GO--0042757 ""Extremely large, unmyelinated axon found in invertebrates. Has high conduction speeds and is usually involved in panic or escape responses." [GOC:jl, http://cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk/]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052168 ""modulation by organism of defense-related host CDPK pathway" []") (subclass GO--0015422 GO--0042626) (mo-definition GO--0047692 ""Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + H2O = ITP + NH3." [EC:, MetaCyc:ATP-DEAMINASE-RXN]") (subclass GO--0009652 GO--0009606) (subclass GO--0052255 GO--0051817) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009689 ""induction of phytoalexin formation" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0005971 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043569 ""negative regulation of IGF receptor signaling pathway" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042990 ""regulation of transcription factor transport from cytoplasm to nucleus" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019284 "methionine biosynthetic process from S-adenosylmethionine") (mo-definition GO--0019481 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of L-alanine by transamination." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0003985 "MetaCyc:ACETYL-COA-ACETYLTRANSFER-RXN") (mo-definition GO--0018816 ""Catalysis of the reaction: 2-hydroxyisobutyrate = H2O + methacrylate." [UM-BBD_enzymeID:e0409]") (mo-definition GO--0017070 ""Interacting selectively with the U6 small nuclear RNA (U6 snRNA)." [GOC:mah]") (subclass GO--0048551 GO--0004857) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004659 "prenyltransferase activity") (subclass GO--0045358 GO--0042036) (subclass GO--0031004 GO--0043234) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0014036 "neural crest cell fate specification") (mo-inSubset GO--0006230 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0007314 ""Polarization of the oocyte along its anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:0879694238]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046535 "detection of chemical stimulus during sensory perception of umami taste") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002301 "CD4-positive, alpha-beta intraepithelial T cell differentiation") (subclass GO--0008311 GO--0008296) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050156 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030819 ""positive regulation of cyclic AMP biosynthesis" []") (subclass GO--0003838 GO--0008757) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0021586 GO--0021578) (subclass GO--0045381 GO--0042035) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051732 "polyribonucleotide kinase activity") (mo-definition GO--0000773 ""Catalysis of the reaction: S-adenosyl-L-methionine + phosphatidyl-N-methylethanolamine = S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + phosphatidyl-N-dimethylethanolamine." [EC:]") (subclass GO--0051461 GO--0046887) (subclass GO--0018972 GO--0006082) (subclass GO--0007127 GO--0022403) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047247 "EC:") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008441 "MetaCyc:3'(2'),5'-BISPHOSPHATE-NUCLEOTIDASE-RXN") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043018 ""negative regulation of lymphotoxin-alpha biosynthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046589 ""ribonuclease F1" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051982 "copper-nicotianamine transporter activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042090 ""interleukin-12 anabolism" []") (subclass GO--0008556 GO--0015079) (subclass GO--0042344 GO--0042343) (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0007596 ""blood coagulation factor activity" []") (subclass GO--0005227 GO--0015276) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045970 ""inhibition of juvenile hormone catabolic process" []") (subclass GO--0032752 GO--0032672) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0007526 "larval somatic muscle development") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002737 ""down regulation of plasmacytoid dendritic cell cytokine production" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052369 ""positive regulation by organism of defense-related host respiratory burst" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016243 "regulation of autophagic vacuole size") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018983 "Z-phenylacetaldoxime metabolic process") (mo-definition GO--0031517 ""The function of absorbing and responding to electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength of approximately 660nm. The response may involve a change in conformation." [GOC:nln]") (mo-definition GO--0045277 ""A part of the respiratory chain, containing the 13 polypeptide subunits of cytochrome c oxidase, including cytochrome a and cytochrome a3. Catalyzes the oxidation of reduced cytochrome c by dioxygen (O2)." [ISBN:0198547684]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006520 ""amino acid metabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0019757 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving glycosinolates, substituted thioglycosides found in rapeseed products and related cruciferae." [GOC:mah, http://www.gardeneaters.net/family_characteristics.html]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045811 ""stimulation of frizzled signaling pathway" []") (subclass GO--0016621 GO--0016620) (subclass GO--0018631 GO--0016709) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045927 ""stimulation of growth" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031230 ""intrinsic to outer membrane (sensu Gram-negative Bacteria)" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0051261 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0006686 GO--0008654) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0033024 GO--0033023) (subclass GO--0018210 GO--0018193) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042698 "menstrual cycle") (subclass GO--0047453 GO--0016836) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0010354 "homogentisate prenyltransferase activity") (subclass GO--0030338 GO--0016716) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019610 "3-hydroxyphenylacetate catabolic process") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0004383 ""receptor guanylate cyclase activity" []") (subclass GO--0019042 GO--0022415) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042164 ""NKSFp35 binding" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006497 "RESID:AA0104") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050030 "L-pipecolate dehydrogenase activity") (mo-definition GO--0048030 ""Interacting selectively with any disaccharide. Disaccharides are sugars composed of two monosaccharide units." [GOC:jic]") (mo-definition GO--0043722 ""Catalysis of the reaction: (4-hydroxyphenyl)acetate + H+ = 4-methylphenol + CO2." [EC:]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046404 ""ATP-dependent polydeoxyribonucleotide kinase activity" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0008886 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym ""glutamate formation, using glutamate dehydrogenase (NAD(P)+)" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050280 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002901 ""programmed cell death, mature B lymphocytes" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031394 ""positive regulation of prostaglandin synthesis" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0060089 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042532 ""down regulation of tyrosine phosphorylation of STAT protein" []") (subclass GO--0045717 GO--0045922) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006307 "Reactome:259169") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042231 ""interleukin-13 formation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042439 ""ethanolamine and derivative metabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0002426 ""The synthesis and release of immunoglobulin in the mucosal tissue." [GOC:jal]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042545 "cell wall modification") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045756 ""up-regulation of initiation of acetate catabolic process by acetate" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0016813 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043027 "caspase inhibitor activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019421 ""assimilatory sulphate reduction" []") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0005198 ""puparial glue (sensu Diptera)" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032732 ""up regulation of interleukin-1 production" []") (mo-definition GO--0021792 ""The process by which a branchiomotor neuron growth cone is directed to a specific target site in response to an attractive chemical signal. Branchiomotor neurons are located in the hindbrain and innervate branchial arch-derived muscles that control jaw movements, facial expression, the larynx, and the pharynx." [GOC:cls, GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jic, GOC:mtg_15jun06, PMID:14699587]") (subclass GO--0004430 GO--0004428) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0008106 ""aldehyde reductase (NADPH2)" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006076 ""beta-1,3 glucan catabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047380 "ADP-dependent medium-chain-acyl-CoA hydrolase activity") (mo-definition GO--0032927 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the activity of any activin receptor signaling pathway." [GOC:rl]") (subclass GO--0030032 GO--0030031) (subclass GO--0006864 GO--0006862) (mo-inSubset GO--0045181 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0015906 ""sulphathiazole transport" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0007588 "excretion") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050427 "Reactome:158468") (mo-definition GO--0031027 ""A protein complex that in yeast consists of a large and a small subunit. Possesses glutamate synthase (NADH) activity." [GOC:jl, PMID:7047525]") (mo-inSubset GO--0004470 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042447 "hormone catabolic process") (subclass GO--0030964 GO--0043234) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050264 "rifamycin-B oxidase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009509 "chromoplast") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032370 "positive regulation of lipid transport") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019200 "carbohydrate kinase activity") (subclass GO--0051855 GO--0051702) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009589 ""detection of ultraviolet radiation stimulus" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047644 "alizarin 2-beta-glucosyltransferase activity") (mo-definition GO--0008977 ""Catalysis of the reaction: prephenate + NAD+ = 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate + CO2 + NADH + H+." [EC:]") (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because more specific terms were created. To update annotations, consider cellular_component term 'proton-transporting two-sector ATPase complex ; GO:0016469' or its children.") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0030744 "MetaCyc:LUTEOLIN-O-METHYLTRANSFERASE-RXN") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045714 ""regulation of low-density lipoprotein receptor synthesis" []") (subclass GO--0050682 GO--0019904) (subclass GO--0004903 GO--0004896) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0009859 GO--0009856) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009063 ""amino acid breakdown" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0042776 "Reactome:226025") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0010162 "seed dormancy") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0044415 "evasion or tolerance of host defenses") (mo-definition GO--0043255 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of carbohydrates." [GOC:jl]") (subclass GO--0045532 GO--0045528) (subclass GO--0033062 GO--0033061) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018978 "anaerobic 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis-(4-chlorophenyl)ethane metabolic process") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0033068 "macrolide biosynthetic process") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0015425 "MetaCyc:") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0004129 ""cbb3-type cytochrome c oxidase" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019483 ""beta-alanine synthesis" []") (subclass GO--0000307 GO--0044424) (mo-definition GO--0048624 ""The process whereby a new plantlet develops from a meristem on the plant body. As part of this process, when the plantlet is large enough to live independently, the physical connection between the new plantlet and the main plant is severed." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051216 ""cartilage biogenesis" []") (subclass GO--0021984 GO--0048856) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0016245 GO--0006367) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045173 ""O-sialoglycoprotein catabolism" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0006602 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0006240 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of dCDP, deoxycytidine 5'-diphosphate." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-definition GO--0004902 ""Combining with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor to initiate a change in cell activity." [GOC:mah]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006248 ""CMP degradation" []") (subclass GO--0016120 GO--0016119) (subclass GO--0006202 GO--0046098) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004634 "MetaCyc:2PGADEHYDRAT-RXN") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0003704 "specific RNA polymerase II transcription factor activity") (mo-definition GO--0015522 ""Catalysis of the reaction: hydrophobic uncoupler(in) + H+(out) = hydrophobic uncoupler(out) + H+(in). Hydrophobic uncouplers include CCCP, benzalkonium and SDS." [TC:2.A.1.2.9]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005375 "copper ion transporter activity") (subclass GO--0042049 GO--0006637) (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0010228 ""flowering" []") (subclass GO--0042075 GO--0016226) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045774 ""down-regulation of beta 2 integrin biosynthetic process" []") (subclass GO--0001800 GO--0001799) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031418 ""L-ascorbate binding" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046307 "Z-phenylacetaldoxime biosynthetic process") (mo-inSubset GO--0045978 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0051436 "Reactome:255640") (subclass GO--0001945 GO--0001944) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0031145 "Reactome:230062") (mo-definition GO--0006541 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving glutamine, 2-amino-4-carbamoylbutanoic acid." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0042952 GO--0019439) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015315 "organophosphate:inorganic phosphate antiporter activity") (mo-definition GO--0035056 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the rate or extent of mRNA splicing via a U2-type spliceosome." [GOC:bf]") (subclass GO--0030248 GO--0030247) (mo-definition GO--0032069 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of nuclease activity, the hydrolysis of ester linkages within nucleic acids." [GOC:mah]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030700 "glycine reductase complex") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0003938 "MetaCyc:IMP-DEHYDROG-RXN") (mo-inSubset GO--0051838 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002707 ""downregulation of lymphocyte mediated immunity" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0005116 ""saxophone ligand" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002588 "positive regulation of antigen processing and presentation of peptide antigen via MHC class II") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0021545 "cranial nerve development") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016449 "lambda DNA polymerase activity") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047307 "EC:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032682 "negative regulation of chemokine production") (subclass GO--0000102 GO--0005294) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009870 ""defence response signaling pathway, resistance gene-dependent" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006099 "MetaCyc:P103-PWY") (subclass GO--0046355 GO--0010412) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050427 "Reactome:272294") (mo-exactSynonym ""bicyclomycin/sulfathiazole:proton antiporter" []") (subclass GO--0030272 GO--0016882) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002230 ""upregulation of antiviral response by host" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019979 ""IL-4 binding" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0021552 "midbrain-hindbrain boundary structural organization") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050231 "EC:") (mo-inSubset GO--0008939 gosubset_prok) (mo-alternateID GO--0007089 "GO:0000081") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005849 "mRNA cleavage factor complex") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0005826 ""CAR" []") (mo-definition GO--0006637 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving acyl-CoA, any derivative of coenzyme A in which the sulfhydryl group is in thiolester linkage with a fatty-acyl group." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0021681 "cerebellar granular layer development") (subclass GO--0016737 GO--0016491) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004345 "Reactome:10468") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004751 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009207 ""purine ribonucleoside triphosphate catabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047514 "1,3-beta-D-glucan phosphorylase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042219 ""amino acid derivative catabolism" []") (subclass GO--0019144 GO--0016462) (subclass GO--0046140 GO--0051188) (subclass GO--0002798 GO--0002797) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045982 "negative regulation of purine base metabolic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009693 ""ethylene synthesis" []") (mo-definition GO--0042464 ""Compensating for the two-fold variation in X:autosome chromosome ratios between sexes by an inactivation of a proportion of genes on both of the X chromosomes of the XX sex, leading to a decrease, of half, of the levels of gene expression from these chromosomes." [GOC:jl, PMID:11102361]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004402 "histone acetyltransferase activity") (subclass GO--0042220 GO--0042493) (subclass GO--0015039 GO--0009055) (mo-definition GO--0032759 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate, or extent of TRAIL production." [GOC:mah]") (mo-definition GO--0006060 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving sorbitol (D-glucitol), one of the ten stereoisomeric hexitols. It can be derived from glucose by reduction of the aldehyde group." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052489 ""downregulation by host of symbiont programmed cell death" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000086 "Reactome:69275") (subclass GO--0007172 GO--0043623) (subclass GO--0051663 GO--0051647) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045800 ""negative regulation of cuticle tanning" []") (mo-definition GO--0019860 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving uracil, 2,4-dioxopyrimidine, one of the pyrimidine bases occurring in RNA, but not in DNA." [GOC:go_curators]") (subclass GO--0006007 GO--0006006) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0047894 ""flavonol 3-sulphotransferase activity" []") (mo-definition GO--0047221 ""Catalysis of the reaction: glycerol-3-phosphate + UDP-galactose = 2-(alpha-D-galactosyl)-sn-glycerol 3-phosphate + UDP." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (subclass GO--0006900 GO--0016044) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0016254 "Reactome:282744") (documentation GO--0021775 EnglishLanguage "This term was added by GO_REF:0000021.") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046162 ""haem c metabolic process" []") (mo-definition GO--0004920 ""Combining with interleukin-10 to initiate a change in cell activity." [GOC:jl]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0015995 ""chlorophyll anabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045297 ""post-mating behaviour" []") (subclass GO--0019485 GO--0042851) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048526 "imaginal disc-derived wing expansion") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018742 "UM-BBD_enzymeID:e0051") (mo-definition GO--0001996 ""The process by which the presence of epinephrine or norepinephrine in the bloodstream activates, maintains or increases the rate of heart contraction." [GOC:dph]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045647 ""inhibition of erythrocyte differentiation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045880 ""up regulation of smoothened signaling pathway" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019107 "myristoyltransferase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "interphase chromosome") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0044245 "Reactome:282804") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042363 ""fat-soluble vitamin breakdown" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019550 "glutamate catabolic process to aspartate") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0015649 "TC:2.A.10.1.1") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0009686 ""gibberellic acid anabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006550 ""isoleucine breakdown" []") (subclass GO--0050850 GO--0009967) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051881 "regulation of mitochondrial membrane potential") (subclass GO--0015603 GO--0005381) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052541 ""cell wall cellulose metabolism" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0015383 "TC:2.A.53.2.2") (subclass GO--0032341 GO--0008202) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0052414 "metabolism by host of symbiont glucan") (mo-definition GO--0030978 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving alpha-glucans, compounds composed of glucose residues linked by alpha-D-glucosidic bonds." [GOC:mah]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019076 "release of virus from host") (subclass GO--0008043 GO--0043234) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0003802 "coagulation factor VIIa activity") (mo-definition GO--0009547 ""A ribosome contained within a plastid." [GOC:tair_curators]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051290 ""protein heterotetramer biosynthetic process" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047470 "(1,4)-alpha-D-glucan 1-alpha-D-glucosylmutase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006090 ""pyruvate metabolism" []") (subclass GO--0015278 GO--0015276) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008231 "repressor ecdysone receptor holocomplex") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0021810 "neurotransmitter signaling initiating cell movement, involved in cerebral cortex glial-mediated radial migration") (mo-definition GO--0032237 ""A process that initiates the activity of an inactive store-operated calcium channel." [GOC:mah]") (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because it refers to a protein sequence feature. To update annotations, consider biological_process term 'intein-mediated protein splicing ; GO:0016539' or its children and molecular_function term 'endonuclease activity ; GO:0004519' or its children.") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018958 ""hydroxybenzene metabolic process" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019149 "3-chloro-D-alanine dehydrochlorinase activity") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0051262 ""protein tetramerization activity" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0002839 ""activation of immune response to tumor cell" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0005357 ""constitutive hydrogen/glucose transporter" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0019620 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0000766 GO--0019236) (documentation GO--0003924 EnglishLanguage "Consider also annotating to the molecular function term 'GTP binding ; GO:0005525'.") (subclass GO--0006160 GO--0008617) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0032197 ""Ty element transposition" []") (mo-definition GO--0004703 ""Catalysis of the phosphorylation of a G-protein coupled receptor, thereby modulating its activity." [GOC:dph]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048759 ""vessel element cell differentiation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043319 ""positive regulation of cytotoxic T lymphocyte granule exocytosis" []") (mo-definition GO--0031873 ""Interacting selectively with a type 2 proteinase activated receptor." [GOC:mah, GOC:nln]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048880 "sensory system development") (mo-definition GO--0042388 ""A series of molecular signals mediated by the detection of gibberellic acid and dependent on the coupling of the alpha subunit of G proteins to the hormone receptors." [GOC:pj, PMID:11027362]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008490 "TC:2.A.59.1.1") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0052318 GO--0052314) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050428 ""3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate biosynthesis" []") (subclass GO--0010042 GO--0010038) (subclass GO--0032361 GO--0042820) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047009 "MetaCyc:") (mo-inSubset GO--0018509 gosubset_prok) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0030799 GO--0009187) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000165 "Reactome:221732") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0019290 ""siderochrome biosynthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006043 ""chitosamine catabolic process" []") (mo-definition GO--0031752 ""Interacting selectively with a D5 dopamine receptor." [GOC:mah, GOC:nln]") (subclass GO--0042208 GO--0042178) (subclass GO--0050600 GO--0016705) (subclass GO--0021771 GO--0048857) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051339 ""lyase regulator" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046317 ""regulation of glucosylceramide biosynthesis" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0008658 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0031028 ""The series of molecular signals, mediated by the small GTPase Ras, that results in the initiation of contraction of the contractile ring, at the begining of cytokinesis and cell division by septum formation. The pathway coordinates chromosome segregation with mitotic exit and cytokinesis." [GOC:mah, GOC:vw, PMID:16775007]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0051436 "Reactome:174084") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031541 ""downregulation of anthocyanin biosynthetic process" []") (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. The activation by an organism of the production of reactive oxygen species as part of the defense response of the symbiont organism. The symbiont is defined as the smaller of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction." [PAMGO:mtg]") (subclass GO--0032415 GO--0032412) (mo-definition GO--0046983 ""The formation of a protein dimer, a macromolecular structure consists of two noncovalently associated identical or nonidentical subunits." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-definition GO--0050610 ""Catalysis of the reaction: reduced glutathione + methylarsonate = oxidized glutathione + methylarsonite." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (subclass GO--0016830 GO--0016829) (subclass GO--0032946 GO--0032944) (mo-definition GO--0051320 ""Progression through S phase, the part of the cell cycle during which DNA synthesis takes place." [GOC:ai]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031068 ""up regulation of histone deacetylation at centromere" []") (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because it represents a multifunctional gene product. To update annotations, consider molecular_function terms 'betaine transporter activity ; GO:0015199', 'gamma-aminobutyric acid:sodium symporter activity ; GO:0005332', 'L-gamma-aminobutyric acid transporter activity ; GO:0015185' or its children, and 'solute:sodium symporter activity ; GO:0015370' or its children.") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0046922 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043319 ""upregulation of cytotoxic T cell degranulation" []") (mo-definition GO--0031119 ""The intramolecular conversion of uridine to pseudouridine in a tRNA molecule." [GOC:mah]") (mo-definition GO--0046026 ""Catalysis of the reaction: S-adenosyl-L-methionine + precorrin-4 = S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + precorrin 5." [EC:]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019582 ""D-galactarate catabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009067 ""aspartate family amino acid synthesis" []") (subclass GO--0032788 GO--0032787) (mo-definition GO--0051251 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of lymphocyte activation." [GOC:ai]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050102 "EC:") (subclass GO--0043475 GO--0043474) (subclass GO--0046777 GO--0006468) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042515 ""up regulation of tyrosine phosphorylation of Stat2 protein" []") (mo-definition GO--0015486 ""Catalysis of the reaction: (glycoside, pentoside or hexuronide)(out) + monovalent cation(out) = (glycoside, pentoside or hexuronide)(in) + monovalent cation(in). The cation is Na+, Li+ or H+." [TC:2.A.2.-.-]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043443 ""2-propanone metabolic process" []") (subclass GO--0030753 GO--0008757) (mo-definition GO--0006572 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of tyrosine, an aromatic amino acid, 2-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)propanoic acid." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0002657 ""stimulation of tolerance induction to nonself antigen" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045785 ""up regulation of cell adhesion" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042983 ""APP biosynthesis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008773 "[protein-PII] uridylyltransferase activity") (mo-definition GO--0008456 ""Catalysis of the hydrolysis of terminal non-reducing N-acetyl-D-galactosamine residues in N-acetyl-alpha-D-galactosaminides." [EC:]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043033 "isoamylase complex") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002274 ""myeloid leucocyte activation" []") (mo-definition GO--0009867 ""A series of molecular signals mediated by jasmonic acid." [GOC:jy]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045223 ""regulation of CD4 synthesis" []") (subclass GO--0018202 GO--0018193) (mo-inSubset GO--0052347 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002478 "antigen processing and presentation of exogenous peptide antigen") (mo-definition GO--0047555 ""Catalysis of the reaction: guanosine 3',5'-cyclic phosphate + H2O = guanosine 5'-phosphate." [EC:, MetaCyc:3',5'-CYCLIC-GMP-PHOSPHODIESTERASE-RXN]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051920 ""Prx activity" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018610 "MetaCyc:R606-RXN") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048662 ""down regulation of smooth muscle cell proliferation" []") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0030330 ""p53-mediated DNA damage response" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0009029 "EC:") (subclass GO--0050715 GO--0050714) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046856 "phosphoinositide dephosphorylation") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0001984 "vasodilation of artery during baroreceptor response to increased blood pressure") (subclass GO--0019506 GO--0046412) (termFormat EnglishLanguage "male-specific antibacterial peptide activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042097 ""interleukin-4 biosynthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0001673 ""male germ-cell nucleus (sensu Metazoa)" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0035071 ""programmed cell death of salivary gland cells by autophagy" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046210 ""nitric oxide degradation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045526 ""interleukin-26 synthesis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002413 "tolerance induction to tumor cell") (mo-inSubset GO--0018485 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030660 "Golgi-associated vesicle membrane") (subclass GO--0050535 GO--0004553) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0000733 GO--0045002) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050142 "MetaCyc:NITROGENASE-(FLAVODOXIN)-RXN") (subclass GO--0009204 GO--0009200) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0015888 ""thiamine transport" []") (subclass GO--0046858 GO--0044424) (mo-definition GO--0000819 ""The process by which sister chromatids are organized and then physically separated and apportioned to two or more sets." [GOC:ai, GOC:elh]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0004691 ""3',5'-cAMP-dependent protein kinase activity" []") (subclass GO--0003808 GO--0004252) (subclass GO--0047054 GO--0046996) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050362 "MetaCyc:TRYPTOPHAN-AMINOTRANSFERASE-RXN") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031742 "corticotropin releasing factor receptor binding") (mo-definition GO--0009179 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving purine ribonucleoside diphosphate, a glycosamine consisting of a purine base linked to a ribose sugar esterified with diphosphate on its glycose moiety." [GOC:go_curators, ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-inSubset GO--0052026 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0032114 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of glucose-6-phosphatase activity, the catalysis of the reaction: D-glucose 6-phosphate + H2O = D-glucose + phosphate." [GOC:kp]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047217 "MetaCyc:") (subclass GO--0004148 GO--0009055) (mo-definition GO--0010053 ""The process whereby a relatively unspecialized cell in the root epidermis acquires the specialized features of a trichoblast or atrichoblast." [GOC:tb]") (subclass GO--0035249 GO--0007270) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002721 ""regulation of B-cell cytokine production" []") (mo-definition GO--0033136 ""The process of introducing a phosphoric group to a serine residue of the STAT3 protein." [GOC:jl, GOC:mah]") (subclass GO--0048779 GO--0050941) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019486 "MetaCyc:BETA-ALA-DEGRADATION-I-PWY") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0007214 ""GABA signaling pathway" []") (subclass GO--0052055 GO--0052046) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043333 "2-octaprenyl-6-methoxy-1,4-benzoquinone methyltransferase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051143 ""1,2-dihydroxypropane metabolic process" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006542 ""glutamine synthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0014043 ""down-regulation of neuron maturation" []") (mo-exactSynonym ""2-aminobenzenesulphonate biosynthesis" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0015293 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0000392 ""Disassembly of the U12-type spliceosome with the ATP-dependent release of the RNA composed of the joined exons and the lariat intron RNA." [GOC:krc, ISBN:0879695897]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0015612 ""L-arabinose porter activity" []") (mo-inSubset PlasmaMembrane goslim_yeast) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0008130 ""MMP-8" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031187 "pyochelin biosynthetic process, peptide formation") (subclass GO--0004349 GO--0016774) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045962 ""up-regulation of development, heterochronic" []") (subclass GO--0002621 GO--0002619) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0032387 ""inhibition of intracellular transport" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002579 ""upregulation of antigen processing and presentation" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047245 "MetaCyc:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002680 ""pro-T cell fate commitment" []") (subclass GO--0008610 GO--0044255) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046307 ""Z-phenylacetaldoxime synthesis" []") (subclass GO--0046452 GO--0006760) (subclass GO--0015919 GO--0043574) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042108 ""up regulation of cytokine biosynthetic process" []") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0030437 ""MAPKKK cascade during sporulation (sensu Saccharomyces)" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009093 ""cysteine degradation" []") (subclass GO--0044447 GO--0044463) (mo-inSubset GO--0052281 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019325 ""anaerobic fructose breakdown" []") (mo-definition GO--0045835 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of meiosis." [GOC:go_curators]") (documentation GO--0017189 EnglishLanguage "See also the molecular function terms 'peptide alpha-N-acetyltransferase activity ; GO:0004596' and 'ribosomal-protein-alanine N-acetyltransferase activity ; GO:0008999'.") (mo-inSubset GO--0042791 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0046568 "EC:") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000722 "Reactome:237421") (subclass GO--0016426 GO--0008175) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050967 "detection of electrical stimulus during sensory perception of pain") (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. Interacting selectively with acyl-CoA or acyl, any derivative of coenzyme A in which the sulfhydryl group is in thiolester linkage with a fatty acyl group, or any group formally derived by removal of a hydroxyl group from the acid function of an organic acid." [GOC:jl, ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031682 "G-protein gamma-subunit binding") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0051436 "Reactome:228631") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042241 ""interleukin-18 biosynthesis" []") (mo-definition GO--0047957 ""Catalysis of the reaction: formononetin + NADPH + O2 = 2'-hydroxyformononetin + NADP+ + H2O." [EC:, MetaCyc:ISOFLAVONE-2'-HYDROXYLASE-RXN]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009267 "cellular response to starvation") (subclass GO--0006625 GO--0043574) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030814 ""regulation of cyclic AMP metabolic process" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050336 "EC:") (mo-inSubset GO--0018266 gosubset_prok) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0032733 ""stimulation of interleukin-10 production" []") (mo-definition GO--0002083 ""Catalysis of the reaction: decaprenyl-PP + p-hydroxybenzoate = decaprenyl-4-hydroxybenzoate + diphosphate." [GOC:hjd]") (subclass GO--0035026 GO--0030855) (subclass GO--0030688 GO--0030685) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0002091 ""inhibition of receptor internalization" []") (subclass GO--0051646 GO--0051640) (subclass GO--0002863 GO--0002861) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0001932 "regulation of protein amino acid phosphorylation") (mo-inSubset GO--0051160 gosubset_prok) (mo-inSubset GO--0006401 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031325 ""up-regulation of cellular metabolic process" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0032852 ""stimulation of Ral GTPase activity" []") (subclass GO--0047935 GO--0047936) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006228 ""UTP formation" []") (subclass GO--0051437 GO--0051439) (mo-definition GO--0045679 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of R8 differentiation." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0006289 ""intrastrand cross-link repair" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019292 ""tyrosine formation from chorismate via 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0016054 ""organic acid degradation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032859 "activation of Ral GTPase") (mo-definition GO--0030070 ""The formation of mature insulin by proteolysis of the precursor preproinsulin. The signal sequence is first cleaved from preproinsulin to form proinsulin; proinsulin is then cleaved to release the C peptide, leaving the A and B chains of mature insulin linked by disulfide bridges." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009660 "amyloplast organization and biogenesis") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0003824 "catalytic activity") (mo-definition GO--0010372 ""Any process that activates, maintains or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of gibberellins." [GOC:TAIR_curator]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030840 ""down-regulation of intermediate filament polymerization" []") (subclass GO--0043498 GO--0005488) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045070 ""stimulation of viral genome replication" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009977 "delta-pH-dependent transporter activity") (mo-definition GO--0021507 ""The joining together of the neural folds of the caudal opening of the neural tube. The posterior neuropore appears before the process of neural tube closure is complete." [GOC:cls, GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jic, GOC:mtg_15jun06]") (mo-definition GO--0047602 ""Catalysis of the reaction: acetoacetate + H+ = acetone + CO2." [EC:, MetaCyc:ACETOACETATE-DECARBOXYLASE-RXN]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009262 "deoxyribonucleotide metabolic process") (subclass GO--0030789 GO--0008757) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030134 ""endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi transport vesicle" []") (mo-definition GO--0009771 ""Energized reaction-center P680 chlorophylls on photosystem II donate an electron to a loosely bound acceptor molecule, the quinone Q, on the stromal surface of the thylakoid membrane. The result is charge separation; a negative charge on the stromal side of the thylakoid membrane and a positive charge on the luminal side." [GOC:jic, ISBN:0716731363, ISBN:0816017360]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032008 ""positive regulation of target of rapamycin signaling pathway" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051436 ""downregulation of ubiquitin ligase activity during mitotic cell cycle" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047087 "protopine 6-monooxygenase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032132 "O6-alkylguanine-DNA binding") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031237 ""intrinsic to external side of plasma membrane, in periplasmic space (sensu ProteoBacteria)" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046764 ""endoplasmic reticulum membrane viral budding" []") (mo-definition GO--0002363 ""The process by which a pro-T cell becomes committed to becoming an alpha-beta T cell." [GOC:add, ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology"]") (subclass GO--0006877 GO--0046916) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0009055 ""iron-sulfur electron transfer carrier" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050232 "putrescine oxidase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032882 "regulation of chitin metabolic process") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043327 "chemotaxis to cAMP") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016525 "negative regulation of angiogenesis") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0048183 ""inhibin beta-B" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032690 ""downregulation of interleukin-1 alpha production" []") (mo-definition GO--0047728 ""Catalysis of the reaction: NAD+ + L-carnitine = NADH + 3-dehydrocarnitine." [EC:, MetaCyc:CARNITINE-3-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006635 "Reactome:220631") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047447 "EC:") (subclass GO--0051391 GO--0006400) (subclass GO--0007628 GO--0008344) (mo-definition GO--0042928 ""The directed movement of a ferrichrome into, out of, within or between cells. Ferrichromes are any of a group of growth-promoting Fe(III) chelates formed by various genera of microfungi. They are homodetic cyclic hexapeptides made up of a tripeptide of glycine (or other small neutral amino acids) and a tripeptide of an N'acyl-N4-hydroxy-L-ornithine." [GOC:jl, ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-definition GO--0050277 ""Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + sedoheptulose = ADP + sedoheptulose 7-phosphate." [EC:, MetaCyc:SEDOHEPTULOKINASE-RXN]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004322 "EC:") (mo-definition GO--0032334 ""The regulated release of an inhibin, either of two glycoproteins (designated A and B), secreted by the gonads and present in seminal plasma and follicular fluid, that inhibit pituitary production of follicle-stimulating hormone." [GOC:mah]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004365 "glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (phosphorylating) activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006647 ""PMME biosynthesis" []") (subclass GO--0033087 GO--0033083) (subclass GO--0021993 GO--0009653) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045817 ""positive regulation of global transcription from Pol II promoter" []") (mo-definition GO--0005640 ""The outer, i.e. cytoplasm-facing, lipid bilayer of the nuclear envelope; continuous with the endoplasmic reticulum of the cell and sometimes studded with ribosomes." [ISBN:0198547684]") (mo-definition GO--0031793 ""Interacting selectively with a M4 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor." [GOC:mah, GOC:nln]") (subclass GO--0007071 GO--0016480) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031197 ""siderophore formation from hydroxamic acid, peptide biosynthesis" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0042976 GO--0007259) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0051436 "Reactome:220042") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045347 ""negative regulation of MHC class II biosynthesis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008396 "oxysterol 7-alpha-hydroxylase activity") (subclass GO--0050744 GO--0018309) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0060044 ""negative regulation of heart muscle cell proliferation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0016094 ""polyprenol formation" []") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0021625 ""CN III maturation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047701 "beta-L-arabinosidase activity") (subclass GO--0009682 GO--0042742) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002599 ""down-regulation of antigen processing and presentation of lipid antigen via MHC class Ib" []") (mo-definition GO--0047076 ""Catalysis of the reaction: O2 + 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine = methanol + 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine N-oxide." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042007 "interleukin-18 binding") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006805 "Reactome:290404") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0001560 GO--0009991) (mo-definition GO--0045976 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of progression through the embryonic mitotic cell cycle." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008868 "EC:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019094 "pole plasm mRNA localization") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004159 "dihydrouracil dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity") (subclass GO--0030857 GO--0045596) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047030 "4-hydroxycyclohexanecarboxylate dehydrogenase activity") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018479 "MetaCyc:BENZALDEHYDE-DEHYDROGENASE-(NAD+)-RXN") (mo-inSubset GO--0046943 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019465 "MetaCyc:ASPARTATESYN-PWY") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019073 "viral DNA genome packaging") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008770 "[acyl-carrier-protein] phosphodiesterase activity") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0019835 ""holin" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006406 "Reactome:210828") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006635 "Reactome:255782") (mo-definition GO--0032014 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of ARF protein signal transduction." [GOC:mah]") (mo-inSubset GO--0050921 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050139 "nicotinate glucosyltransferase activity") (mo-alternateID GO--0007323 "GO:0046613") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004336 "MetaCyc:GALACTOSYLCERAMIDASE-RXN") (subclass GO--0005607 GO--0043256) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0004356 ""glutamine synthetase activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051267 ""CP2 EtN-P transferase activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032339 ""down regulation of inhibin secretion" []") (subclass GO--0042433 GO--0019439) (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0060107 ""annulae" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008836 "diaminopimelate decarboxylase activity") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006302 "Reactome:290426") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0005515 ""calcium-dependent cell adhesion molecule activity" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031298 "replication fork protection complex") (subclass GO--0045786 GO--0000074) (subclass GO--0046023 GO--0022402) (subclass GO--0021843 GO--0021826) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018084 "peptidyl-lactic acid biosynthetic process from peptidyl-serine") (subclass GO--0008239 GO--0016806) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004559 "alpha-mannosidase activity") (mo-definition GO--0001968 ""Interacting selectively with a fibronectin, a group of related adhesive glycoproteins of high molecular weight found on the surface of animal cells, connective tissue matrices, and in extracellular fluids." [GOC:hjd]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043438 "acetoacetic acid metabolic process") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018600 "alpha-pinene dehydrogenase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048175 ""HGF biosynthesis" []") (subclass GO--0010027 GO--0009668) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006094 "Reactome:268426") (mo-inSubset GO--0046384 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052490 ""down-regulation by organism of programmed cell death in other organism during symbiotic interaction" []") (subclass GO--0052145 GO--0052125) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002654 ""upregulation of tolerance induction dependent upon immune response" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051068 "dihydrolipoamide metabolic process") (subclass GO--0047815 GO--0016789) (subclass GO--0047540 GO--0016628) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002737 ""downregulation of plasmacytoid dendritic cell cytokine production" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042966 ""BCCP biosynthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019382 ""carbon tetrachloride catabolism" []") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0003924 ""heterotrimeric G-protein GTPase, alpha-subunit" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0008668 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0002559 ""An inflammatory response driven by antigen recognition by antibodies bound to Fc receptors basophils, occurring within minutes after exposure of a sensitized individual to the antigen, and leading to the release of a variety of inflammatory mediators such as histamines." [GOC:add, ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology"]") (subclass GO--0004593 GO--0016811) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047054 "MetaCyc:") (mo-inSubset GO--0015477 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0052527 "positive regulation by symbiont of host resistance gene-dependent defense response") (subclass GO--0006482 GO--0008214) (subclass GO--0008972 GO--0016301) (mo-definition GO--0014068 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of signal transduction mediated by the phosphoinositide 3-kinase cascade." [GOC:ef]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042452 ""deoxyguanosine formation" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000115 "Reactome:69241") (subclass GO--0005601 GO--0044421) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031558 "induction of apoptosis in response to chemical stimulus") (subclass GO--0018157 GO--0018131) (mo-inSubset GO--0019468 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0000166 GO--0005488) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018493 "MetaCyc:FORMYLMETHANOFURAN-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0015347 "TC:2.A.60.1.1") (subclass GO--0019291 GO--0006558) (subclass GO--0009934 GO--0050789) (subclass GO--0019687 GO--0042866) (subclass GO--0046411 GO--0006810) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047784 "EC:") (mo-inSubset GO--0031667 gosubset_prok) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0000084 GO--0051329) (mo-definition GO--0045055 ""The regulated secretory pathway is a second secretory pathway in which soluble proteins and other substances are initially stored in secretory vesicles for later release. It is found mainly in cells that are specialized for secreting products such as hormones, neurotransmitters, or digestive enzymes rapidly on demand." [ISBN:0716731363]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019375 ""galactolipid formation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050099 "methylglutamate dehydrogenase activity") (mo-definition GO--0042696 ""The beginning of the menstrual cycle; the first menstrual cycle in an individual." [http://cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk/]") (mo-definition GO--0015866 ""The directed movement of ADP, adenosine diphosphate, into, out of, within or between cells." [GOC:ai]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0021841 "chemoattraction involved in interneuron migration from the subpallium to the cortex") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0052489 "negative regulation by host of symbiont programmed cell death") (mo-alternateID GO--0019781 "GO:0019944") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0047002 ""L-arabinitol 2-dehydrogenase (ribulose forming) activity" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0021583 "pons morphogenesis") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0005178 ""integrin ligand" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019519 "pentitol metabolic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032824 ""down-regulation of natural killer cell differentiation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006551 ""leucine metabolism" []") (subclass GO--0007360 GO--0043193) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0000436 ""up regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter by carbon catabolites" []") (subclass GO--0009271 GO--0006950) (mo-inSubset GO--0009185 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0043449 GO--0044237) (subclass GO--0031637 GO--0048168) (mo-inSubset GO--0009719 goslim_generic) (termFormat EnglishLanguage "ecdysone modification") (mo-definition GO--0030876 ""Complex that binds interleukin-20; comprises an alpha and a beta subunit." [GOC:mah]") (subclass GO--0048808 GO--0035112) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047393 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0000817 ""Ctf1p-Okp1p-Mcm1p-Ame1p complex" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0035025 ""activation of Rho protein signal transduction" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006393 "Reactome:221437") (subclass GO--0017014 GO--0043687) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045419 "positive regulation of interleukin-9 biosynthetic process") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047877 "EC:") (mo-inSubset GO--0018489 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004108 "Reactome:8157") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004029 "Reactome:7097") (mo-inSubset GO--0050178 gosubset_prok) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0007343 GO--0007338) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0008404 ""cytochrome P450 CYP2C29" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051939 ""GABA import" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051225 ""bipolar spindle formation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000148 "1,3-beta-glucan synthase complex") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050597 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009895 ""down-regulation of catabolic process" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047379 "ADP-dependent short-chain-acyl-CoA hydrolase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002615 "positive regulation of monocyte antigen processing and presentation") (documentation GO--0042729 EnglishLanguage "Note that although this complex has so far only been described in Saccharomyces, it is likely to be conserved in other eukaryotes.") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019244 ""lactate formation from pyruvate" []") (mo-definition GO--0051032 ""Enables the directed movement of nucleic acids, single or double-stranded polynucleotides involved in the storage, transmission and transfer of genetic information, into, out of, within or between cells." [GOC:ai]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0000247 ""delta-8-delta-7 sterol isomerase" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0008819 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015727 "lactate transport") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000243 "commitment complex") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0010056 "atrichoblast fate specification") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0014021 ""secondary neurulation" []") (mo-definition GO--0048061 ""The directed movement of a motile cell or organism towards the source of gravity." [GOC:jic]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006065 "Reactome:259090") (subclass GO--0019363 GO--0009108) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045874 ""positive regulation of sev signaling pathway" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032952 "regulation of 1,3-beta-glucan metabolic process") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0031284 ""activation of guanylate cyclase activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0005334 ""sodium/norepinephrine symporter" []") (subclass GO--0035161 GO--0007389) (mo-definition GO--0009501 ""A plastid whose main function is to synthesize and store starch." [ISBN:0140514031]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048001 "erythrose-4-phosphate dehydrogenase activity") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0042993 ""stimulation of transcription factor import into nucleus" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045933 ""upregulation of muscle contraction" []") (mo-definition GO--0010318 ""Refers to the beta subunit of the heterodimeric complex that possesses pyrophosphate-dependent phosphofructokinase activity." [PMID:2170409]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051463 ""downregulation of cortisol secretion" []") (mo-definition GO--0032270 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the chemical reactions and pathways involving a protein, occurring at the level of an individual cell." [GOC:mah]") (mo-definition GO--0045142 ""Interacting selectively with a DNA triple helix. The formation of triple helical DNA has been evoked in several cellular processes including transcription, replication, and recombination." [PMID:10681538]") (subclass GO--0008253 GO--0008252) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009281 "cytosolic ribosome (sensu Bacteria)") (subclass GO--0031980 GO--0044429) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0003721 "telomeric template RNA reverse transcriptase activity") (subclass GO--0020007 CellPart) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006953 "acute-phase response") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019677 ""NAD (oxidized) catabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0004121 ""Catalysis of the reaction: cystathionine + H2O = L-homocysteine + NH3 + pyruvate." [EC:]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045591 ""stimulation of regulatory T cell differentiation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0003844 ""glycogen branching enzyme" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048300 ""down-regulation of isotype switching to IgD isotypes" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006688 ""glycosphingolipid formation" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0051104 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0015158 GO--0015157) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019256 ""acrylonitrile degradation" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019931 "RESID:AA0312") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0031399 GO--0006464) (subclass GO--0045418 GO--0042036) (subclass GO--0016668 GO--0016667) (subclass GO--0016136 GO--0016134) (mo-definition GO--0015568 ""Enables the directed movement of L-idonate into, out of, within or between cells. L-idonate is an aldonic acid derived from L-idose, an aldohexose which is epimeric with D-glucose." [GOC:ai]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008137 "EC:") (subclass GO--0030808 GO--0006140) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042666 ""downregulation of ectodermal cell fate specification" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045992 ""downregulation of embryonic development" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019125 "RESID:AA0194") (subclass GO--0005829 GO--0044444) (subclass GO--0017127 GO--0015248) (subclass GO--0019067 GO--0022415) (mo-definition GO--0030305 ""Catalysis of the cleavage of heparan sulfate; can degrade both heparan sulfate and heparin glycosaminoglycan chains." [PMID:10916150]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0045219 GO--0045210) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009202 "deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018426 ""O3-(phosphoglycosyl-D-mannose-1-phosphoryl)-L-serine synthesis" []") (mo-definition GO--0051122 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of hepoxilins, a class of bioactive icosanoids with roles in the regulation of cell physiology." [GOC:ai]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018849 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032855 ""up regulation of Rac GTPase activity" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0051036 GO--0006884) (subclass GO--0043451 GO--0043449) (mo-definition GO--0045015 ""Interacting selectively with a HDEL sequence, the C terminus tetrapeptide sequence His-Asp-Glu-Leu found in proteins that are to be retained in the endoplasmic reticulum." [PMID:1327759]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050499 "oxidoreductase activity, acting on phosphorus or arsenic in donors, with NAD(P)+ as acceptor") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018689 "EC:1.14.99.-") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0021647 ""CN VIII maturation" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0005167 ""neurotrophin TRK receptor ligand" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046187 "acetaldehyde catabolic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019340 ""dibenzofuran catabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0002852 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate, or extent of T cell mediated cytotoxicity directed against a tumor cell target." [GOC:add]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031185 ""ferricrocin synthesis, peptide formation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031654 "regulation of heat dissipation") (subclass GO--0051830 GO--0051828) (mo-definition GO--0050182 ""Catalysis of the reaction: butanoyl-CoA + phosphate = CoA + butanoylphosphate." [EC:, MetaCyc:PHOSPHATE-BUTYRYLTRANSFERASE-RXN]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043436 ""oxo acid metabolic process" []") (subclass GO--0002657 GO--0002654) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046163 ""heme c catabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043115 "precorrin-2 dehydrogenase activity") (mo-definition GO--0004027 ""Catalysis of the reaction: 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate + an alcohol = adenosine 3',5'-bisphosphate + an alkyl sulfate." [EC:]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042223 ""interleukin-3 anabolism" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0004139 gosubset_prok) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0001870 ""activation of complement activation, lectin pathway" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047063 "L-ascorbate-cytochrome-b5 reductase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032323 ""lipoic acid catabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019424 "sulfide oxidation, using siroheme sulfite reductase") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051771 ""negative regulation of NOS biosynthetic process" []") (subclass GO--0016346 GO--0016344) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031016 "pancreas development") (mo-definition GO--0008777 ""Catalysis of the reaction: N2-acetyl-L-ornithine + H2O = acetate + L-ornithine." [EC:]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047949 "MetaCyc:GLUTARATE-SEMIALDEHYDE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN") (subclass GO--0004214 GO--0008234) (subclass GO--0000418 GO--0055029) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006784 ""heme a formation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042861 ""achromobactin synthesis" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0048537 ""nasopharyngeal-associated lymphoid tissue development" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042201 ""N-cyclopropylmelamine metabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0033151 ""V-J recombination" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018894 ""phenodioxin metabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051329 "interphase of mitotic cell cycle") (subclass GO--0004585 GO--0016743) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046975 "histone lysine N-methyltransferase activity (H3-K36 specific)") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0005344 ""globin" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031198 ""siderophore anabolism from hydroxamic acid, peptide modification" []") (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because it describes the binding of myosin phosphatase to myosin, which is not a molecular function. To update annotations, consider molecular_function terms 'myosin binding ; GO:0017022' or its children and 'myosin phosphatase activity ; GO:0017018'.") (mo-definition GO--0018562 ""Catalysis of the reaction: 3,4-dihydroxyfluorene + O2 = 2-hydroxy-4-(1-oxo-1,3-dihydro-2H-inden-2-ylidene) but-2-enoic acid." [UM-BBD_enzymeID:e0294]") (subclass GO--0052123 GO--0052223) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006383 "Reactome:237448") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046718 ""viral entry into host cell" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048372 "lateral mesodermal cell fate commitment") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019854 ""vitamin C catabolic process" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0005681 ""spliceosome complex" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008281 "sulfonylurea receptor activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0052483 "negative regulation by organism of entry into cell of other organism via phagocytosis during symbiotic interaction") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046407 ""chlorophyll b synthetase" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0006269 gosubset_prok) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0045035 GO--0007423) (subclass GO--0048079 GO--0048070) (subclass GO--0045502 GO--0005515) (subclass GO--0032370 GO--0051050) (mo-inSubset GO--0018084 gosubset_prok) (mo-alternateID GO--0004723 "GO:0008596") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0035204 ""down-regulation of lamellocyte differentiation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006103 ""2-ketoglutarate metabolism" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0018157 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage Growth "growth") (mo-definition GO--0042412 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of taurine (2-aminoethanesulfonic acid), a sulphur-containing amino acid derivative important in the metabolism of fats." [GOC:jl, ISBN:0198600461]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008533 "MetaCyc:") (mo-definition GO--0018424 ""This modification produces peptidyl-glutamic acid poly-ADP-ribose found in a number of nuclear proteins under certain conditions including the repair of single strand DNA breaks. The activated form of the generating enzyme poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase is itself modified in this way." [RESID:AA0295]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052286 ""induction by organism of gene-4-gene resistance in other organism" []") (subclass GO--0008347 GO--0016477) (mo-definition GO--0048003 ""The process by which an antigen-presenting cell expresses lipid antigen in association with an MHC class Ib protein complex on its cell surface, including lipid extraction, degradation, and transport steps for the lipid antigen both prior to and following assembly with the MHC protein complex. The lipid antigen may originate from an endogenous or exogenous source of lipid. Class Ib here refers to non-classical class I molecules, such as those of the CD1 family." [GOC:add, PMID:10375559, PMID:15928678, PMID:15928680]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016180 "snRNA processing") (subclass GO--0002356 GO--0002352) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0030765 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042724 ""thiamin and derivative biosynthesis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030164 "protein denaturation") (subclass GO--0051317 GO--0022402) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006805 "Reactome:291801") (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because more specific terms were created. To update annotations, consider molecular_function term 'inward rectifier potassium channel activity ; GO:0005242' or its children.") (subclass GO--0002384 GO--0002251) (subclass GO--0043607 GO--0043604) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0001844 "Reactome:221103") (subclass GO--0001779 GO--0030101) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008894 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006743 ""coenzyme Q metabolic process" []") (mo-definition GO--0017090 ""An enzyme complex that catalyzes the hydrolysis of protein and peptide substrates, preferentially on carboxyl side of hydrophobic residues." [EC:]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0035280 GO--0035195) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030393 ""fructoselysine metabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002807 ""up regulation of antimicrobial peptide biosynthetic process" []") (subclass GO--0030193 GO--0050818) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000050 "Reactome:70635") (mo-inSubset GO--0016024 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0032712 GO--0032672) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045901 ""up-regulation of translational elongation" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0006191 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045778 ""upregulation of ossification" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0042822 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045354 ""regulation of interferon-alpha formation" []") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0016032 ""viral infection" []") (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because ABC transporters are a protein family rather than a functional grouping. To update annotations, consider cellular_component term 'ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter complex ; GO:0043190' and molecular_function term 'ATPase activity, coupled to transmembrane movement of substances ; GO:0042626' or its children.") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047419 "N-acetylgalactosamine-6-phosphate deacetylase activity") (mo-definition GO--0048686 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of sprouting of an injured axon." [GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jic, GOC:lm]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030579 ""ubiquitin-dependent SMAD protein catabolism" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0048053 GO--0048052) (subclass GO--0000015 GO--0044445) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008633 "Reactome:111446") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0015407 "TC:3.A.1.1.-") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0051440 ""meiotic APC regulator" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046113 ""nucleobase breakdown" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002901 ""mature B lymphocyte programmed cell death by apoptosis" []") (subclass GO--0045538 GO--0042108) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018720 "EC:2.7.1.-") (mo-definition GO--0002916 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate, or extent of central B cell anergy." [GOC:add]") (mo-inSubset GO--0008026 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0004181 GO--0004180) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019466 ""ornithine breakdown via proline" []") (subclass GO--0051027 GO--0050657) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052535 ""up-regulation by organism of systemic acquired resistance in other organism during symbiotic interaction" []") (mo-definition GO--0046469 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving platelet activating factor, 1-O-alkyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycerol 3-phosphocholine, where alkyl = hexadecyl or octadecyl. Platelet activating factor is an inflammatory mediator released from a variety of cells in response to various stimuli." [ISBN:0198547684]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016475 "detection of nuclear:cytoplasmic ratio") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006098 "Reactome:221371") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0015776 ""capsule polysaccharide transport" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0009099 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0008521 ""Enables the directed movement of acetyl-CoA into, out of, within or between cells. Acetyl-CoA is a derivative of coenzyme A in which the sulfhydryl group is acetylated; it is a metabolite derived from several pathways (e.g. glycolysis, fatty acid oxidation, amino-acid catabolism) and is further metabolized by the tricarboxylic acid cycle. It is a key intermediate in lipid and terpenoid biosynthesis." [GOC:ai]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045374 ""activation of interleukin-15 biosynthetic process" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008981 "protease IV activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0010230 "alternative respiration") (mo-definition GO--0047914 ""Catalysis of the reaction: histamine + L-glutamate + ATP = N(alpha)-gamma-L-glutamylhistamine + products of ATP breakdown." [EC:, MetaCyc:GAMMA-GLUTAMYLHISTAMINE-SYNTHASE-RXN]") (subclass GO--0032024 GO--0050796) (mo-definition GO--0042539 ""A change in state or activity of a cell or an organism or cell (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of detection of, or exposure to, an decrease in the concentration of salt (particularly but not exclusively sodium and chloride ions) in the environment." [GOC:jl]") (subclass GO--0006401 GO--0044265) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030473 "nuclear migration, microtubule-mediated") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0010120 ""camalexin synthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030418 ""nicotianamine synthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051141 ""down regulation of NK T cell proliferation" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006695 "Reactome:280493") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0009087 "UM-BBD_pathwayID:met") (subclass GO--0015733 GO--0015718) (mo-inSubset GO--0009987 goslim_plant) (mo-inSubset GO--0046459 gosubset_prok) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0048838 GO--0010162) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009059 ""macromolecule anabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002338 "B-1b B cell differentiation") (subclass GO--0044457 CellPart) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0007158 "neuron adhesion") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0010161 ""red light signalling pathway" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008543 "Reactome:249626") (mo-definition GO--0008532 ""Catalysis of the reaction: UDP-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine + beta-D-galactosyl-1,4-N-acetyl-D-glucosaminyl-R = UDP + N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminyl-1,3-beta-D-galactosyl-1,4-N-acetyl-D-glucosaminyl-R." [EC:]") (mo-inSubset GO--0019357 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009218 "pyrimidine ribonucleotide metabolic process") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047662 "aminobenzoate decarboxylase activity") (mo-definition GO--0050471 ""Catalysis of the reaction: O3-acetyl-L-serine + uracil = 3-(uracil-1-yl)-L-alanine + acetate." [EC:, MetaCyc:URACILYLALANINE-SYNTHASE-RXN]") (documentation GO--0015423 EnglishLanguage "Consider also annotating to the molecular function term 'ATP binding ; GO:0005524'.") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018639 "xylene monooxygenase activity") (mo-definition GO--0030367 ""Interacting selectively with the interleukin-17 receptor." [GOC:ai]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050911 ""sensory transduction of smell" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000715 "Reactome:230290") (subclass GO--0042165 GO--0005488) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0015482 ""voltage-dependent anion channel porin activity" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000075 "cell cycle checkpoint") (mo-definition GO--0009197 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of pyrimidine deoxyribonucleoside diphosphate, a glycosamine consisting of a pyrimidine base linked to a deoxyribose sugar esterified with diphosphate on its glycose moiety." [GOC:go_curators, ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-definition GO--0051785 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of nuclear division, the partitioning of the nucleus and its genetic information." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0046896 GO--0006480) (mo-inSubset GO--0008270 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0010030 GO--0051240) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031407 ""oxylipin metabolism" []") (subclass GO--0004106 GO--0016866) (mo-definition GO--0045192 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of low-density lipoproteins, also known as beta lipoproteins, one of the classes of lipoproteins found in the bloodstream of animals, acting as a carrier for cholesterol and fats." [GOC:go_curators, http://cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk/, ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. Any process by which an organism activates the immune response of the symbiont organism; the immune response is any immune system process that functions in the calibrated response of an organism to a potential internal or invasive threat. The symbiont is defined as the smaller of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction." [PAMGO:mtg]") (mo-inSubset GO--0008482 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050548 "trans-feruloyl-CoA hydratase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047894 "flavonol 3-sulfotransferase activity") (mo-inSubset GO--0008693 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019421 "MetaCyc:P202-PWY") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008193 "tRNA guanylyltransferase activity") (mo-definition GO--0042978 ""Upregulation of the activity of the enzyme ornithine decarboxylase." [GOC:jl]") (mo-definition GO--0042160 ""The enzymatic modification of a lipoprotein; any conjugated, water-soluble protein in which the nonprotein moiety consists of a lipid or lipids." [GOC:jl]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043042 ""amino acid adenylation by NRPS" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0004714 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050332 "thiamin pyridinylase activity") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0010327 ""hexenol acetyltransferase" []") (subclass GO--0018924 GO--0032787) (mo-definition GO--0007475 ""The coming together of the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the imaginal disc-derived wing during the conversion of a folded single layered wing disc to a flat bilayered wing." [GOC:bf, GOC:mtg_sensu]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000168 "activation of MAPKK activity during osmolarity sensing") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031048 ""small RNA-mediated heterochromatin biosynthesis" []") (subclass GO--0050300 GO--0016301) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045594 ""activation of cumulus cell differentiation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009814 ""defence response to pathogen, incompatible interaction" []") (subclass GO--0019713 GO--0006541) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043072 ""down-regulation of non-apoptotic programmed cell death" []") (mo-definition GO--0016846 ""Catalysis of the elimination of H2S or substituted H2S." [EC:4.4.-.-]") (mo-definition GO--0030810 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of nucleotides." [GOC:mah]") (mo-inSubset GO--0042213 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0045445 ""The process whereby a relatively unspecialized cell acquires specialized features of a myoblast. A myoblast is a cell type that gives rise to mature contractile cells called myocytes. Fusion of myoblasts gives rise to the myotubes that eventually develop into skeletal muscle fibers." [GOC:go_curators, http://cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk/]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030975 ""vitamin B1 binding" []") (subclass GO--0042738 GO--0042737) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050507 "MetaCyc:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045377 ""positive regulation of interleukin-16 synthesis" []") (subclass GO--0002565 GO--0016444) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008927 "mannonate dehydratase activity") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0009615 ""antiviral response protein activity" []") (mo-definition GO--0043288 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving apocarotenoids, a class of compounds derived from the oxidative cleavage of carotenoids, many of which are biologically important e.g. retinal and abscisic acid." [GOC:jl, http://www.msu.edu/~schwart1/apocarotenoids.htm]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0033034 ""activation of myeloid cell apoptosis" []") (subclass GO--0004144 GO--0016411) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006464 "Reactome:245000") (subclass GO--0008175 GO--0008173) (mo-inSubset GO--0009216 gosubset_prok) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0030904 GO--0012505) (mo-definition GO--0045869 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of retroviral genome replication." [GOC:go_curators]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005931 "nexin complex") (subclass GO--0018555 GO--0016702) (mo-definition GO--0047677 ""Catalysis of the reaction: arachidonate + O2 = (5Z,9E,11Z,14Z)-(8R)-8-hydroperoxyicosa-5,9,11,14-tetraenoate." [EC:, MetaCyc:ARACHIDONATE-8-LIPOXYGENASE-RXN]") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0009405 ""cytotoxin activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019455 ""L-cysteine breakdown via cystine, using cystine reductase" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0008156 ""inhibition of DNA replication" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051573 ""downregulation of histone H3-K9 methylation" []") (documentation GO--0045254 EnglishLanguage "Note that this term represents a location and not a function; the activity possessed by this complex is mentioned in the definition for the purpose of describing and distinguishing the complex. The functions of this complex are represented by the molecular function terms 'pyruvate dehydrogenase (lipoamide) activity ; GO:0004739', 'dihydrolipoamide S-acetyltransferase activity ; GO:0004742', and 'dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase activity ; GO:0004148'.") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0015523 "TC:2.A.1.2.14") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0050686 ""inhibition of mRNA processing" []") (mo-alternateID GO--0003747 "GO:0003749") (subclass GO--0030250 GO--0030249) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018130 ""heterocycle synthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030437 ""ascospore biosynthesis" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018738 "MetaCyc:S-FORMYLGLUTATHIONE-HYDROLASE-RXN") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0007190 ""adenylate cyclase activator" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047354 "sphingosine cholinephosphotransferase activity") (subclass GO--0045081 GO--0045074) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051221 "tungsten incorporation into metallo-sulfur cluster") (subclass GO--0018668 GO--0016709) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016582 "non-covalent chromatin modification") (subclass GO--0035126 GO--0048563) (mo-definition GO--0046606 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of the centrosome cycle." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0031398 GO--0031396) (subclass GO--0021792 GO--0050918) (subclass GO--0043095 GO--0051336) (subclass GO--0003976 GO--0016780) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0044251 "protein catabolic process by pepsin") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016935 "glycine-gated chloride channel complex") (mo-definition GO--0007537 ""The inactivation of recombination at sequences around a mating type donor locus, with the consequence that the other donor is the only one available for mating type switching; exemplified by the HML locus and surrounding sequences on Chromosome III in Saccharomyces cerevisiae." [GOC:mah, PMID:9928492]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008769 "X-His dipeptidase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0010196 "nonphotochemical quenching") (subclass GO--0001762 GO--0015804) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047770 "carboxylate reductase activity") (mo-definition GO--0046121 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of any one of a family of organic molecules consisting of a purine or pyrimidine base covalently bonded to a sugar deoxyribose (a deoxyribonucleoside)." [GOC:ai]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043196 "varicosity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002558 "type I hypersensitivity mediated by mast cells") (mo-definition GO--0019584 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of galactonate, the anion of galactonic acid." [GOC:ai]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015576 "sorbitol transporter activity") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0007118 ""apical bud growth" []") (subclass GO--0031498 GO--0043624) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004897 "ciliary neurotrophic factor receptor activity") (subclass GO--0004974 GO--0001584) (mo-definition GO--0045779 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of bone resorption." [GOC:go_curators]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0021731 "trigeminal motor nucleus development") (mo-definition GO--0045744 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of G-protein coupled receptor protein signaling pathway activity." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046357 ""galactarate formation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043300 "regulation of leukocyte degranulation") (subclass GO--0035307 GO--0035304) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006783 ""haem biosynthetic process" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0033106 GO--0005801) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030320 "monovalent inorganic anion homeostasis") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032864 ""Cdc42 GTPase activation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051343 ""3',5' cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase activator" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006700 ""C21-steroid hormone anabolism" []") (subclass GO--0030399 GO--0030397) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046829 ""downregulation of RNA import into nucleus" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0033065 ""CX3 complex" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042235 ""IL-17 biosynthetic process" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018721 "trans-9R,10R-dihydrodiolphenanthrene sulfotransferase activity") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000082 "Reactome:69206") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052493 ""negative modulation by organism of other organism signal transduction pathway" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009530 "primary cell wall") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018133 "peptide cross-linking via L-cysteine oxazolinecarboxylic acid") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0042514 ""inhibition of tyrosine phosphorylation of Stat2 protein" []") (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. Extreme immunological sensitivity of the body or tissues to the reintroduction of an antigen. It is a form of anamnestic reaction and is accompanied by pathological changes in tissues or organs due to the release of pharmacologically active substances." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0017008 "RESID:AA0258") (mo-inSubset GO--0042884 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006065 "Reactome:274124") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042283 "dolichyl pyrophosphate Glc1Man9GlcNAc2 alpha-1,3-glucosyltransferase activity") (subclass GO--0015434 GO--0015086) (mo-definition GO--0006692 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving prostanoids, any compound based on or derived from the prostanoate structure." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-definition GO--0002062 ""The process whereby a chondroblast acquires specialized structural and/or functional features of a chondrocyte. A chondrocyte is a polymorphic cell that forms cartilage." [GOC:dph]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009165 ""nucleotide anabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0042275 ""The conversion of DNA-damage induced single-stranded gaps into large molecular weight DNA without removing the replication-blocking lesions and without increasing the endogenous mutation rate." [GOC:jl, PMID:11459630]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015791 "polyol transport") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042329 "structural constituent of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle") (subclass GO--0050434 GO--0048524) (subclass GO--0035058 GO--0042384) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016311 "dephosphorylation") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000718 "Reactome:252375") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042989 ""actin monomer storage" []") (mo-definition GO--0046179 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of D-dehydro-D-gluconate, the anion of D-dehydro-D-gluconic acid, an aldonic acid derived from glucose." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-definition GO--0005713 ""An electron dense structure that is associated with meiotic chromosomes." [GOC:elh]") (subclass GO--0004930 GO--0004888) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000045 "autophagic vacuole formation") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051317 "attachment of spindle microtubules to meiotic chromosome") (mo-exactSynonym ""toluene-4-sulfonate biosynthesis" []") (subclass GO--0009894 GO--0019222) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0007307 "chorion gene amplification") (subclass GO--0051927 GO--0051926) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018706 "MetaCyc:") (subclass GO--0008430 GO--0005488) (mo-definition GO--0004073 ""Catalysis of the reaction: L-aspartate-4-semialdehyde + phosphate + NADP+ = L-4-aspartyl phosphate + NADPH + H+." [EC:]") (subclass GO--0051228 GO--0007052) (subclass GO--0008267 GO--0005515) (mo-definition GO--0006605 ""The process of targeting specific proteins to particular membrane-bound subcellular organelles. Usually requires an organelle specific protein sequence motif." [GOC:ma]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032303 ""regulation of eicosanoid secretion" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051619 "inhibition of histamine uptake") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "type I intermediate filament associated protein") (mo-inSubset GO--0019337 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0015961 ""diadenosine polyphosphate degradation" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0001987 GO--0001982) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042546 "cell wall biogenesis") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004339 "MetaCyc:") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004750 "EC:") (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. The passive movement of protons from areas of high proton concentration and electrical potential to areas where concentration and electrical potential are low." [ISBN:0716731363]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019486 ""beta-alanine breakdown to mevalonate semialdehyde, by transamination" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0003893 "epsilon DNA polymerase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019711 ""peptidyl-beta-carboxyaspartic acid anabolism from peptidyl-aspartic acid" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032761 ""positive regulation of lymphotoxin-alpha production" []") (mo-definition GO--0009730 ""The series of events in which a carbohydrate stimulus is received by a cell and converted into a molecular signal." [GOC:sm]") (mo-definition GO--0004020 ""Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + adenylylsulfate = ADP + 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate." [EC:]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045980 "negative regulation of nucleotide metabolic process") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0004907 ""IL receptor" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "alanine racemization") (mo-exactSynonym ""positive regulation by organism of defense-related symbiont respiratory burst" []") (mo-definition GO--0045412 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of the chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of interleukin-7." [GOC:go_curators]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030988 "high molecular weight kininogen receptor complex") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0016420 "EC:2.3.1.-") (subclass GO--0044412 GO--0052108) (mo-broadSynonym GO--0003735 ""ribosomal protein" []") (mo-definition GO--0033033 ""Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate, or extent of a myeloid cell apoptosis." [GOC:add]") (mo-definition GO--0046900 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving tetrahydrofolylpolyglutamate, a folate derivative comprising tetrahydrofolate attached to a chain of glutamate residues." [GOC:ai]") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0005104 ""fibroblast growth factor" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032764 ""downregulation of mast cell cytokine production" []") (mo-definition GO--0016730 ""Catalysis of an oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction in which an iron-sulfur protein acts as a hydrogen or electron donor and reduces a hydrogen or electron acceptor." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0031464 GO--0031461) (mo-definition GO--0031823 ""Interacting selectively with a type 1D serotonin receptor." [GOC:mah, GOC:nln]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0046815 GO--0019079) (mo-definition GO--0030954 ""The 'de novo' formation of an astral microtubule, in which tubulin heterodimers form metastable oligomeric aggregates, some of which go on to support formation of a complete microtubule." [GOC:mah]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009361 "succinate-CoA ligase complex (ADP-forming)") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030206 ""chondroitin sulfate biosynthesis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018811 "cyclohex-1-ene-1-carboxyl-CoA hydratase activity") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047951 "EC:") (subclass GO--0000281 GO--0000910) (subclass GO--0045370 GO--0045369) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0005386 ""carrier type transporter" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019448 ""L-cysteine degradation" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0005138 ""interleukin-6 receptor ligand" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031651 "negative regulation of heat generation") (subclass GO--0002095 GO--0043234) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0004125 ""cysteinyl-tRNA(Ser) selenium transferase activity" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0051441 ""stimulation of ubiquitin ligase activity during meiotic cell cycle" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046007 ""negative regulation of activated T-cell proliferation" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0000054 GO--0042254) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006729 ""tetrahydrobiopterin formation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045361 ""negative regulation of interleukin-1 formation" []") (subclass GO--0052018 GO--0044003) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030026 "manganese ion homeostasis") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0005892 GO--0005887) (mo-definition GO--0016109 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of tetraterpenoid compounds, terpenoids with eight isoprene units." [GOC:go_curators]") (subclass GO--0042059 GO--0042058) (subclass GO--0000818 GO--0044454) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046192 ""anaerobic phenol anabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0008278 ""A protein complex required for sister chromatid cohesion in eukaryotes." [PMID:9887095]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051446 "positive regulation of progression through meiotic cell cycle") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004467 "Reactome:11544") (subclass GO--0002597 GO--0002585) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047556 "EC:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0014055 "acetylcholine secretion") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0010060 ""down-regulation of atrichoblast fate" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030265 ""rhodopsin mediated G protein signalling, coupled to IP3 second messenger" []") (subclass GO--0007195 GO--0007212) (mo-inSubset GO--0006176 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0046926 GO--0018210) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002011 "morphogenesis of an epithelial sheet") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042608 ""T-lymphocyte receptor binding" []") (mo-definition GO--0033013 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving tetrapyrroles, natural pigments containing four pyrrole rings joined by one-carbon units linking position 2 of one pyrrole ring to position 5 of the next." [ChEBI:26932, GOC:mah]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0009496 "EC:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015996 "chlorophyll catabolic process") (mo-inSubset GO--0042929 gosubset_prok) (mo-inSubset GO--0009441 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0010059 ""Any process that induces or promotes atrichoblast fate specification." [GOC:tb]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030818 ""negative regulation of cAMP anabolism" []") (subclass GO--0018751 GO--0016812) (subclass GO--0051057 GO--0051056) (subclass GO--0017145 GO--0051301) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032912 ""down regulation of transforming growth factor-beta2 production" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050395 "vitexin beta-glucosyltransferase activity") (mo-definition GO--0030670 ""The lipid bilayer surrounding a phagocytic vesicle." [GOC:mah]") (subclass GO--0009308 GO--0006807) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004464 "EC:") (subclass GO--0009260 GO--0009259) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050726 ""positive regulation of interleukin-1 alpha synthesis" []") (subclass GO--0008377 GO--0051283) (subclass GO--0051408 GO--0015315) (subclass GO--0015647 GO--0005215) (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0030437 ""activation of MAPKKK during sporulation (sensu Fungi)" []") (mo-definition GO--0021886 ""The process whereby a relatively unspecialized cell acquires specialized features of a neuron located in the hypothalamus. These neurons release gonadotrophin-releasing hormone as a neural transmitter." [GOC:cls, GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jic, GOC:mtg_15jun06, PMID:12626695]") (mo-definition GO--0047604 ""Catalysis of the reaction: (S)-acetoin = (R)-acetoin." [EC:, MetaCyc:ACETOIN-RACEMASE-RXN]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0003962 ""O-succinyl-L-homoserine (thiol)-lyase activity" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0007179 "Reactome:230015") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002028 "regulation of sodium ion transport") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051589 "negative regulation of neurotransmitter transport") (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because toluene-4-sulfonate is not synthesized by living organisms, and GO does not cover non-biological processes. To update annotations, use biological_process term 'toluene-4-sulfonate metabolic process ; GO:0018972'.") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009118 ""regulation of nucleoside metabolism" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0052252 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008411 "4-hydroxybutyrate CoA-transferase activity") (mo-alternateID GO--0001806 "GO:0016069") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002566 "somatic diversification of immune receptors via somatic mutation") (subclass GO--0019705 GO--0019107) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0051314 GO--0000070) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006793 "phosphorus metabolic process") (subclass GO--0032307 GO--0032304) (subclass GO--0005753 GO--0045255) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004004 "ATP-dependent RNA helicase activity") (mo-definition GO--0019978 ""Interacting selectively with interleukin-3." [GOC:jl]") (subclass GO--0047128 GO--0016646) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043554 "aerobic respiration, using arsenite as electron donor") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009526 "plastid envelope") (mo-definition GO--0001913 ""The directed killing of a target cell by a T cell through the release of granules containing cytotoxic mediators or through the engagement of death receptors." [GOC:add, ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology", PMID:11911826]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047929 "EC:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032002 "interleukin-28 receptor complex") (subclass GO--0008559 GO--0042910) (subclass GO--0002300 GO--0002299) (subclass GO--0000336 GO--0000337) (subclass GO--0051081 GO--0006998) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0035072 ""ecdysone-mediated induction of salivary gland cell programmed cell death by autophagy" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018653 "EC:1.14.13.-") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050685 ""up-regulation of mRNA processing" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048454 "sepal structural organization") (mo-definition GO--0052130 ""The directed movement of a motile cell or organism towards a higher concentration of environmental oxygen." [GOC:mtg_pamgo_17jul06]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0050927 ""activation of positive chemotaxis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002627 ""positive regulation of T lymphocyte antigen processing and presentation" []") (subclass GO--0051886 GO--0051884) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050759 ""up regulation of thymidylate synthase biosynthetic process" []") (subclass GO--0052172 GO--0052175) (subclass GO--0006797 GO--0006796) (subclass GO--0000286 GO--0016638) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002785 ""downregulation of antimicrobial peptide production" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016568 "chromatin modification") (subclass GO--0032118 GO--0000226) (mo-definition GO--0002374 ""The regulated release of cytokines from a cell or group of cells during an immune response." [GOC:add, ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology"]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0007418 GO--0007417) (mo-definition GO--0032211 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of the addition of telomeric repeats by telomerase." [GOC:mah]") (mo-definition GO--0046109 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of uridine, uracil riboside, a ribonucleoside very widely distributed but occurring almost entirely as phosphoric esters in ribonucleotides and ribonucleic acids." [GOC:go_curators]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "mitochondrial alpha-ketoglutarate/malate transport") (mo-definition GO--0031265 ""A protein complex formed upon binding of Fas/CD95/APO-1 to its ligand. The complex includes FADD/Mort1, procaspase-8/10 and c-FLIP in addition to the ligand-bound receptor." [PMID:12628743, PMID:12655293]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0010218 ""response to far red light stimulus" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0008210 ""oestrogen metabolic process" []") (subclass GO--0055024 GO--0048634) (subclass GO--0019545 GO--0006105) (subclass GO--0043636 GO--0019336) (mo-definition GO--0031257 ""The portion of the plasma membrane surrounding the trailing edge of a motile cell." [GOC:mah]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0016321 GO--0007143) (mo-definition GO--0010259 ""The inherent decline of a multicellular organism over time, from the optimal fertility and viability of early maturity, that may precede death and may be preceded by other indications, such as sterility." [GOC:dph, GOC:isa_complete, GOC:mtg_sensu, GOC:sm]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051734 ""ATP-dependent polynucleotide kinase activity" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0032196 gosubset_prok) (mo-broadSynonym GO--0051196 ""regulation of coenzyme and prosthetic group metabolic process" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019803 "RESID:AA0304") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045847 ""down-regulation of nitrogen utilization" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043275 ""NAALADase" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019310 ""inositol degradation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051803 ""down regulation of cytolysis of cells in other organism during symbiotic interaction" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006528 "MetaCyc:ASPARAGINESYN-PWY") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016323 "basolateral plasma membrane") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018643 ""carbon disulphide oxygenase activity" []") (subclass GO--0019085 GO--0019083) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006980 "redox signal response") (mo-definition GO--0010019 ""The process by which a molecular signal is transduced between the chloroplast and nucleus, such that expression of nuclear encoding photosynthetic proteins is coupled with chloroplast biogenesis." [PMID:8972595]") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0032778 ""cobalt ABC transporter" []") (subclass GO--0051802 GO--0051710) (subclass GO--0016002 GO--0016667) (mo-inSubset GO--0016192 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008131 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050934 ""late stripe melanophore differentiation" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000246 "MetaCyc:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015622 "ferric-hydroxamate transporter activity") (mo-inSubset GO--0018870 gosubset_prok) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0001998 GO--0002034) (mo-definition GO--0043313 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate, or extent of neutrophil degranulation." [ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology"]") (mo-definition GO--0019348 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving dolichols, any 2,3-dihydropolyprenol derived from four or more linked isoprene units." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (subclass GO--0015673 GO--0000041) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004773 "MetaCyc:STERYL-SULFATASE-RXN") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050152 "omega-amidase activity") (mo-definition GO--0042768 ""Catalysis of the hydroxylation of an ecdysteroid at carbon position 2." [PMID:12177427]") (mo-definition GO--0047386 ""Catalysis of the reaction: H2O + D-fructose 2,6-bisphosphate = phosphate + fructose-2-phosphate." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030090 ""reaction centre (sensu ProteoBacteria)" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004327 "UM-BBD_enzymeID:e0028") (mo-definition GO--0015821 ""The directed movement of methionine, 2-amino-4-(methylthio)butanoic acid, into, out of, within or between cells." [GOC:ai]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0006311 GO--0007127) (mo-definition GO--0012505 ""A collection of membranous structures involved in transport within the cell. The main components of the endomembrane system are endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi bodies, vesicles, cell membrane and nuclear envelope. Members of the endomembrane system pass materials through each other or though the use of vesicles." [GOC:lh]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0022011 GO--0014044) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005324 "long-chain fatty acid transporter activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0035229 ""upregulation of glutamate-cysteine ligase activity" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0042787 ""myofibrillar protein ubiquitination during ubiquitin-dependent protein breakdown" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006350 "Reactome:286705") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000942 "outer kinetochore of condensed nuclear chromosome") (documentation GO--0019824 EnglishLanguage "Note that this peroxisome assembly pathway is described in the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica. See also the cellular component terms 'P1 peroxisome ; GO:0019819', 'P2 peroxisome ; GO:0019820', 'P3 peroxisome ; GO:0019821', 'P4 peroxisome ; GO:0019822', and 'P5 peroxisome ; GO:0019823'.") (subclass GO--0042637 GO--0022405) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004674 "protein serine/threonine kinase activity") (subclass GO--0002445 GO--0016064) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050398 "EC:") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0003755 "EC:") (subclass GO--0009405 GO--0044403) (mo-inSubset GO--0004775 gosubset_prok) (mo-alternateID GO--0003878 "GO:0046913") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0007406 ""suppression of neuroblast proliferation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0001910 ""regulation of immune cell mediated cytotoxicity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018937 ""NG metabolic process" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "glutamate/aspartate porter activity") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0005702 GO--0005700) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048159 "primary oocyte stage, oogenesis") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042232 ""IL-14 biosynthesis" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006260 "Reactome:229236") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019519 ""pentitol metabolism" []") (subclass GO--0052006 GO--0052227) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045715 ""inhibition of low-density lipoprotein receptor biosynthetic process" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0002736 GO--0002373) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032794 "GTPase activating protein binding") (mo-definition GO--0048590 ""The increase in size or mass of an entire organism, a part of an organism or a cell, where the increase in size or mass is does not have the specific outcome of the progression of the organism over time from one condition to another." [GOC:go_curators]") (subclass GO--0010098 GO--0048856) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019030 "icosahedral viral capsid") (mo-definition GO--0009022 ""Catalysis of the reaction: tRNA(n+1) + phosphate = tRNA(n) + a nucleoside diphosphate." [EC:]") (mo-definition GO--0004629 ""Catalysis of the reaction: a phosphatidylcholine + H2O = 1,2-diacylglycerol + choline phosphate." [EC:, ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (subclass GO--0047376 GO--0016789) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043165 "outer membrane biogenesis (sensu ProteoBacteria)") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006550 "Reactome:230051") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0002443 ""cell-mediated immune response" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042701 "progesterone secretion") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0031029 GO--0031028) (mo-definition GO--0050783 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving cocaine, an alkaloid obtained from the dried leaves of the shrub Erythroxylon coca. It is a cerebral stimulant and narcotic." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-definition GO--0050217 ""Catalysis of the reaction: 2 propanal = 4-hydroxy-3-hexanone." [EC:, MetaCyc:PROPIOIN-SYNTHASE-RXN]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050655 ""dermatan sulfate proteoglycan metabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0055011 ""The process whereby a relatively unspecialized cell acquires specialized features of a cardiac muscle cell in the atrium. Cardiac muscle cells are striated muscle cells that are responsible for heart contraction. The atrium is the part of the heart that allows blood to return to the organ." [GOC:devbiol]") (subclass GO--0009091 GO--0009071) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030511 ""positive regulation of TGF-beta receptor signaling pathway" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0033109 "cortical actin cytoskeleton stabilization") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008836 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046148 ""pigment formation" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0015820 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030279 ""down-regulation of ossification" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045225 ""negative regulation of CD4 anabolism" []") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0005275 ""amine/amide/polyamine channel activity" []") (mo-definition GO--0043272 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of ethylene (C2-H4, ethene), occurring during the process of jasmonic acid and ethylene-dependent systemic resistance." [GOC:jl]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009684 "indoleacetic acid biosynthetic process") (mo-definition GO--0009909 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of flower development." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-definition GO--0008593 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the Notch signaling pathway." [GOC:go_curators]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032403 "protein complex binding") (mo-definition GO--0047822 ""Catalysis of the reaction: hypotaurine + H2O + NAD+ = taurine + NADH." [EC:, MetaCyc:HYPOTAURINE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN]") (mo-inSubset GO--0047234 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000722 "Reactome:174447") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0021557 "oculomotor nerve development") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031437 "regulation of mRNA cleavage") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051968 ""up regulation of synaptic transmission, glutamatergic" []") (subclass GO--0052072 GO--0052074) (mo-definition GO--0017075 ""Interacting selectively with the SNAP receptor syntaxin-1." [GOC:ai]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006508 "proteolysis") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0007507 "heart development") (subclass GO--0000427 GO--0044435) (mo-inSubset GO--0009249 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0015874 GO--0006836) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045404 ""stimulation of interleukin-4 biosynthetic process" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0043456 GO--0006098) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004736 "MetaCyc:PYRUVATE-CARBOXYLASE-RXN") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0050821 ""lysosomal protein stabilization" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008941 "MetaCyc:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051686 "establishment of ER localization") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0044241 "lipid digestion") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047542 "MetaCyc:2-FUROYL-COA-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN") (subclass GO--0004647 GO--0016791) (subclass GO--0015649 GO--0015295) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045812 ""down-regulation of frizzled-2 signaling pathway" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051617 ""down regulation of histamine uptake" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031534 "minus-end directed microtubule sliding") (subclass GO--0045909 GO--0042312) (subclass GO--0047731 GO--0016899) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0007419 "ventral cord development") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009396 ""folic acid and derivative formation" []") (subclass GO--0051122 GO--0051121) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005163 "nerve growth factor receptor binding") (subclass GO--0005686 GO--0030532) (mo-inSubset GO--0009289 gosubset_prok) (mo-inSubset GO--0004337 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000317 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045650 ""down-regulation of macrophage differentiation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002869 "positive regulation of B cell deletion") (mo-definition GO--0015114 ""Enables the directed movement of phosphate (PO4 3-) ions into, out of, within or between cells." [GOC:ai]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031237 ""intrinsic to external side of plasma membrane, in periplasmic space (sensu Gram-negative Bacteria)" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030891 ""von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor complex" []") (subclass GO--0006376 GO--0009987) (subclass GO--0031818 GO--0031811) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015582 "beta-glucoside permease activity") (mo-definition GO--0006566 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving threonine (2-amino-3-hydroxybutyric acid), a polar, uncharged, essential amino acid found in peptide linkage in proteins." [GOC:jl, ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (subclass GO--0035067 GO--0051053) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0016157 "MetaCyc:SUCROSE-SYNTHASE-RXN") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0030776 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006295 ""nucleotide-excision repair, DNA incision, 3' to lesion" []") (mo-definition GO--0009926 ""The unidirectional movement of auxin in the stem from tip to base along the vector of gravity or basipetally." [GOC:sm]") (subclass GO--0032745 GO--0001819) (mo-definition GO--0051245 ""Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the rate of the cellular defense response." [GOC:ai]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018913 "UM-BBD_pathwayID:ethb") (subclass GO--0043136 GO--0016791) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0003899 ""DNA-directed RNA polymerase III activity" []") (subclass GO--0021806 GO--0001667) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019295 ""coenzyme M formation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030016 ""striated muscle fibre" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0032698 ""inhibition of interleukin-15 production" []") (subclass GO--0018250 GO--0018212) (subclass GO--0042742 GO--0006952) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015997 "ubiquinone biosynthetic process monooxygenase activity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050999 "regulation of nitric-oxide synthase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006739 ""NADPH metabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0048871 ""The processes involved in the maintenance of an internal equilibrium at the level of the multicellular organism." [GOC:isa_complete]") (mo-inSubset GO--0016757 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0047097 GO--0004497) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048171 ""downregulation of long-term neuronal synaptic plasticity" []") (subclass GO--0048084 GO--0048081) (mo-definition GO--0006523 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of alanine, 2-aminopropanoic acid." [GOC:go_curators]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018877 "beta-1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachlorocyclohexane metabolic process") (mo-definition GO--0005898 ""A complex that binds interleukin-13; consists of two chains, interleukin-4 receptor alpha chain and interleukin-4 receptor alpha chain." [UniProtKB:P78552]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "tumor antigen") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019243 ""D-lactate biosynthesis from methylglyoxal" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005844 "polysome") (mo-inSubset GO--0003852 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0018328 GO--0018307) (subclass GO--0031169 GO--0031168) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0047663 ""kanamycin 6'-N-acetyltransferase activity" []") (subclass GO--0018059 GO--0018058) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0001320 ""age-dependent response to ROI during chronological cell aging" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0042453 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004088 "Reactome:7299") (mo-definition GO--0052027 ""Any process by which an organism modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the host signal transduction pathways, the cascade of processes by which a signal interacts with a receptor. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction." [GOC:mtg_pamgo_17jul06]") (subclass GO--0009508 GO--0044435) (documentation GO--0030133 EnglishLanguage "Note that the term 'secretory vesicle' is sometimes used in this sense, but can also mean 'secretory granule ; GO:0030141'.") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0000932 ""cytoplasmic foci" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043378 ""up-regulation of CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell differentiation" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018630 "MetaCyc:3-5-XYLENOL-METHYLHYDROXYLASE-RXN") (subclass GO--0019192 GO--0008982) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0016639 "EC:1.4.1") (mo-definition GO--0018091 ""The racemization of peptidyl-asparagine." [RESID:AA0196]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002224 ""TLR signaling pathway" [ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology"]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0010362 ""inhibition by blue light of anion channel activity" []") (subclass GO--0002353 GO--0002254) (subclass GO--0005550 GO--0005549) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019676 ""glutamate metabolic process via glutamine and ammonia" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032802 ""low-density lipoprotein receptor catabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032102 ""downregulation of response to external stimulus" []") (mo-definition GO--0031070 ""The biogenesis of a snoRNA molecue which resides within, and is processed from, the intron of a pre-mRNA." [GOC:vw]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050975 ""perception of touch" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002834 "regulation of response to tumor cell") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0005170 ""neurotrophin TRKC receptor ligand" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0035293 ""larval cuticle pattern formation (sensu Insecta)" []") (documentation GO--0021540 EnglishLanguage "This term was added by GO_REF:0000021.") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0019079 GO--0019058) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051452 ""reduction of cellular pH" []") (mo-definition GO--0008782 ""Catalysis of the reaction: S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + H2O = adenine + S-D-ribosyl-L-homocysteine." [EC:]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046774 "suppression by virus of intracellular interferon activity in host") (subclass GO--0005890 GO--0043234) (mo-definition GO--0015661 ""Catalysis of the stereospecific transfer of L-lysine, 2,6-diaminohexanoic acid, across a biological membrane out of a cell." [GOC:ai]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046619 ""optic placode formation in camera-type eye" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019601 "toluene oxidation via 2-hydroxytoluene") (mo-definition GO--0043575 ""The series of events in which a stimulus indicating an increase or decrease in the concentration of solutes outside the organism or cell is received and converted into a molecular signal." [GOC:jl]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042991 ""transcription factor transport from cytoplasm to nucleus" []") (subclass GO--0005929 GO--0042995) (subclass GO--0045272 GO--0044459) (subclass GO--0042151 GO--0044448) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032895 ""up-regulation of gluconate transport" []") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0021550 ""medulla development" [GOC:cls]") (subclass GO--0007347 GO--0050789) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008267 "poly-glutamine tract binding") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0048446 GO--0048441) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019752 ""carboxylic acid metabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030424 "axon") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0015948 ""methane biosynthesis" []") (subclass GO--0002884 GO--0002865) (subclass GO--0047237 GO--0008376) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0050672 ""inhibition of lymphocyte proliferation" []") (subclass GO--0032160 GO--0032156) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051726 "regulation of cell cycle") (subclass GO--0051144 GO--0046174) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0046860 "glycosome membrane") (mo-alternateID GO--0000902 "GO:0045791") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0042821 ""vitamin B6 biosynthesis" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006414 "Reactome:280519") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050230 "EC:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0021564 "vagus nerve development") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0004124 ""O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase" []") (mo-definition GO--0045895 ""Any mating-type specific process that activates or increases the rate of transcription." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-definition GO--0032396 ""Combining with a MHC class I protein complex to mediate signaling that inhibits activation of a lymphocyte." [GOC:add, PMID:11858820, PMID:9368779, PMID:9597134]") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0046058 ""cAMP generating peptide activity" []") (mo-definition GO--0050736 ""Catalysis of the transfer of an malonyl group to an oxygen atom on the acceptor molecule." [GOC:ai]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051174 "regulation of phosphorus metabolic process") (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. Proteins that associate with intermediate filaments and function in the supramolecular organization of cellular intermediate filament networks." [GOC:ajp, PMID:9484600]") (mo-definition GO--0032620 ""The appearance of interleukin-17 due to biosynthesis or secretion following a cellular stimulus, resulting in an increase in its intracellular or extracellular levels." [GOC:mah]") (subclass GO--0033001 GO--0032997) (mo-definition GO--0046566 ""Catalysis of the 4,5-ring opening reaction: 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine + O2 = 4,5-seco-DOPA. 4,5-seco-DOPA spontaneously recyclizes to form betalamic acid." [PMID:11711071]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000754 "adaptation to pheromone during conjugation with cellular fusion") (mo-definition GO--0008459 ""Catalysis of the reaction: 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate + chondroitin = adenosine 3',5'-bisphosphate + chondroitin 6'-sulfate." [EC:]") (mo-definition GO--0032027 ""Interacting selectively with a light chain of a myosin complex." [GOC:mah]") (mo-inSubset GO--0009419 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0005253 ""The transporter activity that allows the energy-independent passage of anions across a lipid bilayer down a concentration gradient." [GOC:dph]") (mo-definition GO--0032748 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate, or extent of interleukin-24 production." [GOC:mah]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030989 ""HNM" []") (subclass GO--0015330 GO--0015186) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0000096 ""sulphur amino acid metabolic process" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0031352 GO--0009528) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016334 "establishment and/or maintenance of polarity of follicular epithelium") (subclass GO--0035086 GO--0044442) (mo-definition GO--0046866 ""The directed movement of tetraterpenoids into, out of, within or between cells. Tetraterpenoids are terpenoids with eight isoprene units." [GOC:ai]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018581 "hydroxyquinol 1,2-dioxygenase activity") (mo-exactSynonym ""MAMP dependent induction of symbiont innate immunity" []") (subclass GO--0001637 GO--0008528) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0010054 "trichoblast differentiation") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0002453 GO--0002451) (subclass GO--0007292 GO--0007276) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0032931 "histone lysine N-methyltransferase activity (H3-K56 specific)") (subclass GO--0003909 GO--0016886) (mo-inSubset GO--0006629 goslim_generic) (subclass GO--0047927 GO--0016706) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0015446 ""arsenical resistance efflux pump" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009240 ""isopentenyl diphosphate anabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048818 ""upregulation of hair follicle maturation" []") (mo-definition GO--0002791 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate, or extent of peptide secretion." [GOC:add]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016403 "dimethylargininase activity") (mo-inSubset GO--0030488 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0009699 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of aromatic derivatives of trans-cinnamic acid." [GOC:jl]") (mo-definition GO--0032248 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the directed movement of a purine nucleoside into, out of, within or between cells." [GOC:mah]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047054 "EC:") (mo-inSubset GO--0015588 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048799 "organ maturation") (subclass GO--0006602 GO--0046449) (mo-definition GO--0032213 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the semi-conservative replication of telomeric DNA." [GOC:mah]") (subclass GO--0052158 GO--0052553) (subclass GO--0002519 GO--0002507) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0017039 "dipeptidyl-peptidase III activity") (subclass GO--0002059 GO--0002061) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048813 "dendrite morphogenesis") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006562 "Reactome:255630") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006257 "dUDP catabolic process") (documentation GO--0006807 EnglishLanguage "Note that amino acid and derivative metabolism should not be annotated here. Instead use the 'amino acid and derivative metabolism' node.") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0000401 ""open form Holliday junction binding" []") (mo-definition GO--0015065 ""Combining with UTP or UDP to initiate a change in cell activity." [UniProtKB:P51582]") (subclass GO--0042655 GO--0000185) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046585 ""enniatin biosynthesis" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006386 "Reactome:211921") (subclass GO--0008974 GO--0016773) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047508 "(R)-2-methylmalate dehydratase activity") (mo-inSubset GO--0015434 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008774 "acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (acetylating) activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0001634 ""pituitary adenylyl cyclase activating protein receptor activity" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0052038 "modulation by symbiont of host intracellular transport") (mo-definition GO--0050854 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of signaling pathways initiated by the cross-linking of an antigen receptor on a B- or T cell." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0006710 GO--0006706) (termFormat EnglishLanguage "DNA replication factor") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050709 "negative regulation of protein secretion") (mo-definition GO--0047114 ""Catalysis of the reaction: NAD+ + 7,8-dihydro-7,8-dihydroxykynurenate = NADH + 7,8-dihydroxykynurenate." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (mo-definition GO--0047787 ""Catalysis of the reaction: 4,5-beta-dihydrocortisone + NADP+ = cortisone + NADPH." [EC:, MetaCyc:CORTISONE-BETA-REDUCTASE-RXN]") (subclass GO--0048499 GO--0016044) (subclass GO--0019197 GO--0044444) (mo-definition GO--0035099 ""The directed movement of hemocytes within the embryo. Hemocytes are blood cells associated with a hemocoel (the cavity containing most of the major organs of the arthropod body) which are involved in defense and clotting of hemolymph, but not involved in transport of oxygen. In Drosophila, embryonic hemocytes originate from the head mesoderm as a cluster of cells. The cluster splits into two and one group of cells crosses the amnioserosa. Both populations then spread toward the middle of the embryo and then disperse evenly throughout the embryo." [GOC:bf, GOC:mtg_sensu, PMID:12885551]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0016894 "EC:3.1.31") (subclass GO--0021675 GO--0048856) (mo-inSubset GO--0052169 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0022013 "pallium cell proliferation in the forebrain") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002807 ""up-regulation of antimicrobial peptide biosynthetic process" []") (subclass GO--0047608 GO--0016663) (subclass GO--0050352 GO--0016832) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019684 "photosynthesis, light reaction") (subclass GO--0006387 GO--0016180) (mo-definition GO--0046222 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving aflatoxin, a fungal metabolite found as a contaminant in moldy grains that induces liver cancer. Aflatoxin induces a G to T transversion at codon 249 of p53, leading to its inactivation. Aflatoxin is converted to a chemical carcinogen by P450." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0021525 GO--0030182) (subclass GO--0051015 GO--0003779) (mo-inSubset GO--0015173 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0009925 GO--0044459) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032705 ""negative regulation of IL-21 production" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006120 ""oxidative phosphorylation, NADH to ubiquinone" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006511 "ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045412 ""inhibition of interleukin-7 biosynthetic process" []") (subclass GO--0018633 GO--0016709) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045808 ""downregulation of establishment of competence for transformation" []") (subclass GO--0047380 GO--0016289) (documentation GO--0006910 EnglishLanguage "Note that cell surface molecules involved in the direct binding of bacteria may be also annotated to the molecular function term GO:0008367 bacterial binding. Note that cell surface molecules involved in the direct binding to opsonins such as complement components or antibodies may be also annotated to the term GO:0001846 opsonin binding.") (mo-inSubset GO--0046655 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0045266 GO--0045265) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0003875 "MetaCyc:ADP-RIBOSYLARGININE-HYDROLASE-RXN") (mo-definition GO--0045874 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the sevenless signaling pathway." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-definition GO--0031340 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of vesicle fusion." [GOC:mah]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008009 "chemokine activity") (subclass GO--0046213 GO--0042178) (subclass GO--0015515 GO--0015301) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0030797 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0010025 ""wax anabolism" []") (subclass GO--0046184 GO--0044249) (mo-definition GO--0046046 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving TTP, ribosylthymine triphosphate." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006183 ""GTP anabolism" []") (subclass GO--0015013 GO--0030201) (subclass GO--0050799 GO--0050783) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008176 "EC:") (subclass GO--0032206 GO--0032204) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042606 "endogenous peptide antigen binding") (mo-inSubset GO--0052180 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018441 "iron incorporation into iron-sulfur cluster via hexakis-L-cysteinyl L-serinyl octairon heptasulfide") (mo-inSubset GO--0015718 gosubset_prok) (mo-broadSynonym GO--0003908 ""O6-alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferase" []") (mo-definition GO--0018057 ""The oxidation of the terminal amino-methylene groups of peptidyl-L-lysine or peptidyl-5-hydroxy-L-lysine to aldehyde groups to form allysine or hydroxyallysine residues, respectively; these are intermediates in the formation of covalent cross-links between adjacent polypeptide chains in proteins such as collagens." [ISBN:0198547684, RESID:AA0121]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009063 ""amino acid degradation" []") (subclass GO--0047181 GO--0016747) (mo-definition GO--0019357 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of nicotinamide nucleotides, any nucleotide that contains combined nicotinate (pyridine 3-carboxylic acid)." [GOC:go_curators]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002536 "respiratory burst during acute inflammatory response") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042328 "heparan sulfate N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity") (mo-definition GO--0046785 ""The addition of tubulin heterodimers to one or both ends of a microtubule." [GOC:ai]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0030081 GO--0030079) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046956 ""positive taxis in response to light" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0050679 ""activation of epithelial cell proliferation" []") (subclass GO--0042320 GO--0045187) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004459 "EC:") (mo-definition GO--0031455 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving glycine betaine, N-trimethylglycine." [GOC:mah]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047881 "MetaCyc:ESTRADIOL-17-ALPHA-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052556 ""upregulation by symbiont of host immune response" []") (subclass GO--0007258 GO--0006468) (subclass GO--0002460 GO--0002250) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045534 ""inhibition of interleukin-26 biosynthetic process" []") (subclass GO--0009731 GO--0009744) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0002607 GO--0002469) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009133 ""nucleoside diphosphate anabolism" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0051126 ""inhibition of actin nucleation" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047964 "MetaCyc:GLYCOLATE-REDUCTASE-RXN") (subclass GO--0046360 GO--0046361) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032481 ""up regulation of interferon type I production" []") (subclass GO--0005667 GO--0044451) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0016479 ""down regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase I promoter" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002901 ""programmed cell death, mature B-cells" []") (mo-definition GO--0008852 ""Catalysis of the degradation of single-stranded DNA. It acts progressively in a 3' to 5' direction, releasing 5'-phosphomononucleotides." [EC:]") (mo-definition GO--0030101 ""The change in morphology and behavior of a natural killer cell in response to a cytokine, chemokine, cellular ligand, or soluble factor." [GOC:mgi_curators, ISBN:0781735140]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0004783 ""sulphite reductase (NADPH) activity" []") (mo-definition GO--0000747 ""The processes that result in the union of cellular and genetic information from compatible mating types." [GOC:elh]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0009800 GO--0009804) (subclass GO--0042019 GO--0019965) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0035230 "cytoneme") (subclass GO--0009338 GO--0005941) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004721 "Reactome:1887") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0044263 ""organismal polysaccharide metabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046436 ""D-alanine metabolism" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047841 "MetaCyc:DEHYDOGLUCONOKINASE-RXN") (mo-definition GO--0002212 ""A behavioral response seeking to protect an organism from an a perceived external threat from a nematode or nematodes to that organism." [GOC:add, PMID:14506883]") (mo-definition GO--0035200 ""The establishment, maintenance and elaboration of the anterior/posterior axis of the leg imaginal disc." [GOC:bf]") (mo-definition GO--0030937 ""A collagen homotrimer of alpha1(XVII) chains; type XVII collagen triple helices associate with hemidesmosomes and the basal lamina." [ISBN:0721639976]") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0010318 ""PFK complex, beta-subunit" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045187 ""regulation of sleep" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042012 "interleukin-16 receptor activity") (subclass GO--0004371 GO--0016301) (subclass GO--0004913 GO--0004907) (subclass GO--0043715 GO--0016862) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046645 ""up regulation of gamma-delta T cell activation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0016346 ""male meiotic chromosome movement to spindle pole" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045738 ""inhibition of DNA repair" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045392 ""positive regulation of interleukin-21 anabolism" []") (subclass GO--0002017 GO--0050886) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050060 "long-chain-alcohol dehydrogenase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0007329 ""upregulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter by pheromones" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009097 ""isoleucine biosynthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046509 ""monogalactosyldiacylglycerol synthase activity" []") (mo-definition GO--0030905 ""One of two subcomplexes that combine to form the retromer, believed to be peripherally associated with the membrane. The budding yeast complex comprises Vps5p and Vps17p, and may contain multiple copies of a Vps5p/Vps17p dimer." [PMID:9700147]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "other carbon-carbon lyase activity") (subclass GO--0002346 GO--0002339) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0008398 ""lanosterol 14-alpha-demethylase" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0042222 GO--0032612) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0007220 "Reactome:221629") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0047698 ""b-alanyl-CoA ammonia-lyase activity" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0006301 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0047798 ""Catalysis of the reaction: H2O + cyclomaltodextrin = linear maltodextrin." [EC:, MetaCyc:CYCLOMALTODEXTRINASE-RXN]") (subclass GO--0050160 GO--0016789) (documentation GO--0021557 EnglishLanguage "This term was added by GO_REF:0000021.") (mo-definition GO--0018892 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving cyclohexylsulfamate, also known as cyclamic acid. Sodium cyclohexylsulfamate (CHS-Na) was a widely used sweetening agent but was banned because of the suspicion of carcinogenicity and metabolic conversion to cyclohexylamine (CHA), a toxic substance. It is now used as a fungicide." [UM-BBD_pathwayID:chs]") (mo-definition GO--0010334 ""Catalyzing the formation of sesquiterpenes (terpene containing 15 carbons = three isoprene units) through the cyclization of trans,trans-farnesyl diphosphate (an allylic prenyl diphosphate intermediates of the terpene biosynthesis pathway)." [EC:4.2.3, GOC:TAIR_curator]") (subclass GO--0005249 GO--0005244) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0042787 "Reactome:243467") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0005995 ""melibiose catabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002399 "MHC class II protein complex assembly") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046707 ""IDP metabolism" []") (subclass GO--0032314 GO--0032319) (mo-inSubset GO--0045738 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0010071 GO--0048508) (mo-inSubset GO--0006481 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0015377 ""cation:chloride cotransporter activity" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051195 "negative regulation of cofactor metabolic process") (subclass GO--0019298 GO--0009108) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043316 "cytotoxic T cell degranulation") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030315 "T-tubule") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "nuclear interphase chromosome") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045333 ""oxidative metabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051823 "regulation of synapse structural plasticity") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047681 "EC:") (mo-definition GO--0030909 ""The post-translational removal of peptide sequences from within a protein sequence, by a process not involving inteins." [GOC:mah]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009056 ""breakdown" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0030152 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031705 "bombesin receptor binding") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018872 "arsonoacetate metabolic process") (mo-inSubset GO--0005427 gosubset_prok) (documentation EnglishLanguage "This term was made obsolete because it represents a specific gene product rather than a molecular function. To update annotations, consider molecular_function term 'protein binding, bridging ; GO:0030674' or its children.") (subclass GO--0050015 GO--0016836) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006086 "Reactome:286432") (subclass GO--0002338 GO--0001923) (mo-inSubset GO--0018328 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042425 ""choline anabolism" []") (subclass GO--0001646 GO--0016502) (mo-definition GO--0016646 ""Catalysis of an oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction in which a CH-NH group acts as a hydrogen or electron donor and reduces NAD or NADP." [GOC:jl]") (subclass GO--0052030 GO--0052388) (subclass GO--0047208 GO--0035251) (mo-definition GO--0022601 ""The progression of physiological phases, occurring in the endometrium, that recur at regular intervals during the reproductive years." [GOC:isa_complete, GOC:jic]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "modification by organism of symbiont morphology or physiology via protein secreted by type II secretion system") (subclass GO--0052356 GO--0052353) (mo-alternateID GO--0001674 "GO:0043080") (mo-definition GO--0043133 ""Constriction of the muscles in the hindgut, the posterior part of the alimentary canal, including the rectum, and the large intestine." [GOC:jl, http://cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045089 ""upregulation of innate immune response" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018669 "MetaCyc:3-HYDROXYBENZOATE-6-MONOOXYGENASE-RXN") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043323 ""up-regulation of natural killer cell degranulation" []") (subclass GO--0035174 GO--0035173) (subclass GO--0009162 GO--0009262) (mo-definition GO--0005962 ""Mitochondrial complex that possesses isocitrate dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity." [GOC:mah, GOC:mtg_sensu]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0007490 "tergite morphogenesis") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043354 ""erythrocyte maturation (sensu Mammalia)" []") (subclass GO--0004522 GO--0016892) (subclass GO--0019304 GO--0019301) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051611 ""regulation of 5-HT uptake" []") (subclass GO--0031794 GO--0031789) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0021708 "Lugaro cell differentiation") (mo-definition GO--0015325 ""Catalysis of the reaction: acetyl-CoA(out) + CoA(in) = acetyl-CoA(in) + CoA(out)." [TC:2.A.1.25.1]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009889 ""regulation of anabolism" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047991 "MetaCyc:HYDROXYLAMINE-OXIDASE-RXN") (mo-inSubset GO--0015113 gosubset_prok) (mo-inSubset GO--0031559 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0046398 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving UDP-glucuronate, a substance composed of glucuronic acid in glycosidic linkage with uridine diphosphate." [GOC:ai]") (mo-definition GO--0002074 ""The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the extraocular skeletal muscle over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The extraocular muscle is derived from cranial mesoderm. The muscle begins its development with the differentiation of the muscle cells and ends with the mature muscle." [GOC:dph, GOC:mtg_sensu, MA:0001271, PMID:16638982]") (subclass GO--0051130 GO--0051128) (subclass GO--0007485 GO--0007484) (mo-inSubset GO--0009416 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047531 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym ""modulation by organism of defense-related symbiont respiratory burst" []") (mo-definition GO--0050676 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the rate or extent of urothelial cell proliferation." [GOC:ai]") (mo-definition GO--0043132 ""The directed movement of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide into, out of, within or between cells; transport may be of either the oxidized form, NAD, or the reduced form, NADH." [GOC:jl]") (subclass GO--0051928 GO--0051924) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000722 "Reactome:238179") (subclass GO--0050159 GO--0016831) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0002724 GO--0002369) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0009881 ""red-sensitive opsin" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0042626 ""ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006204 ""IMP breakdown" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018619 "UM-BBD_enzymeID:e0059") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0032775 ""adenine methylation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019679 ""propionate metabolism, methylcitrate cycle" []") (subclass GO--0007069 GO--0007068) (mo-inSubset GO--0009986 goslim_goa) (mo-inSubset GO--0042365 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043405 ""regulation of MAP kinase activity" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015834 "peptidoglycan peptide transport") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046211 ""(+)-camphor biosynthesis" []") (subclass GO--0022612 GO--0009653) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0014027 ""medullary rod cavitation" []") (subclass GO--0009677 GO--0009566) (mo-definition GO--0050660 ""Interacting selectively with FAD, flavin-adenine dinucleotide, the coenzyme or the prosthetic group of various flavoprotein oxidoreductase enzymes." [GOC:ai, ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0051901 ""activation of mitochondrial depolarization" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047683 "MetaCyc:ARYL-ALDEHYDE-DEHYDROGENASE-(NADP+)-RXN") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0048842 ""activation of axon extension involved in axon guidance" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0018282 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0021748 "dorsal cochlear nucleus development") (mo-definition GO--0009970 ""A change in state or activity of a cell (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of deprivation of sulfate." [GOC:sm]") (subclass GO--0042666 GO--0009996) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050863 ""regulation of T-cell activation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045535 ""negative regulation of interleukin-27 formation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0021973 "corticospinal neuron axon decussation") (subclass GO--0006311 GO--0022402) (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. A recruiting factor or adaptor molecule associated with the proteasome that activates degradation of specific proteasomal substrates and links them to the degradation machinery; it is not involved in ubiquitination; does not possess proteolytic activity." [PMID:11500370]") (mo-definition GO--0050689 ""Host processes that result in the inhibition of antiviral immune response mechanisms, thereby facilitating viral replication. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction." [GOC:ai]") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0006415 ""protein synthesis termination" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0060036 GO--0060035) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042254 ""ribosome biogenesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042435 ""indole derivative anabolism" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0052173 gosubset_prok) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045977 ""activation of mitotic cell cycle, embryonic" []") (mo-definition GO--0002531 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of heart contraction during the acute phase response. The acute phase response occurs during the early phases of an infection and is marked by changes in the production of plasma proteins such as C-reactive protein." [GOC:jal, PMID:15642986, PMID:15834430]") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0032080 ""Type I restriction endodeoxyribonuclease inhibitor" []") (mo-definition GO--0000049 ""Interacting selectively with transfer RNA." [GOC:ai]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006385 "Reactome:252479") (mo-definition GO--0045110 ""The formation of the bundles of intermediate filaments, known as tonofilaments. Intermediate filament-associated proteins (IFAPs) cross-link intermediate filaments with one another, forming a bundle or a network, and with other cell structures, including the plasma membrane. The organization of intermediate filaments and their supportive function in various cells types depends in large part on their linkage to other cell structures via IFAPs." [ISBN:0716731363]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0031245 GO--0031241) (subclass GO--0050685 GO--0051254) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0001733 "galactosylceramide sulfotransferase activity") (mo-definition GO--0009829 ""The series of events that occur during ripening that result in chemical or structural alterations of existing cell walls." [GOC:lr]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0007124 "pseudohyphal growth") (subclass GO--0031895 GO--0031893) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045532 ""negative regulation of interleukin-24 synthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051482 ""elevation of cytosolic calcium ion concentration during G-protein signalling, coupled to IP3 second messenger (phospholipase C activating)" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002754 ""intracellular vesicle pathogen receptor signaling pathway" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050900 ""immune cell trafficking" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009733 "response to auxin stimulus") (mo-definition GO--0046987 ""Catalysis of the transfer, in a beta 1,3 linkage, of D-glucuronic acid (GlcUA) from UDP-GlcUA to N-acetyllactosamine (galactosyl beta-1,4-N-acetylglucosamine)." [GOC:bf, PMID:12511570]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006712 ""mineralocorticoid degradation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009435 ""NAD (oxidized) biosynthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0001920 ""down-regulation of receptor recycling" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0001922 ""B-1 B lymphocyte homeostasis" []") (subclass GO--0005895 GO--0044459) (subclass GO--0052130 GO--0009454) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0016966 "MetaCyc:NITRIC-OXIDE-REDUCTASE-RXN") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0007557 ""regulation of juvenile hormone synthesis" []") (subclass GO--0006684 GO--0006665) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045689 ""down-regulation of antipodal cell differentiation" []") (subclass GO--0031103 GO--0007409) (mo-definition GO--0008033 ""The process by which a pre-tRNA molecule is converted to a mature tRNA, ready for addition of an aminoacyl group." [GOC:jl, PMID:12533506]") (subclass GO--0006428 GO--0006418) (subclass GO--0019322 GO--0019321) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0001646 ""cyclic AMP receptor activity" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006065 "Reactome:286615") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0031876 ""secretin receptor ligand" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0015574 gosubset_prok) (mo-alternateID GO--0015343 "GO:0015237") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047831 "MetaCyc:ORNMUTST-RXN") (subclass GO--0031774 GO--0001664) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0032815 ""inhibition of natural killer cell activation" []") (mo-definition GO--0045949 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of phosphorus utilization." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0008391 ""cytochrome P450 CYP2B19" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006518 ""peptide metabolism" []") (subclass GO--0046075 GO--0009211) (mo-definition GO--0021710 ""The process whereby neuroblasts acquire specialized structural and/or functional features that characterize the mature cerebellar stellate cell. Differentiation includes the processes involved in commitment of a neuroblast to a cerebellar stellate cell fate. A cerebellar stellate cell is an inhibitory GABAergic interneuron found in the cerebellar cortex." [GOC:cls, GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jic, GOC:mtg_15jun06, PMID:15157725]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043345 "neuroblast division (sensu Vertebrata)") (subclass GO--0003727 GO--0003723) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004439 "EC:") (subclass GO--0015701 GO--0015698) (subclass GO--0005216 GO--0015075) (mo-broadSynonym GO--0006220 ""pyrimidine metabolism" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0001823 "mesonephros development") (subclass GO--0015346 GO--0015295) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009449 ""GABA biosynthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048194 ""Golgi-derived vesicle budding" []") (subclass GO--0019710 GO--0018196) (subclass GO--0019461 GO--0019460) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030518 "steroid hormone receptor signaling pathway") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031536 ""up-regulation of exit from mitosis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0017103 "UTP:galactose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase activity") (subclass GO--0052550 GO--0052564) (mo-definition GO--0042689 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of crystal cell differentiation." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031397 ""down regulation of protein ubiquitination" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0051462 GO--0043400) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030592 "DNA ADP-ribosylation") (subclass GO--0030677 GO--0030529) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0004784 ""superoxide:superoxide oxidoreductase" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0045848 ""stimulation of nitrogen utilization" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "positive regulation by organism of symbiont resistance gene-dependent defense response") (subclass GO--0048781 GO--0050932) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0016621 "MetaCyc:CINNAMOYL-COA-REDUCTASE-RXN") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046734 ""passive viral induction of cell-mediated immune response in host" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002483 ""endogenous peptide antigen processing and presentation" []") (mo-definition GO--0015523 ""Catalysis of the reaction: H+(out) + arabinose(in) = H+(in) + arabinose(out)." [TC:2.A.1.2.14]") (subclass GO--0000343 GO--0000427) (mo-exactSynonym ""defence/immunity protein activity" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006805 "Reactome:252605") (mo-inSubset GO--0015806 gosubset_prok) (mo-relatedSynonym ""plasmid-associated protein" []") (subclass GO--0016138 GO--0016137) (mo-definition GO--0019381 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of atrazine, a triazine ring-containing herbicide." [GOC:jl, http://umbbd.ahc.umn.edu/atr/atr_map.html, UM-BBD_pathwayID:atr]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0051443 ""APC activator" []") (subclass GO--0046349 GO--0016051) (mo-inSubset GO--0004630 gosubset_prok) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0021513 GO--0021511) (mo-definition GO--0009386 ""Translational attentuation is a regulatory mechanism analogous to ribosome-mediated transcriptional attenuation. The system requires the presence of a short ORF, called a leader peptide, encoded in the mRNA upstream of the ribosome-binding site and start codon of the gene whose translation is to be regulated. Certain conditions, such as presence of the antibiotic tetracycline in bacteria or amino acid starvation, may cause slowing or stalling of the ribosome translating the leader peptide. The stalled ribosome masks a region of the mRNA and affects which of two alternative mRNA folded structures will form, therefore controlling whether or not a ribosome will bind and initiate translation of the downstream gene. Translational attenuation is analogous to ribosome-mediated transcriptional attenuation, in which mRNA remodeling caused by ribosome stalling regulates transcriptional termination rather than translational initiation." [PMID:15694341, PMID:15805513]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047234 "MetaCyc:") (subclass GO--0018844 GO--0016860) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0015625 "TC:3.A.1.14.3") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047082 "EC:") (mo-inSubset GO--0003688 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006383 "Reactome:288026") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0005153 ""interleukin-8 receptor ligand" []") (subclass GO--0005978 GO--0009250) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0019274 "MetaCyc:PREPHENATE-PHE-ANA-PWY") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0003756 "protein disulfide isomerase activity") (mo-definition GO--0047155 ""Catalysis of the reaction: a 3-hydroxymethylceph-3-em-4-carboxylate + carbamoyl-phosphate = phosphate + a 3-carbamoyloxymethylcephem." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0031398 ""stimulation of protein ubiquitination" []") (subclass GO--0046499 GO--0009308) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030134 ""ER-Golgi transport vesicle" []") (mo-definition GO--0003849 ""Catalysis of the reaction: phosphoenolpyruvate + D-erythrose 4-phosphate + H2O = 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptonate 7-phosphate + phosphate." [EC:]") (subclass GO--0015697 GO--0015695) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0005291 "TC:2.A.3.10.1") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051205 "protein insertion into membrane") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032748 ""upregulation of interleukin-24 production" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030727 "female germ-line cyst formation (sensu Insecta)") (subclass GO--0050748 GO--0050746) (mo-inSubset GO--0008884 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0018912 GO--0042196) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0003823 "antigen binding") (subclass GO--0046404 GO--0051734) (subclass GO--0051864 GO--0016706) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0031609 GO--0031603) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0052181 "modulation by host of symbiont defense response") (subclass GO--0021663 GO--0021594) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032614 ""IL-11 production" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043154 ""down-regulation of caspase activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052164 ""modulation by organism of defense-related host metabolic burst" []") (subclass GO--0050254 GO--0004672) (mo-definition GO--0046033 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving AMP, adenosine monophosphate." [GOC:go_curators]") (subclass GO--0001988 GO--0045823) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004540 "ribonuclease activity") (mo-definition GO--0006837 ""The directed movement of serotonin into, out of, within or between cells. Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) is a monoamine neurotransmitter occurring in the peripheral and central nervous systems." [GOC:ai]") (mo-definition GO--0008384 ""Catalysis of the phosphorylation of IkappaB, thereby targeting this for proteasomal degradation and allowing the nuclear translocation of kB. Composed of alpha, beta and gamma subunits, the latter not having kinase activity but presumed to play a regulatory role." [GOC:ma]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047884 "MetaCyc:FAD-PYROPHOSPHATASE-RXN") (subclass GO--0002603 GO--0002601) (subclass GO--0051571 GO--0051569) (mo-inSubset GO--0005978 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0001580 ""perception of bitter taste, sensory transduction of chemical stimulus" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047808 "D(-)-tartrate dehydratase activity") (subclass GO--0052496 GO--0052497) (mo-definition GO--0009170 ""The chemical reactions and pathways involving purine deoxyribonucleoside monophosphate, a glycosamine consisting of a purine base linked to a deoxyribose sugar esterified with phosphate on its glycose moiety." [GOC:go_curators, ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (subclass GO--0042719 GO--0043234) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042108 ""up-regulation of cytokine biosynthetic process" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009695 ""jasmonic acid anabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0002294 ""The process whereby an antigenically nave CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell acquires the specialized features of an effector, regulatory, or memory T cell during an immune response. Effector T cells include cells which provide T cell help or exhibit cytotoxicity towards other cells." [GOC:add, ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology"]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0030668 GO--0020026) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051797 "regulation of hair follicle development") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0009549 GO--0009530) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0048582 ""stimulation of post-embryonic development" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0031685 ""adenosine receptor ligand" []") (mo-definition GO--0004650 ""Catalysis of the random hydrolysis of 1,4-alpha-D-galactosiduronic linkages in pectate and other galacturonans." [EC:]") (subclass GO--0002272 GO--0002273) (subclass GO--0046533 GO--0045596) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030148 ""sphingolipid formation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0035007 "regulation of melanization defense response") (mo-inSubset GO--0009339 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005835 "fatty acid synthase complex") (mo-definition GO--0006403 ""The processes by which RNA is transported to, or maintained in, a specific location." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0045842 GO--0030071) (mo-inSubset GO--0009257 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009239 ""enterobactin synthesis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050396 "vomifoliol 4'-dehydrogenase activity") (subclass GO--0016914 GO--0005941) (subclass GO--0031796 GO--0031795) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0043367 ""CD4-positive, alpha-beta T lymphocyte differentiation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0010060 "negative regulation of atrichoblast fate") (mo-definition GO--0015682 ""The directed movement of ferric iron (Fe(III) or Fe3+) ions into, out of, within or between cells." [GOC:ai]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045715 ""negative regulation of low-density lipoprotein receptor biosynthesis" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018229 ""peptidyl-L-cysteine methyl ester synthesis from peptidyl-cysteine" []") (mo-definition GO--0032196 ""Any process involved in mediating the movement of discrete segments of DNA between nonhomolgous sites." [GOC:jp, ISBN:1555812090]") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0003924 ""signal-recognition-particle GTPase activity" []") (mo-definition GO--0002862 ""Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate, or extent of an inflammatory response to an antigenic stimulus." [GOC:add]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0016688 "MetaCyc:L-ASCORBATE-PEROXIDASE-RXN") (subclass GO--0002874 GO--0002676) (subclass GO--0018634 GO--0016709) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030437 ""spore formation (sensu Fungi)" []") (mo-definition GO--0004550 ""Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + nucleoside diphosphate = ADP + nucleoside triphosphate." [EC:]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050602 "EC:") (subclass GO--0051962 GO--0051960) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000025 "MetaCyc:MALTOSECAT-PWY") (mo-inSubset GO--0016556 gosubset_prok) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004215 "MetaCyc:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0044461 ""flagellar part (sensu Bacteria)" []") (mo-definition GO--0043688 ""Process whereby aspartate charged on a tRNA(Asn) is converted to asparaginyl-tRNA." [GOC:jsg, PMID:9789001]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002689 ""negative regulation of leucocyte chemotaxis" []") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0005918 GO--0043296) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051352 ""downregulation of ligase activity" []") (subclass GO--0002096 GO--0043234) (subclass GO--0018920 GO--0019752) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000757 "signal transduction during conjugation without cellular fusion") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0031821 ""metabotropic serotonin receptor ligand" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0043415 ""activation of skeletal muscle regeneration" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0048337 ""stimulation of mesodermal cell fate specification" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0044244 ""organismal polysaccharide degradation" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004611 "EC:4.1.1.-") (mo-definition GO--0009395 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of phospholipids, any lipid containing phosphoric acid as a mono- or diester." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (subclass GO--0032846 GO--0032844) (mo-definition GO--0045311 ""The growth of colonies in filamentous chains of cells as a result of a pheromone stimulus." [GOC:ai]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051520 "termination of bipolar cell growth") (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. Upregulation of MAP kinase activity in the context of transduction of mating pheromone signal, as described for Saccharomyces." [PMID:9561267]") (mo-definition GO--0031169 ""The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of a ferrichrome. Ferrichromes are any of a group of growth-promoting Fe(III) chelates formed by various genera of microfungi. They are homodetic cyclic hexapeptides made up of a tripeptide of glycine (or other small neutral amino acids) and a tripeptide of an N'acyl-N4-hydroxy-L-ornithine." [GOC:mah, ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006924 ""activated T-cell apoptosis" []") (subclass GO--0047684 GO--0035251) (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0006605 ""nascent polypeptide association" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045311 "filamentous growth in response to pheromones") (subclass GO--0016166 GO--0016627) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0016737 "EC:1.19") (subclass GO--0044460 GO--0044463) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0002646 GO--0002508) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008808 "cardiolipin synthase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052101 ""activation by organism of defense response in host by specific elicitors" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0015049 "MetaCyc:METHANE-MONOOXYGENASE-RXN") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0015113 ""nitrite/nitrate porter activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0033077 ""thymocyte differentiation" []") (subclass GO--0046412 GO--0018941) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047756 "EC:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047000 "2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-gluconate 6-dehydrogenase activity") (subclass GO--0045556 GO--0042108) (mo-definition GO--0043581 ""The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the mycelium over time, from its formation to the mature structure. A mycelium is the mass of hyphae that constitutes the vegetative part of a fungus." [GOC:jl, http://cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk/]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004649 "poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase activity") (documentation GO--0000275 EnglishLanguage "See also the cellular component term 'mitochondrial inner membrane ; GO:0005743'.") (mo-definition GO--0046695 ""A protein complex similar to the SAGA complex but with a smaller form of Spt7 and no Spt8. Although little is known about the SLIK complex, evidence suggests involvement of the general amino acid control pathway." [PMID:12101232, PMID:12186975]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047797 "EC:") (mo-definition GO--0018715 ""Catalysis of the reaction: 9-phenanthrol + UDP-glucuronate = 9-phenanthryl-beta-D-glucuronide + UDP." [UM-BBD_enzymeID:e0377]") (subclass GO--0004568 GO--0004553) (mo-definition GO--0046936 ""Catalysis of the reaction: deoxyadenosine + H2O = deoxyinosine + NH3." [EC:, GOC:ai]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0010097 "specification of stamen identity") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0004712 "protein threonine/tyrosine kinase activity") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050626 "EC:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0001739 "sex chromatin") (mo-alternateID GO--0019886 "GO:0048005") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042559 ""pteridine and derivative biosynthesis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047130 "saccharopine dehydrogenase (NADP+, L-lysine-forming) activity") (mo-inSubset GO--0008718 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0019917 GO--0019122) (subclass GO--0052342 GO--0052354) (mo-inSubset GO--0001900 gosubset_prok) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0031060 GO--0016571) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043558 "regulation of translation initiation in response to stress") (mo-definition GO--0031582 ""A process that impedes the progress of the DNA replication fork at natural replication fork pausing sites within the eukaryotic rDNA repeat spacer." [GOC:mah, GOC:vw]") (subclass GO--0050407 GO--0016791) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045028 ""G-protein coupled purinergic nucleotide receptor activity" []") (subclass GO--0000167 GO--0000185) (subclass GO--0015584 GO--0015574) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008763 "EC:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0045877 "negative regulation of smoothened activity") (subclass GO--0009156 GO--0009124) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047982 "MetaCyc:HOMOCYSTEINE-DESULFHYDRASE-RXN") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042364 ""water-soluble vitamin synthesis" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006305 "DNA alkylation") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "iron incorporation into iron-sulfur cluster via hexakis-L-cysteinyl hexairon hexasulfide") (subclass GO--0006244 GO--0006220) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009447 ""putrescine breakdown" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0003756 "EC:") (mo-definition GO--0051913 ""The process by which a chemical substance modulates synaptic plasticity, the ability of synapses to change as circumstances require." [GOC:ai]") (mo-inSubset GO--0046400 gosubset_prok) (mo-inSubset GO--0006746 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0042469 GO--0016614) (subclass GO--0004689 GO--0004683) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009203 "ribonucleoside triphosphate catabolic process") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0050964 "detection of electrical stimulus during electroception") (mo-definition GO--0015230 ""Enables the directed movement of flavin-adenine dinucleotide (FAD) into, out of, within or between cells. FAD forms the coenzyme of the prosthetic group of various flavoprotein oxidoreductase enzymes, in which it functions as an electron acceptor by being reversibly converted to its reduced form." [ISBN:0198506732 "Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology"]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0005821 GO--0005816) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006251 ""dCDP degradation" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0009801 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0051133 GO--0050865) (mo-definition GO--0030693 ""Catalysis of the hydrolysis of a peptide bond on the carboxyl side of an aspartate residue." [PMID:10872455]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030330 "DNA damage response, signal transduction by p53 class mediator") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043144 "snoRNA processing") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009818 ""defence response to protozoan, incompatible interaction" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045490 ""pectin catabolism" []") (subclass GO--0051552 GO--0009812) (mo-exactSynonym ""protein neddylation during NEDD8 class-dependent protein degradation" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0031936 ""inhibition of chromatin silencing" []") (mo-definition GO--0050966 ""The series of events during the perception of pain in which a sensory mechanical stimulus is received by a cell and converted into a molecular signal." [GOC:ai]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "type II intermediate filament associated protein") (subclass GO--0032027 GO--0017022) (subclass GO--0002468 GO--0019882) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030803 ""downregulation of cyclic nucleotide biosynthetic process" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006408 "snRNA export from nucleus") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046480 ""galactolipid:galactolipid galactosyltransferase activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045617 ""down regulation of keratinocyte differentiation" []") (subclass GO--0048153 GO--0009059) (mo-definition ""OBSOLETE. Any process by which an organism modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the jasmonic acid-mediated defense response of the symbiont organism. The symbiont is defined as the smaller of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction." [PAMGO:mtg]") (subclass GO--0009878 GO--0009886) (subclass GO--0045623 GO--0045622) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0019907 "cyclin-dependent protein kinase activating kinase holoenzyme complex") (subclass GO--0030015 GO--0043234) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045941 ""up regulation of transcription" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047171 "MetaCyc:") (mo-definition GO--0005337 ""Enables the directed movement of a nucleoside, a nucleobase linked to either beta-D-ribofuranose (ribonucleoside) or 2-deoxy-beta-D-ribofuranose, (a deoxyribonucleotide), into, out of, within or between cells." [GOC:ai]") (mo-alternateID "GO:0007153") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050788 ""mercury (Hg2+) ion retention" []") (subclass GO--0006917 GO--0043065) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0010413 "glucuronoxylan metabolic process") (mo-inSubset GO--0005432 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0052361 GO--0052229) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0002800 GO--0002782) (subclass GO--0052186 GO--0051817) (mo-definition GO--0051299 ""The process by which duplicated centrosome components move away from each other. The centriole pair within each centrosome becomes part of a separate microtubule organizing center that nucleates a radial array of microtubules called an aster. The two asters move to opposite sides of the nucleus to form the two poles of the mitotic spindle." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0030768 GO--0008757) (mo-definition GO--0032724 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate, or extent of fractalkine production." [GOC:mah]") (subclass GO--0030838 GO--0051247) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0044271 ""nitrogen compound anabolism" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006574 "Reactome:292372") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0045719 ""negative regulation of glycogen synthesis" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0016881 gosubset_prok) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051282 "regulation of sequestering of calcium ion") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0019282 ""methionine anabolism, direct, from O-acetyl-L-homoserine" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0009101 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0030691 GO--0030689) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051531 "NFAT protein import into nucleus") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0052393 "induction by host of symbiont defense response") (mo-inSubset GO--0015185 gosubset_prok) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0009879 GO--0009956) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0016250 "EC:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005654 "nucleoplasm") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0050871 ""upregulation of B cell activation" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0003910 "MetaCyc:DNA-LIGASE-(ATP)-RXN") (subclass GO--0031491 GO--0003682) (subclass GO--0008732 GO--0004793) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0002287 ""alpha-beta T-lymphocyte activation during immune response" []") (subclass GO--0009111 GO--0006766) (subclass GO--0003916 GO--0016853) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0048627 GO--0045445) (subclass GO--0047170 GO--0050737) (subclass GO--0015727 GO--0015718) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0008066 "glutamate receptor activity") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0051062 ""UDP reduction" []") (mo-definition GO--0001962 ""Catalysis of the transfer of a galactose residue from a donor molecule, such as GDP-galactose or UDP-galactose, to an oligosaccharide, forming an alpha-1,3-linkage." [GOC:hjd, PMID:10854427]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050468 "EC:") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0008824 ""cyanate lyase activity" []") (mo-definition GO--0048851 ""The process by which the anatomical structures of the hypophysis are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form. The hypophysis is an endocrine gland that secretes hormones that regulate many other glands." [GOC:cls, GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jic]") (mo-inSubset GO--0008037 goslim_generic) (mo-definition GO--0016205 ""Catalysis of the reaction: selenocysteine + S-adenosyl-L-methionine = Se-methylselenocysteine + S-adenosyl-homocysteine." [EC:2.1.1.-, PMID:10026151]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018075 "RESID:AA0175") (mo-definition GO--0000736 ""During DSBR via single-strand annealing, the removal of nonhomologous sequences at the broken 3' single-strand DNA end before DNA repair synthesis can occur." [PMID:10357855]") (subclass GO--0048446 GO--0048444) (subclass GO--0008553 GO--0015662) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031244 ""extrinsic to outer membrane (sensu Gram-negative Bacteria)" []") (subclass GO--0045353 GO--0005152) (documentation GO--0021778 EnglishLanguage "This term was added by GO_REF:0000021.") (mo-definition GO--0015825 ""The directed movement of L-serine, the levorotatory isomer of 2-amino-3-hydroxypropanoic acid, into, out of, within or between cells." [GOC:ai]") (mo-definition GO--0004353 ""Catalysis of the reaction: L-glutamate + H2O + NAD(P)+ = 2-oxoglutarate + NH3 + NAD(P)H + H+." [EC:]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051548 ""down regulation of keratinocyte migration" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018279 "RESID:AA0151") (subclass GO--0015351 GO--0015127) (subclass GO--0043546 GO--0050662) (mo-definition GO--0030837 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of actin polymerization." [GOC:mah]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0031454 ""up regulation of striated mixed muscle contraction" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0000722 "Reactome:210929") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046832 ""down regulation of RNA export from nucleus" []") (subclass GO--0018715 GO--0015020) (mo-definition GO--0051573 ""Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of the covalent addition of a methyl group to the lysine at position 9 of histone H3." [GOC:ai]") (mo-inSubset GO--0019345 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0003882 ""phosphatidylserine synthase" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006100 ""TCA intermediate metabolic process" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000187 "activation of MAPK activity") (mo-definition GO--0042487 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the formation and development of teeth, the hard, bony appendages which are borne on the jaws, or on other bones in the walls of the mouth or pharynx of most vertebrates. As in, but not restricted to, the vertebrates (Vertebrata, ncbi_taxonomy_id:7742)." [GOC:jl, http://cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk/]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0005826 ""contractile actomyosin ring" []") (mo-broadSynonym GO--0042620 ""PHA metabolic process" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0018799 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0001879 GO--0016046) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0010127 "MetaCyc:PWY1G-170") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0005826 ""contractile ring (sensu Fungi)" []") (subclass GO--0016645 GO--0016491) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032001 ""1,4-alpha-D-glucan:1,4-alpha-D-glucan(D-glucose) 6-alpha-D-glucosyltransferase activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0001580 ""sensory transduction of bitter taste" []") (subclass GO--0009217 GO--0009155) (mo-definition GO--0046867 ""The directed movement of carotenoids into, out of, within or between cells. Carotenoids are tetraterpenoid compounds in which two units of 4 isoprenoid residues joined head-to-tail are themselves joined tail-to-tail." [GOC:ai]") (subclass GO--0008910 GO--0016301) (subclass GO--0002388 GO--0002387) (mo-broadSynonym GO--0001795 ""type II hypersensitivity" []") (mo-definition GO--0018673 ""Catalysis of the reaction: 2-aminobenzoyl-CoA + 2 NADPH + 2 H+ + O2 = 2-amino-5-oxocyclohex-1-enecarboxyl-CoA + H2O + 2 NADP+." [EC:]") (subclass GO--0004596 GO--0008080) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0016561 GO--0016558) (mo-broadSynonym GO--0006814 ""sodium/potassium transport" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002898 "regulation of central B cell deletion") (subclass GO--0016587 GO--0031010) (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0030681 ""RNase P complex (sensu Archaea)" []") (subclass GO--0042484 GO--0042481) (mo-definition GO--0051663 ""The directed movement of the nucleus to a specific location within a cell during the establishment and maintenance of the axes of the oocyte." [GOC:ai]") (documentation GO--0030629 EnglishLanguage "Note that this term may be useful for annotating small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs).") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030637 ""acetate derivative degradation" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0030831 "positive regulation of cGMP catabolic process") (mo-definition GO--0000282 ""The specification of the site where a daughter cell will form, in organisms that reproduce by budding." [GOC:mah]") (mo-definition GO--0016430 ""Catalysis of the reaction: S-adenosyl-L-methionine + tRNA = S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + tRNA containing N6-methyladenine." [EC:]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0046271 ""phenylpropanoid degradation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0016896 ""exoribonuclease activity, producing 5' phosphomonoesters" []") (subclass GO--0001682 GO--0008033) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0009555 "pollen development") (subclass GO--0007008 GO--0007006) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0048154 "S100 beta binding") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0016524 "latrotoxin receptor activity") (mo-definition GO--0032134 ""Interacting selectively with double-stranded DNA containing pyrimidine/purine mispairs." [GOC:vk]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005668 "selectivity factor SL1 complex") (subclass GO--0035139 GO--0035137) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030818 ""negative regulation of cAMP biosynthesis" []") (subclass GO--0005499 GO--0019842) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0032746 ""up regulation of interleukin-22 production" []") (mo-definition GO--0001321 ""The process, arising in dividing cells as they age, that alters cellular metabolism and thus causes a decline in cell function." [GOC:jh]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009110 ""vitamin biosynthesis" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0030517 ""inhibition of axon extension" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0004574 "MetaCyc:") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006522 "Reactome:262308") (subclass GO--0002383 GO--0002251) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015990 "electron transport coupled proton transport") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050618 "MetaCyc:") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047218 "MetaCyc:") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047492 "xanthan lyase activity") (mo-definition GO--0007093 ""A signal transduction-based surveillance mechanism that ensures accurate chromosome segregation by preventing entry into, passage through and exit from mitosis. Events that may be monitored include the formation of a correctly assembled spindle, the position of the spindle pole (centrosome) and the orientation of the spindle and cellular morphogenesis." [GOC:rn, PMID:12360190]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018168 "RESID:AA0132") (mo-definition GO--0048446 ""The process by which the anatomical structures of the petal are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0048523 ""down regulation of cellular process" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0005606 "laminin-1 complex") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0002687 ""activation of leukocyte migration" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0046091 gosubset_prok) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042310 ""negative regulation of blood vessel size" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047675 "arabinonate dehydratase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0006777 ""Moco biosynthesis" []") (mo-definition GO--0052124 ""The directed movement of a motile cell or organism within its host organism in response to physical parameters involved in energy generation, such as light, oxygen, and oxidizable substrates. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction." [GOC:mtg_pamgo_17jul06]") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051388 ""positive regulation of NGF receptor signaling pathway" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0030592 gosubset_prok) (mo-definition GO--0043621 ""Interacting selectively with a domain within the same polypeptide." [GOC:jl]") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0000349 GO--0000393) (subclass GO--0016099 GO--0016114) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052258 ""down-regulation by organism of pathogen-associated molecular pattern-induced innate immunity of other organism during symbiotic interaction" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0005960 ""glycine cleavage system" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006415 "Reactome:257826") (mo-exactSynonym ""suppression of general elicitor-induced symbiont innate immunity" []") (mo-narrowSynonym GO--0046906 ""porphyrin binding" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0015812 "gamma-aminobutyric acid transport") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0018751 "UM-BBD_enzymeID:e0439") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008716 "MetaCyc:DALADALALIG-RXN") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006383 "Reactome:288027") (subclass GO--0046635 GO--0046634) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0042724 ""thiamin and derivative formation" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030176 ""ER integral membrane protein" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009999 ""suppression of hair cell fate" []") (mo-definition GO--0019778 ""Catalysis of the activation of the small ubiquitin-related modifier APG12, through the formation of an ATP-dependent high-energy thiolester bond." [GOC:mah]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0047684 "MetaCyc:ARYLAMINE-GLUCOSYLTRANSFERASE-RXN") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0006309 GO--0030262) (subclass GO--0015842 GO--0048489) (mo-definition GO--0047940 ""Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + D-glucuronate = ADP + 1-phospho-alpha-D-glucuronate." [EC:, MetaCyc:GLUCURONOKINASE-RXN]") (subclass GO--0051179 BiologicalProcess) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0052314 ""phytoalexin metabolism" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0009183 ""purine deoxyribonucleoside diphosphate anabolism" []") (mo-definition GO--0019025 ""A single stranded RNA genome with the same nucleotide polarity as mRNA." [ISBN:0121585336]") (mo-definition GO--0047679 ""Catalysis of the reaction: L-arginine = D-arginine." [EC:, MetaCyc:ARGININE-RACEMASE-RXN]") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0006415 "Reactome:248075") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0008022 ""C-terminal binding" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0031516 "far-red light photoreceptor activity") (mo-definition GO--0002689 ""Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate, or extent of leukocyte chemotaxis." [GOC:add]") (mo-definition GO--0031748 ""Interacting selectively with a D1 dopamine receptor." [GOC:mah, GOC:nln]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0052408 "metabolism by host of symbiont cell wall cellulose") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0042686 "regulation of cardioblast cell fate specification") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051295 ""meiotic spindle positioning" []") (subclass GO--0004035 GO--0016791) (mo-exactSynonym GO--0008590 ""regulation of frizzled signalling pathway" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0051480 ""regulation of calcium ion concentration in cytosol" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0032440 "EC:") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0021686 GO--0021681) (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008633 "Reactome:221380") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0051203 "peptidyl-aspartic acid reduction to form L-aspartyl aldehyde") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0010003 "gastrulation (sensu Mammalia)") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0050519 "EC:") (subclass GO--0006355 GO--0045449) (subclass GO--0048769 GO--0031032) (subclass GO--0046358 GO--0019605) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0000302 "response to reactive oxygen species") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0016994 ""precorrin-6X reductase activity" []") (mo-definition GO--0042984 ""Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of amyloid precursor protein (APP), the precursor of beta-amyloid." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-inSubset GO--0009384 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0030853 GO--0030852) (subclass GO--0002002 GO--0019222) (subclass GO--0006654 GO--0046473) (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0042672 GO--0046551) (mo-definition GO--0047119 ""Catalysis of the reaction: NAD+ + 2-methylbutyryl-CoA = NADH + 2-methylcrotonoyl-CoA." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0002545 "chronic inflammatory response to non-antigenic stimulus") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0043717 "2-hydroxyglutaryl-CoA dehydratase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0018663 ""2,6-dihydroxypyridine oxidase activity" []") (mo-xrefAnalogous GO--0008543 "Reactome:221460") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0032948 GO--0030978) (subclass GO--0009751 GO--0042221) (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0007535 "donor selection") (mo-relatedSynonym GO--0045808 ""inhibitor of the establishment of competence for transformation activity" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0007059 ""chromosome division" []") (termFormat EnglishLanguage "heterotrimeric G-protein GTPase, gamma-subunit") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0015426 ""polar amino acid-importing ATPase activity" []") (mo-definition GO--0047126 ""Catalysis of the reaction: H2O + NADP+ + N5-(L-1-carboxyethyl)-L-ornithine = NADPH + pyruvate + L-ornithine." [EC:, MetaCyc:]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006876 "cadmium ion homeostasis") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0008922 ""long-chain-fatty-acid-ACP ligase activity" []") (mo-definition GO--0042935 ""The directed movement of achromobactin, a citrate siderophore, into, out of, within or between cells." [GOC:jl, PMID:10928541]") (mo-definition GO--0015090 ""Catalysis of the reaction: Fe2+(out) = Fe2+(in)." [TC:9.A.9.1.1]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0052098 "formation by host of specialized structure for nutrient acquisition from symbiont") (subclass Learning GO--0007611) (documentation GO--0001835 EnglishLanguage "See also the Anatomical Dictionary for Mouse Development ontology terms 'TS4, zona pellucida ; EMAP:22' and 'TS5, embryo ; EMAP:23'.") (documentation GO--0021770 EnglishLanguage "This term was added by GO_REF:0000021.") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0006907 "pinocytosis") (owl-someValuesFrom GO--0017086 GO--0005759) (mo-definition GO--0005369 ""Catalysis of the reaction: taurine(out) + Na+(out) = taurine(in) + Na+(in)." [TC:2.A.22.3.3]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0014062 "regulation of serotonin secretion") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0047664 "aminoimidazolase activity") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0035102 ""Polycomb repressive complex 1" []") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0030651 ""peptide antibiotic formation" []") (mo-alternateID GO--0004808 "GO:0016425") (mo-exactSynonym GO--0007070 ""down-regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter, mitotic" []") (mo-inSubset GO--0001514 gosubset_prok) (subclass GO--0018489 GO--0016709) (mo-definition GO--0045848 ""Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of nitrogen utilization." [GOC:go_curators]") (mo-definition GO--0018720 ""Catalysis of the reaction: phenol + X-HPO3- = XH + phenylphosphate." [UM-BBD_enzymeID:e0157]") (termFormat EnglishLanguage GO--0018551 "hydrogensulfite reductase activity") (subclass GO--0005798 GO--0016023) (mo-broadSynonym GO--0042373 ""naphthoquinone metabolic process" []") (mo-definition GO--0045151 ""The chemical